Latin 202 Word List
a(d)sto, a(d)stare, astiti, - to stand near
verb 1
a, ab, abs from, away from preposition abl
abdo, abdere, abdidi, abditum to put away, remove, conceal
verb 3
abeo, abire, abi(v)i, abitum to go away, depart
verb irreg
abundo, abundare, abundavi, abundatum to overflow
verb 1
ac and, also, even conjunction coordinate
ac as, than conjunction subordinate
ac si as if conjunction subordinate
accendo, accendere, accendi, accensum to set on fire
verb 3
acer, acris, acre
sharp, pointed, piercing adjective 3
acies, aciei f. sharp edge, line of battle noun 5
acutus, acuta, acutum sharp adjective 1
ad to, toward preposition acc
ad/ffor, ad/ffari, ad/ffatus sum to speak to, address
verb 1
adhuc up to this point, still adverb of place
adicio, adicere, adieci, adiectum to put near, add
verb 3-io
adimo, adimere, ademi, ademptum to take away, snatch away
verb 3
adventus, adventus, m. arrival
noun 4
adversum against preposition acc
adversus against preposition acc
adverto, advertere, adverti, adversum to turn to
verb 3
aedes, aedis f.
house, temple noun 3
aeger, aegra, aegrum
sick, unwell adjective 1
aeneus, aenea, aeneum made of metal adjective 1
aequo, aequare, aequavi, aequatum
to make equal, make level, compare verb 1
aequor, aequoris n. an even surface, the smooth sea noun 3
aer, aeris n.
the lower atmosphere, air, mist noun 3
aes, aeris n.
metal, usually copper or bronze noun 3
aestus, aestus m.
heaving motion, rage of fire, swell of the sea noun 4
aether, aetheris m. (lit. space burning brightly), the upper air noun 3
aetherius, aetheria, aetherium celestial adjective 1
aevum, aevi n.
eternity, age noun 2
agmen, agminis n. train, army noun 3
agnosco, agnoscere, agnovi, agni/otus to perceive, declare
verb 3
ago, agere, egi, actum
to put in motion, drive, conduct verb 3
ala, alae f.
wing noun 1
albus, alba, album
(chalky) white adjective 1
ales, alitis winged (subst: bird) adjective 3
aliquando sometimes adverb of time
aliter otherwise adverb miscellaneous
alius, alia, aliud
other, different adjective ius
almus, alma, almum nourishing, bountiful, kind adjective 1
Latin 202 Word List
alo, alere, alui, al(i)tum
to nourish, foster verb 3
alter, altera, alterum
one of two adjective ius
alternus, alterna, alternum alternate adjective 1
altum, alti n. high heaven, deep sea noun 2
alumnus, alumni m. nursling, pupil noun 2
amarus, amara, amarum
bitter, sour adjective 1
ambiguus, ambigua, ambiguum tending in two directions, uncertain adjective 1
ambo, ambae, ambo
both adjective
amnis, amnis m.
stream, river noun 3
amo, amare, amavi, amatum
to love verb 1
amplus, ampla, amplum
spacious, grand adjective 1
ango, angere, anxi. anxum
to throttle, cause physical or mental pain verb
anguis, anguis, m. or f.
noun 3
angustus, angusta, angustum narrow, strait
adjective 1
ante before, in front preposition acc
ante…quam before conjunction subordinate
antea before, formerly adverb of time
antrum, antri, n.
noun 2
anxius, anxia, anxium (lit. feeling strangled), uneasy, troubled
adjective 1
aper, apri, m.
wild boar
noun 2
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertum
to uncover, lay bare
verb 4
appono, apponere, apposui, appositum to place, near, serve, attach
verb 3
apto, aptare, aptavi, aptatum
to fit (trans.), get ready
verb 1
aptus, apta, aptum fitted, suitable
adjective 1
apud at, near, among preposition acc
aratrum, aratri, n. plow
noun 2
arcanus, arcana, arcanum (lit.: in the strongbox, cf. "arc"), secret
adjective 1
arceo, arcere, arcui, -
to enclose, to keep off
verb 3
arcus, arcus, m.
bow, arch
noun 2
ardeo, ardere, arsi, (arsurus)
to burn, glow
verb 2
ardor, ardoris, m. heat, glow
noun 3
arduus, ardua, arduum steep, high, lofty adjective 1
arena/harena, arenae/harenae, f.
noun 1
arguo, arguere, argui, argutum
to make clear, show
verb 3
arma, armorum,
(lit.: fitted to the body), armour, arms
noun 2
aro, arare, aravi, aratum
to plough, till
verb 1
arrideo, arridere, arrisi, arrisum to smile at, behave kindly toward
verb 2
ars, artis, f. (lit.: the craft of fitting things), skill, art
noun 3
artus, arta, artum (lit.: fitted), tight, narrow
adjective 1
artus, artus, m. (lit.: fitting), joint, limb
noun 4
arvum, arvi, n. ploughed land, field
noun 2
ascendo, ascendere, ascendi, ascensum to climb up
verb 3
Latin 202 Word List
aspicio, aspicere, aspexi, aspectus to look at, behold
verb 3-io
assiduus, assidua, assiduum constantly present, persistant
adjective 1
astra, astrorum, n. (lit.: strewn over heaven), star, constellation
noun 2
at but, on the contrary conjunction coordinate
at vero but in truth conjunction coordinate
ater, atra, atrum
(lit.: burnt), black, dark
adjective 1
atque and, also, even conjunction coordinate
atque but, on the contrary conjunction coordinate
atque as, than conjunction subordinate
attamen but yet, nevertheless conjunction coordinate
attollo, attollere, --- , --- to lift up, raise
verb 3
audeo, audere, ausi/ausus sum
to dare
verb 2
audio, audire, audivi, auditum
to hear
verb 4
augur, auguris, m. or f. (lit.: bird teller, cf. "garrulous"), soothsayer
noun 3
aula, aulae, f.
court, palace
noun 1
auspicium, auspicii, n. (lit.: bird-watching, cf. "spec-""), omen
noun 2
aut or (for mutually exclusive alternatives) conjunction coordinate
aut…aut either…or conjunction coordinate
autem (postpositive) but, on the contrary conjunction coordinate
avidus, avida, avidum (lit.: having courage for), eager, greedy
adjective 1
avis, avis, m. or f.
noun 3
barbarus, barbara, barbarum
foreign, strange
adjective 1
benignus, benigna, benignum (<bonus + genus) (lit.: of good nature), kind, pleasant
adjective 1
bis twice adverb of time
blandus, blanda, blandum
pleasant, agreeable
adjective 1
bonus, bona, bonum
adjective 1
bos, bovis, m. or f.
ox, bull
noun 3
bracchium, bracchii, n.
the forearm
noun 2
c(h)arta, c(h)artae, f.
paper, page
noun 1
cado, cadere, cecidi, (casurus)
to fall
verb 3
caedes, caedis, f. slaughter, carnage
noun 3
caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesum
to make fall, fell
verb 3
caelestis, caeleste heavenly, divine
adjective 3
caelo, caelare, caelavi, caelatum
to engrave, carve
verb 1
caelum, caeli, n.
sky, heaven
noun 2
caeruleus, caerulea, caeruleum (<caelulum) blue
adjective 1
cal(i)dus, cal(i)da, cal(i)dum
warm, hot
adjective 1
candeo, candere, candui, --- (cf. candidus)
to shine, to be white, to be hot
verb 2
canis, canis, m. or f.
noun 3
cano, canere, cecini, (cantatum)
to sing
verb 3
canto, cantare, cantavi, cantatum to sing
verb 1
cantus, cantus, m. song
noun 4
Latin 202 Word List
capillus, capilli, m.
noun 2
capio, capere, cepi, captum
to take, seize
verb 3-io
captivus, captiva, captivum taken prisoner
adjective 1
carcer, carceris, m.
jail, prison
noun 3
careo, carere, carui, ---
to be without, lack (+abl.)
verb 2
carina, carinae, f.
keel, pars pro toto: ship
noun 1
castellum, castelli, n. fortified outpost, garrison
noun 2
castra, castrorum, n.
military camp, fortress
noun 2
castus, casta, castum (cf. careo) free from, unstained, chaste
adjective 1
caterva, catervae, f.
band, troop, mob
noun 1
cavus, cava, cavum
adjective 1
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum
to go, yield
verb 3
celebro, celebrare, celebravi, celebratum
to do something frequently, honor
verb 1
celo, celare, celavi, celatum
to hide, conceal
verb 1
celsus, celsa, celsum
high, lofty, haughty
adjective 1
cerno, cernere, crevi, cretum
to see, sift
verb 3
certo, certare, certavi, certatum to decide by contest, fight
verb 1
cervix, cervicis, f.
noun 3
cesso, cessare, cessavi, cessatum to cease, rest, hesitate
verb 1
ceteri, ceterae, cetera
the others
adjective 1
ceterum but for all that, besides adverb miscellaneous
ceu like as, according as conjunction subordinate
chorus, chori, m.
performance, group of singers and dancers
noun 2
cieo, (cire), civi, citum
to put in motion, stir, invoke
verb 4
cinis, cineris, m.
noun 3
circa around preposition acc
circiter about preposition acc
circum around preposition acc
circumdo, circumdare, circumdedi, circumdatum to place around, encircle
verb 1
circumeo, circumire, circumi(v)i, circumitum to go around, skirt, surround
verb 4
cis on this side preposition acc
citra on this side preposition acc
citus, cita, citum quick
adjective 1
clades, cladis, f.
calamity, disaster
noun 3
clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatum
to call, cry out, shout aloud
verb 1
clamor, clamoris, m. a loud call, shout
noun 3
classis, classis, f. (lit.: people called together), rank, fleet
noun 3
claudo, claudere, clausi, clausum
to shut, close
verb 3
clipeus/clipeum, clipei, m. or n.
(round brazen) shield (of Roman soldiers)
noun 2
cohors, cohortis, f. (lit.: space surrounded by farms), cohort
noun 3
colligo, colligere, collegi, collectum to gather together
verb 3
collis, collis, m. high ground, hill
noun 3
Latin 202 Word List
collum, colli, n.
noun 2
colo, colere, colui, cultum
to dwell, cultivate, honor
verb 3
colonus, coloni, m. farmer, colonist
noun 2
color, coloris, m.
noun 3
columna, columnae, f. pillar
noun 1
coma, comae. f.
hair of the head, mane
noun 1
comitor, comitari, comitatus sum to go along, attend
verb 1
commodus, commoda, commodum convenient, suitable
adjective 1
como, comare, ---, comatus to have long hair
verb 1
compono, componere, composui, compositum to put together
verb 3
concipio, concipere, concepi, conceptum to catch, conceive
verb 3-io
concurro, -currere, concurri, concursum to run together, assemble
verb 3
condicio, condicionis, f. agreement, stipulation, circumstance
noun 3
conicio, conicere, conieci, coniectum to throw, infer, discuss
verb 3-io
coniunx, coniugis, m. or f. husband, wife
noun 3
consido, considere, consedi, consessum to sit down, settle
verb 3
consisto, consistere, constiti, constitum to come to a halt, to be comprised of
verb 3
conspicio, -spicere, -spexi, conspectum to look at attentively, gaze
verb 3-io
consuesco, consuescere, consuevi, consuetum to get used to, form a habit of
verb 3
consuetudo, consuetudinis, f. usual practice, custom
noun 3
contentus, contenta, contentum satisfied
adjective 1
contingo, -tingere, contigi, contactum to touch, seize, reach
verb 3
contra against (hostile) preposition acc
contraho, contrahere, contraxi, contractum to draw together, cause to shrink
verb 3
converto, -vertere, converti, conversum to turn round, change
verb 3
convivium, convivii, n. dinner-party, banquet, feast
noun 2
cor, cordis, n.
noun 3
coram in presence of preposition abl
corripio, corripere, corripui, correptum to seize, snatch
verb 3-io
cras tomorrow adverb of time
creber, crebra, crebrum recurring at frequent intervals, dense
adjective 1
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretum
to grow (intrans.)
verb 3
crimen, criminis, n. blame, misdeed
noun 3
crinis, crinis, m.
hair, lock
noun 3
cruentus, cruenta, cruentum bloody
adjective 1
cruor, cruoris, m.
blood, gore
noun 3
crus, cruris, m.
(lower) leg
noun 3
cubile, cubilis, n. bed, couch
noun 3
cubo, cubare, cubui, ---
to lie
verb 1
culmen/columen, culminis/columinis n. the top, summit
noun 3
culpa, culpae, f.
guilt, fault, blame
noun 1
culpo, culpare, culpavi, culpatum to censure, blame
verb 1
Latin 202 Word List
cultus, cultus, m. cultivation, labor, manner of life
noun 4
cum though, suppose, whereas conjunction subordinate
cum with preposition abl
cum (+ind) whenever, while conjunction subordinate
cum (+subj) since conjunction subordinate
cum primum as soon as conjunction subordinate
cum…tum both…and, not only…but also conjunction coordinate
cuncti, cunctae, cuncta
all, whole, entire
adjective 1
cur wherefore, whence, why? adverb miscellaneous
curia, curiae, f. (<con- + vir) (meeting place of the) Roman Senate
noun 1
curro, currere, cucurri, cursum
to run
verb 3
currus, currus, m. chariot
noun 4
damnum, damni, n. loss, penalty
noun 2
daps/dapis, dapis, f.
expense, feast
noun 3
de down from, about preposition abl
decet, decere, decuit, ---
it is fitting, seemly
verb 2
decipio, decipere, decepi, deceptum to mislead, cheat
verb 3-io
decus, decoris, n. grace, honor
noun 3
dedecus, dedecoris, n. disgrace, shame
noun 3
deficio, deficere, defexi, defectum to give out, fail
verb 3-io
deinde from there, next adverb of place
deinde thereafter, then adverb of time
deliciae, deliciarum, f.
pleasure, pet
noun 1
demitto, demittere, demisi, demissum to let down, lower
verb 3
demo, demere, dempsi, demptum to take away, remove
verb 3
denique finally adverb of time
dens, dentis, m.
noun 3
densus, densa, densum
thick, compact, full of
adjective 1
depono, deponere, deposui, depositum to put down
verb 3
depre(he)ndo, -(he)ndere, -(he)ndi, -(he)nsum to light on, pounce on
verb 3
descendo, descendere, descendi, descensum to come down, derive from
verb 3
desero, deserere, deserui, desertum to leave, forsake
verb 3
desiderium, desiderii, n. (lit.: an influence from the stars), desire
noun 2
despero, desperare, desperavi, desperatum to give up hope, despair
verb 1
despicio, despicere, despexi, despectum to look down on, disdain
verb 3-io
destino, destinare, destinavi, destinatum to fix in position, purpose, designate
verb 1
detraho, detrahere, detraxi, detractum to strip off, take away
verb 3
deus, dei, m.; note special pl. forms: nom. di, gen. deum,
dat. dis/diis god
noun 2
devoveo, devovere, devovi, devotum to dedicate, curse
verb 2
di(v)us, di(v)a, di(v)um heavenly, godlike, divine
adjective 1
dico, dicere, dixi, dictum
to say
verb 3
Latin 202 Word List
dictum, dicti, n. something said, word, assertion
noun 2
differo, differre, distuli, dilatum to separate, spread, put off
verb 3
dignor, dignari, dignatus sum to consider worthy, think fit
verb 1
dignus, digna, dignum
worthy, deserving, suitable (+abl.)
adjective 1
dilectus, dilectus, m. mustering of troops, choice, distinction
noun 4
dirigo, dirigere, direxi, directum to make straight, steer
verb 3
dirus, dira, dirum
unlucky, fearful, dread
adjective 1
disciplina, disciplinae, f. instruction, method, orderly conduct
noun 1
discipulus, discipuli, m. and discipula, discipulae, f. learner, student, pupil
noun 2
discrimen, discriminis, n. dividing line, difference, distinction
noun 3
disto, distare, ---, --- to be distant, to be different
verb 1
diu a long time adverb of time
dive/orsus, dive/orsa, dive/orsum (lit.: turned in different directions), different
adjective 1
dive/orto, -vertere, -verti, -versum to turn or go different directions, separate
verb 3
dives, divitis or (contracted) dis, ditis (lit.: blessed by the gods), rich, sumptuous
adjective 3
divinus, divina, divinum belonging to the gods, divine
adjective 1
do, dare, dedi, datum
to give
verb 1
dolus, doli, m.
guile, deception
noun 2
donec while, as long as, until conjunction subordinate
dubius, dubia, dubium (< duo + habeo) (lit.: held two ways), doubtful, uncertain
adjective 1
duco, ducere, duxi, ductum
to lead, draw, consider (+ double acc.)
verb 3
ductor, ductoris, m. leader, chief
noun 3
dum if only, provided that conjunction subordinate
dum while, as long as, until conjunction subordinate
dum ne provided only that not conjunction subordinate
dummodo if only, provided that conjunction subordinate
dummodo ne provided only that not conjunction subordinate
duo, duae, duo
e, ex out of, from preposition abl
ebur, eboris, n.
noun 3
ecce look!, behold! adverb miscellaneous
educo, educere, eduxi, eductum to lead forth, bring up, rear, train, educate
verb 3
effero, efferre, extuli, elatum to carry out (for burial), to extol
verb 3
effor, effari, effatus sum to utter, tell
verb 1
effugio, effugere, effugi, --- to escape
verb 3-io
effundo, effundere, effudi, effusum to pour out
verb 3
ego, mei, mihi, me, me I pronoun
egregius, egregia, egregium extraordinary, eminent
adjective 1
eligo, eligere, elexi, electum to extract, select
verb 3
eloquentia, eloqunetiae, f. effective speech, articulateness
noun 1
emo, emere, emi, emptum
to buy
verb 3
en look!, behold! adverb miscellaneous
Latin 202 Word List
enim (postpositive) for, namely; indeed, in fact, of course, truly conjunction coordinate
enimvero for in truth conjunction coordinate
ensis, ensis, m.
noun 3
eo, ire, ii, (iturus)
to go
verb 4
epistula, epistulae, f.
noun 1
epulae, epularum, f. (lit.: religious performance), dishes, feast
noun 1
eques, equitis, m. rider, a member of the equestrian order
noun 3
equidem indeed, at all events adverb miscellaneous
equus, equi, m.
noun 2
erga against (friendly) preposition acc
ergo therefore adverb miscellaneous
erigo, erigere, erexi, erectum to raise up
verb 3
erro, errare, erravi, erratum
to wander, go astray
verb 1
error, erroris, m. perplexity, mistake
noun 3
et and, also, even conjunction coordinate
et…et, et…-que, -que…-que both…and conjunction coordinate
etenim for, namely conjunction coordinate
etiam also, too, likewise adverb miscellaneous
etiamsi even if conjunction subordinate
etsi even if conjunction subordinate
evado, evadere, evasi, evasum to go out, escape
verb 3
evenio, evenire, eveni, eventum to come out, come about
verb 4
ex(s)isto, ex(s)istere, ex(s)titi to appear, come into being
verb 3
ex(s)ul, ex(s)ulis, m. or. f. (lit.: away from native soil), banished person
noun 3
excedo, excedere, excessi, excessum to go away from, go beyond
verb 3
excutio, excutere, excussi, excussum to shake out, drive out
verb 3-io
extendo, extendere, extendi, extensum to stretch out, spread out
verb 3
exter (exterior, extremus)
from outside, foreign
adjective 1
exterreo, -terrere, exterrui, exterritum to strike with terror, frighten
verb 2
extra outside preposition acc
extremus, extrema, extremum utmost, last
adjective 1
fabula, fabulae, f. story, tale, plot
noun 1
facies, faciei, f. appearance, form, face
noun 5
facio, facere, feci, factum
to make, do
verb 3-io
fallax, fallacis deceitful, treacherous
adjective 3
fallo, fallere, fefelli, falsum
to deceive, escape notice
verb 3
falsus, falsa, falsum, (falso adv). deceptive, false
adjective 1
fama, famae, f. rumor
noun 1
fames, famis, f.
noun 3
familia, familiae, f. household, family
noun 1
famulus, famuli, m. servant
noun 2
fas, n. (indecl.) divine law
noun indecl
Latin 202 Word List
fauces, faucium, f.
throat, gullet
noun 3
fax, facis, f.
noun 3
fecundus, fecunda, fecundum fruitful, productive
adjective 1
felix, felicis fruitful, lucky
adjective 3
fere almost, about, hardly adverb miscellaneous
ferio, ferire, ---, (feriturus)
to strike, hit
verb 4
fero, ferre, tuli, latum
to bear, carry
verb 3
ferus, fera, ferum
adjective 1
ferveo, fervere, fervui, ---
to be boiling hot
verb 2
fessus, fessa, fessum
worn out, weak
adjective 1
festus, festa, festum
festive, merry
adjective 1
fetus, feta, fetum
pregnant, fruitful
adjective 1
fido, fidere, fisus sum
to trust, rely upon
verb 3
fidus, fida, fidum trustworthy, faithful
adjective 1
figo, figere, fixi, fixum
to fasten, fix
verb 3
findo, findere, fidi, fissum
to cleave, split
verb 3
fines, finium, m. territory, country
noun 3
finio, finire, fini(v)I, finitum to establish a limit, end
verb 4
finis, finis, m. (lit. fixed mark), boundary
noun 3
firmus, firma, firmum
solid, strong
adjective 1
flos, floris, m.
blossom, flower
noun 3
fluctus, fluctus, m. flood, wave
noun 4
fluo, fluere, fluxi, ---
to flow
verb 3
fluvius, fluvii, m. river
noun 2
focus, foci, m.
fire-place, hearth
noun 2
foedus, foeda, foedum
adjective 1
folium, folii, n.
noun 2
fons, fontis, m.
spring, fountain
noun 3
for, fari, fatus sum
to speak, say
verb 1
foris, foris, f.
(leaf of a) door
noun 3
forma, formae, f.
appearance, shape, beauty
noun 1
formosus, formosa, formosum shapely, beautiful
adjective 1
forsitan perhaps adverb miscellaneous
fortasse perhaps adverb miscellaneous
fragilis, fragile easily broken, brittle
adjective 3
frango, frangere, fregi, fractum
to break (trans.)
verb 3
frater, fratris, m.
noun 3
fraternus, fraterna, fraternum brotherly
adjective 1
fraus, fraudis, f.
deceit, cheating
noun 3
fremo, fremere, fremui, fremitum
to roar, growl
verb 3
frenum, freni, n. bridle
noun 2
frequens, frequentis
repeated, often
adjective 3
Latin 202 Word List
fretum, freti, n. (lit.: where the sea churns), straits, channel
noun 2
frigus, frigoris, n.
noun 3
frons, frondis, f.
noun 3
frons, frontis, f.
forehead, front
noun 3
fruor, frui, fructus/fruitus sum
to enjoy (+abl.)
verb 3
frustra in vain, without reason adverb miscellaneous
frux, frugis, f. fruits of the earth, result
noun 3
fugio, fugere, fugi, (fugiturus)
to flee, shun
verb 3-io
fugo, fugare, fugavi, fugatum to put to flight
verb 1
fulgeo, fulgere, fulsi, ---
verb 2
fulmen, fuminis, n. stroke of lightning, thunderbolt
noun 3
fumus, fumi, m.
noun 2
fundo, fundere, fudi, fusum
to pour
verb 3
funus, funeris, n.
funeral, destruction
noun 3
funus, funis, m. (rarely f.)
noun 3
furo, furere, ---, ---
to rage, be mad
verb 3
furor, furoris, m. rage, frenzy
noun 3
furtum, furti, n. (cf. furtim)
theft, robbery
noun 2
galea, galeae, f.
noun 1
gelidus, gelida, gelidum icy cold
adjective 1
gelu, gelus, n. and gelus, gelus, m.
cold, frost
noun 4
gemitus, gemitus, m. sigh, lamentation
noun 4
gemo, gemere, gemui, gemitum
to sigh, groan
verb 3
gena, genae, f.
noun 1
gener, generi, m.
noun 2
genitor, genitoris, m. father, creator, sire
noun 3
germanus, germana, germanum
born of the same parents, genuine
adjective 1
gigno, gignere, genui, genitum
to beget, produce
verb 3
gramen, graminis, n.
noun 3
grandis, grande
great, massive, sublime
adjective 3
gratia, gratiae, f.
goodwill, kindness, charm
noun 1
gremium, gremii, n.
lap, bosom
noun 2
grex, gregis, m.
noun 3
gurges, gurgitis, m.
abyss, whirlpool
noun 3
habena, habenae, f. strap, halter, rein
noun 1
habeo, habere, habui, habitum
to have
verb 2
habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatum to inhabit, dwell
verb 1
habitus, habitus, m. state of being, style of dress, character
noun 4
haud not adverb miscellaneous
herba, herbae, f.
grass, vegetation, turf
noun 1
heres, heredis m. (rarely f.)
successor, heir
noun 3
hic here adverb of place
Latin 202 Word List
hic, haec, hoc this pronoun
hiems, hiemis, f.
noun 3
hinc hence adverb of place
historia, historiae, f.
investigation, record of the past, narrative
noun 1
honor, honoris, m.
esteem, repute, public office
noun 3
hora, horae, f.
noun 1
hortus, horti, m.
garden, farm plot
noun 2
hospes, hospitis, m.
guest, friend
noun 3
hostis, hostis, m.
stranger, enemy
noun 3
huc hither adverb of place
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactum
to throw, hurl
verb 3-io
iam now, already adverb of time
ibi there adverb of place
ibidem in the same place adverb of place
ictus, ictus, m. blow, beat
noun 4
idcirco therefore adverb miscellaneous
idem, eadem, idem
the same
adjective demons
ideo therefore adverb miscellaneous
igitur therefore adverb miscellaneous
ignarus, ignara, ignarum not knowing, unaware
adjective 1
ignotus, ignota, ignotum unknown
adjective 1
ille, illa, illud that pronoun
illic there adverb of place
illinc thence, there, thither adverb of place
illuc thither adverb of place
imago, imaginis, f. likeness, picture
noun 3
imber, imbris, m.
noun 3
imitor, imitari, imitatus sum
to act like, copy
verb 1
immanis, immane monstrous, frightful
adjective 3
immensus, immensa, immensum immeasurable, boundless
adjective 1
immeritum, immerita, immeritum undeserved, innocent
adjective 1
immitto, immittere, immisi, immissum to send in, introduce
verb 3
immo on the contrary, or rather adverb miscellaneous
impar, impairs unequal
adjective 3
impello, impellere, impuli, impulsum set in motion, instigate
verb 3
impendeo, impendere, ---, impensum to hang over, threaten
verb 2
impetus, impetus, m. thrust, impulse
noun 4
impleo, implere, implevi, impletum to fill, finish
verb 2
impono, imponere, imposui, impositum to place upon, establish, inflict
verb 3
improbus, improba, improbum of poor quality, unsound
adjective 1
impune (adv.) without consequences, safely
imus, ima, imum lowest, deepest, last
adjective 1
Latin 202 Word List
in toward, against, in, at preposition acc or abl
inanis, inane
empty, void
adjective 3
incedo, incedere, incessi, incessum to go in, advance
verb 3
incendium, incendii, n. burning, conflagration
noun 2
includo, includere, inclusi, inclusum to shut up, enclose, include
verb 3
inde from there adverb of place
inde ever since, after that adverb of time
iners, inertis unskilled, idle
adjective 3
infelix, infelicis unhappy, unfortunate
adjective 3
infernus, inferna, infernum beneath, infernal
adjective 1
infero, inferre, intuli, illatum to bring to a place, advance
verb 3
inferus, infera, inferum
low, underground
adjective 1
infestus, infesta, infestum hostile
adjective 1
infra below preposition acc
ingratus, ingrata, ingratum unpleasant, unthankful
adjective 1
inguen, inguinis, n.
noun 3
iniceo, inicere, inieci, iniectum to throw in, infuse, cause
verb 2
iniquus, iniqua, iniquum uneven, unfair adjective 1
inops, inopis helpless, weak
adjective 3
insanus, insana, insanum frenzied, wild, absurd
adjective 1
insignis, insignis, insigne distinguished, notable
adjective 3
insto, instare, institi, instatum to impend, press upon
verb 1
instruo, instruere, instruxi, instructum to equip with knowledge
verb 3
inter between, betwixt preposition acc
interdum sometimes adverb of time
interea meanwhile adverb of time
intereo, interire, interi(v)i, interitum to decay, perish
verb 4
interim meanwhile adverb of time
intra inside preposition acc
intro, intrare, intravi, intratum
to enter
verb 1
intueor, intrueri, intuitus sum to watch, consider
verb 2
intus inside, to the inside, from the inside adverb of place
inultus, inulta, inultum unpunished, unavenged
adjective 1
inutilis, inutile useless
adjective 3
invictus, invicta, invictum undefeated
adjective 1
invitus, invita, invitum
adjective 1
iocus, ioci, m.
joke, jest
noun 2
ipse, ipsa, ipsum
him-, her-, itself
adjective demons
is, ea, id he, she, it pronoun
iste, ista, istud this, that pronoun
ita so, thus adverb miscellaneous
itaque, quocirca therefore, consequently conjunction coordinate
Latin 202 Word List
item also, too, likewise adverb miscellaneous
iterum again adverb of time
itidem also, too, likewise adverb miscellaneous
iugum, iugi, n. yoke, team
noun 2
iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctum
to yoke, join
verb 3
iuro, iurare, iuravi, iuratum to swear
verb 1
ius, iuris, n.
law, right
noun 3
iustitia, iustitiae, f. justice, fairness
noun 1
iuvencus, iuvenci, m. bull calf
noun 2
iuvenis, iuvene
adjective 3
iuventa, iuventae, f. (age) of youth
noun 1
iuventus, iuventutis, f. (age of) youth, young people
noun 3
iuxta near, next to preposition acc
labo, labare, labavi, labatum to totter, waver
verb 1
labor, labi, lapsus sum
to slip, glide
verb 3
labor, laboris, m.
toil, exertion
noun 3
lacero, lacerare, laceravi, laceratum
to tear, rend
verb 1
lacertus, lacerti, m.
(upper) arm
noun 2
lacus, lacus, m.
basin, pond
noun 4
laetus, laeta, laetum
cheerful, glad, pleasant
adjective 1
laeva, laevae, f. left hand
noun 1
laevus, laeva, laevum
left, unlucky
adjective 1
lana, lanae, f.
noun 1
lapis, lapidis, m.
noun 3
Lar, Laris, m.
household god
noun 3
largus, larga, largum
large, plentiful
adjective 1
lassus, lassa, lassum
tired, exhausted
adjective 1
latus, lata, latum
broad, wide
adjective 1
latus, lateris, n. side, flank
noun 3
laurus, lauri, f. or laurus, laurus, f.
laurel-tree, bay
noun 2
legio, legionis, f. legion
noun 3
lego, legare, legavi, legatum to depute, appoint
verb 1
lego, legere, legi, lectum
to collect, select, read
verb 3
lenis, lene
slow, soft, mild
adjective 3
lentus, lenta, lentum
pliant, slow
adjective 1
leo, leonis, m.
noun 3
letum, leti, n.
death, annihilation
noun 2
levis, leve
light, slight
adjective 3
levo, levare, levavi, levatum to make lighter, lift up
verb 1
lex, legis, f.
law, statute
noun 3
libet, libere, libuit, libitum
it pleases, delights
verb 2
libido, libidinis, f. desire, longing
noun 3
Latin 202 Word List
licet though, suppose, whereas conjunction subordinate
lilium, lil(i)i, n.
noun 2
limen, liminis, n.
threshold, lintel
noun 3
lingua, linguae, f.
noun 1
liquidus, liquida, liquidum
adjective 1
lis, litis, f.
lawsuit, quarrel
noun 3
loquor, loqui, locutus sum
to speak, talk
verb 3
luceo, lucere, luxi, ---
to shine, be bright
verb 2
lucidus, lucida, lucidum bright, translucent
adjective 1
luctor, luctari, luctatus sum
to wrestle
verb 1
luctus, luctus, m. lamentation, grief
noun 4
lucus, luci, m. (lit.: clearing), (sacred) grove, wood
noun 2
lugeo, lugere, luxi, luctum
to mourn
verb 2
luo, luere, lui, ---
to pay, make atonement, set free
verb 3
lupus, lupi, m.
noun 2
lustro, lustrare, lustravi, lustratum
to purify, walk around
verb 1
lux, lucis, f. light
noun 3
maereo, maerere, maerui, ---
to mourn, grieve
verb 2
maestus, maesta, maestum sad, gloomy
adjective 1
magis more, rather adverb miscellaneous
magnitudo, magnitudinis, f. great size
noun 3
magnus, magna, magnum (maior; maximus)
big, large, great
adjective 1
malus, mala, malum (peior; pessimus)
bad, evil
adjective 1
mane in the morning, early adverb of time
manes, manium, m.
(lit.: good spirits), souls of the departed
noun 3
manifestus, manifesta, manifestum palpable
adjective 1
mano, manare, manavi, ---
to drop, flow
verb 1
mare, maris, n.
noun 3
maritus, mariti, m.
husband, married man
noun 2
marmor, marmoris, m.
noun 3
mater, matris, f.
noun 3
materia, materiae, f. timber, building material, matter
noun 1
maturus, matura, maturum timely, ripe
adjective 1
medium, medii, n. middle, center
noun 2
medius, media, medium
middle, mean
adjective 1
mel, mellis, n.
noun 3
membrum, membri, n.
limb, member
noun 2
memoro, memorare, memoravi, memoratum to bring to remembrance, mention
verb 1
mensa, mensae, f. (lit.: measured piece of furniture), table
noun 1
mensis, mensis, m.
noun 3
mereo, merere, merui, meritum
to earn, deserve
verb 2
merito (adv.) deservedly, rightly
Latin 202 Word List
merx, mercis, f.
commodity, merchandise
noun 3
messis, messis, f.
crop, harvest
noun 3
metior, metiri, mensus sum
to measure
verb 4
meus, mea, meum my adjective possessive
mico, micare, micavi, micatum
to move rapidly, quiver, flicker, spurt
verb 1
miles, militis, m.
noun 3
militaris, militare connected with the army, military
adjective 3
militia, militiae, f. military service, warfare
noun 1
minae, minarum, f. (cf. e-mineo, mons)
(lit.: something projecting at you), threat
noun 1
minister, ministri, m. (< minus, cf. magis-ter) servant. attendant
noun 2
mirus, mira, mirum (cf. miror)
astounding, wondrous
adjective 1
miseror, miserari, miseratus sum
to pity
verb 1
mitis, mite
soft, sweet, mild
adjective 3
mitto, mittere, misi, missum
to send
verb 3
modo just now, immediately, only adverb of time
modo if only, provided that conjunction subordinate
modo ne provided only that not conjunction subordinate
modo…modo now…now conjunction coordinate
modus, modi, m.
measure, manner
noun 2
moenia, moenium, n. wall
noun 3
moles, molis, f.
mass, bulk
noun 3
mollis, molle
soft, supple
adjective 3
moneo, monere, monui, monitum
to put in mind of, admonish
verb 2
monstro, monstare, monstravi, monstratum
to point out, show, ordain
verb 1
monstrum, monstri, n. evil portent, monstrosity
noun 2
monumentum, monumenti, n. memorial
noun 2
mora, morae, f.
noun 1
mox soon adverb of time
mucro, mucronis, m.
sharp point, edge
noun 3
multitudo, multitudinis, f. multitude, crowd
noun 3
multus, multa, multum
much, very
adjective 1
munus, muneris, n.
office, duty
noun 3
murmur, murmuris, n. rumble, whisper
noun 3
murus, muri, m.
noun 2
nam for, namely conjunction coordinate
namque for, namely conjunction coordinate
naris, naris, f. nostril
noun 3
nasus, nasi, m.
noun 2
ne (+subj) lest, that not, in order that not conjunction subordinate
nec, neque and not, not even conjunction coordinate
nec…nec neither…nor conjunction coordinate
needful, indispensable
adjective indecl
Latin 202 Word List
necessitas, necessitatis, f. need, constraint
noun 3
necnon also, too, likewise adverb miscellaneous
nefas, n. (indecl.) sin, crime
noun indecl
negotium, negot(i)i, n. work, business, trouble
noun 2
nemus, nemoris, n.
forest pasture, grove
noun 3
neque non also, too, likewise adverb miscellaneous
neque…neque neither…nor conjunction coordinate
nequiquam in vain, without reason adverb miscellaneous
nervus, nervi, m.
sinew, tendon, nerve
noun 2
neu, nive nor, and not conjunction coordinate
neu…neu neither…nor conjunction coordinate
ni if not, unless, but if conjunction subordinate
nidus, nidi, m.
noun 2
niger, nigra, nigrum
black, dark
adjective 1
nihil, n.
noun indecl
nihilominus nevertheless adverb miscellaneous
nimbus, nimbi, m. rain-storm, cloud, headband
noun 2
nimis excessively adverb miscellaneous
nimium excessively adverb miscellaneous
nimius, nimia, nimium
adjective 1
nisi if not, unless, but if conjunction subordinate
niteo, nitere, nitui, ---
to shine, glitter
verb 2
nitidus, nitida, nitidum shining, sleek, fat
adjective 1
nive…nive neither…nor conjunction coordinate
niveus, nivea, niveum snowy, snow-white
adjective 1
nix, nivis, f.
noun 3
no, nare, navi, ---
swim, float
verb 1
nobilis, nobile (lit.: what is known), renowned, high-born
adjective 3
nocturnus, nocturna, nocturnum nightly, nocturnal
adjective 1
non not adverb miscellaneous
non ante…quam no until conjunction subordinate
non iam not yet adverb of time
nondum not yet adverb of time
nos, nostri, nobis, nos, nobis we pronoun
nosco, noscere, novi, (notus famous)
to get to know
verb 3
noster, nostra, nostrum our adjective possessive
nota, notae, f. mark, sign
noun 1
noto, notare, notavi, notatum to mark, indicate, recognize
verb 1
nox, noctis. f.
noun 3
nubes, nubis, f.
cloud, mist
noun 3
nudus, nuda, nudum
naked, bare
adjective 1
nullus, nulla, nullum no
adjective 1
Latin 202 Word List
numero, numerare, numeravi, numeratum to count, reckon
verb 1
numerus, numeri, m.
noun 2
numquam never adverb of time
nunc now adverb of time
nuper recently adverb of time
ob towards, on account of preposition acc
obiceo, obicere, obieci, obiectum to throw in the way, oppose
verb 2
obscurus, obscura, obscurum
dim, dark
adjective 1
obsti/upesco, obsti/uperscere, obsti/upui, -- to be struck dumb, amazed
verb 3
obvius, obvia, obvium in the way, ready to hand
adjective 1
occultus, occulta, occultum (lit.: covered over), hidden, secret
adjective 1
occupo, occupare, occupavi, occupatum to take possession of
verb 1
occurro, occurrere, occurri, --- to run to meet, oppose
verb 3
odor, odoris, m.
noun 3
olim once upon a time, formerly adverb of time
omen, ominis, n. (lit.: what is heard), harbinger, divine sign
noun 3
omnipotens, omnipotentis almighty
adjective 3
omnis, omnis, omne
all, every
adjective 3
onero, onerare, oneravi, oneratum to load, burden
verb 1
onus, oneris, n.
burden, load
noun 3
operio, operire, operui, opertum to cover
verb 4
ops, opis, f.
might, means, succor
noun 3
opus, operis, n. work, labor
noun 3
ora, orae, f. edge, coast
noun 1
ordo, ordinis, m.
line, methodical arrangement, class
noun 3
oro, orare, oravi, oratum to argue, pray
verb 1
os, oris, n.
noun 3
os, ossis, n.
noun 3
ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostensum to hold out, show
verb 3
otium, otii, n.
noun 2
palleo, pallere, pallui, ---
to be pale
verb 2
pallor, palloris, m. paleness, mustiness
noun 3
palma, palmae, f.
palm (of the hand), palmtree
noun 1
pando, pandere, pandi, passum
verb 3
par, paris
adjective 3
parco, parcere, peperci, (parsurus)
to spare (+dat.)
verb 3
parcus, parca, parcum (lit.: thrifty), small
adjective 1
pareo, parere, parui, paritum
to obey
verb 2
pariter equally, alike adverb miscellaneous
parum (adv.) too little, not enough
parvus, parva, parvum (minor; minimus)
adjective 1
pasco, pascere, pavi, pastum
to feed, let graze
verb 3
Latin 202 Word List
passim here and there adverb of place
passim random adverb of time
passus, passus, m. pace, step, stride
noun 4
pastor, pastoris, m. shepherd
noun 3
pater, patris, m.
father, sire
noun 3
paternus, paterna, paternum fatherly
adjective 1
patria, patriae, f. fatherland
noun 1
paucus, pauca, paucum
adjective 1
paul(l)us, paul(l)a, paul(l)um little
adjective 1
pauper, pauperis (< paucus + pario) (lit.: producing little), poor, indigent
adjective 3
pax, pacis, f.
noun 3
pecco, peccare, peccavi, peccatum to blunder, do wrong
verb 1
pecus, pecoris, n.
head of cattle, herd, flock
noun 3
pecus, pecudis, f. piece of livestock, sheep
noun 3
pedes, peditis, m. foot-soldier
noun 3
pelagus, pelagi, n.
open sea
noun 2
pellis, pellis, f.
skin, hide, pelt
noun 3
pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsum
to beat, push, drive (out)
verb 3
Penates, Penatium, m.
household gods
noun 3
pendeo, pendere, pependi, --- (intrans.) to hang, float
verb 2
pendo, pendere, pependi, pensum (trans.)
to weigh, pay
verb 3
penes in the power of preposition acc
penetro, penetrare, penetravi, penetratum
to make its way into
verb 1
penitus inwardly, deeply adverb of place
penna, pennae, f.
feather, plume
noun 1
per through, across preposition acc
perago, peragere, peregi, peractum to drive through, bring to an end verb 3
percipio, percipere, percepi, perceptum to acquire, perceive
verb 3-io
percutio, percutere, percussi, percussum to strike forcibly, blast
verb 3-io
perfidus, perfida, perfidum faithless, treacherous
adjective 1
perfundo, perfundere, perfusi, perfusum to flow over, dye
verb 3
pergo, pergere, perrexi, perrectum to proceed
verb 3
periurium, periurii, n. false oath, perjury
noun 2
permitto, permittere, permisi, permissum to let go through, allow
verb 3
pertineo, pertinere, pertinui, --- to reach, to be aimed at
verb 2
pes, pedis, m.
noun 3
peto, petere, petivi, petitum
to strive for, seek
verb 3
pietas, pietatis, f. dutiful conduct, religiousness, devotion
noun 3
pinguis, pingue
adjective 3
piscis, piscis, m.
noun 3
pius, pia, pium dutiful, devout, religious
adjective 1
placeo, placere, placui, placitum
to be pleasing, approved
verb 2
Latin 202 Word List
placidus, placida, placidum calm, mild
adjective 1
planus, plana, planum
level, flat
adjective 1
plaudo, plaudere, plausi, plausum
to clap
verb 3
plenus, plena, plenum (+gen. or abl.)
adjective 1
plerusque, pleraque, plerumque
a large part, most
adjective 1
pluma, plumae, f.
noun 1
poculum, poculi, n. drinking bowl
noun 2
poena, poenae, f.
noun 1
polus, poli, m.
tip of heavenly axis, pole star, sky
noun 2
pomum, pomi, n. and pomus, pomi, m.
fruit tree, (edible) fruit
noun 2
pondus, ponderis, n. weight
noun 3
pono, ponere, posui, positum
to place, put
verb 3
pons, pontis, m.
noun 3
pontus, ponti, m.
noun 2
por(ri)go, por(ri)gere, porrexi, porrectum to stretch out
verb 3
porta, portae, f. gate, door
noun 1
porto, portare, portavi, portatum
to carry, convey
verb 1
portus, portus, m. harbor
noun 4
posco, poscere, poposci, (postulatum) to demand
verb 3
possideo, possidere, possedi, possessum (< potis +) to occupy, hold as property
verb 2
possum, posse, potui, --- (< potis + sum) to be able to
verb irreg
post after preposition acc
posterus, postera, posterum
next, following
adjective 1
postquam after, when conjunction subordinate
potentia, potentiae, f. power, capacity
noun 1
potestas, potestatis, f. power, control
noun 3
potis or pote, potior, potissimus
having the power, able
adjective 3
poto, potare, potavi, potatum
to drink
verb 1
prae in front of, before, in comparison with preposition abl
praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitum to hold forth, offer, furnish
verb 2
praeceps, praecipitis headlong, steep
adjective 3
praecipito, -cipitare, -cipitavi, -cipitatum to throw headlong, rush headlong
verb 1
praeda, praedae, f. booty, spoil
noun 1
praemium, praemii, n. (< prae + emo) profit, reward, privilege
noun 2
praesens, praesentis present
adjective 3
praesidium, praesidii, n. protection, stronghold
noun 2
praeter beyond, except preposition acc
praeterea besides, moreover adverb miscellaneous
praetereo, praeterire, praeteri(v)i, praeteritum to pass by, escape one's knowledge
verb 4
praeut like as, according as conjunction subordinate
pratum, prati, n.
noun 2
pre(he)ndo, pre(he)ndere, pre(he)ndi, pre(he)nsum
to lay hold of, seize
verb 3
Latin 202 Word List
precor, precari, precatus sum
to ask, pray
verb 1
prex, precis, f. prayer, request
noun 3
pri, prior, primus
princeps, principis (<primus + -capio) (lit.: taking the first share), chief
adjective 3
priscus, prisca, priscum former, ancient
adjective 1
prius…quam before conjunction subordinate
pro before, on behalf of preposition abl
probo, probare, probavi, probatum
to approve, commend
verb 1
procul in the distance, far from adverb of place
procumbo, procumbere, procubui, procubitum to sink down, fall prostrate
verb 3
prodo, prodere, prodidi, proditum to thrust forward, publish, betray
verb 3
prodsum, prodesse, profui, --- to be useful
verb irreg
proelium, proelii, n.
noun 2
profundus, profunda, profundum extending far, deep
adjective 1
proicio, proicere, proieci, proiectum to fling forth, extend forward
verb 3-io
proinde therefore adverb miscellaneous
proles, prolis, f.
offspring, progeny
noun 3
pronus, prona, pronum
leaning forward, leaning toward the ground
adjective 1
prope near preposition acc
propinquus (propior, proximus)
near, related
adjective 1
proprius, propria, proprium
one's own
adjective 1
propter because of preposition acc
propterea quod for this reason…that conjunction subordinate
prora, prorae, f.
the forepart of a ship, prow
noun 1
prosperus, prospera, prosperum according to one's hopes, successful
adjective 1
prospicio, -spicere, prospexi, prospectum to look out, look out for, watch
verb 3-io
protinus continuously, directly adverb of time
prout like as, according as conjunction subordinate
pubes, pubis, f. signs of manhood; group of young males
noun 3
pudet, pudere, puduit, puditum est
to fill with shame
verb 3
pudor, pudoris,m. sense of shame, decency
noun 3
puella, puellae, f. girl
noun 1
puer, pueri, m.
noun 2
pulso, pulsare, pulsavi, pulsatum to keep hitting, hammer
verb 1
pulvis, pulveris, m. (f.)
noun 3
puppis, puppis, f.
stern of a ship, poop; part pro toto: ship
noun 3
purpureus, purpurea, purpureum
"purple", red
adjective 1
purus, pura, purum
free from dirt, pure
adjective 1
qua how, by what way, insofar as adverb miscellaneous
qua…qua on the one hand…on the other hand conjunction coordinate
qualis; talis
of what kind?
adjective 3
quam how, as---as possible, than adverb miscellaneous
Latin 202 Word List
quam ob rem wherefore, whence, why? adverb miscellaneous
quamlibet however much conjunction subordinate
quamquam although conjunction subordinate
quamvis however much conjunction subordinate
quando when? adverb of time
quando whenever, while conjunction subordinate
quando because conjunction subordinate
quandoquidem since indeed, inasmuch as conjunction subordinate
quantumlibet however much conjunction subordinate
quantumvis however much conjunction subordinate
quantus; tantus
of what size/degree?
adjective 1
quapropter wherefore, whence, why? adverb miscellaneous
quare wherefore, whence, why? adverb miscellaneous
quasi as it were, about adverb miscellaneous
quatio, quatere, ---, quassum
to shake
verb 3-io
que and, also, even conjunction coordinate
querela, querelae, f. lament, complaint
noun 1
queror, queri, questus sum
to lament, complain
verb 3
qui, quae, quod who, which, that pronoun
quia because conjunction subordinate
quicumque, quaecumque, quodcumque whoever, whatever pronoun
quies, quietis, f.
rest, repose, quiet life
noun 3
quiesco, quiescere, quievi, quietum to rest (intrans.)
verb 3
quilibet, quaelibet, quodlibet anyone/anything at all pronoun
quin (after negatives) why not? adverb miscellaneous
quin (after negatives) so as to prevent that conjunction subordinate
quippe certainly adverb miscellaneous
quippe since indeed, inasmuch as conjunction subordinate
quis, quid; quisnam, quaenam, quidnam who? what? pronoun
quisquam, quaequam, quicquam/quidnam anybody, anything pronoun
quisque, quaeque, quodque each one pronoun
quisquis, quaequae, quodquod/quidquid whoever, whatever pronoun
quo for which reason, to what end adverb miscellaneous
quo whither adverb of place
quo (+subj) so that, in order that conjunction subordinate
quoad while, as long as, until conjunction subordinate
quod because conjunction subordinate
quod si if not, unless, but if conjunction subordinate
quominus why not? adverb miscellaneous
quominus so as to prevent that conjunction subordinate
quomodo how? adverb miscellaneous
quondam at one time adverb of time
Latin 202 Word List
quoniam because conjunction subordinate
quoque also, too, likewise adverb miscellaneous
how many?
adjective indecl
quotiens how often? adverb of time
rabies, rabiei, f.
ferocity, frenzy
noun 5
ramus, rami, m.
branch, bough
noun 2
rapidus, rapida, rapidum fast, vehement
adjective 1
rapio, rapere, rapui, raptum
to snatch, rob
verb 3-io
rarus, rara, rarum
scattered, infrequent, scarce
adjective 1
ratis, ratis, f.
timbers, raft
noun 3
recedo, recedere, recessi, recessum to fall back, give ground
verb 3
recens, recentis
lately done, fresh
adjective 3
recludo. recludere, reclusi, reclusum to disclose, reveal
verb 3
rectus, recta, rectum straight, right
adjective 1
reditus, reditus, m. return
noun 4
reduco, reducere, reduxi, reductum to lead back, restore
verb 3
reficio, reficere, refexi, refectum to restore
verb 3-io
regius, regia, regium royal, regal
adjective 1
regno, regnare, regnavi, regnatum to rule, reign
verb 1
rego, regere, rexi, rectum
to keep straight, direct, lead
verb 3
remus, remi, m.
noun 2
reor, reri, ratus sum to reckon
verb 2
repente suddenly adverb of time
res, rei, f.
thing, matter
noun 5
resido, residere, resedi, --- to sit down, fall back
verb 3
resisto, resistere, restiti, --- to halt, remain fixed, stand in the way
verb 3
resono, resonare, resonavi, --- to echo, ring with
verb 1
respicio, respicere, respexi, respectum to look back, be mindful of, consider
verb 3-io
retro backward adverb miscellaneous
reus, rei, m.
noun 2
rideo, ridere, risi, risum
to laugh
verb 2
rigeo, rigere, ---, ---
to be stiff, unbending
verb 2
rigidus, rigida, rigidum stiff
adjective 1
rigor, rigoris, m. stiffness, frostiness, severity
noun 3
ripa, ripae, f.
bank, shore
noun 1
rivus, rivi, m.
stream, brook
noun 2
robur, roboris, n. hard-wood, firmness, strength
noun 3
rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatum
to ask
verb 1
rogus, rogi, m. and rogum, rogi, n.
funeral pyre
noun 2
rota, rotae, f.
noun 1
rubeo, rubere, ---, --- to be red, to become red
verb 2
ruber, rubra, rubrum
adjective 1
Latin 202 Word List
rudis, rude
still in its natural state, rough, crude
adjective 3
ruina, ruinae, f. headlong rush, downfall, destruction
noun 1
rumpo, rumpere, rupi, ruptum
to break (trans.)
verb 3
ruo, ruere, rui, rutum
to rush, tumble
verb 3
rupes, rupis, f. rock, cliff
noun 3
rursus again adverb of time
rus, ruris, n.
piece of land, country estate
noun 3
rusticus, rustica, rusticum belonging to the country, rural, rustic
adjective 1
sacer, sacra, sacrum
consecrated, sacred
adjective 1
sacro, sacrare, sacravi, sacratum to set apart as sacred, consecrate
verb 1
sacrum, sacri, n. holy place, temple
noun 2
saec(u)lum, saec(u)li, n.
age, era
noun 2
saepe often adverb of time
saevio, saevire, saevii, saevitum to be violent, rage
verb 4
saevus, saeva, saevum
savage, ferocious
adjective 1
sagitta, sagittae, f.
noun 1
saltem at least adverb miscellaneous
saltus, saltus, m.
woodland region, mountain pass
noun 4
sanguis, sanguinis, m.
noun 3
sanus, sana, sanum
sound, healthy
adjective 1
satis enough adverb miscellaneous
scando, scandere, scendi, ascensum
to move up, climb, scan (a verse)
verb 3
sceptrum, sceptri, n.
royal staff
noun 2
scilicet evidently, of course adverb miscellaneous
scopulus, scopuli, m.
a projecting point of rock, crag, ledge
noun 2
seco, secare, secui, sectum
to cut
verb 1
secretus, secreta, secretum set apart, confidential
adjective 1
secundum next to, along, according to preposition acc
secundus, secunda, secundum following, next, second
adjective 1
securis, securis, f. axe, hatchet
noun 3
securus, secura, securum (cf. cura)
carefree, untroubled, negligent
adjective 1
sed but, on the contrary conjunction coordinate
sed tamen but yet, nevertheless conjunction coordinate
sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessum
to sit
verb 2
sedes, sedis, f. seat
noun 3
seges, segitis, f.
field of corn, crop
noun 3
segnis, segnis, segne
slow, sluggish, slothful
adjective 3
semel once adverb of time
semen, seminis, n. seed
noun 3
semper always adverb of time
sepelio, sepelire, sepeli(v)i, sepultum
to bury
verb 4
sepulcrum, sepulcri, n. tomb, grave
noun 2
Latin 202 Word List
sequor, sequi, secutus sum
to follow
verb 3
sermo, sermonis, m. talk, conversation, discourse
noun 3
sero late, too late adverb of time
sero, serere, serui, satum
to sow, plant, put in a row
verb 3
serpens, serpentis, m. or f. snake
noun 3
serpo, serpere, serpsi, ---
to move in prone position, creep, crawl
verb 3
serus, sera, serum
late, too late
adjective 1
servio, servire, servivi, servitum to be a servant to (+dat.)
verb 4
servitium, servitii, n. slavery, bondage
noun 2
servus, servi, m. and serva, servae
noun 2
seu, sive or if, be it conjunction coordinate
seu…seu whether…or conjunction coordinate
severus, severa, severum
adjective 1
si if conjunction subordinate
si modo if only, provided that conjunction subordinate
si quidem since indeed, inasmuch as conjunction subordinate
sic thus adverb miscellaneous
siccus, sicca, siccum
adjective 1
sicut just as conjunction subordinate
sicut just as adverb miscellaneous
sido, sidere, sidi, --- to sit down, subside
verb 3
sidus, sideris, n.
constellation, heavenly body
noun 3
signo, signare, signavi, signatum to mark, seal, portend
verb 1
signum, signi, n.
mark, token, sign
noun 2
silentium, silentii, n. silence
noun 2
sileo, silere, silui, ---
to be silent
verb 2
silva, silvae, f.
woodland, forest, matter
noun 1
similis, simile
like, resembling
adjective 3
simplex, simplicis (< semel + -plex) one-fold, plain, uncomplicated
adjective 3
simul at the same time, together adverb of time
simul as soon as conjunction subordinate
simul ac as soon as conjunction subordinate
simul atque as soon as conjunction subordinate
simulacrum, simulacri, n. likeness, representation, statue
noun 2
simulo, simulare, simulavi, simulatum to pretend, simulate
verb 1
sin if not, unless, but if conjunction subordinate
sine without preposition abl
singuli, singulae, singula one apiece, individual
adjective 1
sino, sinere, sivi, situm
to let, allow
verb 3
sinus, sinus, m.
curve, bosom, bay
noun 4
sisto, sistere, ste/iti, statum to cause to stand, stand
verb 3
sitis, sitis, f.
noun 3
Latin 202 Word List
situs, situs, m. position
noun 4
sive…sive whether…or conjunction coordinate
socer, soceri, m.
noun 2
socius, socii, m. companion, ally
noun 2
solidus, solida, solidum
not hollow, firm
adjective 1
solitudo, solitudinis, f. solitariness, loneliness
noun 3
sollicitus, sollicita, sollicitum (<sollus + cieo) thoroughly moved, agitated, disturbed
adjective 1
solum, soli, m.
bottom, floor, soil
noun 2
solus, sola, solum
alone, single
adjective 1
solvo, solvere, solvi, solutum (< se- + luo) to loosen, pay
verb 3
somnium, somnii, n. dream
noun 2
somnus, somni, m.
noun 2
sonitus, sonitus, m. noise, sound
noun 4
sono, sonare, sonui, sonitum
to make a sound
verb 1
sonus, soni, m. noise, sound
noun 2
sors, sortis, f. lot
noun 3
spatium, spatii, n.
track, area, interval
noun 2
specio, specere, spexi, spectus
to see, observe
verb 3-io
spero, sperare, speravi, speratum to expect, hope
verb 1
spes, spei, f.
noun 5
spiritus, spiritus, m. breath, spirit, soul
noun 4
spiro, spirare, spiravi, spiratum
to breathe
verb 1
spolium, spolii, n.
hide, stripped armor, booty
noun 2
spons, spontis, f.
will, volition
noun 3
spumo, spumare, spumavi. spumatum
foam, froth
verb 1
statim immediately adverb of time
statuo, statuere, statui, statutum to cause to stand, establish
verb 3
stella, stellae, f. star
noun 1
sterno, sternere, stravi, stratum
verb 3
stirps, stirpis, f.
stock, root
noun 3
sto, stare, steti, (staturus)
to stand
verb 1
struo, struere, struxi, structum
to pile up, build
verb 3
stupeo, stupere, stupui, ---
to be struck senseless
verb 2
sub under, below (direction or location) preposition acc or abl
subdo, subdere, subdidi, subditum to palce under, subject
verb 3
subicio, subiecere, subieci, subiectum to place under, lay before
verb 3-io
subito suddenly adverb of time
sublimis, sublime; sublimus, sublima, sublimum elevated, lofty
adjective 3
succedo, succedere, successi, successum to go from come under, take the place of
verb 3
suesco, suescere, suevi, suetum
to become accustomed to
verb 3
sum, esse, fui, (futurus)
to be
verb irreg
super over, above (direction or location) preposition acc or abl
Latin 202 Word List
supplex, supplicis (lit.: bringing peace-offerings), humble
adjective 3
supra above preposition acc
sur(ri)go, sur(ri)gere, surrexi, surrectum to raise, cause to stand upright
verb 3
suus, sua, suum his, her, its adjective possessive
t(h)us, t(h)uris, n.
noun 3
talis of such a kind
adjective 3
tam so, thus adverb miscellaneous
tamen nevertheless adverb miscellaneous
tametsi even if conjunction subordinate
tamquam as if conjunction subordinate
tandem at length, at long last, finally adverb of time
tango, tangere, tetigi, tactum
to touch
verb 3
tantus of such size, degree
adjective 1
tardus, tarda, tardum
slow, late
adjective 1
taurus, tauri, m.
noun 2
tectum, tecti, n. roof, abode
noun 2
tego, tegere, texi, tectum
to cover
verb 3
tellus, telluris, f.
earth, land
noun 3
telum, teli, n.
missile, javelin
noun 2
tempero, temperare, temperavi, temperatum to restrain oneself, to regulate
verb 1
tempto, temptare, temptavi, temptatum (also tento)
to try
verb 1
tempus, temporis, n.
noun 3
tendo, tendere, tetendi, tentum
to stretch, aim at
verb 3
tenebrae, tenebrarum, f.
noun 1
teneo, tenere, tenui, ---
to have, hold
verb 2
tener, tenera, tenerum
tender, delicate
adjective 1
tenuis, tenue thin
adjective 3
ter three times, thrice adverb of time
terreo, terrere, terrui, territum
to frighten
verb 2
terror, terroris, m. something that inspires fear, fear
noun 3
testis, testis, m. (rarely f.) (lit.: third party), witness
noun 3
thalamus or thalamos, thalami, m.
inner room, bedchamber, marriage
noun 2
timeo, timere, timui, --- to fear
verb 2
timidus, timida, timidum fearful
adjective 1
tingo, tingere, tinxi, tinctum
to wet, imbue, colour
verb 3
titulus, tituli, m.
inscription, heading
noun 2
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatum
to lift, take up
verb 3
torreo, torrere, torrui, tostum
to scorch, parch
verb 2
torus, tori, m.
thong, moulding, muscle, bolster, bed
noun 2
tot so many
adjective indecl
totidem as many
adjective indecl
totiens so often adverb of time
Latin 202 Word List
totus, tota, totum
whole, entire
adjective 1
traho, trahere, traxi, tractum
to drag, haul
verb 3
traicio, traicere, traieci, traiectum to propel across, pierce
verb 3-io
trans across, on the other side preposition acc
transfero, transferre, transtuli, translatum to carry across, translate
verb 3
tremo, tremere, tremui, ---
to quake, quiver
verb 3
trepido, trepidare, trepidavi, trepidatum to bustle with alarm, be in confusion
verb 1
trepidus, trepida, trepidum
restless, agitated
adjective 1
tres, tria
triumphus, triumphi, m.
victory procession, triumph
noun 2
tu, tui, tibi, te, te thou, you pronoun
tueor, tueri, (tutus safe) to watch, protect
verb 2
tum then, at that time adverb of time
tum…tum both…and, not only…but also conjunction coordinate
tumeo, tumere, tumui, ---
to swell, be swollen
verb 2
tumidus, tumida, tumidum swollen, puffed up
adjective 1
tumultus, tumulti, m. commotion, disturbance
noun 2
tumulus, tumuli, m. a heap of earth, mound, hill, hillock
noun 2
tunc then, at that time adverb of time
turba, turbae, f.
disorder, mass of people
noun 1
turbo, turbare, turbavi, turbatum to disturb, trouble
verb 1
turbo, turbinis, m. whirlwind, storm
noun 3
turris, turris, f.
noun 3
tuus, tua, tuum thy, thine, your, yours adjective possessive
uber, uberis
producing much nourishment, plentiful, rich
adjective 3
ubi when, as conjunction subordinate
ubi where adverb of place
ubi primum as soon as conjunction subordinate
ulciscor, ulcisci, ultus sum
verb 3
ullus, ulla, ullum any (after negation)
adjective 1
ulterius farther adverb of place
ulterius later adverb of time
ultimus, ultima, ultimum
adjective 1
ultor, ultoris, m. avenger
noun 3
ultra beyond, on the other side preposition acc
umbra, umbrae, f.
shade, shadow
noun 1
umeo, umere, ---, ---
to be damp, be wet
verb 2
umerus, umeri, m.
upper arm, shoulder
noun 2
umquam ever adverb of time
una in the same place, together adverb of place
una at the same time, together adverb of time
unda, undae, f.
wave, billow
noun 1
Latin 202 Word List
unde wherefore, whence, why? adverb miscellaneous
unde from which place, whence adverb of place
undique from every quarter, all around adverb of place
ung(u)o, ung(u)ere, unxi, unctum
to grease, anoint
verb 3
unguis, unguis, m.
noun 3
unicus, unica, unicum one and only, having no match, unique
adjective 1
universus, universa, universum entire, whole
adjective 1
unus, una, unum
adjective 1
usque all the time adverb of time
usque dum while, as long as, until conjunction subordinate
ut though, suppose, whereas conjunction subordinate
ut when, as conjunction subordinate
ut ne (+ subj) lest, that not, in order that not conjunction subordinate
ut pote since indeed, inasmuch as conjunction subordinate
ut primum as soon as conjunction subordinate
ut si as if conjunction subordinate
ut, uti just as conjunction subordinate
ut, uti (+ subj) so that, in order that conjunction subordinate
uterque, utraque, utrumque
each of two
adjective 1
utilitas, utilitatis, f. usefulness, effectiveness
noun 3
utinam of only!, would that! adverb miscellaneous
utor, uti, usus sum
to employ (+abl)
verb 3
utrum…an whether…or conjunction coordinate
vaco, vacare, vacavi, vacatum
to be empty
verb 1
vacuus, vacuus, vacumm empty, free from
adjective 1
vado, vadere, vasi, (vasurus)
to go, walk
verb 3
vadum, vadi, n. ford, bottom of the sea, waters
noun 2
vagor, vagari, vagatus sum to wander, roam
verb 1
vagus, vaga, vagum
wandering, shifting, inconstant
adjective 1
valles, vallis, f. valley
noun 3
vanus, vana, vanum
hollow, unreliable
adjective 1
varius, varia, varium
diverse, manifold, mottled
adjective 1
vasto, vastare, vastavi, vastatum to lay waste
verb 1
vastus, vasta, vastum
empty, desolate, enormous
adjective 1
vates, vatis, m. or f.
soothsayer, prophet
noun 3
vehemens, vehementis violent, strong
adjective 3
veho, vehere, vexi, vectum
to move, drive (trans.)
verb 3
vel, -ve or (for not mutually exclusive alternatives) conjunction coordinate
vel…vel either…or conjunction coordinate
velo, velare, velavi, velatum to cover, wrap
verb 1
velox, velocis
swift, rapid
adjective 3
velum, veli, n.
sail, awning, piece of cloth
noun 2
Latin 202 Word List
velut even as, like conjunction subordinate
velut as if conjunction subordinate
velut si as if conjunction subordinate
vena, venae, f.
blood-vessel, vein
noun 1
venenum, veneni, n.
noun 2
veneror, venerari, veneratus sum
to worship, pay homage
verb 1
venio, venire, veni, ventum
to come
verb 4
venter, ventris, m. belly
noun 3
ver, veris, n.
(season of) spring
noun 3
verbena, verbenae, f.
leafy branch (used in rituals)
noun 1
verbera, verberorum instrument for flogging, blows
noun 2
vernus, verna, vernum occurring in the spring, vernal
adjective 1
vero truly, indeed, in truth, to be sure; however, yet adverb miscellaneous
verso, versare, versavi, versatum to turn often, keep turning
verb 1
versus toward preposition acc
versus, versus, m. (lit.: one turn of the plough), line, verse
noun 4
verto, vertere, verti, versum
to turn
verb 3
verum on the contrary adverb miscellaneous
verum tamen but yet, nevertheless conjunction coordinate
vesica, vesicae, f.
noun 1
vester, vestra, vestrum your (pl) adjective possessive
vestigium, vestigii, n.
foot-print, trace
noun 2
vestis, vestis, f.
garment, clothing
noun 3
vetus, veteris
old, veteran
adjective 3
vetustas, vetustatis, f. old age, long duration
noun 3
vexo, vexare, vexavi, vexatum
to buffet, harass
verb 1
via, viae, f.
way, street
noun 1
vicinus, vicina, vicinum neighbouring
adjective 1
vicis (gen.), f.
recurring occasion, part filled in rotation
noun 3
victor, victoris, m. conqueror
noun 3
victrix, victricis, f. conqueress
noun 3
vicus, vici, m.
block of houses, village
noun 2
video, videre, vidi, visum
to see, discern, perceive
verb 2
videor, videri, visus sum to seem
verb 2
vieo, viere, ---, vietum
to bend, twist (trans.)
verb 2
vigeo, vigere, vigui, ---
to be physically or mentally active, thrive
verb 2
vigil, vigilis awake, watchful
adjective 3
vigilo, vigilare, vigilavi, vigilatum to stay awake, keep watch
verb 1
vilis, vile
cheap, worthless
adjective 3
vincio, vincire, vinxi, vinctum
to bind, fetter
verb 4
vinco, vincere, vici, victum
to conquer, vanquish
verb 3
vinculum, vinculi, n. bond, chain, fetter
noun 2
Latin 202 Word List
vir, viri, m.
man, adult male,
noun 2
vireo, virere, virui, ---
to be green, strong
verb 2
virgo, virginis, f.
a maid, maiden, virgin
noun 3
viridis, viride green, youthful
adjective 3
virus, viri, n.
slime, poison
noun 2
viso, visere, visi, --- to go and look, visit
verb 3
visus, visus, m. eye, look
noun 4
vitis, vitis, f. grape-vine
noun 3
vitta, vittae, f. fillet, headband
noun 1
vivo, vivere, vixi, victum
to live
verb 3
vix hardly, barely adverb miscellaneous
vo/ertex, vo/erticis, m. (lit.: turning point), eddy, whirl, peak
noun 3
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum
to call, summon
verb 1
volo, velle, volui, ---
to want, wish
verb irreg
volo, volare, volavi, volatum
to fly
verb 1
volucer, volucris, volucre winged
adjective 3
voluntas, voluntatis, f. will, wish
noun 3
volvo, volvere, volvi, volutum
to cause to revolve, roll
verb 3
vos, vestri, vos, vobis you pronoun
votum, voti, n. vow
noun 2
voveo, vovere, vovi, votum
to promise (to a god), pray
verb 2
vox, vocis, f. voice, utterance
noun 3
vu/olnus, vu/olneris, n.
noun 3
vulgo (adv.) publicly, commonly
vulgus, vulgi, m.
the common people, mob
noun 2