Contract Win Effective Date Enforcement Plan Completed?
Salary Increases
21% salary increase, implemented through
two pay increases a year to January 2025
Raises, along with the retroactive pay, will appear on members' September 2023
check. If a member doesn't receive the salary increase and/or retro, they should
first contact their site administrator and SAA.
Targeted salary increases for Special Ed,
Nurses, EEC, and Special Services
7/1/2023 Increase should be reflected in members' September 2023 check. If a member
doesn't receive the raise and/or retro, they should first contact their site
Class size
100 identified schools: Reduction of 1
student in every grade in 2023-24, additional
reduction of 1 student in every grade in
2024-25 (Reduction of 1 in every grade at all
other schools in 2024-2025 and 2025-2026)
If your school is on the list of 100 identified schools (Appendix X of the 2022-25
CBA). hold a chapter meeting at the beginning of the year to review the new class
size caps with members.
The ability to file a grievance on violations
immediately after Norm Day
Review the class size chart with your chapter and prepare members to request an
informal grievance conference with the principal the day after norm day if they
are above the cap.
Review the class size chart with your prinicpal in your first meeting with them this
year, and make sure that the numbers are at or below the cap.
The maximum caseload for a secondary
academic counselor lowered from 750 to
If a counselor's caseload is above 700, they should notify the principal in writing
and request for it to be resolved. If it remains over 700, contact your Area Rep
and proceed with a grievance.
LAUSD shall provide a college counselor or
college advisor to every high school on the
district-identified priority list with at least
900 students (This will expand to all high
schools in 2024-2025).
If your school is a high school on the district-identified priority list of 100 schools
(Appendix X of the 2022-25 CBA) and does not have a college counselor or
advisor, notify your Area Rep.
Combination Classes
Every effort should be made to avoid
combination classes in grades UTK-5.
If there is a combination class at your chapter, meet with your principal to ask
what other options were considered.
*2022 = red
In grades UTK-5, at elementary schools with
over 175 students, general education
teachers who are required to teach a combo
class will receive a stipend of $600 per
semester, and assigning a paraprofessional to
that class will be prioritized.
If a teacher is assigned a combination class, they should email the principal and
SAA to request confirmation that they will receive the stipend.
Any teacher who had a combination class in 2022-23 should receive the stipend in
their September 2023 paycheck. If they do not, they should email the principal
and SAA.
Special Education
Autism-Alternate Curriculum Programs cap
reduced from 8 to 6.
Review the class size caps with Special Ed teachers at your school. If a member is
over, they should notify the APEIS in writing and request it be resolved.
Enforceable caps for all SpEd programs.
If a class size cap violation persists, the
following happens:
When class size cap is violated by 2 or more
students for at least one classification period,
an aide is assigned and the teacher is
compensated $625 per semester.
When violated by 3 or more students for at
least one classification period, an aide is
assigned (inclusive of but not in additon to
the aide provided by the language above),
and the teacher is compensated at $1,250
per semester
7/1/22 Review the class size caps with Special Ed teachers at your school. If a member is
over, they should notify the APEIS in writing and request it be resolved.
Members who had Special Education classes in 2022-2023 in violation of the cap
should contact their APEIS and SAA to ensure they receive the additional
Adaptive PE caseload cap reduced from 70 to
APEs who are two above their caseload cap should email their direct
administrator and copy their chapter chair.
The district shall make an effort to minimize
the reassignment of paraprofessionals. 24-
hour advance notice must be provided
before a paraprofessional is pulled from a
Look for patterns in the reassignment of paraprofessionals. Recurrences should
be addressed with the administrator making the reassignments.
District to make all efforts to ensure that
Special Day Classes have a minimum of 1
paraprofessional per program and that
Emotionally Disturbed and Autism classes
have a minimum of 2 paraprofessionals per
Make a written request to the site dministrator when a program does not have
sufficient paraprofessionals so as to document the violation.
Resource Specialist Teacher and DIS
Providers within three of their caseload cap
and more than 5 initial assessments will be
eligible for additional pay for up to two hours
at hourly rate for each initial assessment
beyond 5
Eligible members should email their APEIS to request the pay.
3 Sub release days per year to complete
assessments with more flexibility
7/1/22 Inform Special Ed members at your chapter. They must request the days from the
APEIS at your chapter.
Substitute coverage for Special Ed teachers
for IEP meetings
Review the IEP calendar and confirm with the site administrator that substitute
coverage will be provided.
Substitute coverage for Gen Ed teachers for
IEP meetings
Gen Ed teacher must request it.
Every effort to provide substitute coverage
for RSTs for IEP meetings
RSTs should make a request for substitute coverage in writing to the site
administrator if needed.
Master Plan / Bilingual
Full time Dual Language (DL) with BCLAD or
equivalent UTK-5/6 grades up t
o $5,400
($2,700 per semes
Secondary Dual Language with BCLAD or
equivalent: Teaching up to 50% ins
ered in target language in DL progr
et $2,700, and those teaching mor
e than
50% ins
truction in target language DL ge
t up
to $5,400
Members should receive the stipend from 2022-23 in their September 2023
check. If they do not receive it, they should contact their principal and SAA.
Members receive a pro-rated differential if they qualify for more than 20 days,
but less than a full semester.
Teachers assigned to team teach the English
portion of a district-approved dual language
program share receive a stipend of $500 per
Members should receive the stipend from 2022-23 in their September 2023
check. If they do not receive it, they should contact their principal and SAA.
Members receive a pro-rated differential if they qualify for more than 20 days,
but less than a full semester.
Expand Master Plan Program to teachers
providing ASL content instruction in ASL
Bilingual program with DHH Credential and
ASL Proficiency Interview with 4.0+ score
Members should receive the stipend from 2022-23 in their September 2023
check. If they do not receive it, they should contact their principal and SAA.
Members receive a pro-rated differential if they qualify for more than 20 days,
but less than a full semester.
Hours and Workday
Every school will have weekly PDs.
Local School Leadership Councils have purview over 50% of all PDs, with the
exception of Community Schools and Pilot Schools which have purview over all PD
that is not state or federally funded.
Faculty meetings must be scheduled at least
24 hours in advance
Remind your principal; prepare members to collectively boycott the meeting if
not scheduled in time.
Additional duties assigned to members must
be distributed to minimize significant impact
on core duties and work day
Ask principal to review additional assigned duties with you; review with chapter if
Prep time for secondary CTE and Teacher
7/1/23 If a member is not receiving their paid prep time, they should notify their
administrator in writing and CC their Chapter Chair.
Local School Leadership
LSLC purview expanded to include making a
recommendation for any change to the daily
schedule and/or bell schedule. The majority
of faculty still must vote to approve the
If a bell or daily schedule change is proposed, tell your principal that it must be
brought to LSLC first for a recommendation.
Principal shall consult with LSLC on whether
there should be a Dean position
Meet with your principal and plan to include this topic on the LSLC agenda for
spring, ahead of Matrix creation.
Black Student Achievement
BSAP schools will fund an auxiliary period in
order to offer an African American Studies
If you are at a BSAP school, meet with your principal to make a plan for this
auxiliary period and course offering.
Group 1 BSAP schools will receive
Additional 20 hours of PD
Flexible grant to purchase culturally
responsive resources
Centrally-funded BSAP Team of 1 PSA, 1
PSW, 1 Academic Counselor, 1 Restorativ
tice T
If you are at a Group 1 BSAP school, meet with your principal to ensure that the
positions are in place and that people assigned to the positions are allowed to do
the job they're assigned to.
Use your LSLC to set the additional 20 hours of PD.
Meet with your principal to find out how much flexible grant money is provided
and meet with BSAP team members to organize for appropriate expenditures
with the flexible grant money.
Group 2 BSAP secondary schools will receive
centrally-funded BSAP Team of 1 PSA
counselor, 1 Counselor
If you are at a Group 2 BSAP secondary school, meet with your principal to ensure
that the positions are in place and that people assigned to the positions are
allowed to do the job they're assigned to.
Community Schools
Purview of LSLC at Community Schools
expanded to include:
all site-based professional development
school-based implementation of initiatives
or programs mandated by the local, state, or
federal government, including but not
limited to Breakfast in the Classroom and
periodic assessments
course elective and program options (e.g.
Visual and Performing Arts, Ethnic Studies
and double periods for specific subjects)
All school based budgetary matters except
for any categorical funds and Title I funding
which fall under the purview of School Site
7/1/23 Review expanded purview with your chapter, and ask for input on decision-
Meet with your principal to plan an agenda for LSLC that includes these topics.
Each Community School receives annual
funding of $250,000 for each Community
School, part of which is to pay for a full-time,
site-based Community Schools Coordinator
on B-basis.
7/1/23 Talk with your principal to ensure that the Community Schools Coordinator
position is posted and filled, if not already done.
Early Education
If an EEC teacher has to miss prep time
because an aide is not available and has to
provide coverage, that prep time can be
done outside of work hours and
compensated at hourly rate
7/1/22 Notify the site administrator in writing of the need for compensation for
providing coverage during prep time.
Process defined to ensure EEC chapter chairs
are able to amend area meetings
7/1/22 Chapter Chair should review UTLA calendar and notify the site administrator in
advance of needed adjustment to schedule.
PD suited for Early Educators
Voluntary trainings paid at hourly training
Adult Education
Adult Ed members eligible for Masters and
Doctorate differentials
7/1/23 Contact the Salary Points Department at hr[email protected] to submit required
degree information.
1 hour paid prep time for every 5 hours of
instruction, with a joint task force to work on
implementation issues.
New DACE Matrix process
7/1/23 Meet with your administrator to discuss when and how the matrix process will
take place.
Out of classroom staff
Onsite obligation for employees on the
Special Services D Salary Table reduced from
8 hours to 7 hours.
7/1/22 If principal or supervisor mandates a member to work 8 hours onsite, they should
ask for the request in writing. Then, contact your Area Represenative.
A, B, and E basis members get Juneteenth off 7/1/22
Healthy Green Public Schools
Each school shall have a "Climate Champion,"
who receives an annual stipend of $1,800
7/1/23 Announce position and open self-nominations, then hold a vote during a faculty
meeting to elect the Climate Champion position.