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Universal Head
Created by
Peter Gifford
(Universal Head) for:
In need of exceptional quality
graphic design for your next
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast / Hasbro (2015)
Page 1: Rules summary front
Page 2: Rules summary back
Page 3: Play reference x2
Page 3: Play reference (expansion) x2
Sep 2018
Print on card (ensure you are printing at 100% scale) laminate and trim to size.
These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for additional reference.
Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and does not
benefit financially from these player aids. Artwork from the original game is copyrighted by the publisher and
used without permission. This PDF may not be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.
Choose and set up an appropriate battlefield for the number of
players. Place the turn marker on space 1 of the turn track.
Each player chooses a Planeswalker (players may each roll
the D20, with the high roller choosing first) and takes the
matching color spell cards, army cards, and figures.
Each player rolls the D20 and the high roller chooses who is
the first player. The first player places their Planeswalker in a
starting zone, followed by their opponent. You cannot place
your Planeswalker in an occupied starting zone.
Players place their Planeswalker army cards faceup in front of
them, and all their non-Planeswalker army cards and figures
faceup off to one side in their reserve.
Both players shuffle their spell card decks and draw a hand of
3 cards. Your spell card draw pile is called your library, and
your discard pile is called your graveyard.
On most of your turns you perform 5 actions, in this order:
The first player does not draw a card on their first turn.
If your Planeswalker is on the battlefield, draw a spell card
from your library.
On your turn, you may play up to 3 spell cards. You cannot
play spell cards on another player’s turn. You may play spell
cards anytime after action 1 and before action 3, and also
after action 4 and before action 5.
At the end of your turn, if you hold more than 7 spell cards,
discard cards to reduce your hand to 7. You do not reshuffle
your graveyard to create a new library: if your library is empty
when you want to draw a card, do not draw a card.
A sorcery spell card is resolved and then placed it in your
graveyard. Auras are attached to army cards in play. Enchant
cards are placed faceup on the called-out army card.
Hidden enchant cards are played facedown on the called-out
army card (your army cards only). If an army card already has a
face-down hidden enchant card, place the extra card under the
already played card. A hidden enchant card can be countered.
If you forget to trigger a hidden enchant card, it is placed
out of play without being triggered. If you have more than 1
hidden enchant card triggering at the same time, they trigger
in order, topmost card first.
If your Planeswalker is destroyed, you cannot play or draw
spell cards. Hidden enchant cards can still be triggered.
A countered spell counts as played, but has no effect and is
placed in its owner’s graveyard.
Choose any 1 of your army cards to use on your turn. You can
only use activated abilities from the army card you chose.
Before action 3 of your turn, your Planeswalker may summon
up to 2 squads and heroes from your reserve to the battlefield.
Summoned figures must be placed on empty spaces within 5
clear sight spaces of your Planeswalker (a double-space figure
needs only 1 hex of its base within this range).
Move any or all of the figures on the chosen army card.
You can move a figure in any direction up to the move number
on its army card. Move squad figures in any order, 1 at a time.
You can move through a space with a friendly figure on it
unless the figure is engaged. You can’t move through a space
with an opponent’s figure on it, or end your move on a space
with any other figure.
When you move to a higher level, count the side of each higher
level as 1 space, as well as the space you land on. Glyphs do
not add height to spaces on which they are placed. A figure
cannot move up a number of levels equal to or higher than its
height number all at once.
When you move to a lower level, don’t count sides on the way
down. However if a figure moves down onto a level that is
equal to or higher than the figure’s height, the figure falls: roll
1 combat die. If you roll
, it takes 1 damage. Falling rules
do not apply if a figure falls onto a water space. Falling does
not stop movement.
When you move onto a water space from any other space (even
from another water space), you must end your move. Double-
space figures can move past 1 water space that’s between 2
non-water spaces without stopping (they must stop only if they
move onto 2 water spaces). When moving out of water, add 1
to move out of the water space.
When moving a double-space figure, decide which side to lead
with, then move the figure so that the other side follows the
same spaces that the leading side just occupied. Always end a
double-space figure’s move on 2 spaces at the same elevation
(water is considered a lower elevation).
You can freely flip a double-space figure anytime during its
move: turn the figure around while keeping it on the same
2 spaces. The figure does not take any leaving-engagement
attacks when flipping.
When you end a figure’s move, make sure its base lies flat and
is on that space or spaces only. No part of its base may overlap
another space. A figure can’t move through or onto a space
that it can’t fit completely on.
Ruins may limit the movement of some figures.
A figure becomes engaged when it moves adjacent to an
opponent’s figure. However, if a figure’s base is on a level
equal to or higher than the height of the other figure, they are
not adjacent or engaged.
If an obstacle such as a ruin is between 2 figures, both figures’
heights must be higher than the obstacle to be engaged. If
both figures’ heights are lower than the obstacle, or only 1
figure’s height is lower, they are not engaged.
Your figure may move around an opponent’s figure it is
engaged with. But as soon as your figure moves away (onto
a space that’s not adjacent), the opponent’s figure may take
a leaving engagement attack at your figure. The player who
controls the opponent’s figure rolls 1 combat die to attack, and
you do not roll any dice to defend. If a
is rolled, your figure
takes 1 damage.
Your figure may become engaged with more than 1 figure
at the same time. As you leave each engagement, your
opponent’s figure may roll 1 die. For each
rolled, your
figure takes 1 damage.
Attack with any figures on your chosen army card within range
and a clear LOS (if necessary).
If no figure on your army card meets these conditions, no
attack is possible.
The target figure must be within the attacking figure’s range
(don’t count extra spaces for any difference in levels).
A figure with a range of 1 can only attack a figure from an
adjacent space. A double-space figure can attack from either
space it occupies.
If one of your figures is engaged with one or more other
figures, your figure may only attack those figures.
You may attack even if other figures are between your figure
and the target, but you must have a clear LOS to attack.
Line of Sight (LOS)
LOS is an imaginary straight line between your attacking
figure’s target point and the targeted figure’s hit zone; it has
nothing to do with the spaces on the battlefield.
A figure does not need LOS to attack a figure that it is engaged
with or adjacent to.
To determine if there is a clear LOS, check the target point
(the green dot on your figure’s army card) and the hit zone (the
dark gray area on the targeted figure’s army card). Then get
behind your figure and look to see if its target point can see
any part of the targeted figure’s hit zone. If so, there is a clear
LOS. If players cannot agree, roll the D20 and the high roller
wins the dispute.
Players may touch or move only their figures, and may do so
only on their turns.
The figures on your chosen army card attack one at a time, in
any order. Each figure can attack only once, but each figure
can attack the same figure or a different figure. Some figures
can attack more than once.
Height Advantage: If the base of 1 figure is higher than the
base of the other figure (no matter what their actual size or
height), the higher figure has height advantage, and rolls 1
extra die for either attack or defense. Remember that glyphs
do not add height to spaces, and water spaces are lower than
land spaces.
To carry out the attack:
1. Announce which figure is the attacker and which is the
2. Check the power number on your attacker’s army card,
adding any extra dice for height advantage, abilities, spell
cards, or glyphs. Then roll that number of attack dice. After
you roll, the defender rolls the number of toughness dice on
their defender’s army card, adding any extra dice for height
advantage, abilities, spell cards, or glyphs.
3. Every
the attacker rolls counts as 1 hit. For every hit the
attacker rolls, the defender must roll at least 1
For attack rolls, the attacker counts only
. For defense
rolls, the defender counts only
If the attacker rolls the same number of
or less than the
defender rolls
, the attack is unsuccessful. All figures stay
where they are, and that attack is over.
If the attacker rolls more
than the defender rolls , the
attack is successful. For each unblocked
the attacker
rolled, the defender takes 1 damage. For each damage
dealt, a damage marker is placed either on the base of the
figure (if it is common) or on the army card (if it is unique).
When a figure has as many damage markers as its life number,
it is destroyed. A figure with only 1 life is destroyed by only 1
damage. The player who controls the destroyed figure places
it in their figure graveyard. When all figures on an army card
have been destroyed, place the army card in your army card
At the end of your turn, move the turn marker on the turn track
to the next number.
The player to your left takes the next turn.
The game scenario sets the victory conditions for each game.
However, if the game hasn’t ended by the time you’ve played a
certain number of turns, the player with the most points wins.
When scoring is necessary, each player scores points for each
figure still on the battlefield. Total the Price Per Figure (PPF)
cost for all figures remaining to determine a player’s score.
Depending on your battlefield choice, you may place glyphs on
top of battlefield spaces, either ability-side up or Planeswalker
symbol-side up. Glyphs are stationary unless otherwise stated
in a scenario.
When one of your figures moves onto a glyph whose
Planeswalker symbol is side up, stop there and turn the glyph
ability-side up. The abilities on the glyph then take effect
immediately. When your figure lands on a glyph whose ability
is side up, it must stop. If it’s a double-space figure, it must
stop when its leading side moves onto it.
The player who goes first in a multiplayer game or team game
does draw a spell card on their first turn.
In a team game, teammates sit next to each other on one side
of the table, facing their opponents. Each team rolls the D20,
and the high-rolling team goes first and places first. In some
scenarios teammates can share starting zones. The player who
goes first and places first is always the player sitting farthest to
the left, and play passes to the left.
Teammates take separate turns and can discuss strategy, offer
suggestions, look at teammate’s spell cards, and so on.
Friendly figures are both figures you control and figures your
teammates control.
Teammates are always numbered 1 and 2. If two teammates
have hidden enchantments that trigger at the same time, they
are triggered in player number order, starting with 1.
Scenarios will indicate the total army points to build to. All
scenarios in the core set have a total build of 500 points per
When building an army, you must include one and only one
Planeswalker. Then select your army cards: each must be
of a color matching your selected Planeswalker, or be an
artifact army card. The total of all army cards, including your
Planeswalker card, cannot exceed the total build number for
the scenario.
If you’re combining two sets of army cards, make sure that
no player has more than one of the same unique army card in
their army. However, you and an opponent can both have the
same unique army cards.
Build your spell deck: each deck must contain 12 cards, and
the total cost of the 12 cards cannot exceed 200. Each card
in your spell deck must be of a color matching your selected
If you are playing with multiple sets or expansion sets, you
may want to use a permanent marker to initial the underside
of your figures’ bases to remember who owns which figure.
2 players: the first player does not draw on their first turn.
If your Planeswalker is on the battlefield, draw a spell card
from your library.
On your turn, you may play up to 3 spell cards anytime after
action 1 and before action 3, or after action 4 and before
action 5.
At the end of your turn, if you hold more than 7 cards,
discard to reduce your hand to 7.
Choose any 1 of your army cards to use on your turn.
You can only use activated abilities from that army card.
Before action 3 of your turn, your Planeswalker may
summon up to 2 squads and heroes from your reserve to the
battlefield and place them within 5 clear sight spaces of
your Planeswalker.
Move any or all of the figures on the chosen army card in
any order, 1 at a time.
You can move through a space with a friendly figure on
it unless the figure is engaged. You can’t move through a
space with an opponent’s figure on it, or end your move on a
space with any other figure.
When you move to a higher level, count the side of each
higher level as 1 space, as well as the space you land on.
A figure cannot move up a number of levels equal to or
higher than its height number all at once.
When you move to a lower level, don’t count the sides.
A figure that moves down a umber of levels equal to or
higher than the figure’s height falls: roll 1 combat die.
= 1 damage. Falling onto water causes no damage.
Falling does not stop movement.
When you move onto a water space from any other space
you must end your move. Double-space figures can move
past 1 water space between 2 non-water spaces without
stopping. When moving out of water, add 1 to the move.
When moving a double-space figure, pick a side to lead
with, then move the figure so the other side follows the
same spaces the leading side just occupied. Always end a
move on 2 spaces at the same elevation.
You can flip a double-space figure anytime during its move.
It does not take leaving-engagement attacks when flipping.
A figure becomes engaged when it moves adjacent to an
opponent’s figure. If a figure’s base is on a level equal to
or higher than the height of the other figure, they are not
adjacent or engaged.
If an obstacle is between 2 figures, both figures’ heights
must be higher than the obstacle to be engaged.
Your figure may move around an opponent’s figure it is
engaged with. As your figure moves onto a non-adjacent
space, the opponent’s figure may take a leaving engagement
attack. Roll 1 combat die to attack, and you do not roll any
dice to defend.
= 1 damage.
If your figure is engaged with multiple figures, as you leave
each engagement, your opponent’s figure may roll 1 die. For
, your figure takes 1 damage.
Attack with any figures on your chosen army card within
range and a clear LOS (if necessary).
The target figure must be within the attacking figure’s range
(don’t count extra spaces for any difference in levels).
A figure with a range of 1 can only attack a figure from
an adjacent space. A double-space figure can attack from
either space it occupies.
A figure engaged with one or more other figures may only
attack those figures.
You may attack even if other figures are between you and
the target, but you must have a clear LOS.
Line of Sight (LOS)
A figure does not need LOS to attack a figure it is engaged
with or adjacent to.
Get behind your figure and see if its target point can see
any part of the target’s hit zone. If so, there is a clear LOS.
If players cannot agree, roll the D20 and the high roller
The figures on your chosen army card attack one at a time,
in any order. Each figure can attack only once, but each can
attack the same figure or a different figure.
If the base of 1 figure is higher than the base of the other
figure (no matter their size or height), the higher figure has
height advantage, and rolls +1 die for attack or defense.
1. Identify the attacker and the defender.
2. Roll a number of attack dice equal to the power number
on your attacker’s army card, adding any extra dice for
height advantage, abilities, spell cards, or glyphs.
Then the defender rolls the number of toughness dice
on their defender’s army card, adding any extra dice for
height advantage, abilities, spell cards, or glyphs.
3. Every
the attacker rolls is 1 hit. For every hit, the
defender must roll at least 1
For each unblocked
, the defender takes 1 damage.
Place a damage marker on the base of the figure (if
common) or on the army card (if unique).
When a figure has as many damage markers as its life
number, it is destroyed and placed in its owner’s figure
graveyard. When all figures on an army card have been
destroyed, place the army card in your army card graveyard.
At the end of your turn, move the turn marker on the turn
track to the next number. The player to your left takes the
next turn.
When your figure lands on a glyph (or a double-space
figure’s leading side lands on a glyph) it must stop. If the
glyph’s Planeswalker symbol is side up, turn it ability-side
up. The ability then takes effect immediately.
The ability of a permanent glyph lasts as long as a figure is
standing on it and applies to all figures you control.
The ability of a temporary glyph takes effect just once.
When activated, resolve the ability then remove the glyph
from the game.
2 players: the first player does not draw on their first turn.
If your Planeswalker is on the battlefield, draw a spell card
from your library.
On your turn, you may play up to 3 spell cards anytime after
action 1 and before action 3, or after action 4 and before
action 5.
At the end of your turn, if you hold more than 7 cards,
discard to reduce your hand to 7.
Choose any 1 of your army cards to use on your turn.
You can only use activated abilities from that army card.
Before action 3 of your turn, your Planeswalker may
summon up to 2 squads and heroes from your reserve to the
battlefield and place them within 5 clear sight spaces of
your Planeswalker.
Move any or all of the figures on the chosen army card in
any order, 1 at a time.
You can move through a space with a friendly figure on
it unless the figure is engaged. You can’t move through a
space with an opponent’s figure on it, or end your move on a
space with any other figure.
When you move to a higher level, count the side of each
higher level as 1 space, as well as the space you land on.
A figure cannot move up a number of levels equal to or
higher than its height number all at once.
When you move to a lower level, don’t count the sides.
A figure that moves down a umber of levels equal to or
higher than the figure’s height falls: roll 1 combat die.
= 1 damage. Falling onto water causes no damage.
Falling does not stop movement.
When you move onto a water space from any other space
you must end your move. Double-space figures can move
past 1 water space between 2 non-water spaces without
stopping. When moving out of water, add 1 to the move.
When moving a double-space figure, pick a side to lead
with, then move the figure so the other side follows the
same spaces the leading side just occupied. Always end a
move on 2 spaces at the same elevation.
You can flip a double-space figure anytime during its move.
It does not take leaving-engagement attacks when flipping.
A figure becomes engaged when it moves adjacent to an
opponent’s figure. If a figure’s base is on a level equal to
or higher than the height of the other figure, they are not
adjacent or engaged.
If an obstacle is between 2 figures, both figures’ heights
must be higher than the obstacle to be engaged.
Your figure may move around an opponent’s figure it is
engaged with. As your figure moves onto a non-adjacent
space, the opponent’s figure may take a leaving engagement
attack. Roll 1 combat die to attack, and you do not roll any
dice to defend.
= 1 damage.
If your figure is engaged with multiple figures, as you leave
each engagement, your opponent’s figure may roll 1 die. For
, your figure takes 1 damage.
Attack with any figures on your chosen army card within
range and a clear LOS (if necessary).
The target figure must be within the attacking figure’s range
(don’t count extra spaces for any difference in levels).
A figure with a range of 1 can only attack a figure from
an adjacent space. A double-space figure can attack from
either space it occupies.
A figure engaged with one or more other figures may only
attack those figures.
You may attack even if other figures are between you and
the target, but you must have a clear LOS.
Line of Sight (LOS)
A figure does not need LOS to attack a figure it is engaged
with or adjacent to.
Get behind your figure and see if its target point can see
any part of the target’s hit zone. If so, there is a clear LOS.
If players cannot agree, roll the D20 and the high roller
The figures on your chosen army card attack one at a time,
in any order. Each figure can attack only once, but each can
attack the same figure or a different figure.
If the base of 1 figure is higher than the base of the other
figure (no matter their size or height), the higher figure has
height advantage, and rolls +1 die for attack or defense.
1. Identify the attacker and the defender.
2. Roll a number of attack dice equal to the power number
on your attacker’s army card, adding any extra dice for
height advantage, abilities, spell cards, or glyphs.
Then the defender rolls the number of toughness dice
on their defender’s army card, adding any extra dice for
height advantage, abilities, spell cards, or glyphs.
3. Every
the attacker rolls is 1 hit. For every hit, the
defender must roll at least 1
For each unblocked
, the defender takes 1 damage.
Place a damage marker on the base of the figure (if
common) or on the army card (if unique).
When a figure has as many damage markers as its life
number, it is destroyed and placed in its owner’s figure
graveyard. When all figures on an army card have been
destroyed, place the army card in your army card graveyard.
At the end of your turn, move the turn marker on the turn
track to the next number. The player to your left takes the
next turn.
When your figure lands on a glyph (or a double-space
figure’s leading side lands on a glyph) it must stop. If the
glyph’s Planeswalker symbol is side up, turn it ability-side
up. The ability then takes effect immediately.
The ability of a permanent glyph lasts as long as a figure is
standing on it and applies to all figures you control.
The ability of a temporary glyph takes effect just once.
When activated, resolve the ability then remove the glyph
from the game.
Road spaces count as a normal spaces. However, if your
figure’s entire move consists of road spaces, including the
starting space, you may add an additional 3 spaces to your
figure’s move. These extra must also be on road spaces.
Cryptoliths have toughness 4, life 3, and height 9.
Cryptoliths can be can be attacked and destroyed. When
checking for LOS, the entire cryptolith is a hit zone.
A figure cannot attack a cryptolith while it is on the top
space of that cryptolith.
When the cryptolith is dealt damage, place the damage
markers on it. When the third damage marker is placed, it is
destroyed; remove it from the game. Any figure on top of the
cryptolith when the cryptolith is destroyed is placed on the
space the cryptolith previously occupied. Check to see if the
figure takes falling damage.
If you are standing on a space adjacent to a cryptolith, you
may choose to scale it to get to the top space. Count 4
spaces to get to the top.
If you are standing on a space adjacent to a cryptolith and
the top space of the cryptolith is not over the height of your
figure, you may move onto it by counting the levels as you
would normally.
If you scale down a cryptolith, it counts as 4 spaces to scale
down from the top space to an adjacent space. Alternatively,
a figure can move off of the top space of the cryptolith using
normal movement rules.
Unless otherwise stated in the scenario, figures can fly onto
the top space of a cryptolith.
If the top spaces of 2 cryptoliths are next to each other, you
can move to the adjacent cryptolith normally.
All rules for being adjacent or engaged apply to a figure on
the top space of a cryptolith.
All height advantage rules apply for attacking and defending
while on the top space of a cryptolith.
A figure occupying the top space of a cryptolith may use a
cryptolith point as a sight point instead of their sight point.
To do so, choose one of the four cryptolith points, then look
at your opponent using the cryptolith point as a sight point.
Figures with abilities that reference clear sight spaces may
also use the cryptolith points in addition to their sight point,
to determine whom their abilities affect.
If a spell or ability requires you to place a counter on an
army card, place the appropriate counter:
Power +1 Toughness +1 Charge Counter
Weirded ground spaces have different effects based on the
scenario. Unless otherwise specified, treat a weirded ground
space like any empty space.
If an ability or a spell card deals simultaneous damage, the
player whose turn it is chooses the order.
With 2 or more game sets or adding expansion sets you can
create a supersized battlefield and play with any number
of players, and/or boost the point value of your armies to
match the bigger battlefield.
Building Your Premade Army: Players may know exactly
which armies they want, based on the game scenario, the
cost values, their favorite figures, or other factors. The
scenarios will call out the total army points to build to. All
scenarios in Shadows over Innistrad have a total build of
500 points per army.
When building an army, you must include one and only one
Then select which army cards you want to include in
your army. Each army card must be of a color matching
your selected Planeswalker, or be a colorless or artifact
army card. The total of all army cards, including your
Planeswalker card, cannot exceed the total build number for
the scenario you are playing.
Unique Army Cards: If you’re combining 2 sets of army
cards, make sure that no player has more than one of the
same unique army card in their army.
However, you and an opponent can both have the same
unique army cards.
Common Army Cards: You can include 2 or more of the
same common (
) army card.
Building Your Spell Deck: Once you have selected your
Planeswalker, build your spell deck. Each spell deck must
contain 12 cards. The total cost of the 12 cards cannot
exceed 200 (unless an ability breaks this rule).
Each card in your spell deck must be of a color matching
your selected Planeswalker. You cannot have multiple copies
of the same card in your spell deck.
Marking Your Figures: If you are playing with multiple sets
or expansion sets, you may want to use a permanent marker
to initial the underside of your figures’ bases to remember
who owns which figure.
Glyph of Power
All figures you control get +1 power.
Glyph of Toughness
All figures you control get +1 toughness.
Glyph of Movement
All figures you control get +1 to their move.
Glyph of Knowledge
Draw a spell card.
Glyph of Recall
Return any spell from your graveyard to your hand.
Glyph of Healing
At the start of this figure’s controller’s turn,
remove 1 damage marker from this figure.
Road spaces count as a normal spaces. However, if your
figure’s entire move consists of road spaces, including the
starting space, you may add an additional 3 spaces to your
figure’s move. These extra must also be on road spaces.
Cryptoliths have toughness 4, life 3, and height 9.
Cryptoliths can be can be attacked and destroyed. When
checking for LOS, the entire cryptolith is a hit zone.
A figure cannot attack a cryptolith while it is on the top
space of that cryptolith.
When the cryptolith is dealt damage, place the damage
markers on it. When the third damage marker is placed, it is
destroyed; remove it from the game. Any figure on top of the
cryptolith when the cryptolith is destroyed is placed on the
space the cryptolith previously occupied. Check to see if the
figure takes falling damage.
If you are standing on a space adjacent to a cryptolith, you
may choose to scale it to get to the top space. Count 4
spaces to get to the top.
If you are standing on a space adjacent to a cryptolith and
the top space of the cryptolith is not over the height of your
figure, you may move onto it by counting the levels as you
would normally.
If you scale down a cryptolith, it counts as 4 spaces to scale
down from the top space to an adjacent space. Alternatively,
a figure can move off of the top space of the cryptolith using
normal movement rules.
Unless otherwise stated in the scenario, figures can fly onto
the top space of a cryptolith.
If the top spaces of 2 cryptoliths are next to each other, you
can move to the adjacent cryptolith normally.
All rules for being adjacent or engaged apply to a figure on
the top space of a cryptolith.
All height advantage rules apply for attacking and defending
while on the top space of a cryptolith.
A figure occupying the top space of a cryptolith may use a
cryptolith point as a sight point instead of their sight point.
To do so, choose one of the four cryptolith points, then look
at your opponent using the cryptolith point as a sight point.
Figures with abilities that reference clear sight spaces may
also use the cryptolith points in addition to their sight point,
to determine whom their abilities affect.
If a spell or ability requires you to place a counter on an
army card, place the appropriate counter:
Power +1 Toughness +1 Charge Counter
Weirded ground spaces have different effects based on the
scenario. Unless otherwise specified, treat a weirded ground
space like any empty space.
If an ability or a spell card deals simultaneous damage, the
player whose turn it is chooses the order.
With 2 or more game sets or adding expansion sets you can
create a supersized battlefield and play with any number
of players, and/or boost the point value of your armies to
match the bigger battlefield.
Building Your Premade Army: Players may know exactly
which armies they want, based on the game scenario, the
cost values, their favorite figures, or other factors. The
scenarios will call out the total army points to build to. All
scenarios in Shadows over Innistrad have a total build of
500 points per army.
When building an army, you must include one and only one
Then select which army cards you want to include in
your army. Each army card must be of a color matching
your selected Planeswalker, or be a colorless or artifact
army card. The total of all army cards, including your
Planeswalker card, cannot exceed the total build number for
the scenario you are playing.
Unique Army Cards: If you’re combining 2 sets of army
cards, make sure that no player has more than one of the
same unique army card in their army.
However, you and an opponent can both have the same
unique army cards.
Common Army Cards: You can include 2 or more of the
same common (
) army card.
Building Your Spell Deck: Once you have selected your
Planeswalker, build your spell deck. Each spell deck must
contain 12 cards. The total cost of the 12 cards cannot
exceed 200 (unless an ability breaks this rule).
Each card in your spell deck must be of a color matching
your selected Planeswalker. You cannot have multiple copies
of the same card in your spell deck.
Marking Your Figures: If you are playing with multiple sets
or expansion sets, you may want to use a permanent marker
to initial the underside of your figures’ bases to remember
who owns which figure.
Glyph of Power
All figures you control get +1 power.
Glyph of Toughness
All figures you control get +1 toughness.
Glyph of Movement
All figures you control get +1 to their move.
Glyph of Knowledge
Draw a spell card.
Glyph of Recall
Return any spell from your graveyard to your hand.
Glyph of Healing
At the start of this figure’s controller’s turn,
remove 1 damage marker from this figure.