Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 1 of 21
University of Louisville
New Academic Program Proposal Template
Certificate Programs
After approval of the Letter of Intent, certificate programs are to complete the New Academic
Certificate Program Proposal template.
All forms are available at:
Please ensure all questions are addressed clearly and completely to avoid unnecessary delays.
Questions can be directed to the Office of Academic Planning and Accountability through the
Program Approval Service Account ([email protected]).
Financial Aid for Certificate Programs:
Students enrolled in stand-alone certificate program are not eligible for federal financial aid. The
university elected on 6/30/2012 to opt out of participation in gainful employment requirements
with the Department of Education (DOE). UofL students must be enrolled in a degree granting
program in conjunction with the certificate program to receive federal aid.
Send the following materials to the
Program Approval Service Account ([email protected]):
Completed Proposal Template
Proposed Program Curriculum (complete the table found in Appendix A of this
proposal template)
Course syllabi for any new course offerings
Faculty Roster Form
CV for Program Director/Coordinator
Proposal Budget Form
Letter of Support from the unit Dean
Letter of Support from the UofL Libraries
Letter(s) of Support from any units, departments, or internal or external entities that
will be supporting the certificate program
The program approval process will not begin until all of the above documents are received.
Please submit all materials listed above at the same time.
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 2 of 21
General Program Information
Program Name:
Graduate Certificate in Family Business
Management and Advising
Degree Level:
Undergraduate: _____
Graduate (select one of the following):
Post-Baccalaureate _X___
Post-Master’s ______
Post-Professional ______
Minimum and Maximum Number of Credit
Hours required:
Accreditation or Licensure Requirements
(if applicable):
Will fall under AACSB during normal
accreditation cycle
CIP Code:
Department and Department Chair: Management & Entrepreneurship, Robert Garrett
School/College: College of Business
Program Director and Contact (if different);
(please also include title):
Isabel C. Botero
(502) 852-4782
Is an approval letter from the Education
Professional Standards Board (EPSB)
required for this program?
If so, attach a copy to this proposal.
Proposed Implementation Date for Program
(semester and year):
Fall 2021
Anticipated Date for Granting First Degree: Spring 2022
Identify whether the program is 100%
online, 100% face-to-face, or a combination
of the two:
100% online.
A. Centrality to UofL’s Mission and Strategic Plan
The certificate program is to adhere to the role and scope of the University of Louisville as
set forth in its mission statement and as complemented by UofL’s strategic plan.
1. Provide a brief description of the program (copy the abstract provided in the program’s Letter of
Intent here).
(250 words or less; program’s purpose/focus, primary areas of study, intended audience, degree
level, length of the program, goals/objectives, rationale for program, skills or knowledge that
students will acquire, relationship of program to general field).
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 3 of 21
The College of Business is proposing a graduate level certificate titled Family Business
Management and Advising. The program is designed to align with the needs of family
enterprises, their current and future leaders (both family and non-family), and the professional
advisors who serve them. The purpose of this graduate certificate program is to provide students
with knowledge and skills that will help them understand, manage, and navigate the intricacies
of family businesses and provide tools to advise these types of organization. The certificate
program will be taught online by a combination of full-time College of Business faculty and
part-time lecturers. The certificate will require students to complete nine credit hours of graduate
course work. These courses will count toward the College of Business MBA degree program.
Students who complete the program will gain a greater understanding of family businesses, the
challenges that they face, and the opportunities that they provide. Individuals will also learn
different tools that can help them when interacting with family businesses to help with their
2. Explain how the proposed program relates to the institutional mission and academic strategic
UofL’s 2019-2022 Strategic Plan highlights the strong commitment the University has to the city
of Louisville, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and the development of its community and the
economy. The College of Business plays an important role in this mission by preparing students
for responsible and rewarding careers, that can help enhance the economic vitality of the city,
the region, and the broader business community. Therefore, the development of a high-quality
Certificate in Family Business Management and Advising enables the University and the
College of Business to fulfill their missions by preparing family business owners, managers, and
advisors to help the continuity of the family enterprises. Family enterprises are the backbone of
the economy of our region and around the world
. However, most of the business education
programs around the world are developed without consideration for the nuances (i.e., both
opportunities and challenges) of family ownership. Given this reality, the development of this
certificate broadens the educational opportunities offered within the university and, at the same
time, it helps strengthen the family business community by educating those that work in/with
family enterprises to better manage the challenges and opportunities of being family owned.
Additionally, this would be the only certificate of this kind in the State of Kentucky. Thus, it can
help position the University of Louisville as a leader in family business education in our state
A recent report by Pieper and Collegues comossioned by Family Enterprise USA indicates that based on
tax returns, 87% of the businesses in the USA can be classified as family businesses (i.e., a business in
which a family control over the strategic direction of the firm, and family participation in management.
Pieper, T.M., Kellermanns, F.W., & Astrachan J.H. (2021) Update 2021: Family Businesesses’
contribution to the US Economy.
Although the University of Cincinatti has a certificate in family business, this certificate is at the
undergraduate level, and it is focused more on entrepreneurship than family business. Info:
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 4 of 21
3. List the objectives of the proposed program.
Explain how the objectives support the university and unit mission, strategic priorities, and
institutional and societal needs.
Program Objective:
To provide graduate students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand,
manage, and navigate the intricacies of family business ownership and management.
To provide graduate students with the necessary tools to help family businesses achieve
excellence in the family and the business systems.
Connection with UofL, College of Business, and Society
One of the key strategic goals of University of Louisville is to be a great place to learn (see:
https://louisville.app.box.com/s/88635hgqartgmqi7vty27w57rapi9jw5). Learning also plays a
central role in the mission of the university. One of the ways that the university becomes a great
place to learn is by offering educational programs that help individuals become active members of
society. The Graduate Certificate in Family Business Management and Advising can play an
important role in helping the university be a great place to learn by offering a unique educational
area that is relevant for business owners, their employees, and their advisors. Although family
businesses are estimated to represent 87% of the businesses in the United States (Pieper et al., 2021)
and more than more than 70% of all of businesses world-wide (IFERA, 2003), very few universities
develop programs to help these types of businesses and their advisors. Thus, by developing this
certificate, the university is addressing an important need in our society: helping family businesses
succeed so they are better able to serve the communities in which they are located. Up to now, there
is no other program of this type in the universities in the region
. Thus, the development of this
certificate within the university can help position the university as a leader in this area of education.
The University of Cincinnatti does have a certificate in Family Business that is offered as a minor in the
undergraduate entrepreneurship program. However, its focus is more on entrepreneurship than family
4. Clearly state the admission, retention, and degree completion standards designed to encourage
high quality.
Please be clear and specific.
Admissions requirements: students will be required to possess a bachelor’s degree for program
admission. The minimum undergraduate GPA will be 2.5. GMAT/GRE scores will not be
required. No restrictions to the type of undergraduate degree will be imposed.
Graduation and Retention requirements: Students will be required to complete all courses and
maintain a 3.0 GP in order to graduate.
* It is important to note that students within the MBA program can obtain the certificate as part of
their MBA by taking the 9 credits as electives within the MBA program.
** Students who complete the certificate and later want to join the MBA program, can use the
credits obtained in the certificate as electives for the MBA program.
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 5 of 21
B. Program Quality and Student Success
1. What are the intended student learning outcomes of the proposed program?
Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify systems, structures, processes, and practices that influence the performance and
sustainability/ continuity of family enterprises.
2. Identify, evaluate, and select courses of action to make effective managerial, ownership, and
family decisions to enhance the sustainability/continuity of the family and the business.
3. Identify and develop strategies to successfully manage the overlap and conflicting nature of
business, ownership, and family goals to enhance the continuity of the family enterprise.
4. Apply management and leadership practices to effectively handle opportunities and
challenges of family enterprises.
5. Apply effective communication and leadership skills related to the management and
sustainability of family enterprises.
2. Describe how each program-level student learning outcome will be assessed (including when
data will be collected and how assessment results will be used to improve the program.
The information below provides the structure of courses in the certificate and the courses that will
be used to assess each goal of the program.
Curriculum Map* for the Family Business Management & Advising Certificate
Learning Outcome**
1. Identify systems, structures,
processes, and practices that
influence the performance
and sustainability/ continuity
of family enterprises.
I D, R,
D, R D, R D, R,
D, R
2. Identify, evaluate, and select
courses of action to make
effective managerial,
ownership, and family
decisions to enhance the
sustainability/continuity of
the family and the business.
I, D D, R D, A D, R,
D, R D, R
3. Identify and develop
strategies to successfully
manage the overlap and
conflicting nature of
business, ownership, and
family goals to enhance the
I, D, A D D, R D, R D, R R, A
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 6 of 21
continuity of the family
4. Apply management and
leadership practices and tools
to effectively handle
opportunities and challenges
of family enterprises.
I, D D D, R,
D, R,
D, R
5. Apply effective
communication and
leadership skills related to
the management and
sustainability of family
I, D D, A D D D R, A
Map Key:
I = Knowledge and skills are introduced
D = Knowledge and skills are developed & practiced with feedback
R = Knowledge and skills are reinforced
A= Knowledge and skills are assessed
*Curriculum maps illustrate the link between the courses and requirements in a program/major, to
the learning outcomes. Maps represent where students are given the opportunity to achieve the
outcomes, from introduction to mastery, as they proceed through the curriculum.
** Learning Outcomes are explicit statements of observable, measurable results that specify what a
student is expected to know or be able to do as a result of their participation in an academic
Please see Appendix B for the learning outcome matrix for the certificate. This maps how the
different course goals help support the learning outcomes of the certificate.
What data will be collected?
A rubric will be designed to assess whether students are showing the exemplary behaviors that
signal that they are developing competencies in the areas described within the learning
outcomes. This rubric will outline the exemplary behaviors that reflect the learning outcome
assessed and instructors will be asked to use a 4 point scale to assess the degree to which each
student meets expectations (i.e., below expectations, approaching expectations, meets
expectations, exceeds expectations). The table in the next page provides some examples of the
exemplary behaviors that will be used in the assessment.
Data for these assessments will be collected from two different courses for each of the learning
outcomes as identified in the curriculum map. The data to assess each outcome will come from
course assignments (i.e., Mini-case analysis, discussion boards, reading briefs, recorded
presentations, self-assessments, and the final comprehensive cases).
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 7 of 21
Success will be defined as having 80% of the students in the course meeting or exceeding the
expectations for each learning outcome.
How will data be used to improve the program?
Data collected will be provided to program director and course instructors to identify what
actions need to be taken to improve course content and student performance. This will help in
“closing the loop” and enhancing the program.
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 8 of 21
3. For each learning outcomes, provide direct indicators (and indirect, where possible) of achievement of the outcome, target(s) for the
outcome, and frequency of data collection.
Learning Outcome**
Exemplary Behaviors Indicator Target Frequency
processes, and practices that
influence the performance and
sustainability/ continuity of family
Understanding of the components of family
Understanding business processes and how
they could be influenced by the family
Recognize governance practices available
for the family, the business, and the
ownership system.
Illustrate the connection between the
family, the business, and the ownership
system, and how these connections impact
performance and continuity.
Mini-Case Analysis
Final Comprehensive
Discussion Boards
80% or more students
being rated as meeting
or exceeding
expectations regarding
exemplary behaviors.
Every year
courses of action to make effective
managerial, ownership, and family
decisions to enhance the
sustainability/continuity of the
family and the business.
Ability to analyze a situation that a family
is facing and determining the key issues
that need to be addressed.
Being able to connect different courses of
action with problems that family businesses
are facing and explain the costs and benefit
of each option.
Mini-Case Analysis
Final Comprehensive
Discussion Boards
80% or more students
being rated as meeting
or exceeding
expectations regarding
exemplary behaviors.
Every year
successfully manage the overlap
and conflicting nature of business,
ownership, and family goals to
enhance the continuity of the
family enterprise.
Understanding of the driving forces for the
family and for the business.
Capability to assess when family and
business goals are competing with each
Ability that a student has to compare and
contrast courses of action and the
implications of these actions.
Mini-Case Analysis
Final Comprehensive
Discussion Boards
80% or more students
being rated as meeting
or exceeding
regarding exemplary
Every year
practices to effectively handle
Capability of a student to analyze a situation,
determine the conflict that exists, and
Mini-Case Analysis
Final Comprehensive
80% or more students
being rated as meeting
or exceeding
Every year
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 9 of 21
family enterprises.
understand the effects of this conflict for the
family and the business.
Discussion Boards
regarding exemplary
and leadership skills related to the
management and sustainability of
family enterprises.
Demonstrate effectiveness of
speaking/writing and presentation. This
o Being able to express information to
individuals or teams taking into
account the audience and the nature of
the information
o Speak/Write clearly and confidently
o Present information in a logically
organized manner
o Track audience responses and react
appropriately to those responses
Demonstrate Active Listening
o Receive verbal messages and
other cues
o Pick out important information in
verbal messages
o Appreciate feelings and concerns
of verbal messages
o Attend to nonverbal cues
o Respond appropriately to verbal
and nonverbal messages
o Ask questions to clarify issues or
unclear messages
Maintaining open communication
Working with diverse people
Decision-making capabilities
Self Assessment
Discussion Board
Reading Briefs
80% or more students
being rated as meeting
or exceeding
expectations regarding
exemplary behaviors.
Every year
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 10 of 21
4. Course Delivery Methods.
Please answer the following:
a) Will this be a 100% distance learning program? Yes No
b) Will this program utilize alternative learning formats (e.g. distance learning, technology-
enhanced instruction, evening/weekend classes, accelerated courses)? Yes No
If yes, please check all that apply below.
Distance Learning
Courses that combine various modes of interaction, such as face-to-face, videoconferencing,
audio-conferencing, mail, telephone, fax, e-mail, interactive television, or World Wide Web
Technology-enhanced instruction
Evening/weekend/early morning classes
Accelerated courses
Instruction at nontraditional locations, such as employer worksite
Courses with multiple entry, exit, and reentry points
Courses with "rolling" entrance and completion times, based on self-pacing
Modularized courses
5. Is there a specialized accrediting agency related to this program? Yes
a. If yes, please identify the agency.
b. If yes, will the program seek accreditation?
6. Describe the library resources available to support this program.
Please also submit a letter of support from the UofL Libraries.
Access to the qualitative and quantitative library resources must be appropriate for the proposed
program and should meet recognized standards for study at a particular level or in a particular
field where such standards are available.
There are several resources that are currently available from the library. This includes books and e-
books, periodicals, and bibliographic resources that are useful to support both family business and
consulting knowledge. In addition, students and faculty will have access to inter-library loan and
research assistance. However, we will provide funds ($1,834 USD) to acquire additional resources
for the library as requested by the Dean of Libraries in his letter of support.
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 11 of 21
C. Program Demand/Unnecessary Duplication
1. Provide the projected enrollment and graduation numbers for the first five years.
Academic Year
Degrees Conferred*
Headcount Enrollment
(Fall term)**
*The attrition of students was calculated based on information from other certificates. This
attrition is expected to be at around 5% of initial enrolment.
** Enrollment numbers are estimated based on information from the initial enrolment in the
Distilled Spirits and Franchising Certificates. Initial enrolment in these two certificates was
averaged and then the 50% estimate was calculated
2. Indicate any efforts to address student educational and workforce needs or to maximize student
success, for both traditional and non-traditional students.
Include any data on student demand; career opportunities at the regional, state, and national
levels; and any changes or trends in the discipline(s) that necessitate a new program.
It is estimated that between 80 and 90 percent of the businesses in the world are family owned or
operated. In the USA the numbers vary depending on the definition of family business used. Using
the narrowest of definitions, 19% of all of the businesses in the US (7.2 Million) are family owned,
while 87% of the businesses (32.4 Million) are family owned using the broadest definition (Pieper,
Kellermanns, & Astrachan, 2021). This means that independent of the area of expertise the majority
of individuals will interact with family businesses either as employees, partners, or service
providers. Additionally, according the 2018 FEUSA Family Enterprise Survey published in July
In the US, family firms generate 64% of GDP & account for 65% of domestic employment
78% of new job creation stems from family owned firms
35% of Fortune 500 companies are family-owned or controlled
Conversations with family business owners, managers, and consultants signal that there is a need for
people to obtain family business-specific skills and knowledge. Family businesses are particularly
complex and estimates are that as many as 70% of family businesses fail to successfully complete
the transition from one generation of owners to the next, many of these because they lack
knowledge and help in addressing the unique challenges that family businesses face in balancing the
needs of the business and the needs of the owning families.
Therefore, we expect there will be two types of audiences interested in this certificate: family
business owners, and professional advisors. Family business owners are looking for ways to manage
the family and business relationships, and to understand what tools are available for them as they
manage the needs of the family and the needs of the business. Professional advisors are looking to
learn more about family businesses so they can better help their customers, especially as larger
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 12 of 21
banks, CPA firms and law firms develop business units dedicated to serving business families.
Because of the program’s broad focus we expect to provide students with an understanding of the
key knowledge needed to help ensure that family businesses thrive and tools necessary to get them
started in assessing what type of help families and their businesses need to ensure continuity.
3. Specify/highlight any distinctive qualities of the proposed program.
The nine-credit certificate may be completed as a stand-alone online certificate or as elective
courses within an MBA program. This will create a stackable credential of MBA plus certificate at
no additional charge to students
In the Full-time, Professional, and Innovation MBA programs these electives are taught under the MBA 680
course designation, while in the Online MBA they are designated as electives.
4. Does the proposed program serve a different student population (e.g., students in a different
geographic area, non-traditional students, etc.) from existing programs? Yes No
If yes, please explain.
The content and delivery design of this program allows the participation of traditional and non-
traditional students from multiple regions of the US and the world. In particular, it enables us to
attract family business owners and individuals that work with family businesses that are currently
not served by College of Business offerings.
5. Will this program replace or enhance any existing program(s) or tracks, concentrations, or
specializations within an existing program? Yes No
If so, please specify.
This program will enhance existing MBA degree programs by providing additional credentials to
the students who decide to complete the certificate or take selected courses as part of their MBA
electives. Additionally, it could help recruit individuals who complete the certificate into the MBA
program. We expect there will be two types of audiences interested in this certificate: family
business owners, and professional advisors. Family business owners who are looking for ways to
manage the family and business relationships, and to understand what tools are available for them as
they manage the needs of the family and the needs of the business. Professional advisors who are
looking to learn more about family businesses so they can better help their customers, especially as
larger banks, CPA firms and law firms develop parts of their business that are dedicated to serving
business families. Thus, by completing the certificate, new students can have the nine credits of the
certificate count toward an MBA program, and have the tuition paid towards the certificate applied
toward the MBA program fee.
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 13 of 21
6. How will the program support or be supported by other programs and/or units within the
institution? Please also describe potential for collaboration with other programs within the
The certificate courses serve as replacements for MBA 680 elective courses.
7. Describe the proposed program’s relationship with programs at other institutions or external
organizations (if applicable).
There is no planned relationship with programs at other institutions.
D. Cost
1. Will this program require additional resources? Yes
If so, please provide a brief summary of new or additional resources that will be needed to
implement this program over the next five years. Document the expected cost/expenditures in
the table below.
There are several additional resources that will be required for the development of this certificate:
1. Faculty InstructionAll of the courses for the certificate will be new offerings of the college.
Thus, we will need to pay some external faculty to teach the courses. This is outlined in question
2. Marketing and Promotion – We will need a $15,000 annual budget for the marketing and
promotion of the certificate.
3. Library FundsFor the initial year we will need to invest $1,834 in new library materials to
update the offerings of the library.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Faculty Instruction
Marketing & Promotion
Library Funds
$ 1,834
Cost for the faculty of instruction include 7.65% for fringe benefits for full time faculty and 7.65%
FICA for adjunct faculty. Adjunct faculty do not receive fringe benefits.
2. Complete the SACS Faculty Roster Form found at the link below and submit it with this
Found at:
Also submit a copy of the program director’s CV.
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 14 of 21
Are new or additional faculty needed? Yes No
a) If yes, please explain, indicating the number and role of each new faculty member and whether they
will be part-time or full-time. Specify if graduate assistants are included in the additional faculty
resources needed.
b) If new faculty are needed, please provide a plan to ensure that appropriate faculty resources are
available, either within the institution or externally, to support the program.
c) What is the projected faculty/student ratio for the program?
Number and Role of New Faculty:
No new full-time faculty will be hired.
Two current full-time faculty will teach three courses (3 courses x 1.5 credits hours per course = 6.0
credit hours
Three part time lecturers will teach three courses (3 courses x 1.5 credit hours per course = 3 credit
How will new faculty be provided the resources that they need?
There will be no new full-time faculty hired.
The faculty hired as part-time lecturers that do not have experience in the online teaching
environment will be trained using the self-paced delphi program for on-line teaching.
What is the projected student- faculty ratio for the program?
The projected student-faculty ratio is 20 to 1.
4. Will this program impact existing programs and/or organizational units within UofL?
Yes No
If so, please describe the impact.
(examples: reallocation of resources, faculty or staff reassigned, changes to other programs
and/or course offerings, reduction or increase in students served, any other possible impact).
The program will impact UofL Online and Professional MBA programs. Certificate courses will
count toward the MBA program. Students that graduate with the Family Business Management and
Advising certificate will have nine credit hours that may be applied a College of Business MBA
degree. No resources will be reallocated to this program.
Complete the New Program Budget Spreadsheet.
Found at:
Notes for completing the Budget Spreadsheet:
Provide an estimate of the level of new and existing resources that will be required to
implement and sustain the program.
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 15 of 21
Any existing resources reallocated to support this new offering should be estimated as an
“internal reallocation” in both the Funding Sources and Expenses sections of the budget.
Any new resources for which the unit/department plans to allocate funding should be listed as
“allocation” in both the Funding Sources and Expenses sections of the budget.
The program proposal is to be developed without the expectation of tuition-sharing or recovery
agreements with the Provost. This approach ensures that the “cost” of operating the program is
somewhat reflective of reality.
For every place you add numbers (in both the Funding Sources and Expenses spreadsheet)
provide a written explanation for the numbers, including how they were calculated. The CPE
system won’t let us submit the proposal without explanations for the budget numbers.
The budget for the proposed program is to be in alignment with the latest budget assumptions
(provided below as of 10/7/19) from the Budget Model Workgroup.
70% (net of mandatory student fees) of resident per credit hour tuition rate (i.e., the listed
rate on the bursar’s website) charged to undergraduate students is allocated to the academic
unit where the instruction takes place. Every credit hour is treated the same under the model.
Graduate: 75% (net of mandatory student fees) of tuition review revenue allocated according
to a student’s home academic program.
Professional: 85% of tuition revenues generated from professional degree (law, dentistry,
medicine), doctoral, and DNP programs allocated to the student’s home academic program.
For purposes of the budget model, doctoral programs fall in the Professional category.
*These definitions of the Budget Model are as of 10/7/19 and are subject to change.
Note that there are three tabs to the Budget spreadsheet.
Funding Sources tab:
Indicate funding to be supplied by the unit (include direct funding & In-kind support):
Internal allocation and reallocation are those estimated dollars needed to fund the start-up and
support the new academic program – typically defined as faculty, administrative/staff, and
operational expenses.
When calculating funding, consider the impact on current faculty workloads.
Include the expected tuition revenue generated by anticipated student enrollment.
If the program will use existing faculty or other existing resources, the amount of funding
represented by those resources are to be listed in the Funding Sources table as reallocation of
If reallocation of “existing” funds are included in the Funding spreadsheet, the numbers should
also be reflected in the Expenses spreadsheet.
If the unit has allocated funds for any new expenses in the Funding Sources spreadsheet, the
numbers should also be added to the Expenses spreadsheet.
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 16 of 21
Expenses tab:
You do not have to estimate classroom space unless you believe that existing space is not
sufficient to support the academic program.
Any expenses identified as “existing” funds in the expenses spreadsheet should also be added to
the Funding Sources spreadsheet as either internal reallocation or internal allocation.
Funding Source/Expenses Combined tab:
This spreadsheet will pre-populate based upon the numbers entered into the Funding Sources and
Expenses spreadsheets. The goal is to have more funding than expenses.
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 17 of 21
Appendix A
Program Curriculum
7. In the table below, provide the program curriculum and any options; indicate total number of credit hours required
for degree completion.
Include full course names and course descriptions.
Where they exist you should report actual course numbers, titles, and descriptions in the course template. If the program
has no specific course numbers required under a particular heading, provide a description of the type of course(s)
required in the “course title” column and the number or range of credit hours required.
Provide a copy of the course syllabus for any new courses developed.
Prefix &
Course Title Course Description Credits Required? New Existing Revised
FMBZ - 610
Family Business
This course provides a general
understanding of family businesses,
the challenges that they face to
remain family owned, and the
considerations that these
organizations need to have to
manage family and non-family
FMBZ 620
Family Dynamics
This course provides an overview
of the multiple definitions of family,
and it explains how family
dynamics (e.g., parenting, cohesion,
communication) affects the business
functioning and vice versa.
FMBZ 630
Family Business
Transitions and
This course provides a general
understanding of the succession
process including: (1) how to
prepare the next generation to enter
and become an active member of
the firm, (2) how to help multiple
generations work together, and (3)
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 18 of 21
how to prepare the older
generations to exit the company or
transition to another part of the
family business.
FMBZ 640
Family Business
This course outlines the system
structures, processes, and policies
that family business can use to
diminish the problems that can arise
from a conflict of interest between
stakeholders of the firm.
FMBZ 650
Family Wealth
Creation and
The course will discuss how
families can plan to manage and
retain their wealth. It will outline
tools that can be considered in this
process and identifies the
challenges and opportunities that
these tools provide to the business
FMBZ 660
Leading Family
Students in this course will learn
about the competencies that leaders
in family businesses would benefit
from having. Students will
complete multiple self-assessments
to understand their strengths and
areas of improvements needed to
successfully work in/with family
Note about courses:
FMBZ 610 is the foundation course. Thus, it is a pre/co-requisite for other courses in the program.
Each course is five weeks long.
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 19 of 21
Appendix B
Learning Outcomes Matrix
Learning Outcome**
FMBZ 610
FMBZ 620
Identify systems, structures,
processes, and practices that
influence the performance and
sustainability/ continuity of family
* Describe the manager’s environment,
functions and responsibilities within family
* Identify the different benefits and
challenges that family enterprises face
based on their degree of development.
* Outline what a family is and the different
typologies used to classify families.
* Identify critical family dynamics that can
influence the continuity of a family business
* Explain how family norms and expectations
can help or harm a business family.
Identify, evaluate, and select
courses of action to make effective
managerial, ownership, and family
decisions to enhance the
sustainability/continuity of the
family and the business.
* Analyze the interconnections between the
family, business and ownership system in
family enterprises.
* Articulate the unique practices necessary
to successfully manage a family business.
* Understand and develop a family genogram
* Assess family dynamics and family working
relationships in the family and business systems.
Identify and develop strategies to
successfully manage the overlap
and conflicting nature of business,
ownership, and family goals to
enhance the continuity of the
family enterprise.
* Illustrate how family and business logics
can influence the management of a family
* Describe how family conflict can translate into
the business and the consequences of this.
Apply management and leadership
practices and tools to effectively
handle opportunities and
challenges of family enterprises.
* Apply evidence-based decision-making
tools and techniques for the execution of
planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling management functions within
family businesses
Apply effective communication
and leadership skills related to the
management and sustainability of
family enterprises.
*Explain the factors that influence the
survival and continuity of family enterprises
*Understand the importance of communication
in the family system and how it can help the
family develop important competencies to work
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 20 of 21
Learning Outcome**
FMBZ 630
FMBZ 640
Identify systems, structures,
processes, and practices that
influence the performance and
sustainability/ continuity of family
* Identify the multiple components involved
in a succession process.
* Explain the role of governance in the
sustainability of family firms.
Identify, evaluate, and select
courses of action to make effective
managerial, ownership, and family
decisions to enhance the
sustainability/continuity of the
family and the business.
* Describe the different aspects of preparing
the next generation to be an active member
of the family business.
*Explain the transition process in family
firms and all of its elements.
* Describe the different types of governance
practices available to family enterprises.
Identify and develop strategies to
successfully manage the overlap
and conflicting nature of business,
ownership, and family goals to
enhance the continuity of the
family enterprise.
* Recognize the challenges that business
families can face during transition and
identify how to help families navigate these
* Identify the benefits and challenges of each
governance practice.
Apply management and leadership
practices and tools to effectively
handle opportunities and
challenges of family enterprises.
* Help family businesses formulate the
different stages of their transition process
* Match different governance practice with
family business needs.
* Assess the governance needs of business
owning families.
Apply effective communication
and leadership skills related to the
management and sustainability of
family enterprises.
* Explain the importance of transition
planning in family businesses.
* Develop a basic plan for management
transitions within a family business.
* Explain why governance is important for
family enterprises.
Certificate Proposal Form (9.6.19), p. 21 of 21
Learning Outcome**
FMBZ 650
FMBZ 660
Identify systems, structures,
processes, and practices that
influence the performance and
sustainability/ continuity of family
* Describe the role of family offices in
helping the wealth needs of business
owning families.
* Explain how family leaders imprint the legacy
of their family and business.
Identify, evaluate, and select courses
of action to make effective
managerial, ownership, and family
decisions to enhance the
sustainability/continuity of the family
and the business.
* Understand the unique wealth needs of
business owning families.
* Assess what the wealth needs of the
family are.
* Understand a person's skills and how they can
be useful and challenging when working with
family businesses.
Identify and develop strategies to
successfully manage the overlap
and conflicting nature of business,
ownership, and family goals to
enhance the continuity of the
family enterprise.
*Identify the different tools and practices
available for business families to plan for
and manage their wealth.
* Identify tools available to assess and help
family business leaders.
Apply management and leadership
practices and tools to effectively
handle opportunities and
challenges of family enterprises.
* Identify which wealth management
practices business owning families should
use based on their needs.
* Identify the different competencies necessary
to be able to lead family businesses as family
members or advisors.
Apply effective communication
and leadership skills related to the
management and sustainability of
family enterprises.
* Explain how family and business goals
influence the approach to family wealth
used by business families.
* Develop and communicate a basic coaching
plan for family business leaders.