Terms & Conditions
Savings Account opened through Video based account opening process and updation of KYC
through Video based customer identification process
These terms and conditions (as amended from time to time) are applicable to the Customer(s)
(defined hereinafter) who opens savings bank account through video based account opening
process and update his/her KYC through V-CIP mode provided by IDBI Bank Limited (“Bank”)
By accepting these terms and conditions and opening the account through the video based
account opening process and updating of KYC through V-CIP mode, the Customer hereby
agrees to be governed by the Terms and Conditions as mentioned herein and amendments
made from time to time and communicated through various means available to the Bank.
The general terms applicable to the accounts and products are available on Bank’s website at
www.idbibank.in under the selected product. These terms are in addition to the prevailing terms
and conditions applicable for opening and operating the savings bank accounts as furnished in
the Bank’s website.
Important Terms
An "authorisation" or "approval" includes an authorisation, consent, clearance, approval,
permission, exemption, filing and registration provided by the applicant/customer.
“Act” means the Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002 together with Prevention of Money-
Laundering (Maintenance of Records) Rules, 2005, respectively and amendments thereto.
“Customer(s)” shall mean any resident Indian who is a citizen of India and above 18 years of age
and provides his/her details in the application form for opening a savings bank account with the
Bank, subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified from time to time.
“Digital account” shall mean a savings bank account offered by Bank which is opened/on
boarded through online mode and is governed by these Terms and Conditions as amended from
time to time.
“Digital KYC” shall have the meaning assigned to it in under section 3(a)(viii) of the RBI Master
Direction - Know Your Customer (KYC) 2016 as updated from time to time (Master Directions) i.e.,
the capturing live photo of the customer and officially valid document or the proof of possession
of Aadhaar, where offline verification cannot be carried out, along with the latitude and
longitude of the location where such live photo is being taken by an authorised officer of the Bank
as per the provisions contained in the Act.
“Video based customer identification process (V-CIP)” is a method of customer identification by
an official of the Bank by undertaking seamless, secure, real-time, consent based audio-visual
interaction with the customer to obtain identification information including the documents
required for CDD purpose, and to ascertain the veracity of the information furnished by the
T& C-Savings Account opened through Video based account opening process and updation of KYC through Video based customer
identification process
Eligibility for using the Services
The Customer(s) hereby agrees and undertakes that he/she shall open the account /update KYC
in existing account, through the video based account opening process and V-CIP mode only if
he/she fulfils the eligibility criteria as given below:
For opening of the account: The Customer is new to the Bank/not having an existing
account with the Bank.
For updating KYC in existing account: All Customer(s) who are maintaining saving bank
account with the Bank irrespective of the mode of opening of a saving bank account.
The Customer is an individual and is a major;
The Customer is of sound mind, solvent and competent to contract;
The Customer is neither a US person nor a resident for tax purpose in any country other
than India.
The Customer is a resident of India and is present in the territory of India at the time of
opening of the account;
Documents Required
PAN Card of the Customer
Aadhaar card of the Customer
Specimen signature of Customer to be recorded in white sheet with black/blue pen
Process of opening Regular Savings Account through V-KYC
Customer to visit the Bank's website and click on the link to open the online account
through video KYC (V-CIP) on-boarding and provide required permissions/authorisations.
The link shall also be provided through SMS channel by the Bank.
Customer can submit his/her Aadhaar / PAN number voluntarily through online V-CIP
process and proceed to open Savings Bank Account.
CIP compliance Customer shall satisfy the eligibility criteria of V-CIP along with supported
documents. During the process, the verification of Applicant/customer’s KYC documents
and signature are recorded via a video call with Bank’s officer along with noting down
customer location through geo tagging process, record customer conversation
(microphone access to be granted ) and capture customer video (Camera access to be
An officer of the Bank will capture the live photo of the Customer to match it with Aadhaar,
capture PAN and verify PAN details, do liveliness check and ask questions in random order,
ask customer to sign on a white sheet of paper to capture signature.
All accounts opened through V- KYC shall be made operational only after being subject to
audit as per RBI guidelines.
Customer Authorizations and confirmations
The Customer voluntarily gives consent and authorizes the Bank to carry out for OTP based
Aadhaar authentication or Customer will upload offline Aadhaar Verification XML for
establishing Customer identity and address. Customer gives consent to the Bank to fetch
his/her demographic details from UIDAI, using biometric authentication which will be used
T& C-Savings Account opened through Video based account opening process and updation of KYC through Video based customer
identification process
for KYC purposes. The demographic details include name, Date of Birth, gender, address
and photograph.
Customer agrees to provide his/ her valid Aadhaar and PAN Card number voluntarily for
opening the Digital Account.
Customer agrees to authorise Bank to use Aadhaar and PAN details for his/her verification
for online account opening.
The Customer agrees and confirms that he/she is aware that this video based account
opening process is available only to such applicant whose address when fetched from
UIDAI is complete and matching as submitted by him/her.
Customer understands that opening an account is subject to correct, complete and
accurate information being submitted by the Customer to the Bank.
Customer agrees that the name in the account will be the Customer name as per his/her
name mentioned on PAN Card.
The Customer herewith agrees to provide the accurate documentation and information as
listed in the application for the purpose of account opening. Customer understands and
agrees that failure to provide requisite documentation and information shall result in
rejection of application by the Bank. The Customer agrees that Bank has every right to
reject the account opening application, if there is any erroneous, incomplete or misleading
information provided by the customer or for any other reason whatsoever with/without
assigning any reason or if KYC documents submitted do not comply with the KYC norms of
the Bank .
The Customer consents and confirms the right of the Bank to hold the accounts in Debit
Freeze or close the Digital Account even after account activation in case of any
discrepancy found as part of regular monitoring and document verification activities.
The Customer consents and agrees to the right of the Bank to take necessary action, legal
or otherwise, if the Bank finds any willful modification/ withholding of information or
misrepresentation by the Customer.
Customer declares and confirms that the Bank shall be entitled to rely on all/any
communication, information and details provided on the electronic form and all such
communications, information and details shall be final and legally binding on the Customer
and the Customer agrees to indemnify the Bank for any loss or damage cause to the Bank
on account of Bank placing reliance on such communication/information.
Customer understands and confirms that the Bank has every right to close or debit freeze
the account, if the details provided by him/her are found to be inaccurate, incorrect or
false by the Bank or for any other reason whatsoever without assigning any reason thereof.
In such an event the Bank shall not be liable to pay any interest on the amount of deposit &
the refund of amount deposited in the account will be made to the source account. The
Customer authorises the Bank to retain the documents / photographs (if any) and any
other signed document submitted in such an eventuality.
Customer authorizes the Bank to share his/her mobile number and address with the
respective mobile operator to verify Customer's address at any point of time.
Customer confirms that the account is being opened by him/her for his/her own use and
that the mobile number, SIM & device used for opening the account belongs to him/her
and same have not been shared by him with any other individual. The Customer further
confirms that he/she has not shared the credentials pertaining to the account opening
with any other person. In case of any discrepancy, the Bank reserves the right to block or
close the account without any notice.
Customer authorises the bank to communicate information provided including mobile
number/email id irrespective of the Do Not Disturb (DND) services availed by customer.
Customer also authorises bank and its representatives to contact for explaining the
products and services, servicing of accounts etc. through SMS, Email, calls etc. The consent
will override any registration for DND/National Do Not Call.
T& C-Savings Account opened through Video based account opening process and updation of KYC through Video based customer
identification process
Customer understands and agrees that interest on the amount funded will be credited to
the account subject to activation of the account and only from the date when the funds
has been credited into the account.
Customer understands and confirms that the Bank has every right to close account, if the
details provided by him/her are found to be inaccurate. In such an event the bank shall
not be liable to pay any interest on the amount of deposit and the amount deposited will
be returned to the customers communication address by way of a Demand Draft. The
Customer understands that if the Customer does not receive the Demand Draft for the
closed account, he/she needs to contact the designated branch or the customer care
The Customer hereby gives its consent to the Bank to deduct the applicable charges/fees
as per the requirement of the Bank.
Customer agrees to provide nomination details while opening of an account. In case
where Customer does not wish to provide any nomination details, the same shall be stated
specifically to the Bank.
Customer agrees that the savings account interest rate may vary from time to time and will
be calculated on daily product basis on clear balance. The interest on savings accounts
will be credited at quarterly intervals or as prescribed by Reserve Bank of India from time to
Customer agrees and understands that the application once submitted cannot be
withdrawn by the Customer and that the Bank shall not be liable to pay for any costs
(technical/ data plan related or otherwise) incurred by the Customer in the course of
sharing his/her details on the application.
Customer agrees and confirms that the Bank shall not be liable for any connectivity/ signal/
data issues leading to non-completion or wrong/false/incomplete information being
provided by the customer leading to the incompletion of his/her application.
Customer agrees and confirms that in case of rejection of application, Bank shall have right
to retain the Customer details & documents.
Periodic updation of KYC in the existing account:
KYC of the Customer shall be periodically updated after the account is opened.
For updating KYC in the existing account, the Bank shall sent link through SMS channel to
the Customer for KYC updation.
The Customer understands that during the KYC updation of the existing account, where
VKYC platform is being used, Customer’s address, pan, contact details such as mobile,
email, live photograph and signature provided and obtained during the VKYC session shall
be updated in the account (digital account) of the Customer as per Bank records.
Customer holding any other account in joint capacity shall be required to visit branch for
updation of demographic details.
The Bank shall have a right to close the account of the Customer in the event of non-
furnishing of information by Customer and / or non-cooperation in updating the re-KYC.
Other important terms and conditions
Customer confirms to have read, understood and will be bound to/ abide by the Terms
and Conditions of account opening and the general terms applicable to account as
available on Bank’s website at www.idbibank.in
In case the Customer is accepting / receiving any Foreign Contributions, the customer
need to comply to Foreign Exchange Management Act of 1999 (FEMA).
T& C-Savings Account opened through Video based account opening process and updation of KYC through Video based customer
identification process
The Customer is aware that the Savings Bank Account would be used to route transactions
of only non-business/ noncommercial nature. In the event of occurrence of any doubtful
transaction that may be seen as commercial/ business/ dubious or undesirable, the Bank
reserves the right to unilaterally close the account.
Customer should carefully examine the entries made in their Statement of Account(s) and
draw Bank’s attention to any errors or discrepancies that may be discovered within 30 days
from the date of entries falling which the same shall be deemed as correct and accepted
by the Customer and the Customer shall not be entitled to question the correctness/
accuracy thereof.
Request for Registration of Standing Instructions can be given at any Branch. Charges as
specified in SOC will be levied for non-execution of Standing Instructions / Direct Debits.
The Customer needs to intimate Bank in writing or by calling the customer care of any
change in the contact details/address. Customer needs to submit documentary proof
wherever applicable.
The Bank shall not be responsible or liable to the Customer any third party for the
consequences arising out of or in connection with opening of the digital account.
The Customer is aware that the Bank reserves its right to close any account which is not
operated satisfactorily/dormant with a prior notice to customer by sending communication
to customer’s registered mail id or mobile number.
The Bank reserve the right to reject the application, close the account so opened without
any intimation to the Customer if found that the supporting documents submitted for
opening the account are false and fabricated.
The Customer hereby expressly authorize and give consent to the Bank disclose
information about Customer’s account if required or permitted by any law/rule or
regulations or at the request of any public or regulatory authority or if such disclosure is
required for the purposes of preventing fraud without any specific consent of the Customer.
The Bank reserves all the rights to share Customer details to the CKYC regulatory and in
case Customer is found to have another OTP based account with any other bank, Bank will
be bound to follow the regulatory and close such accounts if required until full KYC is opted
The Bank reserves the right to make any changes, alterations, cancellations, in the above
rules by hosting them on website. The Customer shall be responsible for reviewing these
T&C’s regularly including the amendments as posted on the website. Any person opening
the account shall be bound by the rules governing the account.
The terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of India. In case of any dispute or
difference arising out of or in connection with the opening of the account through video
based account opening, the same shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in
The terms and conditions & schedule of charges (SOC) of regular savings bank account
are applicable for regular savings account opened through video based account
opening. Please visit website https://www.idbibank.in/ for more information
Bank reserves the right to take necessary action, legal or otherwise, if it finds any wilful
modification/ withholding of information or misrepresentation by the customer.
This account opening process is not available for existing IDBI Bank customers.
Customer’s undertaking and FATCA/CRS declaration:
The Customer certify that:
T& C-Savings Account opened through Video based account opening process and updation of KYC through Video based customer
identification process
The information provided in the Form is in accordance with section 285 BA of Income Tax
Act, 1961 (Income Tax Act) read with rules 114F to 114H of Income tax Rules, 1962 (Income
Tax Rules).
Information provided by him/her in the Form, its supporting Annexures as well as in the
documentary evidence provided by him/her are, to the best of his/her knowledge and
belief, true, correct and complete and that he/she have not withheld any material
information that may affect the assessment/categorization of the account as a reportable
account or otherwise.
The Customer hereby permit/authorize IDBI Bank to collect, store, communicate and
process information relating to the Account and all transactions therein, by IDBI Bank and
any of its affiliates wherever situated including sharing, transfer and disclosure between
them and to the authorities in and/ or outside India of any confidential information for
compliance with any law or regulation whether domestic or foreign.
The Customer agree to undertake the responsibility to declare and disclose within 30 days
from the date of change, any changes that may take place in the information provided in
the Form, it’s supporting Annexures well as in the documentary evidence provided by
him/her or if any certification becomes incorrect and to provide fresh self-certification
along with documentary evidence.
The Customer also agree that his/her failure to disclose any material fact known to him/her,
now in future may, invalidate his/her application and IDBI Bank would be within its right to
put restrictions in the operations of his/her account or close it or report to any regulator
and/or any authority designated by Government of India for the purpose or take any other
action as may be deemed appropriate by IDBI Bank if the deficiency is not remedied by
him/her within the stipulated period.
The Customer hereby accept an acknowledge that IDBI Bank shall have the right and
authority to carry out investigations from the information available in public domain for
confirming the information provided by him/her to IDBI Bank.
The Customer further declare that it shall be his/her responsibilities to educate
himself/herself and to comply at all times with all relevant laws relating to reporting under
section 285BA of the Income Tax Act read with the Income Tax Rules thereunder.
Customer agree to furnish such information and/or documents as IDBI Bank may require
from time to time on account of any change in law either in India in the subject matter
Customer hereby agrees to indemnify IDBI Bank for any loss that may arise to IDBI Bank on
account of providing incorrect or incomplete information.
The Customer hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the
best of his/her knowledge and belief and the Customer undertake to inform you of any
changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be false or
untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, the Customer is aware that he/she may be held
liable for it.
The Customer hereby consent that the Bank may share his/her personal/KYC details with
Central KYC Registry and further consent to receiving information from Central KYC registry
through SMS/Email on his/her registered number/email address.