CSI Campus Re-Entry Plan (revised February 22, 2022)
A. Introduction 3
B. Governance
C. Local Health Conditions/Triggers for Reopening
A. Physical Distancing
B. Masks
C. Vaccination Requirement
D. Testing
E. Cleared4 and Safecircle Requirement for Campus Entry
F. Visitor Policy
G. Operational Activity 11
Operational Considerations Involving Staff Scheduling and HR
Operational Considerations for Grading Policies and Academic Support
Operational Considerations for Vulnerable Populations
Operational Considerations for Mental Health and Welfare
Operational Considerations for Student Life
Operational Considerations for Technology
Operational Considerations for License Use of Campus Facilities
Operational Considerations for Campus Deliveries
A. Signage
B. Campus Communal Spaces
C. Protective Equipment
D. Hygiene, Cleaning and Disinfection
A. Screening
B. Contact Tracing
C. Isolation and Quarantine
D. Testing
E. Student Protocols
F. Employee Protocols
G. Staged Reopening
H. Communications
I. Metrics and Early Warnings
IV. INSTITUTION PLANS (supplemental plans)
A. Dolphin Cove Residence Hall Spring 2022 Operating Plan (attachment)
The College of Staten Island is one of the 11 senior colleges of the 25 colleges and institutions that
comprise The City University of New York (CUNY). The three schools and two academic divisions of the
College serve more than 11,000 students and offer a broad range of academic programs in the liberal
arts and sciences and several professional areas. The College awards associates, bachelors, masters,
certificates, professional doctorate degrees, and Ph.D. degrees through The CUNY Graduate Center.
CSI’s 204-acre park-like Willowbrook campus incorporates a residential component, and in 2017 the
College expanded its institutional footprint and accessibility with the opening of the St. George location
in the heart of Staten Island’s economic renaissance on the north shore of the island. The College is a hub
of intellectual and artistic activity and is committed to its role as an anchor institution and community
partner including for economic impact and job creation for the greater Staten Island area.
The phased reopening of our expansive horizontal campus will be challenging. The phasing plan has
allowed for a limited and controlled reentry with a significantly reduced capacity. To manage the
operational issues that arise, the college is re-envisioning the phased reopening in light of the reopening
of New York City and the call for mandatory vaccination for students coming to campus.
CSI’s plan provides a detailed description of each step we intend to take for a successful reopening. The
plan describes recommended actions and best practices for safe implementation while managing
competing demands and ensuring compliance with Higher Education's New York State guidance.
In Part 2 of CSI’s Campus Reopening Plan, the college presents its Guidelines for Spring 2022
Reopening. These guidelines are based on Updated CDC guidance for Institutions of Higher Education,
CSI will continue to follow CUNY as well as guidance and recommendations regarding services such as
child care centers, libraries, health and wellness, mental health, and students life, as referenced in
Considerations for Reopening Facilities & Services in Stages.
CSI established a Campus Health, Safety, and Re-entry Committee which includes several sub-
committees, in accordance with CUNY’s proposed Governance Structure for Reopening Plans.
Campus Health, Safety, and Re-entry Committee is co-chaired by Dr. Michael Parrish,
Provost/Sr. Vice President and Vice President Hope Berte, Campus Planning, Facilities and
Operations. VP Berte will serve as the Coronavirus Campus Coordinator, who will oversee
the preparation, review, and implementation of the Campus Reopening Plans. The re-entry
committee, comprising five topical subcommittees each with a specific charge, is detailed
The Coronavirus Campus Coordinator will:
Serve as the campus safety monitor, responsible for ensuring continuous compliance with all
aspects of the campus’s reopening plan.
Lead and coordinate the work of the Campus Reopening Committee and serve as the primary
conduit between the campus and CUNY Central on reopening-related matters.
Receive information from the Coronavirus Campus Liaisons (see below) on COVID-19
exposures on each campus and ensure that local health officials are immediately notified
upon the identification of positive cases.
Receive confidential reports from their campus on issues with non-compliance with social
distancing, hygiene, or safety practices. (It is recommended that campuses establish a
telephone and/or email hotline for this purpose).
Support the work of heads of campus facilities, as described in Part 1, Section I. C,
“Operational Considerations for Facilities and Grounds,” to support the identification and
implementation of physical, operational, and cleaning protocols.
Designate roles and responsibilities as indicated throughout these Guidelines.
Coronavirus Campus Liaisons:
Faculty/Staff Jessica Collura, Director of Employee Relations and Labor Designee
Students Danielle Dimitrov, Interim Executive Director of Student Services
Visitors - Michael Lederhandler, Director, Public Safety
The Coronavirus Campus Liaisons will:
Ensure that all campus constituents have the appropriate documentation, including proof of
either a negative test or vaccination status to enter campus. Provide a daily report on COVID-
19 exposures using a checkbox survey similar to the one previously provided to them (see
Supplemental Guidelines: ‘Coronavirus Campus Liaisons, Letter and Data Gathering Process’).
Liaisons will provide this report to the SVC for Institutional Affairs and the Campus Reopening
Provide data reporting to ensure campus and Central decision-makers can calibrate
reopening/reclosing plans based on the health status of the CUNY community. This data will
be reviewed as necessary by the Chancellery/COO’s Office and Campus Reopening
Committees with local and state health officials.
All data must remain confidential and in compliance with HIPPA and FERPA guidelines.
This information will be used by the Chancellery/COO’s Office when considering campus plan
approvals and by the Campus, Reopening Committee working with the COO’s Office when
modifying the reopening approach.
After two weeks of operating under the new reopening plan, departments must report back
to the Campus Reopening Committee on how operations are working, with suggested
revisions to the plans. The Campus Reopening Committee, working with the COO’s Office, and
responsive to local health conditions, may then modify the reopening approach.
Local Health Conditions/Triggers for Reopening
For Spring 2022, CSI will have a mixed population of students, staff, and faculty that are fully
vaccinated, boosted, and not fully vaccinated. Our policies are designed to maximize the protection
of all our community members including people who are not fully vaccinated. The CDC guidance
identifies four factors that inform the optimal implementation of layered prevention strategies.
1. The level of community transmission of COVID-19
2. COVID-19 vaccination coverage, including among students, faculty, and staff
3. Implementation of a robust, frequent SARS-CoV-2 screening testing program with high
participation from the unvaccinated campus population
4. Any local COVID-19 outbreaks or increasing trends
CSI continues to consider all of these factors to inform and update when needed, the University’s
approach to the following layered implementation strategies.
I. People
A. Physical Distancing
Physical distancing means keeping space of at least 6 feet (about 2 arm lengths) between people who
are not from your household in both indoor and outdoor spaces.
Because the majority of the CUNY Community are expected to be vaccinated in the Spring 2022
semester (except for those granted medical or religious exemptions), physical distancing will not be a
required safety measure for vaccinated individuals in classroom, educational, and office settings. Those
who are not fully vaccinated should continue to practice physical distancing.
CSI will eliminate the 6ft required physical distancing requirement except in spaces where
ventilation cannot be optimized:
Elevators will display occupancy signage.
Some storage and file rooms will display occupancy signage.
In some instances, socially distanced spaces will be designated in common areas where the
vaccination status of individuals is unknown, such as open computer labs, library, cafeterias,
lounges, and concert halls. Appropriate signage will be displayed guiding unvaccinated individuals
to socially distance themselves.
B. Mask Requirements
Due to the current rate of coronavirus transmission, we will continue to enforce New York State’s
universal indoor mask mandate. This mandate is subject to modification based on changing vaccination
statistics and coronavirus transmission rates. For the time being, everyone, regardless of vaccination
status, must:
Wear a face mask inside all CSI campuses and office buildings. This includes while taking classes,
working in a non-enclosed space such as a library cubicle or other open seating, regardless of
physical distance from others.
Wear a mask outdoors on campus when unable to maintain physical distance from others (for
example, while attending a CSI gathering or sporting event).
The only exceptions to wearing a mask inside are:
If a fully vaccinated person is alone in an enclosed space such as an office, conference room, or
dorm room.
Briefly while eating or drinking, provided social distancing is maintained.
These exceptions do not apply to anyone who is not yet fully vaccinated. Those individuals must
always wear masks indoors and outdoors while on campus, including in enclosed spaces, except
when eating (in which case they must maintain strict social distancing from other individuals).
This provision should not be construed to require physical distancing among roommates or require
face coverings to be worn while inside an individual’s residence. For the purposes of this guidance,
students who share the same residence (i.e., dormitory room) should be considered members of the
same household
Additional Mask Guidance:
Acceptable face coverings for COVID-19 prevention include but are not limited to cloth-based face
coverings (preferably multi-layered), surgical masks, and “non-surgical” N95 and KN95 respirators.
Individuals should wear the most protective mask possible, that fits well and that will be worn
consistently. People at increased risk of exposure or of developing severe COVID-19 should consider
wearing a higher-grade mask.
Loosely woven cloth products provide the least protection, layered finely woven products offer
more protection, well-fitting disposable surgical masks, and KN95s offer even more protection,
and well-fitting NIOSH-approved respirators (including “non-surgical” N95s) offer the highest
level of protection. Respirators have markings printed on the product to indicate they are
authentic, see appropriate N95 markings and KN95 markings.
The CDC and NYC Department of Health guidance on face coverings recommend that masks be
well-fitting with two or three layers of material to better prevent unfiltered air from passing
through, fully cover the mouth and nose, do not have gaps on the side or at the eyes and nose
and have a wire at the nose of the mask
CSI has an adequate supply of face coverings, masks, and other required PPE on hand should an
employee need a replacement. CSI will allow individuals to use their own acceptable face coverings
but cannot require employees to supply their own face covering. The campus may require
employees to wear more protective PPE due to the nature of their work. Employers must comply
with all applicable OSHA standards.
Note: cloth, disposable, or other homemade face coverings are not acceptable for workplace
activities that typically require a higher degree of personal protective equipment (PPE) due to the
nature of the work. For those activities, N95 respirators or other PPE used under existing industry
standards must continue to be 3 used, as is defined in accordance with OSHA guidelines. The
campus may require employees to wear more protective PPE due to the nature of their work.
Employers must comply with all applicable OSHA standards.
C. Vaccination and Booster Requirements
Students returning to campus in the spring for in-person and hybrid courses, or any other on-
campus activities will be required to submit proof of vaccination unless a religious or medical
exemption has been approved. Students must upload proof of being fully vaccinated prior to the
start of classes for the Spring term. A person is considered fully vaccinated after a 2-dose series of
Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna or a single dose of the Johnson & Johnson Janssen (J&J) COVID-19
Vaccine. Additionally, students are required to receive vaccine boosters, once eligible.
Students who were eligible for a booster as of January 28, must upload proof of receiving it no later
than March 1. Those who become eligible after January 28 will have 30 days after they become
eligible to get the booster. Students who miss their deadlines won’t be able to register for summer
or fall classes until they upload their proof.
Booster Eligibility:
Those 18 and older are eligible for a booster shot at 5 months after the completion of two-dose
regimen of Pfizer, 5 months after the completion of two-dose regimen of Moderna, or 2 months
after the Johnson and Johnson (J&J) shot. The Pfizer or Moderna booster is preferred in most
Those 1217-year-olds who initially received the Pfizer two-dose regimen are eligible for a Pfizer
booster 5 months after completing the regimen.
In compliance with a public policy directive issued by Governor Hochul on December 31, all full- and
part-time faculty, all non-teaching instructional staff (which includes, among others, NTAs, CLTs, and
those in the HEO series), and personnel in the Executive Compensation Plan, are required to be fully
vaccinated (two-dose Pfizer or Moderna regimen, or 1 dose J&J) in order to remain employed by the
University, except if a medical exemption, religious exception or reasonable accommodation has
been granted.
Additional details are forthcoming regarding the deadlines for faculty and staff to upload proof of
Note: Individuals who received a World Health Organization (WHO) approved vaccination other than
the three listed above must provide more information. Students can reach out to your Campus
Location Vaccination Authority (LVA) and faculty can contact your campus’ Human Resources
Department for details
Offering and promoting vaccination
CSI has and will continue to strongly promote the vaccine and boosters and will continue to promote
the University’s #VaxUpCUNY campaign, a multifaceted, multimedia campaign to encourage CSI
students, alumni, faculty, and staff to get their COVID-19 vaccination and boosters. The campaign is
a critical strategy for easing anxiety for those that may be hesitant to vaccinate.
D. Testing Requirements
CUNY is expanding testing for the safety and convenience of the CUNY community, creating a robust
testing program using various testing models, some new and some expansions of existing efforts.
All students are expected to test before returning to campus.
Student-athletes and students in residence halls will be required to submit a negative PCR test
before returning to campus.
Weekly testing will continue for those who are unvaccinated and expand to cover student-
athletes and students in residence halls, regardless of vaccination status.
Overall random testing will increase to 20% of the vaccinated and unvaccinated on-campus
population. Participation in the random surveillance testing is mandatory and failure to
participate will result in the removal of the individual’s Cleared4 access pass to CUNY spaces.
To facilitate testing for required medical clearance to return to campus, tests will continue to be
accepted from non-CUNY testing providers as well as from CUNY SafeCircle test sites. Testing to
return to campus should only be done at CUNY SafeCircle test sites when you are symptom-free to
protect yourself and others in the CUNY community. If you are recovering from COVID-19, you
should not get tested until you have completed your isolation requirements and are symptom-free.
If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, we encourage you to visit a public testing site near
your home or use an at-home test kit.
Rapid tests will be available for approved screening circumstances when unanticipated entry to
campus is required. The rapid tests will be distributed to CUNY testing sites and to selected locations
on campus and will be tracked through the testing system for inventory and usage management.
For more information about CUNY’s COVID-19 testing program, please see the Testing FAQ. For a list
of testing locations, visit here. For general frequently asked questions, please refer to the Getting
Back to Working in Person FAQ. If you still have questions, please contact CSI Human Resources.
Before coming to campus, each member of the community is expected to monitor your symptoms,
stay away from others if you feel sick, and get tested at a public testing site if you have any
symptoms. CUNY SafeCircle testing sites should not be used if you have symptoms.
E. Cleared4 and Safecircle Requirement for Campus Entry
All members of the CSI community and visitors and guests must have their vaccination status
and/or test status validated through CUNY’s Cleared4, Safecircle app.
Status must be displayed as “Cleared for CUNY Access” and will be checked upon entry to the CSI
Campus. CUNY students, faculty, and staff can be automatically validated in the Cleared4 system
by uploading their vaccination records in CUNYfirst; instructions, including the exemption
requirements, are available for students here, and for faculty and staff here.
Instructions for downloading and using the Cleared4 are available online here for students,
faculty, and staff.
All visitors and guests except delivery personnel who will not enter buildings or who expect to be
on the campus less than 30 minutes must also register in Cleared4 to enter the CSI Campus. CSI,
visitors, and guests should reach out to their CSI contact as soon as possible to make sure they
will be able to come onto the campus through the Public Safety checkpoints. Instructions for
using the Cleared4 app for guests and visitors can be found here.
F. Visitors Policy
Definition of Visitor
A visitor to a university campus is someone who is not a CUNY student, faculty, or staff member.
Examples of visitors include, but are not limited to:
Vendors and other individuals coming to campus to perform activities related to a contract with
or in support of the University.
Employees of related entities of CUNY including without limitation auxiliary enterprise
corporations, colleges associations, and childcare centers.
Unpaid college interns.
Community members and other individuals coming to campus to use University facilities such as
pools and gyms, or to attend activities on campus.
Family members or friends of CUNY students, faculty, or staff.
Rules for Visitors
Every visitor to a CUNY campus, whether accessing indoor or outdoor spaces, must provide proof to
CUNY that they (i) are fully vaccinated or (ii) have had a negative COVID-19 molecular (PCR) test
performed by an accredited lab no more than 7 days prior to the visit. “Fully vaccinated” means:
Two weeks after a second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines; or
Two weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine; or
At the time specified in either the FDA licensure or World Health Organization approval, after
the final administration of any other vaccines.
Visitors are also required to comply with all other University policies and codes of conduct, as well
as government and/or campus-specific rules and protocols, applicable to individuals on campus that
are intended to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, including by way of example:
Current Mask Mandate and social distancing requirements; and
Complying with any applicable federal, state, or local quarantine rules.
Before coming to the CSI campus, visitors are encouraged to consult the campus’ website to review
the most current access rules and protocols found here.
Exception for Short Visits with No Close Contact
Visitors who are on campus for 30 minutes or less per visit do not have to comply with any COVID-
19 vaccination or surveillance testing requirements applicable to CUNY staff unless the visitor
expects during that time to be less than 6 feet distant of another person for a total of 15 minutes or
Policies for Minors under 5 Years Old
1. Accompanying a visitor
Children accompanying a visitor
who have business to tend to on
campus for a limited time.
Exempt from testing
Require masking for those 2 and
2. Attending events
Children attending an event,
performance, or assembly where a
large group will congregate for an
extended period.
Exempt from testing
Limit access on campus
Require masking for those 2 and
up and enforce social distancing
3. Enrolled in programs
Children who routinely come to
CUNY facilities to participate in a
Require Weekly Testing
Require masking for those 2 and
G. Operational Activity
Operational Considerations Involving Staff Scheduling and HR
Faculty and staff with underlying medical conditions or other risk factors are encouraged to request
an accommodation. Such requests are reviewed in accordance with CUNY’s Reasonable
Accommodations and Academic Adjustments Policy.
Operational Considerations for Grading Policies and Academic Support
We will adhere to the Academic Policies, Requirements, and Deadlines on the Guidance on
Academic Continuity to Campuses The City University of New York (cuny.edu) for the most up-to-
date information on grading policies, modes of instruction, and academic support.
The Student Success Re-Entry Subcommittee is composed of nine members representing a cross-
section of CSI’s faculty, staff, and students. Its charge is to:
Determine how student support services will transition from an entirely online mode of
operation to phased on-campus services. Determine how to maintain a safe, socially distanced
environment for students as they return to campus.
To fulfill this charge, the committee initially compiled a list of the principal providers of student
services to assess their need for an in-person presence on campus. In all, 52 units were identified,
ranging from tutoring centers to the health and wellness center, the bookstore, and the library.
The committee then categorized the offices into two broad groups: those that required staff services
to be carried out on campus, and those that necessitated in-person contact with students. Its
members developed and distributed a survey to each of the stakeholders, collecting relevant data
such as the number of students served, length of contact, and estimated frequency of visits. The
survey results showed that approximately 16 areas indicated a need for face-to-face student
contact in the fall semester. Per the Chancellor’s memo, all offices started offering in-person
services starting August 2, 2021.
The committee’s next step was to contact each unit that expressed the need for in-person service
provision. The members followed up on the survey responses, assisting with planning and
recommending best practices in formulating relevant re-entry strategies. In some cases, the
committee determined that the request for face-to-face student contact could be addressed
through contactless means, and it will continue to work with each area to implement such systems.
As we return to more campus operations in the Spring, we will continue to evaluate the extent to
which these services can be offered in combined remote and in-person delivery.
The following section lists the areas identified in the survey that indicated a need for in-person
student services.
Areas that identified the need for face-to-face student contact in the fall in the survey
A. Dining Services:
Campus Dining will be open for our Dolphin Cove residents, staff, and faculty that are on
campus. In order to comply with both the mandatory and recommended best practices from the
local state, city, and CUNY guidelines, the 1C servery has been modified to allow for no- and low-
touch points, limited one-way directional flow with 6 feet markers, other signage and
communications as needed, a limited menu with meals packed in “to-go’ packaging only,
provision of PPE for staff, adherence to cleaning, hygiene and disinfection protocols.
All other operations are planned to open for the fall 2022 semester. (Cyber Cafe in 1L, Dolphin
Express food cart in 1P or the Park Cafe restaurant in 1C).
An online mobile ordering software was purchased and implemented during the spring
semester. Participants are now able to order from their hand-held mobile device and pick up
packaged meals in 1C or have them delivered as a further means or reducing occupancy within
B. Parking and Dolphin Cards:
CSI has purchased software that will allow us to operate online. For those who have to report to
campus, there will be limited window hours, (Plexiglas installed for the interactions). Credits for
last year’s payments will be issued, so it is expected that there will be an extremely limited need
for anyone to have to report to pay for a parking decal for some months.
C. Library:
The library will be open for studying and access to materials to the extent possible with staffing.
For the latest information on library hours, refer to the library website.
Most services will continue to be offered online, one-stop service, online reference (24/7),
access to databases, and other online materials.
Faculty are being encouraged to use OER, used books, limited chapters in books.
See section Operational Considerations Involving Course Scheduling”, Task 3 for more details.
1L220A will be opened to accommodate CUNY’s Hyflex pilot.
D. Bookstore:
Orders over $75 will qualify for free shipping. For any orders below $75, there will be a charge of
$5 for shipping. It is anticipated that this will result in the minimal need for in-person pickup.
Contact-less pick-up options are currently available. Any in-person services are planned to be
appointment-based and will comport with the campus screening measures.
Appointment based operations for in-person book pick-ups will limit crowding.
We plan to allow walk-ins consistent with occupancy levels developed by Campus Planning in
accordance with CUNY and State guidance)
Appropriate signage and decals have been installed in compliance with current CUNY social
distancing standards.
E. Center for Recreation/ Athletics:
With rentals CSI is complying with the guidance already put forth by CUNY/ Central.
Athletics policies are addressed in the CSI Athletics Department and Facilities Resocialization
F. Tutoring, incl. Media Lab:
Several departments found online tutoring to be successful over the last three semesters and
plan to continue in that modality for the near future. These areas include Accessibility, Computer
Science, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Nursing, SEEK, and Writing. They have used resources
such as Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, Zoom, GoBoard.com, scanned documents, as well as
services provided through their own departmental webpages. All of those offices will be also
staffed for in-person services.
The Office of Academic Support (OAS) will also continue their large online tutoring offerings via
Blackboard Collaborate, as well as programs on their webpage.
Media Culture Tutoring (Building 1P) is expected to be accessible in person for the Fall and will
continue to operate online utilizing Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Skype for screen sharing.
Learning online as to how to operate the audiovisual gear is not fully supported, and other
methods of providing guidance will be offered only to students who are unable to participate in
such training in person.
Adobe Creative Cloud software is used by a variety of classes. Computer labs will be open with
limited capacity to access this software as well as a few virtual labs. In addition, students will
eventually have the ability to access Adobe software virtually through a server. Students
identified by their campus as being enrolled in a class requiring the use of Adobe Creative Suite
can install Adobe locally on their personal computers.
G. Testing:
Testing will continue to be administered remotely, and in-person by prior appointment. This
includes ATB, NLN, ESL, CLEP, and CSI-specific placement exams.
H. Center for Global Engagement.
The Center for Global Engagement has moved nearly all services to remote delivery and will
continue to offer services through that mode along with in-person services starting in August
2021. To accommodate delivery of services in a remote environment forms and other materials
have been converted to html or PDF format and placed on the web. Students and others
needing services will be able to contact the office in person during office hours, and through
email, phone (voicemail), social media accounts, and fillable request for information forms.
Students will be able to submit copies of immigration documents, visas, passports, and other
materials through the website or through email. All Personally Identifiable Information (PII) will
be collated in a secure manner (we maintain a secure website for the uploading of this
information) whenever possible. In cases where PII is shared via email TO a CGE employee the
information will not be further transmitted without first securing the information using strong
passwords and/or other encryption methods whenever possible. In cases where documents
cannot be transmitted electronically and are too time sensitive for the US postal service, s, staff
from CGE will also meet face-to-face as needed with students, scholars, or visitors through
appointments. Gatherings and meetings will be limited to comply with NYS distancing guidelines
and other guidance from the Campus.
I. Registrar:
The Registrar’s office will provide staff presence on campus, including limited in-person contact
with students. At present, most of its functions will continue to be conducted remotely online,
by mail, or by telephone. Students needing in-person documents, such as enrollment
verifications, will be served on an appointment-only basis within a restricted schedule.
J. Bursar:
The Bursar’s Office has continued to provide student support services through online, telephone
and mail modes of communication. Online services include emailing and electronic payment
With many requests for an in-person payment option and the campuses' focus on improving
collections, the Bursar’s Office will provide in person student services. To ensure compliance
with social distancing requirements and sanitizing requirements, window payment hours of
operation will be limited. Student and staff contacts will be prevented since windows are
completely enclosed and staff will be required to wear gloves while counting currency. Cashier
stations will be limited and spaced by no less than 6 feet apart and wiped down periodically with
sanitizing wipes. Public safety will help maintain distancing of any students waiting to make
payments when necessary and seating in the lobby will be spaced 6 feet apart.
Policies and procedures will be reviewed upon opening to ensure updated compliance with all
the latest federal, state, city, and University policies.
K. Women’s Center:
The Women’s Center will continue to operate mostly online but limited in-person hours will be
available by prior appointment.
L. Student Support around Technology:
Information Technology (IT), Student Success and Facilities have been closely coordinating in the
effort to identify student needs and provide for technology Chromebooks; hotspots; headsets;
etc.) in order to access course material and services: aVirtual helpdesk and training rooms are
available to provide remote access to IT services.
Many smart classrooms have been equipped with technology in order to support simultaneous
/face-to-face instruction A list of rooms with this technology can be seen here. Instructions for
the operation of this equipment are at this link. Staff Shops (Print, Carpentry, Mechanics, Plant)
Ensure that materials and tools used by employees are regularly cleaned and disinfected using
registered products.
CSI Navigate-based appointment system.
CSI has worked with EAB to configure CSI Navigate in a way that all in-person student interactions
will continue to require making appointments through CSI Navigate. This can be student, staff or
faculty-initiated, and will allow the student to commit to a timeslot and location. In addition, the
system will record an “appointment summary” entered by the respective staff member. This way, all
student-staff interactions will be recorded with respect to time, location, and person, allowing for
easy contact tracing. The students will use the system either through a phone app or a web interface
to schedule either virtual or in-person meetings.
Operational Considerations Involving Course Scheduling
For updated information regarding Instructional Modalities and Course Scheduling CSI
will follow protocols and directives provided in the memos provided by CUNY Academic
Affairs entitled Guidance on Academic Continuity to campuses.
Consistent with ongoing guidance from CUNY Central and in collaboration with the Provost and
Deans, the Registrar’s Office will continue to:
Update the schedule of classes to reflect fall, winter and spring section offerings with
appropriate days, times (if needed), instructor names, mode of instruction (in-person,
hybrid, or online), and an appropriate description as requested by the deans and this
Maintain the academic calendar for the term and make updates as situations warrant.
Provide regular updates to the College community regarding calendar revisions.
Offer guidance on revisions to and/or releases of new academic policies.
Ensure that any updates necessary for the College catalog are completed in a timely
fashion for the appropriate semester(s).
Enforce all academic grading rules, policies, and procedures, in the interest of preserving
academic integrity.
The CSI Academic/Curriculum Subcommittee of the Campus Re-Entry Committee, comprising of the
members shown in Table 1, was charged with “Making broad recommendations for how to maintain
instructional continuity.” This committee focused on four tasks: 1. Clarifying F’21 Mode of
Instruction, 2. Ensuring Safety for On-Campus Instruction, 3. Ensuring Equity for all Students, and 4.
Providing additional In-Person Instruction.
In this process, the Provost’s Office, the Registrar’s Office, CAAS, and Enrollment Management have
worked together to respond to CUNY directives while providing an on-campus experience for as
many of our students as possible, while maintaining online and hybrid courses that provide
pedagogically sound experiences for our students.
Task 1: Clarifying Spring 22 Mode of Instruction
Spring 2022 course offerings for CSI currently comprise 1886 sections. Of these, 469 classes are
listed as “Online” (O), 1313 listed as “In-Person” (P), and 104 listed as “Hybrid” (H) as of January
As we continue returning instructional activities to campus, all except for 2M and the basement
levels of 1N and 2N, will be available for in-person instruction for Spring 2022.
The St. George Campus re-opened in late Spring 2021 and is now available for instruction and
quiet study spaces for students with limited hours. Refer to their website for the latest
Task 2: Ensuring Safety for On-Campus Instruction
All faculty with hybrid or fully in-person instruction will be required to do the following prior to the
start of the semester:
Prepare and distribute a class syllabus with the following information:
The list of specific dates, times, and locations when students are expected to be on
The notification that mandatory vaccination will be required to attend classes on the CSI
The contact information for whistleblowers to report non-compliance
An explanation of alternatives for students in vulnerable populations who opt-out of on-
campus visits, or who are required to self-isolate during the semester.
Prepare course materials for students who cannot attend in-class meetings or for a rapid return
to remote instruction in the event of a campus shutdown.
If a class member is quarantined, please make every effort to keep them current with class
activities. Ideally, they should be allowed to participate remotely if the class is held in one of the
enhanced classrooms.
If a faculty member is quarantined, s/he should move class online temporarily or cancel the class
if too ill to teach.
Task 3: Ensuring Equity for all Students
In addition to making preparations for the majority of courses that will have some -in-person
contact, our subcommittee will continue to work with the Online Instruction and Continuity
Committee, Office of Information Technology, and the Library to ensure that all students will have
sufficient resources for remote instruction this fall.
The Library will be reopening for student, faculty, and staff use in addition to continuing to provide
remote access to research and instructional materials for students including:
Some sections of LIB102, “Beyond Google: Research for College Success.”
One-shot instruction sessions scheduled with faculty teaching at the undergraduate and
graduate level during the time their classes meet will be taught through distance learning in a
synchronous or asynchronous manner as requested. In-Person training will also be available by
appointment. Library faculty will create tailored, discipline-specific lessons for teaching students
research methods and identifying credible information and library materials to complete their
research assignments.
The library has developed a suite of video and interactive tutorials to teach information literacy
concepts and skills.
24/7 online chat reference to address questions from patrons and a consultation form to
schedule a more in-depth research inquiry.
Free online alternatives for scientific calculators at the Reserve Desk
Additionally, the Library has been working with faculty and students to ensure access to textbook
materials and media by:
Continuing to promote the use of free Open Educational Resources (OER) as an alternative to
print textbooks. This effort is being supported through an OER incentive grant and a dedicated
faculty OER Coordinator in the Library Department
Encouraging faculty to consider assigning older editions of textbooks that can be purchased at a
much lower cost.
Encouraging faculty to scan required chapters of their assigned textbooks and upload them into
Blackboard for student access using the guidance outlined by the CUNY Copyright Committee
Making DVDs and other media available online through the Library’s live-streaming platforms
Task 4: Return to Mostly In-Person Instruction
Our subcommittee will remain active during the Spring 2022 semester and will work closely with the
Campus Preparedness/Safety subcommittee to determine which portions of campus buildings meet
health and safety requirements for use under guidelines mandated by CUNY and the State of New
Operational Considerations Involving Individuals on Campus
No one will be allowed on campus without a Cleared4 pass indicating either a negative COVID-19
test within 7 days of entry or proof of vaccination.
Employees will be advised of the current protocol for face coverings.
Unvaccinated employees will be further advised to wear masks at all times and to maintain
social distancing as required by state law and CUNY policy when operating on campus.
CSI maintains a confidential reporting line on its website where people may confidentially report
violations of College and CUNY policies.
Employees and students will be reminded to use the link on the CSI website to report issues with
non-compliance with social distancing, hygiene, or safety practices.
Importantly, the College will be sending repeated reminders on the importance of compliance
with health and safety protocols as a way to keep our entire community safe.
Members of the campus community will be asked to observe the honor system in complying
with mask requirements and will be told to stay home when they are sick.
All members of the campus community will be instructed that failure to comply with health and
safety measures could result in restricting or suspending their access to campus.
All members of the campus community will abide by CUNY’s testing policy and procedures.
All individuals working on campus through DASNY on NYS Construction projects will abide by all
campus reentry guidelines including the Cleard4 process and mask mandates.
Operational Considerations for Vulnerable Populations
CSI will evaluate multiple approaches to serving their vulnerable populations, including:
Offering options for faculty and staff through the medical accommodation process, flexible
hours, offering options, to the extent possible, for students who cannot get the vaccine.
Having faculty and the Advising Center (Educares) check in with students as frequently
as possible and work with student affairs to report safety and welfare concerns to
respective agencies.
Consistent with applicable law, HR and the Registrar will continue to practice policies
to protect the privacy of people at higher risk for severe illness regarding underlying
medical conditions in compliance with applicable federal and state privacy and
confidentiality laws .
Providing technology and support needed in classrooms for streaming, video
recording, etc. Up to 75 classrooms in which in-person instruction takes place will
have capabilities for streaming and recording lectures/labs for at-risk students.
Expanding access to broadband and technology to close the digital divide. We are exploring
the possibility of setting up wifi hotspots in one or more CSI parking lots.
Recording faculty lectures for students to “attend” on their own, with smaller group classes
in which professors provide help with homework assignments.
Operational Considerations for Mental Health and Welfare
Student Services
Counseling Center and Health and Wellness Services
The Counseling Center and Health and Wellness Services are available to students virtually and
in person to best support student preference and need.
Faculty and Staff will be encouraged to utilize the services of the CUNY Employee Assistance
Program (EAP)/ Work/Life Program CCA@YourService, an individualized resource for providing
practical, around-the-clock information and assistance to manage daily life. Employees will be
reminded that CCA@YourService provides emotional health and wellness support, and
confidential counseling to employees, as well as their household and family members for free,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact information will be provided (including telephone TOLL-
FREE: 800-833-8707 and website information WEBSITE: www.myccaonline.com; Company Code:
Communications from Human Resources will be sent periodically to all faculty and staff to
remind them of this resource and to notify them when the EAP hosts health and wellness
seminars, webinars, and training that they could attend virtually.
In addition, staff and faculty will be reminded that NYS provides free online mental health
services for New Yorkers. The helpline is staffed by trained volunteers, including mental health
professionals, who have received training in crisis counseling related to mental health
consequences of infectious disease outbreaks, typical stress reactions, anxiety management,
coping skills, and telephonic counseling. Employees will be advised that the helpline is accessible
to New Yorkers who are deaf or hard of hearing, and to non-English speaking callers, through the
Language Line. The hotline (1-844-863-9314) will be provided.
Student Affairs and Human Resources will continue to send communications to the campus
about the importance of being vaccinated before returning to campus and will provide resources
that advise where they can be vaccinated.
Our communication plans include town halls and webinars with local health providers from
Northwell to encourage vaccinations and address any questions.
Operational Considerations for Student Life
Offices in the Division of Student Affairs will be open five days a week. There will be opportunities
for face-to-face interactions and the offices will continue to provide virtual opportunities to support
student preferences and need.
General Protocols for Student Health, Safety, and Well-being:
In accordance with CUNY rules, all students, staff, and faculty who are not fully vaccinated are
required to wear appropriate face coverings and maintain social distance while engaging in
student life activities while on campus.
Should any student group wish to have an in-person event, whether on or off-campus, that
entity must submit a safety plan to the Director of Student Life for that activity to ensure it
meets CUNY, CDC, or local public health guidance.
Any student who may not be able to wear a mask due to a medical condition, must seek a
reasonable accommodation under the CSI policy. The College may supply students with a face
mask if they do not have one while on campus.
Stay home if feeling ill All students who are feeling sick with COVID-19 related symptoms will
be expected to stay home and return to campus when feeling better. Similarly, if a member of
one's household is not well with COVID-19 related symptoms, it is also expected that an
individual stay home. A residential student who feels ill with COVID-19 related symptoms should
immediately contact their Resident Assistant (RA) or the RA on-duty.
Exposure to COVID-19 Any confirmed case of COVID-19 regarding a student must be reported
to the Student Affairs Liaison, who will coordinate services to students including food,
medication, and academic accommodations. The Student Health Center will conduct daily
check-ins with these students for temperature reports and symptom screening. Student Health
Center staff will coordinate off-campus clinical evaluations if warranted.
Student Engagement
Regardless of where our students residein CSI housing (Dolphin Cove) or off-campuswe are
committed to providing programming and support that enhances connections, belonging, and
community. Student Life is working with campus partners to develop new strategies for
creative, virtual socializing, and programming, including the use of outdoor spaces. . If required,
will submit a plan to CUNY Central for approval before engaging in major outdoor activities.
Registered student organizations and clubs, Student Government, Campus Activities Board-
sponsored events will include in-person and virtual events. Should any entity wish to have an in-
person event, whether on or off-campus, that entity must submit a safety plan to the Director of
Student Life for that activity to ensure it meets CDC and other public health guidance regarding
physical distancing, assembly numbers, and face coverings/masks if needed.
New Student Orientation
In an attempt to make the onboarding process seamless for our incoming students, CSI utilized
Blackboard (Bb) to administer virtual New Student Orientation (vNSO) (following a similar format
used for the virtual CSI Advisement and Registration Training (vCART) process). During vNSO,
students will go through a module, which consists of an official welcome to the College and eight
chapters addressing various (and vital) information. Each chapter concludes with a short quiz to
assess the understanding of the corresponding subject. We have included as much video content
as possible to recreate the in-person NSO experience and content. We also feature live small-
group virtual sessions with New Student Mentors. Furthermore, we have used the opportunity
this challenge has provided to showcase our best presenters, test knowledge, and maximize
student participation.
Vulnerable Students
We must still plan for students who start the semester taking in-person classes but need to
transition to remote learning due to COVID-19. Thus, all faculty are encouraged to provide
flexibility so that students requiring the need to learn remotely can do so. We also continue to
strongly support our students through the food pantry, counseling center, health and wellness,
and accessibility.
Counseling Center
All students have virtual access as needed to the Counseling Center to minimize the interruption
to the learning environment caused by mental health concerns. Video and telephone counseling
are available, medication services continue, same-day drop-in virtual appointments can be
made, and after-hours services remain in place. In addition, the virtual group program will
commence once the semester begins. The Center has cataloged helpful information and tools
focused on coping during COVID-19 and has ramped up its social media presence to better
connect with students. Beginning fall 2021, there will be limited opportunities for in-person
counseling, prioritizing students for whom the virtual environment is not feasible and students
having a crisis on campus.
Health and Wellness Services
Health and Wellness Services including the Student Health Center are available to all students.
Health and Wellness will continue telehealth visits --a safe and easy way to connect with the
nurse practitioner and nurse via secure video. The provider will assess and evaluate your
condition and/or concern. Students will be able to have a physical exam for programs, sick visits,
consultation, or STI testing. To make an appointment, students email
healthcenter@csi.cuny.edu and provide a telephone number where you can be reached. In the
case of confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19, the Student Health Center will remotely
monitor students daily via temperature checks and symptom screening, and they may
recommend a visit to a medical provider for an in-person clinical evaluation if severe symptoms
Center for Student Accessibility
The Center for Student Accessibility (CSA) continues to provide students with the same quality of
service, including the provision of academic accommodations, in virtual formats, including
meeting and corresponding with their advisors and counselors by phone, email, Zoom, and
Microsoft Teams. Furthermore, CSA had moved many of its processes electronically before
COVID-19 and are now able to serve students while fully remote, including all services in
addition to programs and presentations that can be provided virtually and in person, e.g.,
interpreting, CART services, tutoring, note-taking, orientations, and presentations. All staff
members can access student records through CUNYfirst and case notes through Titanium. CSA
was recently able to purchase 30 brand new laptops for student and staff use to which assistive
technology software will be added to the devices based on need. The Assistant Director of
Assistive technology (ADAT) will work with students to meet their needs and continue to provide
training opportunities. Students' confidentiality will continue to be maintained, and consent
forms remain the same remote. CSA will also offer in-person services starting in Fall 2021.
Students will meet with CSA staff by appointment only for on-campus meetings. CSA will
continue to recommend professors record their asynchronous classes to provide the best
practices of Universal Design and assist with the retention rate in the classroom. Lastly, CSA
staff will also follow all hygiene protocols, including mask-wearing, social distancing, and
adequately disinfecting surfaces.
Veterans Support Services
The Office of Veteran Support Services (VSS) will continue to provide high-quality services to
Veteran students virtually and in person. In addition to assisting individual students with their
needs as they arise, VSS will continue to leverage technology to keep students connected to the
office and one another via Zoom and via a live chat option as well. In addition, VSS collaborates
with campus partners to develop Town Hall meetings and CUNY Veterans Office presentations
specifically for Veteran students. Such sessions are recorded to be shared with additional
Food Pantry
The CSI Food Pantry continues to be available to all students who are experiencing food
insecurity. The Pantry is open two days a week by appointment. The details of this are sent to all
in a reminder email each week. If a student is unable to make an appointment during the
scheduled days, special arrangements can and will be made. If a student has any questions or
concerns, they can email studentlife@csi.cuny.edu.
Student Life
The Office of Student Life recognizes the importance of providing students with opportunities to
engage in co-curricular and out-of-the-classroom experiences. We have and will continue to
offer virtual events using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and other methods. Clubs and organizations
continue to meet using the same programs. Students can stay connected to what is going on by
using CSI Connect (csi.campuslabs.com/engage/), downloading the CORQ app or emailing
Childcare Center
The Childcare Center is open and provides quality childcare services to our student parents.
Student Access to Campus for Services
Walk-in/drop-in services will resume beginning Fall 2021. Some services may also be
available remotely.
Education and Communication
All students taking in-person classes or residing on campus will be required to complete
training that outlines the College's health measures and cultivates a culture of
compliance, including effective hand washing, the purpose of social/physical distancing,
proper use and care of face coverings, and tips on ways to care for yourself and others.
Support for Faculty Teaching In-person
The College will provide information and professional development sessions, prior to
students' return, on the new health measures, protocols, resources, classroom
management issues, etc. These sessions will offer an opportunity for faculty members to
understand the new requirements, learn who to contact if a student reports a positive
COVID-19 test or has symptoms, and ask questions.
Building a Culture of Compliance:
CSI will continue to promote a culture of compliance with community health standards mandated by
CUNY policy. These policies will be clearly communicated through a coordinated campaign via
various means and mixed media. Consequences for violating said standards must also be clear and
concise and will be included in college communications as well. (These sanctions will be determined
in accordance with Article XV of the CSI Bylaws and the Henderson Rules.)
Every student coming to campus must live up to these expectations to ensure the safety of the
broader collective and remain a participant in on-campus activities.
The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs (OVPSA) and the Office of Public Safety will work
together with faculty and staff to ensure they understand the new community standards. Faculty
and staff will contact the Executive Director of Student Affairs with issues of student noncompliance.
Furthermore, the College will also provide tools for educating students about the new expectations as
well as proper usage and disposal of PPE.
Community Standards:
Face coverings All individuals who are on-campus must wear a face covering that comports
with CUNY guidelines.
Any individual who may not be able to wear a mask due to a medical condition must seek
a reasonable accommodation under the CUNY policy.
The College may supply individuals with a mask if they do not have one while on campus.
Because the majority of the CUNY Community are expected to be vaccinated in the Spring 2022
semester (except for those granted medical or religious exemptions), physical distancing will not be a
required safety measure for vaccinated individuals in classroom, educational, and office settings.
Those who are not fully vaccinated should continue to practice physical distancing.
Stay home if feeling ill All individuals who are feeling sick with COVID-19 related symptoms will
be expected to stay home and return to campus when feeling better. Similarly, if a member of
one's household is not well with COVID-19 related symptoms, it is also expected that an
individual stay home. A residential student who feels ill with COVID-19 related symptoms should
remain in their private bedroom and immediately contact their Resident Assistant (RA) or the RA
Exposure to COVID-19 Any confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 regarding a student must
be reported to the Student Affairs Liaison, who will coordinate services to students including
food, medication, and academic accommodations. The Student Health Center will conduct daily
check-ins with these students for temperature reports and symptom screening. Student Health
Center staff will coordinate off-campus clinical evaluations if warranted.
We have developed a plan to communicate timely and accurate information to the students
Guidelines for mask-wearing and general hygiene.
Community standards related to behavior.
Behavioral expectations and stated consequences related to adherence to mandates.
Information about on-campus resources related to health, safety, and well-being.
Modes of Communication:
We will continue to utilize all avenues for communicating important information and priorities to
students. Our main routes to communicating with students will be:
Email blasts to all student email accounts.
FAQs on the CSI Website
Use of social media with consistent messaging and hashtags.
Video messages.
CSI-Alert text messaging system.
Adequate and strategic signage on-campus.
Direct person-to-person contact when needed relating to emergent responses to health crises
Collaborating with Community Partners.
Critical Strategies:
There needs to be essential coordination throughout our institution so that our messaging and
communication is effective and consistent. These critical strategies need to be followed:
Cultivate a culture of compliance through positive reinforcement at all levels when mandates are
Messaging needs to be clear, consistent, and correct. Communication needs to be frequent and
responsive to students' concerns - especially as it relates to academic matters, registration, the
availability of student resources, access to student services (on-campus and off-campus), etc.
"Top-down" and consistent messages regarding matters impacting students.
We will be deploying messages about the importance of mask-wearing all areas of the College
could develop their own approach to promoting mask-wearing via social media and with
consistent hashtags. Lots of messaging could be done before campus re-entry to promote our
areas of focus.
We may want to reach out to Staten Island community partners to help promote mask-wearing.
We may need to employ experts who can assist in branding, web design, signage, etc.
Operational Considerations for Technology
Information Technology has been proactive in providing accommodations in support of a
remote learning environment. A complete list of these resources can be located on our
Online Resources page. What follows are the most popular ones for easy reference.
Returning to Campus contains the latest information and guidance (e.g., uploading vaccination,
Cleared4 information, etc.)
Enhanced Smart ClassroomsCSI has outfitted Smart Classrooms with technology to support remote
students who cannot attend a course that meets in person on campus.
For a complete listing of classrooms equipped with this technology, please visit the Hyflex Learning
Please register on our Enhanced Smart Classroom Training page if you would like an overview of
the technology.
Device RequestsStudents enrolled in hybrid and online classes can borrow Chromebooks,
hotspots, and earbuds.
Computer Labs -
Open Computer Lab
Virtual Open Computer Lab The Technology Training Team is available to assist students
Virtual Computer Lab Students can remotely access the software programs available in a
computer lab.
Student Password Help
Help and Support | Office of Information Technology Services | CSI CUNY Website
Office 365
QCSI CSI’s new queuing system! QCSI allows students to schedule appointments with the
Registrar, Bursar, Admissions, Financial Aid, and the Technology HelpDesk using their mobile
Please complete the Helpdesk form, or email the helpdesk at heldesk@csi.cuny.edu for technology
support. If you have additional technology-related questions, be sure to visit the Virtual Open Lab
to speak with a College Assistant. Finally, be sure to take advantage of technology training
opportunities for faculty, staff, and students.
Operational Considerations for License Use of Campus Facilities
In support of the College’s mission of Borough Stewardship, CSI will provide rental use of campus
space and facilities in the Spring for those activities that have been approved by NYS and can meet
the guidelines set forth by CUNY and State and Local authorities. Proposals to use campus space will
have to include a safety plan that meets NYS and City Department of Public Health and University
policies and guidelines regulating the health, safety, and welfare of the University’s faculty, staff,
students, and the public. Additionally, proposals will have to address the licensee’s plan for
promptly reporting to the College any virus outbreak among attendees and other incidents
occurring during their operations or activities while on campus and thereafter.
Any proposed agreement will employ the newly developed license agreement prepared by CUNY
Legal and will include the COVID 19 Addendum. Any license agreement will provide that:
The cost and care of the safety and security of the licensee, its personnel, guests, and
invitees will be the responsibility of the licensees. No responsibility will be borne by the
University, CSI, or a college-related entity.
CSI will not be required to incur any additional responsibilities that may directly or indirectly
strain campus or University resources, including Public Safety services.
Licensee will be fully responsible to provide for the sanitization and restoration of campus
property and facilities.
Additionally, the College will report any violation or breach of terms and conditions of any short-
term facility use agreement to the Office of General Counsel.
Currently, possible use of campus facilities include:
The Tennis Center
Barnes and Noble Bookstore
Use of outdoor campus spaces
Pool rentals consistent with State guidance
Indoor Athletics activities
Indoor Concert Halls in the Center for the Arts
Operational Considerations for Campus Deliveries
CSI restricts external deliveries, including USPS mail and other delivery services, to the 1M
loading dock with two exceptions. Deliveries of research laboratory materials and pick-up of
chemical and regulated waste (RMW); is conducted at the 6S loading dock. Deliveries for dining
services and the College Bookstore (including food and waste pick-ups) are made at the 1C
Loading Dock.
1M and 6S loading docks are equipped with roll gates which when open provide for sufficient
outside air flow.
The 1C loading dock is equipped with double doors. College personnel transport goods to
the appropriate location indoors or escort masked delivery personnel with goods to the
All designated areas for pickups and deliveries will, to the extent possible, employ
measures to limit contact.
Public Safety will direct external delivery drivers who arrive at the front gate to the
appropriate drop off/pick up location.
All college personnel involved in receiving activities and delivery of goods on campus will
be trained by their supervisor in proper handling of goods, use of PPE and social
distancing according to current guidelines.
Many professional shipping companies are currently conducting “touchless” deliveries
and receipts with no physical exchange of paperwork or handling of pens required. This
process will continue. This practice involves the shipper taking the name of college
personnel who accepts the delivery and entering it into their system without contact or
The 1M loading dock is open for eight hours each day, 8:00 am 4:00 pm, unscheduled
deliveries are turned away at the front gate when the loading dock is closed.
The 6S loading dock will only accept pre-scheduled deliveries and pick-up of wastes. Faculty and
Staff will make a notification to the campus of all deliveries to 6S and work with & Safety to
ensure appropriate safety measures are taken.
The 1C loading dock will only accept pre-scheduled deliveries of food and dining-related supplies
as per Auxiliary Services.
Deliveries of mail and goods to employees on campus are made on a daily basis (per
pre-pandemic process). Operations will continue to accommodate special
circumstances (i.e., offices closed, large deliveries, short windows of access to offices,
and other spaces) by making individual arrangements with personnel who reach out to
the Mailroom or Operations.
CSI has procured and implemented a hands-free automated delivery and
receipting system to minimize person-to-person contact for internal deliveries.
Packages are secured at the loading dock until local delivery is made (or can be
arranged directly with the campus recipient).
Campus deliveries are transferred via van or hand truck to the required location
on campus with the use of PPE and practicing social distancing.
CSI has provided acceptable PPE and engineering controls (for delivery workers and mailroom
staff for the duration of the delivery process.
All college personnel involved in mailroom activity will be trained by their supervisor in proper
handling of mail, use of PPE, prior hand sanitizing and social distancing according to current
A. Signage
Signage has been installed in all Campus facilities and out of doors consistent with NYS Department
of Department of Health (NYSDOH) COVID-19 and as required by federal, state, local and university
policy. The signage is designed to support the goals of proper campus management overall and
regarding COVID 19. Signage is continuously monitored for relevant updates, and clarity. Below is a
sample of signs that have been installed throughout CSI.
Gyms and Fitness Centers, Including Pools
The Campus Gym and Fitness Center will be opened. A separate plan for reopening of the pool and
the basketball center will be included in the Athletics Resocialization Plan.
Plans allowing student-athletes to practice and play have been implemented.
Athletic Training Room (ATR)
Based on CDC guidelines, social distancing for unvaccinated individuals should continue to be
practiced at all times based on facility capacity. Max occupancy for the ATR is 4-5 student-athletes.
Student-athletes are required to schedule all treatments/entrance to the ATR via ARMS to keep
the number of student-athletes to a minimum.
It is encouraged that student-athletes with symptoms stay home and inform the Athletic Trainer
via phone or text.
All individuals must wear a mask throughout the duration of time in the ATR.
All Athletic Training staff will wear a mask and gloves during hands on therapy on student-
All tables and surfaces will be wiped down and disinfected after each use.
Hot packs will be covered with towels to prevent reuse of sleeves. Towels will be washed
between each use.
Student-athletes should not congregate in the ATR unless being treated.
Tank Protocol
The Strength and Conditioning facility (The Tank) will follow CDC guidelines, NCAA Resocialization
guidelines and the NY Department of Health guidelines for social distancing.
Coaches will communicate directly with Strength and Conditioning coach to schedule functional
unit workouts. Team lifts will be scheduled by coaching staff 1 week prior to desired time. This
will allow student-athletes time for scheduling individual lifts.
Student-athletes with symptoms will be required to stay home and inform the Athletic Trainer
via phone call or text.
The use of hand sanitizer will be required before and after each training session.
Towels will not be supplied to student-athletes, they are encouraged to bring their own.
While waiting to start a session, it is mandatory for all unvaccinated student-athletes to wear a
All Student-athletes who are in close proximity during stretches will be required to wear a mask.
They will NOT be required to wear a mask when appropriate social distance is maintained or
during intense exercise.
The first scheduled group of the day will assist the Strength coach with bringing out equipment
and the final group will help return equipment inside.
Training sessions will end 10 minutes early to allow for appropriate cleaning of equipment and
transition between groups.
Physical Preparation:
Self-serve food items and hot and communal serving stations have been removed. All items are
removed from- customer access and will be gathered, bagged and served by staff. All food items
are packaged in to- go containers. These items are accessible by staff only and made available to
customers in the designated pick-up areas. Staff will be encouraging and reminding students that
microwavable dinner entrees are available during both breakfast and lunch periods and can be
purchased at that time to avoid unnecessary return trips to the dining hall.
Dinnerware/drinkware have been removed from communal spaces and only issued as needed.
AII items are disposable single use only and handled only by staff.
All communal condiments replaced with single serving, individually wrapped items
A discounted reusable cup program will be instituted; cups will be filled and refilled by staff.
The dining area will be set up for social distancing since there is a mixed vaccination population.
Physical barriers have been placed in the form of plexiglass installations in all areas where dining
service staff will have interactions with customers. This includes food service, payment, and the
designated pick-up areas.
Online and mobile pre-ordering and payment options have been made available. In addition,
credit card terminals are enabled to provide "tap to pay" option. Students will be encouraged to
use the mobile app to avoid on-premises purchases.
Signage is strategically placed throughout the space to ensure that dining and food protocols
are clearly communicated to anyone entering the space.
Sanitizing wipes or automatic sanitizing dispensers are available, located near doors and
stairwell handles with visual cues/ reminders.
Operational Preparation:
Gloves are required for all back of house (BOH) staff and ensure the gloves are changed per
current industry standards.
Although not necessary if hand-washing protocols are rigorously followed, consider providing
gloves to servers. If they are worn, they must be changed regularly and are not a substitution for
Face coverings are required for staff and customers.
Cleaning Protocol:
Continue enhanced disinfection and sanitization measures both in the kitchen and dining areas.
Continued sanitization between employee shifts.
Computer Labs
Physical Preparation:
Shared keyboards in a student computer lab pose a particular challenge. For CSI’s measures to
address this challenge refer to Operational Preparation and Cleaning Protocol subsections below
Operational Preparation:
Computer labs will be open and may allow for a small number of stations for those who choose
to social distance. A server-based virtual environment will be implemented in order to access
software from remote locations. In addition, there will be some labs that will remain virtual
where students can access applications remotely.
Cleaning Protocol:
For electronic equipment, CSI staff will clean following the manufacturer’s guidelines on each
shift. If no guidance is available, will use alcohol-based wipes or soft cloths sprayed with a
disinfectant that includes at least 70% alcohol.
CSI will encourage students to wash their hands before using any computer terminal. Hand
sanitizer and alcohol-based wipes will be made available.
Conference Rooms
Physical Preparations:
Conference room will be available for meetings. Use of social distancing is recommended when a
mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals will be present.
Operational Preparations:
Meetings should continue to be held remotely to the greatest extent possible.
Cleaning Protocol:
Conference rooms that are used will be cleaned daily.
Disinfectant wipes or spray will be left in each conference room and employees will be
encouraged to wipe down all surfaces and equipment (e.g., mouse, keyboard, phone) touched
during conference room meetings.
Safe use practices will be enforced on elevators by limiting the number of passengers to allow for
appropriate social distancing.
Physical Preparation:
CSI will post occupancy limits
Hand Sanitizer will be provided when possible
Cleaning Protocol:
Frequent cleaning of high touch areas, such as elevator buttons.
Hallways and Stairwells
Physical Preparation:
CSI will place hand sanitizers, when practical, near elevators or stairwell entrances.
Operational Preparation:
CSI will post appropriate signage about wearing face masks.
Cleaning Protocol:
Frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as stairwell handles, and railings will be
Lobby and Common Areas
Physical Preparation:
CSI will encourage social distancing for those who choose to distance.
Operational Preparation:
CSI will post appropriate signage about wearing face masks.
Cleaning Protocol:
Frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces will be conducted
Residence HallsDolphin Cove
See Section IV.A, “Dolphin Cove Spring 2022 Operating Plan” for guidance.
C. Protective Equipment
Common personal protective equipment (PPE) used to protect employees and others includes
masks, face shields, gloves and glasses.
Masks and/or face coverings must be always worn while inside CSI buildings. The only
exceptions to wearing a mask are listed in Part 2; Section 1. B above and can be found here
Clarity on New Mask Mandate The City University of New York (cuny.edu)
CSI will procure acceptable face coverings and provide such coverings to our employees who
directly interact with students or members of the public while at work at no cost to the
CSI will ensure that an adequate supply of face coverings, masks and other required PPE are
ordered and on hand should an employee need a replacement
Environment Health and Safety will provide training on proper use and cleaning of Face
coverings to all essential personnel in Facilities, Operations and Public Safety
Individuals expected to collect or distribute materials throughout the workday (e.g., mail
services, cashiers) will be encouraged to wear disposable gloves while handling materials and
will be reminded to wash hands or use hand sanitizer during the course of their shift.
D. Hygiene, Cleaning and Disinfection
Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette
CSI will continue to facilitate health-promoting behaviors such as hand washing and respiratory
hygiene/cough etiquette to reduce the spread of infectious illnesses including COVID-19 and provide
frequent reminders of proper hand hygiene (verbally, posters, videos) with hand sanitizer widely
available in common areas and rooms. The College will maintain hand hygiene stations around the
institution, as follows:
For handwashing: soap, running warm water, disposable paper towels, and a lined garbage can.
For hand sanitizing: an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol for areas
where handwashing facilities may not be available or practical.
Make hand sanitizer available throughout common areas, placed in convenient locations, such as
at building entrances, and exits. Touch-free hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed where
possible. The College will remind individuals that alcohol-based hand sanitizers can be
flammable and may not be suitable for certain areas of campus.
Receptacles have been placed around the institution for the disposal of soiled items, including
paper towels and PPE.
Disposable wipes are available to staff and faculty so that commonly used surfaces (e.g.,
keyboards, desks, remote controls) can be wiped down before and after use.
Cleaning and Disinfection
CSI ‘s Policy for Routine Cleaning and Disinfection was created in compliance with CDC and NYS DOH
guidelines, including Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces for COVID-19 | CDC and the “STOP THE
SPREAD” poster., as applicable (44). Campus The Chief Superintendent in charge of Facilities will
maintain logs that include the date, time, and scope of cleaning and disinfection. This cleaning and
disinfection procedure will be reviewed and updated regularly as more guidance becomes available.
See below Policy for Routine Cleaning and Disinfection:
All restrooms will be cleaned and disinfected daily. All handwashing supplies will be evaluated
daily and replaced as needed.
Sign-off sheets will be posted in all restrooms. They are to be filled out and signed off as soon as
the restroom has been serviced. Shift supervisors will verify and initial the sheet.
Classrooms/Labs will be cleaned daily. At a minimum, the cleaning will include sweeping,
mopping the floor, and cleaning high touchpoints such as doorknobs, light switches, benchtops,
student/instructor desks, and lectern and windowsills.
High touchpoints in the buildings are railings, doorknobs/handles, switches, elevator buttons
which will be cleaned and wiped down daily with disinfectant.
Custodians will check sanitizing supplies such as disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer availability
in public spaces and replace as needed or if a request is made to replace such items by staff.
Custodial supervisors will staff shifts according to limited proposed opening criteria to be
All custodians will be retrained in COVID-19 precautions, disinfecting procedures, proper usage
of PPE, social distancing as well as pump equipment operation for disbursement of disinfectant.
The disinfectant to be used is Excelyte. The cleaning of offices will be tailored to individual
situations and will require input and assistance from office occupants to ensure social distancing
and maintain an appropriate cleaning schedule.
All public trash receptacles will be emptied daily. Individual office waste should be placed in the
hallway daily or after each class and or shift for pick up by custodians.
Custodial supervisors will ensure PPE compliance at daily shift changes as well as throughout the
Procedure for cleaning and disinfection for confirmed COVID19 case
Close off all areas for at least 24 hours. If not feasible then close off the area as long as possible
If less than 24 hours have passed since the person who is sick or diagnosed with COVID-
19 has been in the space, the space will need to be cleaned and disinfected.
If more than 24 hours have passed since the person who is sick or diagnosed with
COVID-19 has been in the space, routine cleaning is enough.
If more than 3 days have passed since the individual with confirmed COVID19 used the facility,
no additional cleaning and disinfection is necessary, but regular cleaning and disinfection must
continue, increase ventilation in the area if feasible, e.g. opening outside doors, windows or
increasing amount of fresh air in the area.
If it is feasible, leave the area exposed to sunlight since UV light is known to kill viruses and
Custodial supervisors should visually evaluate the area to ensure that all surfaces that need to be
cleaned have been identified and clearly communicated to the cleaning staff.
A. Screening
CUNY is now using the Cleared4 App for screening and campus access.
B. Contact Tracing
Contact tracing with students, faculty, and staff associated with the campus should be used as a
crucial strategy to reduce further transmission once a case is identified. CUNY will continue to aid in
the identification of exposures, and notify close contacts, as appropriate, of exposure as soon as
possible after being notified that someone on the campus has tested positive or been diagnosed
with COVID-19.
CDC Guidance that CUNY and Campuses will continue to follow:
Campuses should ensure timely reporting of COVID-19 cases to the NYC and NYS to aid in any
investigations and plan to provide information and records to aid in the identification of
As soon as possible after they are notified that someone has tested positive for or been
diagnosed with COVID-19, campuses should notify close contacts of exposure, in accordance
with applicable privacy and other laws. Campuses may prioritize their case investigation and
contact tracing per the CDC and NYS guidance below.
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 or have COVID-19 symptoms should isolate and notify
their close contacts that they may have been exposed to COVID-19 and refer close contacts to
the state or local health department website to learn about the steps they should take because
of the exposure.
New York State is following the during this winter surge in COVID-19 cases. The CDC’s guidance
emphasizes case investigations focus on those who tested positive most recently (last 6 days) and
contact tracing focuses on household contacts and sensitive settings, such as high-density
workplaces, events, or other settings with potential for extensive transmission.
C. Isolation and Quarantine
CUNY continues to follow the latest CDC guidance on isolation and quarantine. Any students, staff,
or faculty who test positive with COVID-19 or are exposed to someone with COVID-19 must follow
these guidelines, as outlined below, prior to returning to campus. If you are required to isolate or
quarantine, you must receive a negative test or doctor’s certification prior to returning to campus.
Test results will be accepted from other licensed test providers.
Isolation Guidelines if You Test Positive for COVID-19
Everyone, regardless of vaccination status.
Stay home for 5 days (day 0 is your first day of symptoms, or the day of your first positive test if
you do not develop symptoms).
If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can leave your house.
In order to return to CUNY after isolation, you must receive a negative PCR or Antigen test (we
strongly recommend an Antigen test, if available).
Collect the test sample only if you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-
reducing medication and your other symptoms have improved.
If your test result is positive, you should continue to isolate until day 10. Following day 10
you must receive a negative PCR or Antigen test before returning to CUNY.
In lieu of a negative test, individuals may provide a doctor’s certification that they have
recovered from COVID-19.
Continue to wear a well-fitting mask around others for 5 additional days; if you cannot wear a
mask, continue to isolate for 5 days.
If you have a fever, continue isolation until you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of
fever-reducing medication.
If you were severely ill with COVID-19 you should isolate for at least 10 days. Consult your doctor
before ending isolation.
If You Were Exposed to Someone with COVID-19
What to do:
If you have received a booster, OR
Completed the primary series of Pfizer vaccine
within the last 5 months or Moderna vaccine
within the last 5 months, OR
Completed the primary series of J&J vaccine
within the last 2 months, OR
Tested positive for COVID-19 with a viral test
within the previous 90 days and subsequently
recovered and remain without COVID-19
You do not need to quarantine.
Wear a well-fitting mask around others for 10
Get tested at least 5 days after your close
contact (the date of your exposure is
considered day 0); if you test positive, stay
home and isolate per guidelines above.
If you develop symptoms, get a test, stay home
and follow the isolation guidelines above.
For those who have completed the primary
series of Pfizer vaccine over 5 months ago or
Moderna vaccine over 5months ago and are
not boosted, OR
Completed the primary series of J&J over 2
months ago and are not boosted, OR
Are unvaccinated
You must quarantine.
Stay home for 5 days and get tested at least 5
days after your close contact (the date of your
exposure is considered day 0); if you test
positive, stay home and isolate per guidelines
In order to return to CUNY you must receive a
negative PCR test at least 5 days after your
After that, continue to wear a well-fitting mask
around others for 5 additional days. If you
cannot wear a mask for the additional 5 days,
continue to quarantine for those 5 days.
If you are unable to stay at home you must
wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days.
If you develop symptoms get a test, stay home
and follow the isolation guidelines above.
Do not travel during your quarantine period
All individuals should follow the CDC domestic travel recommendations and international travel
recommendations before reporting to work or campus and notify their manager in advance of
the travel dates and should quarantine be required.
Any students, faculty or staff engaging in official travel on behalf of CUNY must follow the latest
approval requirements for domestic and international travel.
Quarantine and Isolation Guidelines for Dormitories:
Before returning to campus for the Spring semester, all dorm students must submit proof of a
negative test.
In consultation with the local health department, campuses with dormitories must identify where
students who are infected with COVID-19 will be residing and how daily needs, such as food and
medication, will be met if it becomes necessary to have a period of isolation or quarantine.
Recommended facilities include, but are not limited to:
Sections of residence halls with private bathrooms, if possible, should be reserved to be used
solely for the purpose of isolating or quarantining individuals living on-campus who have or who
are suspected to have COVID19;
Nearby hotels that are arranged to accommodate individuals who have, or are suspected to have
COVID-19; and/or
Individual homes, as long as the student is able to safely travel home (e.g. not using mass transit)
and their home is safe for them to isolate away from other individuals.
Physical Preparation:
The isolation and quarantine rooms should be physically separated from other residential
student rooms.
The rooms should have private/separate bathroom facilities and be stocked with a
thermometer, sanitizing wipes, tissues, soap, hand sanitizer, and toiletries.
Spaces should be labeled externally with appropriate signage that states restricted access (e.g.,
“Private Quarters” or “Authorized Personnel Only”) but does not state the reason for the
restricted access due to concerns about the potential for stigma and FERPA/HIPAA regulations.
Any signage decisions should be reviewed with the campus or University general counsel.
Adequate numbers of rooms should be pre-identified to accommodate an increase in cases. The
CDC may later provide guidance on adequate numbers of rooms.
Operational Preparation:
If a residential student contracts COVID-19, campuses must proactively identify appropriate
residential spaces and reserve those spaces in the event of needed isolation or quarantine of a
Campus leaders will consult with CUNY Central and health officials to run scenarios on
transmission and ensure enough space is set aside to isolate all cases and suspected cases in an
aggressive transmission scenario.
A protocol should be made available to all individuals involved in the management of isolation
spaces and its procedures.
Minimally, a select group of individuals within housing/residence life, campus safety, and
facilities should be aware of the rooms used for isolation.
Student health services staff should remotely monitor students on a daily basis (temperature
checks and symptom screening) and transfer to an on- or off- campus site for a clinical
evaluation if symptoms advance or the patient requests.
For students on the campus meal plan, dining services should arrange food delivery in
collaboration with housing/residence life, student affairs or campus life. Housing/residence life
staff could arrange for the purchase of a campus meal plan or coordinate meal delivery for those
students who have not purchased the campus meal plan.
Transportation should be made available to and from the location if medical care is needed.
D. Testing:
CUNY is expanding testing for the safety and convenience of the CUNY community, creating a
robust testing program using various testing models, some new and some expansions of existing
• All students are expected to test before returning to campus.
• Student athletes and students in residence halls will be required to submit a negative PCR test
before returning to campus.
• Weekly testing will continue for those who are unvaccinated and expand to cover student
athletes and students in residence halls, regardless of vaccination status.
• Overall random testing will increase to 20% of the vaccinated and unvaccinated on-campus
population. Participation in the random surveillance testing is mandatory and failure to
participate will result in the removal of the individual’s Cleared4 access pass to CUNY spaces.
To facilitate testing for required medical clearance to return to campus, tests will continue to be
accepted from non-CUNY testing providers as well as from CUNY SafeCircle test sites. Testing
to return to campus should only be done at CUNY SafeCircle test sites when you are symptom
free to protect you and others in the CUNY community. If you are recovering from COVID-19,
you should not get tested until you have completed your isolation requirements and are
symptom free. If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, we encourage you to visit a
public testing site near your home or use an at-home test kit.
Rapid tests will be available for approved screening circumstances when unanticipated entry to
campus is required. The rapid tests will be distributed to CUNY testing sites and to selected
locations on campus and will be tracked through the testing system for inventory and usage
For more information about CUNY’s COVID-19 testing program, please see the Testing FAQ. For a
list of testing locations, visit here. For general frequently asked questions, please refer to the
Getting Back to Working in Person FAQ. If you still have questions, please contact your HR office.
Before coming to campus, each member of the community is expected to monitor your symptoms,
stay away from others if you feel sick, and get tested at a public testing site if you have any
symptoms. CUNY SafeCircle testing sites should not be used if you have symptoms.
E. Student Protocols for COVID-19
What to do if you test positive for COVID-19
If you are experiencing symptoms and/or have a confirmed positive test, please do not come
to campus. Students should contact the Health Center at HealthCenter@csi.cuny.edu so they
may begin contact tracing procedures and provide you with necessary guidance.
Please follow the CDC guidelines for Isolation and when to end isolation. Please keep in touch
with the appropriate office above to ensure proper clearance and reactivation of your
Cleared4 access pass for return to campus.
Students who are in need of academic accommodations due to the Covid-19 illness may
contact the Student Coronavirus Liaison, Danielle Dimitrov, Executive Director of Student
Affairs Danielle.Dimitrov@csi.cuny.edufor assistance.
What to do if you are a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case
Follow the CDC guidelines for quarantine, including who does not need to quarantine, who
should quarantine, and when to end quarantine.
If contacted and advised that you are a closed contact of a positive case, please keep in touch
with the Health Center at HealthCenter@csi.cuny.edu for guidance.
Residential Students must contact a Dolphin Cove staff immediately if they test positive for
Covid-19 or are experiencing symptoms by calling 718-982-3019 or the RA on call. They will need
to isolate or quarantine. There are units set aside for isolation and quarantine and will provide the
student with a private bedroom and bathroom. It is also important to note that each apartment is
equipped with its own HVAC unit and instant water heater. These students will also be reported to
the Student Affairs Liaison, who will notify the Campus Coronavirus Coordinator (see contact tracing
for more details). The Student Coronavirus Liaison will work with Dolphin Cove to coordinate
testing, food delivery, medication delivery, and academic accommodations. The Student Health
Center will also conduct daily check-ins via telemedicine, including remotely monitor students daily
via temperature checks and symptom screening and recommend transfer to an on- or off-campus
site for clinical evaluation if symptoms advance or the patient requests. Transportation will be
made available to and from the location if medical care is needed.
Contact Tracing
As a core component of our preventive measures, we will implement contact tracing measures.
Students taking courses on campus or living on campus who test positive for COVID-19 or suspect
they have it, should immediately report their positive test to the Student Affairs Liaison at
[email protected]uny.edu The Student Affairs Liaison will immediately notify the Campus
Coronavirus Coordinator. The Coordinator will collaborate with the Student Health Center to ensure
that the State and local health departments are immediately notified about the case. The
Coordinator will also notify the SVC for Institutional Affairs and the Campus Reopening Committee.
In the case of an individual testing positive or there is a suspected case, the Student Health Center
will contact the local health department to trace all contacts of the individual in accordance with
protocols, training, and tools provided through the New York State Contact Tracing Program.
Confidentiality will be maintained as required by federal and state law and regulations.
Through the New York State Contact Tracing Program and in collaboration with CSI Student Health
Center, contact will be made with the individual to identify all members of the community who were
in close or proximate contact during the time that the individual would have been contagious.
Students will be informed if they have had close or proximate contact with a person diagnosed with
COVID-19 to stay home or in their living quarters, quarantine, and self-monitor for symptoms, and
follow CDC guidance if symptoms develop.
F. Employee Protocols
Sick or Symptomatic Employees
When an employee reports that they are sick or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, they will be
directed to contact Human Resources or the Coronavirus Campus Liaison
[email protected] They will be advised that they cannot come to campus, should stay
home, and contact a health care professional for guidance. If a faculty member tests positive and
they are currently teaching an in-person or hybrid class, they should shift class activities online until
they are cleared to return to campus. If they are too ill to teach, the class sessions should be
temporarily cancelled, or a substitute designated.
If an employee begins to feel sick while on campus, they will be sent home immediately. If the
employee complains of having difficulty breathing or other condition which would present concerns
with travel, the employee will be isolated to the extent possible, and an ambulance will be called to
transport them to a local hospital. All efforts will be made to limit others from being exposed to the
Additionally, employees will be advised to follow the CDC guidelines for isolation COVID-19
Quarantine and Isolation | CDC
Employees will be instructed to follow the CDC, and health care provider guidance to determine
when it is safe for them to be around others and return to the workplace
G. Staged Reopening
At CSI, the Campus Coronavirus Coordinator or designee is the campus safety manager.
The campus has phase-in reopening activities to allow for operational issues to be resolved
before activities return to normal levels.
Staging assumes a gradual expansion of the number of activities on campus and in the field
while ensuring compliance with sound public health practices including the use of heightened
cleaning, staggered access, and physical distancing protocols.
Throughout any staged reopening process, CSI I will follow CUNY’s Guidelines for CUNY
Spring 2022 Reopening and CUNY’s Guidance on Academic Continuity to Campuses pages for
the most up to date information.
CSI’s decision-making around resumption of activities in any stage will consider associated
CSI will periodically evaluate the status of its restart to advise the Chancellery/COO’s
Office of its intent to safely proceed to the campuses next stage of reopening. This will be
contingent on health numbers continuing to improve/stay stable, supplies of PPE
remaining available, and whether the safeguards the campus has implemented are
effective at mitigating the inherent risks of the next stage of reopening.
Phases of Re-Entry
Phase 0 Physical campus closed; only essential personnel have access to campus. Faculty,
staff can request access to campus for limited periods of time by appointment.
Phase 1 Limited access to campus for researchers with funded projects, graduate students
nearing graduation by appointment, and with approved safety plans for their labs. Increased
presence of operations staff. Three academic buildings 6S, 5N, and 5S will be prioritized for
meeting CDC and state guidelines. No more than Limited face to face instruction in
programs where such instruction is required for accreditation/licensure. No more than 3% of
normal campus capacity (~450 individuals- ca. 300 faculty/staff and 150 students).
Phase 2 Greater access to campus by appointment for researchers with funded projects,
graduate students following approval of safety plans for labs, and subject to scheduling that
allows social distancing within the buildings. Three more academic buildings will be brought
up to health standards mandated by the CDC and New York State. Limited face to face
instruction provided in courses where such instruction is vital to pedagogy and cannot be
replicated by distance education. Essential student services offices open with limited hours,
by appointment only. No more than 6% of normal campus capacity (~900 individuals, ca. 450
staff/faculty and 450 students).
Phase 3 Access to campus by appointment for all faculty and graduate students with
research needs within constraints imposed by building and campus capacity. Three more
campus academic buildings will be brought online. Classes that require in-person exams will
be accommodated on campus as permitted by room availability/capacity and need. Student
and employee services will remain primarily online but limited on-campus services will be
expanded. No More than 25% of campus capacity (3000 individual, ca. 1000 faculty/staff,
2000 students).
Phase 4 - Per CUNY mandate, all campus offices will be staffed in person starting August 2,
2021. Phase 4 plans for 50% campus capacity.
Phase 5 - calls for a resumption of normal campus activities, with the proviso that those
coming to campus are either fully vaccinated or have had a negative Covid test within the
last 7 days. We are currently in Phase 5.
Phase 0
Phase 1 (Very
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
except for
No more than
3% of normal
capacity (450
individuals) *
No More
than 6 % of
No More
than 25% of
Short visits
by a VP
short visits
or limited
research for
funded PIs
only. Prior
approval of
lab safety plan
with funded
approval of
lab safety
Must remain
access for
and course
have access
to campus
based on
building and
faculty have
access to
campus as
or recent
students near
have access
or recent
plan from PI
to campus
for research
COVID test
Short visits
nt only. VP
Short visits to
functions not
student and
staff services
on campus.
shifts, by
More on-
offered, up
to 25%
All offices
should be
staffed for
Hours, level
of staffing
by unit
All offices
closed. All
facility closed.
All services
services. No
studying in
open by
t, with social
Staffing for
on campus
by Chief
Limited to
courses that
require face
to face
instruction for
or licensure
Testing and
small classes
in medium
to large
courses that
benefit from
All others
remain by
A majority
of courses
some on
offered in
hybrid or
online for
ve buildings
fully open
fully open
Closed. Virtual
labs available.
labs open by
labs open by
labs open
labs open
Limited use
for athletic
Limited use
for athletic
Open with
Limited grab
and go dining
grab and go
Open with
Open with
modified for
modified for
modified for
Open with
Open full
*Population numbers do not include Dolphin Cove Residents
In progressing through each stage, the Chancellery/COO’s Office and Campus Reopening
Committee will be responsive to local health conditions and continuously monitor and modify the
reopening approach. Crucial to ensuring the safety of students on campuses will be the
development and implementation of a physical distancing plan for each course offered by a
college. Plans will consider:
Number of students and faculty present in each session.
Length of session.
Nature of activities.
Responses to the daily health template from students, faculty, and staff (see
Section III.A. ‘Screeningfor additional information about the template)
Public health practices: vaccination status, face coverings, use of physical
distancing, cough/sneeze etiquette, hand hygiene.
Provisions for hand sanitizer and enhanced cleaning.
H. Communications Plan
The College of Staten Island’s policies and goals for campus communications mirror CUNY’s guidance
with respect to federal, state, local and university guidance, and policies regarding operations during
the COVID19 Pandemic. In particular, we have developed:
A campus communications process to support and distribute information regarding the campus
A clear chain of command with the appointment of the appropriate college officials as COVID19
Czar and another as Senior Communications Leader.
A strategy for conveying information to students, faculty, staff, and the community with regards
to a rapid shutdown of campus operations if needed due to a spike in COVID19 cases.
Appropriate signage for campus locations regarding social distancing, PPE use and safe campus
use practices.
A central repository of COVID19 communications for the campus
Targeted messages for four respective constituent groups
A regular schedule of communications to the constituent groups on a two-week cycle.
A plan to encourage of the use of academic communication channels for the faculty to reach out
to their students directly to provide information and support.
Overall, the College of Staten Island’s communication plan seeks to comply with appropriate
official guidance as well as convey a sense of order and support to our various constituent
groups. The general message content will be designed to be informative, direct, and
encouraging. To assure that the messages are targeted and formatted to reflect the needs of
the various campus constituent groups, the following college officials will draft and deliver
messages to their assigned constituent groups.
College President: Elected Officials, Alumni and Local Residents
Provost: Faculty and Academic Staff
VP of Operations: Campus Staff
Dean of Students: Students with copies to Faculty and Academic Staff
Messages will be delivered at a minimum of twice a month on the first and the fifteenth of the
month for as long as it needed. Additional announcements may be made as warranted or as
particular conditions arise. Channels of communication will utilize the broadest range of deliver
including email, posting of signage, social media and other online options as are practical and
The campus communications subcommittee developed and will continue to update a set of CSI
specific Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) to be posted and maintained on the campus COVID19
repository. This document will provide answers to questions that might be commonly asked and will
also provide links to various other on-campus and off-campus resources. The FAQ’s will be updated
and managed on a biweekly basis by members of the communications subcommittee. The intent of
the FAQ’s is to help students and other interested individuals obtain answers to common questions
from a simple, accurate and updated source.
COVID Communications Page
CSI’s homepage currently contains a COVID page which provides the President’s Communications,
Information the College’s Steering Committees for Re-opening the Campus, and current guidance
from CUNY, Federal, State and Local authorities.
The various components of the Re-opening plan will be included on the page, along with FAQs and a
link for the campus community to submit questions or comments. The page will also be a repository
for all prior communications from the designated college officials to constituent groups. A working
draft of the page can be found at https://www.csi.cuny.edu/academics-and-research/returning-csi.
Rapid Return to Online Teaching:
In case of a spike in COVID19 cases or other events that would create a need to end on-campus
activities at any time during the semester, a plan is in place for notification and campus
management during a rapid shutdown. Information on these plans will be conveyed to faculty and
staff and distributed with syllabus material and other appropriate methods of communication and
I. Metrics and Early Warning:
CUNY will continue to monitor campus and community infection rates. CUNY Central Office will
consult with campus leadership to determine the best course of action for additional safety
protocols or scaling back campus activity, if necessary. Any decisions on shutting down particular
buildings/areas within campuses, individual campuses, or multiple campuses, as appropriate, will be
made by the Chancellery/COO’s Office in consultation with local/State authorities.
Campuses must have a shutdown plan in place to respond rapidly. Campuses should rely on
previously developed shutdown plans and consult the Reclosing Protocols: CUNY’s Guide for Safely
Closing On-Campus Operations, for additional information on criteria for shutdown and shutdown