00 Customer Service
Ignition Systems
Chapter 9
Chapter 9—Ignition Systems 9-3
The completely automatic electric
ignition system is an important part of
oilburner technology. There are two
different main components used for
ignition systems on oilburners: the ignition
transformer and the solid state ignitor.
The ignition transformer is a step-up
transformer using copper windings around
an iron core. It steps up the incoming
voltage of 120 volts to an output voltage of
10,000 volts. This is accomplished by a 90
to 1 primary to secondary winding ratio
around the iron core.
The solid state ignitor utilizes electron-
ics to produce an output voltage of any-
where from 14,000 to 20,000 volts peak.
Both components supply this high
voltage electricity to the electrodes. A
spark jumps from the tip of one electrode to
the tip of the other. The electrical arc then
ignites the atomized oil.
Let’s examine the various components
of the ignition system shown in Figure 9-1.
The voltage travels from the transformer
or ignitor through the ignition cables, buss
bars, or spring clips to the electrodes which
are held in place by the ceramic insulators
(porcelains). When it reaches the tips of the
electrodes it jumps the gap between them,
creating our spark.
Figure 9-1:
Ignition system
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
9-4 Ignition Systems
Oilburners use one of two types of
electric ignition control systems:
Interrupted ignition: the ignition spark
remains on for only a short time at the
beginning of each burner operating cycle,
and is turned off once flame is established.
Intermittent ignition: the spark that
ignites the oil vapors remains on as long as
the burner runs. Intermittent ignition used
to be called “constant ignition,” and some
manufacturers call intermittent ignition
“constant duty ignition.
Interrupted ignition
is better
Over time, the industry has switched
between interrupted and intermittent
ignition. Interrupted ignition has proven
superior because having the spark on
during the entire burn cycle detracts from
performance for several reasons:
Electrode life is significantly reduced.
Ignitor or ignition transformer life is
significantly reduced.
Electrical consumption is increased
Operational noise in increased
Intermittent ignition may hide
combustion problems that can cause soot-
plugged boilers and oil running saturation.
The constant arc keeps the flame burning
even if it is belching smoke, soot, and
unburned oil. With interrupted ignition, a
poor flame goes out and the unit would go
on safety.
NOx (nitrogen oxide) emissions are
higher with intermittent ignition because
the spark burns nitrogen, creating NOx.
A strong spark
The spark across the electrode gap at the
tips of the electrodes must be strong
enough to withstand the velocity of the air
being blown through the air tube by the
burner fan. The air being blown through
the air tube forces the ignition spark to
form an arc toward the oil spray. This arc
extends into the spray causing the oil
vapors to ignite, and the flame to establish.
The ignition voltage must be high enough
to create a spark that is hot enough to ignite
the oil. In some cases, widening the spark
will produce better ignition.
The transformer
The AC transformer is a device that
receives electricity at one voltage and
delivers it at another voltage, either higher
or lower.
Essentially, the transformer consists of
two separate coils of wire wound on an
iron core. One winding receives the
electrical energy from the power source
and is called the primary; and the other
delivers electrical energy and is called the
secondary. If the secondary winding
delivers a voltage that is higher than the
primary, then it is known as a step-up
transformer. On the other hand, if the
secondary voltage is lower than the primary
voltage, then it is known as a step-down
The factor that determines whether a
transformer is of the step-up or step-down
variety is the relative number of turns in
the primary and in the secondary windings.
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
Chapter 9—Ignition Systems 9-5
Step-up transformers are used for ignition
purposes on oilburners.
Generally, it will be found that ignition
transformers are made up of 90 to 100
turns of fine wire in the secondary coil to
one turn of stout wire in the primary coil.
In the example, you will note there are
60,000 turns in the secondary and 690 turns
in the primary coil, a ratio of about 90 to
1. In Figure 9-3 on following page, we can
see what the ignition transformer looks like
with its outer case removed.
As voltage increases,
amps decrease
This is a good time to explain a most
important characteristic of transformers,
see Figure 9-2. The rule: If the voltage (E)
flowing out of a transformer is increased,
the current, or amperage (I), is always
decreased proportionately. For instance, if
the voltage is doubled, the current will be
cut in half. In the case of the transformer in
our example, the primary voltage of 115
volts is increased 90 times to 10,000 volts
in the secondary coil, where the current
flow (I
) is 23 milliamperes, which is 23/
1000ths of one ampere. Although not
shown in the example, the current flowing
in the primary coil can be determined by
multiplying .023 x 90, or about 2 amperes,
which is average for ignition transformers.
This can be proven in the field by checking
amperage in the primary circuit with an
amperage meter.
Moisture proofing
It is important that both the primary and
secondary coils of the ignition transformer
Figure 9-2:
Transformer wiring
Warning! All high voltage circuits, especially AC
circuits, are potentially hazardous. Depending on the
size of the person, contact area and time, and voltage
characteristics (magnitude, frequency, and path),
electric shock can occur and cause bodily damage,
burns, or death. Use extreme caution at the input or
output end of an ignition transformer!
Transformer Wiring
= 115V
= 10,000
= 23 ma
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
9-6 Ignition Systems
are covered with a tar-like compound,
whereas solid state ignitors feature epoxies
which serve the purpose of moisture
proofing the device. Epoxy, by its very
nature, is somewhat more resistant to
moisture and acts as an excellent corrosion
inhibitor and heat conductor.
If you must replace
a transformer
When ordering replacement transform-
ers, several facts must be known:
1. The size of the mounting base and
location of mounting holes
2. The position of high tension
3. The style of transformer high tension
4. Secondary coil voltage
5. Primary coil voltage
6. Transformer body size
Wiring ignition
Wire the ignition transformer into the
burner circuit as follows:
For intermittent ignition, attach a wire
from the transformer or ignitor to the
neutral wire, and the other wire to the
orange motor wire from the primary
control. See Figure 9-4 for wiring a
Figure 9-3:
of an ignition
Coil No.1
Coil No.1
Direction of
Magnetic Flux
Laminated Steel
Magnetic Shunt
Steel Core
Coil No. 2
Coil No. 2
Mid Point of
Coils Grounded
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
Chapter 9—Ignition Systems 9-7
primary intermittent ignition
(the spark is on whenever the
motor is on).
For interrupted
ignition, you need a primary
control built for this purpose.
Attach one wire from the
transformer or ignitor to the
neutral wire and the other wire
to the ignition wire or terminal
on the primary control.
See Figure 9-5 for wiring a
primary control interrupted
ignition (the spark shuts off once
flame is established).
Figure 9-4:
Wiring a primary
Figure 9-5:
Wiring a primary control
interrupted ignition
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
Thermostat Cad Cell
Cad Cell Relay
Primary Control
Legend: Screw Terminal ¼" Quick Connect Terminal
Power Supply, Provide Disconnect Means
and Overload Protection as Required
Optional Feature on Selected Models
Refer to Device Label for Wire Color Code
Valve is Optional on Specific Models
See Figure 2
9-8 Ignition Systems
Drawbacks to iron core
ignition transformers
An ignition transformer does just what it
claims to do—it transforms voltage. There
is a single copper winding on the primary
side for every 90 to 100 windings on the
secondary side and that is how it transforms
voltage. This becomes a problem when
input voltage drops. For every one volt you
remove from the primary side, you remove
ninety volts from the secondary side. The
ignition of the atomized oil is not a result
of the spark, but rather the result of the
heat generated from the spark.
Remember, the ability of an ignitor to
ignite oil depends on more than just high
voltage; it depends on arc output as well!
Spark heat energy = voltage times current.
You must provide between 600-700°
Fahrenheit to ignite atomized No.2 fuel oil.
This translates to approximately 9,000 volts
and about 19 MA short circuit current. A
10,000 volt 23 MA transformer only has a
small margin of error built into it, and can
be a problem.
A few facts
Ignition transformers are insulated
with tar. Tar can melt with heat and the tar
oozes from the transformer and typically
deposits on the combustion head assembly,
making for a nasty clean-up.
An ignition transformer’s tar-covered
windings are susceptible to moisture
infiltration. Moisture infiltration will cause
an immediate shorting of the component.
Electrical consumption with an
ignition transformer is typically 80 to 100
watts of electricity. This is the approximate
equivalent to a 100 watt light bulb turned
on over the burner when the transformer is
Finally, ignition transformers deterio-
rate over time. During this deterioration,
they cause delayed ignition problems that
worsen until, finally, the transformer can no
longer light the atomized oil.
Transformer testing
Over the years, there have been many
and various methods of testing transform-
ers. Regardless of the method used, one
thing must be kept in mind and that is to be
sure the transformer has the correct input
voltage to the primary coil. This is very
important because the output of the
transformer is relative to the input voltage.
In other words, if the input is down by
10%, the output will also be 10% lower.
Note: 9,000 volts by itself is not what
is required to ignite oil; 9,000 volts is
considered sufficient to create an arc
across the air gaps between the
electrode tips normally used in oil-
burners. The secondary current
flowing through the arc heats the air
and lights the oil. The important factor
in creating an arc is voltage; the
important factor in igniting the oil is
current. This is why Underwriters
Laboratory (UL) requires 10,000 V
circuit current of at least 19.5 MA
(11.6 MA across a 1/8" air gap). Most
10,000 V ignition transformers our
industry uses are rated for 23 MA.
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
Several types of transformer testers are
available, Figure 9-6. These testers are
dependable and usually come in their own
carrying case with all the instructions. The
one shown will also act as a backup
transformer and can be left on the job as a
temporary solution and this can be espe-
cially helpful with older obsolete burners.
When using any one of these testers, read
the instructions for that particular tester
because competitive units will operate
Resistance testing
Another test for iron-core transformers
is to check the quality of the windings
using an ohmmeter. The following proce-
dure is used:
1. Turn the power to the unit off.
Disconnect the primary leads from the
2. Test the resistance across the primary
winding. Attach the test leads from your
ohmmeter to the primary leads of the
transformer. You should get a
reading of 3 ohms, plus or
minus 10% (2.7 through 3.3
ohms). If your reading is
higher or lower, you should
replace the transformer.
3. Test the secondary side
of the transformer. Touch one
of your ohmmeter leads to a
secondary terminal and the
other to a mounting screw or
ground. You should get a
reading of 12,000 ohms plus or
minus 10% (10,800 through
Then perform the same test from the other
secondary terminal to a mounting screw or
ground; you should read approximately the
same. If you get a higher or lower reading
that varies widely, you should replace the
The following table is used with this
procedure for specific brands:
Solid state oilburner
ignition systems,
electronic ignitors
Manufacturers are now mostly using
solid-state electronic ignitors. These units
are known for their small size, light
weight, and starting power. They may be
for dedicated use on a particular type of
burner and are also available in generic
Figure 9-6: One of
several transformer
testers available
Trade Brand Primary Leads Secondary Posts
(each post to ground)
Allanson 2.4 ohms 9,200 ohms
Dongan 3 ohms 12,000 ohms
France 3 ohms 12,000 ohms
Chapter 9—Ignition Systems 9-9
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
versions for retrofit applications,
depending on the mounting plate
used. Output voltages of between
14,000 volts and 20,000 volts
peak with amperages between 16
MA to 45 MA respectively, on the
secondary coil, are considered
normal, Figure 9-7.
A solid state ignitor is a radical
departure from the traditional
ignition transformers commonly
used on oilburners. Solid state
ignitors eliminate transformer
design shortcomings. Ignitors
utilize a solid state printed circuit board
with what is called a ‘tank mechanism.
This technology allows the ignitor to have
a more constant output if the input voltage
decreases. Therefore, we have fewer
problems with voltage drops.
Ignitors are insulated with epoxy, not
tar. Epoxy is virtually resistant to heat and
will not melt on the combustion head
assembly. This same epoxy makes the
ignitor virtually impervious to moisture.
Electrical consumption from an ignitor is
30 to 50 watts, much less than the trans-
former. Ignitors are made from solid state
electronic components and are truly
ignition control systems.
Testing electronic
ignitor systems
Since these units contain solid-state
devices such as transistors, their trouble-
shooting and servicing should be done to
manufacturers’ recommendations. Do not
use a transformer tester to test electronic
ignitors. Doing so will give you an inaccu-
rate measurement and may harm the ignitor
and tester. Testing electronic ignitor
systems is different from testing ignition
transformers because ignitors utilize a high
frequency output. The cycling operations
of a solid state ignition system are 20,000
times per second. Standard AC transformers
cycle at 60 times per second. This is the
reason you cannot test a solid state ignitor
with a standard ignition transformer tester.
The testing of electronic ignitors is more
complicated than testing the iron-core
transformer. Before you perform any of
these tests, make sure the manufacturer
approves of the test, and be extra careful
not to directly short the terminals without a
spark between them. In many cases, it will
short out the ignitor and destroy its internal
circuitry. Keep in mind that ignitors are not
merely a pair of coils, but rather a complex
electronic device made up of several
electronic circuits and components.
The first basic test for ignitors is to place
an ohmmeter across the ignitor output
terminals with the power off and measure
Figure 9-7:
9-10 Ignition Systems
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
the resistance from each ignitor post to
ground, Figure 9-8. Normally, the ignitor
is considered good if the resistance from
each post to ground has no more than a
10% difference between posts. Each
manufacturer is different and they should
be consulted for the proper output range
and differential. It’s also important that you
verify continuity between the ignitor case
ground and true ground.
Another test that is approved by most
manufacturers is to bring the ignitor output
terminals to within ½ to ¾ of an inch apart
and turn on the power, Figure 9-9. A
strong blue spark should be generated.
Another trick is to let it spark for a few
minutes, five to ten in most cases, and see
if the spark changes from blue to orange;
if it does change, replace it.
Finally, you can check both electronic
ignitors and iron-core transformers with a
common test. Bring the ignitor or trans-
former output terminals to within ½
to ¾ of an inch apart. Place a
milliammeter in series with the hot
line going to the ignitor and turn it
on, Figure 9-10. Again, the reading
should stay steady and not vary for
at least five minutes with a strong
blue spark throughout the test while
staying within 10% of the rated
amperage draw for the device.
Cables, buss bars,
spring clips
In order to transport the high
voltage from the secondary terminals of the
ignition transformer, an effective and
efficient path must be provided to the
ignition electrodes. This path may be an
ignition cable, buss bars, or spring type
Ignition cables are normally constructed
of heavy stranded copper wire covered with
special heavy insulation to insulate against
dampness, and ensure
transmission around,
over, or under any other
conducting surface
between the transformer
location and the elec-
trodes. The outstanding
feature of ignition cables
is flexibility, permitting
easy handling, bending
and installation in any
burner. Some nozzle
assemblies are equipped
with clips to hold the
flexible cable off the
bottom of the burner air
Figure 9-8: Ohmmeter test
Figure 9-9:
Spark test
Figure 9-10:
Chapter 9—Ignition Systems 9-11
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
tube, especially when the air tube is long; if
they are provided, use them.
Buss bars are non-insulated heavy gauge
strips of metal that are made by the
oilburner manufacturer to the length and
shape to fit a certain model of burner; they
are not interchangeable with other models.
Spring clips are similar to buss bars,
except that contact with the transformer is
maintained by spring tension. After some
time, these clips can lose their tension and
prevent proper and desired contact. They
should be checked whenever the burner is
Electrodes are metal rods made of
specialized steels, and partially covered
with a ceramic (porcelain) insulator,
Figure 9-11. These insulators are usually
made in two major external diameters
(7/16" and 9/16"). As we can see in
Figure 9-13, these porcelains come in
various lengths. They may be ordered in
individual lengths 4" to 30", or they may
be sized on the job through the use of a
special tool for cutting the porcelain
The porcelains serve two
purposes: They securely
position the electrode rods and
they serve as insulators,
protecting the metal rod
against shorting out to the
nozzle assembly. These
insulators are center bored to
fit the metal electrode rods,
either 1/8" or 3/32" in
Electrode holders permit
secure and correct mounting
Figure 9-11:
Figure 9-12:
Electrode test
of the porcelains and electrodes so that,
after adjustment, they cannot shift from
vibration or other causes and alter their
position. In many cases, the electrode
holder is incorporated with the air spinner
or turbulator.
Electrode testing
and setting
Figure 9-12 shows one method for
testing the porcelain insulator of an
electrode for spark leakage. A neon test
lamp, with one probe touching the ceramic
insulator, the other end of the test lamp
free, is shown. By moving the one end of
the test lamp over the surface of the
porcelain, it can be easily determined
whether or not the ceramic insulator is
cracked. If the insulator is defective, the
neon test lamp will glow when the probe
reaches the defect.
Figure 9-13 is a setting for electrodes
when one is not available from the manu-
9-12 Ignition Systems
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
Do Not Touch
Neon Test
facturer. The recommendations
of the burner manufacturer
should be followed whenever
they are available. Electrode tips
should never be permitted to
touch or extend into the oil
spray, because a carbon bridge
will build up between them,
ultimately causing ignition
Ceramic insulators should
always be treated gently. They
should never be dropped or
packed loosely in service kits.
In field servicing, they should always be
wiped clean with a cloth, or cleaned with a
solvent. If they show signs of aging or
cracking, they should be replaced immedi-
Ignition service problems
Delayed or faulty ignition is the prime
cause of puffback. Puffback is the most
disagreeable of all burner problems. It
occurs when ignition is delayed. Due to
some fault in the ignition system, the oil
vapor does not ignite until after the burner
has run for some time. Then the accumu-
lated vapors all ignite at once, creating
more combustion products than the venting
system can handle. Delayed ignition can
cause soot to blow out of the draft regula-
tor, and in severe cases—called puff
backs—it can knock down the flue pipe.
Ignition problems are usually the easiest
to recognize and solve. In most cases, we
find it necessary to merely clean the
electrodes and cables, and be certain that all
connections are tight and that the spark gap
is in proper adjustment. We must make
certain that the electrode porcelains and the
transformer terminal porcelain insulators
are not crazed (small cracks on surface),
cracked, or oil soaked.
It is important that all exposed metallic
components of the ignition system be a safe
distance away from any other metallic part
of the burner, since it is grounded. The
shortest metal-to-metal distance throughout
the entire ignition system should be that
distance between the two electrode tips.
Common sense tells us that any other
arrangement would cause the spark to short
out before the spark bridges the electrode
tips. The best way to avoid this problem is
to strictly adhere to the recommended
electrode tip settings as shown in the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
ignition problems
1. Connections at transformer
junction box loose. Always check line
voltage connections from the neutral wire
of the primary control and the orange wire
of the primary control (for intermittent
ignition) and the ignition wire of the
primary (interrupted ignition) to determine
if there are loose connections at this
Figure 9-13:
Typical generic
5/32" Gap
5/16" Above
1/16" In Front of
Chapter 9—Ignition Systems 9-13
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
electrode tips are permitted to operate
while extending into the oil spray, it will
promote a carbon bridge between the
electrode tips, thus shorting out the spark
and ultimately causing ignition failure.
Clean the electrode tips and set them
7. Electrodes too close to the nozzle.
It has already been outlined that the
electrodes set too close to the nozzle will
promote spark shorting out from the
electrode tip to the nozzle, thus creating a
delayed ignition or ignition failure. Set
electrode tips according to prescribed
8. Spark gap too wide. If the spark
gap is too wide, either there will be no
spark at all, or the spark will short out at
some other point along the ignition system.
Again, set tips as instructed previously.
However, we are learning that in many
applications today, and due to the changes
in fuel oil, a slightly wider than normal gap
may result in smoother ignition. Ignition of
fuel is not an exact science and so a couple
of settings may have to be tried to find the
best results.
9. Insulators not held securely. In the
event the electrode support bracket is loose,
or the porcelains do not fit properly in the
bracket, it is possible that the electrodes
may move out of adjustment because of
burner vibrations. Set electrodes and
tighten the electrode support bracket
securely, but do not overtighten because
that may crack the ceramic insulators.
10. Puffbacks may be caused by lack
of draft. If it is discovered that the ceramic
insulators are heavily sooted and/or
carbonized and the electrode tips are
properly gapped and properly set, then it is
Correcting faulty
ignition is
Delayed or faulty
ignition is the
prime cause of
9-14 Ignition Systems
junction box. If they are
loose, tighten them
securely. Also check for
loose connections at all
terminals and make sure
that wire nuts are tight.
2. Test the trans-
former. If the trans-
former is defective, replace it.
3. Loose connections at
either the secondary terminals
of the transformer, or loose
connections where the high tension leads
or buss bars are fastened to the elec-
trodes. If these connections are found to be
loose, attempt to tighten them. If this fails
to solve the problem, replace the connec-
tors. Also clean out any dust or dirt that
may have accumulated in or around the
secondary terminals of the transformer. As
previously outlined, check the high voltage
leads to determine if the insulation has
become defective.
4. Remove the porcelain insulators
from the electrode holder to determine
whether they are cracked. In many cases
the porcelains will crack beneath the clamp
of the electrode holder. Replace cracked or
crazed porcelains, even though they are still
functioning properly.
5. Carbonized insulator. Carbon
accumulations on the ceramic insulators
will conduct electricity, thus causing the
spark to short out against either the nozzle
adapter, nozzle line, or the electrode holder.
The carbon must be removed with a solvent
or cleaner. Then the insulators must be
dried and checked for cracks and/or spark
leakage. The procedure for checking for
spark leakage has been outlined.
6. Electrodes in oil spray. If the
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
a good possibility that lack of overfire draft
is causing the trouble. Refer to Chapter 6—
‘Chimneys & Draft.’ Puffbacks and carbon
may be caused by a partially clogged
nozzle. See Chapter 5 on Nozzles.
11. Ignition “on” time should be
checked. This, of course, concerns inter-
rupted ignition primary controls. The
ignition “on” time is easily checked by
connecting one lead of a 40-watt test light
to the ignition wire of the primary, and
connecting the other lead to neutral or the
white wire. Start the burner while watching
the bulb time to determine the length of
time it remains “on.” With cad cell type
controls, it should remain on for the length
of time specified by the manufacturer.
Ignition Control
Most burner manufacturers today use
interrupted ignition. On commercial/
industrial burners, ignition “on” times of
greater than 10-20 seconds are seldom
found. The purpose of interrupted ignition
is to ignite the fuel and shut off the system,
prolonging ignition system component life.
For example, let us say that a residential
burner that consumes 1,000 gallons per
year is operating with a 1 GPH nozzle. For
this example, let us assume the burner will
start 3,000 times per year.
Chapter 9—Ignition Systems 9-15
Example 1
Intermittent ignition = ignition is on
when burner runs. 1000 gallons / 1 GPH =
1000 hours of ignition on time.
Example 2
Interrupted ignition = timed
or sequenced ignition.
Cad-cell type relays
3000 starts x 45 seconds = 37.5
hours ignition on time
3000 starts x 30 seconds = 25 hours
3000 starts x 15 seconds = 12.5 hours
3000 starts x 8/10 seconds = 40
minutes ignition on time
As we can see, we can dramatically
lower ignition on-time and prolong the
useful life of our ignition systems and
reduce service calls.
Delayed ignition is one of the frus-
trating ignition problems we encoun-
ter. Some solutions are covered in the
following charts provided by Beckett
Corp., Figure 9-14: Ignition Service
Help Chart and Figure 9-15: Delayed
Ignition Problem Solving, on follow-
ing pages.
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
Designation Description Service Hints
1. 120V ac input wires Brings 120 volt to primary coil Wires must not be pinched against housing
when transformer is closed
2. Primary coil Current in this coil generates a
magnetic field
3. Iron core Transfers magnetic field into
secondary coil
4. Secondary coil Magnetic field from core induces
voltage in this coil
5. Insulating compound Keeps moisture out, conducts heat Should not be leaking out
6. Metal cover Protects internal of transformer Should not be punctured or severely dented
7. Mounting base plate Mounts transformer to Must not be bent and cause air to leak
burner housing from around transformer
8. Transformer output Insulates high voltage from ground 1. Must not be cracked
ceramic insulator and opposing terminal. Holds 2. Must be totally clean
ignition spring dimensions
9. Ignition spring terminals Transmits high voltage to 1. Must make good, clean contact to
electrode rods electrode rods
10. Electrode rods Transfers high voltage to electrode tips Must be clean
11. Electrode insulators Mounts electrodes and insulates Must be clean and not cracked
each electrode from ground
12. Arc gap and electrodes Specified gap (1/8” - 5/32”) allows arc 1. Too close causes delayed ignition
to jump to other terminal and ignite 2. Too wide results in no ignition and
possible damage to secondary
3. Clean and properly adjust
9-16 Ignition Systems
Figure 9-14:
Ignition service
help chart
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
Chapter 9—Ignition Systems 9-17
Chapter 9
Ignition Systems
Figure 9-15