e-snaps Training
for Renewal Projects for the FY21 NOFO
New York City Department of Social Services
September 10, 2021
Several topics to cover,
limited time together
Keep your audio muted
unless speaking
Utilize the chat box to
share ideas & resources
Submit questions in
chat box
During Q&A, please consider
turning on your camera &
“raise your hand” feature
Please introduce yourself in
the chat box!
(name, background, pronouns)
Recording todays
Conducting polls for
engagement & participation
How to Complete HUD Renewal Project Application
in e-snaps
HUD Exchange Resources
Renewal Project Application in e-snaps
General Introduction
of the CoC, NOFO app, e-snaps, and resources
A regional or local planning body that manages
the CoC-funded housing and services provided
to the homeless community in their area
A community plan to organize and deliver
housing and services to meet the specific
needs of people who are homeless as they
move to stable housing and maximize self-
sufficiency. It includes action steps to end
homelessness and prevent a return to
Develop a long-term strategic plan and
manage year-round planning efforts
Promote a more structured and strategic
approach to housing and services for
people experiencing homelessness
Improve administrative efficiency and
enhance response coordination and
Prepare an application for McKinney-Vento
Homeless Assistance competitive grants
Purpose of a CoC:
What is a Continuum of Care (CoC)?
Purpose of the NOFO
Establish HUD policy priorities
Intended to reduce the incidence of homelessness in communities
A mechanism to outline requirements for homeless assistance programs, grant
funding, & application steps
Assist homeless individuals and families to quickly transition to self-sufficiency
Ending homelessness for all persons
Creating a systemic response to homelessness
Strategically allocating and using resources
Using an Evidence-Based Approach
Increasing employment
Providing flexibility for Housing First with Service Participation
Continued HUD Policy Priorities
New projects that coordinate housing with health care providers
Increased coordination with Local PHAs
Increased emphasis on identifying and addressing racial disparities
Increased emphasis on engagement of people with lived experience
Determining impact of COVID-19
Coordination with ESG-CV resources and their use to address homelessness
New Priorities for 2021
FY 2021 CoC Program Competition
For Project Renewal Thresholds read Section V of
the HUD Notice:
NOFO Policy
See previous slide we are in alignment with HUD
Current/accurate Project Description (Section 3B)
Consistency between Project Description (3B), Supportive Services
(4A), Housing Type, Location (4B), Project Participants-Households
(5B), and Project Participants-Subpopulations (5C), Funding
Request (6A), Leased Units Budget (6B), Rental Assistance Budget
(6C), Sources of Match (6D), Summary Budget (6E)
Alignment with APR
Consolidations administratively good for project and NYC CoC
Partial Re-allocation – “right size” your grant: don’t keep $ that you
don’t spend-down that is recaptured by HUD
Expansions increase the size of your current project by serving
more people or providing more services (Will also need to submit a
separate, New project application)
Rent Reasonableness
A complete and accurate NOFO Renewal
What is e-snaps?
e-snaps is the electronic Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Application and Grants
Management System that HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS)
uses to support the CoC Program funding application and grant awards process for the
CoC Program
The NYC DSS FHPR team will review Renewal Project Applications submitted to e-snaps
for completeness, accuracy, and to ensure each application meet HUD Renewal Project
Application Threshold.
The NYC CoC as Collaborative Applicant will submit a “Priority Listing” with all approved
and ranked Renewal Project Applications as a part of the NYC CoC NOFO Application to
NOFO Renewal
Projects should review/update applicant profile
(organizational information)
Projects should gather/prepare all relevant project
application information outside e-snaps
Applications are due into e-snaps 30 days before the
CoC submits the NOFO to HUD on November 12, 2021
Support is available from the NYC DSS FHPR team and
HUD Exchange
No deadline extensions can be granted.
Expectations of Project Description Narratives
What can an organization
apply for funds for?
Determining rental
assistance and funding
Eligible costs
What should project
narratives look like?
RRH: case management,
rental assistance, leverage
of community partners
PSH: supportive services
specific to the population
being served
Are projects prepared to
meet CoC expectations?
Show this in your narratives.
Returns to homelessness
Retention and
movement to permanent
Increases in tenant income
Maintaining occupancy
Quickly filling vacancies
and maintaining HUD
occupancy expectations
First Review Submission deadline: Monday, September 20, 2021
Final Submission deadline: Friday, October 15, 2021
Make sure at least two people per organization have e-snaps access
Reconfirm SAMS/DUNS numbers for organization, legal entity name
NYC DSS FHPR NOFO Liaison Contact information
Merih Anil ([email protected]yc.gov) Anchor House Jericho Project
Cadija Tibbs (tibb[email protected]yc.gov) Jewish Board Project Hospitality
Charlie Winkler (winkler[email protected]yc.gov) Project Renewal Women In Need; NYC
the organization submitting the application for
each e-snaps user at an organization must have their own
unique login credentials
a user account that has been associated with the
organization as a registrant
in the NYC CoC this is NYC Department of Social Services
(DSS), which is responsible for submitting the NOFO, which
includes the (1) Collaborative Application; (2) Renewal
Project Applications; (3) New Project Applications
Instructions and
HUD Exchange Online Resources
Renewal Project Application Navigational Guide
The “Renewal Project Application Navigational Guide”
includes step-by-step e-snaps instructions on how to
submit a renewal application in e-snaps
*** Instructions are specific to projects’
component types***
(PH, TH, RRH, SSO, and Joint TH & PH-RRH)
New this Year:
Supporting Resources
e-snaps Navigation and
Application Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
CoC Program Competition
questions must be submitted
to the following HUD.gov
email addresses:
cocnof[email protected] for
questions about the NOFO,
competition, and applications.
e-snaps@hud.gov for
questions about e-snaps
technical issues.
When to ask NYC DSS FHPR:
Non-technical issues
Project budget questions
Funding policies (CoC questions)
Deadlines questions
Any other submission questions
Contact us:
Merih Anil
([email protected]yc.gov)
Anchor House Jericho
Cadija Tibbs
(tibbsc[email protected]c.gov)
Jewish Board Project
Charlie Winkler
(winkler[email protected]yc.gov)
Project Renewal Women
HPD; NYC HRA; Mayors
Renewal Application
e-snaps run-through
How to compete your app from start to finish
Funding Opportunity
Step 1: Create your
Applicant Profile
First time Project Applicants must establish
an “Applicant Profile” for their organization
in e-snaps
Renewal Project Applicants must
review/update (if update needed) their
established “Applicant Profile”
In order to update Applicant Profile, follow
Applicant Profile is open year-round for
reviews and updates.
All Project Applicants must have a Data
Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
number and register with the System for
Award Management (SAM)
Funding Opportunity
Registration (Continued)
Step 2: Select the FY2021
Funding Opportunity
All Project Applicants must register
the organization for the FY 2021
Renewal Project Application funding
Go to “Funding Opportunity
FY 2021
Funding Opportunity
Registration (Continued)
Step 3: Create Projects
Select “projects” from left-hand
Select ”Renewal Project Application
FY2021” from the funding
opportunity name dropdown
Enter a unique & distinct project
Cannot be changed in e-snaps after this
point (even in coming years during
Click save & next
FY 2021
Funding Opportunity
Registration (Continued)
Step 4: Accessing the
1. Select "Submissions" on the left menu bar.
2. The "Submissions" screen appears.
3. Select the “foldericon to the left of the Project Application Name you
established with the Funding Opportunity Name “Renewal Project Application
FY 2021."
4. The "Before Starting" screen appears.
e-snaps Renewal Application Sections
Part 1:
SF-424, HUD-2880, HUD-
50070, Certification Regarding Lobbying,
Part 2: Sub
-recipient Information
Part 3: Project
Part 4: Housing,
Services, and HMIS
Part 5: Participants
Part 6: Budget Information
Part 7: Attachment(s)
Part 8: Submission Summary
NOTE: Project applicants must complete all Part 1 forms before Parts 2 through 7 will be visible.
Renewal Application Key Elements
Applicant Profile
Make Changes
Total ARA and Match
Summary Budget
Renewal Application Key Elements
Applicant Profile
Make Changes
Total ARA and Match
Summary Budget
“Leasing, Operating, Actual Rents: DO NOT “Submit without Changes”
For the FY 2021 CoC Program Competition, renewal projects that included rental assistance and permanent housing projects that included
leasing, leased structures and/or operating costs may have received Fair Market Rent (FMR) based increases for these BLIs. Because FY 2020
funds were awarded non-competitively, these projects are not in e-snaps with the FY 2020 amounts and the projects budget numbers are
currently populated in e-snaps with the FY 2019 amounts. Therefore, you should pay close attention to the funding line items that are being
requested. Any renewal project that has a rental assistance line item with “actual” costs (not FMR costs) must make an adjustment to the
projects budget. Additionally, renewal projects that have leasing, leased structures or operating costs in a renewal project will also need to
make an adjustment to their projects budget. NOTE: You should not use the “Submit Without Changes” if your FY 2020 award included an
increase in actual rental assistance, leasing, or operating costs.
If your rental assistance project uses full FMR Rents for your rental assistance funding request, you are not impacted, and will not need to
make any budget adjustments in e-snaps.
Renewal projects that are awarded funds for rental assistance that request less than FMR (meaning a per-unit amount based on the actual
rent costs per unit) may be increased based on the average increase in FMR amounts within the CoCs geographic area, weighted for
population density. The same is true for projects with leasing, leased structures or operating costs in a Renewal project.
The Grant Inventory Worksheets (GIWs) posted for each CoC included the correct updated budget amounts. Every project applicant that is
renewing a project with a rental assistance BLI that selected “actual” (not FMR) must enter the correct amounts in the budget(s) for their e-
snaps project application from the report included in this email. This report contains rental assistance amounts down to the Bedroom size
level that are not contained in the BLI level on the GIW. The number of units at each Bedroom size in your project(s) are contained in the
shaded cells in the report.
Note: Every renewal project with leasing, leased structures or operating costs must enter the correct BLI
amounts from their 2021 GIW into their project application budget.
“Submit without Changes” – Screens Requiring Action/Update
The e-snaps screens that remain “open” for required annual updates
Recipient Performance Screen;
Renewal Expansion Screen;
Renewal Grant Consolidation Screen;
Screen 3A. Project Detail;
Screen 6D. Sources of Match;
All of Part 7: Attachments and Certification; and
All of Part 8: Submission Summary.
All other screens in Part 2 through Part 6 begin in “Read-Onlyformat and
should be reviewed for accuracy.
Consolidation and Expansion Processes:
Whats New for Renewal Applications
The FY 2021 CoC Competition will continue to allow you to request consolidations and expansions through the project
application process; however, the ability to consolidate and expand is not permitted. Additionally, the consolidation and
expansion processes have changed as noted below:
If you want your renewal project applications considered for consolidation as outlined in Section II.B.6 of the NOFO, you
will only submit the individual renewal project applications. The additional submission of a fully consolidated project
application is eliminated.
Expansion Processes:
If you want to expand an existing renewal project application as outlined in Section III.B.2.j and Section V.B.4.a.(6) of the
NOFO by submitting a new project application, you will only submit the individual renewal project application and create
and submit a separate new project application. The additional submission of a combined renewal project application is
Consolidating Eligible Renewals During the CoC Program Competition. Under "Special Topics":
Recipient Performance
9/13/2021 NYC DSS 34
e-snaps Renewal Application Sections
Part 1:
SF-424, HUD-2880, HUD-
50070, Certification Regarding Lobbying,
Part 2: Sub
-recipient Information
Part 3: Project
Part 4: Housing,
Services, and HMIS
Part 5: Participants
Part 6: Budget Information
Part 7: Attachment(s)
Part 8: Submission Summary
NOTE: Project applicants must complete all Part 1 forms before Parts 2 through 7 will be visible.
Part 2: Sub-recipient Information
9/13/2021 NYC DSS 36
Part 3: Project Information
Form 3A
1. Expiring Grant Project PIN Number
2. CoC Number and Name
3. CoC Applicant Name
4. Project Name
5. Project Status
6. Component Type
Enter “NY-600
New York City CoC
Leave as default
This dictates the rest of
the application
Part 3B: Project Description
Part 4A: Supportive Services
Part 4B: Supportive Services
Part 5A: Participants (Households)
Part 5B: Participants (Subpopulations)
Part 6A: Budget Information
Part 6D: Budget Information
In-kind Match, Documentation, and Conditional Awards
May have multiple match sources, it is recommended to document them to in one of two ways:
MOU or a conditional MOU from the third party providing in-kind services
The CoC Interim Rule at 24 CFR 578.73(c)(3) requires that in-kind services, to be provided by a
third party, must be documented by a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the
recipient or subrecipient and the third party that will provide the services prior to execution of
the grant. The project application has a dedicated screen to attach the MOU for in-kind match,
7A. In-Kind Match MOU Attachment. This screen only appears if the applicant has selected “Yes
in response to question 1 on Screen 6I (New Projects) or 6D (Renewal).
HUD strongly recommends that project applicants attach the MOU to their application in e-
snaps if it is available at the time of application. If project applicants do not attach a MOU that
documents in-kind match HUD will place a condition on the project, if selected for conditional
award, which will require project applicants to produce a MOU before grant agreement
Part 7: Attachments
Part 6E: Summary Budget Information
You will not be
able to populate
grey fields on
this screen
Will populate
given the
information from
other budgets
Remaining space
to populate is
just admin
(up to 10%)
Part 6E: Summary Budget
Q & A
We appreciate your attendance
Additional Resources
Renewal Project Application Navigational Guide
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
CoC Website: http://www.nychomeless.com
Be Sure to Subscribe!
NYC CoC Mailing List
HUD Exchange Mailing List
Homeless Assistance Programs :
Choose Continuum of Care