Application Guide for NUS Scholarships AY2024/2025
Company Registration No. 200604346E
University Town, Stephen Riady Centre, 2 College Avenue West, #01-03, Singapore 138607
Tel: (65) 6516 1010 (UG Admissions Hotline) | Website:
Application Guide for NUS Scholarships
Application Overview
o Application for NUS Scholarships
o Referee Report
o Shortlisting Process
o Application Results
o Questions?
Before you start
o Things to note
o Returning National Servicemen (RNS) with a reserved undergraduate
Application Form
o Sections
o Editing application and uploading additional documents
o Supporting Documents Guide
Application Guide for NUS Scholarships AY2024/2025
Company Registration No. 200604346E
University Town, Stephen Riady Centre, 2 College Avenue West, #01-03, Singapore 138607
Tel: (65) 6516 1010 (UG Admissions Hotline) | Website:
Application for NUS Scholarships
Scholarship applications can be submitted only after applications for admission to NUS have been
submitted. You may apply for NUS Scholarships here.
You will need to complete all relevant sections of your online application before submission. To ensure
the security of your personal data, any saved / in-progress applications will automatically be deleted after
8 calendar days if you do not make the final submission. If your application is deleted, please start new
application. Hence, we would advise you to save a local copy of your application details on your device
while you access the online application form, if you do not wish to submit your application immediately.
You may also delete your existing draft and start a new application if you need to.
Supporting documents are to be uploaded and submitted within the online application form. Please refer
to the Supporting Documents Guide
for the list of supporting documents to prepare.
The deadline for scholarship application is 19 March 2024.
Referee Report
One referee report is to be submitted online separately by your JC/Polytechnic/High School Principal or
Tutor via
. Your referee will be notified via email to
access the portal after you have applied for NUS Scholarships. The email will contain your application
number, which is required for your referee to login to submit your report.
The deadline for the referee report submission is 26 March 2024.
Shortlisting Process
NUS Scholarships applicants will be assessed on their suitability for the scholarships, based on the strength
of their applications and their performance in the scholarship selection interview(s), if shortlisted. You will
be notified via email if you need to attend an interview.
Selection interviews will be conducted from late-March onwards, and applicants will be informed of their
scholarship application outcomes by late-May.
Please ensure that you are available to attend the interviews (if shortlisted) in order to be considered for
Application Guide for NUS Scholarships AY2024/2025
Company Registration No. 200604346E
University Town, Stephen Riady Centre, 2 College Avenue West, #01-03, Singapore 138607
Tel: (65) 6516 1010 (UG Admissions Hotline) | Website:
Application Results
You may view your application outcome at the Applicant Portal.
You will receive an email notifying you on the outcome of your scholarship application by end May.
If you are offered a scholarship, the scholarships offer letter will be available at the Applicant Portal. Do
remember to indicate your response to the offer by the deadline stated in the portal!
Visit the NUS Scholarships website for more details.
Alternatively, you may send us your questions at!
Application Guide for NUS Scholarships AY2024/2025
Company Registration No. 200604346E
University Town, Stephen Riady Centre, 2 College Avenue West, #01-03, Singapore 138607
Tel: (65) 6516 1010 (UG Admissions Hotline) | Website:
Before your start
Things to note
1) For best user experience, please use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Other browsers (such as
Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge versions before version 44.17763) may experience compatibility
2) Login to the application portal by Social Account or Application Number. You are required to use the
same personal email and social account you have used to apply for Admissions.
3) To ensure information entered is saved, you are required to use the button “Save and Next” to
proceed to the next page of the application form. You will be logged out if your session idles for more
than 30 minutes. As saved applications will be automatically deleted after 8 calendar days, we would
advise you to save a local copy of your application details on your device if you do not wish to submit
your application immediately.
4) If you wish to save the application and continue next time, please click “Log out” before your close
the browser.
Returning National Servicemen (RNS) with a reserved undergraduate programme and
who applied for admissions in AY2022 and/or AY2023
If you are a returning NS man who has a reserved undergraduate programme in NUS and previously
applied for admissions in the AY2022 or AY2023 exercise (more information at
men), please follow the steps below to apply for NUS Scholarships for AY2024.
If you wish to apply for a new undergraduate programme in AY2024, please do the following:
o Submit a new admissions application in AY2024
o Apply for NUS Scholarships by logging in with your new Application number (under new
undergraduate programme)
f you had applied for admissions in AY2022 or AY2023 and you do not wish to apply for a new
undergraduate programme and wish to enrol with your reserved undergraduate programme,
please follow the steps below.
o Apply for NUS Scholarships by logging in with your Application number (under reserved
undergraduate programme)
Application Guide for NUS Scholarships AY2024/2025
Company Registration No. 200604346E
University Town, Stephen Riady Centre, 2 College Avenue West, #01-03, Singapore 138607
Tel: (65) 6516 1010 (UG Admissions Hotline) | Website:
Application Form
1) Personal details
You may edit your email address here.
2) Scholarship Choice
You may select more than 1 other scholarship, including the NUS Global Merit
Scholarship and NUS Merit Scholarship. The details of the scholarships available for
selection can be found here
3) Other Awards
If you are receiving other scholarships, bursaries, grants, awards or any financial
assistance for your study in NUS, please indicate the details in this section.
4) Achievement
You may add your significant co-curricular activities, community service, internships
and other achievements in this section. Each Achievement should contain the details
of the Activity, Level, Level of Achievement, Position Held, Name of
Activity/Organisation/Employer, Start date, End date and the Key contribution
description. Up to 10 such achievements can be submitted.
You are also required to submit your answers to 5 short questions in this section. Your answers should
state why you should be offered a scholarship and you should elaborate on how you have exemplified
the five NUS values of Innovation, Resilience, Excellence, Respect and Integrity. Each spacing,
punctuation or paragraphing are counted as a character.
5) Referee Nomination
Indicate your referee’s details in this section. We will need your referee’s Salutation,
Full Name, Designation, Relationship, Organisation, Email and Contact number.
Do ensure that you key in your referee email address correctly as your referee can
only access the report submission report with an OTP sent to his/her email.
Application Guide for NUS Scholarships AY2024/2025
Company Registration No. 200604346E
University Town, Stephen Riady Centre, 2 College Avenue West, #01-03, Singapore 138607
Tel: (65) 6516 1010 (UG Admissions Hotline) | Website:
6) Documents
Upload your supporting documents in this section. The required documents are found
in the Supporting Documents Guide
7) Declaration
After completing all 7 sections above, you will reach a Submission Summary page where you are to
ensure that the information keyed in are correct and you may print and keep a copy of the summary
page, before clicking “Submit”. If any information is keyed in wrongly, you may navigate back to the
relevant page to edit before submitting your application.
You will receive an email titled “Scholarship Application Received” if your application has been received.
Editing application and uploading additional documents
You may do the following via the Applicant Portal (Scholarships section), after you have submitted your
online application:
check application status
view your application summary
edit your answers in the Achievement section only
submit additional documents
All the best in your Application!
Application Guide for NUS Scholarships AY2024/2025
Company Registration No. 200604346E
University Town, Stephen Riady Centre, 2 College Avenue West, #01-03, Singapore 138607
Tel: (65) 6516 1010 (UG Admissions Hotline) | Website:
Supporting Documents Guide
Please prepare and submit clear copies of the following supporting documents in your online scholarship
application. You may also submit your supporting documents at the Applicant Portal at:
by the application deadline, after you have submitted your
Your scholarship application is deemed incomplete if the required documents are not submitted in your
application, and you may not be shortlisted for interview.
Please upload the following documents in PDF format (if possible). The maximum allowable file size is
10MB. If you have multiple documents to be uploaded for a specific category, please combine them as
one file before uploading i.e. combine Co-curricular Activity Records for Junior College / High School and
Secondary School into one file. Name your file based on the following naming convention: <Application
No>_<Full Name> _<Type of Documents> (e.g. 12345678_James Tan_CCA Records).
1. One recent passport sized photograph
2. Junior College/Polytechnic/High School examination results, i.e., GCE 'A' Levels examination
results, Polytechnic Diploma results, International Baccalaureate Diploma results, NUS High
School Diploma or equivalent results
3. Junior College/Polytechnic/High School and Secondary School co-curricular activity records
4. Testimonials (if available)
5. Certificates of Achievements, if applicable
6. NRIC (front & back) / Passport / Birth Certificate
7. One online Referee Report to be submitted by your school principal, teacher or tutor via the
Referee Portal
. Please download the instruction sheet for referees from
source/scholarship/nus_scholarships_referee_information_sheet.pdf and forward it to your
referee for his/her necessary action