Driving on a Revoked License
y You will be arrested.
y Minimum 30 days of jail time or 60 days
of house arrest.
y $500 to $1,000 possible ne.
y License revoked for one additional year.
y Plea bargaining and suspended sentences
are prohibited.
Repeat DUIs
Oenders who have been convicted of a
felony DUI once will face felony charges on
all subsequent arrests. Misdemeanor DUIs
committed more than seven years after a prior
oense may be treated as a rst oense.
A second misdemeanor DUI within a
seven-year period carries a longer jail sentence,
a higher ne, a one-year drivers license revoca-
tion and no restricted license.
A third DUI within a seven-year period is a
felony with a minimum prison term of one year
and a license revocation of three years.
Your Records
Records of a DUI arrest and/or conviction
remain in criminal history les for the rest
of your life. Criminal convictions are public
Convictions and license revocations remain
on your full DMV record for the rest of your
life. DUIs and other trac oenses are report-
ed to insurance companies and most employers
for three years, to other state DMVs for ten
years and to law enforcement and courts indef-
A revoked drivers license that is not reinstat-
ed will remain revoked indenitely. You will not
be able to obtain a license in any other state.
Know The Law
e Oce of Administrative Hearings has
three oce locations in Nevada. Administra-
tive Law Judges (ALJs) also travel to other areas
as needed.
Carson City (775) 684-4574
555 Wright Way
Las Vegas (702) 486-4940
2621 East Sahara Avenue
Reno (775) 684-4574
9155 Double Diamond Parkway
Statewide Toll Free Number
1-800-992-0900, ask for 684-4574
Written requests should be directed to:
Department of Motor Vehicles
555 Wright Way
Carson City, Nevada 89711-0960
Fax: (775) 684-4569
Revised August 2021
Contact Us
Driver’s License
DUI Revocation
Oce of Administrative Hearings
Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles
Administrative hearings are conducted in
the same manner as civil or criminal trials. An
Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) presides over
the hearing and renders a decision.
Hearings are open to the public and record-
During the hearing:
y Witnesses testify under oath.
y Witnesses may be cross-examined.
y e ALJ may consider physical evidence.
y e ALJ must consider all appropriate
statutes, regulations and case law.
y Appropriate dress is expected.
y Abusive or disruptive behavior or any
sign of intoxication will cause the ALJ to
terminate the hearing.
e ALJ will issue a written decision, usually
within 30 days.
Your temporary license will remain valid
until the ALJ’s written decision is received and
processed by the DMV. Copies are also sent to
you and your attorney.
e ALJ’s decision is nal and binding. It
may be appealed to a District Court and then
to the Nevada Supreme Court.
e Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
has revoked your driver’s license under admin-
istrative authority granted by the Nevada State
You have the right to appeal your license
revocation by requesting a hearing before the
Oce of Administrative Hearings.
If you request a hearing, the Nevada DMV
will run a national check of your driving
record. If you have no other active revocations
or suspensions, you will be cleared to receive
a temporary driver’s license or receive a stay
action as appropriate.
e temporary license must be obtained
from a DMV full service oce. It is similar to
a norml license and contains your photograph.
e Oce of Administrative Hearings will
schedule your hearing after it has received your
request and the documentation of your arrest.
You will be notied by mail. e oce will is-
sue subpoenas to the arresting ocer and other
parties as appropriate.
You may represent yourself or retain an
attorney at your own expense. e arresting
ocer will testify on the facts of your arrest and
test results.
e scope of a DUI administrative hearing
is limited to the issue of whether you, at the
time of the test, had a concentration of alcohol
of 0.08 or more in your blood, breath or urine,
or whether you had a detectable amount of a
controlled and/or prohibited substance as deter-
mined by a chemical test.
Your Rights At The Hearing Whats Next
If the ALJ rules in your favor (rescinds the
revocation), you will be cleared to obtain a
permanent drivers license from the DMV as
Your license status will continue to be listed
as temporary until you reinstate your license at
a DMV oce.
If the ALJ rules against you (arms the re-
vocation), you will be mailed a separate notice
which lists the beginning and ending dates
of your revocation. You must surrender your
temporary license at a Nevada DMV oce
prior to the beginning date. In most cases,
the DMV will issue an identication card if
Reinstatement of your driving privilege
is not automatic. Your license will remain
revoked until you physically receive a new
drivers license.
To regain your license, you must:
y Contact the DMV for the specic rein-
statement requirements you must follow.
y Install an ignition interlock device or wait
until the end of all revocation periods.
y File SR-22 insurance coverage or other
proof of nancial responsibility.
y Apply for a license, pass the written and
vision tests and, if required, a driving test.
y Pay the appropriate administrative and
civil fees.
If you move out of state, you may obtain
a clearance letter and receive a license in your
new state. You will have to pay Nevada rein-
statement fees and civil assessments.
Contact the DMV at (775) 684-4368 or