State Tax Commission
Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer (MAAO)
Self-Paced Course
Organization Program Packet
On December 16, 2015, the State Tax Commission approved the opportunity for organizations, defined as
associations and educational institutions, to sponsor and directly offer Michigan Advanced Assessing
Officer education courses to assessing officers who possess a valid MCAO certificate. This MAAO
Organization Program Packet provides a detailed overview of the requirements of the application
Published December 2019
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or
part without the express written permission of the State Tax Commission
State Tax Commission
Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer Self-Paced Course
Guidelines for Sponsoring the MAAO Course
An organization wishing to sponsor a MAAO course, must complete all documents contained within this
MAAO Organization Program Packet (Organization Application, Organization Security Agreement,
Instructor Agreement and Agreement to Proctor an Examination) and submit the completed packet to the
State Tax Commission. Complete packets will be reviewed and written notification of approval or denial
will be provided to the organization. Incomplete or altered packets will be returned unprocessed. A
complete MAAO Organization Program Packet must be received by the State Tax Commission no less
than 60 days prior to the begin date of the MAAO course.
The designated contact person for the organization will complete the MAAO Organization Application
and the Organization Security Agreement. If approved to offer the course, the contact person for the
organization will be provided with an electronic version of the STC MAAO course material, hard copies
of secured MAAO course exams and a sign-in sheet. As indicated in the Organization Security
Agreement, the contact person for the organization is required to secure the course material and exams
and agrees to distribute the MAAO course material and exams only to eligible students who have properly
and timely registered for the course specified in the MAAO Organization Application. MAAO courses
must be offered providing a minimum of 40 hours of coursework, which includes classroom instruction
and the examination.
The organization is responsible for securing a qualified instructor. Determination that an instructor is
qualified to instruct an STC MAAO course falls under the purview of the STC and will be based upon the
written information submitted with the Instructor Agreement. Organizations who would like assistance
securing a qualified instructor may contact the STC. The selected instructor may be required to complete
the Instructor Agreement if one is not currently on file with the STC.
Either the contact person for the organization or the instructor for the MAAO course may request
approval to proctor the MAAO course exam at the conclusion of the course by completing the Agreement
to Proctor an Examination.
The contact person for the organization must provide the STC with a copy of the completed registration
form and $50 exam fee for each student no later than three (3) weeks prior to the start date of the class.
The STC is unable to offer exceptions to this deadline due to the time required to compile the secured
exams and timely deliver them to the organization. Student registration forms that are not provided to the
STC by the deadline will not be permitted to take the course exam and will not receive course credit.
Secure MAAO course exams and the completed course sign-in sheet must be returned to the STC by the
contact person, using the overnight-mail envelope(s) provided, no later than the day after the course is
completed. The STC will grade the exams and provide students with a pass/fail notification letter,
appropriate MAAO course credit and assessor renewal credit.
Please note: The STC has changed their policy regarding the self-paced courses and are provided a
retake exam for any student taking a self-paced course from the State Tax Commission.
However any individuals who take a course from an approved outside organization and fail an
examination must repeat the course and pass the exam in order to receive course credit, they are
not entitled to a retake opportunity.
Please call (517) 335-3429 and select option 4 for assistance and information regarding sponsoring a
Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer Course.
State Tax Commission
Index 04206
MAAO Org Form (rev 7-16)
State Tax Commission
Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer Self-Paced Course
Organization Application
The State Tax Commission is pleased to assist organizations, defined as associations and educational
institutions, in offering a Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer Course. Successful completion of the
course and exam will result in students receiving Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer Self-Paced
course credit. In order to process a request, a complete MAAO Organization Program Packet must be
received by the State Tax Commission no less than 60 days prior to the begin date of the course.
MAAO Self-Paced Courses include:
Principles of Appraising (Sales & Cost)
Introduction to Appraisal Statistics
Basic Income Approach
Commercial & Industrial Real Property Valuation
Land Value Determination & Economic Condition Factors
Equalization & Data Collection
Property Tax Administration
Organization Name
Declaration of Organization Type
Association: ________ Educational Institute: _________
Name of Contact Person Representing the Organization
Mailing Address
City, State and ZIP Code
Daytime Phone Number of Contact Person
E-Mail Address of Contact Person
Name of Course
Location where course will be held
Date(s) Course will be held
Instructor Name (must be MAAO or MMAO certified)
I hereby certify that all the information contained within, and attached to, this Organization Application Packet is true and
accurate to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. I acknowledge and agree to abide by t
he State Tax
Commission’s Guidelines for Sponsoring the MAAO Course.
Signature of Contact Person
The sponsoring organization will receive writing notification of approval or denial.
Submit the completed MAAO Organization Program Packet to:
State Tax Commission
MAAO Course
PO Box 30471
Lansing, MI 48909
State Tax Commission
Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer Self-Paced Course
Organization Security Agreement
Terms of Agreement:
The State Tax Commission requires that an organization that sponsors and offers a Michigan Advanced
Assessing Officer course utilize State Tax Commission approved material and examinations. Eligibility
to register and participate in a MAAO Self-Paced course is determined by the student’s possession of a
valid MCAO certificate.
As part of the preparation for offering MAAO courses, an organization may have access to restricted
course information. In order to protect the integrity of the MAAO education process, organizations are
prohibited from releasing any MAAO course material unless expressly authorized by the State Tax
Commission and must agree to provide appropriate security of the course material and examinations
throughout the process of offering the course.
State Tax Commission examinations are provided to the organization for proctoring in secure envelopes,
which may only be opened by the student who is eligible to take the exam. Once the student completes
the exam, the student will place the completed exam in a return envelope provided by the State Tax
Commission and secure it with a confidential sticker. Exams are not to be opened by the contact person,
instructor or organization. Tampering with a State Tax Commission’s MAAO course examination is
prohibited and may jeopardize the organization’s further ability to sponsor STC courses.
Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Terms:
As the contact person for the sponsoring organization, I agree to secure the MAAO course material and
examinations to the best of my ability. I agree not to distribute MAAO course material or exams to any
person other than the students who have timely registered for the course with our organization. I will
verify the registrants who will receive the course material and exams from our organization by providing
the State Tax Commission with a copy of all student registration forms at least three weeks prior to the
start date of the course. I agree that the $50 fee per exam will be sent to the State Tax Commission for
each registered student who is eligible to take the exam.
By signing below, I acknowledge the full right and authority to enter into this Organization Security
Agreement and accept and agree, within my ability, to the terms as stated. This Organization Security
Agreement is effective throughout the MAAO course and exam as indicated below. I also acknowledge
that our organization may be removed as a sponsoring organization by the State Tax Commission and
prohibited from sponsoring further State Tax Commission courses if I do not abide by the above stated
Printed Name of Organization Contact Person
Signature of Contact Person
Name of MAAO Course
Date(s) Course will be held
Date(s) of MAAO Course
Date of MAAO Course Exam
State Tax Commission
Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer Self-Paced Course
Instructor Agreement
Terms of Agreement:
The State Tax Commission requires an instructor of a Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer Self-Paced
course be certified at the MAAO or MMAO level and conduct themselves with integrity throughout the
teaching assignment. An appropriate professional relationship should be maintained with students both in
and outside the classroom. It is the direction of the State Tax Commission that the instructor strive to
establish a positive learning environment within the classroom.
Harassment and/or discriminatory behavior within the classroom based on race, ethnicity, sex or physical
disability is expressly prohibited. The instructor is expected to actively discourage such behavior from
occurring within the classroom and directly report such behavior to the State Tax Commission.
State Tax Commission course material and examination must be utilized in the instruction of an MAAO
course. MAAO courses must be offered providing a minimum of 40 hours of coursework, which includes
classroom instruction and the examination.
As part of the preparation for an MAAO instructor assignment, the instructor will have access to restricted
course material and information. To protect the integrity of the education process, the instructor is
prohibited from releasing any STC MAAO course information unless expressly authorized by the State
Tax Commission.
Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Terms:
By signing below, I acknowledge the full right and authority to enter into this Instructor Agreement and
accept and agree, within my ability, to the terms and conditions as stated. This Instructor Agreement is
effective for the course and date(s) indicated below. I also acknowledge that I may be removed as an
instructor for State Tax Commission courses and may be prohibited from providing further instruction for
STC courses if I do not uphold the terms as stated within this Instructor Agreement.
Printed Name of Instructor
Signature of Instructor
Name of MAAO Course
Date(s) of MAAO Course
Please Submit the Following Documentation with this Instructor Agreement:
Current resume: Yes ____ No ____ (If no, indicate the reason)
List of courses I have instructed in the last five years: Yes ____ No ____
State Tax Commission
Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer Self-Paced Course
Agreement to Proctor an Examination
Terms of Agreement:
In order for an organization to proctor a State Tax Commission MAAO exam, the approved proctor must
agree to assume responsibility for the security of the MAAO course exams by completing the Agreement
to Proctor an Examination. MAAO exams may be proctored by the contact person for the organization
or by the approved instructor for the course.
An exam packet is provided to the contact person of the organization. The exam packet will include;
instructions for the proctor, instructions for the students, a sign-in sheet and individual secure exam
envelopes for each student whose registration and payment was timely received by the STC. The
individual secure envelopes may only be opened by the student who is eligible to take the exam. Once the
exam is completed by the student, the student will place the completed exam in the return envelope
provided by the STC and secure it with a confidential sticker. Secure exams may not be opened by the
contact person, instructor or organization. Tampering of secured MAAO course exams may jeopardize
the organization’s ability to sponsor STC courses and may result in further action by the State Tax
Commission. Secured MAAO exams are required to be returned to the STC by the contact person no
later than the day after the course is completed.
Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Terms:
As part of the preparation for proctoring an examination, I will have confidential exam information in my
possession. To protect the integrity of the MAAO exam, I acknowledge that I am strictly prohibited from
opening or reviewing the exams and agree to maintain the security of the exams during my proctor.
By signing below, I acknowledge the full right and authority to enter into this Agreement to Proctor an
Examination and accept and agree, within my ability, to the terms and conditions as stated. This
Agreement to Proctor an Examination is effective for the course and dates below. I also acknowledge
that I may be prohibited from providing further instruction or proctoring of exams for State Tax
Commission courses if I do not uphold the terms as stated within the Agreement.
Printed Name of Contact Person
Printed Name of Instructor
Name of Person Proctoring the Exam
Signature of Proctor
Date Signed
Name of MAAO Course
Date(s) of MAAO Course
Date of MAAO Course Exam
State Tax Commission Index 04206
MAAO Student Form (rev 7-16)
State Tax Commission
Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer Self-Paced Course
Student Registration Form
The State Tax Commission’s insert course name Michigan Advanced Assessing Officer (MAAO) Course
is being offered through the insert organization name on insert dates at insert location and address.
Eligibility to register and participate in a MAAO Self-Paced course is determined by the student’s
possession of a valid MCAO certificate.
Students who attend the MAAO course and successfully pass the MAAO course examination with a
score of 75% or higher will be issued MAAO Self-Paced course credit and assessor continuing education
credit for the current assessor renewal cycle.
Students may register for the course by submitting a completed registration form to insert organization
name no later than insert deadline date. Late registration, registration at the door and auditing of the
MAAO course is not permitted.
By signing below you acknowledge that all MAAO course material you receive from the sponsoring
organization may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the
express written permission of the State Tax Commission.
To obtain additional information regarding MAAO certification, please visit the State Tax Commission’s
website at
Applicant Name
Street Address
City, State and ZIP Code
Daytime Phone Number
E-Mail Address
Name of Sponsor Organization
MCAO Certification Number
Name of Course
Date(s) of Course
Location of Course
Instructor Name
Amount of Enclosed Course Payment
Amount of Enclosed STC Exam Fee ($50 required)
Submit the completed registration form and required payment to:
(Make checks payable to insert organization name)
Insert Organization Mailing address