We understand that certain policy owners may face financial hardships as a result of the court ordered
moratorium placed upon cash surrenders and partial withdrawals, under Colorado Bankers Life Insurance
Company, Bankers Life Insurance Company, and Southland National Insurance Corporation (“the Companies”)
policies or contracts. The Court has granted the Special Deputy Rehabilitator (the “Rehabilitator”) authority to
consider hardship payment requests. To request a hardship payment, you must complete and return the attached
Hardship Request Form.” For the purpose of hardship requests, this form will replace the customary forms
that the Companies previously used for cash disbursement requests.
To qualify for hardship payment consideration, you must include the following:
Notarized or Certified Statement of Facts that the Annuitant, Owner, or someone with a Power of
Attorney acting for the Owner or Annuitant has completed, made under the penalties of perjury. Briefly
describe the basis of the hardships, which must be based upon a proven financial need. This Statement of
Facts should list your income, liquid assets, and outline the circumstances that support your claim of
hardship and should accompany the information sent to our office. The hardship request will not be
processed unless the Statement of Facts is notarized (see exception below). If you deliver the enclosed
information by facsimile, then the Company must receive an identical, signed, and notarized original before
final approval may be granted. See the caution below about facsimile transmissions before sending
anything by facsimile. Please be as specific as possible, as the more information you give to the
Rehabilitator, the easier it will be to process your request.
If you are unable to obtain a notarized statement due to restrictions in place from COVID-19, a
certified statement will be allowed. Please see Statement of Facts page.
Proof or Evidence Supporting the Statement of Facts – This would include, as applicable, bills, notices,
doctor’s statements, or Power of Attorney, Guardianship or Conservator paperwork. List sources of income
for the policyholder and spouse, as applicable, including social security payments, salary and wages,
investment earnings (interest, dividends, etc.), retirement/pension, etc. Please provide copies of recent
paycheck stubs, Social Security Income receipts, etc. Provide the most recent asset balance page from third
party statements for policyowner and spouse, including but not limited to checking, savings, investment
accounts, and CDs.
[1] Please note that original documents will not be returned.
Hardship Request Form
Hardship criteria include but are not limited to:
[1] To prevent eviction or foreclosure on your principal residence - A hardship withdrawal may be
used to prevent eviction or foreclosure on your principal residence. Acceptable documentation
Notice from the landlord or mortgage holder threatening eviction or foreclosure
Amount needed to prevent such action
Total amount owed
[2] Uninsured or unreimbursed medical expenses - A hardship withdrawal may be used for out-of-
pocket expenses for medical care. Acceptable documentation includes:
Bills from doctors, hospitals, laboratories, and ambulance services
Bills for prescriptions, eyeglasses, and medical supplies
Documentation of amounts paid for medical insurance, as well as any amounts reimbursed
for medical expenses
For ongoing medical treatment, a licensed physician’s statement estimating planned
treatment and associated costs
Bills for home improvements strictly for medical reasons
[3] Post-secondary education expenses - A hardship withdrawal may be used to pay for up to 12
months of post-secondary expenses, tuition for yourself and/or your dependents, educational fees,
room and board, and supplies. Acceptable documentation includes:
For tuition and educational fees: a copy of the bill on school letterhead or the school’s
online statement
For books: proof of registration and a bill for book purchase
For off-campus housing: proof of registration and a copy of the lease with landlord
information, monthly payment amounts, and length of lease
[4] Inability to pay for basic life support needsA hardship may be used to pay for food, essential
utilities (i.e. gas, electricity, water, etc.), and shelter (i.e. mortgage, nursing home, etc.). Acceptable
documentation includes:
List of significant expenses for the policyowner and spouse to sufficiently prove a financial
hardship (i.e. expenses exceed assets and/or income stream of policyowner and spouse, as
applicable). Copies of third-party statements/receipts are to be submitted
A copy of a bill or invoice from utility company
Notice from the landlord or mortgage holder threatening eviction or foreclosure
Assessment of the financial need by the Rehabilitator is based upon the proven existence of the hardship
(examples above) and adequate support of the financial need either currently or within the next 12 months. By
providing you with this information and these forms, we are not indicating whether the Rehabilitator will approve
your hardship request. The Rehabilitator will review each request on its own merits.
The Companies and the Rehabilitator are not responsible for undelivered mail. To protect the personal
information in your hardship request, the Rehabilitator recommends certified mail or some other delivery
service such as FedEx or UPS. Do not send anything by unsecured email.
In order to expedite the process, you can transmit the form via facsimile; however, the Companies and
the Rehabilitator shall not be responsible for any unintended disclosure or breach of such facsimile
transmission. If you choose to send it by fax, and accept responsibility for any unintended disclosure or
breach of such facsimile transmission, the fax number for Bankers Life is (727) 399-6965 and the fax
number for Colorado Bankers Life is: (303) 220-8056. The original forms must be received prior to final
Original Forms need to be mailed to one of the following addresses.
If using a delivery service such as FedEx or UPS:
Colorado Bankers Life
Insurance Company
C/O Actuarial Management
Suite 203
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Bankers Life Insurance
C/O Actuarial Management
Suite 203
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Southland National
C/O Noble Consulting Services,
211 N. Pennsylvania St
Suite 2350
Indianapolis, IN 46204
If using the U.S. Postal Service:
Colorado Bankers Life
Insurance Company
P.O. Box 11609
Winston-Salem, NC 27116
Bankers Life Insurance
P.O. Box 11948
Winston-Salem, NC 27116
Southland National
P.O. Box 168
Upon receipt of your completed hardship documents, the Rehabilitator will review them and reserves the right
to request additional information and documentation, as he deems appropriate. You must cooperate with the
Rehabilitator by providing all such requested documentation and information or your request will be denied.
If you have any questions, please contact the Companies by calling:
For Colorado Bankers Life Insurance Company policies: 1-833-658-2841
For Bankers Life Insurance Company policies: 1-833-658-2840
For Southland National Insurance Corporation policies: 1-800-842-8960
Thank you in advance for your attention to these matters.
Michael Dinius
Special Deputy Rehabilitator
Hardship Application Checklist
Please make sure ALL requested documents are included in your submission. The Rehabilitator CANNOT
review an application until all documentation and forms have been received.
Please do not staple any documents.
Hardship Request Form
Must be completed in its entirety, dated and signed by the owner, joint owner if applicable, and a witness.
Certified Statement of Facts
A brief statement explaining your hardship. All pages of the statement MUST be notarized (see exception
on Statement of Facts page).
Evidence of Liquid Assets
Copies of your most recent bank statements from ALL of your checking, savings and investment accounts.
Evidence of Income
May include paystubs, award letters from Social Security, investment earnings statement, your prior year’s
professional tax return, or clearly indicate income on your bank statement.
Proof of Your Monthly Expenses and/or Unpaid Bills
These documents must support the amount you are requesting, and you must provide the actual statements.
Monthly expenses would include rent/mortgage, water, electricity, gas, etc. Unpaid bills would include past
due accounts such as medical bills, loans, or tuition.
The Companies and the Rehabilitator are not responsible for undelivered mail. To protect the personal
information in your hardship request, the Rehabilitator recommends certified mail or some other delivery
service such as FedEx or UPS. Do not send anything by unsecured email.
In order to expedite the process, you can transmit the form via facsimile; however, the Companies and
the Rehabilitator shall not be responsible for any unintended disclosure or breach of such facsimile
transmission. If you choose to send it by fax, and accept responsibility for any unintended disclosure or
breach of such facsimile transmission, the fax number for Bankers Life is (727) 399-6965 and the fax
number for Colorado Bankers Life is: (303) 220-8056. The original forms must be received prior to final
Original Forms need to be mailed to one of the following addresses.
If using a delivery service such as FedEx or UPS:
Colorado Bankers Life
Insurance Company
C/O Actuarial Management
Suite 203
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Bankers Life Insurance
C/O Actuarial Management
Suite 203
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Southland National
C/O Noble Consulting Services,
211 N. Pennsylvania St
Suite 2350
Indianapolis, IN 46204
If using the U.S. Postal Service:
Colorado Bankers Life
Insurance Company
P.O. Box 11609
Winston-Salem, NC 27116
Bankers Life Insurance
P.O. Box 11948
Winston-Salem, NC 27116
Southland National
P.O. Box 168
Hardship Request Form
Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Contract Number: ________________________
Owner: _________________________________________________________________________________
I, _______________________________, Owner of this contract, request a withdrawal of $_______________.
Employment Information:
Employed Unemployed Retired
Source of Income:
Employment Investments Pension/Social Security
Average Monthly Income: ____________________
Average Monthly Expenses: ____________________
Balances of Liquid Assets:
Checking: ____________________
Savings: ____________________
Other: ____________________
Total Liquid Assets: ____________________
Please acknowledge:
____________________I understand that this requested withdrawal amount may be reduced by any surrender
charges, taxes withheld, or Market Value Adjustment, and as a result the net amount received may be smaller
than the requested withdrawal amount.
Federal Income Tax Withholding - I understand if there is a reportable distribution as a result of the withdrawal,
it will be reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the calendar year the withdrawal is made. Unless
waived by me, if there is a reportable distribution, then income tax will be withheld from the distribution at a
flat 10% rate.
Federal Excise Tax - If you are under the age of 59½, a Federal excise tax may apply.
State Income Tax Withholding – If your address of record is within a mandatory withholding state, state taxes
will be withheld from your distribution in accordance with the respective state rules. Other states allow an
independent election, and, in these states, state tax will be withheld unless you elect otherwise. If your state does
not allow withholding, no state tax can be withheld. Please contact the Company at the phone number on page
3 to confirm if your state has a mandatory state tax.
Reportable Distribution - I further understand that even if I elect not to have Federal income tax withheld, any
reportable distribution will still be reported to the IRS.
I elect NOT to have Federal income tax withheld.
I elect to have Federal income tax withheld.
I am not under guardianship, nor have I made any assignment, pledge, or executed any document affecting
ownership or right to any monies due or to become due under the contract, and I further certify that no
proceedings in bankruptcy are pending to which I am a part.
This form is dated at ____________________ this _______ day of ____________, 20_______.
________________________________________ _________________________________________
Signature of Owner Signature of Joint Owner (if applicable)
________________________________________ ________________________________________
Signature of Witness Owner’s Telephone & Social Security Number
This page must be completed and notarized. You may use a 2nd page, if necessary, but that page must also be
notarized. If a notary cannot be obtained, complete and sign the statement at the bottom.
Printed Policyholder Name: _________________________ Signature_________________________________
State of: ________________________________________ County of: ________________________________
On this _______ day of __________, 2022, before me personally appeared, _________________________, to
sign this document.
IN WITNESS WHEROF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal in said County and State, the
day and year last above written.
My commission expires: _______________ _________________________________________
Notary Public
To be completed if notary cannot be obtained:
I, [Printed Policyholder Name] _______________________________ certify under the penalties of perjury that
the foregoing is true and correct, pursuant to 28 U.S. Code § 1746.
Executed on: _______________ (Date)
Signature: _______________________________