Driver Training School
Vehicle Inspection Report
You can use this form to record the annual inspections of the vehicles
your business uses for trac safety instruction. Check the boxes for
items meeting the requirements. Explain any unchecked items in the
Keep completed reports on le at your place of business.
School name Location
Vehicle license plate number Model year Vehicle Identication Number (VIN)
Fire extinguisher Serviceable ABC Dry Chemical in trunk or securely mounted
First aid kit 20-unit minimum
Warning devices Two reective triangles (minimum 14") or two cones (minimum 18")
Horn Emit sound for at least 200 feet
Seat belts Two lap/shoulder belts for rear seats
Drive mirrors One left and one center or right
Instructor mirror Near center
Instructor brake Functional
Signage Phrase: “Student driver,” “Instructor car,” or “Driving school” on top (lettering height:
2 1/2" minimum) and company name and phone number (lettering height: 1" minimum) readable at 100 feet
Windshield No excessive cracks or vision obstructions
Windshield wipers Good working order
Tires Tread above wear bars and no ply or cords exposed
License plates Readable, front and rear
Headlights Emit light revealing 150 feet ahead and not striking eyes of approaching drivers
Tail lights Emit red light
License plate light Emit white light
Turn signals Emit ashing red or amber light
Hazard lights Emit ashing amber light
Brake lights Emit red or amber light
Reverse lights Emit white light
Fuel ller cap Adequate seal
Fluid levels Adequate level of motor oil, coolant, power-steering uid, and brake uid
No excessive leaks Fuel, motor oil, coolant, or power-steering uid, or brake uid
Brakes Adequate to stop vehicle
Belts No excessive looseness or cracking
Wiring No obvious covering damage
Steering No excessive steering play
Suspension Shocks with no excessive bouncing or leaks
Exhaust system No excessive noise, smoke, or leaking gasses into occupant compartment
I certify under penalty of perjury under the law of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date and place PRINT or TYPE Name of school owner
RCW 46.16.240; 46.37.050, .200, .215, .220, .340, .351, .375, .380, .390, .400, .410, .425, .430, .465; 47.37.510; 46.82.360, WAC 308-108-110
DTS-661-021 (R/2/20)WA
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When you have completed this form, please print it out and sign here.