International Science Partnerships Fund
Early Career Fellowships in
Research and Innovation 2023/24
Guidelines for applicants for UK Universities and
Research Institutions
Call opens on 21 November 2023
Call closes on 8 January 2024, 10:00 a.m. (UK time)
Table of Contents
1. Background ......................................................................................................................... 3
2. About the Opportunity ........................................................................................................ 3
3. Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 3
4. Eligible Countries/Territories ............................................................................................... 4
5. Opportunity for UK Universities and Research Institutions ................................................ 5
6. Budget and Cohorts ............................................................................................................ 5
7. Funding Available/Size of Grants ....................................................................................... 7
8. UK Institutions Participation Criteria .................................................................................. 7
9. How will the programme be managed? .............................................................................. 8
10. Eligibility and selection of fellows ....................................................................................... 9
11. Fellowship branding ............................................................................................................ 9
12. Timeline ............................................................................................................................... 9
13. Selection criteria of UK Institutions ................................................................................... 11
14. Call Deadline & How to Apply ........................................................................................... 11
15. Data Protection.................................................................................................................. 12
1. Background
The International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) is designed to enable potential and foster
prosperity. It puts research and innovation at the heart of our international relationships, supporting
UK researchers and innovators to work with peers around the world on the on the major themes of
our time: planet, health, tech, and talent:
Healthy People, Animals and Plants Researching and innovating for secure and healthy
Resilient Planet - Leading the green industrial revolution to protect the planet.
Tomorrow’s Talent Nurturing talent to drive inclusion, research, and innovation.
Transformative Technologies - Developing responsible technologies to secure our place in
tomorrow’s world.
2. About the Opportunity
The British Council through the ISPF will provide funding to selected UK Universities and Research
institutions under this fellowship scheme. The scheme will fund a minimum of three Early Career
Fellowships covering all academic and living expenses.
We anticipate that the grant will support medium-long term partnerships between the hosting and
sending institutions, contributing to research capacity strengthening at both individual and institutional
levels, alongside support for the individual researcher. Successful proposals will demonstrate the
short-medium term mutual benefit as well as plans for institutional collaboration past the fellowship
term. One of the key objectives of this fellowship scheme is to nurture talent to drive inclusion in
Research & Innovation (R&I). Early Career Fellowships are specifically designed to widen
participation and to support the careers of researchers from a variety of backgrounds, including those
whose backgrounds are underrepresented in their research field. This opportunity is available to early
career researchers who have not yet held a full-time research-related post or academic post with a
research specific element, who wish to have a research experience at a UK university or research
institution. This could include converting their doctoral work into publications or other academic
outputs and establishing new research relationships.
3. Objectives
Grants under the British Council ISPF programme allow fellows to collaborate internationally, and
gain access to new research environments, facilities, knowledge, and expertise, in order to enhance
the quality of their research environments and enable them to translate research and innovation into
economic and societal benefit. The Early Career Fellowship Programme focuses on the Tomorrow’s
Talent ISPF theme and has the following objectives:
Provide the selected early career researchers with a foundation to launch their careers in
research and innovation.
To widen participation by increasing the number of opportunities for researchers including
those whose backgrounds are underrepresented in their research field, and who have not yet
held a full-time research-related post or academic post with a research specific element.
The scheme will have a focus on inclusivity: it will provide up and coming researchers with a
foundation to launch their careers, creating lasting benefits to the fellow and both the UK and
the international partner country research communities through sustainable collaboration.
Establish collaboration between hosting and sending institutions on one of the ISPF themes.
4. Eligible Countries/Territories
This opportunity is open to early career researchers who are based in the countries/territories listed
When submitting a proposal for a cohort in a country/territory which is eligible for Official
Development Assistance (ODA) spend, UK Universities and Research Institutions should ensure
that the Fellowships comply with UK legislation concerning the use of ODA funds.
ISPF activities funded using ODA budget need to demonstrate that they are aiming to contribute to
a reduction in poverty and aim to further sustainable development (development that is likely to
generate lasting benefits for the population of the country/territory to which it is provided) or improve
the welfare of vulnerable and low-income populations.
Fellowships proposed should address development needs which are specific to the country where
the cohort is from, target the economic development and social welfare of the country/territory.
Programmes which have the potential for military use or promote security interests are not eligible
for ODA funding and should not be included in proposals for fellowships in ODA-eligible
UK Law requires that all ODA funds should be spent in a way which is likely to contribute to
reducing inequality between persons of different gender. UK Universities and Research Institutions
will be asked to consider the following questions about the fellowships and their research area
selected for consideration:
How will ensure gender equality and fairness in selecting and proposing hosting
How will you ensure fair selection processes for people of different genders?
Programmes that could have a negative impact on gender equality will not be funded.
5. Opportunity for UK Universities and Research Institutions
The British Council through the ISPF programme will provide funding to selected UK Universities
and Research institutions under this fellowship scheme. The scheme will fund a minimum of three
Early Career Fellowships covering all academic and living expenses.
Grants under this programme allow fellows to collaborate internationally, and gain access to new
research environments, facilities, knowledge, and expertise, in order to enhance the quality of their
research environments and enable them to translate research and innovation into economic and
societal benefit.
The ISFP fund has 4 themes under which we will establish the Early Career Fellowship programme:
Healthy People, Animals and Plants Researching and innovating for secure and
healthy populations.
Resilient Planet - Leading the green industrial revolution to protect the planet.
Tomorrow’s Talent Nurturing talent to drive inclusion, research and innovation in
research capacity, research systems and research pipeline.
Transformative Technologies - Developing responsible technologies to secure our
place in tomorrow’s world.
6. Budget and Cohorts
Each cohort has a value of £180,000 which the British Council through the ISPF programme will
pay as a grant to the universities or research institutions selected for that cohort.
For each cohort, the universities and research institutions will select applicants to be recipients of full
fellowship (with an average value of £60,000 per fellow).
Should additional funding become available during the application process, the British Council may
increase the total funding allocated to some of the cohorts, and subsequently increase the number
of expected fellowships allocated.
The Grant is not transferable, and any underspend will need to be returned to the British Council.
Universities and research institutions may apply to any of the Fellow cohorts below. When applying
each institution must establish their order of preference in the application form.
The distribution of these cohorts will depend on geographic priorities and quality of applications.
The country cohorts available are the following:
6.1 Cohorts for Fellowship programmes
ODA Cohorts
Main Requirements
Cohort must finance at least 3 fellows
from the eligible country. The proposed
fellowship programme must come from
the following thematic areas:
Biodiversity and climate change
Protection of traditional
Urban challenges across the Legal
Bioeconomy to promote a new
model of development
Cohort must finance at least 3 fellows
from the eligible country. The research
programmes must be ODA compliant
Cohort must finance at least 3 fellows
from the eligible country. The research
programmes must be ODA compliant.
Cohort must finance at least 3 fellows
from the eligible country. The research
programmes must be ODA compliant.
Cohort must finance at least 3 fellows
from the eligible country. The research
programmes must be ODA compliant.
Cohort must finance at least 3 fellows
from the eligible country. The research
programmes must be ODA compliant.
Cohort must finance at least 3 fellows
from the eligible country. The research
programmes must be ODA compliant.
Cohort must finance at least 3 fellows
from the eligible country.
Cohort must finance at least 3 fellows
from the eligible country.
7. Funding Available/Size of Grants
The Early Career Fellowships will be funded by a grant to the UK institutions of £180,000 from which
three fellows should be supported. We welcome proposals from universities and research institutions
with novel and creative ways to support fellows, possibly travelling with dependants, to ensure they
derive the most benefit from their research period in the UK.
The costs for each fellow should include at a minimum:
Minimum £27,979 per annum salary (postdoctoral intern, spine point 20 as of August 2023)
plus relevant London weighting if applicable. This would be pro rata for fellowships shorter
than 12 months. Where applicable, accompanying child allowance for fellows consistent with
UK visa requirements.
These rates are decided by the Home Office.
£10,000 per 12 months (pro rata for shorter fellowships) for research related expenses. This
can contribute to consumables, small equipment, travel and subsistence within the UK,
publication costs, or other expenses related directly to the research project.
Other allowable costs within the grant include:
IELTS exam fee if applicable (for fellows without a valid Test of English).
Return economy-class travel from home country to the UK (this will not reimburse
costs of fares for dependants)
Visa and insurance / NHS surcharge costs
Ad hoc costs (heavy baggage allowance, etc.)
No administrative fees or deposits can be charged to applicants or recovered from the grant.
8. UK Institutions Participation Criteria
All participating institutions must be UK Higher Education Institutions or other UK institutions
eligible to receive UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding.
UK institutions should propose 6 to 12-month research fellowship programmes within each
eligible subject area.
If a fellowship lasts longer than one year, funding will be capped for the first year only. The
costs of any subsequent years must be guaranteed and covered in full by the UK institution
and to the same level as in year 1 with reasonable allowances for cost-of-living increases.
UK hosting bodies will need to be able to sponsor short term visas, ideally under the
Government Authorised Exchange (GAE) scheme, for temporary work
(https://www.gov.uk/government-authorised-exchange).UK institutions should demonstrate
how they will connect applicants with industry partners where relevant and provide
opportunities for internships, placements, or networking for the fellows.
UK institutions should demonstrate how they will support welfare and career development of
Further detail on request. For reference, fellow accompanied by their children should receive £680 p/month for each dependent underaged child.
This amount increases to £845 p/month for institutions located in London. Candidates travelling with underage dependants will be subject to visa
authorisations which are beyond British Council’s area.
UK institutions must ensure that their shortlisting and assessment panels are diverse in terms
of gender, and any other protected equality characteristics. Panel members must take
unconscious bias training. The British Council will carry out spot checks to ensure these
requirements have been put in place.
Provide added value to the overall research and welfare experience, including but not limited
o Communications prior to arrival including support for visa application, arrival to the UK
o Support for the international fellowship experience, including mentoring and welfare
o Arranging accommodation or housing for the fellows
o General information about adapting to living in the UK.
o Opportunities for skills and career development including links with industry and
o A nominated point of contact for any issues or concerns
9. How will the programme be managed?
The British Council through the ISPF will pay £180,000 to selected UK institutions in February- March
2024 which will then be administered as a bursary to the selected fellows by the UK institution in the
academic year 2024/25.
The selected UK Institutions will advertise the opportunities and encourage applications to
their selected programmes.
The British Council will support with the wide promotion of the Fellowship programme in the
eligible countries/territories.
The UK institutions will manage the application process, submitting to the British Council a
shortlist with the pre-selection of the fellows.
UK institutions will be required to share all applicant data with the British Council not only
shortlisted applicants.
The British Council will review and confirm to universities the final list of fellows.
Once successful applicants have been confirmed by the British Council, the UK Institutions
will administer the fellowship to each recipient in their cohort, covering all academic and living
The British Council may be able to increase the number of fellows available in each of the cohorts.
This would take the form of additional grants of £60,000. Universities interested in hosting additional
fellows should indicate this in their application form.
The UK Institutions selected to receive fellows will go through an eligibility check and shall then sign
a Grant Agreement with the British Council. This Grant Agreement will detail all items to be funded,
payment methods, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting requirements. A template Grant
Agreement can be found in the Annexes of this Call.
10. Eligibility and selection of fellows
The following guidelines will be considered for the selection of fellows. Fellows must:
Be a permanent resident of the eligible country/territory listed under section 3 Eligible
Be an Early Career Researcher
and have a letter of acceptance from the hosting lab or
Not currently in receipt of financial support or funding towards any other programme in the
UK from any other sources.
Meet the English language requirement of the UK HEI if applicable.
Have a background or a proven interest in the proposed research area.Indicate their
preference for research areas and institution in the case of applying to multiple institutions.
Be willing to demonstrate future contribution to capacity-building and socio-economic
advancement through the benefits achieved after completing the fellowship programme.
Agree to maintain contact with the British Council for purposes of monitoring and evaluation
during and after their fellowship.
Demonstrate a plan and a passion to engage other early career researchers from their home
Employees of the British Council, the UK government or Scottish, Welsh, or Northern Irish
governments are not eligible to apply for this programme.
11. Fellowship branding
The fellowships will be branded as Early Career Fellowships”. Branding guidelines will be included
in the grant agreement.
12. Timeline
Please consider the following indicative timeline for the implementation of this programme:
Early Career Researchers (ECRs) have completed or are close to completion of their PhD, potentially waiting for their
final viva voce examination, which must be passed prior to taking up the award. ECRs will not have held a permanent
academic post or a post with a research-related element, or one which allowed them to supervise PhD students or
submit research grants as a principal investigator. Time spent in teaching-only roles or academic related roles does not
affect ECR status, provided no research element was part of the role. If a researcher does not hold a PhD but has
research experience equivalent to a PhD holder and works in a field where a PhD is not a prerequisite for established
research activity, they can still be considered eligible. Participants from for-profit organisations cannot be funded.
As we move toward greater inclusivity for ECRs from a wide range of backgrounds, we are no longer counting years
spent in a specific career stage. Career breaks and alternative trajectories to an early academic career are all
considered outside the definition of career stage.
21 November 2023
Call opens for UK Higher Education Institution
8 January 2024
Deadline for submission of proposal by HEIs
January 2024
Panel assessments of proposals
By 31 January 2024
The British Council notifies institutions of results
February-March 2024
Grant agreements are signed between the British Council and
participating institutions and grants are disbursed.
March-April 2024
Institutions to share promotional content to be used in overall
marketing campaign.
April 2024
Launch of the Fellowship marketing campaigns in all eligible
countries/territories listed in this call.
April 2024
Application to apply for the scheme is open for fellows. Universities
to advertise scheme on their portals and share link with British
30 June 2024
Deadline for fellows to apply to the programme. The deadline is to
be strictly followed by all successful Higher Education Institutions.
By 15 July 2024
Institutions submit shortlisted candidates to the British Council.
By 31 July 2024
British Council to confirm shortlisted candidates to HEIs. British
Council to share Terms and Conditions document to be signed by
selected fellows.
By 12 August 2024
Higher Education Institutions to make offer to selected fellows
agreed with the British Council.
By 30 August 2024
HEIs to confirm receipt of signed copy of British Council Terms and
Conditions from successful fellows.
30 September 2024
HEIs will submit a progress report (template issued by the British
Council) to provide an update status on confirmed fellows, their
details, and their expected arrival dates to the British Council.
August - September
HEIs provide support to fellows for their arrival into the UK
September / October /
November 2024
Programmes start in the UK
29 November 2024
Deadline for HEIs to report proof of enrolment in the Fellowship
March 2025
HEIs will submit an Interim report to the British Council and flag
any issues with fellows at this time.
October 2025
HEIs will submit a final report to the British Council.
13. Selection criteria of UK Institutions
The following selection criteria will be used:
Evidence of a detailed plan to publicise the fellowship and disseminate the
Holistic support offered to applicants and university’s commitment to EDI and
Safeguarding values
Added value to collaborative links between the UK institution and cohort
Professional/Industry and career development opportunities for the Fellows
linked to programmes
Track Record in administering similar schemes and fit within institutional
expertise for research
ODA/SDG Relevance (where applicable)
Adequate Safeguarding risk assessment for programme participants
Gender Equality compliance (ODA only)
The British Council reserves the right to award the grant with consideration to the geographical
spread of institutions across the UK and thematic priorities.
14. Call Deadline & How to Apply
To participate in this call, UK institutions are requested to complete the online Application Form and
the Budget Templet Annex 1 by 8 January 2024 at 10.00 am (UK time). Proposals submitted after
the deadline will not be considered for funding.
The deadline applies to all parts of your application, including upload of fully completed supporting
documentation. Any applications which are not submitted in full by the deadline, with all required
supporting documents, will be considered ineligible. Appeals against this decision will not be
15. Data Protection
The British Council will use the information that you provide for the purposes of processing your
application, making any awards, monitoring, and review of any grants.
We will need to share necessary data with application reviewers and panel members contracted by
the British Council, the funder UK Department of Science, Innovation & Technology (DSIT) and
contracted external evaluators (as required).
The British Council comply with the General Data Protection Regulations 2016/679 (EU) GDPR).
We process and handle personal information according to these regulations. The personal
information that you provide on this form will only be used for the processing of your application.
The information will be viewed by British Council, and those who are part of the decision-making
process. Your information will not be used/shared beyond the partners listed above for any other
purpose without your specific consent. British Council reserve the right to publish and share
anonymised aggregated information with stakeholders.
Organisation details, where collected, are used for monitoring and evaluation and statistical
purposes. Gender information and country of origin, where collected, is used solely for statistical
purposes. If we need to contact you, we will do so using the contact details you have provided.
Under UK Data Protection law, you have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold on
you, and the right to ask us to correct any inaccuracies in that information. If you want more
information about this, please contact your local British Council office or see our website:
Annexes & Links
Links to the draft grant agreement and other important and relevant British Council global policy
Annex 1 Budget Template
Draft Grant Agreement
Sanctions, countering terrorist financing and anti-money laundering
Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion
Safeguarding Global Policy Statement
Information security and privacy global policy statement
Anti-fraud and corruption global policy statement
Environmental Global Policy Statement