2018 Associate Benefits Book | Questions? Log on to WalmartOne.com or the WIRE, or call People Services at 800 -421-1362
Walmar 401(k) Plan eligibility 3
Enrolling in the Plan 4
Your Walmar 401(k) Plan accounts 4
Making a rollover from a previous employer’s plan or IRA 4
Making contributions to your 401(k)Account 5
Walmar’s contributions to your Company Match Account 7
Investing your account 8
More about owning Walmar stock 9
Account balances and statements 10
Receiving a payout while working forWalmar 10
If you die: your designated beneficiary 11
If you get divorced 12
If you leave Walmar 13
If you leave and are rehired by Walmar 14
The income tax consequences of apayout 14
Filing a Walmar 401(k) Plan claim 16
Administrative information 16
Special tax notice addendum 19
The legal name of the Plan is the Walmar 401(k) Plan. This document is being provided solely by your employer.
No affiliate of Bank of America Corporation has reviewed or paricipated in the creation of the information
contained herein.
The Walmart 401(k)
(and an important notice about summary heath information under the Associates’ Health and Welfare Plan)
This Summary notifies you of some recent changes to the Walmart 401(k) Plan (Plan) and how those changes may affect your Plan participation. These
changes are discussed in more detail below. You should keep this Summary with the 401(k) Plan section of the 2018 Associate Benefits Book
and read the documents together.
Update of Company N
Effective February 1, 2018, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. changed its legal name to Walmart Inc. Thus, the correct name of the sponsor of the Plan is Walmart
Inc. All references to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. in the 401(k) Plan section of the Book are changed to Walmart Inc.
Extended Excess Deferral Correction Deadline
The total amount you can contribute to this Plan and to any other employer plan (including any other 401(k) plans, 403(b) annuity plans or simplified
employee pension plans) is $18,500 for the 2018 calendar year. (Your catch-up contributions do not count toward this limit.) This amount may be
increased from time to time by the IRS. If you contribute to more than one plan during the year, it is your responsibility to determine if you have
exceeded the legal limit.
If your total contributions go over the legal limit for a calendar year, the excess must be included in your income for that year and will be taxed. In
addition, you may be taxed a second time when the excess amount is later paid to you upon one of the Plan’s normal payout events. For this reason,
you may wish to request that the excess amount be returned to you. If you wish to request that the excess be returned to you from this Plan, you must
contact Benefits Customer Service at 800-421-1362.
Prior to February 1, 2019, you were required to contact Benefits Customer Service by March 1 of the year following the year in which the excess
contributions were made. On and after February 1, 2019, you will have until April 1 to notify Benefits Customer Service that you would like to have the
excess returned to you.
Hurricane Loan Relief
Note that if you were affected by Hurricane Harvey, Irma or Maria, or by the California wildfires, and you had a loan outstanding, you may be entitled to
extend your loan repayment.
Generally, you are eligible for this relief if your principal place of abode on August 23, 2017 for Hurricane Harvey, September 4, 2017 for Hurricane Irma,
or September 16, 2017 for Hurricane Maria, or between October 8, 2017 and December 31, 2017 for the California Wildfires, was located in the
designated disaster area and you sustained an economic loss as a result of such event. If you are eligible for this relief and you failed to pay any loan
repayments due between the applicable date above and December 31, 2018, you will have an additional year to repay the unpaid amounts plus interest.
If you do not repay these amounts by the end of the one-year extension, your loan will default and the outstanding balance will be taxable to you.
Hardship Withdrawal Changes
In the event you have a “financial hardship,” you may be permitted to withdraw a portion of your Plan accounts to help with your needs. Currently, if you
take a withdrawal for financial hardship, you may not contribute to this Plan or certain other retirement or stock purchase plans (including the Associate
Stock Purchase Plan) for six months after the date of your payout. Effective for financial hardship withdrawals processed on or after February 1, 2019,
however, you may continue to contribute to this Plan and other plans after you receive the withdrawal.
Plan Mergers
The following plans were merged into the Plan on the dates specified below.
x October 1, 2018 - Hayneedle, Inc. 401(k) Plan
x November 1, 2018 - ModCloth, Inc. 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan
x November 2, 2018 - Bonobos Retirement Plan
If you previously participated in one of these plans, you may have one or more of the following accounts, which will track the different types of
contributions merged into this Plan from your prior plan: Prior Plan Deferral Account, Prior Plan Associate Deferral Account, Prior Plan Roth 401(k)
Contribution Account, Prior Plan Match Account, Prior Plan QNEC Account, Prior Plan Rollover Account, and After-Tax Rollover Account. You are
always 100% vested in these accounts. These accounts are generally eligible for withdrawal at the same time as under your prior plan.
In the event of your death, note that these accounts will be paid according to your beneficiary designation on file in this Plan or, if you have not made a
beneficiary designation in this Plan, according to the Plan’s default provisions. If you have not made a beneficiary designation under this Plan, you
should make a designation now. If you previously made a designation with this Plan, you should review that designation to make sure it is still consistent
with your intent.
For More Information On These Changes
For more information regarding the changes to the Plan summarized above, please contact Benefits Customer Service at (800) 421-1362, or the Merrill
Lynch Customer Service Center at (888) 968-4015.
This notice serves as a "summary of material modifications" to the summary plan description for the 401(k) Plan. You should keep this with your
summary plan description. Complete details of the Plan are included in the official plan document. If there is a difference between this notice and the
legal document, the Plan document will govern in every instance. In addition, Walmart reserves the right to change or terminate the 401(k) Plan at any
Availability of Summary of Health Information
As an associate, the health benefits available to you represent a significant component of your compensation package. They also provide important
protection for you and your family in the case of illness or injury. Your plan offers a series of health coverage options. Choosing a health coverage
option is an important decision. To help you make an informed choice, your plan makes available a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC), which
summarizes important information about any health coverage option in a standard format, to help you compare options. The SBC is available on the
WIRE and WalmartOne.com/Benefits. A paper copy is also available, free of charge, by calling (800) 421-1362.
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
Find What You Need Online Other Resources
Enroll in or change your 401(k) contribution
and your catch-up contribution
Go to the WIRE, WalmarOne.com,
Workday or the Plan’s website at
Call the Customer Service Center at
Request a rollover packet to make a
rollover contribution
Get a fee disclosure sheet
Get information about your Plan accounts
Get a copy of your quarerly statement
Request a hardship withdrawal or a
withdrawal after you reach age 59½
Change your investment fund choices
Request a payout when you leave Walmar
Get information about your Plan
investment options
Request a withdrawal of your rollover
Request a loan from your Plan account
Go to benefits.ml.com Call the Customer Service Center at
Designate a beneficiary Go to the WIRE, or WalmarOne.com
or Workday
What you need to know about the Walmar 401(k) Plan
You are eligible to make your own contributions to the Plan as soon as administratively feasible after your date of hire
is entered into the payroll system. You can contribute from 1% to 50% of your eligible pay each pay period.
You will begin receiving matching contributions on the first day of the calendar month following your first anniversary
of employment with Walmart if you are credited with at least 1,000 hours of service during your first year and you are
contributing to your 401(k) Account. (Matching contributions will not be made with respect to contributions you make
before you become eligible for matching contributions.)
The matching contribution will be a dollar-for-dollar match on each dollar you contribute to the Plan after you become
eligible for matching contributions, up to 6% of your eligible annual pay.
You will always be 100% vested in the money you contribute to your 401(k) Account and the money Walmart
contributes to your Company Match Account.
You choose how to invest all contributions to your Plan account.
If you do not choose how your current contributions to the Plan will be invested, they will be automatically invested in
the Plans default investment option, currently the myRetirement Funds.
You pay no federal income tax on contributions or any investment earnings until you receive a payout from the Plan.
You can access and monitor your account any time at benefits.ml.com.
You can withdraw your rollover contributions at any time.
You may also request a loan from your Plan account. Loans are subject to certain requirements outlined later
This is a summary of benefits offered under the Plan as of October 1, 2017. Should any questions ever arise about the
nature and extent of your benefits, the formal language of the Plan document, not the informal wording of this summary,
will govern.
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
2018 Associate Benefits Book | Questions? Log on to WalmartOne.com or the WIRE, or call People Services at 800 -421-1362
Walmar 401(k) Plan eligibility
All associates of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. or a participating
subsidiary are eligible to participate in the Plan, except:
Leased employees; nonresident aliens with no income from
U.S. sources; independent contractors or consultants
Anyone not treated as an employee of Walmart or its
participating subsidiaries
Associates covered by a collective bargaining agreement,
to the extent that the agreement does not provide for
participation in this Plan
Associates represented by a collective bargaining
representative after Walmart has negotiated in good
faith to impasse with the representative on the question
of benefits, and
Certain other associates who may be jointly employed
by Walmart and a subsidiary that is not a participating
subsidiary in the Plan.
For purposes of this Summary Plan Description, all
participating subsidiaries are referred to as “Walmart.
Eligible associates may begin making their own
contributions to the Plan as soon as administratively feasible
after their date of hire is entered into the payroll system.
To begin making contributions to the Plan, you can
enroll on WalmartOne.com, the WIRE, Workday, or
through benefits.ml.com (see Enrolling in the Plan later
If you are an eligible associate, you will begin receiving
matching contributions on the first day of the calendar
month following your first anniversary of employment
with Walmart if you are credited with at least 1,000 hours
of service during the first year and are contributing to
your 401(k) Account. (Matching contributions will not be
made with respect to contributions you make before you
become eligible for matching contributions.) For example,
if your date of hire was December 15, 2017, and you are
credited with 1,095 hours by December 15, 2018 (your
first anniversary), then you will begin receiving matching
contributions on January 1, 2019, with respect to any
contributions you make to the Plan on or after that date.
As an additional example, if your date of hire was
December 1, 2017, and you are credited with 1,095 hours
by December 1, 2018 (your first anniversary), then you will
begin receiving matching contributions on January 1, 2019
with respect to any contributions you make to the Plan on
or after that date.
If you are not credited with 1,000 hours of service during
that first year, your eligibility for the matching contributions
will be determined on hours worked during the Plan year,
which runs from February 1 to January 31. You will be eligible
to receive matching contributions on any contributions
you make to the Plan on or after the February 1 that
follows the Plan year in which you are credited with at least
1,000 hours of service. For example, if your date of hire
is December15, 2017, and you are credited with only 595
hours by December15, 2018 (your first anniversary), but
you work 1,095 hours during the February 1, 2018–January
31, 2019 Plan year, you will begin receiving matching
contributions on February 1, 2019 with respect to any
contributions you make to the Plan on or after that date.
For hourly associates, the hours counted toward the
1,000-hour requirement are credited as follows:
Hours, including overtime hours, worked by hourly
associates for Walmart or any subsidiary are counted.
Hours for which an associate receives paid leave or
personal time off are also counted.
When a payroll period overlaps two Plan years, hours are
credited toward the Plan year in which they are actually
worked. However, before February 1, 2015, hours for a
payroll period that overlapped Plan years were prorated
between the two years.
For salaried associates and truck drivers, the hours counted
toward the 1,000-hour requirement are credited as follows:
Salaried associates and truck drivers are credited with 190
hours per month for each month in which they work at
least one hour for Walmart or a subsidiary.
In general, you must work at least six months of the Plan
year to have 1,000 hours credited for the year. (Vacation
pay after you leave Walmart will not give you an additional
190 hours of credit.)
If you become an associate of Walmart or any subsidiary as
the result of the acquisition of your prior employer, special
service crediting rules may apply to you.
Under the Uniformed Services Employment and
Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), veterans
who return to Walmart or a subsidiary after a qualifying
deployment may be eligible to have their qualified military
service considered toward their hours of service under
the Plan. If you think you may be affected by this rule, call
People Services at 800‑421‑1362 for more details.
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
Enrolling in the Plan
Shortly after you become eligible to contribute to the Plan,
(i.e., shortly after your date of hire), you will receive an
enrollment packet at your home address on file. This packet
tells you how you can make contributions from your pay on
a pretax basis into your 401(k) Account and explains how you
can direct the investment of your Plan funds by choosing
from among a menu of investment options with varying
investment objectives and associated risks. Because the
Plan is intended to be an important source for your financial
security at retirement, you should read all information
pertaining to the Plan carefully, and consult with your family,
tax and financial advisors before making any decisions.
Once you satisfy the matching contribution eligibility
requirements, Walmart will match all of your subsequent
contributions dollar-for-dollar up to 6% of eligible annual
pay, as explained in the Walmart’s contributions to your
Company Match Account section.
To begin making contributions to the Plan, you can
enroll online at WalmartOne.com, the WIRE, Workday, or
benefts.ml.com. You can also call the Customer Service
Center at 888‑968‑4015. You can enroll at any time after
you become eligible.
When you enroll, you can choose:
The percentage of your pay that you want to contribute on
a per-pay-period basis (see Making contributions to your
401(k) Account later in this summary), and
How to invest your accounts among the Plan’s investment
options. The Plan’s investment options and procedures are
described in the enrollment packet.
After you enroll, a confirmation notice will be mailed to your
home address, or, if you have chosen electronic delivery of
Plan materials, you will receive an email notification when
the confirmation is available. The confirmation will show the
percentage of your pay that you have chosen to contribute
from each check and the investment option(s) you have
elected. You should review the confirmation to make sure
your enrollment information is correct.
Your contributions to the Plan will be effective as soon as
administratively feasible, normally within two pay periods.
No contributions will be taken from your pay before you
become an eligible participant in the Plan. Only participants
who elect to contribute their own funds to the Plan will
have those contributions matched by the Company (after
they meet the eligibility requirements for matching
contributions, as explained in the Walmart’s contributions
to your Company Match Account section).
It is your responsibility to review your paychecks to confirm
that your election was implemented. If you believe your
election was not implemented, you must promptly notify
the Customer Service Center at 888‑968‑4015, but in
no event later than six months after your election, for
corrective steps to be taken.
Your Walmar 401(k) Plan accounts
The Walmart 401(k) Plan consists of several accounts. You
will have some or all of the following accounts:
401(k) Account: This account holds your contributions to
the Plan (including your catch-up contributions, if any), as
adjusted for earnings or losses on those contributions.
Company Match Account: This account holds Walmart’s
matching contributions, as adjusted for earnings or losses
on those contributions.
401(k) Rollover Account: This account holds any
contributions that you rolled over to this Plan from
another eligible retirement plan, as adjusted for earnings
or losses on those contributions.
Company Funded 401(k) Account: This account holds
the discretionary Company contributions to the 401(k)
portion of the Plan made for Plan years ended on or
before January 31, 2011, as adjusted for earnings or losses
on those contributions.
Company Funded Profit Sharing Account: This account
holds the discretionary Company contributions to the
profit-sharing portion of the Plan made for Plan years
ended on or before January 31, 2011, as adjusted for
earnings or losses on those contributions.
The chart on the following page provides a summary of some
of the differences between these accounts. These differences
are discussed in more detail throughout this summary.
Making a rollover from a previous
employer’s plan or IRA
When you come to work for Walmart, you may have pretax
funds owed to you from a previous employer’s retirement
plan (including a 401(k) plan, a profit-sharing plan, a
403(b) plan of a tax-exempt employer or a 457(b) plan of a
governmental employer). If so, you may be able to roll over
that money to this Plan. You may also roll over pretax funds
you have in an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). If you roll
over funds to this Plan, you should keep these points in mind:
Once you roll funds into the Walmart 401(k) Plan, those
funds will be subject to the rules of this Plan, including
payout rules, and not the rules of your former employer’s
plan or your IRA
Your rollover contribution will be placed in your 401(k)
Rollover Account and will be 100% vested, and
You may withdraw all or any portion of your rollover
contributions at any time.
If you’re interested in making a rollover contribution to the
Plan, you should contact the Customer Service Center at
888‑968‑4015 or go online to benefits.ml.com to obtain a
rollover packet.
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
2018 Associate Benefits Book | Questions? Log on to WalmartOne.com or the WIRE, or call People Services at 800 -421-1362
Making contributions to your
After you become a participant in the Plan, you may
generally choose to contribute from 1% up to 50% of each
paycheck to your 401(k) Account. Your contributions in
any calendar year, however, may not exceed a limit set by
the IRS. For 2017, the limit is $18,000. This amount will be
increased from time to time by the IRS. You are always 100%
vested in all amounts contributed into your 401(k) Account.
The IRS limits the amount of annual compensation that can
be taken into account under the Plan for any participant.
For 2017, this limit is $270,000.
Contributions to your 401(k) Account are deducted from
your pay before federal income taxes are withheld. This
means that you don’t pay federal income taxes on amounts
you contribute to the Plan. Earnings on these contributions
continue to accumulate tax-free and are not taxed until your
401(k) Account is actually distributed to you from the Plan.
You may also save on state and local taxes as well, depending
on your location. Please note that your contributions are
subject to Social Security taxes in the year the amount
is deducted from your pay. Distributions from the Plan,
however, are not subject to Social Security taxes.
In addition, if you contribute your own pay to your 401(k)
Account, you may be eligible for a “Saver’s Credit.” If you
are a married taxpayer who files a joint tax return with a
modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) of $62,000 or less
(for 2017) or a single taxpayer with $31,000 or less (for 2017)
in MAGI on your tax return, you are eligible for this tax
credit, which can reduce your taxes. For more details, your
tax preparer may refer to IRS Announcement 2001-106.
Source of
May paricipants
Are hardship
Are in-service
available after
age 59⁄?
401(k) Account You Yes 100% Yes Yes
Company Match
Walmar Yes 100% No Yes
All Rollover Accounts You Yes 100% Yes Yes
Company Funded
401(k) Account
Walmar Yes 100% No Yes
Company Funded Profit
Sharing Account
Walmar (except
for rollovers you
made to the Profit
Sharing Plan)
Yes 2 years — 20%
3 years — 40%
4 years — 60%
5 years — 80%
6 years — 100%
(Rollovers are
100% vested)
No Yes
(to the extent
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
The percentage of pay you elect to contribute to the Plan
will be applied to the following types of pay:
Regular salary or wages, including bonuses and any pretax
dollars you use for your 401(k) contributions or to purchase
benefits available under Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Associates’
Health and Welfare Plan
Overtime, paid time off (used and paid out), bereavement,
jury duty and premium pay
Most incentive plan payments
Holiday bonuses
Special recognition awards, such as the Outstanding
Performance Award
Differential wage payments you receive from Walmart
while you are on a qualified military leave. This means that
the contribution you have in effect when you go on the
leave will continue to be applied to your differential wage
payments while you are on the leave unless you change
your election, and
Effective February 1, 2018, transition pay designated as
relating to a WARN Act event.
The percentage of pay you elect to contribute to the
Plan will not be applied to the following types of pay:
The 15% Walmart match on the Associate Stock
Purchase Plan
Reimbursement for expenses like relocation
Approved disability pay
Equity income, including income from stock options or
restricted stock rights, or A final paycheck upon your
termination of employment that is paid prior to the end of
a normal pay cycle (unless it is administratively practicable
to withhold your contribution from that paycheck).
You can increase, decrease, stop, or begin your contributions
at any time by logging on to WalmartOne.com, the WIRE,
Workday or benefits.ml.com. You may also call the
Customer Service Center at 888-968-4015. Your change
will be effective as soon as administratively feasible,
normally within two pay periods. If you change your
contribution amount, a confirmation notice will be sent
to your home address or, if you have chosen electronic
delivery of Plan documents, you will receive an email
notification when the confirmation is available. It is your
responsibility to review your paychecks to confirm that
your election was implemented. If you believe your election
was not implemented, you must notify the Customer
Service Center at 888-968-4015 in a timely manner, so
that corrective steps can be taken. Your notification will
not be considered timely if it is more than six months after
the date your election is made. If you do not notify the
Customer Service Center in a timely manner, the amount
that is being withheld from your paycheck will be treated as
your deferral election.
If you are age 50 or older (or will be age 50 by the end of
the applicable calendar year) and you are contributing up to
the Plan or legal limits, you are allowed to make additional
contributions. These are called catch-up contributions
and are made by payroll deduction just like your normal
contributions. For 2017, your catch-up contributions may
be any amount up to the lesser of $6,000 or 75% of your
eligible annual pay. This amount may be adjusted from time
to time by the IRS. Your catch-up contributions will be
credited to your 401(k) Account.
For example, if you elect to contribute the maximum
amount of $18,000 in the 2017 calendar year, or if you
elect to contribute the maximum percentage of your
eligible annual pay allowed under the Plan, you could elect
to contribute up to an additional $6,000 during the 2017
calendar year. If you are interested in making catch-up
contributions, you can enroll online at WalmartOne.com,
the WIRE, Workday or benefits.ml.com, or by calling the
Customer Service Center at 888-968-4015.
The total amount you can contribute to this Plan and to
any other employer plan (including 403(b) annuity plans,
simplified employee pensions or other 401(k) plans) is $18,000
for the 2017 calendar year, or $24,000 if you are eligible for
catch-up contributions. This amount may be increased from
time to time by the IRS. If you contribute to more than one
plan during the year, it is your responsibility to determine if
you have exceeded the legal limit.
If your total contributions go over the legal limit for a
calendar year, you should request that the excess amount
be refunded to you. The excess amount must be included
in your income for that year and will be taxed. In addition,
if the excess amount is not refunded to you by April 15
following the year the amount was deferred, you will be
taxed a second time when the excess amount is distributed
to you. If you wish to request that the excess be returned
to you from this Plan, you must contact People Services at
800-421-1362 no later than March 1 following the calendar
year in which the excess contributions were made. Any
matching contributions related to refunded contributions
will be forfeited.
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
2018 Associate Benefits Book | Questions? Log on to WalmartOne.com or the WIRE, or call People Services at 800 -421-1362
If you missed work because of qualified military service, you
may be entitled under the Uniformed Services Employment
and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) to make up
contributions you missed during your military service (that is,
to make contributions equal to the amount you would have
been eligible to make if you were working for Walmart).
Because you will only have a certain period of time after you
return to work to make these contributions (generally three
times the period of military service, up to five years), you
should contact People Services at 800-421-1362 if you think
you may be affected by these rules.
Walmars contributions to your
Company Match Account
As explained above, you are eligible to receive matching
contributions on the first day of the calendar month
following your first anniversary of employment with
Walmart if you are credited with at least 1,000 hours of
service during the that year. Once you have satisfied these
requirements, Walmart will make matching contributions
to your Company Match Account equal to 100% of your
subsequent contributions to your 401(k) Account, including
catch-up contributions, up to 6% of your eligible annual
pay. Matching contributions will not be made with respect
to contributions you make before you become eligible
for matching contributions. After you become eligible
for matching contributions, the company matching
contribution will be made into your Company Match
Account each pay period until you reach the full amount
of the company matching contribution for which you are
eligible for that Plan year. Your eligible annual pay for this
purpose is the same as outlined above for determining
your 401(k) contributions to the Plan, but does not include
amounts paid to you before you become eligible to receive
matching contributions.
As previously noted, if you miss work because of qualified
military service, you may be entitled under USERRA to
make up 401(k) contributions that you missed during your
military service. If you do make up any 401(k) contributions,
Walmart is required to make up matching contributions you
would have received with respect to those contributions.
If you think this rule may apply to you, you should contact
People Services at 800-421-1362.
You are always 100% vested in Walmart’s matching
contributions to your Company Match Account.
If you have a Company Funded Profit Sharing Account (see
Your Walmart 401(k) Plan accounts earlier in this summary),
the vested percentage of your Company Funded Profit
Sharing Account is the portion that you are entitled to
receive if you leave Walmart. Your account statements show
your vested percentage.
You become vested in your Company Funded Profit Sharing
Account (other than rollovers in that account, which are
always 100% vested) depending on your years of service
with Walmart as follows:
Years of Service Vested percentage
Less than two 0%
Two 20%
Three 40%
Four 60%
Five 80%
Six or more 100%
* Applies to paricipants actively employed on or after
January31, 2008.
NOTE: If you terminated employment before February 1, 2007,
your payout was based on the prior vesting schedule and not
A year of service for this purpose is a Plan year (February1
January 31) in which you are credited with at least 1,000
hours of service under the hours of service rules (see How
hours of service are credited under the Plan earlier in this
summary). If you are credited with less than 1,000 hours in a
Plan year, your vesting does not increase. (Please note that
years of service for this purpose are not determined by your
anniversary date.)
If you leave Walmart because of retirement (at age 65
or older) or death, your Company Funded Profit Sharing
Account will be 100% vested, regardless of your years of
service. Your Company Funded Profit Sharing Account will
also be 100% vested if the Plan is ever terminated.
You are always 100% vested in Walmart’s contributions to
your Company Funded 401(k) Account.
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
Investing your account
You decide how your accounts will be invested. You
can choose:
The myRetirement Funds. The myRetirement Funds are a
series of customized investment options created solely for
Plan participants by the Benefits Investment Committee,
and are commonly known as “target retirement date”
funds. The myRetirement Funds are diversified investment
options that automatically change their asset allocation
over time to become more conservative as a participant
gets closer to retirement. This is done by shifting the
amount of money that is invested in more aggressive
investments, such as stocks, and allocating those amounts
to more conservative investments, such as bonds, as a
participant gets closer to retirement. “myRetirement
Funds” is a term developed by Walmart for describing
these specific Plan investment options.
From among a menu of investment options made available
under the Plan. Note that Walmart stock is an investment
option only for your Company Funded Profit Sharing
Account. Walmart stock is not available for investment
through any of your other Plan accounts (although to the
extent these other accounts hold Walmart stock, you may
always sell such shares, but no future purchases of Walmart
stock are allowed).
You may choose one of the investment options or you may
spread your money among the various investment options.
The investment gains or losses on your accounts will depend
upon the performance of the investments you choose.
If you do not make an investment choice for current
contributions to your account, they will be invested in one
of the myRetirement Funds based on your age. For more
information, refer to the Qualified Default Investment
Alternative (QDIA) notice and your enrollment packet. These
documents can both be obtained by going to benefits.ml.com
or by calling the Customer Service Center at 888‑968‑4015.
Because the Company Funded Profit Sharing Account is an
Employee Stock Ownership Plan, for Plan years ending prior
to January 31, 2006, all or a significant portion of Walmart’s
profit-sharing contribution was invested in Walmart stock.
If you were a participant in the Plan prior to that date, you
may have Walmart stock in your Company Funded Profit
Sharing Account. For Plan years ending January 31, 2007 or
later, Walmart’s profit-sharing contribution was not invested
in Walmart stock.
A description of all investment options, including the
myRetirement Funds, is included in the enrollment packet
you receive when you are eligible to enroll. You also may
obtain additional information for each investment option
by reviewing the Annual Participant Fee Disclosure
Notice. You may obtain a copy free of charge by accessing
your account online at benefits.ml.com or by calling the
Customer Service Center at 888‑968‑4015.
Please note that this Plan is intended to be an “ERISA
Section 404(c) plan.” This means that you assume all
investment risks connected with the investment options
you choose in the Plan, or in which your funds are invested
if you fail to make investment selections, including the
increase or decrease in market value. Walmart Stores, Inc.,
the Benefits Investment Committee and the trustee are not
responsible for losses to your accounts which are the direct
and necessary result of investment decisions you make or,
if you fail to make an affirmative investment decision, as a
result of your accounts being invested in a default fund.
If you have a Company Funded Profit Sharing Account (see
Your Walmart 401(k) Plan accounts earlier in this summary)
and you choose to invest some or all of your Company
Funded Profit Sharing Account in Walmart stock or retain
Walmart stock in your other accounts, be aware that since
this option is a single stock investment, it generally carries
more risk than the options offered through the Plan.
It is also important to periodically review your investment
portfolio, your investment objectives and the investment
options under the Plan to help ensure that your investments
are in line with your objectives and your risk tolerance. If
you would like more sources of information on individual
investing and diversification, you may go to the website of the
Department of Labor, http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/investing.html.
You may obtain more specific information regarding your
investment rights and investment options under the Plan at
benefits.ml.com or by calling the Customer Service Center
at 888‑968‑4015.
You can change your investment choices at any time online
at benefits.ml.com or by calling the Customer Service
Center at 888‑968‑4015. If you make an investment change,
a confirmation notice will be sent to your home address or
you will receive an email notification when the confirmation
is available if you have chosen electronic delivery of your
Plan materials. It is your responsibility to make sure your
change is made. If you do not receive a confirmation notice
or you do not see that your change has been applied, contact
the Customer Service Center at 888‑968‑4015.
If you call the Customer Service Center at 888‑968‑4015
prior to 3:00 p.m. Eastern time, your investment change
generally will be processed on the day you call. Depending
on the investment change, there may be up to a three-day
settlement period before your funds are invested in your
new election.
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
2018 Associate Benefits Book | Questions? Log on to WalmartOne.com or the WIRE, or call People Services at 800 -421-1362
To help you diversify your retirement savings, the Plan
offers a variety of investment options with different levels
of risk and potential for increase in value. To “diversify
means that you “put your eggs in more than one basket.
To help achieve long-term retirement security, you should
give careful consideration to the benefits of a well-balanced
and diversified investment portfolio. This strategy can help
reduce risk and may provide consistent returns because a
decline in the value of one investment may potentially be
offset by an increase in the value of another. If you invest
more than 20% of your retirement savings in any one stock,
such as Walmart stock, or any one industry, your savings
may not be properly diversified. Although diversification
cannot ensure a profit or protect against loss, it can be an
effective strategy to help you manage investment risk.
When deciding how to invest your retirement savings, you
should take into account all of your assets, including any
retirement savings outside of the Plan. For example, you
may own Walmart stock through other means. No single
approach is right for everyone because, among other
factors, individuals have different financial goals, different
time horizons for meeting their goals, and different
tolerances for risk. Therefore, you should keep in mind your
rights to diversify your Plan account and carefully consider
how you choose to invest your Plan account. You can obtain
information about your right to diversify your account and
all of the investment options available under the Plan by
accessing your account online at benefits.ml.com or by
calling the Customer Service Center at 888968‑4015. It
is also important to periodically review your investment
portfolio, your investment objectives and the investment
options under the Plan to help ensure that your investments
remain appropriate for your retirement goals and your
tolerance for investment risk. If you would like more
sources on individual investing and diversification, you
may go to the website of the Department of Labor,
More about owning Walmar stock
If any of your account is invested in Walmart stock through
the Plan, each year you will receive all of the materials
generally distributed to the shareholders of Walmart,
including an instruction card telling the trustee how you
would like the shares in your Plan account to be voted.
The materials will be mailed to your home address or sent
electronically, based on your online elections.
You can instruct the trustee, through the company’s
transfer agent, to vote Walmart stock held in your Plan
accounts. This usually occurs in May of each year. Your
instructions to the transfer agent and the trustee are
kept confidential at all times. You will send your voting
instructions directly to the transfer agent, who will compile
the votes and notify the Benefits Investment Committee
of the total votes cast. The Benefits Investment Committee
will then notify the Plan trustee of the total votes that are
to be cast.
If you do not provide instruction to the trustee on how
you would like your shares voted, the Benefits Investment
Committee will vote those shares at its discretion. If neither
you nor the Benefits Investment Committee exercise voting
rights, the trustee or an independent fiduciary appointed by
the trustee may vote the unvoted shares.
Procedures have been designed to protect the
confidentiality of your rights with respect to shares of
Walmart stock held under the Plan, including the right to
purchase, sell, hold or vote on proxy matters. For example,
procedures with the Company’s transfer agent for Walmart
stock have been implemented that prevent Wal-Mart
Stores, Inc. and the Benefits Investment Committee from
finding out how any individual participant or beneficiary
voted (except as necessary to comply with securities laws)
and from having access to your individual proxy cards or
proxy card shareholder comments.
In addition, access to information about your decisions to
buy, sell or hold Walmart stock generally is limited to those
assisting in the administration of the Plan. The Benefits
Investment Committee is responsible for ensuring that these
procedures are sufficient to protect the confidentiality of
this information and that the procedures are being followed.
If the Benefits Investment Committee determines that a
situation has potential for undue influence by the Walmart
with respect to your rights as shareholder (through your
Plan Account), the Benefits Investment Committee will
appoint an independent party to perform activities that are
necessary to prevent undue influence.
If you have Walmart stock in your accounts, your accounts
will be credited with any dividends paid by Wal-Mart Stores,
Inc. with respect to its stock. Dividends allocated to your
401(k) Account, your Company Funded 401(k) Account
or your 401(k) Rollover Account will be automatically
reinvested in Walmart stock. Dividends allocated to your
Company Funded Profit Sharing Account (and Profit
Sharing Rollover Account) will also be reinvested in Walmart
stock, except as noted below.
If you are an active participant (excludes beneficiaries
and alternate payees, as defined in the If you get divorced
section) with six or more years of service, you have an option
to take a cash payout of any dividends paid on Walmart stock
held in your Company Funded Profit Sharing Account or
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
Profit Sharing Rollover Account. Also, if you are a terminated
participant who had more than six years of service when you
terminated and you continue to maintain your accounts in
the Plan after you leave, you will have the option to elect a
cash payout of dividends paid on Walmart stock held in your
Company Funded Profit Sharing Account or Profit Sharing
Rollover Account. If you do not opt for the cash payout, your
dividends will be reinvested in Walmart stock.
You may make an election any time by calling the Customer
Service Center at 888‑968‑4015. Your most recently filed
election will apply to all subsequent dividends until you
change your election. (You may change your election only
once each business day.) Keep in mind that your election
must be made no later than the close of business on the
day prior to the record date for the dividend in order to be
effective for that dividend. You will not be able to make any
elections or election changes during the period from the
record date of the dividend through the dividend pay date
(which is usually three to four weeks after the record date).
Each year, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. releases the quarterly
record dates for dividend payouts. You can find this
information on walmart.com. You may also contact the
Customer Service Center at 888‑968‑4015 if you need
information about upcoming record dates for dividends.
You should keep in mind that a dividend payout will be
taxable to you.
Please note that if you request a hardship payout from
your 401(k) Account within five business days of the record
date for a dividend and you have the right to elect a cash
distribution of the dividend, tax laws require that the
dividend be automatically paid to you in cash.
Account balances and statements
At least once a year, you’ll receive a statement on your
accounts showing contributions made by you and by
Walmart, if any, the performance of your investment
options, the values of your accounts and fees assessed
to your account during the quarter. You can easily get
information about your accounts, including a quarterly
statement, at any time online at benefits.ml.com or by
calling the Customer Service Center at 888968‑4015. You
can also request a paper copy of any quarterly statement
at any time free of charge by calling the Customer Service
Center at 888‑968‑4015.
Administrative and investment fees may be assessed
to your accounts. You can find information on fees in the
Annual Participant Fee Disclosure Notice and online at
Receiving a payout while working
Generally, you are not entitled to a payout from the
Walmart 401(k) Plan until you stop working for Walmart.
However, in the following limited situations you may be
entitled to receive a payout or loan of some or all of your
accounts while you’re still working:
You may request a loan from your Plan account.
Rollovers can be withdrawn at any time.
In the case of a financial hardship or after you attain
It’s important to understand how any type of payout or loan
from the Walmart 401(k) Plan affects your tax situation. For
more information, see The income tax consequences of a
payout later in this summary.
You may withdraw some or all of your 401(k) Account (other
than earnings on those contributions) and your 401(k)
Rollover Account as necessary to meet a “financial hardship.
Under IRS guidelines, a financial hardship may exist if the
request is for:
Payment of medical care expenses not covered by
insurance for you, your spouse, your dependents or your
affirmatively-designated primary beneficiary
Costs directly related to the purchase of your primary
residence (home)
Payment of tuition, fees, and room and board expenses for
up to the next 12 months of post-high school education for
you, your spouse, your dependents or your affirmatively-
designated primary beneficiary
Payments necessary to prevent eviction from, or
foreclosure on, your primary residence
Payment for burial or funeral expenses for your deceased
parent, spouse, children, dependent or your affirmatively-
designated primary beneficiary, or
Expenses for the repair of damage to your principal
residence that would qualify for a casualty deduction
under federal income tax rules.
Federal tax law requires that you must have already
obtained all in-service payouts available (including in-service
withdrawals of rollover contributions or at age 59½ and any
nontaxable participant loans available to you under this Plan)
before you can request a financial hardship payout.
Also, federal tax laws will not allow you to contribute to this
Plan and certain other retirement or stock purchase plans
(including the Associate Stock Purchase Plan) for six months
after the date of your financial hardship payout. If you are
a management associate with stock options, you may not
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
2018 Associate Benefits Book | Questions? Log on to WalmartOne.com or the WIRE, or call People Services at 800 -421-1362
exercise options during this six-month period. Also, please
note that if you request a financial hardship payout within
five business days of the record date of a dividend and you
are entitled to elect a cash payout of that dividend, the
dividend will automatically be distributed to you in cash.
A financial hardship payout is immediately taxable to you,
including a 10% penalty tax if you are under age 59½ or if
the payout is not for certain medical purposes. For more
information, see The income tax consequences of a payout
later in this chapter.
You can make a request for a financial hardship payout
online at benefits.ml.com or by calling the Customer
Service Center at 888‑968‑4015.
Any time after you reach age 59½, you may elect to
withdraw all or any portion of your Plan accounts, to
the extent vested, even though you are still working for
Walmart. You can make a request for a withdrawal online at
benefits.ml.com or by calling the Customer Service Center
at 888‑968‑4015.
You may withdraw all or any portion of your 401(k)
Rollover Account and your Profit Sharing Rollover
Account at any time even if you are still working for
Walmart or its subsidiaries.
You may apply for a loan from the vested portion of your
Plan account while you are still working for Walmart. The
Administrator has established a written loan program
which explains these requirements in more detail. You can
request a copy of the loan program or make a request for a
loan online at benefits.ml.com or by calling the Customer
Service Center at 888‑968‑4015.
Generally, the rules for loans include the following:
The maximum loan amount is limited by IRS rules, which
generally limit your total loan balances to the lesser of
(1) 50% of the total of your vested Plan account or (2)
$50,000 (reduced by the excess, if any, of your highest
outstanding loan balance during the one-year period prior
to the date of the loan over your current outstanding
balance of loans). The minimum loan amount is $1,000.
All loans must be secured by a pledge of up to one-half of
your vested Plan account.
A fee will be charged to process your loan application.
Additional fees may be accessed for residential loans. (This
amount may change from time to time.)
All loans will bear a commercially reasonable rate of
interest set by the Administrator from time to time.
Loans must be repaid in regular installments over a one- to
five-year period, unless you are using the loan proceeds
to buy a house for yourself, in which case the repayment
period may be longer as set forth in the written loan
program from time to time.
You may have only one general purpose loan and one
residential loan outstanding at any time.
All loans will be considered a directed investment from
your account under the Plan. Your payments of principal
and interest on the loan will be credited to your Plan
If you fail to make payments when due under the loan,
you will be considered to be in default. Under certain
circumstances, a loan that is in default may be considered
a distribution from the Plan. The significance of the loan
balance being treated as a distribution is that the amount
of this distribution will be taxable to you as ordinary
income and could be subject to excise taxes. A Form
1099-R will be issued to you and the total amount of the
distribution will be reported to the IRS.
When you are on an authorized unpaid leave of absence,
you may be excused from making scheduled loan
repayments for a period up to one year. If you have an
outstanding loan when you are called to qualified military
service, special rules under USERRA may apply. If you think
you may be affected by these rules, call the Customer
Service Center at 888‑968‑4015 for more details.
If you die: your designated beneficiary
In the event of your death, your entire Plan balance will be
paid out to your beneficiary. It is very important for you to
keep your beneficiary information up to date. Beneficiary
choices should be made at WalmartOne.com, the WIRE
or Workday. Since your spouse or partner has certain
rights in the death benefit, you should immediately update
your beneficiary election if there is a change in your
relationship status.
If you have a spouse and wish to name someone other than
your spouse as your designated beneficiary, your spouse
must consent to that designation. You must complete the
Alternate Beneficiary Form for Married Participants Form
B and your spouse must complete the Spousal Consent
portion of that form. The Spousal Consent form must
be notarized and must accompany the Form B in order
to be valid. Form B and the Spousal Consent form can
be found on the WIRE, or you may talk to the personnel
representative at your facility. Any beneficiary designation
you make will be effective for all of your Plan accounts.
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
If you do not designate a beneficiary, your death benefit
will be distributed in accordance with the Plan’s default
provisions in the following order, as stated below:
Spouse or partner (as defined below); if none, then
Living children (stepchildren are not included);
if none, then
Living parents; if none, then
Living siblings; if none, then
The estate.
Please note that if you designate your spouse as your
beneficiary and you later divorce, your designation will not
be effective after the divorce unless you complete a new
designation form. Similarly, if you do not have a spouse and
you later marry, your prior beneficiary designation will not
be effective after the marriage unless you complete a new
designation form with your spouse’s consent.
Also, note that if you designate a beneficiary and your
beneficiary dies before the benefit check is issued, the
benefit will be paid to your contingent beneficiary or, if
none, under the default rules above. If your beneficiary dies
after the benefit check has been issued, the benefit will
be paid to your beneficiary’s estate. Note, however, that
if your spouse or partner is your beneficiary, the benefit
will always be paid to the spouse’s or partner’s estate if
he or she dies after you but before the benefit is paid.
Again, it is very important for you to keep your beneficiary
information up to date. Beneficiary choices should be made
at WalmartOne.com, the WIRE or Workday.
NOTE: Effective June 26, 2013, your same-sex spouse will
be treated in the same manner as an opposite-sex spouse
for Plan purposes. Keep in mind that if you had a same-sex
spouse on that date, any beneficiary designation you had in
effect which designated someone other than your spouse
as your beneficiary immediately became invalid on that
date. Your spouse will automatically be your beneficiary
unless you make a new beneficiary designation with your
spouse’s consent.
Effective January 1, 2014, if you have a “partner” and you
have not made an affirmative beneficiary designation, your
partner will be your beneficiary unless you affirmatively
designate a different beneficiary (regardless of whether
the designation occurred before or after your partnership
began). Your “partner” for Plan purposes means:
Your domestic partner, as long as you and your domestic
Are in an ongoing, exclusive and committed relationship
similar to marriage and have been for at least 12 months
and intend to continue indefinitely;
Are not married to each other or to anyone else;
Meet the age for marriage in your home state and are
mentally competent to consent to contract in that state;
Are not related in a manner that would bar a legal
marriage in the state in which you live, and
Are not in the relationship solely for the purpose of
obtaining benefits coverage, or
Any other person to whom you are joined in a legal
relationship recognized as creating some or all of the
rights of marriage in the state or country in which the
relationship was created.
You should take action to ensure that your beneficiary under
the Plan reflects your current intent. Beneficiary choices
should be made at WalmartOne.com, the WIRE or Workday.
OCTOBER 31, 2003
If you made a beneficiary designation under the 401(k) Plan
on or before October 31, 2003, that designation will continue
to apply to your 401(k) Account, your Company Funded
401(k) Account, your Company Match Account, and your
401(k) Rollover Account. Similarly, if you made a beneficiary
designation under the Profit Sharing Plan on or before
October 31, 2003, that designation will continue to apply to
your Company Funded Profit Sharing Account and Profit
Sharing Rollover Account. If you change your beneficiary
designation after October 31, 2003, it will apply to all Plan
accounts and any prior designations will be ineffective.
Note that changes in your relationship status may affect
your beneficiary designation, as explained above.
Again, it is very important for you to keep your beneficiary
information up to date. Beneficiary designations should be
made at WalmartOne.com, the WIRE or Workday.
If you get divorced
If you go through a divorce, all or part of your Plan balance
may be awarded to an “alternate payee” in the court order,
called a “Qualified Domestic Relations Order” (QDRO).
An alternate payee may be your spouse or former spouse,
child or other dependent. (Federal law at this time does
not permit the recognition of a QDRO for a partner
unless the partner is also a dependent of the participant.)
Because there are very strict requirements for these
cases, you should contact the QDRO Administrator at
877-MER-QDRO (877‑637‑7376) for a free copy of the
procedures your attorney should use in drafting the court
order. After the court order is received by the QDRO
Administrator, it must be reviewed to determine if it meets
legal requirements for this type of order and will take a
period of time to be processed. The administrative fee for
processing your QDRO will be charged to your account or
as directed in the Order.
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
2018 Associate Benefits Book | Questions? Log on to WalmartOne.com or the WIRE, or call People Services at 800 -421-1362
If you leave Walmar
When you stop working for Walmart, you are entitled to
receive a payout of all of your vested accounts in the Plan.
It is important to understand how any type of payout from
the Walmart 401(k) Plan affects your tax situation. For more
information, see The income tax consequences of a payout
later in this summary.
You may elect to receive your payout 30 calendar days after
your termination is entered into the payroll system. For
example, if your termination is entered into and processed
by the payroll system on July 19, 2017, you may elect your
payout on or after August 18, 2017.
A notice will normally be mailed to your home address or
sent electronically, based on your delivery elections, after
you leave Walmart and its subsidiaries to inform you that
you are entitled to payment. Please make sure that your
address is correct on your payroll check when you leave
Walmart and its subsidiaries or that you give a forwarding
address during your exit interview. If you have not received
any information regarding your payout within 60 days of
your termination date, you should contact the Customer
Service Center at 888‑968‑4015. To request your payout,
you will need to access your account on benefits.ml.com or
by calling the Customer Service Center at 888968‑4015.
Your consent to the payout is not required and your payout
will automatically be made to you:
If your total vested Plan balance (excluding your 401(k)
Rollover Account) is $1,000 or less at any time. This
automatic payout will be made as soon as possible
after the last business day of the third calendar month
following the calendar month in which your termination
date is entered into the payroll system, unless you
consent to an earlier payout. as described above. In the
example above, if your account is eligible for automatic
payout and you do not consent to payout on or after
August 19, 2017, your payout will automatically be made
to you as soon as possible after October 31, 2017, or
If you are over age 70, regardless of the amount of your
total vested Plan balance. This automatic payout will
be made as soon as possible after the last business day
of the second calendar month following the calendar
month in which you turn age 70, unless you consent to
an earlier payout. as described above. For instance, if
you turn age 70 in July 2017 and your account is eligible
for automatic payout, and you do not consent to payout,
your payout would automatically be made on the first
scheduled date after September 30, 2017, according to
Plan provisions.
If your total vested Plan balance is more than $1,000
and you are under age 70, you must consent to your
payout. Payout will be made as soon as possible after your
consent is received by the Customer Service Center at
888968‑4015, but no earlier than 30 calendar days after
your termination is entered into the payroll system.
If your total vested Plan balance is more than $1,000,
you can choose to delay your payout until any date up to
age 70, but your Plan balance will be subject to an annual
maintenance fee and possibly other expenses. For more
information regarding these charges, refer to the Annual
Participant Fee Disclosure Notice. If you choose to delay
your payout, you will be able to continue to make changes
in your investment choices just as you did while you were an
active participant in the Plan.
If you return to work with Walmart before your payout is
completed, the payout will be canceled and no payout will
be made from your account.
The entire value of your 401(k) Account, your Company
Funded 401(k) Account, your 401(k) Rollover Account
and the Company Match Account will be paid out to you.
In addition, if you have a Company Funded Profit Sharing
Account (see Your Walmart 401(k) Plan accounts earlier in
this summary), you will also be paid the value of the vested
portion of your Company Funded Profit Sharing Account.
You will forfeit (give up) the nonvested portion of your
Company Funded Profit Sharing Account, as explained
in the Vesting in your Company Funded Profit Sharing
Account earlier in this summary.
The amount you will receive will be based on the value of
your accounts as of the date the payout is processed. If a
cash payout is made directly to you rather than rolled over
to an IRA or other employer plan, applicable taxes will be
withheld from your check.
A check processing fee will be applied to your Plan balance
when it is paid out to you.
You have several options for receiving your payout.
Your accounts will be distributed in a single lump-sum
payment directly to you, unless you elect to roll them over
to an IRA or to another employer’s retirement plan.
Your accounts will normally be paid to you in cash.
However, you may elect to have your Company Funded
Profit Sharing Account (and Profit Sharing Rollover
Account) distributed to you in the form of Walmart stock
(even if it is not invested in Walmart stock at the time
your payout is processed) or partly in cash and partly in
Walmart stock. You may also elect to have your 401(k)
Account, your Company Funded 401(k) Account and your
401(k) Rollover Account paid to you in Walmart stock to
the extent those accounts are invested in Walmart stock
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
at the time your payout is processed. Any part of those
accounts that is not invested in Walmart stock at the time
of your payout will be distributed in cash.
If the total of your vested accounts is $1,000 or less, or
if you are over age 70 (regardless of the amount of your
vested accounts), your payout will be made directly to you in
a single cash payout. If you wish to take any of your payout
in the form of Walmart stock or if you wish to roll over your
payout to an IRA or other employer plan, you must contact
the Customer Service Center at 888‑968‑4015 with your
payout instructions within the time period shown in your
payout notice. If you fail to contact the Customer Service
Center at 888‑968‑4015 in a timely manner, your payout
will be made in a single cash payment to you.
If the total of your vested accounts in the Plan is more
than $1,000, your payout will not be made until you make
an election regarding the form of payout and consent to
the distribution, or until you reach age 70. To obtain your
payout, you should contact the Customer Service Center at
If you leave and are rehired by Walmar
If you leave Walmart and its subsidiaries and are later
rehired as an eligible associate, you will be immediately
eligible to make your own contributions to the Plan on your
date of rehire.
If you leave Walmart and its subsidiaries after you became
eligible to receive matching contributions and are later
rehired by Walmart, you will automatically be eligible to
receive matching contributions on your rehire date. Similarly,
if you leave Walmart and its subsidiaries after you met the
1,000-hour requirement for matching contribution eligibility
but before your actual participation date, you will be eligible
to receive matching contributions beginning on the later
of the date you would have initially become a participant or
your rehire date (with respect to contributions you make
after that date). If you were not a participant when you left,
or had not satisfied the 1,000-hour requirement, you will be
treated as a new associate when you are rehired and will be
required to complete the eligibility requirements (see When
participation begins earlier in this summary) in order to be
eligible to receive matching contributions under the Plan.
When you terminate employment, the portion of your
Company Funded Profit Sharing Account that is not vested
(if any) will not be paid to you. This nonvested amount is
called a “forfeiture.
If you receive a total payout of your vested Plan balance
after your termination of employment and while your
Company Funded Profit Sharing Account is partially
vested, the nonvested portion of your Company Funded
Profit Sharing Account will be forfeited on the date of
your payout.
If you do not receive a total payout of your vested Plan
balance after your termination of employment, the
nonvested portion of your Company Funded Profit
Sharing Account will not be forfeited until you have five
consecutive “breaks in service.” A break in service is a Plan
year (February 1–January 31) in which you are credited with
500 hours of service or less. If you are absent from work
due to an FMLA leave and have worked 500 hours or less
in the Plan year, you will be credited with enough hours to
bring you up to 500.01 hours so that you will not incur a
break in service.
The nonvested portion of your Company Funded Profit
Sharing Account that was forfeited will be reinstated (at its
former value) if you are rehired by Walmart or subsidiary
before you have five consecutive breaks in service and you
pay back to the Plan the total amount of your payout within
five years after you are rehired. If you return to work with
Walmart or a subsidiary after five or more consecutive
breaks in service, or if you chose not to repay your payout
as discussed above, the nonvested portion of your Company
Funded Profit Sharing Account that was forfeited will not
be reinstated.
If you were zero percent vested in your Company Funded
Profit Sharing Account when you terminated employment,
your nonvested Company Funded Profit Sharing Account
will automatically be reinstated if you are rehired prior to
five consecutive breaks in service.
Forfeitures of nonvested Company Funded Profit Sharing
Accounts of terminated participants generally are used to
pay Plan expenses and for certain other purposes, such as to
restore account balances as discussed above.
When you are rehired, your years of service with Walmart
before you left will be counted for purposes of determining
your vesting in Walmart’s contributions to your Company
Funded Profit Sharing Account.
The income tax consequences of
The tax consequences of your participation in the Plan
are your responsibility. This explanation is only a brief
description of the U.S. federal tax consequences related
to your participation in the Plan. This description is based
on current law and current interpretations of the law by
the Internal Revenue Service. Because the law is subject
to change and because the application of the law may
vary depending on your particular circumstances, this
description is general in nature and you should not rely on
it in determining your tax consequences. You are strongly
urged to consult a tax advisor.
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
2018 Associate Benefits Book | Questions? Log on to WalmartOne.com or the WIRE, or call People Services at 800 -421-1362
Walmart is entitled to a deduction on the amount of its
contributions, as well as your contributions, to the Plan.
Your contributions and Walmart’s contributions to the Plan,
as well as earnings on those contributions, generally are not
subject to federal income taxes until they are paid to you.
Special taxation rules apply to Roth contributions
transferred from another Plan as part of a Plan merger.
Contact the Plan Administrator or your tax advisor for more
Although payouts from the Plan are subject to federal
income taxes, the Internal Revenue Code provides favorable
tax treatment to payouts in certain circumstances. For
example, you can postpone paying taxes on your payout
if you direct the Plan to issue your payout directly to an
IRA or to another employer’s qualified retirement plan,
a 403(b) plan or a governmental 457 plan. This is called a
direct rollover. (The check will be made payable to the IRA
or other plan trustee and will be delivered to you or your
IRA or rollover institution. If the check is mailed to you, you
will be responsible for delivering it to the IRA or other plan
trustee within 60 days.)
If you elect this method for your payout, no taxes will be
withheld from the amount you are rolling over. It will not
be taxed until you later receive a payout from the IRA or
other plan.
If you do not elect to have your payout directly rolled over,
federal law requires that Walmart withhold 20% of the
payout for federal taxes, in addition to any required state
withholding. In some cases, 20% withholding may not be
enough, which could mean that you will owe additional taxes
when you file your income tax return.
If you do not elect a direct rollover (and instead receive an
actual payout from the Plan), you may still roll over those
funds to an IRA or an employer’s qualified retirement plan,
403(b) plan or governmental 457 plan, as long as you do so
within 60 calendar days after you received the distribution.
The amount rolled over will not be subject to federal income
tax until you take it out of the IRA or other plan. If you want
to roll over 100% of your payout to an IRA or other plan,
however, you will have to use other money to replace the
20% that was withheld from your payout. If you roll over
only the 80% that you received, you will be taxed on the
20% that was withheld.
NOTE: You may roll over all or any portion of your account
that is eligible for rollover to a Roth IRA. Any amount rolled
over that would have been taxable if not rolled over will be
taxable at the time of the rollover to the Roth IRA. (Note
that you may voluntarily choose to have taxes withheld from
amounts at the time you roll over to a Roth IRA.)
For more information regarding these rollover rules, you
should review the Special tax notice addendum that follows.
You should retain this addendum for review when you are
eligible to take a distribution.
In addition to the income tax withholding, if you take a
payout prior to age 59½ rather than rolling it over, in most
cases you will be subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty
by the IRS. There are some exceptions to the penalty, such
as death, disability, retirement after age 55 and payouts
for certain medical expenses. Special rules also apply to
distributions made to reservists who are called to active
military duty.
There are also special rules for distributions of Walmart
common stock. If you receive cash (in excess of $200) in
addition to Walmart stock and the cash is not directly rolled
over, some withholding may apply, but the withheld amount
will not greater than the amount of cash you receive.
Generally, if you receive Walmart common stock as part of
your payout that is not rolled over, you are taxed only on the
value of the stock at the time it was purchased by the Plan.
You should also keep in mind that if you elect cash payouts
of dividends paid on Walmart stock held in your Company
Funded Profit Sharing Account, the dividend is taxable
to you and is not eligible for rollover. The dividend is also
taxable if you request a financial hardship payout from your
401(k) Account within five business days of the record date
for a dividend and the dividend is automatically paid out to
you in cash. The dividend payout is not subject to the 10%
early withdrawal penalty discussed above. In some cases,
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. will be entitled to deduct dividends
paid on shares subject to this election.
The tax treatment discussed above applies only to payouts
to participants. Different rules may apply to payouts to
beneficiaries of deceased participants. In general, if your
spouse is your beneficiary, he or she will have the same
federal income tax treatment and rollover options that you
would have had. Other beneficiaries, including partners, will
only be entitled to a direct rollover to an inherited IRA or
Roth IRA. The 10% early withdrawal penalty does not apply
to payouts to your beneficiary.
The spouses or former spouse of a participant who receives
a payout from the Plan under a qualified domestic relations
order (QDRO) generally have the same federal income tax
treatment and options as the participant would have had. In
some cases, however, a payout on behalf of a non-spouse
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
dependent, including a partner, pursuant to a QDRO (e.g.,
state-ordered child support) may result in federal income
taxation to the participant even though the payout is made
to or on behalf of the dependent alternate payee.
Under current tax law, loans made from the Plan,
regardless of their purpose, are not considered taxable
income to the participant unless a default occurs. If you
default on a loan from the Plan (as discussed above), your
tax statement will show the amount of income to report
for the year of the default. You may also be subject to 10%
early withdrawal penalty.
Filing a Walmar 401(k) Plan claim
If you think you are entitled to a benefit beyond that
processed by the Plan’s recordkeeper (Merrill Lynch), you
may file a claim with the Administrator or its delegate at:
Wal‑Mart Stores, Inc.
Attn: Financial Benefits
508 SW 8th Street
Bentonville, Arkansas 72716‑0295
For questions about filing a claim, contact People Services
at 800‑421‑1362.
If your claim is partially or fully denied, you will receive
written notice of the decision within a reasonable time,
but no later than 90 days after the Administrator receives
your claim. The Administrator or its delegate can extend
this period for up to an additional 90 days if it determines
that special circumstances require an extension. You will
receive notice of any extension before the expiration of
the original 90-day period. The written notice you receive
will state the specific reasons for the denial of your
claim, a specific reference to the provisions of the Plan
upon which the denial is based, and a description of the
review procedures and the time limits applicable to such
procedures, including your right to bring a court action
following a denial on appeal.
If you do not agree with the decision of the Administrator
or its delegate, you can request a review of the decision
by the Administrator. The Administrator has discretionary
authority to resolve all questions concerning administration,
interpretation or application of the Plan. Your request must
be made in writing and sent to the Administrator at:
Wal‑Mart Stores, Inc.
Attn: Financial Benefits
508 SW 8th Street
Bentonville, Arkansas 72716‑0295
Your request must be made within 60 calendar days of the
denial. Your written request must contain all additional
information that you wish the Administrator to consider. If
you do not request a review within this time period, you will
be deemed to have waived your right to a review.
The Administrator will promptly conduct the review.
Written notice of the Administrator’s decision on review
will be provided to you within 60 calendar days after the
receipt of your request, unless special circumstances
require an extension of up to 60 additional days. In those
circumstances where the review is delayed to allow you
to provide additional information necessary for a proper
review, the length of the delay will not be included in the
calculation of the 60-day deadline and extension periods
set forth above. The written notice of the Administrator’s
decision will include specific reasons for the decision and
will refer to the specific provisions of the Plan on which the
decision is based.
You must exhaust these procedures before you can file
a lawsuit with respect to your Plan benefits. If you file
a lawsuit, it must be filed within one year from the date
of your payout or, if no payout is made, the date your
request for benefits is denied, in whole or in part, by
the Administrator on appeal (or, if earlier, the date the
Administrator fails to respond to your claim or appeal within
the time periods provided above).
Administrative information
The legal name of the Plan is the Walmart 401(k) Plan.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is the Plan Sponsor. Its contact
information for matters pertaining to the Plan is:
Wal‑Mart Stores, Inc.
Attn: Financial Benefits
508 SW 8th Street
Bentonville, Arkansas 72716‑0295 800‑421‑1362
As the ERISA Plan Administrator, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is
responsible for reporting and disclosure obligations under
the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
(ERISA) and all other obligations required to be performed
by plan administrators under the Internal Revenue Code
and ERISA, except for those obligations delegated to the
Administrator, the Benefits Investment Committee or the
trustee of the Trust. ERISA is the federal law that imposes
certain responsibilities on Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., the
Administrator, the Benefits Investment Committee and the
trustee with respect to your retirement benefits.
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
2018 Associate Benefits Book | Questions? Log on to WalmartOne.com or the WIRE, or call People Services at 800 -421-1362
Subsidiaries of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. are permitted
to participate in the Plan. You may obtain a list of
subsidiaries currently participating in the Plan by
contacting People Services.
The individual from time to time holding the position
of Senior Vice President, Global Benefits Division, of
Walmart is the Administrator. The Administrator is the
named administrative fiduciary of the Plan. As the named
administrative fiduciary of the Plan, the Administrator is
generally responsible for the management, interpretation
and administration of the Plan, including but not limited
to eligibility determinations, benefit payments and other
functions required, necessary or advisable to carry out the
purpose of the Plan.
You may contact the Administrator at the following address:
Senior Vice President, Global Benefits Division/Administrator
c/o Wal‑Mart Stores, Inc.
508 SW 8th Street
Bentonville, Arkansas 72716‑0295
The Benefits Investment Committee is the named
investment fiduciary of the Plan. As the named investment
fiduciary, the Committee is responsible for the Plan’s
investment policies, including selection of investment
options to be made available under the Plan and the
selection of the default investment option.
You may contact the Benefits Investment Committee at the
following address:
Benefits Investment Committee
c/o Wal‑Mart Stores, Inc.
508 SW 8th Street
Bentonville, Arkansas 72716‑0295
Northern Trust Company
50 S. LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60603
One or more trusts hold all Plan assets, such as
contributions by participants and Walmart’s contributions.
As trustee of the Trust, Northern Trust Company receives
and holds contributions made to the Plan in trust and invests
those contributions according to the policies established
under the Plan.
Corporation Trust Company
1209 Orange Street
Corporation Trust Center
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
Service of legal process may also be made on the ERISA
Plan Administrator or the trustee.
February 1 through January 31
The Walmart 401(k) Plan is a defined contribution plan
(401(k), profit sharing and employee stock ownership plan).
Because this is a retirement plan governed by ERISA and
other federal laws, your accounts cannot be assigned or
used as collateral for a loan, nor can your accounts be
garnished or be subject to bankruptcy proceedings. They
can, however, be part of a divorce settlement, as explained
in the If you get divorced section earlier in this summary.
ERISA created a governmental agency called the Pension
Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). One of the purposes
of the PBGC is to provide plan benefit insurance. However,
this insurance is available only to defined benefit pension
plans, and our Plan is a defined contribution plan. Therefore,
benefits under the Plan are not insured by the PBGC.
Walmart reserves the right to amend or terminate the Plan
at any time. Amendments are made by Walmart’s Board of
Directors or by its Executive Vice President, Global People
Division. Neither the Plan nor the benefits described in
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
this summary may be orally amended. All oral statements
and representations have no force or effect, even if the
statements and representations are made by a management
associate of Walmart or a participating subsidiary, by the
Administrator, by any member of the Benefits Investment
Committee or by Merrill Lynch.
You may obtain a copy of the formal Plan document by
writing to:
Wal‑Mart Stores, Inc.
Attn: People Services
508 SW 8th Street
Bentonville, Arkansas 72716‑0295
You can also contact the Customer Service Center at
If any payout is made under the Plan to the wrong party,
or if a payout is made to the right party but in the wrong
amount, the Administrator can recover the mistaken
payout from the recipient by either reducing his or her
Plan account or future payouts due to the recipient, or may
demand that the recipient promptly repay the Plan.
As a participant in this Plan, you are entitled to certain
rights and protections under ERISA. ERISA provides that all
Plan participants shall be entitled to:
Examine, without charge, at the ERISA Plan Administrator’s
office and at other specified facilities, all documents
governing the Plan, including insurance contracts and
collective bargaining agreements, and a copy of the latest
annual report (Form 5500 series) filed by the Plan with
the U.S. Department of Labor and available at the Public
Disclosure Room of the Employee Benefits Security
Obtain, upon written request to the ERISA Plan
Administrator, copies of documents governing the
operation of the Plan, including insurance contracts and
collective bargaining agreements, and copies of the latest
annual report (Form 5500 series) and updated Summary
Plan Description. The ERISA Plan Administrator may make
a reasonable charge for the copies. Your request must be
mailed to:
Wal‑Mart Stores, Inc. — ERISA Section 104(b) Request
Attn: People Services
508 SW 8th Street
Bentonville, Arkansas 72716‑0295
Receive a summary of the Plan’s annual financial report. The
ERISA Plan Administrator is required by law to furnish each
participant with a copy of the summary financial report.
Obtain a statement telling you the current balance of
your account and the portion of your account that is
nonforfeitable (vested). This statement must be requested
in writing and is not required to be given more than once
every 12 months. The Plan must provide the statement free
of charge.
In addition to creating rights for Plan participants, ERISA
imposes duties upon the people who are responsible for the
operation of the Plan. The people who operate the Plan,
called “fiduciaries” of the Plan, have a duty to do so prudently
and in your interest and in that of other Plan participants and
beneficiaries. No one, including your employer or any other
person, may fire or otherwise discriminate against you in
any way to prevent you from obtaining a pension benefit or
exercising your rights under ERISA.
If your claim for a benefit is denied or ignored in whole or in
part, you have a right to know why this was done, to obtain
copies of documents relating to the decision without charge,
and to appeal any denial, all within certain time schedules.
Under ERISA, there are steps you can take to enforce the
above rights. For instance, if you request materials from
the Plan and do not receive them within 30 days, you may
file suit in a federal court. In such a case, the court may
require the ERISA Plan Administrator or the Administrator
to provide the materials and pay you up to $110 a day until
you receive the materials, unless the materials were not
sent because of reasons beyond the control of the ERISA
Plan Administrator or the Administrator. If you have a claim
for benefits that is denied or ignored, in whole or in part,
you may file suit in a state or federal court. In addition,
if you disagree with the Plan’s decision or lack thereof
concerning the qualified status of a domestic relations
order, you may file suit in a federal court.
If it should happen that Plan fiduciaries misuse the Plan’s
money, or if you are discriminated against for asserting your
rights, you may seek assistance from the U.S. Department
of Labor, or you may file suit in a federal court. The court
will decide who should pay court costs and legal fees. If you
are successful, the court may order the person you have
sued to pay these costs and fees. If you lose, the court may
order you to pay these costs and fees, for example, if it finds
your claim is frivolous.
If you have any questions about the Plan, you should contact
the ERISA Plan Administrator or the Administrator. If you
have any questions about this statement or about your rights
under ERISA, you should contact the nearest regional office
of the Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S.
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
2018 Associate Benefits Book | Questions? Log on to WalmartOne.com or the WIRE, or call People Services at 800 -421-1362
Department of Labor, listed in your telephone directory, or
the Division of Technical Assistance and Inquiries, Employee
Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor,
200 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20210. You
may also obtain certain publications about your rights and
responsibilities under ERISA by calling the publications
hotline of the Employee Benefits Security Administration.
Special tax notice addendum
The law requires that participants receive this notice before
receiving a distribution from the Plan that is eligible to
be rolled over to an IRA or an employer plan. You may or
may not currently be eligible to receive a distribution from
the Plan. If you are eligible for a distribution, however,
you should review this notice carefully before you elect
a distribution from the Plan. This notice is intended to
help you decide whether to elect a rollover. If you are not
currently eligible for a distribution, you should retain this
notice and review it when you are eligible for a distribution.
Rules that apply to most payments from the Plan are
described in the General information about rollovers section.
Special rules that only apply in certain circumstances are
described in the Special rules and options section.
How can a rollover affect my taxes? You will be taxed on a
payment from the Plan if you do not roll it over. If you are
under age 59½ and do not do a rollover, you will also have
to pay a 10% additional income tax on early distributions
(unless an exception applies, as explained below). If you do
a rollover, however, you will not have to pay tax until you
receive payment later and the 10% additional income tax will
not apply if the payment is made after you are age 59½ (or if
an exception applies).
Where may I roll over the payment? You may roll over the
payment to either an IRA (an individual retirement account
or individual retirement annuity, including a Roth IRA) or
an employer plan (a tax-qualified plan, section 403(b) plan
or governmental section 457(b) plan) that will accept the
rollover. The rules of the IRA or employer plan that holds
the rollover will determine your investment options, fees
and rights to payment from the IRA or employer plan (for
example, no spousal consent rules apply to IRAs and IRAs
may not provide loans). Further, the amount rolled over will
become subject to the tax rules that apply to the IRA or
employer plan.
How do I do a rollover? There are two ways to do a rollover.
You can do either a “direct rollover” or a “60-day rollover.
If you do a “direct rollover,” the Plan will make the payment
directly to your IRA or an employer plan. You should contact
the IRA sponsor or the administrator of the employer plan
for information on how to do a direct rollover.
If you do not do a direct rollover, you may still do a “60-
day rollover” by making a deposit into an IRA or eligible
employer plan that will accept it. You will have 60 days
after you receive the payment to make the deposit. If you
do not do a direct rollover, the Plan is required to withhold
20% of the payment for federal income taxes (up to the
amount of cash received). This means that, in order to roll
over the entire payment in a 60-day rollover, you must use
other funds to make up for the 20% withheld. If you do not
roll over the entire amount of the payment, the portion
not rolled over will be taxed and will be subject to the 10%
additional income tax on early distributions if you are under
age 59½ (unless an exception applies).
How much may I roll over? If you wish to do a rollover, you
may roll over all or part of the amount eligible for rollover.
Generally, any payment from the Plan is eligible for
rollover, except:
Required minimum distributions after age 7
(or after death)
Hardship distributions
ESOP dividends
Corrective distributions of contributions that exceed tax
law limitations
Loans treated as deemed distributions (for example,
loans in default due to missed payments before your
employment ends)
The Plan Administrator or the payer can tell you what
portion of a payment is eligible for rollover.
If I don’t do a rollover, will I have to pay the 10% additional
income tax on early distributions? If you are under age
59½, you will have to pay the 10% additional income tax on
early distributions for any payment from the Plan (including
amounts withheld for income tax) that you do not roll over,
unless one of the exceptions listed below applies. This tax
is in addition to the regular income tax on the payment not
rolled over.
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
The 10% additional income tax does not apply to the
following payments from the Plan:
Payments made after you separate from service if you will
be at least age 55 in the year of the separation
Payments made due to disability
Payments after your death
Payments of ESOP dividends
Corrective distributions of contributions that exceed tax
law limitations
Payments made directly to the government to satisfy a
federal tax levy
Payments made under a qualified domestic relations order
Certain payments made while you are on active duty if
you were a member of a reserve component called to duty
after September 11, 2001 for more than 179 days
If I do a rollover to an IRA, will the 10% additional income
tax apply to early distributions from the IRA? If you receive
a payment from an IRA when you are under age 59½, you
will have to pay the 10% additional income tax on early
distributions from the IRA, unless an exception applies.
In general, the exceptions to the 10% additional income
tax for early distributions from an IRA are the same as the
exceptions listed above for early distributions from a plan.
However, there are a few differences for payments from an
IRA, including:
There is no exception for payments after separation from
service that are made after age 55.
The exception for qualified domestic relations orders
(QDROs) does not apply (although a special rule applies
under which, as part of a divorce or separation agreement,
a tax-free transfer may be made directly to an IRA of a
spouse or former spouse).
An exception for payments made at least annually in equal
or close to equal amounts over a specified period applies
(without regard to whether you have had a separation from
There are additional exceptions for (1) payments for
qualified higher education expenses, (2) payments up
to $10,000 used in a qualified first-time home purchase,
and (3) payments after you have received unemployment
compensation for 12 consecutive weeks (or would have
been eligible to receive unemployment compensation but
for self-employed status).
Will I owe state income taxes? This notice does not
describe any state or local income tax rules (including
withholding rules).
If you miss the 60‑day rollover deadline: Generally, the
60-day rollover deadline cannot be extended. However, the
IRS has the limited authority to waive the deadline under
certain extraordinary circumstances, such as when external
events prevented you from completing the rollover by the
60-day rollover deadline. To apply for a waiver, you must file
a private letter ruling request with the IRS. Private letter
ruling requests require the payment of a nonrefundable
user fee. For more information, see IRS Publication 590,
Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs).
If your payment includes employer stock that you do
not roll over: If you do not do a rollover, you can apply a
special rule to payments of employer stock that are paid
in a lump sum after separation from service (or after
age 59½, disability, or the participant’s death). Under the
special rule, the net unrealized appreciation on the stock
will not be taxed when distributed from the Plan and will
be taxed at capital gain rates when you sell the stock. Net
unrealized appreciation is generally the increase in the
value of employer stock after it was acquired by the Plan.
If you do a rollover for a payment that includes employer
stock (for example, by selling the stock and rolling over the
proceeds within 60 days of the payment), the special rule
relating to the distributed employer stock will not apply to
any subsequent payments from the IRA or employer plan.
The Plan Administrator can tell you the amount of any net
unrealized appreciation.
If you have an outstanding loan that is being offset: If you
have an outstanding loan from the Plan, your Plan benefit
may be offset by the amount of the loan, typically when
your employment ends. The loan offset amount is treated
as a distribution to you at the time of the offset and will
be taxed (including the 10% additional income tax on early
distributions, unless an exception applies) unless you do a
60-day rollover in the amount of the loan offset to an IRA
or employer plan.
If you were born on or before January 1, 1936: If you were
born on or before January 1, 1936 and receive a lump sum
distribution that you do not roll over, special rules for
calculating the amount of the tax on the payment might
apply to you. For more information, see IRS Publication 575,
Pension and Annuity Income.
If you roll over your payment to a Roth IRA: If you roll
over a payment to a Roth IRA, a special rule applies under
which the amount of the payment rolled over will be
taxed. However, the 10% additional income tax on early
distributions will not apply (unless you take the amount
rolled over out of the Roth IRA within five years, counting
from January 1 of the year of the rollover). For payments
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
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from the Plan during 2010 that are rolled over to a Roth
IRA, the taxable amount can be spread over a two-year
period starting in 2011. If you roll over the payment to
a Roth IRA, later payments from the Roth IRA that are
qualified distributions will not be taxed (including earnings
after the rollover). A qualified distribution from a Roth IRA
is a payment made after you are age 59½ (or after your
death or disability, or as a qualified first-time homebuyer
distribution of up to $10,000) and after you have had a Roth
IRA for at least five years. In applying this five-year rule,
you count from January 1 of the year for which your first
contribution was made to a Roth IRA. Payments from the
Roth IRA that are not qualified distributions will be taxed
to the extent of earnings after the rollover, including the
10% additional income tax on early distributions (unless
an exception applies). You do not have to take required
minimum distributions from a Roth IRA during your lifetime.
For more information, see IRS Publication 590, Individual
Retirement Arrangements (IRAs).
You cannot roll over a payment from the Plan to a
designated Roth account in an employer plan.
If you are not a plan paricipant
Payments after death of the participant. If you receive a
distribution after the participant’s death that you do not
roll over, the distribution will generally be taxed in the same
manner described elsewhere in this notice. However, the
10% additional income tax on early distributions does not
apply, and the special rule described under the section If
you were born on or before January 1, 1936 applies only if
the participant was born on or before January 1, 1936.
If you are a surviving spouse: If you receive a payment from
the Plan as the surviving spouse of a deceased participant,
you have the same rollover options that the participant
would have had, as described elsewhere in this notice. In
addition, if you choose to do a rollover to an IRA, you may
treat the IRA as your own or as an inherited IRA.
An IRA you treat as your own is treated like any other IRA
of yours, so that payments made to you before you are age
59½ will be subject to the 10% additional income tax on early
distributions (unless an exception applies) and required
minimum distributions from your IRA do not have to start
until after you are age 70½.
If you treat the IRA as an inherited IRA, payments from
the IRA will not be subject to the 10% additional income
tax on early distributions. However, if the participant had
started taking required minimum distributions, you will
have to receive required minimum distributions from the
inherited IRA. If the participant had not started taking
required minimum distributions from the Plan, you will not
have to start receiving required minimum distributions
from the inherited IRA until the year the participant would
have been age 70½.
If you are a surviving beneficiary other than a spouse:
If you receive a payment from the Plan because of the
participant’s death and you are a designated beneficiary
other than a surviving spouse, the only rollover option you
have is to do a direct rollover to an inherited IRA or Roth
IRA. Payments from the inherited IRA or Roth IRA will
not be subject to the 10% additional income tax on early
distributions. You will have to receive required minimum
distributions from the inherited IRA or Roth IRA.
Payments under a qualified domestic relations order. If
you are the spouse or former spouse of the participant
who receives a payment from the Plan under a qualified
domestic relations order (QDRO), you generally have the
same options the participant would have (for example, you
may roll over the payment to your own IRA or an eligible
employer plan that will accept it). Payments under the
QDRO will not be subject to the 10% additional income tax
on early distributions.
If you are a nonresident alien: If you are a nonresident
alien and you do not do a direct rollover to a U.S. IRA or
U.S. employer plan, instead of withholding 20%, the Plan
is generally required to withhold 30% of the payment for
federal income taxes. If the amount withheld exceeds the
amount of tax you owe (as may happen if you do a 60-day
rollover), you may request an income tax refund by filing
Form 1040NR and attaching your Form 1042-S. See Form
W-8BEN for claiming that you are entitled to a reduced
rate of withholding under an income tax treaty. For more
information, see also IRS Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide
for Aliens, and IRS Publication 515, Withholding of Tax on
Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities.
If you have Roth contributions that were merged into the
Walmart 401(k) Plan, those contributions are subject to
special tax rules when they are distributed from the Walmart
401(k) Plan. In general, your Roth contributions are not taxed
upon distribution, even if you do not elect a rollover.
Earnings on those contributions are also not taxed if
the distribution is a “qualified distribution.” A “qualified
distribution” is a payment made after age 59½ (or after your
death or disability) and after you have had a Roth account for
at least five years (counting from January 1 of the year you
made your first Roth contribution). If the distribution is not
a qualified distribution, the earnings will be taxed and, if you
are under 59½ (and no other exception applies), the additional
10% income tax would also apply, unless you elect a rollover.
You may roll over your Roth contributions only to a Roth
IRA or to a designated Roth account in another employer
plan that will accept the rollover. The rules of the Roth IRA
or employer plan that holds the rollover will determine your
investment options, fees, and rights to payment from the
Roth IRA or employer plan (for example, no spousal consent
The Walmar 401(k) Plan
rules apply to Roth IRAs and Roth IRAs may not provide
loans). Further, the amount rolled over will become subject
to the tax rules that apply to the Roth IRA or the designated
account in the employer plan. In general, these tax rules are
similar to those described above, but differences include:
If you do a rollover to a Roth IRA, all of your Roth IRAs will
be considered for purposes of determining whether you
have satisfied the 5-year rule (counting from January 1 of
the year for which your first contribution was made to any
of your Roth IRAs).
If you do a rollover to a Roth IRA, you will not be required
to take a distribution from the Roth IRA during your
lifetime and you must keep track of the aggregate amount
of the after-tax contributions in all your Roth IRAs (in
order to determine your taxable income for later Roth IRA
payments that are not qualified distributions).
Eligible rollover distributions from a Roth IRA can only be
rolled over to another Roth IRA.
The tax rules governing Roth contributions are complex.
You should consult with your tax advisor before electing
If your payments for the year are less than $200, the Plan is
not required to allow you to do a direct rollover and is not
required to withhold for federal income taxes. However, you
may do a 60-day rollover.
You may wish to consult with the Plan Administrator or
payer, or a professional tax advisor, before taking a payment
from the Plan. Also, you can find more detailed information
on the federal tax treatment of payments from employer
plans in: IRS Publication 575, Pension and Annuity Income;
IRS Publication 590, Individual Retirement Arrangements
(IRAs); and IRS Publication 571, Tax-Sheltered Annuity
Plans (403(b) Plans. These publications are available from
a local IRS office, on the web at www.irs.gov, or by calling