Mission-centered Biblical Higher Education
2018 Handbook
388 Tremont Street
Rochester, NY 14608
(585) 436-8560
Rochester Bible Institute 2018 Handbook – September 1, 2018 2
Table of Contents
General Information and Policies: ............................................................................................................ 3
What We Believe: .................................................................................................................................... 3
Mission & Vision: .................................................................................................................................... 4
History: .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Governance: ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Grievance Resolution: ............................................................................................................................ 5
Educational Policies and Procedures: ....................................................................................................... 5
Educational Goals: .................................................................................................................................. 5
Educational Outcomes: ........................................................................................................................... 6
Assessment of Educational Outcomes and Student Development: ..................................................... 6
Academic Accreditation Recognition and Partnerships: .................................................................... 6
Affiliation Approved by: ........................................................................................................................ 6
General Academic Information: ................................................................................................................ 7
Grade Ranking: ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Academic Probation: .............................................................................................................................. 8
Repeating a Course: ................................................................................................................................ 8
Conditions for Dismissal: ....................................................................................................................... 8
Conditions for Re-admission: ................................................................................................................ 9
Transcripts: ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Transfer Students: .................................................................................................................................. 9
Privacy of Educational Record: ........................................................................................................... 10
Rochester Bible Institute 2018 Handbook – September 1, 2018 3
General Information and Policies:
The information contained in the Rochester Bible Institute (RocBible) Handbook and
Catalogue reflects the current policies and regulations of the Institute. The RocBible reserves the
right to make changes in its policies and regulations at any time. The RocBible handbook contains
Beliefs, Procedures and Policies, and General Educational and Academic Information.
What We Believe:
We believe, the Bible to be the infallible and inerrant Word of God, that it is His holy and
inspired Word, and that it is of supreme and final authority. (2 Timothy 3:16)
We believe, in one God, eternally existing in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
(Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19)
We believe, in the deity of Jesus Christ. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin
Mary; He led a sinless life, took on Himself all our sins, died and rose again, is seated at the right
hand of the Father as our mediator and advocate, and is coming back in glory. (Titus 2:13; Luke
1:34-35; Hebrews 4:15; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; 1 Timothy 2:5; Matthew 24:30)
We believe, that all people everywhere are lost and face the judgment of God and need to come
to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through His shed blood on the cross. Salvation is based on
God’s grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ. (Romans 3:23-24; 6:23)
We believe, in holy Christian living, and that we must have concern for the hurts and social
needs of our fellow human beings. (1 Peter 1:15; James 2:15-17)
We believe, that we must dedicate ourselves anew to the service of our Lord and to His authority
over our lives. (Romans 12:1-2)
Rochester Bible Institute 2018 Handbook – September 1, 2018 4
Mission & Vision:
The mission of Rochester Bible Institute (RocBible) is to equip servant leaders for God, through
rigorous academic instruction of God’s word, to prepare them for a life of service. “To equip
God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Ephesians 4:12).
The vision of Rochester Bible Institute (RocBible) is to prepare servant leaders for service in the
home, church, community, and the world. It is our prayer, that through the academic instruction
at RocBible, students will diligently study God’s Word, and develop a Christ-like servant
leadership. While meaningfully applying God’s Word, students will participate in teaching
others about the gospel message.
In 2007, Victorious Living Christian Life Center, church was founded by Pastor Barbara JP
Thomas. After seeking God through prayer, conversing other pastors and consulting with the
board of directors at the church, a vision was developed by the church leaders to begin a school
to equip servant leaders for ministry. This was done through the church Christian Education
department. The Bible Institute was established as a ministry under the church.
The first student to complete the Bible Institute certificate program at Victorious Living
Christian Life Center, graduated with the Rochester Institute of Christian Education (RICE)
students in 2015. The Bible Institute has faithfully provided sound biblical training and
education. It has grown from its initial class of five people, to a program that has benefitted
many students.
In the spring of 2018, Pastor Thomas met with Larry Hovey and Pastor Marvin Robinson. From
their meetings they felt the Lord was leading The Bible Institute to become more than just a
church ministry. They began talking with other learning institutions and realized that the
opportunity could be much greater and would accord students with an opportunity to take
courses for credit.
Pastor Barbara was also, the executive director of Rochester Institute of Christian Education
(RICE) under the ministry of Rochester Family Mission. All three were housed at the same
location. RICE was struggling with enrollment and financially. Victorious Living was struggling
to find qualified instructors who would teach for free. Therefore, RICE instructors began
teaching in both The Bible Institute and RICE.
Rochester Bible Institute 2018 Handbook – September 1, 2018 5
After praying for guidance on continuing the ministry of RICE, it was disbanded, and Rochester
Bible Institute (RocBible) began in 2018. It is now faithfully providing sound biblical training
and education. Pastor Barbara JP Thomas, RocBible’s president and founder, formed a
relationship from an extension of RICE with Roberts Wesleyan College to accept up to 30
credits as transferable to the college.
Rochester Bible Institute (RocBible) was formed to equip servant leaders for ministry. Students
who complete the required course work will receive a Certificate of Ministry (30 credits
program) or a Certificate of Ministry with a Pastoral Concentration Certificate (60 credits
Rochester Bible Institute is a non-denominational Christian organization. The
organization is governed by its own self-perpetuating Board of Directors.
Grievance Resolution:
Resolution of all grievance matters should be referred to the Director of Student’s
Affairs. The student with a grievance must send a letter describing the grievance to the office. A
respond will be sent by the office to the student within 30 days. Information on the grievance
will be gathered by the office within 60 days. Resolution of the grievance will be sent to the
Educational Policies and Procedures:
Educational Goals:
Rochester Bible Institute’s educational goals provide a basis for providing its high-
quality biblical education.
1. The Bible is the primary textbook used in all academic classes and programs.
2. Teach sound doctrine.
3. That each student may learn how to rightly divide the Word of Truth.
Rochester Bible Institute 2018 Handbook – September 1, 2018 6
Educational Outcomes:
Rochester Bible Institute’s biblical programs enable and challenge the students to successfully
accomplish these outcomes:
1. Expand and strengthen biblical knowledge and understanding.
2. Develop student writing and communication skills.
3. Develop servant ministry leaders.
Assessment of Educational Outcomes and Student Development:
Development of student’s gifts, abilities, and Christian servant leadership will be assessed over
time through:
1. Quality of biblical essay writing
2. Participation in faith sharing groups
3. Student participation in community evangelistic events
4. Field placement.
Academic Accreditation Recognition and Partnerships:
Rochester Bible Institute (RocBible) is not presently accredited. We are currently working
closely with other accredited schools (Roberts Wesleyan College and Northeastern Seminary,
Rochester, NY 14624).
Partnerships will be developed with local churches and educational institutions.
Affiliation Approved by:
Rochester Bible Institute (RocBible) will continue to be an affiliate of The Evangelical
Training Association (ETA). All RocBible faculty are approved by ETA.
Roberts Wesleyan College accepts up to thirty credits from Rochester Bible Institute
toward an associate degree.
Rochester Bible Institute 2018 Handbook – September 1, 2018 7
General Academic Information:
Required and Permitted Per Semester
Part-Time (3 - 6 credits)
Full-Time (9 or more credits)
Class Attendance
Regular class attendance is an essential part of the purposes and objectives of the academic
program. Only three absences are allowed per class.
Absences and Leaves
A schedule of class times is published each semester. If students miss more than three classes,
they will be automatically withdrawn. In addition, fifteen minutes after the beginning of the
class, students are marked present or absent. Class attendance is recorded, and grade points
are lowered with successive absences. Students may be granted leave only by permission and
only in case of emergency.
Auditing Courses
The term “Audit” implies the following:
1. The student pays the audit fee.
2. The student receives no academic evaluation and no academic credit for the class.
3. The student may make changes in the audit status only during the add/drop period.
Standards of Progress
Grades generally depend upon homework, tests, class discussion, and final examinations as
described in the course syllabus. All course work must be given to the instructor no later than
two weeks after the end of the semester. Final grade is mailed when the course is paid in full.
Students may obtain progress reports at any time during the semester, from the instructor.
Grade reports are issued once per semester for all courses.
Withdrawal/Incomplete: Any Student who wishes to apply for an Incomplete or Withdrawal,
1. Contact the course instructor for approval.
2. Contact the Rochester Bible Institute’s office and complete the Withdrawal/Incomplete
3. The President’s approval and signature.
Rochester Bible Institute 2018 Handbook – September 1, 2018 8
Grade Ranking:
Grade Point
Grade Scale %
93 100
90 92
87 89
83 86
80 82
77 79
73 76
70 72
67 69
63 66
60 62
0 59
Academic Probation:
Students whose GPA falls below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation. Upon raising their
GPA to 2.00 or higher, the student will be removed from academic probation and all privileges
will be restored. They are also required to meet with the Executive Director.
Repeating a Course:
When a student elects to repeat a course, only the grade received for the repeat will be counted in
the computation of the student’s grade point average. Students may not repeat a course more than
Conditions for Dismissal:
Any student can be dismissed for behavior which, in the view of the administration, is not
becoming of the Rochester Bible Institute, including but not limited to, repeated infractions of the
published rules.
Rochester Bible Institute 2018 Handbook – September 1, 2018 9
Re-admission after suspension is never automatic. The student must apply for re-admission
through the President’s office to be approved. Any student who is dropped for academic reasons
is ineligible for re-admission until one full semester has elapsed.
Conditions for Re-admission:
Upon interruption for academic reasons, the student will be assigned by a committee of the faculty
to a remedial program consisting of readings or research in deficiency. Upon completion of such
a program, the student may petition the faculty committee for re-admission. Re-admission will be
granted based on the review of such remedial work by the faculty committee and determination
that progress has been made in correcting the areas of weakness.
Upon request, a transcript of credits can be issued from the Rochester Bible Institute (RocBible)
office. An official transcript can be sent to another institution, other authorized person or agency.
Students can be sent an unofficial transcript. Transcripts cannot be furnished, until all accounts
have been satisfactorily settled.
additional copy requires prepayment of $15.00. Please send a
check or money order payable to Rochester Bible Institute with a
letter containing the following information:
Current name and any other name used while a student at
Rochester Bible Institute
Current address and telephone number
Years attended Rochester Bible Institute
Address to send the transcripts
Transfer Students:
1. Student applying as a transfer student must provide official transcript(s) that sent from
previous college(s). Transcripts must be in the applicant’s file before the Rochester Bible
Institute classes begin. Transfer courses must meet the guidelines listed below.
2. To qualify as a transferable credit:
The transcript shows the course to transfer with at least the same number of
semester credits as Rochester Bible Institute and a grade of at least C or higher must
be in the applicant’s file before the course begins or the student will be required to
take the course at Rochester Bible Institute according to the current courses
Rochester Bible Institute 2018 Handbook – September 1, 2018 10
The previous college must be recognized by a regional and/or professional
accrediting group or be recognized by Rochester Bible Institute.
A course description sent from the previous college may be used to determine
transfer ability. The applicant must have achieved at least a “C” average (2.00
GPA) in the course to be transferred, as well as a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher
at the previous college.
All credit transfer requests are subject to review and approval of the President.
Courses previously completed at another institute, or college, may be applied to an
academic program at Rochester Bible Institute, to the extent that such courses are
in accordance with certificate requirements.
Transferred grades are not included in GPA calculations at Rochester Bible
Privacy of Educational Record:
Rochester Bible Institute’s privacy policy regarding access to student records (such as grades,
grade point averages, and class rank) is governed by the Family Educational Rights Act of 1974,
commonly known as “The Buckley Amendment.”
As applied to college students, these regulations restrict Rochester Bible Institute to the release of
certain records, only to the student (current and former) and to certain other authorized school and
government personnel, except with a student’s prior written consent. Without this consent,
Rochester Bible Institute cannot release a student’s records, even to parents, except in one instance:
parents or guardians of a student may be given access to certain of the student’s records, if the
parents or guardians sign a statement in the Academic Records Office, that they have claimed the
student as a dependent on their last federal income tax return.
The Buckley Amendment allows the college to release the following type of information (not
considered private records) unless the student requests that it be withheld: student’s name, address,
telephone number, date and place of birth, photograph, major field of study, participation in
officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates
of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous educational institution
attended, eligibility for honor societies, and similar information. A student who does not want this
information released must make a request in writing to the registrar by the close of the registration
period for the semester or term in which the student is enrolled. Requests for nondisclosure must
be filed annually to meet this legal requirement.