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University of Delaware
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Graduate Program Policies and Requirements
2014 Revision
The University’s most current Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog is the basic document
describing overall requirements for all degrees, course offerings, and library, laboratory and
computer facilities. It includes the general requirements for graduate degrees in the Department
of Civil and Environmental Engineering as well.
The present document provides more specific requirements of the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering for its graduate degrees and additional academic and procedural
information. The department also issues a Graduate Student Handbook that offers
supplemental information to help graduate students with the day-to-day logistics of graduate
student life in the department.
I. Degrees Offered
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers five graduate degrees. These
include three Master’s degrees—the Master of Civil Engineering (MCE), the Master of Applied
Science (MAS), and the Master of Science in Ocean Engineering (MS)and Ph.D. degrees in
Civil Engineering and Ocean Engineering.
The Master of Civil Engineering (MCE) degree is awarded only to individuals who, upon
admission, have an undergraduate degree in engineering, preferably in civil or environmental
engineering. The student pursuing the MCE degree may choose a traditional thesis program or
a non-thesis option. The courses for the non-thesis option correspond to the course
requirements for the traditional thesis master’s degree program. The core requirements for both
master’s degrees are the same.
The Master of Applied Science (MAS) degree is awarded to students who, upon admission,
have a non-engineering undergraduate degree. The student pursuing the MAS degree may
choose a traditional thesis program or a non-thesis option. The courses for the non-thesis option
correspond to the course requirements for the traditional master’s degree program.
The Master of Science in Ocean Engineering is offered jointly with the Physical Ocean
Science and Engineering Program (POSE) in the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment.
Students may matriculate through either the College of Engineering or the College of Earth,
Ocean and Environment and may choose a thesis advisor from either program. Degree
requirements are the same for either College and are given in Section III.
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The Ph.D. in Civil Engineering is offered in the major areas of Civil Infrastructure Systems,
Coastal Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical
Engineering, Transportation Engineering, and Water Resources Engineering.
The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering offers the following seven areas of
Civil Infrastructure Systemsasset management, natural disaster risk analysis, and
infrastructure vulnerability
Coastal Engineeringcoastal engineering, wave mechanics and fluid mechanics.
Environmental Engineeringwater and wastewater treatment, environmental chemistry
and remediation, solid and hazardous waste management.
Geotechnical Engineeringcomputational geomechanics, soil mechanics, foundation
engineering, earth structures engineering.
Structural Engineeringstructural mechanics, dynamics, analysis and design of
structures, bridge engineering, computational mechanics, and structural engineering
Transportation Engineeringurban transportation, traffic engineering, systems
engineering, logistics engineering, and engineering management.
Water Resources Engineeringgroundwater hydraulics, groundwater contamination,
watershed management, hydrology, and water quality control.
Concentrations are selected through the graduate application process. Study in two or more
related concentrations is allowed with the approval of your academic advisor. All students must
meet the concentration requirements detailed in Section X, in addition to meeting the general
master’s or Ph.D degree requirements. The concentration will be denoted on the student’s
The Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering is offered jointly with the Physical Ocean Science and
Engineering Program (POSE) in the College of Earth Ocean and Environment. Students may
matriculate through either the College of Engineering or the College of Earth, Ocean and
Environment and may choose a thesis advisor from either program.
II. Admission Requirements
Civil and Environmental Engineering: The minimum requirements for admission to a master’s
or doctoral degree program are, an undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0 (out of a
possible 4.0) for master’s applicants, or 3.5 (out of a possible 4.0) for Ph.D. applicants; GRE
scores (verbal and quantitative combined) of at least 300 (or 1050 in old scoring system); and a
TOEFL score (for international students) of at least 79 (IBT).
Although it is possible for students to study toward a Ph.D. directly upon entering graduate
school, most students choose to obtain the MCE or MAS first. Students considering doctoral
study typically must have completed any previous graduate study with at least a 3.5 grade point
average and have clearly demonstrated a capacity for independent work. If a masters thesis or
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other comprehensive work was written at another institution, a copy must be provided to the
advisor soon after the student enrolls at the University of Delaware.
Ocean Engineering: The minimum requirements for admission to a master’s or doctoral degree
program are as follows: a Bachelor of Science in Engineering, an undergraduate grade point
average of at least 3.0 (out of a possible 4.0) for Masters applicants, or 3.5 (out of a possible 4.0)
for Ph.D. applicants, GRE scores (verbal and quantitative combined) of at least 308 (or 1200 in
old scoring system), and a TOEFL score (for international students) of at least 100 (IBT). The
POSE Graduate committee may increase these minimum requirements.
The Master of Science in Ocean Engineering is not available in a non-thesis option.
III. Academic Requirements
A. Master’s Degree Requirements (Civil Engineering)
Master’s Degrees Thesis Option
The master’s program with thesis requires 30 credit hours including 24 graduate course credits
and 6 credits for the master’s thesis. The Department Graduate Committee must approve each
student’s program.
The 24-credit course program of each student must include the following:
At least one course each in mathematics and in engineering sciences.
At least 9 credits of courses in the chosen concentration (required courses for each
concentration area are listed below).
The student should consult his/her advisor in selecting courses to fit these requirements.
Petitions for required course substitutions may be made via the Department Graduate Program
Director. A maximum of 9 credits is transferable to the University of Delaware toward any
master’s degree.
All thesis graduate students are required to attend departmental or college seminars each
semester in their fields of study. Students are expected to register for CIEG865 (0 credits) each
semester. Students will also make presentations at these seminars.
Master’s Degrees Non-Thesis Option
Within the MCE and MAS degree programs, non-thesis options are available for students
concentrating their studies in the areas of Civil Infrastructure Systems, Coastal Engineering,
Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation
Engineering, and Water Resources Engineering. The objective of the non- thesis master’s
programs is to provide an opportunity for students who do not have the need to develop
research skills to obtain a non-thesis degree with a quality and depth of study comparable to the
master’s degree with thesis. Through coursework (minimum of 30 credits), students develop
their engineering skills and obtain a state-of-the-art background within the chosen area of study.
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The non-thesis programs are designed for students with relevant experience in industry, whose
employment precludes them from doing a thesis master’s degree. Students originally enrolled in
the thesis master’s degree program may not transfer to the non-thesis option except under
special conditions and with the approval of the faculty (thesis) advisor and the Graduate
Committee. Students selecting the non-thesis option are not eligible for financial support from
the University.
B. Master’s Degree Requirements (Ocean Engineering)
The Master of Ocean Engineering degree program requires a minimum of 30 credit hours. This
includes a thesis describing independent research. Students may earn up to six credits for the
Required courses are as follows:
MAST691 (Fluid Dynamics in Marine Systems) or CIEG639 (Ocean Fluid Dynamics)
MAST882 (Physical Ocean Science and Engineering Seminar) or CIEG865 (Civil
Engineering Seminar)
MEEG690 (Intermediate Engineering Mathematics)
MAST693 (Waves in the Marine Environment) or CIEG672 (Water Wave Mechanics)
Additional courses typically include at least 6 credits at the 800 level and at least 9 credits of
graduate courses. The student’s advisor approves the course curriculum. Petitions for required
course substitutions may be made via the advisor to the program director. A maximum of 9
graduate course credits from other universities may be applied toward the Master’s degree.
All full-time graduate students in Ocean Engineering are required to attend departmental or
college seminars in their fields of study. Students are expected to register for CIEG865 or
MAST882 (0 credits) each semesters. Students will also make presentations at these seminars.
Students are also encouraged to attend other University seminars that may be of interest to
C. Ph.D. Degree Requirements (Civil Engineering)
The Ph.D. program is aimed at training the graduate student to achieve the highest degree in
research within a chosen topic. Mathematics, fundamental sciences, and engineering sciences
are combined to provide a personalized program of study and research. All graduate students
work in close cooperation with the faculty in the chosen area. Although it is possible for students
to study toward a Ph.D. directly upon entering graduate school, most students choose to obtain
the MCE or MAS first.
Residency Requirement
The student must meet a campus residency requirement of at least one continuous academic
year devoted exclusively to full-time study in the major field at the University of Delaware. The
residency requirement may be fulfilled in the fall and spring semesters but not in the summer or
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winter sessions. If a student has earned a master’s degree at the University of Delaware, this
can be used to fulfill the residency requirement.
Course Requirements
A student’s doctoral program, comprising 72 credits beyond the bachelor’s degree (including
doctoral dissertation), is planned around a central objective in applied science and mathematics.
If a student who already holds a master’s degree in the specific field of study is accepted
directly into the Ph.D. program, the coursework from the master’s degree will be taken into
account in the design of the doctoral program. All courses in the program are selected with the
approval of the student’s dissertation advisor. The Ph.D. coursework typically include at least 3
credits at the 800 level. The program requirements are shown in the following table.
Beyond the Bachelor of Science Degree:
Graduate Program Courses
RESEARCH (minimum)
Additional research and/or courses
Beyond the Master’s Degree
Graduate Program Courses
RESEARCH (minimum)
Additional research and/or courses
Mathematics and Engineering Sciences: The purpose is to provide an adequate basis for
original work in the field of study and, within the limits of available time, to extend the student’s
knowledge outside that field. Typically one course must be taken from each of the Mathematics
and Engineering Sciences course lists.
All doctoral students are required to attend departmental or college seminars each semester in
their fields of study. Students are expected to register for CIEG865 (0 credits) each semester.
Students will also make presentations at these seminars.
Doctoral Committee
The Ph.D. committee must consist of at least four individuals. The committee is chaired by the
student's research advisor and must include at least one additional faculty member from the
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Department that represents the major field of interest. Moreover, the committee must have an
external examiner from a different academic unit or from outside the University. The selection of
prospective members of the Doctoral Committee is discussed by the student and his advisor,
who then forwards a recommendation for the composition of the committee via the Department
Chairperson to the Office of Graduate and Professional Education. Changes in the composition
of the committee to reflect the students interests may be made following the same procedure.
Qualifying Examination
The Qualifying Examination is usually taken near the completion of 36 credits of course work
beyond the bachelor’s degree. The Qualifying Exam consists of a comprehensive written and
oral exam. It is usually administered in two sections, a week or so apart, to test the student’s
preparation and the aptness of the proposed research. It is not open to the public. The advisor,
as the Examination Committee Chairperson, administers the written exam and chairs the oral
exam. In general, the Doctoral Committee should strive to achieve consensus concerning the
student’s performance and quality of work. In the case of dissenting votes, the majority opinion
rules and a majority vote in favor is needed for a successful completion of the Exam. At the
conclusion of the Qualifying Exam, the committee members signify agreement by signing the
Recommendation for Candidacy Form.
The Qualifying Exam (written and oral) may result in one of the following actions for a student:
a. Passed; candidacy form signed by all committee members.
b. Passed, but additional work required (self-study or formal course); form signed by all
committee members. If the Qualifying Exam Committee recommends passing but with
additional study or course work, the Committee Chairperson will ensure that the student
meets these recommendations promptly.
c. Failed, but to be offered a second complete exam after, in most cases, one semester of
additional preparation; memo of record from advisor via the Department Chairperson to
the Office of Graduate and Professional Education. If unsuccessful a second time, the
student will not be permitted a third attempt, and matriculation in the program will be
ended. The form must be signed by all committee members.
d. Failed, no re-examination; form signed by all committee members and matriculation in
the program will be ended.
Dissertation Defense
The procedure for departmental presentation of the Ph.D. dissertation is as follows: After the
student has obtained the approval of the advisor regarding the contents of the dissertation, it
must be prepared in accordance with the rules of the Office of Graduate and Professional
Education. The written dissertation must be distributed to the committee members for review no
less than two weeks prior to the scheduled final oral examination. University policy requires that
“all Ph.D. dissertation defenses be open and that an announcement of the time, place, subject,
candidate’s name, and the title of the dissertation be made available to the University
community at least one week prior to the defense.”
In the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the procedure for the Final Oral
Examination is as follows:
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a. The candidate gives a presentation of approximately 30 minutes on the dissertation
research and findings.
b. An intensive questioning by the Doctoral Committee and all others present takes place
after the presentation. The examination is not merely a defense by the student of the
dissertation but may also include a review of the student’s competence and
comprehension in related fields. After the questioning is completed, the meeting is
closed to everyone except the committee members, who render their vote.
c. Upon successful completion of this examination and compliance with any necessary
revisions of the dissertation, the candidate will be certified by the Doctoral Committee
for conferral of the degree by completion of the Certification of Doctoral Dissertation
Defense form
d. In the case where the Final Oral Examination is not passed by the student, the applicant
will be allowed to appear for a second trial after the lapse of at least six months. If
unsuccessful in a second trial, the student will not be permitted to take a further
examination and will be terminated from the program.
D. Ph.D. Degree Requirements (Ocean Engineering)
The Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering program is aimed at training graduate students to achieve the
highest level of proficiency in research. Mathematics, fundamental sciences, ocean sciences
and engineering sciences are combined to provide a personalized program of study and
research. All graduate students work in close cooperation with the faculty on their dissertation
Residency Requirement
The student must meet a campus residency requirement of at least one continuous academic
year. If a student has earned a master’s degree at the University of Delaware, this can be used
to fulfill the residency requirement.
Course Requirements
A student’s doctoral program, comprising 72 credits (including doctoral dissertation) beyond the
bachelor’s degree, is planned around a central engineering objective. For students holding a
master’s degree in an appropriate field of study, the coursework from the master’s degree will
be taken into account in the design of the doctoral program. All courses in the program are
selected with the approval of the student’s advisor.
The program requirements are shown in the following table.
Beyond the Bachelor of Science Degree:
Graduate Courses Beyond the Bachelor of Science Degree
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The purpose of the course work is to provide a solid foundation for original research in the field
of study and, within the limits of available time, to extend the student’s knowledge outside that
field. At least 6 of the required credits should be taken outside of the Program of Ocean Science
and Engineering and may include significant components from other departments.
RESEARCH (minimum)
MASTER’S THESIS (if applicable)
Additional research and/or courses
Required courses include courses in mathematics and engineering sciences designed to insure
that Ph.D. candidates have the basic skills in Physical Ocean Science and Engineering needed
to conduct dissertation research.
Required courses beyond the Bachelor of Science:
CIEG639 Ocean Fluid Dynamics or MAST691 Fluid Dynamics in Marine Systems
CIEG672 Water Wave Mechanics
MEEG690 Intermediate Engineering Mathematics
MEEG691 Advanced Engineering Mathematics
MAST693 Waves in the Marine Environment
MAST882 Physical Ocean Science and Engineering Seminar
CIEG865 Civil Engineering Seminar
Students matriculating from other universities may petition to have these courses waived if their
course of study included equivalent courses.
Doctoral Committee
Each Doctoral Committee shall consist of no fewer than four or more than six members. The
selection of members of the Doctoral Committee is made by the student and advisor. This is
forwarded via the Department Chairperson or a program director and respective college deans
to the University Coordinator of Graduate Studies. A Doctoral Committee in the Ocean
Engineering program is required to have at least four members. This is composed of the
student’s advisor, who is also the chair of the committee, at least one member each from CEOE
and CIEG faculties, and one member from an outside academic unit. At least two committee
members, one of whom is the committee chairperson, represent the major field of interest.
Qualifying Examination
Doctoral students must demonstrate to their advisory committee that they have acquired a
comprehensive grasp of their field of study through a Qualifying Examination (written and oral)
before they are admitted to formal candidacy.
The examination process begins when the student submits a dissertation proposal to his/her
committee at least six weeks before the written and oral examination. Then the student consults
each member of the Doctoral Committee for advice on any specific preparation that the
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committee members suggest. Any committee member who is not fully satisfied with a student’s
preparation for the formal exam will advise the Doctoral Committee chairperson promptly.
The Qualifying Examination is a comprehensive written and oral exam. It is administered in two
sections approximately a week apart. This examination is designed to test the student’s
preparation and the aptness of the proposed research. It measures the student’s preparation,
including knowledge about the area of Physical Ocean Science and Engineering, the student’s
capability to apply knowledge gained in courses, and the student’s qualifications in written and
oral communication. Qualifying exams are not open to the public. The advisor, as Exam
Committee Chairperson, administers the written exam and chairs the oral exam. The written
exam usually consists of one independent exam of at least two hours duration set by each of
the committee members and administered over two or more consecutive days. At the oral exam,
the student gives a brief review of the research plan and then answers questions from each
committee member related to the dissertation proposal or to the student’s coursework. In
general, the Doctoral Committee should strive to achieve consensus concerning the student’s
performance and quality of work. In the case of dissenting votes, the majority opinion rules and
a majority vote in favor is needed for a successful defense. Upon successful completion of the
Qualifying Exam, the committee members signify agreement by signing the Recommendation
for Candidacy Form.
a. Passed; candidacy form signed by all committee members.
b. Passed, but additional work required (self-study or formal course); form signed. If the
Qualifying Exam Committee recommends passing but with additional study or course
work, the Committee Chairperson will ensure that the student meets these
recommendations promptly.
c. Failed, but to be offered a second complete exam after, in most cases, one semester of
additional preparation; memo of record from advisor via the Department Chairperson or
College Dean to the Office of Graduate and Professional Education. If unsuccessful a
second time, the student will not be permitted a third attempt, and matriculation in the
program will be terminated. The form signed by all committee members.
d. Failed, no re-examination; form signed by all committee members and matriculation in
the program will be ended.
Dissertation Defense
Upon completion of the dissertation, a final oral examination must be passed, consisting of a
defense of the dissertation and a test of the candidate’s mastery of the fields covered in the
program. The final oral examination is open. It is conducted by the student’s Doctoral
Committee and chaired by the student’s advisor. To permit adequate time for the committee to
review the dissertation, all copies of the tentatively completed dissertation (subject to revisions
required by the examining committee) must be deposited with the program director and the
respective college offices at least two weeks before the date of the final oral examination. The
advisor shall submit certification of a successful defense to the Office of Graduate and
Professional Education through the respective college deans.
All full-time graduate students in Ocean Engineering are required to attend departmental or
college seminars in their fields of study. Students are expected to register for CIEG865 or
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MAST882 (0 credits) each semesters. Students will also make presentations at these seminars.
Students are also encouraged to attend other University seminars that may be of interest to
IV. Statutes of Limitation
A Ph.D. student entering with a master’s degree must finish within 5 years. A Ph.D. student
entering without a master’s degree must finish within 7 years. Expiration of the limit without an
extension results in automatic dismissal from the Graduate Program. Requests for extensions
must be made in writing by the student and be approved by the student’s advisor and the Chair
of the Department before they are sent to the Office of Graduate and Professional Education for
V. Academic Load
Fall and Spring Semesters
Credits to be taken per semester depend upon the student’s needs, the nature of employment
or appointment, and his/her past performance. Incoming international students may find it
necessary to begin with 3 to 6 fewer credits than normal for the first one or two semesters. Any
courses prescribed to correct deficiencies in academic or language backgrounds will be taken
into account by the student and advisor in establishing maximum academic load for any term.
Credits shown in the following table are graduate semester credits, taken for grade.
Fall or Spring Term
Minimum Requirement
Required minimum figures include only courses for which graduate credit is given. Additional
credits, up to the maximum, may be used for courses in which enrollment is required to remove
a deficiency or to achieve competence in English. Registration for ongoing students must be
completed during early registration period.
Fellows and Assistants must be full-time graduate students during the period of their contract
and, therefore, must register for the minimum graduate credits shown in the preceding table or
register in sustaining status
Winter and Summer Sessions
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During winter session, no registration is required. All funded students are required to be
registered in at least three credits during the 7 1/2 week summer session. Students may register
in 868-800 (research), 869 (thesis), 964 (pre-candidacy study), 969 (dissertation), sustaining, or
a regular graduate course needed for the degree and offered in the 7 1/2 week summer session.
Tuition coverage for winter or summer (except for the aforementioned 3-credit course) is not
part of a student’s contract. Unfunded students must register for summer session if they will be
awarded their degrees at the conclusion of the Summer Session, although the University will not
pay their tuition. All students may use the laboratories, library, and computers for study and
research without registration and without paying for such use.
Registration Prior to Doctoral Candidacy (G1 Status)
Once a student has completed all course requirements in a program of study but has not yet
met all of the stipulations for passing into candidacy, the student must maintain registration
during the fall and spring semesters in course(s) or in 3-12 credits of Pre-candidacy Study,
CIEG964, which is graded pass/fail. If the student registered in Pre-candidacy Study is admitted
to candidacy before the end of the free drop/add period of the next semester, the registration in
Pre-candidacy Study for the preceding semester may be changed to the course Doctoral
Dissertation, CIEG969. (Students classified as G1 and holding graduate assistantships or tuition
scholarships must register for a minimum of six graduate credits, and those holding fellowships
must register for a minimum of nine graduate credits.)
Sustaining Status University policy states that students may not register for Doctoral
Dissertation (CIEG969) until admitted to candidacy (G2 status). In addition, once a graduate
student who is completing a thesis or dissertation option has completed all required course
credits needed for the degree (including six credits of Master’s Thesis (CIEG869) or nine credits
of Dissertation (CIEG969)), except the submission of thesis or dissertation, the student is
required to maintain his/her matriculation in the degree program during the fall and spring
semesters by registering for either Master’s Sustaining Thesis (UNIV 899) or Doctoral
Sustaining (UNIV 999). All students, including sustaining students, are required to be registered
in the semester in which the degree is officially awarded. (Sustaining registration is not required
for summer session unless the degree is to be awarded at the conclusion of the summer
session. Sustaining registration is never required for winter session, as graduate degrees are
not awarded at the conclusion of winter session.)
VI. Petition
Exceptional circumstances may justify petition for relief of certain requirements. A student may
petition the Departmental Graduate Committee through the advisor, who will attach an
appropriate recommendation. The Departmental Graduate Committee may act upon certain
petitions. In other matters, it may be necessary to refer such a petition, along with a committee
recommendation, to the Department Chairperson and possibly to the Dean of the Engineering
College or to the Office of Graduate and Professional Education.
VII. Grade Requirements and Evaluation of Progress
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The Department has the following requirements in addition to those of the Office of Graduate
and Professional Education, stated in the University Graduate Catalog. Failure to meet the
standards listed below may result in termination of funding.
Academic Progress: Grades
The academic records of students are reviewed at the end of each semester. Special attention
is given to students who earn less than a B (3.0) average in any semester or those whose
cumulative average is less than B. Graduate student’s overall grade point average must be at
least B (3.0) in order to be eligible for the degree. A student who receives a grade below B (3.0)
in a core course is required to retake the course. Credit hours and courses for which the grade
is below C- do not count toward the degree, even though the grade is applied to the cumulative
grade point average.
Thesis/Dissertation Progress
During the first year, students should select a thesis/dissertation topic and an advisor. During
the second year, students should have their research underway.
VIII. Thesis/Dissertation Preparation
The thesis or dissertation must show that the candidate has technical mastery and is capable of
independent research. It must enlarge or modify what was previously known or present a
significant interpretation of its subject. The dissertation must be prepared in accordance with the
rules of the Office of Graduate and Professional Education.
A copy of the Thesis/Dissertation Manual is available electronically on the web site for the Office
of Graduate and Professional Education. The written dissertation must be distributed to the
committee members for review no less than two weeks prior to the scheduled final oral
IX. Graduate Assistantships/Fellowships
A number of research assistantships, graduate/teaching assistantships, and fellowships, are
awarded on a competitive basis each year to fulltime graduate students in the Department.
Both entering and continuing graduate students are eligible for these types of financial support.
Selections among continuing students are based on graduate academic and work performance
to date. Master’s degree candidates are typically supported for a maximum of two years
(Students selecting a non-thesis master’s degree option are not eligible for financial support.
Students originally enrolled in the thesis master’s degree program may not transfer to the non-
thesis option except under special conditions and with the approval of the thesis advisor and the
Graduate Committee.) For Ph.D. candidates, a maximum of three years support by graduate
assistantship will be provided beyond the master’s level.
Master’s and Ph.D. candidates are also both eligible for Research Assistantships (excluding
non-thesis master’s students). Research Assistantships are offered by the Department on the
recommendation of individual faculty having research funds. No long-term support is assured for
any graduate student; awards are typically committed on a semester or yearly basis with further
support based on the student’s satisfactory performance and the availability of research funding.
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Students who hold appointments in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering are
not permitted to accept other employment (inside or outside the University) during the period of
appointment. Students who do not hold appointments, but who accept employment elsewhere
are requested to keep the advisor informed of these circumstances. The Civil & Environmental
Engineering Chairperson must sign any contract issued by another department for a graduate
student in this department. International graduate student may not work for more than 20 hours
a week and still be considered a full-time graduate student (thus entitled to FICA tax-exempt
status) by the IRS.
The following types of support are available:
Expected Weekly Performance
Graduate Assistantships:
20 hours (maximum):
paper grading, proctoring, teaching, running labs, etc.
Graduate Assistantships:
20 hours (maximum):
assisting a faculty member
Research Assistantships
20 hours (maximum):
research: assisting a faculty member
*International graduate students who have been offered a Teaching Graduate Assistantship and
whose native language is not English must participate (prior to the teaching assignment) in the
International Teaching Assistant Training Course offered by the English Language Institute,
University of Delaware.
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X. Concentrations
Concentrations are available in Civil Infrastructure Systems, Coastal Engineering,
Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Transportation
Engineering, and Water Resources Engineering. Students must meet the concentration
requirements detailed in the following sections, in addition to meeting their general degree
requirements (section III-A). Study in two or more related concentrations is allowed.
Civil Infrastructure Systems
Civil infrastructure systems involves the design, analysis, and management of infrastructure supporting
human activities, including, for example, electric power, oil and gas, water and wastewater,
communications, transportation, and the collections of buildings that make up urban and rural
communities. These networks deliver essential services, provide shelter, and support social interactions
and economic development. They are society’s lifelines.
The field of civil infrastructure systems builds on and extends traditional civil engineering areas. Rather
than focus on individual structural components or structures, civil infrastructure systems emphasizes how
different structures behave together as a system that serves a community’s needs. Problems in this field
typically involve a great deal of uncertainty, multiple and competing objectives, and sometimes numerous
and conflicting constituencies. They are often spatial and dynamic. The technical aspects of infrastructure
engineering must be understood in the social, economic, political, and cultural context in which they exist,
and must be considered over a long-time horizon that includes not just design and construction, but
maintenance, operations, performance in natural disasters and other extreme events, and destruction as
MCE/MAS Course Requirements
In addition, the Masters degree in Civil Engineering or Applied Science in the field of Civil Infrastructure
Systems requires three core course and five electives taken from a variety of fields. Electives should be
selected based on approval from your advisor.
Core Courses:
CIEG 655 Civil Infrastructure Systems
CIEG 641 Risk Analysis
APEC 601 Survey of Operations Research I or CIEG 667 - Optimal Design
Suggested electives include:
Civil Infrastructure Systems
CIEG 650 Urban Transportation Systems
CIEG 611 Structural Dynamics Design
CIEG 667 Resilience Engineering
CIEG 667 Sensors
CIEG 811 Advanced Structural Dynamics Design
MAST 663 Decision Tools for Policy Analysis
BUAD 836 Problem Structuring and Analysis for Decision Making
GEOG 670 Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 671 Advanced Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 677 Spatial Analysis
APEC 602 Survey of Operations Research II
APEC 603 Simulation Modeling and Analysis
STAT 601 Probability Theory for Operations Research and Statistics
STAT 602 Mathematical Statistics
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APEC 608 Statistical Research Methods
STAT 609 - Regression and Experimental Design
STAT 611 Regression Analysis
UAPP 704 Statistics for Policy Analysis
Social Science and Policy Analysis
DISA 650 Overview of Disaster Science and Management
SOCIO 640 Social Issues in Disaster Research
SOCIO 643 Society and Risk
MAST 672 Applied Policy Analysis
ECON 801 Microeconomics
ECON 802 Macroeconomics
Students without any computer programming or Computer Science background should take CISC 106,
CISC 181 or CISC 220. The College of Engineering also periodically offers courses in technical writing for
graduate students. Students should strongly consider these courses when announcements are posted.
General Requirements
Students must also complete the general degree requirements as detailed in the Civil and Environmental
Engineering Graduate Handbook and University Catalog. These requirements include credit requirements
and - for Ph.D. and thesis option Master’s students - the carrying out of research and completion of
Coastal Engineering
A broad engineering knowledge is required for the construction, protection, and maintenance of coastal
communities and harbors, the development of offshore resources, and the preservation of estuarine and
coastal areas. Generic engineering knowledge is crucial, despite the fact that construction of coastal and
offshore facilities is highly dependent upon unique site-specific characteristics, such as local bathymetry,
coastal topography and the offshore wave climate. Coastal engineers who work on the nearshore region
face a wide variety of problems, including the following:
Prediction of long-term shoreline changes due to beach nourishment or presence of structures;
Prediction of the forces a marine structure, including a levee, experiences over its lifetime;
Prediction of wave-induced forces and currents on sediment redistribution and morphological
Determination of the influence of sea level rise on coastal erosion and infrastructure;
Determination of shallow water directional spectra and storm surge;
Determination of correct breakwater design, including composition, shape, and orientation;
Calculation of estuarine and harbor hydrodynamics and pollution transport;
Wave breaking and air bubbles.
Because of shoreline erosion from major storms and increasing sea level rise, pollution of estuaries, and
the high cost of constructing and maintaining navigable channels and harbors, the demand for coastal
research expertise is strong. The Center for Applied Coastal Research ( is
responding to this demand through the development of science and engineering methodologies to
support design strategies for the coastal and offshore industry.
MCE/MAS Course Requirements
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The Master’s degree in Civil Engineering or Applied Science in the field of Coastal Engineering requires
three core course and five electives taken from a variety of fields for the thesis option. Students electing
to receive the non-thesis degree must take a total of 30-credits of course work, which typically translates
to seven electives beyond the three core courses.. Electives should be selected based on approval from
your advisor.
Core Courses
CIEG639 Ocean Fluid Dynamics or MAST691 Fluid Dynamics in Marine Systems
CIEG672 Water Wave Mechanics
MEEG690 Intermediate Engineering Mathematics
Suggested Electives
CIEG670 Physics of Cohesive Sediment
CIEG675 MATLAB for Engineering Analysis
CIEG678 Transport and Mixing Processes
CIEG679 Sediment Transport Mechanics
CIEG680 Coastal Processes
CIEG681 Water Wave Spectra
CIEG682 Nearshore Hydrodynamics
CIEG684 Numerical Methods for Coastal Modeling
CIEG865 Civil Engineering Seminar (Ocean)
CIEG870 Offshore Design
CIEG871 Coastal Structures
CIEG872 Advanced Water Wave Mechanics
MAST681 Remote Sensing of Environment
MAST693 Waves in Marine Environment
MAST806 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
MAST808 Coastal/Estuarine Physical Dynamics
GEOG670 Geographic Information Systems and Science
General Requirements
Students must also complete the general degree requirements as detailed in the Civil and Environmental
Engineering Graduate Handbook and University Catalog. These requirements include credit
requirements and for Ph.D. and thesis option Master’s students - the carrying out of research and
completion of dissertation/thesis.
Environmental Engineering
The field of environmental engineering deals with environmental issues from the nanoscale to the global
scale. Contamination caused by the activities and waste products of our modern society affect the water,
air, soil, and ecosystems around us in complex ways that must be clearly understood if we are to
successfully address these problems. In recognition of the interdisciplinary nature of these issues, our
program provides students with a broad foundation in the fundamentals of physical, chemical, and
biological processes. Advanced coursework and research in our graduate program is focused on the
following areas:
Contaminant Fate and Treatment in Soil and Groundwater
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Environmental Biotechnology
Environmental Chemistry and Nanotechnology
Green, Sustainable, and Global Environmental Technologies
Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management
Water Quality and Wastewater Engineering
The environmental engineering program is designed not only for those with undergraduate degrees in
Civil and Environmental Engineering, and other engineering disciplines, but also related non-engineering
fields such as Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology, and many others.
MCE/MAS Course Requirements
The Master’s degree in Civil Engineering or Applied Science in the field of Environmental Engineering
requires three core courses and five electives taken from a variety of fields for the thesis option. Students
electing to receive the non-thesis degree must take a total of 30-credits of course work, which typically
translates to seven electives beyond the three core courses. Electives should be selected based on
approval from your advisor.
Core Courses: (9 credits from the following core courses):
CIEG 632 - Chemical Aspects of Environmental Engineering
CIEG 634 - Contaminant Transport and Separation in Environmental Systems
CIEG 636 - Biological Processes in Environmental Systems
CIEG 644 Microbiology of Engineered Systems
Suggested electives include:
CIEG 630 - Water Quality Modeling
CIEG 633 Hazardous Waste Management
CIEG 645 - Industrial Ecology The Science of Environmental Sustainability
CIEG 668 - Principles of Water Quality Criteria
CIEG 678 - Transport and Mixing Processes
CIEG 679 - Sediment Transport Mechanics
CIEG 698 - Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport
CIEG 833 - Fate of Organic Pollutants in the Environment
In addition, classes from other departments can be selected in consultation with the advisor. These
include graduate-level courses offered by, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Marine Studies,
Geography, Urban Affairs and Public Policy, or Plant and Soil Sciences.
General Requirements
Students must also complete the general degree requirements as detailed in the Civil and Environmental
Engineering Graduate Handbook and University Catalog. These requirements include credit
requirements and - for Ph.D. and thesis option Master’s students - the carrying out of research and
completion of dissertation/thesis.
Geotechnical Engineering
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Civil engineering is the professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and
maintenance of public and private infrastructure within the natural environment. Geotechnical
engineering is a discipline within Civil Engineering that focuses on the behavior of natural geological
materials in engineered systems. Geotechnical engineers recognize that soil and rock are the cheapest
and most abundant building materials on earth, and consequently play a major role in the construction
and performance of every type of civil engineering structure.
To be successful in the field of geotechnical engineering, students should have a broad exposure to Civil
Engineering, with advanced knowledge and coursework in geology, soil and rock mechanics, slope
stability, foundation engineering, and computational mechanics.
The Geotechnical Engineering program at the University of Delaware offers opportunities for advanced
study and research in the following areas:
Soil and rock mechanics
Soil-structure interaction
Constitutive modeling
Computational geomechanics
Foundation and earth structures engineering
Ground improvement
Slope stability and landslide stabilization
Liquefaction of soils and earthquake engineering
Laboratory characterization of geomaterials and soil reinforcement
Environmental geotechnics
Given the strong need for improvement to our nation’s infrastructure, there is currently a high demand for
geotechnical engineers within the civil engineering profession. Sustainable stewardship of our built
environment is dependent on successful training of the future generation of civil engineers, both as
researchers that are capable of advancing the state of the art, and as practitioners that have the ability to
implement effective design solutions to real-world problems. A graduate degree in geotechnical
engineering will give you the skills you need to succeed in both of these highly challenging environments.
MCE/MAS Course Requirements
The Master’s degree in Civil Engineering or Applied Science in the field of Geotechnical Engineering
requires a total of three core course and five electives taken from a variety of fields for the thesis option.
Students electing to receive the non-thesis degree must take a total of 30-credits of course work, which
typically translates to seven electives beyond the three core courses. Electives should be selected based
on approval from your advisor.
Core Courses
CIEG601 Introduction to the Finite Element Method
CIEG622 Earth Structures Engineering
CIEG626 Soil Behavior
Suggested CIEG Electives
CIEG605 Intermediate Topics in Finite Element Analysis
CIEG620 Soil Mechanics II
CIEG621 Foundation Engineering
CIEG623 Soil Mechanics Lab
CIEG625 Geo-Environmental Engineering
CIEG627 Deep Foundations
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CIEG628 Ground Improvement Methods
CIEG667 Pavement Analysis and Design
CIEG675 MATLAB for Engineering Analysis
CIEG698 Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport
CIEG801 Advanced Topics in Finite Element Analysis
CIEG820 Inelastic Behavior of Geomaterials
CIEG867 Computational Geomechanics
Other Suggested Courses
CIEG606 Ocean and Atmosphere Remote Sensing (MAST606)
GEOG667 Geographic Information Systems
GEOG671 Advanced Geographic Information Systems
GEOG677 Spatial Data Analysis
MAST681 Remote Sensing of Environment
MEEG690 Intermediate Engineering Mathematics
STAT601 Probability Theory for Operations Research and Statistics
STAT602 Mathematical Statistics
STAT608 Statistical Research Methods
STAT609 Regression and Experimental Design
In addition to the courses listed above, a variety of CIEG667 Seminar courses are frequently offered by
the professors in the geotechnical engineering group, and will be accepted for elective credit.
General Requirements
Students must also complete the general degree requirements as detailed in the Civil and Environmental
Engineering Graduate Handbook and University Catalog. These requirements include credit
requirements and - for Ph.D. and thesis option Master’s students - the carrying out of research and
completion of dissertation/thesis.
Structural Engineering
The structural engineering program offers opportunities for graduate study and research in many subject
areas related to the analysis and design of civil structures. Emphasis areas of the program include bridge
engineering, building engineering, structural health monitoring, structural mechanics, structural dynamics,
computational structural analysis, and structural engineering materials.
MCE/MAS Course Requirements
The Master’s degree in Civil Engineering or Applied Science in the field of Structural Engineering requires
three core courses in two different topic areas (as detailed below) and a minimum five electives taken
from a variety of fields for the thesis option. Students electing to receive the non-thesis degree must take
a total of 30-credits of course work, which typically translates to seven electives beyond the three core
courses.. Electives should be selected based on approval from your advisor.
Core Courses:
Group 1 (6 credits required, 2 courses from the following list)
CIEG 601 Introduction to Finite Element Method
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CIEG 611 Structural Dynamics Design
CIEG 612 Advanced Mechanics of Materials
CIEG 817 Stability of Structures
Group 2 (3 credits required, 1 course from the following list)
CIEG 604 Prestressed Concrete Design
CIEG 802 Advanced Steel Design
Suggested electives:
Additional courses in Groups 1 and 2 above
CIEG 605 Intermediate Topics in Finite Element Analysis
CIEG 608 Introduction to Bridge Design
CIEG 610 Experimental Mechanics of Composite Materials
CIEG 619 Mechanical Behavior of Materials and Structures
CIEG 621 Foundation Engineering
CIEG 667 Non-Destructive Testing for Civil Engineers
CIEG 667 Structural Design for Extreme Events
CIEG 675 Matlab for Engineering Analysis
CIEG 801 Advanced Topics in Finite Element Analysis
CIEG 811 Advanced Structural Dynamics Design
CIEG 817 Stability of Structures
MEEG 618 Fracture of Solids
MEEG 690 Intermediate Engineering Math
MEEG 813 Theory of Elasticity
MEEG 814 Theory of Plasticity
MEEG 816 Advanced Continuum Mechanics
MEEG 817 Composite Materials
General Requirements
Students must also complete the general degree requirements as detailed in the Civil and Environmental
Engineering Graduate Handbook and the University Catalog. These requirements include credit
requirements and, for Ph.D. and thesis option Master’s students, the carrying out of research and
completion of a dissertation/thesis.
Transportation Engineering
The transportation engineering program offers opportunities for study and research in the planning,
design, construction, operation, and management of transportation facilities and services. We emphasize
systems approach to understand the interactions among transportation services, demand, mobility, socio-
economic activities, environment, energy, and the quality of life. We use a variety of techniques, from
mathematical modeling, global positioning and geographic information systems, to artificial intelligence, to
solve problems in:
Transportation demand forecasting
Traffic engineering, controls and safety
Construction methods and management
Logistics and freight transportation
Pavement design and performance
Intermodal urban transportation systems
Asset management
The education program maintains close links with the Delaware Center for Transportation and the
University Transportation Centers.
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MCE/MAS Course Requirements
The Master's degree in Civil Engineering or Applied Science in the field of Transportation with thesis
requires four core courses and four electives taken from a variety of fields. For the non-thesis option, the
four core courses should be supplemented with six electives. Electives should be selected based on
approval from your advisor.
Core Courses:
CIEG 652 Transportation Facilities Planning & Design
CIEG 653 Roadway Geometric Design
CIEG 654 Transportation Planning
CIEG 667 Traffic Engineering
Suggested Electives:
APEC 601, 602 Survey of Operations Research
APEC 603 Simulation Modeling & Analysis
BUAD 836 Problem Structuring and Analysis for Decision Making
CIEG 618 Introduction to Railroad Engineering
CIEG 621 Soil Mechanics
CIEG 641 Risk Analysis
CIEG 650 Urban Transportation Systems
CIEG 655 Civil Infrastructure Systems
CIEG 658 Pavement Analysis & Design
CIEG 686 Engineering Project Management
ECON 801 Microeconomics
ECON 802 Macroeconomics
GEOG 670 Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 671 Advanced Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 677 Spatial Data Analysis
MAST 663 Decision Tools for Policy Analysis
MAST 672 Applied Policy Analysis
STAT 601 Probability Theory for Operations Research and Statistics
STAT 602 Mathematical Statistics
STAT 608 Statistical Research Methods
STAT 609 Regression and Experimental Design
UAPP 601 Measure and Define Planning Problems (1 credit)
UAPP 602 Introduction to Comprehensive Planning (1 credit)
UAPP 603 Introduction to Zoning and Land Use Controls (1 credit)
In addition other CIEG 667 Seminar courses are frequently offered covering contemporary topics in
transportation. Each semester students are also expected to register for CIEG865 - Civil Engineering
General Requirements
Students must also complete the general degree requirements as detailed in the Civil and Environmental
Engineering Graduate Handbook and University Catalog. These requirements include credit
requirements and - for Ph.D. and thesis option Master’s students - the conduct of research and
completion of dissertation/thesis.
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Water Resources Engineering
Water resources engineering involves the control of supply of surface and subsurface water to the public;
control hazards associated with water, e.g., flooding; and maintain the health of ecological systems.
Because water pollution is often the primary driving force for the engineered control of water resources,
graduate students typically take courses and conduct research within groups that also include
environmental engineering students. Graduate course work and research in the water resources
engineering program is focused on the following areas:
Hydrology of Landfills
Watershed Hydrochemistry
Water Quality Modeling
Groundwater Hydrology
Contaminant Movement in Soil and Groundwater
The water resources engineering program is designed not only for those with undergraduate degrees in
Bioresources, Civil, Environmental, or Chemical Engineering, but also related non-engineering fields such
as Geology, Environmental Science, and Soil Science.
MCE/MAS Requirements
The Master’s degree in Civil Engineering or Applied Science in the field of Water Resources Engineering
requires four core courses and four electives taken from a variety of fields for the thesis option. Students
electing to receive the non-thesis degree must take a total of 30-credits of course work, which typically
translates to six electives beyond the four core courses. Electives should be selected based on approval
from your advisor.
Core Courses:
CIEG 630 Water Quality Modeling
CIEG 698 Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport or GEOL 628 - Hydrogeology
GEOG 632 Environmental Hydrology
MATH/STAT An approved 600-level course in Mathematics or Statistics
Suggested electives include:
CIEG 645 - Industrial Ecology The Science of Environmental Sustainability
CIEG 667 Research Methods and Topics in Soil/Water Systems: Science and Policy
CIEG 668 - Principles of Water Quality Criteria
CIEG 678 - Transport and Mixing Processes
CIEG 679 - Sediment Transport Mechanics
CIEG 833 - Fate of Organic Pollutants in the Environment
APEC 682 Spatial Analysis of Natural Resources
GEOG 656 Hydroclimatology
GEOG 657 Climate Dynamics
GEOG 667 Watershed Hydro-Ecology
PLSC 603 Soil Physics
PLSC 621 Nonpoint Source Pollution
PLSC 667 Watershed Hydrochemistry
UAPP 611 Regional Watershed Management
UAPP 628 Issues in Land Use & Environmental Planning
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In addition, classes from other departments can be selected in consultation with your advisor. These
include graduate-level courses offered by Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering,
Marine Studies, Plant and Soil Sciences, or Urban Affairs and Public Policy.
General Requirements
Students must also complete the general degree requirements as detailed in the Civil and Environmental
Engineering Graduate Handbook and University Catalog. These requirements include credit
requirements and - for Ph.D. and thesis option Master’s students - the conduct of research and
completion of a dissertation/thesis.
XI. 4+1 Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Programs
The Bachelor’s degree in Civil or Environmental Engineering is the minimum requirement for practicing in
these professions today. It is also one of the key requirements for becoming a licensed professional
engineer. More than ever before, the industry is demanding graduates to seek advanced training and
education in order to handle the complex problems we currently face with our deteriorating infrastructure
and ever changing environment. Through this program, qualified UD undergraduate students pursuing the
Bachelor of Civil Engineering (BCE) degree or the Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (BENV )
degree may begin work toward their Masters degree in Civil Engineering as a senior, and complete the
Masters degree in as little as one year.
The program is limited to UD undergraduates pursuing the BCE or BENV degree, with a minimum
cumulative grade point average of 3.25 at the time of application. Students must have completed at least
90 credits toward the undergraduate degree before they can be enrolled in the program. Only
full-time students are eligible.
Admission Requirements:
Students apply to the program in the spring semester of their junior year, or when they have completed
75 credits toward the undergraduate degree. Students must meet all of the requirements for admission to
the regular graduate program; however, students are not required to take the GRE to gain admission to
this program.
Program Requirements:
Students must fulfill all of the requirements for the Master of Civil Engineering degree.
Students may choose the non-thesis or the thesis option (the thesis option may require more time).
Up to 6 credits of graduate course work (600 level and above) taken while a senior, may be “dual-
counted” towards the Bachelor’s and the Masters degrees. The dual-counted courses must be
established classes in civil or environmental engineering. Independent study or research cannot
be dual-counted. The dual-counted courses must be taken as technical electives for the
undergraduate degree.
Additional graduate-level courses taken while a senior beyond the two dual-counted coursers may
be transferred toward the master’s degree.
Before enrolling in any graduate-level courses, students must meet with their academic advisor for course
approval and to complete the Graduate Course Approval Form.