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Table of Contents
000. LEGAL AUTHORITY. ........................................................................................ 2
001. TITLE AND SCOPE. ......................................................................................... 2
002. WRITTEN INTERPRETATIONS. ...................................................................... 2
003. ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS. .......................................................................... 2
004. -- 009. (RESERVED). ........................................................................................ 2
010. DEFINITIONS. .................................................................................................. 2
011. ADMINISTRATION. .......................................................................................... 2
012. -- 999. (RESERVED). ........................................................................................ 6
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Chapter 02
These rules are promulgated pursuant to the authority granted the Industrial Commission by Sections 72-508, 72-720,
72-721, 72-722, and 72-723, Idaho Code. (7-1-97)
These rules shall be cited as IDAPA 17.06.02, “Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Rules - Administration,” and shall
be applicable to all boilers, pressure vessels, water heaters, hot water storage tanks, and nuclear components
manufactured or installed in the state of Idaho, except those specifically exempted in these rules. (7-1-97)
There are no written statements which pertain to the interpretation of these rules. (7-1-97)
There are no provisions for administrative appeal of these rules. The procedure for appeals in safety matters is
prescribed by Sections 72-722 and 72-714 through 72-718, Idaho Code. (7-1-97)
004. -- 009. (RESERVED).
For definitions refer to IDAPA 17.06.01, “Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Rules - General Requirements,” Section
010. (7-1-97)
01. Incorporation by Reference. (7-1-97)
a. The National Board Inspection Code 1998; parts RA, RB, RC, RD; Mandatory Appendices 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7; and Non-mandatory Appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, G; latest addenda; and interpretations are adopted for use
in Idaho in all matters dealing with boilers, pressure vessels, and nuclear components. (7-1-99)
b. The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 1998; Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI;
latest addenda; and code cases are adopted for use in Idaho in all matters dealing with boilers, pressure vessels, and
nuclear components. (7-1-99)
c. The ASME CSD-1 1995, Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers. (7-1-97)
d. The ASME B31.1 1997, Power Piping Standard (As it applies directly to boilers). (7-1-99)
02. Construction. (7-1-97)
a. All new boilers, pressure vessels, nationally listed water heaters, hot water storage tanks, and
nuclear components, unless otherwise exempt, to be shipped, installed, or operated in the State of Idaho shall be
designed, constructed, inspected, stamped, and installed in accordance with the ASME code, the latest addenda, and
code cases, and standards accepted by the National Board thereto in effect, and these rules. Any new boilers, pressure
vessels, nationally listed water heaters, hot water storage tanks, and nuclear components, exempted from the
requirements of the ASME Code by the ASME Code as accepted by the National Board shall have satisfied the
requirements of this section, except to the extent these rules establish additional local requirements on inspection,
registration, and installation. (7-1-97)
b. Boilers, pressure vessels, and nuclear components for which an ASME (or other codes and
standards accepted by the National Board) Manufacturers Data Report is required shall bear the manufacturers
“NB” number as registered with the National Board and/or an ASME code stamp as applicable. A copy of the
Industrial Commission Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Rules - Administration
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Manufacturer’s, Data Report signed by the manufacturers representative and the National Board authorized
inspector shall be filed with the National Board and a copy filed with the Department for all boilers, pressure vessels,
and nuclear components manufactured in or shipped into Idaho. (7-1-97)
c. All boilers, pressure vessels, water heaters, hot water storage tanks, and nuclear components, unless
exempted by these rules shall have a state of Idaho registration number permanently affixed to the object by a State of
Idaho commissioned Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector. (7-1-97)
03. Registration Fees. (7-1-97)
04. Notification. (7-1-97)
a. Before a new or secondhand boiler, pressure vessel, or nuclear component is installed in the state of
Idaho notification shall be filed with the Department. (7-1-97)
b. All insurance companies shall notify the Department, within thirty (30) days of all boilers, pressure
vessels, or nuclear systems on which insurance is written, discontinued, canceled, not renewed, or suspended because
of unsafe conditions. (7-1-97)
c. When an accident occurs to a boiler, pressure vessel, or nuclear system, the owner or user shall
promptly notify the Department and submit a detailed report of the accident. In the event of a personal injury or any
explosion, notice shall be given immediately by telephone, fax, E-Mail, or messenger, and neither the boiler, pressure
vessel, nuclear system, nor any parts thereof shall be removed or disturbed before permission has been given by the
inspector of record, except for the purpose of saving human life and limiting consequential damage. The insurer of
record shall provide the Department a written report of the findings as to cause of the accident. (7-1-97)
05. Inspection. (7-1-97)
a. All boilers, pressure vessels, water heaters, hot water storage tanks, and nuclear components
installed or operated in the state of Idaho shall have an inspection conducted by a person holding a certificate of
competency and an Idaho Commission, in accordance with IDAPA 17.06.03, “Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety
Rules - Inspections,” Subsection 011.06, which must result in the issuance of a certificate of inspection before such
vessel is placed into operation. Only if the boiler, pressure vessel, water heater, hot water tank, or nuclear component
is safe in the judgment of the boiler and pressure vessel inspector, following a thorough inspection may a certificate
of inspection be issued. If in the opinion of the inspector the boiler, pressure vessel, or nuclear component is unsafe,
the inspector shall prohibit the use of the boiler, pressure vessel, or nuclear component until it is made safe. (7-1-97)
06. Exemptions. (7-1-97)
a. Listed or approved boilers (hot water heaters) or pressure vessels (hot water tanks) with a nominal
water capacity of one hundred twenty (120) gallons or less, having a heat input of two hundred thousand (200,000)
BTUs per hour or less, used for hot water supply at a pressure of one hundred sixty (160) pounds per square inch or
less, and at temperatures of two hundred (200) degrees Fahrenheit or less and equipped with an approved ASME
Temperature-Pressure Relief valve. (7-1-97)
b. Pressure vessels used for transportation and storage of compressed gasses when constructed in
compliance with specifications of the U.S. Department of Transportation and when charged with the gas marked,
maintained, and periodically requalified for use, as required by appropriate regulations of the U.S. Department of
Transportation. (7-1-97)
c. Air tanks installed on the right of way of railroads and used directly in the operation of trains.
d. Pressure vessels that do not exceed: five (5) cubic feet in volume; two hundred fifty (250) psig; one
and one half (1 1/2) cubic feet in volume and six hundred (600) psig; or have an inside diameter of six (6) inches with
no limitations on pressure. (7-1-97)
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e. Pressure vessels operating at a working pressure not exceeding fifteen (15) psig. (7-1-97)
f. Vessels with a nominal water containing capacity of one hundred twenty (120) gallons or less
containing water under pressure of two hundred fifty (250) psi or less, with a water temperature of two hundred ten
(210) degrees Fahrenheit or less, including those containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion.
g. Boilers, pressure vessels, and nuclear components owned and operated by the Federal Government.
h. Listed heating boilers, hot water heaters, or pressure vessels, which are located in private
residences or in apartment houses of less than six (6) family units. (7-1-97)
i. Pressure vessels containing only water under pressure for domestic purposes, including those
containing air, the compression of which serves only as a cushion or air lift pumping system, when located in private
residences or in apartment houses of less than six (6) family units. (7-1-97)
j. Chillers operating at pressures of fifteen (15) psig or less. (7-1-97)
07. Certification Fees. (7-1-97)
08. Reports. Whenever an inspection is made by a person holding a certificate of competency and an
Idaho Commission, a copy of the inspection report must be filed with the Department within thirty (30) days from the
date of the inspection. Such inspection reports shall be submitted on forms provided by the Department. (7-1-97)
09. Posting Certificates Of Inspection. Certificates of inspection issued for boilers shall be posted
under glass or similarly protected, in the room containing the boiler. Certificates issued for pressure vessel shall be
posted in like manner, if convenient, or filed where they will be readily available for examination. (7-1-97)
10. Procedures For Completing The Certificate Of Inspection. (7-1-97)
a. Previous Certificate No./State ID No. - Enter the six (6) digit serial number from the previous
inspection certificate or the number issued by the state of Idaho for that specific object. Where a previous certificate
number or State ID number does not exist, leave this block blank. (This block assists us in tracking Certificates of
Inspection by computer.) (7-1-97)
b. Type of Object - Enter the type of object that is being inspected (boiler, pressure vessel, water
heater, hot water storage tank, or nuclear component). (7-1-97)
c. Type of Inspection - Indicate whether this was an external or internal inspection. (7-1-97)
d. Date of Inspection - Enter the date the inspection was actually conducted. (7-1-97)
e. Object No. - Enter the number that identifies a particular object at the users location that
corresponds with the certificate issued. It may be the National Board number or locally assigned number. (7-1-97)
f. External, Next Due Date - Enter the date that the next inspection is due. If it does not require
inspecting, enter “NA” for not applicable. Otherwise, bring forward the due date from the previous certificate for the
inspection not performed. (7-1-97)
g. Internal, Next Due Date - Enter the date that the next inspection is due. If it does not require
inspecting, enter “NA” for not applicable. Otherwise, bring forward the due date from the previous certificate for the
inspection not performed. (7-1-97)
h. Inspected By - Enter the name of the insurance carrier that insures the object certified. (7-1-97)
i. Name of Policy Holder - Enter the name of the person, company, association, etc. that holds the
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insurance policy for the certified object. (7-1-97)
j. Name of Owner and User - Enter the name of the person, company, association, etc. that owns and
uses the object. If the owner and user are different, then both names must be entered. (7-1-97)
k. Address of Owner - Enter the mailing address of the object owner/user. (7-1-97)
l. Location of Object - Enter the physical location of the object which includes street location, city/
town/municipality, county, and zip code. (7-1-97)
m. Type - Indicate the type of object, e.g., fire tube, cast iron, etc. (7-1-97)
n. Date Built - Enter the date the object was built or manufactured if known, otherwise, leave blank.
o. Manufacturer - Enter the name of the company that built or manufactured the certified object.
p. Use - Enter the primary use of the object. (7-1-97)
q. Fuel - For boilers or fired pressure vessels, enter the type of fuel used to fire the boiler or fired
pressure vessel. For unfired pressure vessels, enter “NA” for not applicable. (7-1-97)
r. Method of Firing - For boilers or fired pressure vessels, enter how the boiler or fired pressure vessel
is fired. For unfired pressure vessels, enter “NA” for not applicable. (7-1-97)
s. Pressure Not To Exceed - Enter the maximum pressure that the object may be operated at in pounds
per square inch. (7-1-97)
t. Safety Relief Valve Set At - Enter the pressure that the safety valve will function for the object.
u. Number of Valves Installed - Enter the number of safety valves installed for the object. (7-1-97)
v. Capacity (Boiler) - Enter the capacity of the object. If not applicable, enter “NA”. (7-1-97)
w. Capacity (BTU/LBS HR Safety Valve) - Enter the capacity of the safety valve(s). If not applicable,
enter “NA”. (7-1-97)
x. Hydro Test Date - Enter the date that the last hydrostatic test was performed. (7-1-97)
y. PSI - Enter the pounds per square inch that the hydrostatic test was performed at. (7-1-97)
z. Is condition of object such that a certificate may be issued - Enter “yes” or “no”. If the entry is “no”
explain in the comments and/or requirements section. Both the white and yellow copies of the Certificate of
Inspection will be returned to the Division of Building Safety. The Division will notify the Industrial Commission
that a Certificate of Inspection was not issued and the reasons why. If the answer is yes, only write in the comments
block if there are recommendations, requirements, or restrictions. Do not write “No adverse or hazardous conditions
noted” in this block. Our computer system will flag this as a recommendation, requirement, or restriction. (7-1-97)
aa. Comments and/or Requirements - Only enter comments, requirements, or restrictions that may
apply to the certified object. Do not enter any information in this area that does not pertain to an existing requirement,
recommendation, or restriction. (7-1-97)
bb. Inspector - Enter the name of the inspector who performed the inspection for certification of the
object. The inspector’s name must appear here as it appears on the inspectors Idaho Identification Card. (7-1-97)
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cc. Idaho Identification Card # - Enter the serial numbers from the inspectors Idaho Identification
Card. If the Identification Card # is not registered as a current year Idaho commission number, the inspection shall be
considered invalid, the certificate of inspection shall be revoked, a letter shall be sent to the owner/user and to the
inspecting company to inform them of the situation, and a new inspection shall be performed upon issue of a current
year Idaho commission. (7-1-97)
dd. The white copy of the Certificate of Inspection will be posted in a conspicuous place in the room
containing the object. If the object is not certifiable, the white copy shall be sent to the Division of Building Safety.
ee. The yellow copy of the Certificate of Inspection shall, in all cases, be sent to the Division of
Building Safety. (7-1-97)
ff. The pink copy is the inspector's file copy. (7-1-97)
012. -- 999. (RESERVED).
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