For Camps Bowman, Marriott, & Olmsted
Table of Contents
Admin (Bowman only) ............................................................................................................ 3
Aquatics ................................................................................................................................. 3
Culture Craft (Bowman/Olmsted) & Eagle’s Eyrie (Marriott) .................................................... 5
Ecology (Marriott/Olmsted) & Nature (Bowman) ..................................................................... 8
Handicraft ..............................................................................................................................11
Scoutcraft ..............................................................................................................................13
Shooting Sports .....................................................................................................................15
Tech Center (Olmsted only) ...................................................................................................16
The Guild (Marriott only) ........................................................................................................17
New Scout Programs .............................................................................................................18
Older Scout Activities ............................................................................................................19
Merit Badge Index ...................................................................................................................20
COVID-19 Protocols
Stay up to date with the latest COVID protocols with regards to merit badges and other activities
on Goshen COVID protocols page:
A Note on Limited Class Size
Due to COVID-19, all classes will have size limits. These classes are first come, first served.
Once classes are full, further sign ups will be placed on a waitlist and added as space opens.
A Note on Prerequisites
Some Merit Badges have requirements which cannot (or should not) be completed at camp.
These requirements may be completed before or after camp, but in order to complete the
badges at camp, we will need evidence of completion of prerequisites.
If it says to do something (such as cook a meal, meet with your family, etc…)
Bring a note from an adult who was there and can verify completion of the requirements (ie
family member, scoutmaster, troop adult leader, etc.) Pictures are not required, but are
If it says to make something (such as prepare a survival kit, make an exercise plan, etc…)
Bring what you made to show your instructor! This includes written products such as menus and
other documents.
A Note on Open Program
Programs listed as “Part of Open Program” do not have online sign ups. For these activities,
scouts can participate by showing up to the program during Open Program for that program
Admin (Bowman only)
First Aid Merit Badge
At Camp Bowman.
See main entry under Scoutcraft.
Please Be Aware: Campers must pass BSA Swimmer’s Test to take Aquatics Merit
Adult Classes
Camp Bowman exclusive!
This time slot in the afternoon will cover the
BSA Swimming and Water Rescue
certification. Looking for practical skills to
build upon your Safe Swim Defense
training? This is the class for you. Sign up in
advance in the online registration. Not
attending Camp Bowman? Most camps will
provide skill or certification training upon
request. Ask your camp’s Aquatics Director
about training opportunities.
Prerequisites: Pass swimmer’s test,
complete Safe Swim Defense training
Canoeing Merit Badge
Learn the skills necessary to canoe with
confidence and style.
Prerequisites: Pass swimmer’s test.
Free Swim/Open Swim
Come cool off in the afternoon! Be sure to
bring a buddy. All levels of swimming ability
Instructional Swim
Not a Merit Badge. Basic swimming skills
instruction with completing the BSA
Swimmer’s Test in mind. Good for new
swimmers wishing to pass their swim check
before the end of the week.
Prerequisites: None
Kayaking Merit Badge
Flat water kayaking with instruction
dedicated to other types you may
experience. A good sense of balance helps
a lot!
Prerequisites: Pass swimmer’s test.
Lifesaving Merit Badge
A good challenge for older Scouts with
powerful swimming skills, teaching basic
water rescue skills and knowledge. Long
sleeve button-down shirt, pants, belt, shoes,
and socks need to be brought to camp.
Some requirements in this badge involve
physical proximity.
Prerequisites: Pass swimmer’s test, 2a,
Mile Swim Award
Good for Older Scouts.
An advanced challenge for strong
swimmers! It’s not just about completing
evening program’s Mile Swim! Check in with
the Aquatics Director to complete the other
requirements and earn the Award.
Prerequisites: Pass swimmer’s test.
Motorboating Merit Badge
Camp Bowman exclusive!
Recommended for 14 years and older.
This course allows you to take out a
motorboat and learn to drive around
beautiful Lake Merriweather.
Some requirements in this badge involve
physical proximity.
Prerequisites: Pass swimmer’s test.
Open Boating
Check out a boat and enjoy the serenity of
the lake. Bring a buddy! Must be a swimmer
to use a canoe or kayak or pilot a rowboat.
If a beginner, can be a passenger in a
rowboat with an adult who is a swimmer and
a buddy.
Rowing Merit Badge
Instruction on how to pilot a rowboat and
other rowing craft effectively. Good workout
for those inclined to strengthen their arms.
Prerequisites: Pass swimmer’s test.
Small Boat Sailing Merit Badge
Recommended for 13 years and older.
An especially fun badge that teaches sailing
on single and multi-hulled vessels shorter
than 15 feet in length. Requires a good
observer with coordination to do well.
Some requirements in this badge involve
physical proximity.
Prerequisites: Pass swimmer’s test
Swimming Merit Badge
Good for new Scouts.
Intermediate swimming instruction on the
finer points of in-water locomotion and
Some requirements in this badge involve
physical proximity.
Prerequisites: Pass swimmer’s test
Water Sports Merit Badge
Camps Bowman & Marriott exclusive!
Recommended for 14 years and older.
Waterskiing or wakeboarding instruction for
fit older Scouts who enjoy a challenge. Must
have good balance and overall strength to
withstand the stresses involved.
Some requirements in this badge involve
physical proximity.
Prerequisites: Pass swimmer’s test.
Culture Craft (Bowman/Olmsted) & Eagle’s Eyrie (Marriott)
American Cultures Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Camp Marriott: Combined with American
Explore the contributions of different racial,
cultural, national, and ethnic groups to the
melting pot that is the United States of
Prerequisites: None
American Heritage Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Camp Marriott: Combined with American
Cultures Merit Badge.
Scouts will learn about the rich culture and
heritage of the United States of America
from our founding in 1776 to present day
and what things in our past have developed
or current traditions.
Prerequisites: 3c, 4
Archaeology Merit Badge
Recommended for 13 years and older.
Before written history, we only have one
way to discover our past.
Prerequisites: None
Offered at Ecology at Camp Marriott.
Architecture Merit Badge
Camps Bowman & Olmsted exclusive!
Building has always satisfied the human
need to create something of meaning. Even
the simplest form of architecture is a work of
art that requires thought and planning.
Prerequisites: 1a, b
Offered at Handicraft at Camp Bowman.
Chess Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted: Scheduled and Open
Program options.
Good for new Scouts.
Scouts in this badge will learn the basic
terminology and strategy of the centuries
old game of chess, including reacting
against an opponent and planning your
Prerequisites: None
Citizenship in the Nation Merit
Recommended for 13 years and older.
Scouts will learn about what it takes to be a
good citizen in the United States of
America. Be prepared to participate as well
as write on multiple days.
Prerequisites: 5, 7
Citizenship in the World Merit
Recommended for 13 years and older.
Scouts will learn about being good world
citizens by learning about their
responsibilities as such and the
responsibilities of other people all around
the world. Be prepared to participate in
Prerequisites: None
Communication Merit Badge
Scouts will learn about the importance of
good communication and how vital
communication is to our everyday lives. Be
prepared to write a 5 minute speech, an
advertisement, and have discussions.
Requires time outside of class. Pencil and
paper must be brought every day.
Prerequisites: 8
Offered at the Tech Center at Camp
Entrepreneurship Merit Badge
Camps Bowman & Marriott exclusive!
Camp Marriott: Combined with
Salesmanship Merit Badge.
Learn about starting businesses and think
up your own.
Prerequisites: 3
Goshen History
Camps Bowman & Marriott exclusive!
Camps Bowman & Marriott: Part of Evening
Not a Merit Badge. Learn the legends and
lore of Goshen Scout Reservation. From the
origins and ghost stories to the modern day
events that shaped our camp.
Journalism Merit Badge
Camps Bowman & Olmsted exclusive!
Camp Olmsted: Combined with
Photography Merit Badge.
Get the scoop on how to gather facts and
report the news.
Prerequisites: 2, 4
Law Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Learn about legal traditions from the dawn
of civilization to our present legal codes,
how our civil and criminal laws were
developed, and the types of careers in the
legal field. Be prepared to participate in a
mock trial!
Prerequisites: 4, 7
Moviemaking Merit Badge
Camps Marriott & Olmsted exclusive!
Make a movie of your week at camp with
the skills you learn in this badge.
Prerequisites: None
Offered at Handicraft at Camp Marriott.
Personal Management Merit
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Learn the basic life skills of managing
personal finance, making budgets, and
managing your time.
Prerequisites: 1ab, 2, 8
Photography Merit Badge
At Camp Olmsted.
See main entry under Handicraft.
Public Speaking Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted: Part of Open Program.
Develop your confidence speaking in front
of a group. This course will include multiple
opportunities to write and deliver speeches
and talks in front of a group.
Prerequisites: None
Salesmanship Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Camp Marriott: Combined with
Entrepreneurship Merit Badge.
Study how salespeople work and learn how
you can use the skills in your life.
Prerequisites: 5
Theater Merit Badge
Camp Bowman exclusive!
Scouts will learn to appreciate live
performances as members of the audience
as well as go behind the footlights to see
the view from the other side.
Prerequisites: 1
Ecology (Marriott/Olmsted) & Nature (Bowman)
Animal Science Merit Badge
Camps Marriott & Olmsted exclusive!
Get an introduction to the biology of farm
animals. This badge covers general topics
on a range of farm animals and goes in
depth into horses.
Prerequisites: None
Archaeology Merit Badge
At Camp Marriott
See main entry under Culture Craft.
Astronomy Merit Badge
Address the allure of reaching beyond our
own world. Scouts must be available for
several nights to participate in a star party
on a clear night.
Prerequisites: 5b
Offered at the Tech Center at Camp
Bird Study Merit Badge
Learn about the diversity and impact of
birds in the environment. This is a time
consuming badge and requires work outside
of instruction time.
Prerequisites: 5
Chemistry Merit Badge
Camps Bowman & Olmsted exclusive!
Good for older Scouts.
Explore and experiment with the behaviors
and interactions of chemicals we use in our
everyday lives and see how chemistry is
used in the world.
Prerequisites: None
Energy Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Learn about energy and conservation by
auditing your home, discussing what powers
America, and learning how we can all be
more energy efficient.
Prerequisites: 1a, 4
Engineering Merit Badge
Use scientific principles to invent, design,
and build. Completion of requirement 4 is
based on the availability of an engineer to
meet with the class during the week.
Prerequisites: 4
Offered at the Tech Center at Camp
Offered at The Guild at Camp Marriott.
Environmental Science Merit
Recommended for 13 years and older.
Learn about the relevance of the scientific
view of nature. This is a time consuming
badge and requires work outside of
instruction time.
Prerequisites: None
Exploration Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Learn about exploring through the ages and
go on your own expedition during the week.
Prerequisites: None
Fishing Merit Badge
Camp Bowman & Olmsted exclusive!
Learn about the sport of fishing. Scouts will
most likely need to spend time outside of
class to catch fish. Fishing rod
Prerequisites: 9, 10
Offered at Scoutcraft at Camp Olmsted.
Forestry Merit Badge
Learn about the importance of forests to
humans and wildlife and how they are
managed. Requires siesta event to meet a
Prerequisites: None
Geology Merit Badge
Camps Bowman, Marriott, & Olmsted:
Combined with Mining in Society Merit
Even the rocks have a story to tell.
Prerequisites: None
Mammal Study Merit Badge
Camps Marriott & Olmsted: Part of Open
Good for new Scouts.
Find out how mammals play into the
Prerequisites: None
Mining in Society Merit Badge
Camps Bowman, Marriott, & Olmsted:
Combined with Geology Merit Badge.
Explore both the history and current status
of mining and learn about modern mining
careers and mining safety.
Prerequisites: None
Nature Merit Badge
Camps Marriott & Olmsted exclusive!
Camp Olmsted: Part of Open Program
Understanding the connection between soil,
plants, and animal life and the impact we
have upon it, is important to preserving the
wilderness and to our own well-being as
members of the web of nature. Requires a
large amount of requirements to be
completed outside of instruction time.
Prerequisites: 4 (if cannot complete at
Nuclear Science Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
Nuclear energy is used in many different
disciplines today, from medicine to space
exploration. Learn about the parts of an
atomic nucleus and the energy that it can
Prerequisites: None
Oceanography Merit Badge
Good for older Scouts.
An opportunity to study the greater part of
the Earth. Requires completion of a 500
word essay.
Prerequisites: None
Reptile and Amphibian Study Merit
Camps Marriott & Olmsted exclusive!
Camp Olmsted: Part of Open Program
Learn about the biology and habitat of
reptiles and amphibians.
Prerequisites: 8
Soil and Water Conservation Merit
Camps Bowman & Olmsted exclusive!
Learn about the underlying reason for our
Prerequisites: None
Space Exploration Merit Badge
Good for new Scouts.
How are we getting into space and what do
we do once we’re there? In addition to
learning about space, Scouts will build a
model rocket and launch it during evening
program as part of this Merit Badge.
Class fee is $15.
Prerequisites: None
Offered at the Tech Center at Camp
Weather Merit Badge
Learn the basics of predicting and tracking
weather patterns.
Prerequisites: 9
American Labor Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
Learn about the past and present of the
American labor movement.
Prerequisites: None
Architecture Merit Badge
At Camp Bowman.
See main entry under Culture Craft.
Camp Bowman: Part of Evening Program.
Camp Marriott: Part of Open Program.
Camp Olmsted: Combined with Sculpture
Merit Badge.
Good for new Scouts.
Get creative! A good Merit Badge for any
Scout. Allows Scouts to produce creative
Prerequisites: 6
Basketry Merit Badge
Good for new Scouts.
Camps Marriott & Olmsted: Part of Open
Learn about baskets and make woven
souvenirs to take home. Projects include a
round basket, a square basket, and a small
stool. To avoid confusion, please wait and
buy materials at camp. This badge can call
for Scouts to put in extra work.
Cost of materials is $15 to $25.
Prerequisites: None
Collections Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
Do you collect something? If so, this badge
is for you! Make sure to bring pictures of
your collection to camp. Stamp and coin
collecting are excluded from eligibility from
this badge.
Prerequisites: None
Crime Prevention Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
Awareness is the first step in preventing
crime. Learn how agencies and programs in
your community work to prevent crime and
what you can to do to help.
Prerequisites: 4, 7
Fingerprinting Merit Badge
Camps Marriott & Olmsted exclusive!
Camps Marriott & Olmsted: Part of Open
Good for new Scouts.
Learn about fingerprints and how we have
come to use them today.
Prerequisites: None
Analyze tactics and strategies that went into
designing various games and learn how to
use these tactics and strategies to create
games of your own. Good for any Scout!
Prerequisites: 8
Offered at the Tech Center at Camp
Inventing Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
Are you ready to be one of the top
innovators of tomorrow? Get your start here.
Prerequisites: 8
Leatherwork Merit Badge
Good for new Scouts.
Camps Marriott & Olmsted: Part of Open
Learn about leather and make some
souvenirs to take home. Projects include a
knife pouch and a segment of woven gimp.
Cost of materials $10 to $20.
Prerequisites: None
Moviemaking Merit Badge
At Camp Marriott.
See main entry under Culture Craft.
Music Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Camp Marriott: Part of Open Program
One of the original 57 Merit Badges issued
by the BSA, this badge is great for Scouts
with an interest in music and basic music
Prerequisites: 3
Photography Merit Badge
Olmsted: Combined with Journalism.
Good for Scouts who like technology and
wish to learn the basics of photography.
Scouts are encouraged to bring their own
digital camera. Bring a flash drive for photo
sharing. Scouts must have completed their
Cyber Chip.
Prerequisites: 1a
Offered at Culture Craft at Camp Olmsted.
Pottery Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Learn about the art of pottery and ceramics.
Use a pottery wheel, kiln, and sculpting
tools to make art.
Prerequisites: None
Sculpture Merit Badges
Camps Bowman & Olmsted exclusive!
Camp Olmsted: combined with Art.
Express your creativity in 3D and learn
about the importance of visual arts.
Prerequisites: None
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
From physical fitness to sportsmanship and
everything in between. Scouts should
review the requirements before committing
to this badge.
Prerequisites: 4, 5
Welding Merit Badge
Camp Marriott & Bowman exclusive!
Recommended for older Scouts.
Learn the fundamentals and techniques of
welding, along with how to safely work with
welding equipment.
Prerequisites: None
Offered at The Guild at Camp Marriott.
Wood Carving Merit Badge
Camp Marriott: Part of Open Program.
Learn about the hobby of carving and make
carved souvenirs to take home. Projects
include a relief carving and a neckerchief
slide. Scouts must have Totin’ Chip. Bring
money to first class.
Cost of materials $3 to $8.
Prerequisites: 2a
Camping Merit Badge
Offers an introduction to many basic
outdoor skills, including trip planning,
packing, Leave No Trace, basic land
navigation, and gear familiarization. Difficult
to complete at camp. Opportunities for 9c
will be available outside of class.
Prerequisites: 4b, 5e, 7, 8cd, 9abc
Cooking Merit Badge
Camps Bowman & Marriott exclusive!
Good for older Scouts.
Scouts will learn the skills to safely handle
and prepare food, and then develop the
basic skills required to make a meal.
Prerequisites: 4, 6
Offered at The Guild at Camp Marriott.
Emergency Preparedness Merit
Good for older Scouts.
Introduces Scouts to various aspects of
emergency planning and response,
including advanced first aid, search and
rescue, backcountry emergency response,
and emergency prevention and recovery.
Need to have First Aid Merit Badge or be
taking concurrently. Need to have First Aid
skills prior to camp. Need to bring personal
emergency kit to camp.
Some requirements in this badge involve
physical proximity.
Prerequisites: 1, 2c, 8b
Fire Building Skills
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Camp Marriott: Part of Open Program
Not a Merit Badge. Hang out with the
Scoutcraft staff and learn tips and tricks for
building fires.
First Aid Merit Badge
Good for older Scouts.
Teaches basic first aid for common injuries
and medical emergencies that Scouts may
Some requirements in this badge involve
physical proximity.
Prerequisites: 1
Offered at Admin at Camp Bowman.
Fishing Merit Badge
At Camp Olmsted.
See main entry under Ecology/Nature.
Geocaching Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Geocaching is kind of like treasure hunting
with a GPS! Find and place geocaches
while learning about geocaching culture and
practices. It is a good idea to bring trinkets
(like toy soldiers) so you can trade.
Prerequisites: None
Orienteering Merit Badge
Good for older Scouts.
Teaches the sport of orienteering and the
principles of land navigation. Compass
Prerequisites: 7 (some courses may be
offered at camp outside of class time)
Paul Bunyan Award
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Camp Marriott: Part of Open Program.
Recommended for older Scouts.
An award offered to Scouts who want to
learn advanced handling of axes, hatchets,
and bow saws. Recommended for older
Scouts. Must have Totin’ Chip to take
Prerequisites: 3
Pioneering Merit Badge
Good for older Scouts.
Teaches Scouts knot tying, lashings, rope
care, and advanced rope techniques so that
by the end of the week, they can design and
construct a large scale pioneering project.
Prerequisites: None
Pioneering Skills
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Camp Marriott: Part of Open Program.
Not a Merit Badge. Learn the skills for rank
advancement requirements with whipping
and fusing, knots, and lashings. What will
you build?
Prerequisites: None
Pioneering Projects
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
Camp Olmsted: Part of Open Program.
Not a Merit Badge. Come build cool projects
with the Scoutcraft staff!
Radio Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Camp Marriott: Combined with Signs,
Signals, and Codes Merit Badge.
Radio is many things: a broadcast for music
or news, a hobby and a community, a
survival skill, and more. Learn about the
technology behind it all.
Prerequisites: 7
Search and Rescue Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Good for older Scouts.
Teaches the theory and practice of search
and rescue.
Prerequisites: None
Signs, Signals, and Codes Merit
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Camp Marriott: Combined with Radio Merit
Learn about the importance of signs,
signals, and codes in the past as well as
during our current age.
Prerequisites: None
Wilderness Survival Merit Badge
Teaches survival mentality, firecraft,
improvised shelter, survival techniques for
different environments, and signaling and
rescue readiness. Scouts will hike up the
mountain and spend the night in a shelter
they must construct. Not recommended for
first year Scouts.
Prerequisites: 5
Shooting Sports
Our different camps offer Shooting Sports Merit Badges in different scheduling formats based
on how the staff of that camp have best success with the scouts they teach.
Camp Bowman & Camp Olmsted
When scouts sign up for Shooting Sports Merit Badges, they are signed up for a block in the
morning and in the afternoon. For example, Archery A is Period 1 and Period 4. Archery B is
Period 2 and 5.
Camp Marriott
Shooting Sports Merit Badges are in 2 hour blocks. Scouts should select either a morning block
or an afternoon block.
Archery Merit Badge
Learn the fundamentals and safety involved
with archery. 2 hours daily. Not
recommended for first year Scouts.
Prerequisites: None
Open Shoot
A shooting session for anyone who wants to
Rifle Shooting Merit Badge
Learn the fundamentals and safety involved
with rifle shooting and handling. 2 hours
daily. Not recommended for first year
Prerequisites: None
Shotgun Shooting Merit Badge
Recommended for 13 years and older,
though largely dependent on the size of
the Scout.
Learn the fundamentals and safety involved
with shotgun shooting and handling.
Class fee $50.
Prerequisites: None
Tech Center (Olmsted only)
Animation Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
Tell stories, test your creativity, and
demonstrate your artistic skills.
Prerequisites: None
Astronomy Merit Badge
At Camp Olmsted.
See main entry under Ecology/Nature.
Aviation Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
An introduction to the world of mechanical
flight and the aircraft industry.
Prerequisites: 4a OR b OR c
Communication Merit Badge
At Camp Olmsted.
See main entry under Culture Craft/Eagle’s
Digital Technology Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
It is now part of our everyday lives, but just
how tech savvy are you? Requires up to
date Cyber Chip.
Prerequisites: 1
Electricity Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
Camp Olmsted: Part of Open Program
Learn what happens when you turn on a
switch and make your own electrical
Prerequisites: 2, 8
Electronics Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
Camp Olmsted: Part of Open Program
Apply your knowledge of electricity to
complete circuit boards and other electronic
Prerequisites: None
Engineering Merit Badge
At Camp Olmsted
See main entry under Ecology/Nature.
At Camp Olmsted.
See main entry under Handicraft.
Programming Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
In this tech-focused badge, Scouts will learn
about the history and current standards of
programming and be able to put their coding
skills to the test with three projects.
Prerequisites: None
Robotics Merit Badge
Camp Olmsted exclusive!
Enter the fun world of robotics and be
prepared to compete by the end of the
Prerequisites: None
Space Exploration Merit Badge
At Camp Olmsted.
See main entry under Ecology/Nature.
The Guild (Marriott only)
Automotive Maintenance
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Good for older Scouts.
Get hands on experience with our old camp
vehicles and learn about the inner-workings
of cars, trucks, and other motor vehicles.
Prerequisites: None
Composite Materials Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Take on a new type of craft. Learn about
composite materials and use them to
complete projects.
Prerequisites: 4
Cooking Merit Badge
At Camp Marriott.
See main entry under Scoutcraft.
Engineering Merit Badge
At Camp Marriott.
See main entry under Ecology/Nature.
Metalwork Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Good for older Scouts.
Learn about the different areas of metalwork
and try your hand at working with sheet
metal and blacksmithing. You’ll need your
arm strength here!
Prerequisites: None
Plumbing Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Plumbing is all about the systems that keep
us comfortable. Practice cutting, threading,
and soldering and be prepared for the next
time something springs a leak.
Prerequisites: None
Traffic Safety Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Thinking about getting your learner’s permit
or your driver’s license? Riding your bicycle
or scooter around town? Be prepared with
this badge and learn all about safety on the
Prerequisites: 5
Welding Merit Badge
At Camp Marriott.
See main entry under Handicraft.
Woodwork Merit Badge
Camp Marriott exclusive!
Good for older Scouts.
Although they both work with wood,
woodworking requires a different set of tools
that wood carving and creates larger scale
projects, like furniture, birdhouses, toys, and
such. Completion of requirement 7 is based
on the availability of a cabinetmaker or
carpenter to meet with the class during the
Prerequisites: 1c, 7
New Scout Programs
Each of the Scouts BSA camps offers its own program for new Scouts. These programs are
designed to introduce the Scout that has just crossed over or just joined to Scouts BSA and
Scout Camp. All programs offer a mix of advancement requirements from Scout, Tenderfoot,
Second Class, and First Class, a chance to earn Merit Badges, and, of course, fun!
To see what requirements are covered and the Merit Badges and activities available for each
program, please refer to the schedules for the specific camps.
Bowman Brigade
At Camp Bowman
To register, sign up for the
afternoon advancement
session. Then, sign up for
Merit Badges or other
activities to complete your
daily schedule. Campers
can also sign up for Merit
Badges in the evening on
the day of arrival.
New Scout Quest
At Camp Marriott
To register, sign up for all
day advancement session.
Part of this schedule will
include Merit Badges,
which Scouts will select at
camp as part of the
program. Spaces in select
Merit Badges have been
reserved for NSQ
participants, including the
entirety of Swimming D as
one of the options.
At Camp Olmsted
To register, sign up for the
afternoon or morning
advancement session.
Then, sign up for Merit
Badges or other activities
to complete your daily
Older Scout Activities
In addition to advanced Merit Badges and activities, Older Scouts can take part in four of the
reservation-wide programs offered to Scouts at the three Goshen Scout Camps Bowman,
Marriott, and Olmsted. When necessary, Scouts should arrange transportation with the Camp
Staff at the Admin building or provide their own transportation.
ATV Program
Must be 16 years or older.
Not a Merit Badge. Explore the beautiful
scenery of Goshen Scout Reservation while
learning how to safely operate an All Terrain
Vehicle. Participants must bring a long
sleeve shirt, long pants, and sturdy shoes.
This program is offered at Camp Post.
Class fee $60.
Climbing Merit Badge
Recommended for older Scouts.
Learn about the fundamentals and basics of
climbing, belaying, and belaying safety.
Classes take place in hour and a half
sections at the Camp Post climbing wall.
Prerequisites: None
Recommended for older Scouts.
Not a Merit Badge. Challenging Outdoor
Personal Experience, or COPE, is a positive
learning experience for an individual or
group. Learn leadership skills, teamwork,
and build confidence with other Scouts by
completing team-building initiatives along
with both low and high ropes courses.
COPE is offered at Camp Post.
Goshen Vets
Recommended for 14 years and up.
Not a Merit Badge. Goshen Vets is
Goshen's premier customizable program,
intended for older scouts and offering more
freedom than any other program on the
lake. Take advantage of the coolest
activities at Goshen, including waterskiing,
wakeboarding, shooting, hiking, and a Taste
of Lenhok’sin with visits to outposts (All
activities are subject to availability, and the
ages and abilities of the Vets participants.
21+ leadership may be required for
activities outside of base camps). The first
Goshen Vets meeting will be on Monday at
9am near the Camp Bowman Admin
Merit Badge Index
American Cultures · 5
American Heritage · 5
American Labor · 11
Animal Science · 8
Animation · 16
Archaeology · 5
Archery · 15
Architecture · 5
Art · 11
Astronomy · 8
Automotive Maintenance · 17
Aviation · 16
Basketry · 11
Bird Study · 8
Camping · 13
Canoeing · 3
Chemistry · 8
Chess · 5
Citizenship in the Nation · 5
Citizenship in the World · 5
Climbing · 19
Collections · 11
Communication · 6
Composite Materials · 17
Cooking · 13
Crime Prevention · 11
Digital Technology · 16
Electricity · 16
Electronics · 16
Emergency Preparedness · 13
Energy · 8
Engineering · 8
Entrepreneurship · 6
Environmental Science · 8
Exploration · 8
Fingerprinting · 11
First Aid · 13
Fishing · 9
Forestry · 9
Game Design · 11
Geocaching · 13
Geology · 9
Inventing · 12
Journalism · 6
Kayaking · 3
Law · 6
Leatherwork · 12
Lifesaving · 3
Mammal Study · 9
Metalwork · 17
Mining in Society · 9
Motorboating · 4
Moviemaking · 6
Music · 6
Nature · 9
Nuclear Science · 9
Oceanography · 9
Orienteering · 13
Personal Management · 6
Photography · 12
Pioneering · 14
Plumbing · 17
Pottery · 12
Programming · 16
Public Speaking · 6
Radio · 14
Reptile and Amphibian Study · 9
Rifle Shooting · 15
Robotics · 16
Rowing · 4
Salesmanship · 7
Sculpture · 12
Search and Rescue · 14
Shotgun Shooting · 15
Signs, Signals, and Codes · 14
Small Boat Sailing · 4
Soil and Water Conservation · 10
Space Exploration · 10
Sports · 12
Swimming · 4
Theater · 7
Traffic Safety · 17
Water Sports · 4
Weather · 10
Welding · 12
Wilderness Survival · 14
Wood Carving · 12
Woodwork · 17