Health Policy Brief
March 2016
Prediabetes in California: Nearly Half
of California Adults on Path to Diabetes
Susan H. Babey, Joelle Wolstein, Allison L. Diamant, Harold Goldstein
SUMMARY: In California, more than 13 million
adults (46 percent of all adults in the state) are
estimated to have prediabetes or undiagnosed
diabetes. An additional 2.5 million adults have
diagnosed diabetes. Altogether, 15.5 million
adults (55 percent of all California adults) have
prediabetes or diabetes. Although rates of
prediabetes increase with age, rates are also high
among young adults, with one-third of those ages
18-39 having prediabetes. In addition, rates of
prediabetes are disproportionately high among
young adults of color, with more than one-third
of Latino, Pacific Islander, American Indian,
African-American, and multiracial Californians
ages 18-39 estimated to have prediabetes. Policy
efforts should focus on reducing the burden of
prediabetes and diabetes through support for
prevention and treatment.
iabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes,
is a significant and growing health
problem that affects both adults and children
and can cause a number of serious complications,
including blindness, kidney disease,
cardiovascular disease, amputation, and
premature death. Nationally, the prevalence
of diabetes among adults has nearly tripled
over the past 30 years.
In 2014, 29.1 million
people in the U.S., or 9.3 percent of the
population, had diabetes (including 8.1 million
with undiagnosed diabetes).
In California,
the prevalence of diabetes among adults
increased by 35 percent between 2001
and 2012.
Prediabetes, also referred to as impaired
glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose,
is a condition in which blood glucose
levels are higher than normal but not high
enough for a diagnosis of diabetes. People
with prediabetes have a much higher risk
of developing type 2 diabetes, as well as
an increased risk for cardiovascular disease.
Results from the Diabetes Prevention
Program (DPP) clinical trial indicated that
among those with prediabetes, increased
physical activity, improvements in diet, and
weight loss can prevent or delay the onset
of diabetes significantly more than placebo
or medication.
Results also indicated that
medication, while effective, is not as effective
as lifestyle changes.
Nationally, more than one in three adults
is estimated to have prediabetes, and 90
percent of these individuals are not aware
that they have the condition.
Between 1999
and 2010, the prevalence of prediabetes
among adults in the U.S. increased from 29
percent to 36 percent.
Moreover, between
1999 and 2008, the prevalence of diabetes
and prediabetes among adolescents in the
U.S. rose dramatically, from 9 percent to
23 percent.
Without intervention efforts,
up to 30 percent of people with prediabetes
will develop type 2 diabetes within five
years, and up to 70 percent will develop
diabetes within their lifetime.
There are very
effective interventions available, including
lifestyle modification programs recognized
by the CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention
This policy brief was developed
in partnership with the California
Center for Public Health Advocacy
with funding from the California
Health Care Foundation and
The California Endowment
More than
13 million
California adults
—nearly half of
the state’s adult
estimated to have
Program, that can prevent or delay the
progression from prediabetes to diabetes.
The current trends in diabetes and prediabetes
are troubling because of the associated
human and financial costs. Not only does
diabetes increase the risk of serious medical
complications, but it is also extremely costly
to families, businesses, health care plans,
states, and the nation. Nationally, diabetes
was estimated to cost $245 billion in 2012,
including $176 billion in direct medical
costs and $69 billion in lost productivity.
In California, the total cost of diabetes was
estimated to be more than $27 billion, with
$19 billion of that spent on direct medical
care for diabetes and $8 billion on the indirect
costs associated with the disease.
In addition,
undiagnosed diabetes is estimated to cost
California $2.8 billion and prediabetes $5.3
billion in direct medical care.
This study used data from the 2013-14
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
and the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES) to estimate
the prevalence of prediabetes in California.
NHANES 2009-2012 data were used to
build and test a statistical model predicting
prediabetes, defined by hemoglobin A1c and
fasting plasma glucose (blood tests commonly
used to diagnose diabetes and prediabetes).
This predictive model was then applied to
CHIS data to produce California-specific
estimates of the prevalence of prediabetes
and undiagnosed diabetes (herein referred
to as prediabetes when reporting California
estimates). The percentage of California adults
with undiagnosed diabetes is expected to
comprise a relatively small proportion of the
prediabetes estimates presented. Nationally,
less than 4 percent of adults have undiagnosed
diabetes. This policy brief describes the
estimated prevalence of prediabetes, including
undiagnosed diabetes, statewide as well as by
age, race and ethnicity, and county.
Prediabetes in California
One-Third of Young Adults in California
Have Prediabetes
In California, more than half of adults (55
percent) have either prediabetes or diabetes.
This includes 2.5 million adults, or 9 percent of
the state’s adult population, who have diagnosed
diabetes. In addition, nearly half of adults (46
percent) are estimated to have prediabetes.
This represents more than 13 million California
adults. Prediabetes prevalence increases with
age, rising from 33 percent among adults ages
18-39 to 49 percent among those ages 40-
59 (Exhibit 1). Prevalence then levels off at
approximately 60 percent among adults 55
and older.
Percent of Adults Diagnosed with Diabetes and Estimated to Have Prediabetes by
Age Group, California, 2013-14
Exhibit 1
Diabetes Prediabetes
Age % %
18-39 2% 33%
40-54 9% 49%
55-69 16% 60%
70+ 20% 59%
All California Adults 9% 46%
Source: 2013-14 California Health Interview Survey
Note: Estimates of prediabetes are based on predictive models
developed using 2009-2012 NHANES data and applied to
CHIS 2013-14 data. Prediabetes estimates include adults
with undiagnosed diabetes. Nationally, approximately 3.9 percent of
adults have undiagnosed diabetes. Confidence intervals for estimates
presented in this table are available here:
Not only does
diabetes increase
the risk of
serious medical
but it is also
extremely costly
to families,
businesses, health
care plans, states,
and the nation.
Prediabetes Higher Among Adults of Color
Prediabetes disproportionately affects certain
racial and ethnic groups. In California, at
least half of Pacific Islanders (55 percent),
American Indians (51 percent), and African-
Americans (50 percent) are estimated to
have prediabetes (Exhibit 2). Among young
adults, more than one-third of Latinos
(36 percent), Pacific Islanders (43 percent),
American Indians (38 percent), African-
Americans (38 percent), and those of
multiple races (37 percent) are estimated to
have prediabetes.
Prediabetes Varies by County
The prevalence of prediabetes varies from
county to county among California adults.
Because age is a particularly strong risk
factor for diabetes and prediabetes, Exhibit 3
displays estimates of county-level prediabetes
prevalence broken out by age group. High
rates among young adults are particularly
concerning, because the risk of complications
from diabetes increases significantly the
longer one has the condition. Among adults
ages 18-39, the prevalence of prediabetes
ranged from 26 percent in Lake County to 40
percent in both Kings and Imperial counties
(Exhibit 3). Among this younger age group,
five counties had rates below 30 percent
(Lake, San Benito, Butte, San Francisco, and
San Luis Obispo), and five had rates over 37
percent (Tulare, Merced, San Joaquin, Kings,
and Imperial). Among all adults, rates ranged
from 43 percent in Sutter and Butte counties
to 54 percent in Nevada County and the
combined counties of Tuolumne, Calaveras,
Amador, Inyo, Mariposa, Mono, and Alpine.
This regional variation is likely due to a
number of factors, including differences
in demographic, social, economic, and
environmental characteristics.
Percent of Adults Estimated to Have Prediabetes by Race or Ethnicity and Age Group,
California, 2013-14
Exhibit 2
Source: 2013-14 California Health Interview Survey
Note: Estimates of prediabetes are based on predictive models
developed using 2009-2012 NHANES data and applied to
CHIS 2013-14 data. Prediabetes estimates include adults
Age Group
Race and Ethnicity 18-39 40-54 55-69 70+ All Adults
Latino 36% 51% 55% 51% 44%
Pacific Islander 43% 54% 76% 53% 55%
American Indian 38% 52% 65% 70% 51%
Asian 31% 45% 53% 58% 42%
African-American 38% 56% 61% 57% 50%
White 29% 49% 63% 61% 48%
Multiracial 37% 51% 58% 52% 45%
California 33% 49% 60% 59% 46%
with undiagnosed diabetes (approximately 3.9 percent of
adults nationally). Confidence intervals for estimates presented
in this table are available here:
High rates
among young
adults are
of complications
from diabetes
significantly the
longer one has
the condition.
Percent of Adults Estimated to Have Prediabetes by County or County Group and Age,
California, 2013-14
Exhibit 2
Source: 2013-14 California Health Interview Survey
Note: Estimates of prediabetes are based on predictive models
developed using 2009-2012 NHANES data and applied
to CHIS 2013-14 data. Prediabetes estimates include
Age Group
County or County Group 18-39 40-54 55-69 70+ All Adults
Northern and Sierra Counties 31% 50% 61% 60% 48%
Butte 28% 52% 62% 53% 43%
Shasta 30% 52% 62% 54% 50%
Humboldt 32% 47% 67% 67% 48%
Del Norte, Siskiyou, Lassen, Trinity, Modoc, Plumas, Sierra 32% 48% 64% 63% 49%
Mendocino 30% 44% 66% 65% 48%
Lake 26% 43% 58% 58% 46%
Tehama, Glenn, Colusa 34% 58% 47% 59% 46%
Sutter 32% 51% 48% 58% 43%
Yuba 33% 55% 58% 57% 48%
Nevada 33% 46% 66% 71% 54%
Tuolumne, Calaveras, Amador, Inyo, Mariposa, Mono, Alpine 36% 53% 64% 60% 54%
Greater Bay Area 32% 48% 62% 62% 47%
Santa Clara 32% 43% 62% 65% 46%
Alameda 34% 51% 58% 64% 47%
Contra Costa 33% 44% 61% 62% 47%
San Francisco 28% 51% 66% 55% 44%
San Mateo 31% 48% 67% 65% 47%
Sonoma 33% 53% 61% 60% 49%
Solano 32% 48% 61% 50% 45%
Marin 31% 48% 61% 67% 50%
Napa 33% 48% 66% 65% 48%
Sacramento Area 31% 50% 63% 60% 47%
Sacramento 31% 51% 63% 58% 46%
Placer 31% 47% 61% 63% 47%
Yolo 32% 51% 59% 57% 44%
El Dorado 32% 49% 67% 62% 50%
San Joaquin Valley 36% 50% 60% 57% 47%
Fresno 37% 45% 68% 65% 49%
Kern 34% 58% 51% 49% 45%
San Joaquin 39% 46% 67% 58% 48%
Stanislaus 34% 54% 58% 52% 45%
Tulare 38% 41% 56% 56% 44%
Merced 38% 55% 51% 55% 46%
Kings 40% 49% 58% 60% 48%
Madera 32% 55% 63% 49% 45%
Central Coast 33% 51% 61% 58% 46%
Ventura 32% 53% 59% 61% 47%
Santa Barbara 33% 50% 64% 56% 47%
Santa Cruz 30% 45% 66% 61% 45%
San Luis Obispo 29% 52% 63% 57% 46%
Monterey 37% 48% 54% 50% 45%
San Benito 27% 53% 58% 62% 47%
Los Angeles 33% 48% 57% 56% 44%
Los Angeles 33% 48% 57% 56% 44%
Other Southern California 33% 51% 60% 61% 46%
Orange 31% 49% 62% 61% 46%
San Diego 32% 50% 62% 59% 46%
San Bernardino 35% 51% 52% 64% 45%
Riverside 34% 54% 63% 62% 48%
Imperial 40% 53% 43% 41% 44%
California 33% 49% 60% 59% 46%
adults with undiagnosed diabetes (approximately 3.9 percent of
adults nationally). Confidence intervals for estimates presented in
this table are available here:
Conclusions and Recommendations
More than 13 million California adults
nearly half of the state’s adult population
—are estimated to have prediabetes. This
suggests that more effort is needed to address
the prevention of diabetes and the detection
of and intervention for prediabetes statewide.
Health promotion and disease prevention
efforts such as maintaining a healthy weight,
consuming healthy foods and beverages,
limiting intake of sugar and other simple
carbohydrates, and being more physically
active all reduce the risk of developing type 2
diabetes. To aid in the prevention of diabetes,
particularly among those with prediabetes,
policymakers should consider the following:
Support diabetes prevention efforts. Most
people with prediabetes do not know they
have the condition. Providing coverage for
and ensuring the regular medical practice
of appropriate screening can identify
people with prediabetes while it is still
possible to prevent the onset of type 2
diabetes. In addition, insurance coverage
for and referral to recognized diabetes
prevention programs can remove critical
barriers to education and care for people
with prediabetes and can facilitate lifestyle
changes that can prevent diabetes.
Promote community and workplace
environments that support healthy
eating. Local and state policy initiatives
can improve the food and beverage
environment by increasing access to fruits
and vegetables, decreasing marketing
of unhealthy options, encouraging large
institutions such as hospitals to follow
healthy food procurement guidelines,
developing educational strategies to assist
consumers in making more informed food
and beverage choices, and ensuring the
availability of safe and low-cost drinking
Promote built environments that
encourage regular physical activity.
Lack of physical activity is a significant
risk factor for diabetes, and further
policies should be developed to facilitate
active living—for example, creating safe
environments for walking and biking,
providing access to safe parks and
other places for recreation and physical
activity, and offering worksite programs
to facilitate regular physical activity for
adults of all ages.
Support adequate access to quality
primary and specialty care. At-risk
individuals need to have adequate and
sufficient access to quality health care
services. Lack of continuous health
insurance coverage and insufficient benefits
packages create significant financial
barriers to accessing primary and specialty
care services. In addition, increased access
to recognized diabetes-prevention lifestyle
modification programs has been shown to
be particularly beneficial for adults with
Most people with
prediabetes do not
know they have
the condition.
This publication contains
data from the California
Health Interview Survey
(CHIS), the nation’s largest
state health survey.
Conducted by the UCLA
Center for Health Policy
Research, CHIS data give
a detailed picture of the
health and health care
needs of California’s large
and diverse population.
Learn more at:
Data Sources and Methods
The findings in this brief are based on data from the
2013-14 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS).
CHIS 2013-14 completed interviews with more
than 40,000 households that included 40,240 adults,
drawn from every county in the state. Interviews
were conducted in English, Spanish, Chinese (both
Mandarin and Cantonese), Korean, Vietnamese, and
Tagalog. California estimates of diabetes prevalence
are based on self-report. Adults were asked whether
they had ever been diagnosed with diabetes by a
doctor. Those who responded “yes” were classified as
having diabetes.
Estimates of prediabetes are statistically modeled.
Data from the 2009-2012 National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
were used to build and test predictive models of
blood glucose levels above cutoffs associated with
prediabetes. NHANES is a cross-sectional survey
that provides a nationally representative sample
of the noninstitutionalized population. NHANES
participants completed a household interview as
well as a physical examination that included a blood
sample. Predictive models were developed for the
adult population (18 and older) using data from the
NHANES fasting subsample. Cutoffs associated
with prediabetes were applied to hemoglobin A1c
(HbA1c) and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) values in
NHANES: HbA1c of 5.7 percent or above, or FPG
of 100 or above. People who reported having been
diagnosed with diabetes were classified as having
The predictive model was developed using
Generalized Boosted Regression Models (GBM)
implemented in R.
This iterative, machine-
learning algorithm increases in complexity until it
minimizes out of training-sample predictive error,
which was assessed using tenfold cross-validation.
The NHANES predictive model displayed good
predictive ability: Pseudo R-squared = 0.304 and
Coefficient of Discrimination = 0.301. These metrics
are taken from the cross-validation and represent the
prediction for cases not used in the training. Models
predicted blood glucose levels above prediabetes
cutoffs. As a result, estimates of prediabetes include
adults with undiagnosed diabetes. However, those
with undiagnosed diabetes are expected to represent
a relatively small proportion of the prediabetes
estimates presented here. Variance was estimated
using multiple imputation. Confidence intervals for
estimates presented in this publication are available
For consistency with earlier estimates, the National
Center for Health Statistics applies regression
equations to fasting glucose values collected
after 2005. The current analysis does not involve
comparison with earlier estimates. Therefore, fasting
glucose values are based on the current laboratory
measurement methods and have not been adjusted
to be comparable to values collected in previous
NHANES cycles. Based on our analysis of 2009-2012
NHANES data using HbA1c and FPG values not
adjusted for comparability with earlier NHANES
cycles, approximately 42 percent of U.S. adults 18
and over have prediabetes, and an additional 3.9
percent have undiagnosed diabetes. The predictive
model developed in NHANES was applied to CHIS
2013-14 data to produce California-specific estimates
of the prevalence of prediabetes (which include
undiagnosed diabetes). Although the California
prediabetes estimates include undiagnosed diabetes,
the proportion with undiagnosed diabetes is expected
to be relatively small, given that nationally less than
4 percent of adults have undiagnosed diabetes.
The California Health Interview Survey is a
collaboration of the UCLA Center for Health Policy
Research, the California Department of Public
Health, the California Department of Health Care
Services, and the Public Health Institute. For funders
and other information on CHIS, visit
Author Information
Susan H. Babey, PhD, is a senior research scientist at
the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. Joelle
Wolstein, PhD, MPP, is a research scientist at the
UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. Allison L.
Diamant, MD, MSHS, is a professor in the Division
of General Internal Medicine and Health Services
Research at the David Geffen School of Medicine
at UCLA. Harold Goldstein, DrPH, is executive
director of the California Center for Public Health
The authors wish to thank Hongjian Yu, PhD;
Pan Wang, PhD; Akbar Esfahani, MIS; Carl Ganz;
Terry Schell, PhD; Gwen Driscoll; Venetia Lai; and
Celeste Maglan Peralta for their assistance. The
authors would also like to thank the following
individuals for their helpful comments: Xiao Chen,
PhD, associate director of the Health Economics
and Evaluation Program, UCLA Center for Health
Policy Research; Francine R. Kaufman, MD,
Distinguished Professor Emerita of Pediatrics at
USC, the Center for Endocrinology, Diabetes and
Metabolism, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles;
Paul Simon, MD, MPH, director of the Division of
Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention, Los Angeles
County Department of Public Health.
Suggested Citation
Babey SH, Wolstein J, Diamant AL, Goldstein H.
Prediabetes in California: Nearly Half of California
Adults on Path to Diabetes. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA
Center for Health Policy Research and California
Center for Public Health Advocacy, 2016.
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The UCLA Center
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is part of the
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.
The analyses, interpretations, conclusions,
and views expressed in this policy brief are
those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent the UCLA Center for Health Policy
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Copyright © 2016 by the Regents of the
University of California. All Rights Reserved.
Editor-in-Chief: Gerald F. Kominski, PhD
Phone: 310-794-0909
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