Guidance for Industry
CGMP for Phase 1
Investigational Drugs
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)
July 2008
Guidance for Industry
CGMP for Phase 1
Investigational Drugs
Additional copies are available from:
Office of Training and Communication
Division of Drug Information, HFD-240
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5600 Fishers Lane
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)
July 2008
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1
II. BACKGROUND............................................................................................................... 2
A. Statutory and Regulatory Requirements.....................................................................................2
B. Guidance.........................................................................................................................................3
III. SCOPE............................................................................................................................... 3
A. Personnel.........................................................................................................................................7
B. QC Function...................................................................................................................................7
C. Facility and Equipment.................................................................................................................8
D. Control of Components, and Containers and Closures..............................................................8
E. Manufacturing and Records.........................................................................................................9
F. Laboratory Controls....................................................................................................................10
1. Testing............................................................................................................................................10
2. Stability..........................................................................................................................................10
G. Packaging, Labeling and Distributing .......................................................................................10
H. Recordkeeping..............................................................................................................................11
VI. SPECIAL MANUFACTURING SITUATIONS ............................................................... 11
A. Multi-Product Facilities...............................................................................................................11
B. Biological and Biotechnological Products..................................................................................12
1. General Considerations.................................................................................................................12
2. Adventitious Agent Control............................................................................................................12
3. Gene Therapy and Cellular Therapy Products..............................................................................13
C. Sterile Products/Aseptically Processed Products......................................................................13
GLOSSARY................................................................................................................................. 16
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 17
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Guidance for Industry
CGMP for Phase 1 Investigational Drugs
This guidance represents the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) current thinking on this topic. It
does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind FDA or the public.
You can use an alternative approach if the approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes
and regulations. If you want to discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for
implementing this guidance. If you cannot identify the appropriate FDA staff, call the appropriate
number listed on the title page of this guidance.
This guidance is intended to assist in applying current good manufacturing practice (CGMP)
required under section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) in
the manufacture of most investigational new drugs (IND) used in phase 1 clinical trials.
drugs, which include biological drugs, are exempt from complying with 21 CFR part 211 under
21 CFR 210.2(c) (referred to as phase 1 investigational drugs).
Because a phase 1 clinical trial initially introduces an investigational new drug into human
subjects, appropriate CGMP help ensure subject safety. This guidance applies, as part of CGMP,
quality control (QC) principles to the manufacture of phase 1 investigational drugs (i.e.,
interpreting and implementing CGMP consistent with good scientific methodology), which
foster CGMP activities that are more appropriate for phase 1 clinical trials, improve the quality
of phase 1 investigational drugs, and facilitate the initiation of investigational clinical trials in
humans while continuing to protect trial subjects.
This guidance replaces the guidance issued in 1991 titled Preparation of Investigational New
Drug Products (Human and Animal) (referred to as the 1991 guidance) (Ref. 1) for the
manufacture of phase 1 investigational drugs described in this guidance (see section III).
However, the 1991 guidance still applies to the manufacture of investigational new products
(human and animal) used in phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trials.
The guidance finalizes the draft guidance entitled “INDs—Approaches to Complying with
CGMP During Phase 1” dated January 2006; and is being issued concurrently with a final rule
that specifies that 21 CFR part 211 no longer applies for most investigational products (see
section III), including certain exploratory products (Ref. 2) that are manufactured for use in
This guidance has been prepared by an Agency working group with representatives from the Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research (CDER), Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), and the Office of
Regulatory Affairs (ORA), at the Food and Drug Administration.
See 21 CFR 312.21(a)
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
phase 1 clinical trials. The agency recommends using the approaches outlined in this guidance
for complying with § 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act.
FDA's guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable
responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe the Agency's current thinking on a topic and should
be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are
cited. The use of the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or
recommended, but not required.
A. Statutory and Regulatory Requirements
Section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 351 (a)(2)(B)) requires drugs, which include
IND products, to comply with current good manufacturing practice as follows:
A drug...shall be deemed adulterated...if...the methods used in, or the facilities or
controls used for, its manufacture, processing, packing, or holding do not conform to or
are not operated or administered in conformity with current good manufacturing
practice to assure that such drug meets the requirements of this Act as to safety and has
the identity and strength, and meets the quality and purity characteristics, which it
purports or is represented to possess.
Based on the statutory requirement for manufacturers to follow CGMP, FDA issued CGMP
regulations for drug and biological products (see 21 CFR parts 210 and 211). Although FDA
stated at the time of issuance that the regulations applied to all types of pharmaceutical
the preamble to the regulations indicated that FDA was considering proposing
additional regulations governing drugs used in investigational clinical trials.
Because certain requirements in part 211, which implement § 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act,
were directed at the commercial manufacture of products typically characterized by large,
repetitive, commercial batch production (e.g., those regulations that address validation of
manufacturing processes (§ 211.110(a)), and warehousing (§ 211.142)), they may not be
appropriate to the manufacture of most investigational drugs used for phase 1 clinical trials.
Section 505(i) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 355(i)) directs the Secretary of Health and Human
Services to promulgate regulations for exempting from the operation of section 505 "drugs
intended solely for investigational use by experts qualified by scientific training and experience
to investigate the safety and effectiveness of drugs.” Based on this statutory mandate, among
Preamble to the CGMP 1978, comment #49. “The Commissioner finds that, as stated in 211.1, these CGMP
regulations apply to the preparation of any drug product for administration to humans or animals, including those
still in investigational stages. It is appropriate that the process by which a drug product is manufactured in the
development phase be well documented and controlled in order to assure the reproducibility of the product for
further testing and for ultimate commercial production. The Commissioner is considering proposing additional
CGMP regulations specifically designed to cover drugs in research stages.”
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
others, FDA has issued regulations governing IND products to protect human subjects enrolled
in clinical trials. For example, in part 312 (21 CFR part 312), sponsors must submit chemistry,
manufacturing and control (CMC) information on a drug or biological product as part of an IND
application (§ 312.23(a)(7)) (Refs. 1 through 6). FDA reviews the submitted IND to determine
whether the phase 1 investigational drug to be used in the clinical trial is sufficiently safe to
permit the trial to proceed. This determination is based, in part on whether the investigational
product has the identity, strength, quality, and purity, and purported effect described in the IND
application. In certain circumstances, FDA also may choose to conduct an inspection (e.g., if
there is insufficient information to assess the risks to subjects or if the subjects would be exposed
to unreasonable and significant risk). Finally, FDA could decide to place a proposed or ongoing
phase 1 clinical trial on clinical hold or terminate the IND. FDA can also take any of these
actions if there is evidence of inadequate QC procedures that would compromise the safety of an
investigational product.
B. Guidance
The 1991 guidance (reprinted in 1992) did not discuss all manufacturing situations, including,
for example, small- or laboratory-scale manufacture of investigational products. In addition, the
1991 guidance did not address fully FDA’s expectation for an appropriate approach to
manufacturing controls during different phases of investigational product development, which
for most products includes a change in manufacturing scale.
This guidance describes an approach manufacturers may use to implement manufacturing
controls that are appropriate for the phase 1 clinical trial stage of development. The approach
described in this guidance reflects the fact that some manufacturing controls and the extent of
manufacturing controls needed to achieve appropriate product quality differ not only between
investigational and commercial manufacture, but also among the various phases of clinical trials.
Consistent with FDA's CGMP for the 21 Century initiative,
where applicable, manufacturers are
also expected to implement manufacturing controls that reflect product and manufacturing
considerations, evolving process and product knowledge, and manufacturing experience.
The 1991 guidance will continue to be relevant for the manufacture of IND investigational drugs
for use during phase 2 and 3 clinical trials (Ref. 1) and for the manufacture of non-exempt phase
1 investigational drugs. Phase 2 and 3 manufacturing will continue to be subject to parts 210 and
This guidance applies to investigational new drug and biological products (including finished
dosage forms used as placebos) intended for human use during phase 1 development that are
We are considering issuing additional guidance and/or regulations to clarify FDA's expectations with regard to
fulfilling the CGMP requirements when producing investigational drugs for phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trials.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
subject to CGMP requirements of section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act, and are excluded from
complying with the CGMP regulations in 21 CFR part 211, by operation of 21 CFR 210.2(c).
These include but are not limited to:
Investigational recombinant and non-recombinant therapeutic products
Vaccine products
Allergenic products
In vivo diagnostics
Plasma derivative products
Blood and blood components
Gene therapy products
Somatic cellular therapy products (including xenotransplantation products).
This guidance applies to phase 1 investigational drugs whether they are manufactured in small- or
large-scale environments because phase 1 clinical trials (21 CFR 312.21(a)) are typically designed
to assess tolerability, or feasibility, for further development of a specific drug or biological
product. Furthermore, if an investigational drug has already been manufactured by an IND
sponsor for use during phase 2 or phase 3 clinical trials or has been lawfully marketed,
manufacture of such a drug must comply (21 CFR 211.1) with 21 CFR part 211 for the drug to be
used in any subsequent phase 1 clinical trials, irrespective of the trial size or duration of dosing.
See 21 CFR 210.2(c).
This guidance does not apply to the following phase 1 investigational products:
Human cell or tissue products regulated solely under § 361 of the Public Health Service
Clinical trials for products subject to the device approval or clearance provisions of the
FD&C Act
Investigational products manufactured for phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trials
Already approved products that are being used during phase 1 clinical trials (e.g., for a
new indication)
Positron Emission Topography (PET) drugs that are subject to § 501(a)(2)(C) of the
FD&C Act and/or the new PET CGMP in 21 CFR part 212 when finalized
If you need clarification on the applicability of this guidance to a specific clinical trial, contact
the appropriate FDA Center with responsibility for review of the IND.
We recommend you consult with the Office of Blood Research and Review, CBER, to determine circumstances
when an IND would be required for blood or a blood component. Manufacturers of blood and blood components
intended for transfusion and for further manufacture must still comply with the applicable regulations in 21 CFR
parts 600 through 660.
Manufacture of such a drug must comply with the appropriate sections of 21 CFR part 211 for the drug to be used
in any subsequent phase 1 clinical trial, irrespective of the trial size or duration of dosing.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
This guidance is applicable to all manufacturers of phase 1 investigational drugs, including
contractors and other specialized service providers as well as IND sponsors who participate in
any aspect of manufacturing.
We (FDA) recommend that you use this guidance as a companion to other FDA guidance
documents describing the chemistry, manufacturing, and control (CMC) information submitted
and reviewed in an IND application for phase 1 clinical trials (Refs. 1 through 6). In many cases,
at this stage of development manufacture of the active pharmaceutical ingredient and the phase 1
investigational drug will be accomplished through a series of steps within a single facility.
Manufacturers of new active pharmaceutical ingredients (also referred to as API or drug
substance) must also conform with CGMP as required in § 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act.
Limited guidance is available on CGMP for the manufacture of new API in some IND products
(Ref. 3). Manufacturers of APIs should implement CGMP appropriate to the stage of clinical
development and consider the recommendations described in this guidance for the manufacture
of APIs used in phase 1 investigational drugs.
This guidance provides recommendations that manufacturers of phase 1 investigational drugs
can use to comply with the statutory requirement for CGMP under § 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C
Act. Manufacturers should also consult other resources, such as literature and technical bulletins
for additional detailed information on CGMP that complement the approaches and
recommendations in this guidance.
During product development, the quality and safety of phase 1 investigational drugs are
maintained, in part, by having appropriate QC procedures in effect. Using established or
standardized QC procedures and following appropriate CGMP will also facilitate the
manufacture of equivalent or comparable IND product for future clinical trials as needed.
Adherence to CGMP during manufacture of phase 1 investigational drugs occurs mostly through:
Well-defined, written procedures
Adequately controlled equipment and manufacturing environment
Accurately and consistently recorded data from manufacturing (including testing)
Manufacturers may have acceptable alternatives to meet the objectives described in this
guidance. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to provide and use such methods, facilities, and
manufacturing controls to ensure that the phase 1 investigational drug meets appropriate
standards of safety, identity, strength, quality, and purity. Manufacturers of phase 1
investigational drugs should consider carefully how to best ensure the implementation of
standards, practices, and procedures that conform to CGMP for their specific product and
manufacturing operation.
In applying appropriate CGMP, we recommend that manufacturers consider carefully the
hazards and associated risks from the manufacturing environment that might adversely affect the
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
quality of a phase 1 investigational drug, especially when the phase 1 investigational drug is
manufactured in laboratory facilities that are not expressly or solely designed for their
manufacture. For example, of particular importance is the susceptibility of a phase 1
investigational drug to contamination or cross contamination with other substances (e.g.
chemicals, biologicals, adventitious agents) that may be present from previous or concurrent
research or manufacturing activities.
We recommend the following steps to establish the appropriate manufacturing environment for
phase 1 investigational drugs:
A comprehensive and systematic evaluation of the manufacturing setting (i.e., product
environment, equipment, process, personnel, materials) to identify potential hazards
Appropriate actions prior to and during manufacturing to eliminate or mitigate potential
hazards to safeguard the quality of the phase 1 investigational drug
Any manufacturing environment, including a laboratory, should have adequate work areas that
are properly equipped and controlled for the specific operation(s) needed to manufacture a phase
1 investigational drug. Given the diversity of products and requisite manufacturing operations,
not all environments may be acceptable for the manufacture of the specific phase 1
investigational drug under consideration. In these situations, you should use more suitable
A number of technologies and resources are available that can facilitate conformance with
CGMP and streamline product development. Some examples include:
Use of disposable equipment and process aids to reduce cleaning burden and chances of
Use of commercial, prepackaged materials (e.g., Water For Injection (WFI), pre-sterilized
containers and closures) to eliminate the need for additional equipment or for
demonstrating CGMP control of existing equipment
Use of closed process equipment (i.e., the phase 1 investigational drug is not exposed to the
environment during processing) to alleviate the need for stricter room classification for air
Use of contract or shared CGMP manufacturing facilities and testing laboratories
(including specialized services). For example, some academic institutions have developed
shared manufacturing and testing facilities that can be used by institutional sponsors.
Under CGMP, if a sponsor or manufacturer initiates a contract with another party to perform part
or all of the phase 1 investigational drug manufacturing, the sponsor or manufacturer, and
contractor are both responsible for assuring that the phase 1 investigational drug is manufactured
in compliance with CGMP. This assurance is achieved, in part, by having effective quality
control functions (see section V.B). We recommend that the manufacturer or sponsor assess the
contractor to ensure that effective quality control functions are in place.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Consistent with the FD&C Act (§ 501(a) (2) (B)), CGMP must be in effect for the manufacture
of each batch of investigational drug used during phase 1 clinical trials. Manufacturers should
establish manufacturing controls based on identified hazards for the manufacturing setting that
follow good scientific and QC principles. The following manufacturing controls are applicable
to the manufacture of phase 1 investigational drugs and in some specific manufacturing
situations. These recommendations provide flexibility to the manufacturers in implementing
CGMP controls appropriate to their specific situation and application.
A. Personnel
All personnel should have the education, experience, and training or any combination thereof to
enable each individual to perform their assigned function. In particular, personnel should have
the appropriate experience to prepare the phase 1 investigational drug and be familiar with QC
principles and acceptable methods for complying with the statutory requirement of CGMP, such
as the recommendations described in this guidance.
B. QC Function
Every manufacturer should establish a written plan that describes the role of and responsibilities
for QC functions.
For example, a written plan should provide, at a minimum, for the following
Responsibility for examining the various materials used in the manufacture of a phase 1
investigational drug (e.g., containers, closures, in-process materials, raw materials,
packaging materials, and labeling) to ensure that they are appropriate and meet defined,
relevant quality standards
Responsibility for review and approval of manufacturing procedures, testing procedures,
and acceptance criteria
Responsibility for releasing or rejecting each batch of phase 1 investigational drug based
on a cumulative review of completed manufacturing records and other relevant
information (e.g., procedures were followed, product tests performed appropriately,
acceptance criteria met)
Responsibility for investigating unexpected results or errors that occur during
manufacturing or from complaints received and initiation of corrective action, if
Although quality is the responsibility of all personnel involved in manufacturing, we recommend
that you assign an individual(s) to perform QC functions independent of manufacturing
responsibilities, especially for the cumulative review and release of phase 1 investigational drug
For some manufacturers, the Quality Control Function as described in this guidance may be assigned between a
quality control and quality assurance group and may be integrated into a more comprehensive quality system.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
However, in very limited circumstances and depending on the size and structure of an
organization, all QC functions may be performed by the same individual(s) performing
manufacturing. For example, in some small operations, it may be necessary to have the same
individual perform both manufacturing and QC functions, including release or rejection of each
batch. However, in such circumstances, we strongly recommend that another qualified
individual not involved in the manufacturing operation conduct an additional periodic review of
manufacturing records and other QC activities.
When activities such as testing, commonly performed by dedicated QC personnel in commercial
manufacture, are performed by manufacturing personnel in phase 1 studies, adequate controls
should be in place (e.g., segregation of testing from manufacturing) so as to not contaminate
testing or negatively affect test results.
C. Facility and Equipment
Any facility used for manufacturing phase 1 investigational drugs should have adequate work
areas and equipment for the intended task.
Each facility should provide the following described work area and equipment:
Sufficient space, clean environment, appropriate construction
Appropriate lighting, ventilation, and heating
Appropriate cooling, plumbing, washing, and sanitation
Appropriate equipment to maintain an air cleanliness classification suitable to the
operation performed in the area. For example, appropriate air handling systems (e.g.,
laminar flow hoods) to aid in preventing contamination and cross-contamination of the
phase 1 investigational drug.
Appropriate equipment that will not contaminate the phase 1 investigational drug or
otherwise react with, add to, or be absorbed by the phase 1 investigational drug; and that
is properly maintained, calibrated, cleaned, and sanitized at appropriate intervals
following written procedures.
We recommend that you identify all equipment used for a particular process and document such
use in the manufacturing record. You should follow the provisions described under Sterile
Products/Aseptically Processed Products (see section VI.C) for phase 1 investigational drugs
prepared using aseptic processing.
Use of procedural controls in a facility promotes orderly manufacturing and aids in preventing
contamination, cross contamination and mix-ups (see section VI.A).
D. Control of Components, and Containers and Closures
You should establish written procedures describing the handling, review, acceptance, and control
of material (i.e., components, containers, closures) used in the manufacture of a phase 1
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
investigational drug. Materials should be controlled (e.g., segregated, labeled) until you have
examined or tested the materials, as appropriate, and released them for use in manufacturing. It
is important to handle and store such materials in a manner that prevents degradation or
The manufacturer should be able to identify and trace all materials used in the manufacture of a
phase 1 investigational drug from receipt to use in the manufacture of each batch. We
recommend that you keep a record (e.g., log book) containing relevant information on all
materials. At a minimum, recorded relevant information would include receipt date, quantity of
the shipment, supplier's name, material lot number, storage conditions, and corresponding
expiration date.
The manufacturer should establish acceptance criteria for specified attributes on each material.
For some materials, all relevant attributes or acceptance criteria may not be known at the phase 1
stage of product development. However, attributes and acceptance criteria selected for
assessment should be based on scientific knowledge and experience for use in the specific phase
1 investigational drug. The material attributes and acceptance criteria will be reviewed in the
IND application (Refs. 1 through 6).
We recommend that you examine the certificate of analysis (COA) and/or other documentation
on each lot of material to ensure that it meets established acceptance criteria for specified
attributes. For some (e.g., human and animal derived material), documentation should include
information on sourcing and/or test results for adventitious agents, as appropriate. If
documentation for a material is incomplete for a specified attribute, we recommend that you test
for the incomplete specified attribute of the material. For each batch of the API (or drug
substance), you should perform confirmatory identity testing.
E. Manufacturing and Records
The manufacture of phase 1 investigational drugs should follow written manufacturing and
process control procedures that provide for the following records.
A record of manufacturing data that details the materials, equipment, procedures used,
and any problems encountered during manufacturing. We recommend that
manufacturers retain records sufficient to replicate the manufacturing process. Similarly,
if the manufacture of a phase 1 investigational drug batch is initiated but not completed,
we recommend that the record include an explanation of why manufacturing was
A record of changes in procedures and processes used for subsequent batches along with
the rationale for any changes
A record of the microbiological controls that have been implemented (including written
procedures) for the production of sterile-processed phase 1 investigational drugs that are
covered by this guidance. You should follow the recommendations for use of aseptic
techniques and the control of in-process materials, components, and container closures
designed to prevent microbial and endotoxin contamination (see section VI.C).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
F. Laboratory Controls
1. Testing
Laboratory tests used in manufacturing (e.g., testing of materials, in-process material, packaging,
drug product) should be scientifically sound (e.g., specific, sensitive, and accurate), suitable and
reliable for the specified purpose. You should perform tests under controlled conditions and
follow written procedures describing the testing methodology. You should maintain records of
all test results, procedures, and changes in procedures.
You should perform laboratory testing of the phase 1 investigational drug to evaluate quality
attributes including those that define the identity, strength, potency, purity, as appropriate.
Specified attributes should be monitored, and acceptance criteria applied appropriately. For
known safety-related concerns, specifications should be established and met. For some phase 1
investigational drug attributes, all relevant acceptance criteria may not be known at this stage of
development. This information will be reviewed in the IND submission (Refs. 1 through 6).
To ensure reliability of test results, we recommend that you calibrate laboratory equipment at
appropriate intervals and maintain the equipment according to established written procedures.
We recommend that personnel verify that the equipment is in good working condition when
samples are analyzed (e.g., system suitability).
You should retain a representative sample from each batch of phase 1 investigational drug. We
recommend retention of both the API and phase 1 investigational drug in containers used in the
clinical trials. When feasible, we recommend that the sample consist of a quantity adequate to
perform additional testing or investigation if required at a later date (e.g., twice the quantity
necessary to conduct release testing, excluding testing for pyrogenicity and sterility). We
recommend that you appropriately store and retain the samples for at least two years following
clinical trial termination, or withdrawal of the IND application.
2. Stability
We recommend initiation of a stability study using representative samples of the phase 1
investigational drug to monitor the stability and quality of the phase 1 investigational drug during
the clinical trial (i.e., date of manufacture through date of last administration).
G. Packaging, Labeling and Distributing
The phase 1 investigational drug should be suitably packaged to protect it from alteration,
contamination, and damage during storage, handling, and shipping. You should establish written
procedures for controlling packaging, labeling, and distribution operations. We recommend the
use of appropriate measures (e.g., product segregation, label reconciliation, verify operations by
a second person, confirmatory laboratory testing, QC review) to achieve effective control
IND regulations require information sufficient to assure the drug product’s stability during the planned studies (see
21CFR 312.23(a)(7)(iv) (b)).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
especially in situations where the potential for mix-ups is more likely (e.g., use of placebo,
blinded trials, multiple strengths).
As it relates to phase 1 clinical trials, distribution includes the transport of a phase 1
investigational drug covered by this guidance to clinical investigators. You should handle phase
1 investigational drugs in accordance with labeled conditions (e.g., temperature) to ensure
retention of the quality of the product. A distribution record of each batch of phase 1
investigational drug must be sufficiently detailed to allow traceability and facilitate recall of the
phase 1 investigational drug if necessary (§ 312.57(a)).
H. Recordkeeping
As indicated in previous sections, manufacturers should keep complete records relating to the
quality and operation of the manufacturing processes, including but not limited to:
Equipment maintenance and calibration
Manufacturing records and related analytical test records
Distribution records
QC functions (as defined in section V.B)
Component records
Deviations and investigations
Under § 312.57(c), sponsors must retain records for at least two years after a marketing
application is approved for the drug, or if an application is not approved for the drug, until two
years after shipment and delivery of the drug for investigational use is discontinued and FDA is
A. Multi-Product Facilities
We recommend that you manufacture only one phase 1 investigational drug at any given time, in
an area or room separate from unrelated activities. However, you could use the same area or
room for multiple purposes, including manufacture of other investigational products or
laboratory research, provided that appropriate cleaning and procedural controls are in place to
ensure that there is no carry-over of materials or products, or mix-ups. In such cases, the design
or layout of an area should promote the orderly handling of materials and equipment, the
prevention of mix-ups, and the prevention of contamination of equipment or product by
substances, previously manufactured products, personnel, or environmental conditions.
Examples of procedural controls could include procedures for clearing the room of previous
product materials, product segregation, component segregation, and use of unique product
IND regulation 21 CFR 312.57 governs the retention of all records required by Part 312 (see 21 CFR 312.57).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
identifiers. We recommend that you periodically evaluate the implemented procedural controls
for their effectiveness. You should take appropriate corrective action when indicated by the
evaluation or when other events warrant.
B. Biological and Biotechnological Products
1. General Considerations
The manufacturing process is critical to ensure the correct composition, quality, and safety of
biological and biotechnology products. For these products, it can be difficult to distinguish
changes in quality attributes, or predict the impact of observed changes in quality attributes on
safety. This is especially true for phase 1 clinical trials where knowledge and understanding of a
phase 1 investigational drug is limited and where comprehensive product characterization is
often unavailable, especially for products that are difficult to characterize. Therefore, it is
critical to carefully control and record the manufacturing process in conjunction with appropriate
testing to reproduce a comparable phase 1 investigational drug as may be necessary. Properly
stored retained samples (e.g., API or drug substance, in-process material, phase 1 investigational
drug) that can be subsequently analyzed for comparison, can provide important links in
reproducing comparable biological and biotechnological products.
You should have in place appropriate equipment and controls in manufacturing to ensure that
unit operations with safety-related functions (e.g., viral clearance, virus/toxin attenuation,
pasteurization) perform their function with a high degree of assurance. Specific testing may also
serve to complement these functions. In manufacturing, you should use testing for safety-related
purposes such as viral loads, bioburden, detoxification of bacterial toxins, virus clearance (i.e.,
removal or inactivation), and removal of residual substances (e.g., antibiotics, chemicals) as
appropriate (see section VI.B.2).
2. Adventitious Agent Control
When evaluating the manufacturing environment for biological and biotechnology phase 1
investigational drugs, it is of particular importance to evaluate for susceptibility to contaminate
the environment with biological substances, including microbial adventitious agents (e.g.,
bacterial, viral, mycoplasm), that may remain from previous research or manufacturing activities.
Some biological and biotechnology phase 1 investigational drugs, including those made from
pathogenic microorganisms, spore-forming microorganisms, transgenic animals and plants, live
viral vaccines, and gene therapy vectors, warrant additional containment considerations. We
encourage you to discuss such containment issues with the applicable Center within FDA (i.e.,
product and facility group with responsibility for the product) prior to engaging in
In addition to the recommendation in section VI.A, multi-product facilities should have in place
cleaning and testing procedures that ensure prevention and/or detection of contamination by
adventitious agents. To the extent possible, we recommend the use of dedicated equipment
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
and/or disposable parts (e.g., tubing) for this reason. For multi-product areas, you should
establish procedures to prevent cross-contamination, and to demonstrate removal of the
previously manufactured product from shared equipment and work surfaces, especially if live
viral and vector processing occurs in a manufacturing area.
3. Gene Therapy and Cellular Therapy Products
Due to the wide variety and unique manufacturing aspects of investigational gene and cellular
therapy products, manufacturers should consider the appropriateness of additional or specialized
controls. Although you should manufacture phase 1 investigational cell and gene therapy
products following the recommendations in this guidance, we recognize that it may not be
possible to follow each recommendation. For example, with some cellular products, it may be
impossible to retain samples of the final cellular product due to the limited amounts of material
available. Therefore, we recommend that you include your justification for adopting additional
controls or alternative approaches to the recommendations in this guidance in the records on the
phase 1 investigational drug.
In some cases, investigational gene and cellular therapy products may be manufactured as one
batch per subject in phase 1 clinical trials (e.g., gene vector modified autologous cell products,
autologous cell products). Manufacture of multiple batches will allow manufacturing and testing
information to accumulate in an accelerated manner as compared to more conventional products.
As manufacturing methods and assays used for testing can be novel for these products, it is
important to monitor manufacturing performance to ensure product safety and quality.
When manufacturing multiple batches of the same phase 1 investigational drug, we recommend
that manufacturers periodically conduct and document internal performance reviews. We
recommend that this review assess whether the manufacturing process is optimal to ensure
overall product quality. Based on the review, appropriate modifications and corrective actions
can be taken to control procedures and manufacturing operations.
C. Sterile Products/Aseptically Processed Products
Because product sterility is a critical element of human subject safety, you should take special
precautions for phase 1 investigational drugs that are intended to be sterile. You should give
thorough consideration to implementing appropriate controls for aseptic processing to ensure a
sterile phase 1 investigational drug. The guidance issued by FDA on aseptic processing is a good
reference when using aseptic processing (Ref. 7). Particular manufacturing controls include:
Conducting aseptic manipulation in an aseptic workstation (e.g., laminar air flow
workbench, biosafety cabinets, or barrier isolator system) under laminar airflow
conditions that meet Class A, ISO 5. You should perform all manipulations of sterile
products and materials under aseptic conditions.
Conducting a process simulation using bacterial growth media to demonstrate that the
aseptic processing/controls and production environment are capable of producing a sterile
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Performing environmental monitoring of the aseptic workstation during processing to
ensure appropriate microbiological control. Such monitoring may include microbial
monitoring by settling plates or by active air monitoring.
Disinfecting the entire aseptic workstation as appropriate to the nature of the operations
(e.g., before aseptic manipulation, or between different operations during the same day)
Ensuring proper workstation installation and placement (e.g., workstations sufficiently
separated to allow appropriate airflow) and ensuring that items within a laminar airflow
aseptic workstation do not interrupt the unidirectional airflow
Disinfecting gloves or changing them frequently when working in the laminar flow hood
Disinfecting the surface of nonsterile item
s (e.g., test tube rack, and the overwrap for
sterile syringes and filters) with sterile disinfectant solution before placing them in the
laminar flow hood
Documenting and following all procedures intended to maintain the sterility of the
components, in-process materials, and final phase 1 investigational drug
Demonstrating that the test article does not interfere with the sterility tests (e.g., USP
Employing aseptic technique and control of microbiological impurities in components
designed to prevent microbial and endotoxin contamination
Training personnel in using aseptic techniques
Verifying that the equipment is suitable for its intended use, i.e., sterilization (e.g.,
autoclave, hot air oven); performing appropriate calibration of temperature probes used to
monitor the sterilization cycle; using suitable and qualified biological indicators; and
retaining maintenance and cycle run log records
Demonstrating that the sterilization method for sterile components and disposable
equipment (e.g., filters, bags, containers/ stoppers) is suitable and creating documentation
that supports the appropriate use and shelf life of sterile components and equipment
Ensuring that release of the final phase 1 investigational drug by the QC unit, or
designated individual, includes an acceptable review of manufacturing records that
demonstrate aseptic procedures and precautions were followed
Ensuring that final phase 1 investigational drugs are not released until acceptable results
of sterility testing are known. We understand that you may have to release a phase 1
investigational drug with a short shelf-life (e.g., radiopharmaceutical, cellular product)
based on results from relevant tests (e.g., assessment of sterile filtration by bubble point
filter integrity test, cell product — an in-process test result and a negative gram stain, or
other rapid microbial detection test and negative endotoxin test on the final product)
while results of the sterility test are pending. When you obtain positive results or other
relevant results from sterility testing, we recommend that you perform an investigation to
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
determine the cause of contamination followed by corrective action, if warranted. You
should notify the person responsible for the associated clinical trials so appropriate action
can be taken.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Acceptance Criteria means numerical limits, ranges, or other suitable measures of test results
necessary to determine acceptance of the drug substance, drug products, or materials at stages of
their manufacture.
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) (or drug substance) means any substance or mixture
of substances intended to be used in the manufacture of a drug (medicinal) product and that,
when used in the production of a drug, becomes an active ingredient of the drug product. Such
substances are intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis,
cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease or to affect the structure and function of the
Batch means a specific quantity of a drug or other material intended to have uniform character
and quality, within specified limits, and is manufactured according to a single manufacturing
order during the same cycle of manufacture.
Component means any ingredient intended for use in the manufacture of a drug product,
including those that may not appear in such drug product.
Contamination means the undesired introduction of impurities of a chemical or microbiological
nature, or of foreign matter, into or onto a raw material, in-process material, or phase 1
investigational drug during manufacturing, sampling, packaging or repackaging, storage, or
Cross-Contamination means contamination of a material or phase 1 investigational drug with
another material or product.
Drug product means a finished dosage form (e.g., tablet, capsule, solution) that contains an
active drug ingredient generally, but not necessarily, in association with inactive ingredients. The
term also includes a finished dosage form that does not contain an active ingredient, but is
intended to be used as a placebo.
In-process material means any material fabricated, compounded, blended, or derived by
chemical reaction (e.g., intermediate) that is manufactured for, and used in, the preparation of the
phase 1 investigational drug.
Phase 1 investigational drug – a new drug or biological drug that is used in phase 1 of a clinical
investigation. The term also includes a biological product that is used in vitro for diagnostic
Multiproduct means more than one approved product, licensed product, IND drug; or separate
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Manufacture (production) means all operations involved in the preparation of a phase 1
investigational drug from receipt of materials through distribution including processing, storage,
packaging, labeling, laboratory testing, and QC.
Manufacturer means a person who takes responsibility for and is involved in any aspect of the
manufacture of a phase 1 investigational drug.
Procedural control means manufacturing methodologies executed in such a manner as to
prevent or minimize contamination.
Specification means a list of tests, references to analytical procedures, and appropriate acceptance
criteria or other criteria for the tests. It establishes the set of criteria to which a drug substance or drug
product should conform to be considered acceptable for its intended use.
Conformance to specification
means that the material, when tested according to the listed analytical procedures, will meet the
listed acceptance criteria.
Sponsor means a person who takes responsibility for and initiates a clinical investigation.
1. FDA guidance on the “Preparation of Investigational New Drug Products (Human and
Animal)” 1991 (reprinted November 1992).
2. FDA “Guidance for Industry, Investigators, and Reviewers: Exploratory IND Studies.”
3. FDA “Guidance for Industry: Q7A Good Manufacturing Practice Guidance for Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredients,” Section 19.
4. FDA “Guidance for Industry: Content and Format of Investigational New Drug
Applications (INDs) for Phase 1 Studies of Drugs, Including Well-Characterized,
Therapeutic, Biotechnology-derived Products.
5. FDA “Draft Guidance for Industry: Instructions and Template for Chemistry,
Manufacturing, and Control (CMC) Reviewers of Human Somatic Cell Therapy
Investigational New Drug Applications (INDs),” August 2003.
6. FDA “Draft Guidance for FDA Review Staff and Sponsors: Content and Review of
Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control (CMC) Information for Human Gene Therapy
Investigational New Drug Applications (INDs),” November 2004.
7 FDA “Guidance for Industry: Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing –
Current Good Manufacturing Practices.”