LEGO, the LEGO logo and WEDO are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2009 The LEGO Group.
4. Hungry Alligator Teacher Notes
Students will build and program a mechanical alligator that makes sounds and is motorized to
open and close its jaw.
Trace the transmission of motion and transfer of energy through the machine.
Identify the pulleys and belts and the slowing down mechanism at work in the model.
Consider the needs of living animals.
Create a programmable model to demonstrate the knowledge and operation of digital tools and
technological systems.
Build and test the alligator’s movement.
Improve the alligator’s behavior by adding the motion sensor and programming sounds to
Understand how the distance between an object and the motion sensor is important to how the
sensor functions.
Understand and use numbers to represent the type of sounds played and the amount of time the
motor turns on.
Prepare and deliver a demonstration about alligators using the alligator model.
Use technology to create and communicate ideas.
Communicate in spoken or written forms using the appropriate vocabulary.
Belts, motion sensor, and pulley. Blocks: Motion Sensor Input, Motor On For, Motor This Way, Motor
That Way, Number Input, Play Sound, Repeat, Start On Key Press and Wait For.
Other Materials
Optional for Extension: Construction paper, cardboard, grass, rocks.
4. Hungry Alligator Teacher Notes
LEGO, the LEGO logo and WEDO are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2009 The LEGO Group.
Review the Connect animation and discuss:
What was the alligator doing when Mia and Max saw it?
What happened as they stood near the alligator?
Do alligators really eat caps?
Why does an alligator have a large jaw?
What kind of food does an alligator eat?
Would you pet an alligator? Why or why not?
Here are other ways of connecting:
Pretend you are an alligator. How does an alligator walk? Use your arms to show how the alligator
opens and closes its jaw.
Have you seen a real alligator in person or on television? What did it do?
Is an alligator like a dinosaur? Why or why not?
Alligators lived as far back as some dinosaurs. However, dinosaurs are extinct, alligators are
not. Alligators are reptiles: they lay eggs, have scales on their skin, and are cold-blooded. Cold-
blooded means they must use the sun and means outside their body to stay warm. Dinosaurs
seemed to have had these traits also.
Did you know
You can use belts and pulleys to slow down the motor speed?
See the model in Getting Started:
9. Decrease Speed.
How much slower is the large pulley than the small pulley?
The large pulley turns only one time for every three times the small pulley turns. The large pulley
is three times slower than the small pulley
4. Hungry Alligator Teacher Notes
LEGO, the LEGO logo and WEDO are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2009 The LEGO Group.
Build the model following step-by-step instructions or create your own alligator. If you create your
own, you may need to change the example program.
To operate the alligator best, make sure the jaw opens and closes easily. To do that, loosen the
pulleys and bushings to reduce friction. If the belts have been used a lot, wipe them clean to
improve performance.
The energy transfers from the computer powering the motor, to the crown gear at a 90° angle to
the next gear. That gear turns a small pulley and a belt that are on the same axle as the gear. The
belt connects the small pulley to the large pulley. Moving the large pulley opens and closes the
alligator’s jaw.
The energy changes from electrical (the computer and motor) to mechanical (physical movement
of the gears, belts and the jaw mechanism).
4. Hungry Alligator Teacher Notes
LEGO, the LEGO logo and WEDO are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2009 The LEGO Group.
The Hungry Alligator program uses the keyboard controls to start the movement. The Start On
Key Press Block waits for you to press the A key on the keyboard. Then it turns on the Motor That
Way (counterclockwise) to close the jaw. Next, the program runs Play Sound 17, the Crunch sound.
Then it turns on the Motor This Way to open the jaw. The motor runs for seven-tenths of one
second and turns off.
To change the Start On Key Press letter, place the mouse over the Block and type a different
letter key. You can also type a number key or one of the four arrow direction keys.
See the LEGO
Education WeDo™ Software section for the Sound List referencing the Play Sound
Block numbers with descriptive names.
See Getting Started for more examples with Motor On For, Motor This Way, Motor That Way, Play
Sound and Start On Key Press.
4. Hungry Alligator Teacher Notes
LEGO, the LEGO logo and WEDO are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2009 The LEGO Group.
Set up enough space for books, paper, scissors and other materials and for demonstrating your
Gather some books or search internet sources for information about other sources of food for
alligators. Choose a type of food. Then draw it and cut it out or make it. Prepare an information
sheet, digital slides, or notes for your demonstration.
You are demonstrating alligator behavior: the motion sensor feedback allows the alligator model
to react to the food. You may wish to adjust the input numbers to the Play Sound and to the Motor
On For timing to suit your demonstration better.
Practice presenting your information about alligators and timing the demonstration.
After the alligator presentations, discuss these ideas.
How is the alligator program like a real alligator’s brain?
The program is like a brain because it makes decisions and causes movement to respond to the
How is the alligator program different from a real alligator brain?
A real alligator brain is capable of more sophisticated and varied responses. It is ‘programmed’
to respond to much more than a simple showing of food.
Is this an alligator or crocodile?
It is more like an alligator because they have U-shaped jaws. Crocodiles have more pointed and
narrow jaws.
Alternative ideas…
Describe a day in the life of your alligator by drawing a series of pictures. When is the alligator
awake? When is it eating?
4. Hungry Alligator Teacher Notes
LEGO, the LEGO logo and WEDO are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2009 The LEGO Group.
In the Continue phase of this activity, you are adding more intelligence to the alligator behavior.
Use the sensor that is already built into the model. The motion sensor and motor can work in
either LEGO
Hub port.
The motion sensor must be positioned as shown in the building instructions or it will not work
according to the example program. The mouth must open wide when it is waiting to be “fed” so
the motion sensor can see the food, not its own jaw. The motion sensor can see large and small
objects within a range of about 15 cm.
4. Hungry Alligator Teacher Notes
LEGO, the LEGO logo and WEDO are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2009 The LEGO Group.
The Hungry Alligator program is modied to change the Start On Key Press to a Start Block and
to add the motion sensor input. After you click the Start Block, the program waits for the motion
sensor to see something. Then it turns on the Motor That Way to close the jaw and plays
Sound 17, the Crunch sound. Then the motor turns on this way to open the jaw. The motor runs for
seven-tenths of one second and turns off. The program repeats.
To repeat the program a specic number of times, add a number and text input to the Repeat
See Getting Started for more examples with the Motion Sensor, Motor On For, Motor This Way,
Motor That Way, Play Sound, Repeat, and Wait For.
4. Hungry Alligator Teacher Notes
LEGO, the LEGO logo and WEDO are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2009 The LEGO Group.
Join with all of the other groups in your class to create a Wild Animal Park. Use construction
paper, cardboard, grass, rocks and other materials to create an appropriate habitat for each
animal. Design a tour of the Park and allow each group to present their animal. Invite other
students to tour the Wild Animal Park.