Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education
Volume 3
Number 1
Education Vol. 3, No. 1 (Fall/Winter 2013)
Article 6
Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Inclusive Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Inclusive
Settings: Rethinking Instruction and Design Settings: Rethinking Instruction and Design
Christopher B. Denning
Christopher[email protected]
Amelia K. Moody
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Denning, C. B., & Moody, A. K. (2013). Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Inclusive
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Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
In Inclusive Settings: Rethinking Instruction and Design
Christopher B. Denning, Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts-Boston
Amelia K. Moody, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina-Wilmington
Denning and Moody: Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Inclusive S
Published by CORE Scholar, 2013
The prevalence rate of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has grown more than ten-
fold in the past two decades and is now estimated at about 1 in 88 children. These prevalence
rates place increased demands on teachers to address core features and highlight the need for
targeted supports. In addition, children with ASD are increasingly served in general education
classrooms and teachers may not be prepared to meet their needs. Research-based supports can
be used with an entire classroom within a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework in
order to the needs of students with ASD in inclusive settings. This paper aims to provide
suggestions for practical UDL support recommendations to enhance the utilization of research-
based practices to promote academic achievement through multiple forms of engagement,
representation, and expression for children with ASD.
Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education, Vol. 3, No. 1 [2013], Art. 6
Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
In Inclusive Settings: Rethinking Instruction and Design
The prevalence rate of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has grown more
than ten-fold in the past two decades and is now estimated at about 1 in 88 children (CDC,
2012). In addition, a recent estimate suggests that the percentage of students with ASD
participating in the general education setting for at least 80% of the school day increased from
9% in 1992-93 to 31% in 2005-06 (USDOE, 2010). This represents an overall increase of 244%.
To meet this demand educators need additional information about how to address the unique
instructional needs of students with ASD in inclusive settings (USDOE, 2010).
Unique Needs of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
The specific needs of students with ASD may affect their success in inclusive settings in
multiple ways. First, they can have challenges engaging in the classroom (Keen, 2009). This may
include understanding and effectively working within the classroom environment due to
challenges related to filtering unnecessary information (Wainwright-Sharp & Bryson, 1996),
selective attention or shifts in focus (Ochs, Kremer-Sadlik, Solomon, & Sirota, 2001), and
difficulty attending to meaningful aspects of the learning environment, especially when it’s not
explicitly stated (Klin, 2000). Another concern, lack of motivation, may be seen in task
avoidance and disruptive behavior (e.g., crying, running away). Evidence suggests that the
ability to gain and maintain attention for effective classroom participation predicts achievement
in preschool and elementary students (Alexander, Entwisle, & Dauber, 1993). Second, students
with ASD may have challenges learning new material in the classroom. This may be apparent
when tasks place demands on cognitive flexibility or processing speed (Goldstein, Johnson, &
Denning and Moody: Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Inclusive S
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Mineshew, 2001). Third, students with ASD may have difficulty successfully completing work
in the classroom (Koegel, Singh, & Koegel, 2010). This may include completing, submitting,
and understanding expectations for assignments. One challenge with assignment completion may
be related to executive functioning deficits in children with ASD (Ozonoff & Strayer, 2001).
Executive functioning relates to the ability for individuals to coordinate goal-directed behavior
and includes: (a) inhibition, (b) set shifting (e.g., ability to shift one’s attention and action), (c)
planning, (d) working memory, and (e) self-monitoring (Ozonoff & Strayer, 2001). Specifically,
individuals with ASD may have difficulty learning rules and strategies, and breaking down
information (Goldstein et al., 2001). One way to provide support for these needs is to adapt
evidence-based practices using the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Universal Design for Learning
The intention of UDL “is to create products and/or environments that are designed, from
the outset, to accommodate individuals with a wider range of abilities and disabilities than can be
accommodated by traditional applications” (Rose, Hasselbring, Stahl, & Zabala, 2005, p. 508).
Research-based instructional practices and materials that promote the use of classroom-wide
instructional methods can be used within a UDL framework and still allow for individualization.
The three core features of UDL include multiple means of engagement, representation,
and expression (Hall, Strangman, & Meyer, 2003). Multiple means of engagement are the hooks
that draw students into class activities. For example, teachers can adapt materials or the structure
of the class to help increase interest and an understanding of the classroom routine (e.g., Mancil
& Pearl, 2008). Multiple means of representation involves ways to present information to more
efficiently and effectively support student learning. For example, learning may be enhanced
Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education, Vol. 3, No. 1 [2013], Art. 6
when content is made more concrete through visual or hands-on materials (e.g., Roberts &
Joiner, 2007). Finally, multiple means of expression involves ways that students can effectively
demonstrate their knowledge. For example, students can show what they know in different ways
(e.g., photo essays, poetry, and movies; Ishag, 2011). See Table 1 for definitions and examples of
UDL supports.
Educators and policy makers have demonstrated interest in the philosophy behind UDL
to meet the needs of diverse learners (Higher Education Opportunity Act, 2007; Department of
Education, Office of Educational Technology, 2010). Since it is mostly theoretical in nature,
however, researchers have been concerned about the evidence base for UDL (Edyburn, 2010).
While UDL can serve as a guideline for educators, the instructional interventions and
environmental supports that it promotes are evidence based (Edyburn, 2010). General educators
may currently offer recommended instructional strategies to children diagnosed with ASD in the
classroom, however, using them for all students at the classroom level is a relatively new
concept. The development of instructional materials and the use of effective instructional
practices that can support students with ASD, across the classroom, are necessary (Edyburn,
2010). Therefore, it is important to consider how educators can gain additional knowledge about
effective practices that can be used effectively in inclusive environments within a UDL
Characteristics of Effective Inclusive Environments
There are three key ideas that promote effective inclusion and fit into a UDL framework.
First, according to McLeskey and Waldron (2007) the goal of successful inclusion should be
supporting all students in the classroom in ways that are a “natural and unobtrusive” part of the
Denning and Moody: Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Inclusive S
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school day (p. 163). Second, research suggests that teachers will continue to use supports that fit
into their daily classroom routine, are perceived by teachers as effective for all students, and
enhance the teacher’s repertoire of instructional methods (e.g., Gersten, Chard, & Baker, 2000).
Third, changing what happens in the classroom is a crucial component to creating a successful
inclusive environment so students with ASD can receive instruction within a supportive
environment (McLeskey & Waldron, 2007). A major concern is that classroom practices are
currently set to support the “norm” and teachers are reluctant to modify instruction in ways that
extend to students who differ from that norm (Tomlinson, 2004). Today’s classrooms are
increasingly diverse and teachers need to proactively set-up the environment and instructional
methods in ways that support all learners.
The purpose of this article is to highlight effective instructional strategies that can be
implemented in inclusive settings within a UDL framework to support students with ASD. These
include strategies that enhance engagement, representation, and expression (see Table 2 for a
summary of strategies).
Applications for the Classroom
Multiple Means of Engagement
Schedules. Schedules help students plan for the day’s events, provide a visual warning
prior to transitions (Banda, Grimmett, & Hart, 2009), and improve student’s understanding of the
expectations (Mesibov, Shea, & Shopler, 2005). This advanced notice may help reduce anxiety,
allow students time to prepare for an activity, and may help students attend more to the material
(Massey & Wheeler, 2000). Teachers can use schedules in the classroom in multiple ways in
efforts to provide UDL friendly instruction by enhancing representation. First, consider the
Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education, Vol. 3, No. 1 [2013], Art. 6
format. Teachers can develop schedules using objects that represent each activity, photographs or
symbols of activities paired with words, or with words on their own (Quill, 1997). Then, list the
order of activities to be completed during the school day (e.g., math, reading) and post the
schedule at the front of the classroom or in a visible place (Quill, 1997). Organize the schedule
sequentially and refer to it after each activity is completed (Cohen & Sloan, 2007; Mesibov et al.,
2005). Teachers should also use schedules to highlight changes to the routine. For example, let
students know in advance if the class has a substitute for a special class (e.g., art, music) or if a
change is occurring during the day for a preferred activity. This will allow time for the student
with ASD to prepare and will help reduce stress during the activity (Massey & Wheeler, 2000).
Surprises may create challenges for students with ASD. Another idea is to create mini-schedules
by writing down each activity within a lesson or class in the correct order (e.g., circle time,
math). It can be as simple as deciding upon main activities for the lesson, and then writing them
on a piece of paper placed on the student’s desk or listing them on the board for the whole class.
The teacher then refers to the activities and checks off each as it is completed.
Routines and procedures. Procedures are how teachers want things done in the
classroom and routines are what students do without prompting or supervision (Wong & Wong,
2009). UDL supports for routines and procedures can increase both representation and
expression during the school day. Routines and procedures can improve task completion and
behavior for students with ASD by providing consistency and clarity for classroom expectations
(McIntosh, Herman, Sanford, McGraw, & Florence, 2004). Teachers need to make procedures
explicit by teaching the behavioral expectations to students (McIntosh et al., 2004). Procedures
should be developed and taught similarly to academic content or behavioral expectations (Wong
Denning and Moody: Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Inclusive S
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& Wong, 2009). First, provide a rationale for the procedure. Next, clearly explain the procedure
using a written example of the steps and demonstrate how each step is completed. Then, practice
the procedure with the class multiple times. The goal is mastery. Finally, monitor the procedure
through feedback, reinforcement of attempts, and reteaching when needed. Example procedures
could include: (a) beginning a class, (b) handing in homework, or (c) lining up to leave the room.
Priming. Priming is providing access to material and letting students know what will
happen during an activity in advance (Koegel, Koegel, Frea, & Green-Hopkins, 2003). This can
help students with ASD in multiple ways. First, it can help activate prior knowledge and help
students create connections with new class content (Gately, 2008). Priming may also increase the
comfort level and familiarity with materials for students with ASD, and thereby increase their
likelihood of attention, work completion, and appropriate responses (O’Connor & Klein, 2004).
During priming, teachers provide access to materials, such as textbooks or handouts in either
traditional hard copy or digital formats, prior to classroom instruction to increase representation
and support later expression and engagement. Materials can be sent home or made easily
accessible in the classroom. Teachers can also show selected supplemental materials, such as
pre-reading questions or an advanced organizer, that highlight relevant information prior to
instruction (Gately, 2008). Since students with ASD may actually focus on irrelevant or
inaccurate information, strategies such as an advanced organizer that highlights key points may
help clarify relevant details (O’Connor & Klein, 2004). Finally, when the day starts teachers can
discuss the plan for the day or for selected classes to help kids get organized.
Special interests. Recent research has demonstrated ways to take advantage of the
inherent ability of special interests to increase motivation and create change in academic,
Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education, Vol. 3, No. 1 [2013], Art. 6
behavioral, and social needs for students with ASD (Koegel et al., 2010; Mancil & Pearl, 2008;
Winter-Messiers, Herr, Wood, Brooks-Gates, Houston, & Tingstad, 2007). Benefits for students
include increased engagement, increased interest, starting assignments more quickly, and
increased writing or math work completion (e.g., Koegel et al., 2010). There are multiple ways
teachers can imbed student’s special interests into the classroom. First, teachers should talk to
students to find out more about their special interest to provide possible ideas for applying it in
the classroom (Winter-Messier et al., 2012). Once teachers have an understanding of the interests
in their room, and it’s likely that many will overlap, they can incorporate the special interests
into classroom readings or activities. Teachers can also build assignments so that students choose
their special interests or a closely related area as the main topic. Teachers should decide the goal
for each assignment and then be flexible enough to consider alternative ways to reach that goal
(Winter-Messier et al., 2012). For some students this may involve helping them see how their
interest would fit into the assignment. Older students could be supported to integrate special
interests into class essays or projects (Mancil & Pearl, 2008). Lastly, teachers could allow
students to have access to readings or materials related to the special interest after the student
completes classwork. These could be checked out from the school library or accessed from the
Multiple Means of Representation
Visuals and organization tools. Visuals are educational tools used to assist individuals
with ASD to organize information for processing and recall (Roberts & Joiner, 2007), understand
how concepts relate (Ganz, 2007), and are often infused into classroom instruction. They can
enhance representation and expression within the UDL framework. Types of visuals can include
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graphic organizers, semantic maps, and web-based tools. Graphic organizers are effective tools
for making facts more concrete (Rao & Gagie, 2006), and can easily be used across multiple
settings. For example, students can create visual representations of how concepts work (e.g., the
five senses). Then when asked to recall information they can refer to the visual. Semantic maps
are another form of visual that allow students to expand and elaborate on their ideas for enhanced
recall and comprehension (Mastropieri & Scuggs, 2007). For example, when discussing
transportation, a semantic map can be created for each type of transportation (e.g., land, water,
air). Supporting students understanding of how concepts interrelate will increase their ability to
recall information and discuss or write about important concepts (Mastropieri & Scuggs, 2007).
Lastly, web-based tools offer digital features that can enhance organization, scaffolding, and
comprehension of context (Englet, Zhao, Dunsmore, Collings, & Wolberg, 2007). Students can
use pictures or words to develop visuals using web-based tools and then use them in multiple
settings for the following purposes: (a) completing homework at home, (b) understanding
content in the general classroom, and (c) promoting independence when completing assignments.
Strategy instruction. Teachers can implement instructional interventions, such as self-
regulated strategy development (SRSD) in their classrooms (Harris & Graham, 1996). This
strategy can be incorporated into any existing curriculum and has been used across grade levels
with students with ASD (e.g., Hagaman & Reid, 2008; Asaro-Saddler & Saddler, 2010).
Teachers first need to explicitly teach the steps of SRSD to the class. These include: (a)
developing background knowledge on the strategy, (b) describing the strategy, (c) modeling the
strategy, (d) memorizing the steps and any accompanying mnemonic, (e) supporting the strategy,
and (f) promoting independent use by the students (Harris & Graham, 1996). There are many
Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education, Vol. 3, No. 1 [2013], Art. 6
ways teachers can infuse strategy instruction into the inclusive classroom on a consistent basis.
One idea is to use SRSD to support reading comprehension through explicit instruction of a
mnemonic device, such as RAP (Hagaman & Reid, 2008). There are three parts to the RAP
strategy. First, students read the paragraph. Then they ask themselves about the main idea and
two details. Finally, students paraphrase the paragraph by putting it into their own words. As
students acquire proficiency with one paragraph, longer paragraphs can be used. Students with
ASD could benefit from strategy instruction due to the structured nature of the intervention that
provides a clear direction to accomplish the task. Teachers could also explore using other
strategies with embedded mnemonics (Asaro-Saddler & Saddler, 2010).
Multiple Means of Expression
Structured assignments and task analyses. Explicit directions and procedures provide
students with the tools, guidelines, and supports for completing tasks and assignments (Franzone,
2009). Large assignments (e.g., essays, projects) should be broken down into smaller parts in a
task-analysis in efforts to promote comprehension and work completion (Parker & Kamps,
2011). These parts are then taught explicitly through modeling and guided practice, and teachers
can povide reminders to support completion (Hall et al., 2003). Teachers can present explicit
instructions in multiple formats (e.g., written, auditory) to ensure comprehension. Another way
to integrate structure into an assignment is through the use of clear performance rubrics (Flash,
2009). Teachers should explain the expectations based upon the rubric, teach students how their
work can conform to those expectations, and provide high quality examples of assignments.
Choice. Choice in general, and especially choice using a high-interest topic or on how to
present learned information to the class (e.g., photo essay, visual map, written test), can be
Denning and Moody: Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Inclusive S
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highly motivating and increase the likelihood of task completion (Koegel et al., 2010). Choices
can also be used to offer multiple formats for assessment including written tests, presentations,
journals, and portfolios. By allowing students opportunities to be assessed using multiple formats
of expression, teachers can capitalize on individual student strengths, special interests, and
increase motivation (Greenspan, Wieder, & Simons, 1998). Tic-Tac-Toe lessons are one way to
enhance expression and engagement for students with ASD. This form of lesson offers choices
for students using differentiated instruction and assessment that can connect with their special
interests. In this case, students choose the activity they complete for the assessment from a
teacher created array (Ishag, 2011).
There are multiple ways to increase forms of engagement, representation, and expression
to better support students with ASD using UDL principles. These include supports for routines
and procedures, priming, and special interests to enhance engagement; the use of visual
organizers and strategy tools for increasing representation; and finally, the use of structured
assignments, task analyses, and choice to improve expression. When these strategies are used in
inclusive settings and included in everyday lesson plans, teachers may gain better results within
the classroom, require less “on the fly” adaptations, and continue to supports students on the
autism spectrum. Including the suggested supports in the inclusive classroom may also increase
engagement, learning, and work completion, and decrease the extent to which educators need to
specifically modify instruction for a student with ASD. In summary, it is important that teachers
consider UDL supports for students with ASD if they aim to promote understanding,
independence, and academic achievement.
Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education, Vol. 3, No. 1 [2013], Art. 6
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Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education, Vol. 3, No. 1 [2013], Art. 6
Table 1
UDL Supports for Inclusive Classrooms
Type of Supports Descriptions Examples
Engagement The “why” of learning. Focus on
increasing interest, maintaining effort
and persistence, and developing self-
Interest based lesson
Representation The “how” of learning”. Guide
information processing and
manipulation to enhance
comprehension; support differences in
include visual and auditory supports
Main idea webs
Vocabulary charts
Expression The “what” of learning. Allow various
methods of communication and
responses; provide multiple tools and
supports for expression of content
knowledge; support deficits in
executive functioning
Oral report
Photo Essay
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Table 2
Summary of Evidence-Based Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms Organized by Universal Design
for Learning Features
UDL Feature
Type of
Massey & Wheeler, 2000
- Daily schedules
- Activity schedules
- Mini schedules
Routines and
McGraw & Florence, 2004
- Establish rules and
- Review procedures using
visuals or written words
Green-Hopkins, 2003
Gately, 2008
- Access to materials prior to
- Review plan for day
Winter-Messiers, Herr,
Wood, Brooks, Gates,
Houston, & Tingstad, 2007
- Find out about the student’s
special interests
- Incorporate interests into
activities and readings
- Integrate interests into
assignments and essays
Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education, Vol. 3, No. 1 [2013], Art. 6
Visuals and
Roberts & Joiner, 2007
- Visual map
- Inspiration & Kidspiration
- Venn diagrams
- Organization and processing
- Semantic mapping
Hagaman & Reid, 2008
- Self-regulated strategy
- Use multiple strategies
- Mnemonics
and Task
Parker & Kamps, 2011
- Explicit directions
- Break down large
- Modeling and guided
- Performance rubrics
Green-Hopkins, 2010
Ishag, 2011
- Multiple formats to
demonstrate mastery
- Incorporate special interests
- Tic-Tac-Toe lessons
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