May 2018 | Report 401
38777 Six Mile Road, Suite 208 | Livonia, MI 48152 | 734.542.8001
115 West Allegan, Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | 517.485.9444
P.O. Box 1612 | Holland, MI 49422 | 616-294-8359 |
Editors Note: The Citizens Research Council of Michigan has been asked many
times over the past couple of years to look at the eect that term limits has had on
the Michigan legislature. From our perspective, any research we could do would
pale in comparison to the depth of the work done by Drs. Marjorie Sarbaugh-
Thompson and Lyke Thompson from Wayne State University. At the outset of
term limits, these two, in cooperation with a team of other professors, set out to
quantify the eects of the new policy by asking legislators a battery of questions,
both before and after implementation, to better understand how governing had
changed. After the initial ndings were published in 2010, the two scholars contin-
ued their work and published a book on their ndings in 2017 (reference below).
We asked them to summarize their work for us. This report is that summary.
Implementing Term Limits: The Case of the Michigan Legislature
(2017) is avail-
able from the University of Michigan Press and other outlets.
Citizens Research Council of Michigan is a tax deductible 501(c)(3) organization
Aleksandra A. Miziolek
Vice Chair
Michael P. McGee
Laura Appel
Todd Anderson
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Laura Appel
Michigan Health & Hospital Association
Beth A. Bialy
Plante Moran, PLLC
Lawrence N. Bluth
Penske Corporation
Chase Cantrell
Building Community Value
Stephan W. Currie
Michigan Association of Counties
Daniel Domenicucci
Ernst & Young LLP
Terence M. Donnelly
Dickinson Wright PLLC
Randall W. Eberts
W. E. Upjohn Institute
Richard A. Favor, Jr.
June Summers Haas
Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP
Jim Holcomb
Michigan Chamber of Commerce
Marybeth S. Howe
Wells Fargo Bank
Wendy Lewis Jackson
The Kresge Foundation
Harry Kemp
Lear Corporation
Michael P. McGee
Miller, Caneld, Paddock and Stone PLC
Anne Mervenne
Mervenne & Company
Aleksandra A. Miziolek
Cooper Standard
Paul R. Obermeyer
Comerica Bank
James M. Polehna
Kelly Services
Julie Ridenour
Steelcase Foundation
Camilo Serna
DTE Energy
Carolee K. Smith
Consumers Energy
Christine Mason Soneral
ITC Holdings Corp.
Kathleen Wilbur
Michigan State University
Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr.
Terence E. Adderley
Kelly Services, Inc.
Laura Appel
Michigan Health & Hospital
Donald Bachand
Saginaw Valley State University
Beth Chappell
RediMinds, Inc.
Brian M. Connolly
Oakwood Healthcare, Inc., Retired
Matthew P. Cullen
Rock Ventures LLC
Stephen R. D’Arcy
Detroit Medical Center
Richard DeVore
PNC Bank
Terence M. Donnelly
Dickinson Wright PLLC
John M. Dunn
Western Michigan University
David O. Egner
Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation
David L. Eisler
Ferris State University
Fritz Erickson
Northern Michigan University
Mark T. Ganey
Teamsters 214
Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr.
Manoogian Foundation
Dan Gilmartin
Michigan Municipal League
Allan D. Gilmour
Wayne State University, Emeritus
Alfred R. Glancy III
Unico Investment Group LLC
Thomas J. Haas
Grand Valley State University
Richard C. Hampson
Citizens Bank
Paul C. Hillegonds
Michigan Health Endowment Fund
Marybeth S. Howe
Wells Fargo Bank
Daniel J. Kelly
Deloitte. Retired
Mary Kramer
Crain Communications, Inc.
William J. Lawrence, III
42 North Partners LLC
Edward C. Levy, Jr.
Edw. C. Levy Co.
Daniel T. Lis
Daniel Little
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Alphonse S. Lucarelli
Ernst & Young LLP. Retired
Michael P. McGee
Miller, Caneld, Paddock
and Stone PLC
Larry Merrill
MIchigan Townships Association
Anne Mervenne
Mervenne & Co.
Aleksandra A. Miziolek
Cooper Standard
Glenn D. Mroz
Michigan Technological University
James M. Nicholson
PVS Chemicals
Don R. Parfet
Apjohn Group LLC
Philip H. Power
The Center for Michigan
James E. Proppe
Plante Moran
John Rakolta Jr.
Milton W. Rohwer
George E. Ross
Central Michigan University
John M. Schreuder
First National Bank of Michigan
Amanda Van Dusen
Miller, Caneld, Paddock
and Stone PLC
Theodore J. Vogel
CMS Energy Corporation, Retired
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................iii
The Promises of Term Limits .......................................................................................................................... 1
Michigan’s Term Limits Law in Context ..........................................................................................................2
Recruiting a New Breed of Candidates ..........................................................................................................2
Gender and Ethnic Diversity in Term-Limited Legislatures ......................................................................... 3
Electoral Competition Measured as the Margin of Victory ..........................................................................5
Electoral Competition Measured as Choice among Viable Candidates ....................................................5
Representing Voters ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Changes to Legislators’ Behaviors in Oce ................................................................................................... 8
Information Gathering ...................................................................................................................................10
Information Gathering During Floor Votes ................................................................................................10
Information Gathering during Committee Deliberations ........................................................................... 11
Chamber Leaders and Committee Chairs .................................................................................................... 12
Chamber Leaders .....................................................................................................................................12
Who has Inuence? .................................................................................................................................13
Relationships between the Legislative and Executive Branches ................................................................. 14
Recap of Findings.........................................................................................................................................15
Have Term Limits Helped or Hurt Michigan as a Whole? ............................................................................. 15
Should Citizens Change Term Limits? .......................................................................................................... 17
Part-time Legislature ................................................................................................................................18
What Else Can We Do? ............................................................................................................................19
References ...................................................................................................................................................20
Endnotes ......................................................................................................................................................21
Table 1 State Term Limit Provisions and Level of Professionalization ....................................................... 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
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115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
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Evaluating the Effects of Term Limits on the Michigan Legislature
In a Nutshell
Legislative term limits in Michigan have failed to achieve the stated goals proponents espoused of ridding
government of career politicians, increasing diversity among elected ocials, and making elections more
Term limits have made state legislators, especially House members, view their time as a Representative
or Senator as a stepping stone to another oce. For this reason, ocials spend more time on activities
that can be viewed as electioneering. Term limits have failed to strengthen ties between legislators and
their districts or sever cozy relationships between legislators and lobbyists. They have weakened the
legislature vis-à-vis the executive branch.
The chief problem rests not with term limits, but with the fact that among the 15 states with term limits,
Michigan has the shortest and strictest limits. Lengthening the limits would help, as would improving the
redistricting process and reforming the primary election system.
Authored by Drs. Marjorie Sarbaugh-Thompson and Lyke Thompson from Wayne State University
More than two decades ago, term limits proponents
persuaded voters in most ballot initiative states, includ-
ing Michigan, that limiting legislators’ tenure in oce
would revitalize American democracy. They promised
that shorter terms of service would rid government of
career politicians, sever cozy relationships between
legislators and lobbyists, make elections more com-
petitive, and expand opportunities for women and
ethnic minority candidates to win elections by remov-
ing entrenched incumbents, most of whom were white
males. Moreover, term limits proponents claimed that
legislators with a short time horizon would maintain
their ties with their district and be more responsive
to their constituents’ needs and views rather than
the inuence of bureaucrats and interest groups. In
Michigan, proponents claimed that passing the term
limits ballot initiative, which voters did in 1992, would
reduce gridlock and introduce a merit-based system
for selecting the leaders of the legislative chambers.
With term limits in eect for several election cycles in
Michigan, this report analyzes whether and to what
extent term limit promises have been fullled.
Michigan is among the states with the shortest limits:
three two-year terms (six years) maximum in its lower
chamber, the Michigan House of Representatives, and
two four-year terms (eight years) in the state Senate.
Compared to other term-limited states, Michigan’s term
limits are exceptionally stringent, combining very short
tenure in oce with a lifetime limit on service. As a
result, legislative term limits are more consequential
in Michigan than they are elsewhere.
The evidence suggests that adopting term limits did
not fulll of many of the promises made by proponents.
Have term limits made elections more competitive,
expanding opportunities for women and ethnic
minority candidates to win elections? After term
limits, incumbents are safer and open seats are less
competitive, with more voters in highly competitive
districts confronting one hand-picked candidate in the
primary. In post-term-limits primary elections, it’s a
“Goldilocks” problem of too many candidates in safe
districts and too few candidates in competitive districts.
Term limits have not diversied Michigan’s state leg-
islature in the ways proponents predicted. Women’s
lower electoral success after term limits means that
opportunities do not reliably translate into legislative
seats. In addition, district boundaries constrain the
number of ethnic minority candidates.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
Evaluating the Effects of Term Limits on the Michigan Legislature
Term limits have increased the frequency of open
seats, but they have made it harder to nd quality
candidates willing to run. Also, the people doing most
of the recruiting are interest groups and political elites
who can promise the nancial help needed to run a
successful campaign for oce.
Have term limits severed cozy relationships be-
tween legislators and lobbyists? The answer to
this question depends on the nature of the issue being
considered. For a politically charged issue like school
choice, interest groups appear to become more inu-
ential sources of information after term limits, at the
expense of local sources in the Senate and colleagues
in the House. On the technically complex issues of
licensing and regulating health care professionals, or-
ganized groups gain inuence, while local sources lose
inuence. There was little change in the House on this
issue. For information during committee deliberations,
legislators in both chambers rely most on organized
groups and lobbyists, partisan sta, state agency sta,
and nonpartisan sta.
Have legislators with a short time horizon main-
tained their ties with their district and been more
responsive to their constituents’ needs and views
rather than the inuence of bureaucrats and inter-
est groups? Before term limits, local ocials were
a more important source of information and guidance
to legislators on issues and how bills would aect lo-
cal communities. After term limits, the interest groups
recruiting candidates often provide information and
guidance to legislators. After term limits, legislators
from both political parties became more extreme than
their constituents. Political parties in Michigan became
more polarized, moving away from each other and,
more importantly, away from their voters.
Legislators in both chambers rely on organized groups
and lobbyists, partisan sta, state agency sta, and
nonpartisan sta for information during committee
deliberations. These sources are sometimes accused
of being part of the swamp or establishment that term
limits proponents railed against.
The priority that Senators place on developing new
legislation decreased after term limits, but the priority
they place on studying new laws has increased. This
could suggest that more bills are developed outside
the chamber, potentially by lobbyists or interest groups.
Term-limited legislators spend more time on election-
eering activities. And roughly half of respondents said
that the reason they ran for state legislature was as a
stepping stone to another political oce.
Michigan’s post-term-limit legislators (especially in the
House) concentrate their energy on running for their
next oce. The focus is on short-term gains and xes
because politically costly solutions might undermine
legislators’ plans for their next political oce.
Have term limits reduced gridlock and introduced
a merit-based system for selecting the leaders of
the legislative chambers? Building coalitions across
party lines to pass legislation is a lower priority task
after term limits for both representatives and senators.
After term limits, term-limited legislators in both cham-
bers, but especially the Senate, sought leaders who
could enhance the reelection prospects of the caucus.
Prior to term limits, legislators sought leaders with
knowledge and intelligence, and they also considered
a leadership candidate’s political philosophy in decid-
ing who to support. After term limits, the distribution
of control and inuence became more concentrated in
fewer hands, which has been shown to reduce orga-
nizational eectiveness.
After term limits, the executive branch and state agen-
cies gained autonomy and power as legislators prove
less interested in and less able to monitor the work
of state agencies and the implementation of state
Have term limits helped or hurt Michigan as a
whole? Overall, term limits have increased turnover
and correspondingly produced more open seat elec-
tions, but term limits also reduced the experience and
knowledge of legislators, weakening the legislature
and making it less eective. Furthermore, lack of
experience, inability to work across the aisle, and
a springboard legislature in which most people are
looking for their next job rather than focusing on their
current political responsibilities could easily sap the
will to confront politically dicult issues. Additionally,
in the decade from 2002 to 2012, Michigan was the
only state that decreased its spending on municipal
governments and the services they provide, making
local governments the big losers under term limits.
This is consistent with legislators’ shift away from key
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
Evaluating the Effects of Term Limits on the Michigan Legislature
local ocials as a source of information on issues.
Should citizens change term limits? Term limits
remain popular with citizens. According to the State
of the State Survey conducted by Michigan State Uni-
versity, in 2008, 70 percent of respondents approved
of term limits. Therefore, a ballot proposal to eliminate
term limits is unlikely to succeed.
Term limits have created governance issues in the
states that have adopted them. For Michigan, the
issues have become particularly evident because its
limits are too short to allow talented newcomers to
develop their abilities, especially their leadership abili-
ties. Faced with this conundrum in the states that used
to have the same stringent limits that Michigan has
(Arkansas and California), term limits were modied
through citizen initiative to allow legislators to spend
all of their time in one chamber.
Finally, if voters who support term limits want to in-
crease the responsiveness of the legislators, two
changes to our electoral system could oer some of the
benets promised by term limit proponents: reducing
gerrymandering and revising primary elections.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
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115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
Blank Page
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
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Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
More than two decades ago, term limits proponents
persuaded voters in most ballot initiative states, includ-
ing Michigan, that limiting legislators’ tenure in oce
would revitalize American democracy. They promised
that shorter terms of service would rid government of
career politicians, sever cozy relationships between
legislators and lobbyists, and make elections more
competitive. Voters were also told that term limits
would expand opportunities for women and ethnic
minority candidates to win elections by removing
entrenched incumbents, most of whom were white
males. Moreover, term limits proponents claimed that
legislators with a short time horizon would maintain
their ties with their district and be more responsive
to their constituents’ needs and views rather than
the inuence of bureaucrats and interest groups. In
Michigan, proponents claimed that passing the term
limits ballot initiative, which voters did in 1992, would
reduce gridlock and introduce a merit-based system
for selecting the leaders of the legislative chambers,
(i.e., the Speaker of the House, Majority Leader of the
Senate, and so on). Not surprisingly, voters jumped at
the chance to, as the saying goes, “drain the swamp.”
These promises made by term limits’ proponents can be found
in the “Yes on B” campaign materials available through the
Michigan State Archives, information from the Detroit Free
Press, and information summarized from national newspapers
about term limits initiatives by Niven (2000).
With term limits fully implemented for several years in
Michigan—meaning that the last veteran legislators
who served before term limits in either chamber have
been expelled—it is time to see whether and to what
extent term limits have fullled these promises. The
implementation of term limits involved three stages: 1)
the anticipation of limits as veteran legislators awaited
for their eligibility for oce to expire, 2) the transition to
term limits in which many veterans were termed out of
the House and moved to the state Senate, and 3) equi-
librium, when there are no longer any legislators with
more than the maximum years of legislative service in
either chamber.
Following term limits through these
three phases of implementation was a long-term pro-
cess. To explore this process, a team of scholars from
Wayne State University began collecting data in 1998
just prior to the expulsion of the last pre-term-limits
House cohort. A subset of that initial team continued
to follow implementation of term limits.
Many promises were made by
term limit proponents. After more
than 20 years, how many of those
promises have been fullled?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
committees and lead the caucus without extending
the overall maximum time a legislator can serve. This
means that freshmen are not likely to chair committees
before serving on them and caucus leaders have time
to develop negotiating skill and experience. Lack of
experience in committee and caucus leadership posi-
tions is a major problem in legislatures with short term
limits like Michigan’s.
Some states, such as Michigan, impose a lifetime limit
on service, but the majority of term-limited states (9 of
15) merely restrict consecutive years of service. After
a legislator reaches the maximum length of service, he
or she may take a time out for a few years and then
can begin serving all over again. The service clock
resets. Under some state
term limits laws, holding of-
ce in the other legislative
chamber counts as a break
in the consecutive years of
service. Therefore, in many
term-limited states legisla-
tors can, although relatively
few do, cycle back and forth
between legislative chambers. Only six of the 15
term-limited states enforce a lifetime limit. Michigan
is one of these six.
Michigan’s term limits are exceptionally stringent, com-
bining very short tenure in oce with a lifetime limit on
service. As a result, legislative term limits are more
consequential in Michigan than they are elsewhere.
Our post-term-limits interview respondents told us that
it is not easy to nd people who are willing to run for
oce, especially if it means derailing their own career
for a very brief stint of service. Therefore, people
have to be recruited to run for the state legislature.
This was true even before term limits, but candidate
recruiting increased by about 10 percentage points
after term limits. Specically, about 60 percent of the
pre-term-limits legislators interviewed said that some-
one recruited them to run for oce, while 70 percent
Literature from term limits ballot campaigns enthused
about the opportunities that term limits provide for self-
motivated citizens to go to the state capitol and create
laws that they would go back home and live under. This
notion of self-starters serving in the public interest for
a few years is appealing, but evidence indicates it is a
myth. The reality is that after term limits more legisla-
tors say that they were asked to run, and it is more
likely that the people doing this recruiting are interest
groups or political elites.
State legislative term limits dictate the maximum time
a legislator can serve in oce. Some states have very
stringent limits, while in others the limits are so gener-
ous that they probably do not have much eect on the
average tenure of the state’s legislators. Michigan is
among the states with the shortest limits: three two-
year terms (six years) maximum in its lower chamber,
the Michigan House of Representatives, and two four-
year terms (eight years) in Michigan’s upper chamber,
the state Senate. Michigan has the shortest lower
chamber tenure in any term-limited state legislature.
At the other extreme, in Louisiana and in Nevada, leg-
islators can serve for 12 years in the lower chamber
and an additional 12 years in the upper chamber—24
years in all. (See Table 1 on
page 3.)
Initially two other states,
California and Arkansas, had
the same limits as Michigan.
But voters in both of those
states amended their state
constitutions through ballot
initiatives to alter their leg-
islative term limits laws. Their new laws restrict total
combined years of service in either chamber, rather
than limiting years in each chamber separately. Thus,
California currently permits 12 years total of legislative
service in either chamber, and Arkansas permits 16
years of total legislative service in either chamber. By
combining service in both chambers, California and
Arkansas permit legislators to stay in one chamber
long enough to work their way up gradually to chair
Michigan’s term limits are excep-
tionally stringent, combining a
very short tenure in oce with a
lifetime limit on service.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
of the respondents elected after term limits said they
were recruited to run.
Moreover, it costs more money to run for Michigan’s
state legislature today. The actors recruiting candi-
dates after term limits are often those who can promise
nancial help. For example, interest group recruiting
of candidates and recruiting by political party elites
both increased after term limits. Nearly 20 percent of
post-term-limits legislators said that an interest group
recruited them—an increase of six percentage points
compared to pre-term-limits legislators. Prior to term
limits, about 40 percent of Republicans reported that
party elites asked them to run, but only a little more
than 20 percent of pre-term-limits Democrats were
recruited by elites in their own political party. After
term limits, about 40 percent from each political party
said that elites in their own political party asked them
to run for oce. The evidence suggests that term
limits do not attract droves of self-starters to run for
oce. Indeed, self-starters are less
common, contrary to the promises
of term limits advocates.
When open seats are rare, which
they were before term limits, they
seem to provide more motivation
for candidates to run. Compared
to legislators interviewed after term
limits, more pre-term-limits legisla-
tors said that an open seat was the
reason they threw their hat into the
ring. When open seats are common
and everyone knows that the seat
will be open again in just a few years,
it seems to be easier to wait. In this
sense, shorter term limits which in-
crease the frequency of open seats
are likely to make it harder to nd
quality candidates willing to run.
Therefore, candidate recruiting is
crucial, especially if legislatures are
going to increase membership of
underrepresented groups.
And the
people doing most of the recruiting
are those with access to the large
sums of money that candidates
need to mount a successful cam-
paign for the state legislature.
Term limits advocates argued that expelling incumbents,
who were mostly white men, would help women and eth-
nic minorities win more state legislative seats, thereby
diversifying state legislatures. Women and minority
group members had made substantial progress in win-
ning seats in the U.S. Congress and state legislatures by
the time term limits ballot proposals passed, in the early
1990s. The percentage of state legislative seats held
by women increased from three percent in the 1960s to
20 percent by 1992. The creation of majority-minority
legislative districts increased the number of African-
American, Hispanic, and Asian legislators. Initially term
limits did increase the diversity of Michigan’s legislature,
but this was ephemeral. Two factors contributed to the
transience of this eect: gerrymandering and fewer
women running in and winning elections.
Limit in Years Consecutive Lifetime Ban
8 Total
12 Total
California (2012)*
16 Total Arkansas (2014)**
6 House/8 Senate Arkansas (1998/2000)
California (1996-1998)
Michigan (1998/2002)
8 House/8 Senate
Maine (1996/1996)
Montana (2000/2000)
South Dakota (2000/2000)
Missouri (2002/2002)
12 House/12 Senate Louisiana (2007/2007) Nevada (2008/2008)
Note: Numbers in parentheses indicate year of impact in the House rst and the Senate
second. States listed in bold type are those with highly professionalized legislatures,
those in
have moderately professionalized legislatures, and those in regular type
are part-time legislatures. Levels of professionalism are based on Squire 2007.
* In 2012 California voters revised the state’s term limits so that legislators may serve
12 years in total in either chamber.
* In 2014 Arkansas voters passed a ballot measure extending term limits to a 16-year
lifetime total. Based on National Conference of State Legislatures.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
District boundaries in Michigan were redrawn in 2002
and 2012 to favor the Republican Party. That limited
post-term-limits gains for African-American and His-
panic legislators, almost all of whom are Democrats.
Currently, both in the House and Senate, the number
of seats held by ethnic minority legislators is approxi-
mately the same as it was in 1998 before term limits
implementation commenced. Term limits did not help
minorities win seats.
For women, the story is dierent. After they were
termed out of the House in 1998, several long-term
female representatives won Senate seats, producing a
surge in female state senators. Yet now the number of
female state senators is approximately the same as it
was in 1998 before implementation of term limits. This
occurred because when these women were termed out
of the Senate, men replaced them. Evidence indicates
that there needs to be a pool of women in the House in
order for women to win seats in the Senate. This has
been described as a conveyor belt propelling women
into the upper chamber.
But the pool of women in the
House fell after term limits from a peak of 28 percent in
1998 to a low of 17 percent
by 2004; this suggests that
Michigan’s conveyor belt
decelerated after term limits.
This is true for other term-
limited states. Nationally,
only about 25 percent of
the seats vacated by women in lower chambers were
lled by other women. With a smaller pool of women
in the lower chambers, the “conveyor belt” needed to
maintain the gains in the upper chambers ground to
a halt. Eventually, the women who migrated from the
lower to the upper chambers were termed out, typi-
cally replaced by men, making the increased number
of women in the state Senate an ephemeral eect.
Thus, term limits have not helped women expand their
ranks in Michigan’s legislature, and this is especially
true for Republican women. The number of Republi-
During the transition to term limits, three African-American
legislators were elected from state House districts in which
African-Americans were not the majority of the voters. How-
ever, when these legislators were termed from oce, all of
them were replaced by white legislators. So these gains
dissipated quickly.
can women in the House dwindled from a high of 12 in
1992 to four in the aftermath of term limits. Democratic
women managed to hold their own as a percentage
of the House Democratic caucus, but Democrats lost
control of the lower chamber after term limits, resulting
in women holding the same percentage of a smaller
caucus. After declining to a low point in 2004, the pro-
portion of women in the Michigan House slowly rose to
27 percent of the seats; by 2016 women had recovered
the gains they achieved nearly two decades earlier,
despite the headwinds that term limits generated.
Although term limits provide women and ethnic minority
candidates with opportunities to run in state legislative
races, voters decide who wins. Women do not win
elections as often after term limits. Although we lack
data on the ethnicity of candidates who lost elections,
we could determine their gender using their rst names.
After term limits, the percentage of women losing a
bid for a state house seat rises for both political par-
ties (based on averages from 1998 to 2014), but the
dynamics dier by party.
After term limits, fewer Re-
publican women run in both
primary and general elec-
tions, and a smaller percent-
age of those who run win
these races. With the advent
of term limits, an average
of eight fewer Republican
women run in primary elections, and the average
number of Republican women winning a primary elec-
tion drops from 23.2 percent before term limits (1988
to 1996) to 18.1 percent afterward. After term limits,
56 percent of Republican women lose in the general
election compared to 50 percent before term limits.
Participation by women in Democratic primary elec-
tions surged after term limits, increasing by an average
of nearly 20 women per primary election cycle. Yet,
only a few more of these women won primary elections,
increasing from an average of 28.3 before to 32.4 after
term limits. Like their Republican sisters, Democratic
women lose general elections more often after term
limits, losing 50 percent of the time compared to 47
percent before term limits. But greater participation in
primary elections by Democratic women helps them
maintain their same proportion of the Democratic cau-
Term limits have not diversied
Michigan’s state legislature in the
ways proponents predicted.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
cus—but, again, generally this is a smaller minority
party caucus.
Women’s lower electoral success means that opportu-
nities provided by term limits do not reliably translate
into legislative seats, while district boundaries constrain
the number of ethnic minority candidates. Conse-
quently, term limits have not diversied Michigan’s state
legislature in the ways proponents predicted.
 
This brings us to another promise of term limits—more
competitive elections. Incumbents tend to win elec-
tions, so term-limits proponents reasoned that more
open seats would produce more competitive elec-
With stringent limits, Michigan’s legislature has
higher turnover and lots of
open seat elections—ones
in which an incumbent is not
running. Even though open
seat contests historically
were more competitive, we
found that after term limits
open seat races are less
competitive than they were previously. Using national
data for state legislative elections from 1988 through
2010, we conrm that open seat elections (those
without an incumbent running) are indeed more com-
petitive, measured by the size of the margin of victory
for the winning candidate.
But open seat elections in
term-limited states are not as competitive as are open
seat races in non-term-limited states. The average
margin of victory in open-seat elections in term-limited
states is six percentage points larger (less competitive)
than in non-term-limited states.
Moreover, incumbents are safer than they were before
term limits—at least for their brief tenure in oce. Dur-
ing the brief period that a term-limited legislator can
run as an incumbent, he or she has about a 10 percent
larger advantage than pre-term-limits incumbents had.
That means that as long as they are legally able to run
for reelection, Michigan’s state legislators can be more
condent than their pre-term-limits predecessors were
of winning reelection. When incumbents run after term
limits, the election is less competitive.
After term limits, open seats are less competitive
and incumbents are safer. Yet, open seats are more
numerous with term limits. In the aggregate, this in-
crease in the number of open seats osets the larger
post-term-limits incumbency advantage and reduces
the average margin of victory. But, to claim that this
produces electoral competition is misleading. Term
limits reduce the victor’s margin of victory somewhat,
but this often just means that a huge margin of victory
is a little smaller, but not competitive in the sense that
the outcome is a surprise.
Is a smaller margin of victory the best way to dene a
competitive election? An alternative denition is that
either candidate might plausibly win in a competitive
election. Some districts
are drawn to be very safe
for one political party—not
competitive at all. In addition
to whether the seat is open
or not, we need to consider
separately safe districts and
those with partisan competi-
tion, especially in an extremely gerrymandered state
like Michigan. To do this we rst dene a competitive
district as one with a 20 percent or smaller dierence in
the strength of the two major political parties.
many districts classied as competitive using this crite-
rion will not produce nail-biter contests decided in the
small hours of the morning, it is conceivable that either
major political party candidate could win, especially if
things like turnout or scandals or coattails at the top
of the ticket help them.
In highly gerrymandered states such as Michigan
primary elections often provide the only real opportunity
for voters to choose among viable candidates. There-
fore, the eects of term limits on primary elections were
examined. First, when an incumbent runs, the combi-
nation of district competition and term limits does not
To assess this we used estimates of district party strength
compiled and published regularly in Inside Michigan Politics
(Ballenger). Ballenger bases his calculations on a rolling aver-
age of the votes cast for the partisan positions at the bottom
of the ballot, (e.g., State Board of Education and university
governing boards).
After term limits, open seats are
less competitive and incumbents
are safer.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
change the number of candidates in primary elections.
If an incumbent is running, about 1.5 candidates run in
the primary regardless of district competition or term
limits. But, when the seat is open, district competition
and term limits do aect the number of candidates vot-
ers can choose among. Before term limits, when the
seat was open in a competitive district, voters had an
average of 3.4 candidates to choose among compared
to 2.5 candidates after term limits. This decrease of
nearly one candidate per primary election reects the
fact that after term limits more voters in highly com-
petitive districts confronted one hand-picked primary
candidate when the seat was open. Before term limits,
11 percent of open seat primary elections leading to
a competitive general election featured only one can-
didate. This increased to 36 percent after term limits.
Voters are three times more likely to have only one
candidate to “choose” from in their preferred political
party’s primary election after term limits, if they vote in
a district with a competitive general election.
On the other hand, if the
seat is open but the district
is drawn to be safe for one
political party, voters have
more choices in the primary
election after term limits; an
average of 3.0 candidates
compared to an average of
2.7 candidates before term
limits. Here again averages
mask interesting patterns. Some especially safe dis-
tricts attract large numbers of candidates—as many as
17 candidates within the same party primary.
Term limits magnify the dierences between elections
in competitive districts and elections for safely partisan
seats. The primary elections leading to a competitive
general election rob a political party’s voters of choices
in the primary, but the party’s hand-picked candidate
in the competitive general election has a chance of
winning. In primaries leading to general elections in
which one party is virtually guaranteed victory, can-
didates ock to the primary. When this happens, a
small faction of voters (sometimes those with extreme
views held with great fervor) can nudge their chosen
candidate to victory by a few hundred votes (or less).
The primary election winner’s victory in the general
election is a foregone conclusion in this safe district,
typically even in the event of scandals or other revela-
tions. This sometimes produces general election vic-
tories by extreme candidates (the David Dukes of the
world) or those with shady nancial ties or those with
close ties to special interests. In oce, these legisla-
tors do not need to respond to voters throughout the
district—only to that small faction that they count on
to win the primary election. The contest that counts is
the primary, and primary turnout is typically about 20
percent of registered voters. Therefore, extremely safe
seats with multi-candidate primary elections slice and
dice the small fraction of voters who show up. Victors
can win with ve percent of the district’s eligible voters
or even less sometimes. The principal source of this
problem is gerrymandering,
but term limits exacerbate
this problem by producing
more open seat contests in
safe districts, which are es-
pecially vulnerable to these
Do term limits increase elec-
toral competition? We say
yes and no, and it depends
on the denition of competition and the nature of the
district. If we just look at margins of victory in general
elections, incumbents are safer and open seats are
more numerous, but less competitive than they were
before term limits. If we consider voters’ opportunities
to choose among viable candidates, then we need to
consider primary elections as well as general elec-
tions, and the partisan competition in the district. In
post-term-limits primary elections, it’s a “Goldilocks”
problem of too many candidates in safe districts and
too few candidates in competitive districts.
In post-term-limits primary elec-
tions, it’s a “Goldilocks” problem
of too many candidates in safe
districts and too few candidates
in competitive districts.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
when term limits expelled the rst cohort of veterans
from the House. This map was not changed until 2002,
so we have the same district boundaries for one pre-
term-limits session (1997-98) and two post-term-limits
sessions (1999-2000 and 2001-02). Thus, we could
compare pre- and post-term-limits voting within the
same district boundaries. In 1997-98 the ideological
gap between Republican representatives and their vot-
ers averaged 19.6 percent, and this gap for Democratic
representatives and their voters averaged 10 percent.
With the advent of term limits, the gap between the roll
call votes of Michigan representatives and the partisan
viewpoint of their voters expands by about ve per-
centage points for each political party. In the 2001-02
session, Republican representatives’ voting records
average 25 percent more conservative than their vot-
ers, and Democratic representatives’ voting records
average 15 percent more liberal than their voters.
Not only does this mean
that representatives be-
came less responsive to
constituents after term lim-
its, it also means that the
chamber became more
polarized. The three states
with the largest ideological
gap between the major po-
litical parties in both cham-
bers are all term-limited
states (California, Arizona,
and Colorado).
Michigan has the fourth most polar-
ized upper chamber and 11th most polarized lower
chamber. Of course there are many reasons that state
legislatures are polarized, not the least of which is the
gerrymandering of voters into extremely homogenous
districts and the widening divisions in society. Even
though the country was less polarized from 1998-2001,
political parties in Michigan moved away from each
other and importantly away from their voters after
term limits. This appears to be consistent with other
term-limited states.
Responding to voters is fundamental to representa-
tive democracy. Not surprisingly, term limits ballot
campaigns discussed whether the new breed of term-
limited legislators would be more or less responsive
to the views of their voters. This is an especially hard
question to explore because there is substantial dis-
agreement among voters, politicians, political scien-
tists, and just people generally about whether legisla-
tors should act on behalf of voters using the knowledge
gained through committee hearings and other parts
of the job (a Burkean trustee) or whether they should
reect the views of voters based on public opinion
polls, town hall meetings, petitions, and appeals from
constituents (a delegate). Term limits proponents even
disagreed about whether the new breed of legislator
would be trustees, voting for what they think benets
their voters, or whether they would faithfully carry out
voters’ expressed wishes (delegates).
One way to examine a leg-
islator’s approach to rep-
resentation is to ask them
about what they typically do
and another way is to com-
pare their voting record with
the ideological tilt of their
district’s constituents. We
used both of these methods.
When legislators were asked
how they balance their own
judgment with that of their constituents their most com-
mon response was, “it depends on the issue.” Term
limits did not change this. When legislators’ voting
records were compared with the partisanship of their
district, after term limits legislators from both political
parties became more extreme than their constituents.
Compared to their predecessors, Democrats became
more liberal and Republicans became more conserva-
tive. Given the current level of partisan polarization
nationally, that’s hardly surprising, but we limited our
analysis to the 1992 district maps, the one in place
The three states with the largest
ideological gap between the major
political parties in both chambers
are all term-limited states. Michigan
has the fourth most polarized upper
chamber and 11th most polarized
lower chamber.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
getting resources for the district, 10) fundraising, and
11) attending events in the state capital.
Given the
dierences in district size between the House and the
Senate we analyzed these tasks separately for each
chamber. Interestingly, we found fewer changes in the
House than we did in the Senate, which suggests that
the shifts we found are institutional changes in the job.
In the House, the top three tasks before and after term
limits are the same: 1) talking to voters, 2) attending
meetings in the district, and 3) helping voters with prob-
lems. In the Senate, talking to voters receives more
attention from post-term-limits senators, but the other
two top priorities, helping voters with problems and at-
tending events in the district,
were the same before and
after term limits.
The three least popular tasks
in the House and in the Sen-
ate were also the same be-
fore and after term limits: 1)
attending events in Lansing,
2) monitoring state agencies,
and 3) fundraising. Despite
this aversion to fundraising,
campaign costs seem to
rise in both chambers after
term limits (as is discussed
in more detail below). Even
with the resources provided by the Auditor General’s
oce, Michigan’s legislators do not do much oversight
of the executive branch or of state contracts, a task that
is fundamental to our system of checks and balances
between branches of government. But term limits can
only be accused of making a bad situation worse.
Shifts in the priority placed on a couple of mid-range
tasks are quite interesting. Building coalitions across
party lines to pass legislation is a lower priority task
We used a response scale, ranging from none to an enormous
amount, to measure eort on these tasks. We normalized
the scores for each legislator by comparing his or her time on
each specic task to his or her average time for all the tasks.
This adjusts for enthusiastic respondents who spent “an enor-
mous” amount of time on almost everything and more modest
legislators who said they spent some or a little time on nearly
everything, but an enormous amount on just one or two.
Advocates promised that the new breed of term-limited
legislators would act dierently than their entrenched
predecessors. Legislators are supposed to perform a
lot of dierent tasks ranging from monitoring the imple-
mentation of state programs to helping constituents
who are having problems with state rules and laws.
They have to decide how to allocate their time and
eort among these tasks. After term limits, we found
a lot of continuity, but also some noteworthy changes
in how legislators allocate their time. Many of the
changes in behavior reect the biggest change we
found—increased political ambition among term-limited
legislators. That is, term-limited legislators spend more
time on electioneering activities.
In the lower chamber, the
proportion of legislators who
said that they planned to run
for another oce when they
were termed out rose from
48 percent before term limits
to 71 percent afterward. So,
slightly fewer than half of the
veterans who were termed
out wanted to continue run-
ning for public oce, while
almost three-quarters of the
legislators who replaced
them did. And after term
limits, roughly half of the
respondents said that the reason they ran for state
legislature was as a stepping stone to another political
oce. These career aspirations appear to aect how
legislators allocate their time among the many facets
of the job, as we discuss shortly.
The job of a legislator is much more complex than
many voters realize. Indeed the demands of the job
seem to surprise some newly elected ocials. To nd
out whether term limits change the tasks legislators
prioritize, we asked them to tell us how much time
they spent on each of 11 tasks: 1) studying legislation,
2) developing new legislation, 3) building coalitions in
their own party to pass legislation, 4) building coalitions
across party lines to pass legislation, 5) monitoring
state agencies, 6) talking to voters, 7) attending meet-
ings in the district, 8) helping voters with problems, 9)
Term-limited legislators spend
more time on electioneering
activities...after term limits,
roughly half of our respondents
said that the reason they ran
for state legislature was as a
stepping stone to another
political oce.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
Evaluating the Effects of Term Limits on the Michigan Legislature
after term limits for both representatives and senators.
The decline in the priority placed on this is slightly
larger in the Senate than in the House, but it drops
from an average priority task to a low priority task in
both chambers. This is consistent with our earlier
discussion of party polarization in the chamber. And
again, we note that this does not bode well for ending
gridlock in Lansing—one of term limits proponents’
optimistic promises.
The pre-term-limits Senate, but not the House, ap-
pears to have been the place where a lot of bills were
developed. The priority senators place on developing
new legislation decreases after term limits, but the pri-
ority they place on studying new laws increases. This
could suggest that more bills are developed outside
the chamber, potentially by lobbyists or interest groups.
This pattern, which has been discussed elsewhere, is
consistent with responses by legislators that they spend
their time studying bills rather than developing them.
Getting resources (often called pork or bacon) for
the district is a task on which post-term-limits repre-
sentatives, but not senators, place a higher priority.
Campaigning for reelection on these projects is a time-
honored tradition. Given many term-limits proponents’
aversion to reelection seeking behaviors, one suspects
that they are not pleased by the increased pork-seeking
in the lower chamber—the chamber in which almost
all the sitting legislators plan to run for another oce.
Not surprisingly, we found that politically ambitious
legislators spend more time than their less ambitious
colleagues bringing home money and projects to their
district, as well as doing things that are typically associ-
ated with election seeking: talking with voters and at-
tending meetings in the district. More interestingly, they
spend less time than their less ambitious colleagues
on four activities: studying legislation, developing new
legislation, building coalitions across party lines to pass
legislation, and attending events in the state capital.
With the surge in political ambition among term-limited
legislators, their changing behavior is a major impact
of term limits. It appears that politically ambitious leg-
islators do not focus on legislating (a.k.a. xing state
problems), prioritizing retail politics instead.
Legislators who prioritized the welfare of the state as a
whole spent more eort on some tasks. Among these
are monitoring state agencies and building coalitions
both with their own party and across party lines to
pass legislation. Rather than governing, Michigan’s
post-term-limits legislators (especially in the House)
concentrated their energy on running for their next of-
ce. Some of Michigan’s ongoing problems, such as
road quality, educational achievement, and revenue
sharing with local municipalities, seem to reect this
post-term-limits emphasis on electioneering.
Building coalitions across party
lines to pass legislation is a lower
priority task after term limits for
both representatives and senators.
The priority senators place on
developing new legislation de-
creases after term limits, but the
priority they place on studying
new laws increases.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
complex issue—licensing and regulating health care
professionals. Research indicates that consulting
tends to dier based on the complexity and political
salience of issues, so we anticipated that information
gathering on these two issues would dier. We also
asked about all the sources legislators consulted and
then asked which was the most important. We discuss
only the most important sources here in the interest of
brevity: colleagues, interest groups, and local sources.
We found in general that for school choice, a politically
salient issue, interest groups appear to become more
inuential sources of information after term limits, local
sources appear to lose inuence in the Senate, and col-
leagues appear to be less important sources of informa-
tion in the House. More specically, local sources were
mentioned by the largest proportion of representatives
and senators as their most important source of infor-
mation about school choice prior to term limits. In the
House, local sources retain their position as the most
important sources of information on this issue after term
limits, but in the post-term-limits Senate, local sources
on school choice cede their rst place position to orga-
nized groups and lobbyists. This reects lost access for
local sources and sizeable gains by organized groups
and lobbyists among the post-term-limits Senate cohort.
In the House, organized groups and lobbyists are also
named more often as the most important source of in-
formation, but the post-term-limits increase is smaller,
which doesn’t displace local sources.
Some issues that legislators vote on are technically
complex, others are politically complex, and still others
involve high levels of uncertainty. Take, for instance,
the issue of setting a price for logs on the bottom of
the Great Lakes—an issue legislators tackled in 2000.
These old growth logs sank decades ago during the
lumber boom in Michigan. They are very valuable
because the grain in the wood is much ner due to the
density of virgin forest. If legislators set the price too
low, Michigan’s citizens and government lose potential
revenue; if they set the price too high, private interests
that raise these logs will not make enough prot to try
to raise the logs, and Michigan will receive none of this
potential revenue. This is not an issue that legislators
are likely to know a lot about. We wanted to know what
sources of information they rely upon most when they
confront dicult issues like this, especially after term
limits when their colleagues are also unlikely to be
experts on obscure and complex issues.
Information needs dier when the details of the bill are
hammered out during hearings with testimony and wit-
nesses, as opposed to during oor votes with little or no
debate when amendments may be introduced without
time to examine the details. State legislators rely upon
dierent types of information at dierent stages of the
legislative process.
To explore legislators’ information
gathering we asked two sets of questions: 1) a pair
of questions about hypothetical oor votes and 2) a
series of questions about specic sources legislators
might have consulted about a dicult decision made
in a committee.
In some states, all bills receive a oor vote, but with
a recommendation from the committee members. In
Michigan, majority support in a committee is almost
always needed for a bill to proceed to a oor vote,
but it is not sucient. Even with committee support,
a Speaker can refuse to hold a oor vote. So oor
votes imply support from the chamber’s majority party
To explore consulting or information gathering during
oor votes, we picked two issues that we thought would
arise repeatedly throughout our study: one politically
salient issue—school choice—and one technically
...for school choice, a politically
salient issue, interest groups
appear to become more inuential
sources of information after term
limits, local sources appear to
lose inuence in the Senate, and
colleagues appear to be less
important sources of information in
the House.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
Before term limits, a sizeable proportion of representa-
tives said that their most important source of informa-
tion on school choice would be a colleague. After term
limits fewer representatives said a colleague would be
their most important source, if they confronted a oor
vote on school choice. Although senators are less likely
than representatives to rely on colleagues, this is not
changed by term limits. Therefore, we see the post-
term-limits shift in the House as an eect of newness
among representatives. They are not familiar enough
with their colleagues to turn to them when they need
information quickly. Post-term-limits senators, on the
other hand, have more experience serving together,
given their history in the House, and are more likely to
know whose information to trust and rely upon during
oor votes. So, their tendency to turn to colleagues is
not aected by term limits.
For licensing and regulating health care professionals,
the technically complex issue, we found that there is
not much change in the House. But, once again, in
the Senate organized groups gain inuence, while local
sources lose inuence.
When legislators in either chamber need information
about this technically complex issue they frequently turn
to a colleague as their most important source of infor-
mation. This pattern is stable in the House after term
limits, probably because there were a handful of legisla-
tors elected after term limits who have prior experience
in health care and related elds (e.g., doctors, nurses,
nursing home operators). More post-term-limits sena-
tors say that colleagues are their most important source
of information about licensing and regulating health care
professionals. In the Senate colleagues and interest
groups seem to replace local sources of information.
To examine information gathering during committee de-
liberations, we asked our respondents about a specic
committee on which they served and then asked them
to name the most dicult issue that committee had
seriously considered during the two-year term. Then
we asked to what extent they relied upon 16 specic
sources for information about this issue.
In the fol-
Because we were asked about dierent committees and dif-
ferent issues, we normalized the responses by dividing the
extent to which a respondent relied on a particular source by
lowing discussion, we combine these 16 sources
three broad categories
: 1) those inside the chamber
(inside sources), 2) those in the district, such as voters
and key local ocials (outside or local sources), and
3) the mid-range sources that interact regularly with
legislators in Lansing, but who are outside the chamber
(interest groups and bureaucrats for example).
Legislators in both chambers rely upon mid-range sourc-
es the most for information during committee delibera-
tions. This is not likely to please term-limits proponents,
and it certainly does not fulll the promises they made
voters. This category comprises: 1) organized groups
and lobbyists, 2) partisan sta, 3) state agency sta, and
4) nonpartisan sta. The pattern of information gather-
ing during Senate committee deliberations changes a
lot more than it does in the House. This indicates an
institutional or structural change rather than simply an
eect of newness, which is the logical explanation for
changes we found in the House. Reliance on the state
agency sta (bureaucrats and gubernatorial appoin-
tees) increases the most in priority during committee
deliberations in the Senate after term limits. However,
even with these gains, partisan sta and interest groups
are consulted more than state agency sta in the post-
term-limits Senate.
that respondent’s average over all 16 sources. So the result-
ing information tells us which sources were relatively more or
less important to the respondent rather than assessing the
amount of information gathered from a source.
The sources include the party caucus and its leaders, commit-
tee chairs and members, other colleagues in each legislative
chamber, state agency sta, partisan sta, two nonpartisan
stas, the executive branch, three categories of local sources,
organized groups and lobbyists, and national associations.
Our book discusses changes in individual sources in much
greater detail.
During committee deliberations,
legislators in both chambers rely
on these sources the most for
1) organized groups and lobbyists,
2) partisan sta,
3) state agency sta, and
4) nonpartisan sta.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
With high turnover in the House, the majority of the Rep-
resentatives electing a House Speaker are newcomers
who are largely unfamiliar with the candidates. Those
leaders are ocially selected in ceremonial oor votes
on the rst day of session in which the candidates are
unopposed and received unanimous votes.
In Michigan, the Speaker of the House is incredibly
powerful. That person assigns representatives to
committees, decides what bills to send to which com-
mittees, and decides whether to schedule a oor vote
for a bill voted out of a committee. In other words, if
a Speaker does not want a bill to pass, it is dead on
arrival. And often if the Speaker really wants a bill to
pass, he can move it to a “friendly” committee if the
committee with jurisdiction over the bill will not vote
for it. Moreover, the Speaker controls the caucus
nancial resources available for election and reelec-
tion campaigns, so he can decide how much money
to give caucus members for their reelection campaign.
Therefore, the Speaker can reward or punish members
of his caucus if they do not vote for a bill he wants
to see passed. In other words, the Speaker of the
Michigan House controls the chamber and his caucus.
So a newly elected legislator’s vote for Speaker has
consequences. Therefore, it is important to understand
how newcomers decide who to vote for in these party
leadership contests.
Many voters think of a legislature as an egalitarian
assembly of independent agents each equally em-
powered to inuence policy and represent their con-
stituents’ views. This is a myth. Legislatures at best
resemble competing teams, at worst warring gangs.
And even within each team or party caucus, there is
a hierarchy. Just as the coach calls the plays and
determines the lineup, the elected caucus leaders and
committee chairs have prerogatives that let them direct
the other players, but it takes a lot of leadership skill to
use these powers without undermining caucus cohe-
sion. It is one thing to have a few rookie players on a
team, but an entirely dierent situation to have a new
coach directing a rookie quarterback who steps in dur-
ing a playo game. That is what term limits eectively
does with respect to chamber and caucus leadership.
Chamber leaders, such as the Speaker, Majority Party
Leader, Minority Party Leader, and so on, are elected
by other the legislators in each chamber. These are
party-line votes, and in Michigan they occur when Rep-
resentatives and Senators select their leadership teams
in closed caucuses shortly after the November election.
In other words, in a term-limited chamber with lots of
newcomers, many legislators vote for colleagues that
they have never worked with and do not know very well.
Post-term-limits senators display an aversion to local
or outside sources of information during committee
deliberations. This reects their tendency to rely less
on advisors in the district and key local ocials (e.g.,
mayors or school superintendents). Post-term-limits
representatives rely a bit more on these local sources,
but they still do not turn to them anywhere nearly as
often as they turn to mid-range sources such as inter-
est groups and partisan sta.
Mid-range sources are the ones that senators and
representatives rely upon the most for information that
they need when considering a dicult issue during
committee deliberations both before and after term
limits. These mid-range sources are ones that are
sometimes accused of being part of the swamp or es-
tablishment that term limits proponents railed against.
Yet, the biggest change we found was increased use
of these sources among post-term-limits senators.
These sources are ones that are
sometimes accused of being part
of the swamp or establishment
that term limits proponents railed
against. Yet, the biggest change
we found was increased use of
these sources among post-term-
limits senators.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
Prior to term limits, legislators sought leaders with
knowledge and intelligence, and they also considered
a leadership candidate’s political philosophy in deciding
who to support. After term limits, newly elected House
members want decisive and assertive leaders. It ap-
pears from our analysis of leadership styles, (coach,
commander, or coordinator), that experienced legisla-
tors are more wary of the commander style—the one
that stresses decisiveness and assertiveness. This is
reinforced by comments from several of our interview
respondents, who expressed buyers’ remorse about
their choice of caucus leaders. Another dierence we
found was that after term limits, term-limited legislators
in both chambers, but especially the Senate, sought
leaders who could enhance the reelection prospects
of the caucus.
This preference for more
decisive and assertive lead-
ers is reected in the pattern
of inuence that we found
in the Michigan House after
term limits—leaders gained
influence. The interviews
asked legislators who they
considered to be the most
inuential members of the
chamber and those questions were followed up with
questions asking what makes someone inuential in a
legislature. The number of people named as inuential
in the chamber decreased after term limits. And most
of this decline is in the rank-and-le legislators, those
who do not hold a caucus leadership position. Prior
to term limits, 69 percent of the representatives who
were named by their colleagues as inuential did not
hold leadership positions. After term limits were fully
implemented in the House, this dropped by 10 percent-
age points. Pre-term-limits legislators attributed the
inuence wielded by these rank-and-le colleagues to
their knowledge and expertise, but also stressed that
these were honest brokers to whom one could turn for
information on key issues or for political advice.
After term limits, holding a formal position of author-
ity (what is sometimes called legitimate inuence)
increased inuence by nine percentage points among
representatives and by 24 percentage points among
senators. In the House, expertise as a source of
legislators’ inuence was mentioned by 15 percent
fewer representatives after term limits, and experience
in government was mentioned by 24 percent fewer
senators after term limits. So the number of inuen-
tial rank-and-le colleagues decreased, and also the
reasons for their inuence changed.
After term limits, inuence is more concentrated in the
hands of leaders and those holding formal positions
in the chamber hierarchy. It is important to note that
work in social psychology indicates that concentrating
control in fewer hands makes an organization less ef-
Widely shared control in organizations was
correlated with their greater eectiveness generally.
Extending this to legislative organizations suggests that
the problem solving capacity of Michigan’s legislature
is likely to be lower after term limits than it was before
due to the concentration of inuence in a few hands.
Not only are rank and le
members less inuential, but
committee chairs struggle
to establish some authority
over the work of their com-
mittees. We found that,
after term limits, the Speaker
steps in and takes over from
committee chairs if they are
unable or unwilling to pro-
duce the results the Speaker wants. Our respondents,
especially senators, said that conict in committees
increased. And in the House, more respondents after
term limits said that chairs used coercion to control
the work of committees, and more legislators in both
chambers described committee chairs as autocratic.
The public perception of policy debates among equals
that allow their district’s representative or senator to inu-
ence the outcome was always inaccurate. Legislatures
are hierarchical organizations of specialized subunits.
But in the post-term-limits era, the shared decision mak-
ing model of a legislature is even less plausible. The
caucus leaders call the shots, and the Speaker of the
House has a lot of control over the policy decisions in
the chamber. The distribution of control and inuence
is more concentrated in fewer hands, which has been
shown to reduce organizational eectiveness.
h Other changes in the source of legislators’ expertise are
described in greater detail in our book.
The distribution of control and
inuence is more concentrated
in fewer hands, which has been
shown to reduce organizational
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
Government in the U.S. is grounded in a system of
checks and balances between three co-equal branches
of government. Michigan’s governor is institutionally
powerful with prerogatives that check the power of the
legislature. Michigan is tied with Massachusetts for the
5th most powerful governor in the country, even though
Michigan’s governor is term limited.
Against these
powers the Michigan Constitution gives the legislature
the power of appropriation to control the use of nancial
resources; the power to review and suspend administra-
tive rules; the ability to appoint an auditor general with
the authority to investigate nancial transactions in all
branches of state government; and the power to conduct
investigations into the actions of the executive branch.
After term limits, the legis-
lature appears weaker than
the executive branch. Civil
servants—professionals who
often have years of experi-
ence—form the backbone
of the executive branch. Al-
though the legislature is sup-
posed to exercise oversight
over the executive branch
(i.e., monitor the work of
civil servants in state agen-
cies and commissions), we found that after term limits
many of our respondents did not realize that this was
their responsibility. Moreover, some even disputed the
idea, saying that they could not interfere with the work
of the executive branch. The governor, according to
these legislators, was solely responsible for monitoring
the work of state agencies. This response occasion-
ally surfaced among pre-term-limits legislators, but it
became more prevalent afterward. Even before term
limits, legislators reported that they spent very little time
or eort monitoring state agencies, but after term limits
this fell even further, making a bad situation worse.
Committee chairs should be actively involved in sched-
uling hearings at which state agency ocials are grilled
about the way they implement programs and policies
in the state. As part of our research, we listened to
hearings prior to term limits in which bureaucrats
from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
were grilled about turkey habitat maintenance and
about long lines that occurred when the department
changed its procedures for selling hunting licenses.
While the legislature has not completely abdicated its
oversight role for the Flint water crisis, the Flint Water
Advisory Task Force appointed by Governor Snyder
played a more significant
role in assessing factors that
led to the crisis and recom-
mending positive actions
that could avoid such a cri-
sis from occurring again.
Similarly, the legislature
has taken a relaxed role in
oversight of the dumping of
dioxin into the Tittabawasee
River even as, according to
an Associated Press story
(2007) “. . . top management
of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
(DEQ) worked hand-in-glove with the Dow Chemical
Company to craft the agreement.” This occurred “[d]
espite outrage by citizens, contradictory advice from
DEQ’s own technical sta, and recommendations
from the EPA to slow down.”
Monitoring activities of
executive branch agencies is too important to ignore.
Especially after term limits, not enough oversight has
been happening in Michigan. People’s lives, livelihood,
and welfare depend on a legislature willing and able
to ride herd on the executive branch.
Although the legislature is sup-
posed to exercise oversight over
the executive branch, we found
that after term limits many of our
respondents did not realize that
this was their responsibility.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
Overall, term limits have increased turnover and cor-
respondingly produced more open seat elections for
Michigan’s legislature and more new faces in Lansing.
With an inux of newcomers, term limits also reduced
the experience and knowledge of legislators. They
catapult freshmen into committee chair positions and
reduce the amount of inuence legislators derive from
their expertise. They concentrate power and inuence
in the hands of legislators who hold formal leadership
positions in either the party caucuses or the committees.
The executive branch and state agencies gained
autonomy and power as legislators prove less inter-
ested in and less able to monitor the work of state
agencies and the implementation of state programs.
This means that legislators exercise less restraint over
the service delivery apparatus. Interest groups have
been the other winners. These groups more actively
recruit candidates to run for the legislature and provide
information and guidance to legislators on issues. The
biggest losers appear to be local ocials, who once
were a more important source of information and guid-
ance to legislators on issues and on how bills would
aect local communities.
Voters might also be losers given that legislators’ vot-
ing records are less closely aligned with the partisan
preferences of their constituents. Legislators, who
are much more politically ambitious after term limits,
use the state House especially as a stepping stone to
other political positions. This means that legislators
concentrate their time and energy on electioneering
activities such as bringing resources and benets to
their district rather than developing new legislation to
address statewide needs and problems. The focus is
on short-term gains and xes because politically costly
solutions to problems might undermine legislators’
plans for their next political oce. So, problems are
more likely to be kicked down the road for someone
else to deal with rather than making tough choices now.
Delaying tough decisions is especially useful politically
when term limits are short because interim xes can
hold until a legislative cohort leaves oce.
It is dicult to assess how term limits have aected
Michigan as a whole because of the economic and
cultural changes that have coincided with the advent of
term limits in the state. Since the rst cohort of term-
limited legislators had their service terminated in 1998,
Michigan’s economic status relative to the rest of the
nation has diminished substantially. Michigan has gone
from above average in per capita personal income to
below average. The combination of Michigan’s single
state recession in the rst decade of this century fol-
lowed immediately by the impact of the Great Reces-
sion of 2007-09 made governing dicult at all levels.
But it was in the term-limits era that Michigan has gone
from a high tax state to a low tax state. Ill-timed tax
cuts combined with Michigan’s economic contraction
forced cuts to services and left few resources to invest
in infrastructure. As a consequence, Michigan has gone
from a high quality of life state (17th highest in 1999)
to a low quality of life state (41st in 2013), consistently
ranking among the 10 worst states from 2007 to 2013.
Two areas of state spending illustrate how Michigan’s
economic fortunes and the functioning of the legisla-
ture relates to the state’s declining quality of life. After
term limits, local governments and higher education
suered greater declines in state funding than other
service areas. Although previous Michigan legislatures
have cut appropriations to these areas in periods of
economic contraction, the extent and persistence of
the cuts do not compare with the precipitous cuts after
term limits. Prior to term limits, legislators made minor
cuts to higher education funding during the recessions
in the late 1980s and early 1990s, but from 1994 to
2001 state funding was fairly stable as a percentage of
university operating costs.
From 2002 to 2012, cuts to
higher education were steep, and this has made higher
i For example, see the discussions of the transportation funding
package and economically triggered income tax rate reduc-
tions in the Citizens Research Council of Michigan’s 2017 re-
Challenges Ahead in Balancing the State Budget
, https://
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
road conditions are poor and have gotten worse in the
past two decades. The Commission’s report makes
clear that we are underfunding our roads more than
most other states. When legislators attempted to tackle
this issue, the 2015 road funding package they crafted
deferred several aspects of revenue generation until
that cohort of legislators is term-limited from oce. It
is likely that term limits exacerbate the fairly common
propensity to engage in governing by avoiding problems.
Part of Michigan’s tendency to delay action arises from
its boom and bust economy. Legislators await the
next economic surge that
will restore state coffers
rather than taking action
to improve the state’s re-
sources. The comparison
of Michigan’s post-term-
limits status to its pre-term-
limits status suggests that
it previously coped more
eectively with its cyclical
boom and bust economy.
Governor Snyder, whose
accounting background
motivated him to pursue
some level of fiscal re-
sponsibility, has battled
throughout his two terms to convince the legislature
to improve the scal health of the state, only to en-
counter resistance and reluctance from his legislative
co-partisans. Progress has been grudging, however.
Many back steps and missteps championed by both the
executive and legislative branches further jeopardize
Michigan’s ability to fund essential services that would
improve its attractiveness to residents and businesses.
A competing explanation for the problems Michigan
faces is that the epidemic of partisan polarization
sweeping the country, rather than term limits, constrain
bipartisan policy making in Lansing. Clearly political
polarization has become increasingly problematic
nationally and in many non-term-limited states, contrib-
uting to gridlock and to persistent reelection-seeking
behavior. Campaigns never end. But recent research
using national roll call voting data demonstrates that
term-limited states, including Michigan, have become
more polarized than have non-term-limited states. To
the extent that partisan polarization explains the dif-
education less accessible to state residents precisely
when the economy favors more educated workers.
Following a similar pattern, revenue sharing payments
to local governments rose from 1994 through 2001,
but coinciding with the advent of term limits, the dollars
available for sharing state sales tax revenue with local
governments fell dramatically from 2001 to 2011.
contributed to local infrastructure problems and public
safety cuts throughout the state. It has thrown several
local governments into nancial crisis. In the decade
from 2002 to 2012, Michigan was the only state in the
nation that decreased its
spending on municipal gov-
ernments and the services
they provide.
The lost
revenue reduces the payroll
in local municipalities for po-
lice, re, and infrastructure
maintenance, as well as
other basic services. Local
governments appear to be
big losers under term limits,
which is consistent with leg-
islators’ shift away from key
local ocials as a source of
information on issues.
Compared to the 1990s, Michigan, after 1998, looks
like a state in decline. But how much of Michigan’s
plummeting quality of life, municipal government dis-
tress, and contracting access to higher education can
be attributed to term limits? Three factors may impli-
cate legislative term limits. First, with a term-limited
legislature, there is a desire to delay hard decisions
until a legislator is out of oce (kicking the can down
the road). Second, there is an increase in partisan
polarization. Finally, Michigan’s term-limited legisla-
tors are much more politically ambitious than were
their predecessors.
Today’s term-limited legislators can be criticized for
policy decisions that defer unfavorable changes until
after their terms expire. One need only drive on our
state and local roads to experience the eects of deci-
sions delayed. The inclination to tolerate deteriorating
public infrastructure is clearly not unique to term-limited
legislators such as Michigan’s, but, according to the 21st
Century Infrastructure Commission Report,
...with a term-limited legislature,
there is a desire to delay hard de-
cisions until a legislator is out of
oce (kicking the can down the
road). Second, there is an increase
in partisan polarization. Finally,
Michigan’s term-limited legislators
are much more politically ambitious
than were their predecessors..
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
ships with special interest groups. If the goal of term
limits was to “drain the swamp,” instead they seem to
have made the crocodiles hungrier.
In a sense, legislating before term limits allowed leg-
islators to bank political capital that could be cashed
in when dicult votes were needed. Michigan’s brand
of term limits ended the ability of legislators to amass
political capital. Legislators’ preference for electioneer-
ing saps their support for policies that lack immediate
political appeal. And with their heightened attention to
electioneering and their limited ability to amass politi-
cal capital, term-limited legislators resist taking these
hard votes.
In the real world it is impos-
sible to isolate the eects of
term limits from a host of oth-
er factors that might explain
legislators’ decision about
Michigan’s state government,
but it is fairly clear that term
limits have accentuated pre-
existing propensities in the
Michigan Legislature that
heightened those problems.
It appears that Michigan’s
exceptionally short tenure in
oce increases political ambition, which fuels partisan-
ship, and enables legislators to kick the can down the
road for the few years that they are in oce. Voters
would be wise to lengthen the limits to ameliorate the
negative eects of term limits in Michigan.
culty elected ocials have with governing and making
tough choices, then the term-limited states are aicted
more severely than is the rest of the country.
As was documented, term-limited legislators are
much more politically ambitious than were their
pre-term-limits counterparts. Contrary to the selling
point that term limits would rid government of career
politicians, term-limited legislators are more driven
by electioneering concerns than their predecessors.
Rather than focusing on electioneering activities that
could help with reelection to their legislative seats,
term-limited legislators’ electioneering activities are
focused on moving up (from the House to the Senate
or from the state legislature to
Congress) or down (to county
commissions, city councils, or
other local government elected
The implications of this are that
term-limited legislators have
chosen, consciously or subcon-
sciously, to forego many activi-
ties that are less glamorous or
politically appealing. Attending
meetings with constituents and
helping voters with problems
(while important and admirable) take precedent over
the information gathering that allows members to be-
come experts on the subject areas for the committees
they sit on. Oversight of executive branch activities
take a back seat to fundraising and building relation-
Term limits remain popular with citizens. According to
the State of the State Survey conducted by Michigan
State University, in 2008, 70 percent of respondents
that they asked about term limits approved of them.
Therefore, a ballot proposal to eliminate term limits is
unlikely to succeed. Faced with this conundrum in the
states that used to have the same stringent limits that
Michigan still has (Arkansas and California), term limits
were modied through citizen initiatives. Michigan is
the sole remaining state with a six-year limit on its lower
chamber. In California, citizens changed the limits so
that legislators can serve 12 years at most in one cham-
ber only or any combination of service in both chambers
that totals 12 years. California’s total combined service
is two years shorter than the previous 14 years of service
consisting of six years in the lower and eight years in the
upper chamber. In Arkansas voters adopted a similar
modication, but voters did not reduce the total years
of service when they lifted the requirement to move to
the other chamber. Arkansas’ legislators can serve a
total of 16 years in either chamber or any combination of
years in either chamber that totals 16 years of service.
It appears that Michigan’s
exceptionally short tenure in
oce increases political ambi-
tion, which fuels partisanship,
and enables legislators to kick
the can down the road for the
few years that they are in oce.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
This approach of limiting the aggregate time in the
legislature without specifying limits for each chamber
has great advantages that should be considered for
Michigan. First, one of the major impacts of term limits
is the waves of newcomers in the lower chamber who
face a sti learning curve without a cadre of seasoned
veterans to mentor them. As we described earlier in
this discussion, this leads them to rely more heavily on
people in Lansing with more experience—lobbyists and
state agencies. This is precisely what our evidence
demonstrates when we examine who legislators con-
sult for information and guidance on dicult issues and
oor votes.
Second, extremely short term
limits, such as Michigan’s,
mean that freshman legisla-
tors in the lower chamber
serve as committee chairs
without any experience work-
ing as a member of a commit-
tee. An experienced chair is
more likely to understand the
various facets of an issue
and to have the leadership
skills to resolve disputes among committee members
using positive management strategies. Our research
demonstrates that, especially in the House, newcomers
are more autocratic chairs than their veteran predeces-
sors were. They suppress dissent rather than working
across the aisle to craft legislation that serves the needs
of the state as a whole. Indeed, in the House, legisla-
tors appear to learn how to negotiate and compromise
with the other party just about the time they leave oce
after six years in the House. With more time in the lower
chamber, Michigan’s legislators might reverse their post-
term-limits drift toward polarization.
Finally, chamber leaders are exceptionally powerful,
and their jobs are highly complicated. Often in the lower
chamber they serve a mere two years (one term) be-
fore they run for and win the Speakership. Their newly
elected colleagues have little information upon which to
base their votes. In the post-term-limits era, no one who
served as Speaker in the House has gone on to become
a leader in the Senate. So both chambers are led by
people who are unseasoned leaders. As we point out
in our book, there are three very general approaches to
leadership: coach, coordinator, and commander. After
term limits, legislators arrive seeking a commander, but
quickly learn that a legislature, in which members are
supposed to represent a diverse population, benets
more from coaches or coordinators who integrate di-
vergent perspectives. More veterans appear to value
these two leadership styles.
By allowing representatives to remain in the lower
chamber rather than forcing them to shift to the Sen-
ate, it would be possible for a Representative to serve
on a committee, developing knowledge of the issues
under that committee’s jurisdiction, then shift into a
chair position, and after two
or three terms as a chair,
run for chamber leadership
positions. Not only does this
provide leadership candi-
dates with an opportunity to
develop their expertise, but
legislators could establish a
reputation for listening, for
being trustworthy and fair,
and for being an inclusive
leader—all qualities that leg-
islators, especially veterans,
say are reasons to vote for a speaker candidate. Term
limits have created governance issues in the states that
have adopted them. For Michigan, the issues have
become particularly evident because its limits are too
short to allow talented newcomers to develop their
abilities, especially their leadership abilities.
Periodically one hears of other suggestions to x
what ails Michigan’s legislature and, more broadly, its
government. One of these is to institute a part-time
legislature. The underlying rationale for this appears
to be that we are so dissatised with the inability of
our legislature to deal with the problems plaguing our
state that we revert back to the term-limits logic of
“throw the bums out” by throwing them out of Lansing
for part of the year.
There are two problems with a part-time legislature.
First, restricting the time that legislators have to learn
the job without altering or eliminating term limits is
likely to make the legislature even weaker and less ef-
fective, exacerbating all the problems described here.
Second, further limiting the power of the legislature will
Michigan’s governance issues
have become particularly evident
because its term limits are too
short to allow talented newcomers
to develop their abilities, especially
their leadership abilities.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
further concentrate power in the executive branch. It
is no accident that members of the executive branch
advocate for this change. States that have part-time
legislatures have stronger governors. After term limits,
we found that the legislature did not eectively monitor
the executive branch. They were barely able to do this
eectively prior to term limits. Our representatives and
our senators are supposed to provide a mechanism to
help us, as citizens, prevent government ocials from
ignoring our concerns. They are our conduit for com-
plaints, and they are supposed to check the power of
the executive branch. Instead of resolving the current
power imbalance that insulates the executive branch,
weakening the legislature will simply erode our system
of checks and balances even more than term limits
already have. A part-time legislature is likely to make
our problems worse, not better.
Two changes to our electoral system could oer some
of the benefits that were promised by term limits
proponents: reducing gerrymandering and revising
our primary elections. Reducing the extent to which
legislative districts are gerry-
mandered has the potential to
increase electoral competition
more than term limits has.
Reducing gerrymandering
also might increase the re-
sponsiveness of legislators to
all their constituents instead
of just the small faction that
supports them in the primary.
Adopting some form of run-
o elections for the top vote
recipients in the primaries rather than the partisan
primaries we currently use could also help increase
electoral competition and the likelihood that legislators
care about the views of a broader range of voters. Both
California and Arizona, two other term-limited states,
recently adopted systems that use nonpartisan com-
missions to draw district boundaries. California also
adopted the top-two-open-primary system recently.
The more frequently discussed charge against ger-
rymandering is that it carves up the district in a way
that misrepresents the underlying voting preferences
of the population of the state as a whole. Both political
parties engage in this practice whenever they have the
opportunity. Two examples currently before the U.S.
Supreme Court illustrate parties using redistricting
to their advantage—Democrats are challenging the
lines drawn by Republicans in Wisconsin and Repub-
licans are challenging the lines drawn by Democrats
in Maryland. But gerrymandering and term limits in
Michigan interact to produce legislators who rely on a
small portion of the electorate to win a primary elec-
tion and then face no viable competitor in the general
election. This is a prescription for extreme candidates
or single-issue candidates because they do not face a
viable opponent in November.
When there is an open seat in a district that is “safe” for
one political party (a result of gerrymandering), candi-
dates ock to the primary in larger numbers. After term
limits there are more open seats, so this occurs more
often—at least every six years in the House. In those
elections, there are sometimes as many as ve more
candidates. Primary election turnout hovers around 20
percent. If we divide 20 percent of voters among even
just ve candidates, then slightly more than four per-
cent of the voters in the district can pick the candidate
who will almost certainly win
in November. Thus, extrem-
ists in both parties or single-
issue groups can control the
choices of everyone in the
district. Because the general
election outcome in these
safe districts is nearly certain,
the legislator who wins the
primary must only maintain
the support of a small faction
in the district to keep winning.
There is no need to consider the concerns and interests
of the district more generally.
Changes to the primary election system could reduce
polarization and encourage bipartisan problem solv-
ing. If Michigan adopted the top-two-open-primary
approach, voters would be more likely to confront at
least one candidate running toward the middle of the
ideological spectrum, which could reduce partisan
polarization. This could produce legislators who would
be more interested in the views of the entire district
rather than just their own political party, or in our cur-
rent system, some small faction in their own political
party. Several southern states use something called a
Two changes to our electoral
system could oer some of the
benets that were promised by
term limits proponents: reducing
gerrymandering and revising our
primary elections.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
addressed, then citizens can move toward some less
partisan or non-partisan primary election system.
Some general good govern-
ment reforms might achieve
some of the lofty goals citi-
zens were told term limits
would deliver. But these re-
forms are unlikely to amelio-
rate many of the problems in-
troduced by term limits, which
arise from lack of experience
and a steep learning curve for
a complex job. For Michigan’s legislature to cope with
term limits, we will have to provide legislators with more
time to learn the job by lengthening their tenure in oce.
jungle primary in which all candidates run against each
other and unless one candidate receives more than 50
percent of the vote, a runo
between the top two vote re-
cipients ensues. This system
only works if gerrymandering
is restricted because in safely
partisan districts the top
vote recipient would almost
always receive more than
50 percent of the vote. So
rst and foremost, if voters
who support term limits really
want to increase the responsiveness of the legislators,
they need to work to change the current system for
drawing district boundaries. Once gerrymandering is
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For Michigan’s legislature to
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have to provide legislators with
more time to learn the job by
lengthening their tenure in oce.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
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ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
Lorem Ipsum Research Paper Title
Lorem Ipsum Sub-Heading
115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
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1 Mooney, C. Z. 2009. “Term Limits as a Boon to Leg-
islative Scholarship: A Review.”
State Politics and Policy
2 Fox, R. L., and J. L. Lawless. 2005. “To Run or Not
to Run for Oce: Explaining Nascent Political Ambition.”
American Journal of Political Science
49 (3): 642–59.
3 Bernstein, R. A., and A. Chadha. 2003. “The Eects of
Term Limits on Representation: Why So Few Women?” In
The Test of Time: Coping with Legislative Term Limits
, edited
by Rick Farmer, John D. Rausch, Jr., and John C. Green.
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
4 For other discussions of the predicted new breed of
term-limits legislator, see especially Caress and Kunioka
2012, DePalo 2015, Carey et al 2006.
5 Gaddie, R. K., and C. S. Bullock. 2000.
Elections to
Open Seats in the US House: Where the Action Is
. Lanham,
MD: Rowman and Littleeld.
6 Klarner, C., W. Berry, T. Carsey, M. Jewell, R. Niemi,
L. Powell, and J. Snyder. 2013. “State Legislative Elec-
tion Returns (1967–2010).” ICPSR34297-v1. Ann Arbor,
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social
[distributor], 2013-01-11.
7 Details of these estimates are discussed in
ing Term Limits: The Case of the Michigan Legislature
(Sarbaugh-Thompson and Thompson 2017).
8 See FiveThirtyEight’s The Gerrymandering Project,
michigan/, accessed March 14, 2018, and Bridge Maga-
zine, “Gerrymandering in Michigan is among the nation’s
worst, new test claims,”
claims, accessed March 14, 2018.
9 Shor, Boris and Nolan MCarty 2015. https://american- Site last visited 1/9/2018.
10 See Sarbaugh-Thompson, M., J. Strate, K. LeRoux,
R. C. Elling, L. Thompson, C. D. Elder (2010) “Legislators
and Administrators: Complex Relationships Complicated by
Term Limits,”
Legislative Studies Quarterly
35 (1): 57-89 for
a discussion of state legislative oversight and the dampening
inuence of term limits.
11 Scola, Nancy 2012. “Exposing ALEC: How Con-
servative-Backed State Laws Are All Connected,” The
Atlantic, April 14, 2012.
backed-state-laws-are-all-connected/255869/ site visited
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultrices mi velit, sit amet malesuada elit venenatis et.
Sed condimentum sodales justo, a molestie tortor mattis ut. Cras ornare rutrum lorem, a auctor sem hendrerit ac.
Quisque auctor eros eu dui pretium condimentum in in leo. Phasellus interdum tellus in elementum maximus. Quisque
ut condimentum nulla. Nunc lorem ligula, vehicula id pretium ut, gravida sit amet nunc.
Nam gravida turpis a nulla vehicula fringilla. Nam a luctus augue, nec ultrices est. Proin a feugiat massa, id vulputate
metus. Mauris id lacinia elit, et lobortis sem. Sed quis diam pulvinar, egestas urna at, mattis odio. Phasellus bibendum
nulla vitae maximus imperdiet. Vestibulum ac quam volutpat, commodo enim id, molestie tortor. Morbi dapibus dapibus
ornare. Pellentesque quis massa tellus. In interdum in lacus nec fermentum. Nullam ullamcorper euismod justo at
dictum. Phasellus aliquet ultrices dolor, vel tempor diam convallis quis. Vestibulum hendrerit dignissim enim nec
dapibus. Integer volutpat congue tincidunt. Vestibulum sed nunc leo.
Morbi sed sapien vitae urna pretium dignissim eu at sapien. Aliquam eu nisl volutpat, commodo mauris sed, pharetra
ante. Nulla lobortis lectus ac sem imperdiet, at fringilla ante commodo. Aliquam sed ullamcorper nisl. Nullam sollicitudin
dolor purus, nec cursus mauris mattis quis. Pellentesque consectetur tellus vel nisi elementum volutpat. Suspendisse
sed dolor sit amet libero tincidunt congue. In egestas libero neque, vel cursus dui blandit vel.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed imperdiet augue sit amet eros rhoncus egestas. Mauris mauris nunc, scelerisque eu dapibus
nec, hendrerit a dolor. Duis vel nisl porttitor, dictum nulla id, molestie lacus. Nulla vehicula placerat justo, vel semper
metus luctus sed. Cras blandit ultrices ipsum sed facilisis. Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam
ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare
vehicula ante.
Quisque sit amet venenatis eros. Nulla vulputate pulvinar mauris. Vestibulum pulvinar erat varius sem vestibulum, at
tristique nisl dapibus. Morbi hendrerit nisi malesuada, feugiat justo vitae, sagittis orci. Nam quis laoreet quam, a
faucibus risus. Morbi egestas molestie odio quis elementum. Suspendisse iaculis nisi id risus vehicula convallis. Donec
tincidunt congue fringilla.
Maecenas varius eros orci, sed mollis arcu finibus eu. Nullam ut quam ut lorem rutrum cursus non sed massa. Nunc sed
sollicitudin orci. Integer libero tellus, iaculis in orci ut, ornare vehicula ante.
Official Research Paper
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115 West Allegan Suite 480 | Lansing, MI 48933 | pg. 1
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23 Article in
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