NCDPI Glossary of Terms Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science ● Glossary of Terms
For the new Standard Course of Study that will be effective in all North Carolina schools in the 2020-21 School Year.
This document is designed to help North Carolina educators teach Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Standard Course of Study.
NCDPI staff are continually updating and improving these tools to better serve teachers and districts.
What is the purpose of this tool?
This tool provides educators with terminologies that represent the concepts and ideas teachers need to know and understand in order to
effectively teach the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and use supporting materials. The Glossary of Terms is not meant to be
exhaustive, but seeks to address critical terms and definitions essential in building content knowledge and understanding but also in promoting
consistency across disciplines, increased student outcomes, and improved parent communication. This is a living document and will undergo
revision and additions in terms over time.
How do I send Feedback?
We intend the explanations and examples in this document to be helpful and specific. That said, we believe that as this document is used,
educators will find ways in which the tool can be improved and made even more useful. If there are terms which are either omitted or which you
feel are misrepresented in this glossary, please send feedback by completing the Feedback on Mathematic Support Documents form.
Where are the standards and unpacking documents for the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for mathematics?
All standards are located at
NCDPI Glossary of Terms Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
Glossary by Objective
Number and Quantity
A rectangular array of elements organized in rows and columns.
A quantity having both magnitude and direction.
Inverse Matrix
is an inverse matrix of if and only if
, where is the identity matrix. An
inverse matrix does not exist for all matrices.
Leslie Models
The Leslie model is
, where
is the initial population matrix, is the Leslie matrix, and
is the number of cycles. This model, named after P.H. Leslie, is most often used to model
population growth over time when given a population age distribution, with corresponding birth
and survival rates.
Markov Chains
A Markov chain is
, where
is the initial-state matrix, is the transition matrix, and
is the number of transitions. Markov chains, named after Andrei Markov who studied linked
chains of events, begins with an initial-state matrix that is multiplied by a transition matrix to
produce the next state.
matrix equation
An equation in which the variable is a matrix or elements within a matrix.
A set is a subset if all the elements in the set are contained within another set. For example, set
A is a subset of set B if all of the elements of set A are also elements in set B. It can also be said
that set B is a superset of set A.
proper subset
A subset is a proper subset if the elements of the subset do not contain all of the elements of the
superset. For example, set A is a proper subset of set B if set B contains elements that are not in
set A.
set operations
Defined criteria that construct new sets from given sets. The set operations are unions,
intersections, complements, and set differences.
set difference
The set difference of sets A and B is the set of elements in set A that are not in set B.
Venn diagram
A diagram representing the relationship between mathematical or logical sets pictorially within an
NCDPI Glossary of Terms Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
area defined as the universal set. Sets are often represented with circles with elements common
to the sets located with the areas where the circles, representing the sets, overlap.
Euclidean Algorithm
An iterative process used by technology to determine the greatest common factor and least
common multiple for numbers and , such that and .
Fundamental Theorem of
If and is an integer, than can we rewritten as a product of prime numbers that is unique to
sigma notation
The representation of the sum of a series using the Greek letter sigma. This notation is used to
represent finite or infinite series. This notation is a shorthand way of representing each element
in the series as the elements relate to each other.
finite sequence
A sequence in which the number of elements is finite, or countable.
infinite sequence
A sequence in which the number of elements is infinite, or uncountable.
An infinite series converges when the sum of the elements approach a value without going over
that value.
An infinite series diverges when the sum of the elements is infinite.
Statistics & Probability
Fundamental Counting
If one event can occur m ways and a second event can occur n ways after the first event, then
the two events can occur in ways.
The selection of subsets, without replacements, when the order of selection is a factor.
NCDPI Glossary of Terms Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
The selection of subsets, without replacements, when the order of selection is not a factor.
Graph Theory
vertex-edge graph
A graph that consists of points (vertices) and connections between the points (edges) that
represent a context.
adjacency matrix
A matrix representing a vertex-edge graph in which the rows and columns are the vertices of the
graph. The elements of the graph are 1s or 0s in which adjacent vertices are represented with a
1 and non-adjacent vertices are represented with a 0.
vertex-edge table
A table which displays the number of edges from each vertex. The number of edges from a
vertex is also known as the degree of that vertex. In some cases, the vertex-edge table also
includes a listing of all adjacent vertices. Also known as an edge table.
A sequence of adjacent vertices, vertices connected by an edge. In a path, an edge can only be
used once.
A path that starts and ends at the same vertex.
Euler path
A graph or digraph in which when starting at a vertex, one can travel through each edge exactly
once and end at a different vertex.
Euler circuit
A graph or digraph in which when starting at a vertex, one can travel through each edge exactly
once and end at the starting vertex.
Hamiltonian path
A graph or digraph in which when starting at a vertex, one can travel through each vertex exactly
once and end at a different vertex.
Hamiltonian circuit
A graph or digraph in which when starting at a vertex, one can travel through each vertex exactly
once and end at the starting vertex.
complete graph
A graph is complete if all vertices are connected to all other vertices by an edge.
NCDPI Glossary of Terms Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
A directed graph in which the flow is from one vertex to another vertex represented by arrows.
critical path
The path from a vertex to the end of a project with the longest processing time.
minimum project time
The sum of the processing times for each task in the critical path. Also known as the critical time.
The minimum project time provides an estimate of the minimum time needed to complete a
Traveling Salesperson
A category of problem, involving Hamiltonian circuits, in which the goal is to determine the most
efficient pathway.
brute force method
A method used to find the optimal solution to a Traveling Salesperson Problem. In this method,
all possible Hamiltonian circuits are listed and the most optimal circuit is chosen.
nearest-neighbor algorithm
An efficient method to find a solution to a Traveling Salesperson Problem. In this method, a
starting vertex is chosen and the circuit is completed by taking the next edge with the lowest
weight until the circuit is complete, avoiding any cycles.
cheapest-link algorithm
An efficient method to find a solution to a Traveling Salesperson Problem. In this method, the
circuit is constructed with the lowest weight edges of the graph, avoiding any cycles.
A way of using colors to label vertices to solve problems involving constraints. Vertices
connected by an edge must have different colors. The solution to these problems is found by
minimizing the number of colors used in the graph. This number is known as the chromatic
connected graph
A graph is connected if a path joins any two vertices. When referring to a real-life application, a
connected graph is commonly referred to as a network.
spanning tree
A subgraph that includes all vertices of the original graph with no circuits.
minimum spanning tree
A subgraph with the least total weight that includes all vertices of the original graph with no
weight of a path
The sum of all values of interest included in a path.
Kruskal’s algorithm
A method to identify a minimum spanning tree and the weight of that tree. In this method, the
minimum spanning tree is constructed by marking the edges in order of the least weight, avoiding
NCDPI Glossary of Terms Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
the creation of a cycle, until n-1 edges have been marked.
Prim’s algorithm
A method to identify a minimum spanning tree and the weight of that tree. In this method, the
minimum spanning tree is constructed by marking the edge with the least weight and marking the
next lowest edge adjacent to the edge just marked, avoiding the creation of a cycle. This pattern
is repeated until all vertices are connected to the tree.
truth table
A table that shows the truth-value of a compound statement for every truth value of its
component statements.
Assertions that are true in all interpretations
Assertions that are incompatible or incongruous
A logical combinatorial system that represents, symbolically, relationships between entities such
as sets, propositions, or on-off computer circuit elements.
Glossary by Alphabetical Order
adjacency matrix
brute force method
NCDPI Glossary of Terms Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
cheapest-link algorithm
complete graph
connected graph
critical path
Euclidean Algorithm
Euler circuit
Euler path
finite sequence
Fundamental Counting
Fundamental Theorem of
Hamiltonian circuit
NCDPI Glossary of Terms Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
Hamiltonian path
infinite sequence
Inverse matrix
Kruskal’s algorithm
Leslie Models
Markov Chains
matrix equation
minimum project time
minimum spanning tree
nearest-neighbor algorithm
Prim’s algorithm
NCDPI Glossary of Terms Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
proper subset
set difference
set operations
sigma notation
spanning tree
Traveling Salesperson
truth table
Venn diagram
vertex-edge graph
vertex-edge table
NCDPI Glossary of Terms Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
weight of a path