SCM January 2021
January 2021
SCM January 2021
This manual is incorporated by reference in Section 3340.45, Title 16, of the California Code of Regulations. It
provides procedures for performing official Smog Check inspections. Licensed Smog Check stations and
inspectors must follow these procedures, and the BAR-97 Emission Inspection System, OBD Inspection
System (OIS), and Low Pressure Fuel Evaporative Test (LPFET) equipment prompts when conducting Smog
Check inspections.
Department of Consumer Affairs
Bureau of Automotive Repair
10949 North Mather Boulevard
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Suggestions for improvement to this manual are welcomed. They should be directed to the Bureau of
Automotive Repair, Smog Check Manual Author via email to [email protected].
SCM January 2021 1
Table of Contents
Pre-Inspection/Pre-Repair Check List .................................................................................................................. 3
Test Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.0 Inspector Access ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1.1 Vehicle Identification Information ........................................................................................................ 5
1.2.0 Before Test Conditions ....................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Acceleration Simulation Mode (ASM) Emission Inspection ................................................................ 8
1.2.2 Two Speed Idle Inspection (TSI) ........................................................................................................ 9
1.2.3 Emission Test Abort Conditions (ASM/TSI) ........................................................................................ 9
1.2.4 Exhaust Dilution/Sample Dilution ...................................................................................................... 10
Visual Inspection ................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.3.0 Visual Inspection ............................................................................................................................... 11
1.3.1 Visual Inspection Procedures ........................................................................................................... 11
1.3.2 Emission Control System Labels ...................................................................................................... 14
1.3.3 Liquid Fuel Leak Inspection (Gasoline Only) .................................................................................... 14
1.3.4 Visible Smoke Test ........................................................................................................................... 15
1.3.5 Visual Inspection Result Definitions .................................................................................................. 16
Emission Control Functional Tests ..................................................................................................................... 17
1.4.0 Functional Test Application ............................................................................................................... 17
1.4.1 Malfunction Indicator Light (OBD I and OBD II) ................................................................................ 17
1.4.2 OBD II Functional Test ..................................................................................................................... 17
1.4.3 Ignition Timing Test .......................................................................................................................... 18
1.4.4 EGR System Functional Test ........................................................................................................... 18
1.4.5 Fuel Cap Integrity Test ..................................................................................................................... 18
1.4.6 Low Pressure Fuel Evaporative Test ................................................................................................ 19
Smog Check Inspection Results ......................................................................................................................... 21
Vehicle Inspection Report ................................................................................................................. 21
1.5.1 Vehicle Passes Smog Check ............................................................................................................ 21
1.5.2 Vehicle Fails Smog Check ................................................................................................................ 21
Repair Data ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
1.6.0 Repair Information Entry ................................................................................................................... 22
Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
1.7.0 Test Restrictions for Directed Vehicles ............................................................................................. 23
1.7.1 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) for Trucks and Motor Homes ............................................... 23
1.7.2 Pre-Inspection Mode ......................................................................................................................... 23
1.7.3 Pre-Inspection Repair ....................................................................................................................... 24
1.7.4 Virtual Hands-On Inspection ............................................................................................................. 24
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Equipment and Reference Material Requirements ............................................................................................. 25
1.8.0 Equipment and Reference Materials ................................................................................................ 25
1.8.1 Required Equipment Maintenance ................................................................................................... 28
1.8.2 Required Equipment Electronic Transmission .................................................................................. 28
1.8.3 Required Equipment Location .......................................................................................................... 28
APPENDIX A ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
Visible Smoke Test Procedures for GASOLINE powered vehicles: ................................................................ 30
APPENDIX B ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
Visible Smoke Test Procedures for DIESEL powered vehicles: ..................................................................... 34
APPENDIX C ...................................................................................................................................................... 37
Aftermarket Parts Verification Requirements .................................................................................................. 38
Emission Systems Inspection Details ............................................................................................................. 40
ARB Definitions of Aftermarket Parts .............................................................................................................. 41
SCM January 2021 3
Pre-Inspection/Pre-Repair Check List
Check for vehicle test restrictions. If test restrictions apply, inform the customer of those restrictions.
more information, see section 1.
If a s
tation lacks the equipment, tools, or reference materials necessary to inspect or repair
ticular vehicle, the station must reject the vehicle before starting an inspection or repair
If, as
a matter of policy, a test-and-repair station that does not repair certain types of vehicles or
inspection failures, must reject the vehicle before starting an inspection or inform customer
orally and in writi
Ensure the customer is provided an estimate in accordance with the Automotive Repair Act, Business
and Professions Code section 9884.9, Health and Safety Code section 44033, and Title 16, Californi
ode of Regulations section 3353. Be sure to determine the required test type prior to preparing
ritten estimate and obtaining customer authorizati
Check that all required equipment is up-to-date, maintained and calibrated in accordance with the
anufacturer standards and applicable BAR specifications
Ensure the vehicle is safe to test.
SCM January 2021 4
Test Requirements
Required Tests
Tailpipe Inspections:
(see section 1.2 for specifics)
2000 and newer
1998 and newer
2000 and newer
1, 4
Acceleration Simulation Mode (ASM)
or Two Speed Idle (TSI)
Required Tests
Visual Inspection:
(see section 1.3 for specifics)
2000 and newer
1998 and newer
2000 and newer
Crankcase Emission Controls
Thermostatic Air Cleaner
Fuel Evaporative System (EVAP)
Exhaust Gas After Treatment Systems
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
Ignition Spark Controls
Fuel Metering Systems
Air Injection System
Computers, Sensors, and Switches
Other Emission Related Components
Liquid Fuel Leak (section 1.3.3)
Visible Smoke Test (section 1.3.4)
Required Tests
Functional Inspections:
(see section 1.4 for specifics)
2000 and newer
1998 and newer
2000 and newer
On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) N/A
Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
Ignition Timing
Fuel Cap Integrity
Low Pressure Fuel Evaporative Test
Gasoline includes alternative fueled vehicles, e.g., ethanol, methanol, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), compressed natural gas (CNG), etc. Dedicated
propane and natural gas vehicles over 14,000 lbs. Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) do not require a Smog Check inspection.
Hybrid vehicles are powered by both internal combustion and electric power sources.
Diesel-powered vehicles with a GVWR greater than 14,000 lbs. are exempt from the Smog Check Program.
Exception: Some model-year 2000 and newer gasoline category vehicles will require a tailpipe test on the BAR-97 EIS. These include vehicles without
OBDII systems, vehicles over 14,000 lbs. GVWR, and vehicles identified by BAR with problematic OBDII systems.
ASM required for vehicles registered in Enhanced program areas, unless vehicle is incompatible with dynamometer test, then TSI shall be performed.
TSI required in Basic and Change of Ownership Program areas.
The EGR functional inspection is only performed in conjunction with a TSI tailpipe test.
SCM January 2021 5
Vehicle Identification
1.1.0 Inspector Access
Entering an Inspector’s license number and use of a biometric device, as specified in the Required
Equipment/Materials table in Section 1.8.0, provides access into the BAR-97 Emissions Inspection System
(EIS) or OBD Inspection System (OIS) Smog Check inspection menu, as applicable. Follow the EIS or OIS
prompts to access the Smog Check inspection mode.
BAR or a BAR authorized representative shall use a biometric device to collect inspector biometric data and for
purposes of authorizing access to perform inspections using the EIS or OIS, shall verify the identity using two
forms of identification. One must be a valid, government-issued photo identification, other than a BAR issued
license badge (e.g., driver license, passport, or military identification). The second identification must have the
enrollee’s signature and legal name (e.g., social security card or credit card).
An access code is assigned by BAR and is unique to each licensed inspector. If, at the time of enrollment, the
biometric system is unable to collect sufficient data necessary to create a uniquely identifiable profile from both
hands, BAR shall allow access to the BAR-97 EIS or BAR-OIS using a BAR assigned access code. In such
cases, each inspector must maintain the security of his or her access code. Disclosure of one's access code or
use of another inspector's access code or license information is prohibited and such conduct will result in
disciplinary action. If the security of your access code has been compromised, or you suspect another person
is using your access code, you must contact your local BAR field office immediately.
1.1.1 Vehicle Identification Information
Inspectors must follow the EIS or OIS prompts to input the vehicle identification number (VIN), license plate
number, and odometer reading. Typically, the remaining vehicle information populates via the Vehicle
Information Database (VID) and/or the EIS Vehicle Look-Up Table. The chart on the next page provides details
for entering vehicle information.
No person shall enter any vehicle identification information for any vehicle other than the one being tested. Nor
shall any person knowingly enter any false information about the vehicle being tested.
The bar code scanner must be used as the first method of entry. Manual entry must only be used in
cases where the vehicle is not equipped with a bar code or the bar code is illegible, and the
registration documents are unavailable or do not include a bar code. In these cases, you may
proceed with the inspection and manually enter the vehicle identification information, as needed.
When using the vehicle registration documents to scan vehicle information, you must first verify the
VIN shown on the registration document matches the VIN on the vehicle. If the VIN does not
match, the inspector shall use the VIN affixed to the vehicle and inform the customer of the
mismatch and that it may cause the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) not to accept the test
If VID communication failure occurs on the EIS, the inspector must enter all applicable information.
However, for a California registered vehicle, inspectors must first verify that the VIN and license
plate entries are correct, and check that the EIS is properly connected to the VID. If VIN and plate
entries are correct, and communication failure continues, complete the inspection as prompted by
the EIS. In these cases, DMV may request a copy of the VIR as proof of certification. Advise the
motorist to retain a copy of the VIR throughout the registration process.
The EIS and OIS will not function without a continuous Internet connection to the VID. Anytime the
OIS fails to communicate with the VID, the problem must be fixed before performing an inspection.
CM January 2021 6
When inspecting a government fleet vehicle, enter the “Government Fleet BAR file number.” Get
s number from the government fleet.
Accuracy is critical to ensure the appropriate test sequences and standards are applied. For all
inspections, inspectors must verify that all vehicle information is complete and correct. If not, inspectors must
make the necessary corrections.
Each inspector is responsible for the accuracy of the test. Once a certificate is issued it is impossible
to void that certificate.
BAR-97/OIS Entries
Vehicle Identification Number
License Plate Number (If no plate, enter “NONE”)
Current Odometer Reading
Exhaust Configuration, when prompted (Single or Dual) - BAR-97 only
Vehicle Type Code (PC, TRK, MH, GOV, PFR) - BAR-97 only
Government Fleet BAR File number
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (See section 1.7.1 for more information)
Vehicle Make
Body Type - BAR-97 only
Vehicle Model Name
Number of Cylinders - BAR-97 only
Engine Size - BAR-97 only
Transmission Type - BAR-97 only
Certification Type; (CA, FED, Referee)
BAR Referee Label Number
Fuel Type
Engine Make (Motor Homes, Referee) - BAR-97 only
Engine Year (Motor Homes, Referee) - BAR-97 only
Note: Ins
pectors must verify all applicable entries are complete and accurate and, if not, make the necessary
corrections. If an error is found after changes no longer can be made, abort the inspection and start over using
the correct information.
For government vehicles do not enter “E” preceding the plate number; enter the last 7 digits.
Enter the odometer reading as displayed. Do not attempt to estimate vehicle mileage or convert from kilometers to miles. If the odometer is missing or
illegible, enter “None.”
For the purposes of a Smog Check inspection, the BAR Referee Label provides the certification type and emission control requirements for kit cars –
Specially Constructed (SPCNS) vehicles, grey market vehicles, and vehicles with engine changes. When inspecting a vehicle equipped with a Referee
label, enter “R” for vehicle certification type. Do not inspect SPCNS, grey market vehicles or vehicles with an engine change unless equipped with a BAR
Referee Label.
Inspect a dual/bi-fuel vehicle using the fuel in which the vehicle was operating on when it arrived at the station.
SCM January 2021 7
1.2.0 Before Test Conditions
Before the tailpipe emissions inspection an inspector must:
Check that there are no obvious safety hazards. Inspectors may reject a vehicle from testing that is
unsafe to test. For more information, see section 1.2.3.
Verify the vehicle is warmed up to normal operating temperature. If the vehicle is not at normal
operating temperature, the vehicle may either be idled (low idle) or driven normally as necessary to
achieve normal operating temperature. Normal operating temperature may be confirmed in one of the
following ways:
o The coolant temperature gauge shows normal operating temperature;
o The upper and lower radiator hoses are hot and appropriately pressurized; and/or
o When applicable, the electric cooling fan cycles on at idle.
Once at normal operating temperature, continuously operate the engine at low idle for at least 3 minutes
immediately prior to the tailpipe emissions inspection.
Inspectors shall not attempt to superheat the catalyst. Do not increase the engine RPM or load during
the 3-minute idle period or during the tailpipe emissions inspection sequences except as necessary to
perform the initial visible smoke snap test as described in Appendix A. Any methods used to artificially
increase catalyst temperature are prohibited.
Turn off all vehicle accessories.
(TSI only) Place the transmission in neutral or park, with the parking brake on and/or wheel chocks in
(ASM only) Verify the vehicle can be tested on a dynamometer. See section 1.2.1 for incompatible
(ASM only) Verify that the tires are dry, inflated to proper pressure, and in a safe condition. If
necessary, complete the tire drying sequence as prompted by the EIS.
(ASM only) Disable traction control, when applicable.
(ASM only) To prevent damage, verify that the vehicle safely fits on the dynamometer, and is
compatible for operation on a 2WD dynamometer. Place the vehicle’s drive wheels on the
dynamometer. Vehicles that do not fit into your building or testing area must be returned to the
customer for inspection at another station.
(ASM only) Verify that the vehicle is restrained in accordance with the EIS manufacturer standards, and
wheel chocks are in place.
CM January 2021 8
(ASM only) Verify that the vehicle cooling fan is positioned correctly. The fan must be used when the
bient temperature reaches 72º or above.
As prompted by the EIS, connect or place the RPM pick-up device.
As prompted by the EIS, insert the sample probe in the tailpipe.
(ASM only) Lower the vehicle hood during the emissions test.
1.2.1 Acceleration Simulation Mode (ASM) Emission Inspection
Vehicle model-years 1976 - 1999 that are registered in the Enhanced Program area require an ASM
inspection; excluding motorhomes and heavy-duty vehicles meeting certain conditions. See examples below.
The ASM emission inspection includes two loaded mode sequences known as the 50/15 test and the 25/25
Inspectors must ensure that all the applicable before-test-conditions specified in section 1.2.0 are met before
beginning the ASM inspection. Once the applicable before-test-conditions are met, follow the EIS
prompts to conduct the ASM inspection.
CAUTION! Be aware that some vehicle designs are incompatible with a two wheel drive (2WD)
dynamometer. Any attempt to operate such vehicles on a 2WD dynamometer could cause injury and/or
may damage the vehicle. If the vehicle is not compatible with the ASM inspection, then a TSI inspection
shall be performed.
The following are examples of vehicle designs that are not compatible with the ASM test and therefore
must receive the two-speed-idle test:
Full-time all wheel or four wheel drive;
Traction control that cannot be disabled;
Body or chassis modifications made for business purposes that make the vehicle incompatible
ith loaded mode testing;
Unable to safely fit on the dynamometer;
Motorhomes as classified by the Department of Motor Vehicles over 8,500 GVWR;
Heavy duty vehicles with GVWR between 8,501 and 9,999 and with an unloaded drive axle
eight over 5,000 pounds.
Heavy duty vehicles with GVWR over 9,999.
Notes: For the purposes of a Smog Check inspection, the term “unloaded” shall mean that the vehicle is not
currently transporting loads for delivery or is not carrying items of a temporary nature (bricks, sand, lumber,
etc.). The GVWR includes items that have been welded, bolted or otherwise permanently affixed to the vehicle,
and tools, supplies, parts, hardware, equipment or devices of a similar nature that are routinely carried in or on
the vehicle in the performance of the work for which the vehicle is primarily used. To ensure the appropriate
test and emission standards are applied, always follow the EIS prompts.
SCM January 2021 9
ASM Gear Selection:
Automatic transmissionConduct the ASM test in the gear selector’s normal/default driving position.
Do not use any alternative driving modes, e.g., “towing mode”, “low traction”, “performance”, or “sport.”
Manual transmissionConduct the ASM test for both modes of the test in second gear. Only select
higher or lower gears to maintain the EIS specified RPM range.
1.2.2 Two Speed Idle Inspection (TSI)
The TSI inspection is only required in Basic and Change of Ownership Smog Check Program Areas and in
Enhanced Smog Check Program Areas for vehicles that are incompatible with the ASM inspection.
The TSI inspection includes two test sequences; a 2500 RPM test and an idle test.
Inspectors must ensure that the applicable before-test-conditions specified in section 1.2.0 are met before
beginning the TSI inspection. Once the applicable before-test-conditions are met, follow the EIS prompts
to conduct the TSI inspection.
The 2500 RPM test is first and runs for 30 seconds. Follow the EIS prompts to complete the 2500 RPM
Upon completion of the 2500 RPM test, the EIS will transition to the idle test. Return the throttle to idle
and complete the idle test as prompted by the EIS.
The EIS may prompt special test sequences for vehicles with known test incompatibilities. These
special test sequences accommodate unique vehicle designs and must be followed exactly. Not
following the sequence could result in vehicle damage.
Inspectors shall not artificially load the engine to achieve a testable idle RPM. This includes, but is not
limited to, putting vehicle into gear and turning accessories on.
Note: If the vehicle fails the TSI emissions test, the EIS will automatically prompt for an additional conditioning
procedure, and then transition to a second chance emissions test.
1.2.3 Emission Test Abort Conditions (ASM/TSI)
If an inspector determines the vehicle is unsafe, unfit, or incompatible with the tailpipe emissions inspection,
they shall reject the vehicle from the inspection, or if the inspection has started, abort the inspection. Examples
of unsafe, unfit, and incompatible conditions include, but are not limited to:
Unsafe - gasoline leaks, large coolant leaks, faulty brakes, tire failure;
Unfit - low oil pressure, overheating, idle RPM outside of required limits;
Incompatible - traction control will not disengage.
SCM January 2021 10
The EIS will automatically abort the inspection for the following reasons:
Test equipment failure;
Test equipment power loss;
The ASM test has been restarted more than twice; or
Vehicle unable to achieve the required ASM speed.
In the case of an inspection abort, the EIS will display a list of abort codes. Select the code(s) that best
describes cause of the inspection abort.
If “OTHER” is used as the reason for abort, the inspector must document the specific reason(s) for the aborted
inspection on all copies of the Vehicle Inspection Report.
1.2.4 Exhaust Dilution/Sample Dilution
Sample dilution can be caused by an exhaust leak, but does not necessarily require exhaust system repair to
inspect the vehicle.
A Smog Check inspection is not intended to sell exhaust work on a testable vehicle. Of course, any
time an inspector finds a potential safety hazard, such as an exhaust leak, the inspector should notify
the customer and note the problem on all copies of the repair order.
If there is an opening in the exhaust system that will allow the inspector to safely insert the probe
properly without causing damage to the vehicle, the inspector may use it to obtain the sample as long
as the opening is downstream of all emission control components (such as a catalytic converter).
SCM January 2021 11
Visual Inspection
1.3.0 Visual Inspection
Inspectors shall conduct the visual inspection in accordance with the inspection procedures described in this
manual and as prompted by the EIS or OIS. No person shall enter any false emission control system
information for the vehicle being tested. Nor shall any person enter any emission control information for any
vehicle other than the one being tested. The visual inspection also includes a Liquid Fuel Leak inspection and
Visible Smoke Test. (see sections 1.3.3 and 1.3.4.)
1.3.1 Visual Inspection Procedures
Vehicle Emission Control Requirements: Inspectors must use all available information necessary to determine
the vehicle’s emission control requirements, including but not limited to:
the underhood emission control label (see section 1.3.2);
a current emission control application guide;
emission control repair manuals;
emission component location guides;
manufacturer emission control recalls;
vacuum hose routing diagrams;
California Air Resources Board (CARB) aftermarket parts listings;
the aftermarket part label (see section 1.3.2);
and any reliable vehicle manufacturer sources.
Note: Some diesel-powered vehicles are equipped with a second or additional emission control label
affixed to the engine.
Pass/Fail Criteria: To pass inspection, the required emission control system(s) must be complete and
installed in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer’s original California or Federal certified configuration, or,
when applicable, in accordance with a CARB aftermarket configuration. If any required emission control
systems are found to be tampered or defective, the vehicle shall fail the inspection. For tampered and defective
definitions, see section 1.3.5.
If a vehicle is equipped with parts that modify the original emission control configuration, inspectors must verify
whether those parts are CARB approved or exempted. If the installed parts are not CARB approved or
exempted, and the original emissions control configuration has been modified, the corresponding emission
controls are considered “Modified” and the vehicle shall fail the inspection. For more information regarding
verification of aftermarket parts, see Appendix C.
Not all aftermarket parts modify the original emission control configuration, and therefore do not require CARB
approval. For more information, see the “Aftermarket Parts Verification Guidelines”, located in Appendix C.
SCM January 2021 12
To verify CARB approval, inspectors must check the Aftermarket Parts Label affixed either directly to the
part or near the part. This label contains a CARB Executive Order (EO) number that can be used to verify
approval. Using the EO number, reference the CARB EO parts listings and/or part manufacturer catalog to
verify approval. The CARB EO parts listings contain information about parts with CARB EO numbers, the
part manufacturers and the applicable vehicles on which the parts can be installed. The CARB EO part
listings and information about catalytic converters can be found on the CARB website:
Inspectors may also contact ARB at (800) 242-4450 if they need additional information. The CARB
aftermarket parts listings may also provide information about modifications that are necessary and
acceptable for installation of a particular part, kit or system.
Inspection: Inspectors must inspect all of the following emission control systems, as applicable to the
vehicle being tested, and enter the inspection results as prompted by the EIS or OIS. Inspectors are
prohibited from entering “Not Applicable” for an emission control system that is in fact required for the
vehicle undergoing inspection.
Check that each system is complete and installed per the vehicle manufacturer’s original configuration or,
when applicable, a CARB approved aftermarket configuration. The inspection shall include, but is not limited to
any required: component, computer, hose, module, motor, pump, seal, sensor, solenoid, switch, servo,
transducer, tube, valve, and wire.
Emission Control Systems
Crankcase Emission Controls
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Gasoline/Diesel
Crankcase Depression Regulator (CDR) Diesel
Crankcase Ventilation (CCV) Diesel
Any other crankcase control system
Thermostatic Air Cleaner (TAC/ACL) Gasoline
Fuel Evaporative System (EVAP) Gasoline
Inspectors are not required to perform disassembly of the vehicle to inspect the fuel evaporative system.
Visual inspection of the fuel cap is considered part of the Fuel Cap Integrity Test detailed in Section 1.4.5,
and therefore is not required on 1996 and newer model year vehicles.
Catalytic Converter(s) Gasoline/Diesel
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC or OC) Diesel
NOx Adsorber Diesel
Periodic Trap Oxidizer (PTOX) Diesel
Diesel Particulate Filter(s) (DPF) Diesel
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Diesel
Any other exhaust gas after-treatment system
Catalysts, filters and traps must be in original configuration with the same number of catalysts, filters and
SCM January 2021 13
Emission Control Systems
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)Gasoline/Diesel
Ignition Spark Controls (SPK) Gasoline
Ignition spark controls are mechanical or electronic devices, mechanisms or systems that control ignition
timing. All computer controlled vehicles are equipped with spark controls.
Fuel Metering System Gasoline/Diesel
Carburetion and Fuel Injection
Inspection includes: Air Flow Meters, Injectors, Throttle Bodies, Throttle Positioners, Anti-“Dieseling”
Solenoids, Early Fuel Evaporative, Choke Controls, Deceleration Controls, and Dashpots.
Air Injection SystemGasoline
Computers, Sensors, and Switches (Computer-controlled vehicles only) Gasoline/Diesel
Examples include: pressure, temperature, and oxygen sensors.
Other Emission Related Components/System
The Other Emissions Related Components category encompasses emission control systems that are
required by the vehicle manufacturer but not otherwise addressed in the visual inspection menu. Other
Emission Related Components include, but are not limited to:
Add-On Aftermarket Parts
Cylinder Heads
Exhaust Manifolds
Intake Manifolds
Thermal Reactors
Timing Gears and Pulleys
Ozone Reducing Radiators
If a vehicle fails the Other Emissions Related Components category of the visual inspection, inspectors must
document on the VIR what emissions system failed.
Note: For BAR-97 only the Other Emissions Related Components field is also used to capture failed test
results for the Visible Smoke Test. For more information, see section 1.3.4.
SCM January 2021 14
1.3.2 Emission Control System Labels
Underhood Emission Control Label: Each vehicle’s underhood emission control label serves as the primary
source for emissions control requirements and to indicate the vehicle’s certification type (California and
Federal). It is important to review emission control components on this label, since emission control system
technology changes and varies between vehicle manufacturers. A missing or illegible emission control label
does not constitute an inspection failure. In cases where the emission control label is missing or illegible, the
inspector may proceed with the inspection provided that the required emission controls can be determined
using other sources as described in section 1.3.1. Note: Some diesel-powered vehicles are equipped with a
second or additional emission control label affixed to the engine.
BAR Referee Label: When inspecting a SPCNS, grey market vehicle, vehicle with an engine change, or
vehicle with a fuel conversion change look for a BAR Referee Label. The BAR Referee Label serves as the
primary emission control information source for these vehicles. If a BAR Referee Label is not present, inform
the customer to contact the BAR Referee for inspection information. When equipped with a BAR Referee
Label, these vehicles may be inspected and certified by a licensed Smog Check station. Inspectors must
inspect the vehicle using the emission control requirements listed on the BAR Referee label.
BAR Referee Labels are typically affixed to the driver’s side door post or, in some cases, located under the
hood. In some cases, the BAR Referee Label may provide special or additional instructions. An SPCN, gray
market, or vehicle with an engine change without a BAR Referee Label must be first inspected at the Referee.
Aftermarket Parts Label: CARB approved or exempted parts are subject to CARB aftermarket parts labeling
requirements. These requirements specify that Aftermarket Parts Labels (APL) must be affixed or stamped on
approved/exempted parts or, if not practical, installed near the approved/exempted parts. The labels are
required to contain an EO number that can be used to verify CARB approval or exemption, as outlined in
section 1.3.1. Note: A missing or illegible APL does not constitute an inspection failure. In cases where the
label is missing or illegible, the inspector may proceed with the inspection, provided the parts can be confirmed
as CARB approved or exempted by comparing the part number marked on the part with the CARB EO parts
listings or the parts manufacturer catalog.
1.3.3 Liquid Fuel Leak Inspection (Gasoline Only)
The liquid fuel leak inspection shall be conducted with the engine running. Use extreme caution when
working around moving parts and ensure the transmission is in “park” or “neutral” with the parking
brake on.
Definition: For the purpose of conducting this inspection, a “liquid fuel leak” is defined as any fuel coming from
a vehicle’s fuel delivery, metering, or evaporative systems, (1) in liquid form that has created a visible drop of
fuel (or more) on a component of a vehicle’s fuel delivery, metering or evaporative system, or (2) has created a
fuel puddle on, around, or under a component of a vehicle’s fuel delivery, metering, or evaporative system.
SCM January 2021 15
Inspection: With the engine running, the inspector shall visually inspect the following components of the
vehicle, if they are exposed and visually accessible, for liquid fuel leaks:
Gasoline fuel tanks
Fuel injectors
Gasoline fill pipes associated hoses,
tanks, connections
Gas caps
Fuel pressure regulators
External fuel pump
Charcoal canisters
Fuel delivery and return lines
Any valves connected to any other fuel
evaporative component
Fuel vapor hoses
Fuel Filters
For gasoline-powered hybrid vehicles and those vehicles with stop-start systems, the inspector shall
visually inspect for liquid fuel leaks with the vehicle in the key on, engine off (KOEO) position or “Ready”
state (so that the vehicle’s fuel system is at its operating pressure).
Pass/Fail Criteria: If no liquid leak is found, the vehicle shall pass inspection and the inspector shall enter
“P” (pass) in the EIS or OIS “Fuel Leaks” prompt. If a liquid fuel leak is detected, the vehicle shall fail
inspection and inspector shall enter “F” (defective) in the EIS or OIS “Fuel Leaks” prompt. Inspectors must
indicate on the vehicle inspection report (VIR) the location of any liquid fuel leak.
The liquid fuel leak procedure is a visual inspection only. Inspectors are not required to perform
disassembly of the vehicle to inspect for liquid fuel leaks. No special tools or equipment, other than a
flashlight and mirror, are required and no raising, hoisting, or lifting of the vehicle is required.
An inspector shall refuse to inspect or abort an inspection if a liquid fuel leak presents a safety
The liquid fuel leak shall not apply to vehicles fueled exclusively by diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG),
liquefied natural gas (LNG) or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
1.3.4 Visible Smoke Test
Gasoline and diesel vehicles, excluding hybrids, which are subject to a Smog Check inspection, must be tested
for visible smoke. Other than the time when the snaps are performed and the EIS/ OIS data entry prompts, the
Visible Smoke Test procedures are the same for gasoline and diesel vehicles. However, the pass/fail
standards are different. The full procedures are located in Appendix A (Gasoline) and Appendix B (Diesel).
Summary of Test Procedures:
e Test - Observe the tailpipe exhaust plume of the vehicle for 10 seconds.
Crankcase Test - Observe the engine crankcase for 10 seconds.
BAR Snap Test - Quickly push-and-release the accelerator pedal from idle position to between 2,000
and 3,000 RPM, then immediately allow the engine to return to idle.
Enter the test result into the EIS or OIS.
Document any failure on the Vehicle Inspection Report, and the customer’s invoice.
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1.3.5 Visual Inspection Result Definitions
An emissions control system or component that is missing, modified, or disconnected.
Reference: California Code of Regulations (CCR) § 3340.41.5
All or part of an emissions control system or component which has been removed from the vehicle or
Reference: CCR § 3340.41.5 (a)
An emission control system or component has been modified if:
It has been disabled even though it is present and properly connected to the engine and/or vehicle;
It has been replaced with a component not marketed by its manufacturer for street use on the
An emissions related component of the system has been changed such that there is no capacity
for connection with or operation of other emissions control components or systems.
Reference: CCR § 3340.41.5 (b)
Any hose, wire, belt or component, which is required for the operation of the emission control system is
present, but has been disconnected.
Reference: CCR § 3340.41.5 (c)
Any normal wear, deterioration, or unintentional disturbance that will affect the operation of an emissions
control component or system. It is not a condition that occurs as a result of tampering. An unintentional
disturbance includes, but is not limited to, a hose, wire, cap, or thermal valve or switch, disturbed and not
reconnected or corrected when the vehicle was serviced.
Not Applicable
This entry may only be used when the vehicle is not originally equipped with the particular emissions
control component being inspected, or when a particular test cannot be performed due to vehicle
incompatibility with inspection equipment. For example, a vehicle did not originally come with an EGR
valve from the factory, or a fuel cap adapter does not exist for the vehic
SCM January 2021 17
Emission Control Functional Tests
1.4.0 Functional Test Application
Inspectors shall complete the functional tests in accordance with the inspection procedures described in
this manual and as prompted by the EIS or OIS. Inspectors shall not falsely enter “Not Applicable,” “No,”
or otherwise skip a functional test required for the vehicle being tested.
All stations (including Test-Only stations) must follow the procedures specified by the vehicle manufacturer
necessary to perform required Smog Check functional tests. Example: To check the base ignition timing,
an underhood emission control label specifies that the engine speed must be set (raised) to 1000 RPM
and then returned to 700 RPM upon completion.
1.4.2 Malfunction Indicator Light (OBD I and OBD II)
When applicable, the malfunction indicator light (MIL), or “Check Engine Light”, shall be checked on all
vehicles equipped with either a first generation (OBD I) or second generation (OBD II) on-board
diagnostics system. Enter “N” when not applicable.
To check MIL function, the inspector shall turn the ignition to the “key on engine off” (KOEO) position,
observe the MIL operation and then start the engine “key on engine running” (KOER). The MIL should
illuminate in the KOEO position and extinguish when the engine is started and in the KOER position. A
brief period of illumination during start up is normal. Always follow the EIS or OIS prompts to enter test
Pass/Fail Criteria:
A “Pass” entry indicates that the MIL properly operates, and service or repairs are not needed.
A “Fail” entry indicates that the MIL does not illuminate at all in the KOEO position, or the MIL
illuminates continuously or flashes with the engine running during the functional test of the MIL.
The KOEO/KOER procedures may vary for keyless ignition systems and some conventional key systems.
In these cases, use the vehicle manufacturer procedure to complete the “KOEO/KOER” sequences.
Note: Maintenance reminders are not part of the Smog Check inspection. Do not confuse a
maintenance reminder, based on time and mileage, with the MIL.
1.4.3 OBD II Functional Test
Vehicles without an OBD II system, as determined by the underhood emission control label, shall not
receive an OBD II functional test. Most vehicles with a GVWR greater than 14,000 lbs. are not equipped
with an OBD II system.
The OBD II functional test evaluates and reports the status and/or results of the readiness indicators,
system faults, and MIL.
Inspectors must use all available information necessary to determine the vehicle’s OBD II
requirements, including but not limited to, the underhood emission control label (see section 1.3.2),
a current emission control application guide, emission control repair manuals, emission component
location guides, manufacturer emission control recalls, BAR OBD technical advisements, and any
reliable vehicle manufacturer sources.
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Follow the EIS or OIS test prompts to connect the EIS or OIS test lead to the Diagnostic Link
Connector (DLC).
DLC Location: Most DLCs are located on the dashboard between the driver’s side of the instrument
panel and the middle of the passenger side. Some manufacturers, however, chose other locations. If you
are unable to find the DLC, refer to the appropriate electronic component location manual or emission
control diagnostic and repair manual. The DLC provides an RPM signal that in most cases can be used
during Smog Check emissions test sequences.
Pass/Fail Criteria: The EIS or OIS may include an assessment of the OBD II system’s ability to
communicate, the readiness of system monitors, diagnostic trouble codes, vehicle identification, existence
of system modifications and the MIL command status.
1.4.4 Ignition Timing Test
The Ignition Timing Test applies to 1976 to 1995 model-year vehicles equipped with adjustable timing. If
the underhood emissions control label, an emissions application guide, or other reliable manufacturer
derived references indicates timing is not adjustable, then the Ignition Timing Test is not required.
Inspectors shall check the base ignition timing using the vehicle manufacturer procedures. Many
underhood emission control labels provide procedures and specifications for checking the ignition timing. If
the procedures are not on the label, refer to an emission control application guide or an appropriate
service manual. If no manufacturer’s engine speed tolerance is given for the timing check, the idle speed
shall be within 100 RPM of the manufacturer’s specified idle speed
Pass/Fail Criteria: To pass inspection, the base ignition timing must be within 3 degrees (± 3 degrees) of
the manufacturer specification. If it is more than 3 degrees from manufacturer specification, the vehicle
shall fail the functional test. Note: If the manufacturer specification provides a range, the 3 degree
additional tolerance described above is not allowed.
Mechanical Defect(s): If the timing cannot be measured due to a mechanical defect, such as a slipped
harmonic balancer, the vehicle shall fail the timing test. The EIS includes a provision to account for
mechanical defect. Follow the EIS prompts and document the mechanical defect on the Vehicle Inspection
1.4.5 EGR System Functional Test
All 1995 model-year and older vehicles equipped with EGR and subject to a two-speed idle test shall
undergo the EGR functional test.
Inspectors must follow the functional test procedures prescribed by the vehicle manufacturer.
1.4.6 Fuel Cap Integrity Test
As prompted by EIS, perform the fuel cap integrity test on all 1976 to 1995 vehicles, equipped with
evaporative controls that can operate on gasoline, including dual/bi-fueled vehicles.
The fuel cap integrity test is a two part test.
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Visual inspection: As prompted by the EIS, inspect the fuel cap(s) for proper fit and installation. The
inspection result entries are “P” for Pass, “F” for Fail and “S” for Missing. If the fuel cap threads are
stripped or the fuel cap seal is missing or damaged, or the fuel cap is not designed for the vehicle, the fuel
cap shall fail the visual inspection.
Functional check: This check applies only to vehicles equipped with evaporative emission control
systems. Check the fuel cap tester application manual to determine the correct cap adapter. Following the
EIS and cap tester prompts, attach the fuel cap(s) to the adapter and perform the test. The test results are
automatically captured by the EIS. If no adapter is available from the tester manufacturer (for the vehicle
being tested), enter “No adapter available” as prompted by the EIS. For vehicles newer than 1995 do not
perform the functional test, enter “No Adapter is available” as prompted by the EIS.
Fill Pipe Restrictor Functional Test REPEALED (MARCH 2015)
The fill pipe restrictor test no longer applies. The EIS may prompt for the fill pipe restrictor test for vehicles
undergoing an initial Smog Check inspection. If so, enter “N” into the EIS fill pipe test prompt.
1.4.7 Low Pressure Fuel Evaporative Test
Test Application: The Low Pressure Fuel Evaporative Test (LPFET) shall be performed on all 1976-1995
model-year vehicles (based on chassis model year) with the exception of the following:
Vehicles not originally equipped, and not required by state or federal law to be equipped, with a
fuel evaporative control system;
Vehicles with two or more fully operational fuel tanks;
Vehicles powered exclusively by diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas
(LNG), or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG);
Vehicles for which there are no fuel LPFET filler neck adapters;
Vehicles in their original factory configuration, with a fuel evaporative canister and fuel vapor hoses
that are not accessible or would require the partial dismantling of the vehicle in order to gain
access to them for testing. The inspector shall note the vehicle’s canister location on the Vehicle
Inspection Report for these vehicles.
Vehicles with single fuel tanks greater than 50 gallon capacity.
Inspectors shall enter “N” at the EIS Fuel Evaporative Test prompt when inspecting any of the vehicles
listed above.
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Inspection: Smog Check stations and Smog Check inspectors shall perform the low pressure test of a
vehicle’s fuel evaporative systems, using a BAR certified low pressure fuel evaporative tester (LPFET).
The test shall be performed in accordance with the test procedures and specifications contained in the
LPFET instruction manual provided by the tester manufacturer, and the following, as applicable:
If components related to the vehicle’s fuel evaporative system tank side are missing, modified,
disconnected, or defective enter “N” (not applicable) at the EIS Low Pressure Fuel Evaporative
Test prompt. If the vehicle’s tank side fuel evaporative system components are not missing,
modified, disconnected, or defective proceed with the test. Tank side means the portion of the fuel
evaporative system between the canister pinch or seal point and the fuel tank filler neck. (Tank
side visual inspection failures can affect the LPFET. Therefore, in cases where a tank side visual
inspection failure exists, the LPFET does not apply). Note: Evaporative system visual inspection
results must be entered at the EIS Evaporative System Visual Inspection prompt; see section
At the conclusion of the test, the LPFET displays a P (pass), enter P in the EIS at the Fuel
Evaporative Test prompt.
At the conclusion of the test, the LPFET displays an F (fail), perform a seal check in accordance
with the procedures and specifications contained in the LPFET instruction manual provided by the
tester manufacturers.
o If, after completion of the appropriate seal check, the system is found to be properly sealed,
enter F (fail) in the EIS at the Fuel Evaporative Test prompt.
o If, after completion of the appropriate seal check, the system is found not to be properly
sealed follow the applicable procedures and specifications contained in the LPFET
instruction manual provided by the tester manufacturers to correct the leaks and effect
proper seals.
After all leaks have been corrected, a verification test shall be performed in accordance with the
procedures and specifications contained in the LPFET instruction manual provided by the tester
o If, at the conclusion of the verification test, the LPFET displays a P (pass), enter P in the
EIS at the Fuel Evaporative Test prompt.
o If, at the conclusion of the verification test the LPFET displays an F (fail), enter F in the
EIS at the Fuel Evaporative Test prompt.
Depressurization: At the completion of the test and any necessary verification test, follow the procedures
and specifications contained in the manufacturer’s LPFET instruction manual, to depressurize the
evaporative system, remove the tester and return the fuel evaporative system to its original configuration.
Nothing in the LPFET procedures shall excuse a station or an inspector from completing the Visual
Inspection described in section 1.3.0 or the Liquid Fuel Leak inspection described in section 1.3.3.
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Smog Check Inspection Results
1.5.0 Vehicle Inspection Report
Print at least two copies of the Vehicle Inspection Reports (VIR) for each Smog Check inspection. The
licensed station shall give a copy of the VIR to the customer and keep a copy for the station’s records. The
VIR shall be attached to the customer’s invoice.
If the EIS or OIS does not print the VIR, the station will need to correct the malfunction and
reprint the VIR.
The licensed inspector must sign all copies of the VIR acknowledging that the inspection was
conducted in accordance with all Smog Check requirements and that the information on the VIR
is true and correct.
When applicable, inspectors must document special circumstances on the VIR, including, but
not limited to:
- The location of a Liquid Fuel Leak
- The emissions system or component that failed the “Other Emissions Related
Component” category of the visual inspection
- The reason for an “Other” inspection abort
- The type of visible smoke test failure (tailpipe or crankcase)
- CARB approved aftermarket parts and associated EO number
1.5.2 Vehicle Passes Smog Check
The EIS or OIS will issue a certificate of compliance when a vehicle passes all applicable portions of a Smog
Check inspection. The certificate of compliance will electronically transmit to DMV and record in the VID.
Inform customers, whose vehicles pass their Smog Check inspection, that they must follow the instructions on
the DMV paperwork they received to complete their registration renewal.
If the DMV paperwork has been lost or misplaced, inform the customer to contact the DMV Telephone Service
Center at 1-800-777-0133.
1.5.3 Vehicle Fails Smog Check
A vehicle that fails any portion of the Smog Check inspection, but does not exceed the gross polluter
emission standards, can be repaired and obtain a Smog Check certificate at any Test and Repair station.
However, if the vehicle was originally directed (as shown on the DMV registration renewal notice), or
exceeded the gross polluter standards, it may only receive after repair certification from a STAR Certified
station or a BAR Referee.
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Repair Data
1.6.0 Repair Information Entry
All repairs performed before, during, or after the Smog Check inspection at any station must be entered into
the EIS or OIS, including any state subsidized repair, like the Consumer Assistance Program (CAP).
As applicable, inspectors shall enter accurate repair information as prompted by the EIS or OIS in either the
Smog Check Inspection Mode or the Repair-Only Menu. If the retest is performed at your station, enter the
repair information during the retest Smog Check inspection, as prompted. If the retest will not be conducted at
your station, use the Repair-Only Menu to enter the repair information. Note: Accurate repair data provides a
valuable source of information that can be used by other stations and that BAR uses for program evaluation.
Repair Costs
As prompted by the EIS or OIS, enter the repair parts and labor costs in whole dollars (no cents); round up or
down to the nearest dollar.
For customer paid costs, enter all parts and labor charges, including any customer co-payments made for state
subsidized repairs, tax and diagnosis costs.
For state subsidized repairs, enter all parts and labor costs to be paid by state, including tax and diagnosis
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1.7.0 Test Restrictions for Directed Vehicles
Directed Vehicles - Before conducting an inspection, stations not authorized to certify directed vehicles must
check the DMV registration documents (when available) for a STAR station directed designation. If the vehicle
is directed, the station/inspector shall inform the motorist of this certification restriction. Directed vehicles can
only receive certification from a STAR certified Test-Only station, a STAR certified Test and Repair station, or
BAR Referee station.
Gross Polluters - Vehicles found to exceed the gross polluter emission standards (identified gross polluters)
are also restricted to certification from a STAR certified Test-Only station, a STAR certified Test and Repair
station, or BAR Referee station. Stations not authorized to certify identified gross polluters shall inform the
motorist of this certification restriction. Since the gross polluting vehicle certification restriction does not apply
to government fleet vehicles, any station may inspect government fleet vehicles.
Note: When attempting to inspect a directed vehicle or an identified gross polluter at a station that is not
authorized to certify directed vehicles or identified gross polluters, the EIS or OIS will prohibit the inspection,
provided VID communication occurs. If VID communication does not occur, stations not authorized to certify
directed vehicles or identified gross polluters must inform the customer that the vehicle could be directed or an
identified gross polluter and, if so, a certificate issued by their station may be invalid.
When repairing directed vehicles or identified gross polluters, Test and Repair stations may use the EIS or OIS
pre-inspection mode to verify repairs.
1.7.2 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) for Trucks and Motor Homes
When testing trucks and motor homes, the EIS or OIS will prompt the inspector to enter the gross vehicle
weight rating (GVWR). Check the vehicle information label for the GVWR (label is typically found on driver door
jamb). Note: Some labels list multiple “as equipped” GVWRs. In these cases, use the GVWR that corresponds
to the vehicle as originally equipped by the vehicle manufacturer; e.g., Ford label on a Crown bus. If the GVWR
cannot be determined, enter “NONE” and follow the EIS or OIS prompts to select a GVWR based on weight
1.7.3 Pre-Inspection Mode
The pre-inspection mode provides an option to assess the vehicle’s OBD, emission controls and tailpipe
emissions before undergoing the official Smog Check inspection. The pre-inspection procedure is identical to
the official Smog Check inspection except that no certificate is generated and the vehicle is not subject to the
gross polluter requirements, regardless of the emissions results. Pre-inspection test results are transmitted to
the vehicle information database (VID) but a certificate is not transmitted to the DMV. The station shall provide
the customer a copy of the pre-inspection vehicle inspection report (VIR).
If a customer chooses to authorize a partial pre-inspection, the licensed inspector or an authorized
representative of the licensed Smog Check station shall inform the motorist that the partial pre-inspection will
not fully indicate the likelihood of the vehicle passing a subsequent official inspection. An example of a partial
pre-inspection is using the analyzer in manual mode to check tailpipe emissions only. The limitations of a
partial pre-inspection must be fully disclosed to the customer both orally and in writing on the estimate and
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1.7.4 Pre-Inspection Repair
With customer authorization and an estimate provided, licensed technicians may perform repairs on vehicles
before or during the Smog Check inspection. Any repair must be appropriately documented on the invoice and
entered into the EIS or OIS when prompted.
Any repair conducted during the inspection shall be limited to the following: replacement of the fuel cap(s) (EIS
provides a mid-inspection fuel cap replacement opportunity upon a failed cap test), minor repairs of
components damaged by the station personnel during the inspection at the station, or minor repairs such as
the reconnection of hoses or vacuum lines. Any repair performed during the inspection must be completed
before starting the emissions test portions of the Smog Check inspection, aside from the EIS prompted fuel
cap replacement provision.
1.7.5 Virtual Hands-On Inspection
BAR or its designee may remotely interrupt a BAR-97 EIS or BAR-OIS inspection and ask the user to permit
access to the computer and web camera, as specified in the Required Equipment/Materials table in Section
1.8.0, to perform a virtual hands-on inspection for purposes of observing the inspection process. During the
virtual hands-on inspection, BAR may record screen shots, still images, video, text chat, and audio.
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Equipment and Reference Material Requirements
1.8.0 Equipment and Reference Materials
STAR certified stations must possess all inspection related equipment to inspect all vehicle types, including
directed vehicles. These stations must also possess the tools, and reference materials for the types of vehicles
being inspected and/or repaired.
Non-STAR stations are only required to possess the equipment, tools and reference materials for the types of
vehicles being inspected and/or repaired at a particular station.
Inspection equipment example: If your station is not STAR certified and only inspects 2000 and newer model-
year gasoline powered, diesel-powered, and/or hybrid powered vehicles, then only the OIS inspection
equipment is required.
Repair equipment example: When repairing diesel vehicles, a tachometer/dwell meter, propane enrichment kit,
an ignition analyzer and timing light are not required.
A dynamometer and NOx cell / bench are required to inspect enhanced area vehicles requiring an ASM
test. Stations that only inspect heavy duty vehicles or stations in Basic and Change of Ownership
program areas are not required to have a dynamometer and NOx cell / bench.
If a station lacks the equipment, tools, and reference materials necessary to inspect and/or repair a
particular vehicle, the station must reject the vehicle before starting an inspection or repair.
If, as a matter of policy, a station does not inspect certain types of vehicles and/or repair certain types
of inspection failures, the station must reject the vehicle before starting an inspection or repair.
All station types must possess equipment in accordance with the “Equipment and Reference Material
Requirements” table. Additional equipment may be required to inspect and/or repair certain vehicles in
accordance with accepted trade standards.
Reference materials may be in electronic or hardcopy format and must be provided in hardcopy format
to BAR upon request.
Required Equipment/Materials
Test Only
and Repair
Test and
BAR Certified Equipment: BAR-97
Emissions Inspection System (EIS) with
most current hardware and software.
OBD Inspection System (OIS) with
hardware and software necessary to
conduct OBD inspections.
BAR Certified Equipment: Data
Acquisition Device (DAD) with hardware
and software necessary to conduct OIS
BAR Certified Equipment: Low
Pressure Fuel Evaporative Tester
(LPFET) and Operator’s Manual.
Required when performing a tailpipe emission inspection on vehicles.
Required when performing the OBD test on model-year 2000 and newer vehicles.
Required when inspecting 1976-1995 model-year vehicles with evaporative control systems.
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Required Equipment/Materials
Test Only
and Repair
Test and
BAR Certified Equipment: Fuel cap,
tester, adapters, and adapter guide.
Web Camera: For every OIS and EIS,
an external web camera hardwired to the
OIS computer that meets the following
automatic light correction,
built-in noise canceling microphone,
USB 3.0 compliant,
full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) video
recording and video calling at a minimum
of 30 frames per second (FPS),
H.264 video compression.
Note: a single USB 3.0 extension cable
is permitted to extend the camera’s
cable up to an additional 15 feet.
Biometric Device: For every OIS and
EIS, Fujitsu palm vein scanner sensor
model FAT13FPS01 with 2 meter long
USB 2.0 (A) Male to (B) Micro - USB
Ignition Timing Light capable of
measuring ignition advance.
14,15 15
Hand vacuum pump and gauge
Tire pressure gauge
Tools necessary to inspect vehicle
ignition, fuel delivery, and emission
control systems.
Smog Check Manual & Reference Guide
BAR ET Blasts dated after January 1,
2012, relevant to any vehicle inspection
Emission control application guides
Vacuum routing and electronic
component location guides.
Technical Service Bulletins and
manufacturer recall notices.
Required when inspecting 1976-1995 model-year vehicles with adjustable timing.
Required when inspecting and repairing vehicles with spark ignition engines.
Required when inspecting 1976-1995 model-year vehicles.
SCM January 2021 27
Required Equipment/Materials
Test Only
and Repair
Test and
Diagnostic and repair information that
may be printed or electronic form and
may be nationally distributed and
periodically updated references that
contain repair and emissions
Diagnostic and repair tools for ignition,
fuel, emission control, computer engine
control systems, and other related
components for each vehicle type that
the station diagnoses and repairs.
Hand tools necessary to adjust maintain
and repair vehicle ignition, fuel, and
emission control systems
Compression tester
Tachometer/dwell meter
Fuel pressure gauge
Propane enrichment kit
An ignition analyzer or ignition
oscilloscope that displays at least:
primary ignition system voltage and coil
oscillations, and firing voltage and spark
duration of the secondary ignition
system. For distributor equipped
vehicles, the device shall display this
information for all cylinders at the same
A high impedance digital volt/ohm meter,
and ammeter that measures amps and
A device capable of retrieving vehicle
computer trouble codes, with its
operating instructions. This device shall
display and store live streaming OBD
data, and shall have bi-directional
capability. Hardware and software in the
device shall be updated to the current
available calendar year.
An electronic device capable of
graphically displaying electrical signals,
with adjustable voltage and time scales.
The device shall capture and display a
high frequency abnormal signal,
regardless of time scale or screen
refresh rate.
An electronic device capable of
accessing the BAR’s Web page for the
purposes of entering repair data.
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1.8.1 Required Equipment Maintenance
All required equipment shall be up-to-date, maintained in good working condition, and calibrated in accordance
with the manufacturer standards and applicable BAR specifications.
The BAR-97 Emissions Inspection System (EIS) shall be maintained and calibrated per the current BAR-97
EIS Specifications. The BAR-97 EIS shall be calibrated only with BAR approved gases from a BAR certified
gas vendor.
The BAR-97 EIS and the OIS shall have the most current software and hardware updates required by BAR.
Only BAR authorized representatives or authorized manufacturer representatives shall have access to the
locked areas of the BAR-97 EIS or to the components or software located within the OBD Data Acquisition
Device (DAD) for service, inspection, or replacement, as necessary.
The LPFET shall be maintained and calibrated per the current LPFET Specificatio
1.8.2 Required Equipment Electronic Transmission
Vehicle data and test results from the BAR-97 EIS and from the OIS shall be transmitted to the Vehicle
Information Database (VID) via an Internet connection.
The OIS shall be connected to BAR’s Web page through an Internet connection. The Internet connection may
be shared with other devices, but must remain connected at all times.
1.8.3 Required Equipment Location
The BAR-97 EIS and the OIS shall be used within a building. The BAR-97 EIS and the OIS shall not be used in
an environment that would subject them to excessive heat, cold, dust, or moisture.
The LPFET may be used either within or outside a building, but shall not be stored outdoors.
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Visible Smoke Test Procedures for GASOLINE powered vehicles:
Step 1 - Vehicle Preparation
Check that there are no obvious safety hazards (abnormal engine noise, overheating, leaking fluids,
etc.). Inspectors may reject a vehicle that is unsafe to test.
Place the transmission in “Neutral” or “Park,” with the parking brake on and/or wheel chocks in place.
Turn off all accessories (including air conditioning).
Ensure the vehicle is at normal operating temperature.
Position the vehicle to ensure there are no drafts that can disturb the exhaust plume.
Ensure there is nothing in the shop environment, such as equipment or tool boxes, which prevents the
inspector from clearly observing the exhaust plume. In general, this will require clearing the line-of-sight
as much as 15 feet from the tailpipe(s).
Step 2 - Test Preparation and Vehicle Familiarization
Use any means necessary to enable observation of the vehicle’s exhaust plume, including but not
limited to, adjusting the seat and mirror positions.
Perform the first of three BAR Snap Tests:
Gasoline: If using the BAR-97 EIS, the first snap shall be performed at the beginning of the
inspection when the EIS screen enables you to stabilize the RPM. If using the OIS, perform the
first snap when prompted.
Ensure the vehicle’s engine RPM falls between 2,000 and 3,000 while performing the first BAR Snap
Test. If it does not, you can do one of the following:
o Press-and-release the accelerator pedal more quickly or more slowly as needed to stay within
the designated RPM range; or Quickly press the pedal only part way to the floor before
releasing it.
o Do not check for smoke during the first BAR Snap Test. Any visible smoke observed during the
first BAR Snap Test shall not result in a failure.
Step 3 - Perform the Idle Test
Have the engine running at idle and go to the vehicle’s tailpipe.
Perform the Idle Test:
Gasoline: If using the BAR-97 EIS, the idle test shall be performed immediately after performing
the ASM/TSI test, if these tests are performed. If using the OIS, perform the idle test when
Observe the tailpipe(s) exhaust plume of the vehicle for 10 seconds.
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Step 4 - Perform the Crankcase (PCV) Test
After performing the Idle Test (Step 3), continue to leave the vehicle’s engine running at idle and go to
the vehicle engine compartment. Open the hood to the engine compartment and determine whether
any smoke is coming from the crankcase (PCV) system.
Observe the vehicle’s crankcase system for 10 seconds.
Step 5 - Complete the BAR Snap Test
Continue to leave the vehicle’s engine running at idle.
Perform the final two BAR Snap Tests just before starting the under-hood visual inspection.
Perform the second BAR Snap Test while watching for visible smoke.
Return the engine to idle and wait for at least 3 seconds to allow the engine to stabilize.
Perform the third (and final) BAR Snap Test while watching for visible smoke.
Step 6 - PASS/FAIL Determination
PASS the vehicle for the Visible Smoke Test portion of the Smog Check inspection if the vehicle does
not emit smoke during the Idle Test, Crankcase Test, and both of the final two BAR Snap Tests.
FAIL the vehicle if:
- There is any visible smoke observed during the Idle Test;
- OR there is any visible smoke coming from the crankcase (PCV) system;
- OR there is:
Gasoline - any visible smoke observed between the tailpipe and 10 feet from the tailpipe(s)
on either of the final two BAR Snap Tests.
Smoke from any area other than the vehicle’s tailpipe(s) or crankcase (PCV) system,
regardless of the cause, does not constitute a failure of the Visible Smoke Test.
No vehicle shall be failed for condensation or steam.
Step 7 Enter the Test Results into the EIS or OIS
Results must be entered in the visual inspection’s “Other Emission Related Controls” category on the
EIS or at the “Enter Result of the Exhaust System Smoke Check” and “Enter Result of the Crankcase
System Smoke Check” OIS prompts.
For vehicles that pass all portions of the Visible Smoke Test, enter “P” (Pass).
For vehicles that fail any portion of the Visible Smoke Test, enter “F” (Defective).
SCM January 2021 32
The BAR-97 EIS currently allows only one entry for the visual inspection of all components covered under the
Other Emission Related Controls” category. Therefore, if the vehicle passes all portions of the Visible Smoke
Test but fails a visual check of any other component covered under the “Other Emission Related Controls”
category, enter the appropriate failure code. However, if the vehicle passes the visual inspection for
components covered under the “Other Emission Related Controls” category, but fails any portion of the Visible
Smoke Test, enter “F” (Defective) into the EIS.
Step 8 - D
ocumentation Provided to the Customer
If the vehicle fails the Visible Smoke Test, the inspector shall:
Document the failure on both the customer’s and station’s copy of the Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR)
in the “Other Emission Related Components” section. Make a clear notation on the VIR, such as “Failed
Visible Smoke Test”. Document what portion of the Visible Smoke Test the vehicle failed, such as
“Crankcase Smoke,” “Idle Smoke,” and/or “BAR Snap Smoke.”
Document the failure on the customer’s invoice with “Failed Visible Smoke Test”. Document what
portion of the Visible Smoke Test the vehicle failed, such as “Crankcase Smoke,” “Idle Smoke,” or
“BAR Snap Smoke.”
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Visible Smoke Test Procedures for DIESEL powered vehicles:
Step 1 - Vehicle Preparation
Check that there are no obvious safety hazards (abnormal engine noise, overheating, leaking fluids,
etc.). Inspectors may reject a vehicle that is unsafe to test.
Place the transmission in “Neutral” or “Park,” with the parking brake on and/or wheel chocks in place.
Turn off all accessories (including air conditioning).
Ensure the vehicle is at normal operating temperature.
Position the vehicle to ensure there are no drafts that can disturb the exhaust plume.
Ensure there is nothing in the shop environment, such as equipment or tool boxes, which prevents the
inspector from clearly observing the exhaust plume. In general, this will require clearing the line-of-sight
as much as 15 feet from the tailpipe(s).
Step 2 - Test Preparation and Vehicle Familiarization
Use any means necessary to enable observation of the vehicle’s exhaust plume, including but not
limited to, adjusting the seat and mirror positions.
Do not check for smoke during the first BAR Snap Test. Any visible smoke observed during the first
BAR Snap Test shall not result in a failure.
Step 3 - Perform the Idle Test
Have the engine running at idle and go to the vehicle’s tailpipe.
Perform the Idle Test:
- Diesel the idle test shall be performed at the appropriate OIS prompt.
Observe the tailpipe(s) exhaust plume of the vehicle for 10 seconds.
Step 4 - Perform the Crankcase (PCV) Test
After performing the Idle Test (Step 3), continue to leave the vehicle’s engine running at idle and go to
the vehicle engine compartment. Open the hood to the engine compartment and determine whether any
smoke is coming from the crankcase (PCV) system.
Observe the vehicle’s crankcase system for 10 seconds.
Note: do not perform this test on vehicles originally equipped with an open crankcase.
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Step 5 - Complete the BAR Snap Test
Perform the first of three BAR Snap Tests:
Ensure the vehicle’s engine RPM falls between 2,000 and 3,000 while performing the first BAR Snap
Test. If it does not, you can do one of the following:
- Press-and-release the accelerator pedal more quickly or more slowly as needed to stay within the
designated RPM range; or
- Quickly press the pedal only part way to the floor before releasing it.
Continue to leave the vehicle’s engine running at idle.
Perform the final two BAR Snap Tests.
Perform the second BAR Snap Test while watching for visible smoke.
Return the engine to idle and wait for at least 3 seconds to allow the engine to stabilize.
Perform the third (and final) BAR Snap Test while watching for visible smoke.
Step 6 - PASS/FAIL Determination
PASS the vehicle for the Visible Smoke Test portion of the Smog Check inspection if the vehicle does
not emit smoke during the Idle Test, Crankcase Test, and both of the final two BAR Snap Tests.
FAIL the vehicle if:
- There is any visible smoke observed during the Idle Test;
- OR there is any visible smoke coming from the crankcase (PCV) system;
- OR there is:
Diesel - a visible smoke plume observed 5 to 15 feet from the tailpipe(s) that lingers for more
than 3 seconds on either of the final two BAR Snap Tests.
Smoke from any area other than the vehicle’s tailpipe(s) or crankcase (PCV) system, regardless
of the cause, does not constitute a failure of the Visible Smoke Test.
No vehicle shall be failed for condensation or steam.
Step 7 – Enter the Test Results into the OIS
Results must be entered at the “Enter Result of the Exhaust System Smoke Check” and “Enter Result of
the Crankcase System Smoke Check” OIS prompts.
For vehicles that pass a portion of the Visible Smoke Test, enter “P” (Pass) at the appropriate prompt.
For vehicles that fail a portion of the Visible Smoke Test, enter “F” (Defective) at the appropriate prompt.
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Step 8 - Documentation Provided to the Customer
If the vehicle fails the Visible Smoke Test, the inspector shall:
Document the failure on both the customer’s and station’s copy of the Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) in
the “Other Emission Related Components” section. Make a clear notation on the VIR, such as “Failed
Visible Smoke Test”. Document what portion of the Visible Smoke Test the vehicle failed, such as
“Crankcase Smoke,” “Idle Smoke,” and/or “BAR Snap Smoke.”
Document the failure on the customer’s invoice with “Failed Visible Smoke Test”. Document what portion
of the Visible Smoke Test the vehicle failed, such as “Crankcase Smoke,” “Idle Smoke,” or “BAR Snap
SCM January 2021 37
SCM January 2021 38
Aftermarket Parts Verification Requirements
As part of the Smog Check inspection, inspectors shall verify whether an exemption issued by the California Air
Resources Board (ARB) is required for modified or add-on parts affecting emissions that have been installed on the
vehicle undergoing inspection.
California Vehicle Code Section 27156, in part, prohibits modifications to emission control devices or
systems without an exemption from ARB. This means aftermarket parts that modify or affect the original
emission controls must be exempted through an ARB Executive Order (EO). In general, Modified Parts
and Add-on Parts require an EO exemption, while Replacement Parts and Consolidated Parts do not
require an exemption. For more information, see the definitions at the end of this appendix.
The Aftermarket Parts Verification table on the next page identifies which parts and emission control changes
do and do not require verification of whether an applicable Executive Order is in effect. For the purpose of a
Smog Check inspection, inspectors are only required to verify the EO as listed in this table. Any add-on or
modified part not otherwise addressed on this table must have an EO and be verified during inspection. This
document is not intended for manufacturers, distributors, or dealers of aftermarket parts.
Refer to any of the following for more information regarding ARB Executive Orders (EO):
Part manufacturer’s catalog
ARB’s Aftermarket Parts webpage, which can be found by searching ARB’s website at
Call ARB at (800) 242-4450
Emission Control
Aftermarket Parts Verification Add-on/Modified
Part(s)/ECS Changes
(Check marks in Gasoline/Diesel columns indicate
verification of EO required during inspection)
Air Induction
Air Cleaner/Assembly1995 model-year and
older without Thermostatic Air Cleaner. Changes
are acceptable provided all required emission
controls are connected.
Air Induction
Air Cleaner/Assembly1996 model-year and
newer and all years equipped with Thermostatic Air
Air Induction
Air Flow Sensor
Air Induction
Intake Manifold
including diesel air horn or
Air Induction
IntercoolerEquipped with the original equipment
turbocharger /supercharger.
Air Induction
Turbocharger/Supercharger - Wastegate,
pulleys, etc.
Includes Hybrid Powered Vehicles.
See Intake Manifolds in this Appendix for more information.
SCM January 2021 39
Emission Control
Aftermarket Parts Verification Add-on/Modified
Part(s)/ECS Changes
(Check marks in Gasoline/Diesel columns indicate
verification of EO required during inspection)
Computer Management
Variable or Alternate Tuning Devices
“Modules,” “Chips,” “PROMs” “Tuners,” “Pods,” or
any device that modifies or conditions ECU inputs
or outputs. Including but not limited to devices that
plug into the ECU, wiring harness, or the OBD
connector. (DLC plug-in telemetry or read-only
devices are allowed without EO).
Air Injection rails Minor configuration changes
EGR system modifications. (Aftermarket
replacements do not require EO).
Diesel Engine Exhaust Brake
After Treatment Control(s) Catalyst
, Diesel
Particulate filers (DPF), sensors (O
, NO
pressure, temp.), Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)
system, etc.
Customized Exhaust on vehicles without after
treatment components, or installed after last
required “Cat-Back” – Crossover pipes, Oversized
pipes, etc.
Customized Exhaust before last required after
treatment component Header
Heat Risers,
Oversized pipes, etc.
Added or Alternative Fuel Kits Nitrous,
propane, methanol, hydrogen, natural gas
, etc.
Carburetor Changes not originally offered for the
specific vehicle application, i.e. changing 2 to 4
barrel, 4 to 2 barrel, single to multiple carb, carb to
fuel inj. Replacement carbs are okay when
identified as such by the manufacturer.
Carburetor Related Choke Heat Stove for
Headers, Under carburetor screen.
Fuel System Adjustable fuel pressure regulators,
Injectors, Injection pump.
Fuel SystemDiesel Lift Pump, Fuel Filters,
Separators, fuel line magnets.
Fuel Tank(s) Additional, Oversized.
Water InjectionVapor/Steam.
Ignition (Gasoline)
Ignition Bridge
Ignition (Gasoline)
Ignition System ModificationPerformance
distributors, control modifications, etc.
Air Conditioner Cut Out
See Catalytic Converters in this Appendix for more information.
Be aware that some vehicles are factory equipped with tubular exhaust manifolds that appear similar to aftermarket headers. Note: Any add on or
modified part not otherwise addressed in this table must have an EO and be verified during inspection.
See Biodiesel in this Appendix for more information.
SCM January 2021 40
Emission Control
Aftermarket Parts Verification Add-on/Modified
Part(s)/ECS Changes
(Check marks in Gasoline/Diesel columns indicate
verification of EO required during inspection)
Anti-theft System Primary ignition changes
including engine start / stop controls.
Camshaft Performance camshafts, adjustable
gears, etc.
Engine ModificationsPerformance kits, cylinder
head swaps, etc.
Hybrid Battery Enhancements – Plug-in charger
kits, added batteries, etc.
Hose(s) Minor configuration changes are
acceptable. Universal replacement hose in place of
performed hose, etc.
Oil Separator/Filter Crankcase gas filter.
Throttle lockout system.
Emission Systems Inspection Details
Bio Diesel Conversion Kits
For the purposes of a Smog Check inspection, biodiesel kits installed on 1998-2003 model year vehicles are
acceptable without an ARB EO exemption. ARB EO exemption is required for 2004 and newer vehicles.
Catalytic Converters
Smog Check Inspectors must check that all required catalytic converters (CATs) are present and appear to be
properly installed. This includes making sure there are the correct number of CATs, that they are installed in
the original location(s), and that they have no tampers or defects. A change in the number of converters is only
acceptable when it is allowed pursuant to an EO exemption.
Since January 1, 2009, ARB has required that all aftermarket catalytic converters installed in California bear an
EO number. If an EO number is not present and/or the wrong converter(s) is installed, the vehicle shall fail the
catalyst visual inspection.
For OBDII Equipped Vehicles, inspectors shall use the EO number and corresponding part number to verify
the part is approved for use on that specific vehicle configuration (e.g., year, make, model, engine, GVWR, fuel
type, etc.). To conduct this verification, inspectors must check the ARB EO Aftermarket Catalytic Converter
Database located on the ARB Web site. Each EO contains a catalog listing the applicable vehicles.
For Pre-OBDII Vehicles, inspectors shall use the EO number to verify the CAT falls within the correct vehicle
category- PC-1, PC-2, T-1, T-2. Refer to ARB’s Web site for a separate Pre-OBDII EO Listing containing the
EO numbers and corresponding vehicle categories. Inspectors are not required to check specific vehicle
application using the series or part numbers.
For older CATs without an EO label, use the general procedure described in the first paragraph above.
The ARB EO Aftermarket Catalytic Converter Database, Pre-OBDII EO Listing, and the ARB Installer’s
Checklist for New Aftermarket Catalytic Converters are located on ARB’s Aftermarket Parts webpage, which
can be found by searching ARB’s website at
SCM January 2021 41
The catalyst label format is as follows:
D-XXX-XX: This is the ARB EO number.
YYYYYY: The manufacturer part number.
ZZZZ: The date of manufacture. The first two digits indicate the month, and the last two the year.
Intake Manifolds
For the purposes of a Smog Check inspection, an aftermarket intake manifold that includes provisions for the
original equipment emission controls (EGR, TAC, fuel injection, carburetor, thermal switches, heat stove,
exhaust cross-over etc.) is acceptable, provided the manufacturer markets the manifold as a replacement for
the factory original. The replacement manifold may be made of a different material than the original, for
example aluminum instead of cast iron.
ARB Definitions of Aftermarket Parts
“Add-on Part” means any aftermarket part which is not a modified part or a replacement part. (California
Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 13 § 1900 (b) (1)).
Some examples: Add-on supercharger, turbocharger and nitrous oxide kits.
“Consolidated Part” means a part which is designed to replace a group of original equipment parts and which
is functionally identical to those original parts in all respects which in any way affect emissions (including
durability). (CCR Title 13 § 1900 (b) (2)).
Some examples: A parts manufacturer markets a replacement EGR assembly that consolidates
the valve and backpressure transducer that were originally two separate components. (Note: A
manufacturer may also consolidate part numbers to make the part application more universal).
“Modified Part” means any aftermarket part intended to replace an original equipment emission-related part
and which is not functionally identical to the original equipment part in all respects which in any way affect
emissions, excluding a consolidated part. (CCR Title 13 § 1900 (b) (14)).
Some examples: Performance camshafts, adjustable camshaft gears, performance cylinder heads,
performance engine kits, performance engine management components, and performance fuel
injection components.
“Replacement Partmeans any aftermarket part intended to replace an original equipment emissions-related
part and which is functionally identical to the original equipment part in all respects which in any way affect
emissions (including durability) or a consolidated part. (CCR Title 13 § 1900 (b) (20)).
Some examples: Replacement air filter elements, spark plugs, spark plug wires, distributor caps,
chromed valve covers, replacement EGR valves, and replacement carburetors. (Note: A
replacement EGR valve or carburetor must be specified as replacement, by the part manufacturer,
for the vehicle on which it is installed).