APRIL 10, 1985
Points to Consider in the Production and Testing of
New Drugs and Biologicals Produced by Recombinant DNA Technology
Office of Biologics Research and Review
Center for Drugs and Biologics
APRIL 10, 1985
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. General Considerations
III. Expression Systems
IV. Master Cell Bank
V. Production
VI. Purification
VII. Characterization of the Product
A. Physicochemical Characterization of Proteins
B. Biological Tests for Identity and Potency
C. Tests for Contaminants
D. Preclinical Toxicity Evaluation
VIII. Modified Protein Products
IX. Clinical Trials
APRIL 10, 1985
I. Introduction
This document provides suggestions for evaluating safety, purity, and
potency of new drugs and biologics produced by recombinant DNA technology.
The suggestions expressed herein are expected to change with time as new
knowledge is acquired, and should not be regarded as being either definitive
or all-inclusive. Accordingly, the points discussed below should be
interpreted as those that manufacturers of such products are generally
expected to consider during development of new drugs and biologics, in filing
notices of claimed investigational exemptions for new drugs (IND), in new drug
applications (NDA), and in license applications.
II. General Considerations
General regulations for biologics (e.g. 21 CFR, Chapter I, Subchapter F)
and drugs (e.g. 21 CFR, Chapter I, Subchapters C and D) also pertain to
products produced by recombinant DNA technology where applicable. Specific
concerns relevant to particular products should be discussed with the
appropriate Office on a case-by-case basis. New license applications or new
drug applications are required before marketing products made with recombinant
DNA technology, even if the active ingredient in the product is thought to be
identical in molecular structure to a naturally occurring substance or a
previously approved product produced in an established manner.
The production of new drugs and biologics by recombinant DNA technology
should generally follow the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant
DNA Molecules. In addition, manufacturers wishing to export their products
from the United States should consult the appropriate guidelines published by
agencies such as the World Health Organization, and the National Institute for
Biological Standards and Control (United Kingdom).
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III. Expression Systems
Recombinant DNA technology involves the systematic arrangement and
manipulation of specific segments of nucleic acid for construction of
composite molecules which, when placed into an appropriate host environment,
will yield a desired product. There are three general methods for obtaining a
specific coding segment: (a) reverse transcription of mRNA to complementary
DNA; (b) isolation of genomic DNA or RNA; or (c) chemical synthesis.
The manufacturer should provide a description of the method used to
prepare the segment coding for the desired product, including both the cell
type and origin of the source material. A detailed nucleotide sequence
analysis, and a restriction enzyme digestion map of the cloned segment should
also be included. If a cloned polynucleotide contains more information than
coding sequences, i.e. introns or flanking sequences, then these additional
sequences should be adequately characterized.
The construction of the vector used for expression of the cloned
nucleotide segment into its respective product should also be described. This
description should include a detailed explanation of the source and function
of the component parts of the vector, e.g. origins of replication, antibiotic
resistance genes, promoters, enhancers, whether or not the product is being
synthesized as a fusion protein. A restriction enzyme digestion map
indicating at least those sites used in construction of the vector should be
The host cell system which will generate the product is coordinated to
fit the expression vector. It is, therefore, important that a description of
the source, relevant phenotype and genotype of the host be provided, including
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literature references. If the host cell is of mammalian origin then it should
Various methods can be utilized to transfer an
expression vector into its host, such as transfection, transduction,
infection, microinjection, etc. The mechanism of transfer, copy number, and
the physical state of the vector inside, the host cell, integrated or
extrachromosomal, should be provided.
IV. Master Cell Bank
The Master Cell Bank is a designated seed lot, from which all subsequent
seed lots are made. A seed lot consists of aliquots of a single culture,
stored in a manner which gives a reasonable assurance of genetic stability.
In most cases, a single host cell containing the expression vector should be
cloned to give rise to the Master Cell Bank. The cloning history and
methodology should be described. If new Master Cell Banks are to be generated
periodically by expression vector transfer and clonal selection, acceptance
criteria for both the new clones and the product produced by these clones
should be described. The stability of both the host cell and expression
vector should be investigated. In particular, the fidelity of the nucleotide
sequence encoding the expression product in the Master Cell Bank should be
verified. Whenever clonal selection is used to construct a new seed lot, DNA
sequence analysis of the coding region should be performed.
In cases in which there is multiple integration into the host cell
genome of the DNA sequences expressing the protein product, thus making these
sequences difficult to characterize, the mRNA encoding the specific product
should be cloned and the anticipated coding sequence of the product should be
verified, for each Master Cell Bank.
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The identity and purity of the cells in each seed lot should be assured
by isoenzyme analysis, auxotrophy, antibiotic resistance, and karyology, as
Each seed lot should be characterized for adventitious agents including
mycoplasma, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and virus-like particles.
V. Production
The cells used in each production run should be characterized by
analysis of relevant phenotypic or genotypic markers, and tested for
adventitious agents in samples taken just prior to termination of culture.
Additionally, a detailed restriction enzyme digestion map of the expression
vector and the nucleotide sequence of the insert encoding the expression
product should be determined after full scale culture at least once for each
Master Cell Bank.
The procedures and materials used for cell growth and induction of
product expression should be described in detail.
Data on the consistency of yield of the product from full-scale culture
should be maintained, and criteria for the rejection of culture lots should be
Penicillin and other beta-lactam containing antibiotics may derivatize
proteins and generally should not be used in production runs because of the
risk of hypersensitization in product recipients. Similarly, caution should
be exercised in the use of such materials as phenylmethylsulphonylfluoride
(PMSF, a protease inhibitor), b-propiolactone, formaldehyde and other protein
derivatizing chemicals, since multiple exposure to derivatized proteins may
lead to undesirable immune responses in recipients of the final product.
VI. Purification
The methodology of harvesting, extraction, and purification should be
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described in detail, and the removal of any undesirable chemicals introduced
by these procedures should be demonstrated.
The extent of purification of recombinant DNA products should be
consistent with the intended use of the product. Drugs and biologics which
are to be administered repeatedly or at high concentrations should be
adequately pure to prevent the development of undesired immune or toxic
reactions to contaminants. Although recombinant DNA products may be
demonstrated to be 99% pure by physicochemical characterization, special
attention should be directed toward the removal of certain contaminants which
may be present in small amounts. The purification process should be designed
to specifically eliminate detectable viruses, microbial and nucleic acid
contamination and undesirable antigenic materials.
The use of antibodies for affinity purification of recombinant DNA
products deserves special comment. The antibodies should be shown to be free
from unwanted biologically active substances such as DNA and viruses as
described in Section VII, C.
Methods used for the coupling of the antibody to
the column matrix and the removal of contaminants from the affinity column
should be described. Several production lots of the final product should be
examined for the absence of detectable immunoglobulin protein.
VII. Characterization of the Product
Evidence for identity, purity, and stability of the product in
comparison with reference preparations may be derived from the results of a
wide variety of tests. The specific tests that will adequately characterize
any particular product on a lot to lot basis will depend on the nature of the
product. Some examples of tests which may be useful during product
development or lot to lot testing are described below.
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A. Physicochemical Characterization of Proteins
1. Amino Acid Composition Analysis
The complete amino acid composition of the peptide or
protein should include accurate values for methionine 1/2-cystine and
tryptophan, which may require sample preparation procedures other than
hydrolysis in 6N HCl or chemical modification of proteins and analysis of
derivitized amino acids. The amino acid composition presented should be the
average of at least three (3) separate hydrolysates of each lot number.
For small proteins or peptides with molecular weight less
than 10,000, the demonstration of nearly integral ratios of amino acids would
support arguments of peptide purity.
For proteins with molecular weight in excess of 10,000 the
amino acid composition analysis may not provide as useful information in
support of the purity of the product as for the small proteins or peptides.
However, integral values for those amino acid residues generally found in low
quantities» such as tryptophan and/or methionine, could be obtained and used
to support arguments of purity.
2. Partial Sequence Analysis
Where possible, partial amino terminal (15 residues) and
carboxy terminal sequence analyses can serve as important criteria for the
identity of recombinant DNA produced proteins or peptides. The sequence data
presented in tabular form should include the total yield for every amino acid
at each cycle, as well as the repetitive yield for the major sequence(s). In
several cases. unexpected heterogeneity in the amino termini and carboxy
termini of proteins produced by recombinant DNA technology has been observed
by using protein sequence analysis.
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3. Peptide Mapping
Peptide mapping can provide a very discriminating comparison
between a recombinant DNA product and an authentic sample of the natural
product or a reference preparation. In conjunction with amino acid
composition and sequence analysis of each peptide, peptide mapping can provide
precise evidence for the identity of a protein. For proteins containing
disulfide bonds, peptide mapping often can be used to verify the correct
arrangement of disulfide bonds in the final product.
4. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE) and Isoelectric
PAGE and isoelectric focusing are valuable techniques for
verifying identity, purity and apparent molecular weight of proteins and
peptides. The PAGE analysis should include the use of denaturing conditions
with and without exposure to reducing agents, and with appropriate molecular
weight standards or reference preparations.
It is preferable to analyze samples on slab gels stained by
an appropriately sensitive method: for example, silver stain is generally more
sensitive than Coomassie blue for the detection of very small quantities of
proteins and is useful in identifying nonprotein materials such as nucleic
acid, carbohydrate and lipid which may be present.
For peptides of molecular weight less than ca. 8,000, most
PAGE methods may not be sufficiently accurate for molecular weight estimates.
5. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
HPLC is a useful method to determine the purity of a protein
or peptide, to evaluate its molecular configuration and, under some
circumstances, to confirm its identity. HPLC may be especially useful in
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characterizing and quantitating specific impurities in the final product, and
in peptide mapping.
6. Circular Dichroism and Optical Rotatory Dispersion (CD and
A comparison of the CD or the ORD spectrum of the material
prepared by recombinant DNA technology with the corresponding spectrum of the
native material or a reference preparation may support conformational
7. Other Characterization
Additional physicochemical characterizations may be
appropriate for recombinant DNA products containing carbohydrates, DNA,
lipids, and other nonprotein components.
B. Biological Tests for Identity and Potency
A comparison of the recombinant DNA product to the natural product
or reference preparation in a suitable bioassay will provide additional
evidence relating to the identity and potency of the recombinant DNA product.
Various types of bioassay may be used. In vitro assays are usually faster,
less expensive, and more precise than animal studies, yet adequate testing of
a biological product may involve animal studies.
Most vaccines produced by recombinant DNA techniques should be
compared to the natural substance or reference preparations with respect to
their ability to promote immune responses in animals. Non-vaccine recombinant
DNA products may be compared with the natural product in pharmacokinetic
studies including tissue distribution and clearance mechanism. The extent,
frequency and methods of animal testing should be determined on a case-by-case
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C. Tests for Contaminants
Reliable and sensitive tests will be needed to assay for trace
contamination and product related impurities in the final product on a lot to
lot basis. Although physiochemical characterization can ensure a high degree
of purity of a recombinant product, tests for trace contaminants will rely
heavily on biological indicator systems.
1. Pyrogen Contamination
Pyrogenicity testing should be conducted by injection of
rabbits with the final product or by the limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL)
Criteria comparable to those adopted for acceptance of the natural
product should be used for the recombinant DNA product.
Certain biological pharmaceuticals are pyrogenic in humans
despite having passed the LAL test and the rabbit pyrogen test. This
phenomenon may be due to materials which appear to be pyrogenic only in
humans. To attempt to predict whether human subjects will experience a
pyrogenic response, human blood mononuclear cells can be cultured in vitro
with the final product and the cell culture fluid injected into rabbits. A
fever in the rabbits indicates that the product contains substances which may
be pyrogenic in humans.
2. Viral Contamination
Tests for viral contamination should be appropriate to the
cell substrate and culture conditions employed.
Absence of detectable
adventitious viruses contaminating the final product should be demonstrated.
3. Nucleic Acid Contamination
Removal of nucleic acid at each step in the purification
process may be demonstrated in pilot experiments by examining the extent of
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elimination of added host cell DNA. Such an analysis would provide the
theoretical extent of the removal of nucleic acid during purification.
Direct analyses of nucleic acid in several production lots
of the final product should be performed by hybridization analysis of
immobilized contaminating nucleic acid utilizing appropriate probes, such as
both nick-translated host cell and vector DNA. This method ought to provide
sensitivity on the order of 10 picograms per dose. Theoretical concerns
regarding transforming DNA derived from the cell substrate will be minimized
by the general reduction of contaminating nucleic acid.
4. Antigen Contamination
Products which are administered repeatedly or in large doses
should be assayed for trace antigenic constituents and product related
impurities (e.g. aggregates or degradation products) likely to contaminate the
final product. Tests such as Western blots, radioimmunoassays and enzyme-
linked immunosorbant assays using high affinity antibodies raised against the
product, host cell lysates, appropriate subcellular fractions, and culture
medium constituents, should be used to detect contaminating antigens. Because
the detection of antigens will be limited by the specificity and sensitivity
of the antisera used, these immunoassays will complement but not replace
silver stain analysis of SDS-PAGE gels. Patients given large or repeated
doses of a product should be monitored for the production of antibodies to
contaminating antigens.
5. Microbial Contamination
Appropriate tests should be conducted for microbial
contamination that demonstrate the absence of detectable bacteria (aerobes and
anaerobes), fungi, yeast and mycoplasma in the final product.
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D. Preclinical Toxicity Evaluation
The specific preclinical testing needs are best addressed on a
case-by-case basis with the appropriate Office. Appropriate animal tests.
which might include those for carcinogenicity, teratogenicity and effects on
fertility may be necessary for a product in which the active ingredient is
radically altered from the natural substance.
VIII. Modified Protein Products
Using recombinant DNA procedures it may be possible to modify the
structure of proteins to enhance their desired biological properties and/or
diminish undesirable ones. Any substance that is not a natural constituent of
the human body may be antigenic and also may cause unknown and possibly
adverse biological effects. The use of such a product in humans depends on a
careful assessment of its new benefits compared to the risks identifiable
during its preclinical and clinical evaluation.
IX. Clinical Trials
Clinical trials will be necessary for products derived from recombinant
DNA technology to evaluate their safety and efficacy.
See "Points to Consider in the Characterization of Cell Lines Used to Produce
Biologicals." Office of Biologics Research and Review, Center for Drugs and
Biologics. FDA. (Federal Register, Vol. 49, N0. 110. June 6, 1984).
See "Points to Consider in the Manufacture of Injectable Monoclonal Antibody
Products Intended for Human Use In Vivo," Office of Biologics Research and
Review, Center for Drug and Biologics, FDA. (Federal Register, Vol. 49, p.
1138, January 9, 1984).
Hochstein. H.D., Elin, R.J., Cooper, J.F., Seligmann, Jr., E.R., and Wolff,
S.M. (1973). Bull. Parenteral Drug Assoc., 27, 139-148.
Dinarello. C.A., (1974) "Endogenous pyrogen" in Methods for Studying
Mononuclear Phagocytes, Adams. D., Edelsan, P., and Koren, H., Eds., pp. 629-
639, Academic Press.