Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau
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Credit report dispute
This guide provides information
and tools you can use if you believe
that your credit report contains
information that is inaccurate or
incomplete, and you would like to
submit a dispute of that information
to the credit reporting company.
It is important to dispute inaccurate information
with both the credit reporting company that
created the report and the company that rst
reported the inaccurate information, often
called the furnishing company. While this packet
provides information about disputing inaccurate
information with a credit reporting company, you
can nd information about disputing inaccurate
information with a furnishing company at les.
You can contact the nationwide credit reporting
companies online, by mail, or by phone. When
disputing, refer to your credit report so that you
can correctly and fully identify the information that
you are disputing. Your report contains a consumer
identication or report number that should be
included with your dispute to allow the credit
reporting company to identify you. There is no
charge for submitting a dispute. Ensure the error
has been removed by requesting conrmation from
the consumer reporting company.
By phone: Phone number provided on credit report
or (800) 864-2978
By phone: Phone number provided on credit report
or (888) 397-3742
By phone: (800) 916-8800
Disputes by mail:
You can download each companys dispute
form or use the letter included in this guide,
which provides the credit reporting company
with enough information to identify you and
the specic accounts or tradelines that you are
disputing. To make it easier to identify the items
that you are disputing, consider including a copy
of your credit report with these items marked or
circled. You may also wish to include copies of any
supporting documentation, such as a statement
from your lender, which demonstrates the incorrect
information you are disputing.
Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau
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How to use the template:
1. In the sample letter, ll in your personal
information. Edit the information in [brackets]
to address the specic inaccuracies that you are
disputing. Note that requirements may vary by
company, so its always good to doublecheck
with each company to ensure you are providing
all of the information they require.
2. List each item on your report that you believe is
inaccurate, the account number and the specic
reason you feel the information is incorrect.
3. Print and mail the letter along with one copy of a
government issued identication card, (such as
a drivers license or state ID card, etc.), and one
copy of a utility bill, bank or insurance statement,
etc. You can nd the address for the three
nationwide credit reporting companies below:
Mail the dispute form with your letter to:
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374
Use the address provided on your credit report or
mail your letter to:
P.O. Box 4500
Allen, TX 75013
Mail the dispute form with your letter to:
TransUnion LLC
Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000,
Chester, PA 19016
4. You may consider “return receipt requested,” for
proof that the credit reporting company received
it. Keep a copy of the letter for your records. If
you send any information with the letter, send
copies and keep your originals.
Note that if your complaint involves identity theft,
you may want to take additional steps. You can visit
the FTC’s website to nd out how
to combat identity theft.
Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau
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Identifying information
§ Your full name
§ Consumer report/id number
§ Date of birth
§ Your address
§ Driver’s license number
§ Social security number
§ Todays date
Company information
§ Name of company
§ Company Address
Disputed items
§ Your account number
§ Dates of disputed
§ Explanation of inaccuracy
§ Company that provided the
disputed information
§ Type of disputed information
§ List any documents that are