State of California
Tax Credit Allocation Committee
Regulation Section 10325(c)(8)
Include the terms and conditions pursuant to which an investor will acquire at least a 99% interest
(usually 99.99%) in the partnership that owns the property:
Name of the partnership, limited partner or investor, general partner(s) and guarantors
Describe the design and outline the development schedule
Outline the construction and permanent financing sources, amounts, terms
State the tax credit reservation amount and terms, including credit delivery schedule, basis
and timing adjusters
State the net price to be paid per dollar of credit, total capital contribution amount,
State any additional conditions which could affect the pricing
Outline guarantees and other obligations of the general partner
State the requirements for Operating and Replacement Reserves
Provide cash flow and sale or refinancing “waterfall” and GP/LP distribution splits
State the conditions to closing into the partnership, including investor committee approval and
conditions under which there could be re-pricing or change in other terms
Describe the developer fee and terms for payment of any deferred fee
State exclusivity of the agreement and indicate any termination fees or damages
Specify the term of commitment/expiration date
Consistent with TCAC Regulation Section 10322(h)(19), the syndicator shall not pay any fees
or provide any other financial or other substantive benefit to a partnership developer unless
all such fees or benefits are fully and completely disclosed to the California Tax Credit
Allocation Committee (CTCAC) in the executed LOI.
Include signature of the investor/syndicator and general partner
Updated January 2016