Lien Holder Processing FAQs
Wisconsin DMV
Dealer Agent Section
Partnership Unit
JUNE 2024
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Part 1 General Lien holder information ..................................................................................................... 5
Who can be a lien holder? ........................................................................................................................ 5
What is mandatory lien processing? ......................................................................................................... 5
What is an exempt transaction? ............................................................................................................... 5
How will I know if my lending institution added more than 48 liens last year? ....................................... 5
Where can my lending institution get information regarding the electronic processing options
available? .................................................................................................................................................. 5
How will a secured party know which transactions are exempt? ............................................................ 6
Why do some title numbers begin with S or a T? ..................................................................................... 6
How will I receive my title? ........................................................................................................................... 6
How can an owner or other party track the issuance of the title? ........................................................... 6
How can I verify my lien is on the record if no lien confirmations will be generated on S or T title
numbers? .................................................................................................................................................. 6
What is ELT? .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Is ELT mandatory? ..................................................................................................................................... 7
How are titles delivered? .......................................................................................................................... 7
What is the difference between paper titles and electronic title records?.............................................. 7
How do I join the ELT program to receive electronic title records instead of paper titles? ..................... 7
Who supports ELT? ................................................................................................................................... 7
Title to Lien Holder Changes ......................................................................................................................... 7
Wisconsin DOT (WisDOT) never gave a ranking to a lien holder in the past; does this change under the
new law? ................................................................................................................................................... 7
When is a title containing a lien listed BEFORE July 30, 2012, sent to a lien holder? .............................. 8
Who can release liens on vehicle titles? ................................................................................................... 8
What is a secured party required to send an owner when a lien is released? ......................................... 8
How does title to lien holder affect processing capabilities for lenders, dealers, auction houses, etc.? 8
Who should lien holders contact if they are experiencing difficulty in receiving their titles, either in the
current paper format or as an electronic record? .................................................................................... 9
How long does a lender have when a lien has been paid off before they must release the title to the
owner or other requested party? ............................................................................................................. 9
‘Mail To…’ Information ................................................................................................................................. 9
What is the ‘Mail To…” option on the Lien Release screen to be used for?............................................. 9
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Where does the ‘Mail To…’ option fall in the address rules used by WisDOT? ........................................ 9
Are there limitations to the ‘Mail To…’ option? ....................................................................................... 9
What are the advantages of using the ‘Mail To…’ option? ..................................................................... 10
Is a ‘Mail To…’ address checked for accuracy? ....................................................................................... 10
How often is a ‘Mail To…’ address used? ............................................................................................... 10
Printing Electronic Title (Converting an electronic title to a paper title without releasing the lien) ...... 10
What is the process for a lender who received a title electronically to get a paper title issued? ......... 10
Who can request a paper title? .............................................................................................................. 10
If the ‘Mail To…’ information is not entered by the service provider when the print-title task is
processed, where will the title be delivered? ......................................................................................... 11
If a ‘Mail To…’ address is entered and the title hasn’t printed yet, can this be changed? If so, how? . 11
Which service providers can process ad-hoc print title tasks and for whom? ....................................... 11
Can a print-title task be done if there are subsequent lien holders? ..................................................... 11
Will the delivery method be listed on inquiry?....................................................................................... 11
If a lien holder received a paper title by using a print electronic title task, can they release their lien
electronically and produce a new (clear) title? ...................................................................................... 12
Can a print title task be processed if incidents, notations or suspensions are on a record? ................. 12
Part 2 Processing your application ........................................................................................................... 12
What should we do with the current paper title after the lien has been paid off? ............................... 12
Will any secured parties be prohibited from processing electronically? ............................................... 12
What additional fees do secured parties pay if DMV processes the transaction? Can the fee be passed
on to the customer?................................................................................................................................ 13
How will the additional processing fee and surcharge fees be disclosed on the MV1 application? ...... 13
What is the difference between the $5 or $25 processing fee and the $19.50 Automated Processing
Partnership System (APPS) fee that appears on the MV1? .................................................................... 13
What if a secured party makes an error when processing a transaction? ............................................. 13
When do I need to submit paperwork? .................................................................................................. 14
What completed paperwork do I need to submit to DMV? ................................................................... 14
How do I know an application is complete in the eMV PARTNER or vendor system? ........................... 14
How do I submit completed applications to DMV for imaging? ............................................................. 14
Why do some title numbers begin with S or a T? ................................................................................... 14
Why did I receive a missing paperwork letter? ...................................................................................... 15
How do I locate missing paperwork in my files?..................................................................................... 15
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Can I add a lien without having a Wisconsin title? ................................................................................. 15
How are odometers disclosed on vehicle sales when the title is not available because the title is being
held by the lien holder? .......................................................................................................................... 15
What is the MV2690 Power of Attorney form? ...................................................................................... 15
How does ELT affect the issuance of replacement titles? ...................................................................... 15
Who can request a replacement title? ................................................................................................... 16
Who can apply for a replacement title once the lien has been released? ............................................. 16
How many days must pass before a replacement can be applied for/issued? ...................................... 16
Who has the right to repossess the vehicle if there is more than one lien holder on the title record and
the first lien holder is holding the title either electronic or paper? ....................................................... 16
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
User manuals .......................................................................................................................................... 17
eMV PARTNER Instructions ................................................................................................................. 17
Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................ 17
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Part 1 General Lien holder information
Who can be a lien holder?
Anyone can be a lien holder, whether they are an individual or a business. However, the same
person or entity cannot be both an owner and a lien holder on the same title. In Wisconsin all
lien holders are assigned a secured party number by the Department of Transportation. To have
a secure party number created you may call 608-264-7447 or
email us at Wisconsin DMV
email service.
What is mandatory lien processing?
Effective July 1, 2010, non-individual secured parties are required to electronically
process stand-alone lien perfections and releases that are not part of a title transaction
(no change of ownership), unless the transaction is exempt, or the secured party added
48 or fewer liens in the previous calendar year. The secured party is required to pay a
fee to secure their lien. If a non-exempt transaction is submitted to the DMV to process,
an additional processing fee is required and possibly a surcharge for each application
submitted to the DMV to process.
What is an exempt transaction?
A transaction is exempt if it involves a transfer of ownership, if the secured party is
unable to process due to incidents associated with processing (incomplete titles, etc.),
or if technology limitations do not allow the secured party to electronically process.
How will I know if my lending institution added more than 48 liens last year?
Please contact your Vehicle Records Unit (VRU) at 608-264-7447 for verification or
email us at Wisconsin DMV email service
Where can my lending institution get information regarding the electronic
processing options available?
Information on each processing option available to you can be found on our website:
Electronic Processing Options
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How will a secured party know which transactions are exempt?
The Mail to DOT form (MV2142) lists several common incidents or technology
limitations. This form should accompany all applications mailed to DMV for manual
processing. Vendor system help desks will have a list of exempt transactions.
Additionally, DMV recommends sending your customer a paper lien release if you are
unable to process a release of lien electronically.
Why do some title numbers begin with S or a T?
As of July 1, 2010, an S/T title number (example: S0182A001001-9 T3240A001001-3) is
issued when a lien add transaction is completed electronically by the secured party. Per
Statute 342.245 and Trans Rule 148, the secured party shall destroy the previous title
that was provided by the customer after sixty days. The previous title and application
will not be imaged. No lien confirmations will be generated from electronic lien
transactions that result in an S title number being issued.
How will I receive my title?
How can an owner or other party track the issuance of the title?
The free online service, Where's my title?, on WisDOT’s website allows for easy tracking
of a Wisconsin title.
How can I verify my lien is on the record if no lien confirmations will be
generated on S or T title numbers?
You may use the Inquiry function in your electronic title processing system (eMV
PARTNER or your chosen Vendor’s system). WisDOT also has an online service for lien
holder search. Also, after you have completed adding your lien an MV1 form will be
generated in as a PDF. The application will display the new title number in the top right-
hand side.
What is ELT?
Electronic lien title (ELT) is an option for lenders who would like to receive electronic
title records instead of paper titles. Lenders contract with a service provider that
warehouses the electronic title records and provides support services. More information
about Electronic titles and service providers can be found HERE.
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Is ELT mandatory?
No, receiving electronic title records through the ELT program is optional currently.
However, adding and releasing liens electronically is mandated by law when your
financial institution processes over 48 liens a year.
How are titles delivered?
Paper titles are mailed three times a week via first class mail to the address listed for the
secured party. Electronic titles are also delivered three times weekly to the service
What is the difference between paper titles and electronic title records?
Paper titles and electronic titles both contain the same information. The only difference
between a paper title and an electronic title is the method of delivery to the lien holder.
How do I join the ELT program to receive electronic title records instead of
paper titles?
Contact one of our approved service providers. You will need to provide your service
provider your current secured party number. If you are not sure what your secured party
number is, please call 608-264-7447 or email us at Wisconsin DMV email service.
Who supports ELT?
The Electronic Lien Title program is supported by Wisconsin DOT’s Dealer and Agent
section. For ELT related information, please email us at Wisconsin DMV email service.
Title to Lien Holder Changes
Wisconsin DOT (WisDOT) never gave a ranking to a lien holder in the past;
does this change under the new law?
The department still does not “rank” lien holders. Liens are listed on the vehicle
title/record in the order the lien was listed by date. The lien holder with the oldest list
date will receive the title in they method they have chosen. Any other lien holders will
receive confirmation that their lien has been secured but not a title.
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When is a title containing a lien listed BEFORE July 30, 2012, sent to a lien
A title with a lien listed prior to July 30, 2012, will be sent to a lien holder only if a new
lien is added or if the vehicle owner gets a replacement title.
Who can release liens on vehicle titles?
Any lien holder listed on a title (vehicle) can release their own lien. DMV staff can
release a lien with a proper lien release. DMV agents and dealers can also release liens,
when processing a title transfer, with the proper documentation.
What is a secured party required to send an owner when a lien is released?
Statute 342.22(1)(b) states that the secured party shall deliver to the owner a notice
stating that the release has been provided to the department. A letter on letterhead or
a printed copy of the system-generated confirmation that the lien was removed from
Wisconsin DOT records are acceptable notices. If the title was held by the lien holder
(after July 30, 2012), DOT will issue and mail a new title within 7 days of the lien being
satisfied. If lien was listed before July 30, 2012, customers received the title and must
submit that title with the lien release or the system-generated confirmation.
How does title to lien holder affect processing capabilities for lenders, dealers,
auction houses, etc.?
When customers trade in a vehicle to a Wisconsin dealer, the dealer will be able to sell
the vehicle retail to a new customer before receiving the original title if the following
The lien holder is holding the title
The dealership has documentation that they have paid off the lien
The dealership has an electronic inquiry print of the title record, for a vehicle
titled in Wisconsin, and an MV2690 Power of Attorney Vehicle Odometer
Disclosure and Transfer of Ownership form signed by the trade-in customer.
However, Dealerships are still required to posses an out of state title before
having the vehicle for sale
The vehicle is being taken in trade or sold to the dealership
This will allow the dealer to offer the vehicle only for retail sale. If the dealer is
wholesaling, dealer-trading the vehicle or selling retail to an out of state customer as a
cash deal they must wait until they have the title in hand. Auction houses should wait
to take the vehicle in with the title. All other lenders will need the original title in hand
to process.
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Who should lien holders contact if they are experiencing difficulty in receiving
their titles, either in the current paper format or as an electronic record?
Lien holders that receive titles in a paper format should contact WisDOT to ensure the
right address is listed for the secured party number being used by the lien holder; (608)
264-7447 or email us at Wisconsin DMV email service
Lien holders that receive titles in an electronic format should contact their ELT service
provider who will work with the lien holder and WisDOT to find the problem preventing
How long does a lender have when a lien has been paid off before they must
release the title to the owner or other requested party?
Once the lender has received the payoff amount bringing the balance of the loan to zero,
they have 30 days to release their lien. If the lender receives a written request after there
is no outstanding loan obligation, they have 10 days to release their lien.
‘Mail To…’ Information
What is the ‘Mail To…” option on the Lien Release screen to be used for?
The ‘Mail To…’ option allows lenders to enter a one-time mailing address to a specific
title product to have the title delivered to someone other than the owner or lien holder
listed on the title (see limitationsbelow). The product owner (lien holder or vehicle
owner) must request the special address.
EXAMPLE: A lender may enter an address for a dealership if the vehicle was recently
traded in and the dealer arranged to pay off the balance on the loan.
Where does the ‘Mail To…’ option fall in the address rules used by WisDOT?
If a ‘Mail To…’ address is entered, it will be used regardless of any permanent mailing or
special mailing address or the primary address.
Are there limitations to the ‘Mail To…’ option?
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Lenders will only have the ability to redirect a title when they are releasing a lien and
they hold the title, provided the lien being released is the only lien listed on the
vehicle/title. If another lien holder is listed on the title, the next lien holder (in order of
date lien listed) will receive the new title. Also, the lender will not have the ability to
redirect titles as part of any other title task, such as a change of ownership.
What are the advantages of using the ‘Mail To…’ option?
‘Mail to…’ allows a lender to have a clear title printed and sent directly to a dealer who
has taken the vehicle in on trade and paid off the loan, to another lender that is
financing the vehicle, or to any other party besides the owner listed on the title. This
speeds up and streamlines title delivery.
Is a ‘Mail To…’ address checked for accuracy?
If lenders enter a ‘Mail To…’ address through a service provider, the service provider’s
software will verify the address. The “Mail To…” address is not accepted unless it is a
complete address.
How often is a ‘Mail To…’ address used?
A ‘Mail To…’ address is a one-time address only for a title mailing and cannot be used
when the title is mailed in tandem with plates and registration.
Printing Electronic Title(Converting an electronic title to a paper title
without releasing the lien)
What is the process for a lender who received a title electronically to get a
paper title issued?
A lender who received a title electronically would need to make a request to their
service provider. A paper title will then be issued at no cost and delivered to the lender
or other party if requested by the lender. A lender may also mail a request for a paper
title to the Wisconsin DOT.
Who can request a paper title?
Only the lien holder who currently holds the electronic record can request a paper title.
Subsequent lien holders cannot. The primary lien holder controls the title and can send
the title where they want until their interest in the vehicle is released.
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If the ‘Mail To…’ information is not entered by the service provider when the
print-title task is processed, where will the title be delivered?
If ‘Mail To…’ information is not entered, the title will be delivered to the lien holder who
held the electronic record.
If a ‘Mail To…’ address is entered and the title hasn’t printed yet, can this be
changed? If so, how?
Yes, addresses can be updated if the title has not been printed yet. Please contact the
Agent Partnership Unit,
Also, if the request was done the same day before 8 pm you may reset your request and
reprocess with the correct address.
Which service providers can process ad-hoc print title tasks and for whom?
All service providers can process these tasks. Service providers can only process these
tasks for lien holders who are their current clients. If a lender changes service providers,
the service providers coordinate the transfer of title records, so that the new service
provider can assist with lien releases and converting e-Titles to paper titles.
Can a print-title task be done if there are subsequent lien holders?
Yes, subsequent lien holder information will not be affected, and they will be notified of
the new title number.
Will the delivery method be listed on inquiry?
Yes, the eMV PARTNER inquiry will list if the secured party holds the title and it will show
if it was “PAPER” or “ELECTRONIC”. Lien information is typically found at the bottom of
the inquiry. For specifics about vendor system inquiry layout, please contact them
The lien holder search on our public website will also display if the lien holder received
the title and the delivery method.
Please keep in mind the address a paper title was delivered to may be different then the
address listed for the lien holder.
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If a lien holder received a paper title by using a print electronic title task, can
they release their lien electronically and produce a new (clear) title?
Yes, if a paper title is produced for a lien holder, they can release their lien
electronically. However, they cannot release the lien through the electronic service
provider; they must use the eMV PARTNER or other approved lien processing vendor. If
no other lien holders exist, a clear title is issued and sent to the owner (or recipient
specified in the ‘Mail To…’) when the lien holder releases their lien. As usual, the lien
holder should destroy any paper titles showing their lien upon releasing the lien
electronically after 60 days.
Can a print title task be processed if incidents, notations or suspensions are on
a record?
No, print title tasks are not allowed when any incidents, notations, or suspensions that
normally effect a title transaction are present. Electronic service providers will receive an
error message to pass back to the lien holder, and WisDOT records are not changed.
Part 2 – Processing your application
What should we do with the current paper title after the lien has been paid
If you remove a lien electronically, you should destroy that title after 60 days. If there is
a subsequent lien holder, a new title will be delivered to them in the mail or
electronically. If there isn’t a subsequent lien holder, your customer will receive the
updated clear title in the mail. If you do not process the lien removal electronically you
should sign off on the lien release on the title and deliver it to your customer. You
should also provide them a separate lien release on company letter head.
Will any secured parties be prohibited from processing electronically?
DMV policy allows DMV to deny a secured party the authority to process electronically if
DMV has reasonable cause to conclude that the accuracy or timeliness of the security
interest filings or releases performed by the secured party is insufficient. The status of
these secured parties will show as “non-authorized” in DMV records. “Non-authorized”
lenders will be required to pay the $5.00 processing fee and if they process over 48 liens
a year the $20.00 surcharge fee for each lien-add transaction completed by DMV that
the lender could otherwise process on their own.
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What additional fees do secured parties pay if DMV processes the transaction?
Can the fee be passed on to the customer?
The fee to a lien is $10. If the transaction is exempt; i.e., the lender cannot process
electronically due to holds or technology limitations, there is no additional charge. You
must provide the form MV2142 with the reason the application could not be processed.
If a low volume secured party (a secured party that added 48 or fewer liens per calendar
year) has the DMV process a non-exempt transaction, there is a $5 processing fee in
addition to any counter fee that may apply. The $5 processing fee may be passed on to
the customer.
If a secured party with more than 48 lien-adds per calendar year has DMV process a
non-exempt transaction, there is a $5 processing fee plus a $20 surcharge fee due, in
addition to any counter fee that may apply. The $20 surcharge fee may not be passed
on to the customer. The $5 processing fee or $25 processing fee/surcharge fee is in
addition to any required counter services fees.
How will the additional processing fee and surcharge fees be disclosed on the
MV1 application?
The processing fee and surcharge are listed in the instructions of the MV1 application
under the heading “processing fees. When completing the application these fees
should be listed in section E on the line for Processing Fee.
What is the difference between the $5 or $25 processing fee and the $19.50
Automated Processing Partnership System (APPS) fee that appears on the
The $5 or $25 is the fee due to DMV for manual processing of the transaction. The
$19.50 APPS service fee is a fee that the customer pays to a secured party that
completes their transaction via a 3
party vendor system. The $19.50 service fee may
not be charged to the customer when an application is processed through e-MV
PARTNER system.
What if a secured party makes an error when processing a transaction?
If the error is discovered the same day, the secured party may reset the transaction until
8:00 pm Central time. If the error is discovered after the day it was processed, the
secured party should contact the Agent Partnership Unit via email at
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agentpartnershipuni[email protected]ov . The secured party may need to submit a correction
request by submitting a MV1047 form.
When do I need to submit paperwork?
Applications for replacement title transactions, repossessions, or title transfers must be
submitted to DMV for imaging the day after completion.
What completed paperwork do I need to submit to DMV?
Repossessions: MV2117 and Inquiry print.
Replacement Title: MV2119 and Inquiry print.
Replacement Title with Lien Add: MV2119 and Inquiry print.
Title Transfer: Completed MV1, properly assigned title.
How do I know an application is complete in the eMV PARTNER or vendor
Upon completing your application, PDFs of the required documents will be made
available for you to print. The application will list the new title number you generated in
the top right-hand side.
How do I submit completed applications to DMV for imaging?
Applications that produce titles that start with a 2 instead of an T (for example,
23234A123001-1) for Repossessions, Replacement titles, Replacement titles with Lien
Add are required to be submitted to DMV for imaging.
WisDOT’s preferred method of submission is electronic document upload. Information
on how to submit applications using electronic document upload can be found HERE.
For mailing instructions using a yellow mailing label see Completing Yellow Mailing
Why do some title numbers begin with S or a T?
As of July 1, 2010, an S or T title number (sample: T3182A001001-9) is issued when a
lien add transaction is completed electronically by the secured party. Per Statute
342.245 and Trans Rule 148, the secured party shall destroy the previous title that was
provided by the customer after sixty days. The previous title and application will not be
imaged. No lien confirmations will be generated from electronic lien transactions that
result in an S or T title number being issued.
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Why did I receive a missing paperwork letter?
DMV did not receive the required paperwork for the title numbers listed on the letter.
you are required to submit paperwork when processing replacement titles, replacement
titles with lien adds, repossessions and title transfers.
How do I locate missing paperwork in my files?
You can run a vehicle inquiry of the title number(s) provided in the letter The inquiry will
list the vehicle information. The paperwork can then be mailed in with a yellow mailing
label or emailed to the address provided in the letter.
Can I add a lien without having a Wisconsin title?
No, a lien holder must have a Wisconsin title in hand before they can process the
transaction. The exception to this is when your customer’s title is lost, stolen or damaged.
You are able to process a replacement title and add your lien at the same time.
How are odometers disclosed on vehicle sales when the title is not available
because the title is being held by the lien holder?
Lenders may use an MV2488 Vehicle Transfer and Odometer Mileage Statement form
for private sales (which will need to be submitted with the title upon receipt from the
lien holder) or an MV2690 Power of Attorney Vehicle Odometer Disclosure and Transfer
of Ownership form. Dealers will use the MV2690 Power of Attorney Vehicle Odometer
Disclosure and Transfer of Ownership form. Lien holders that choose to use only the
MV2690 form would assign title for the seller and have the buyer/customer sign the title
as the purchaser.
What is the MV2690 Power of Attorney form?
This form is used when the seller’s title is held by a lien holder granting you, the agent,
authority to complete the title (including the odometer statement) for the seller when
received. The MV2690 Power of Attorney form must be ordered from an authorized
form vendor.
How does ELT affect the issuance of replacement titles?
A replacement title cannot be issued for an electronic title. If the electronic title was not
received between 10-60 days after original issuance due to delivery problems, the lien
holder should contact their service provider. Lien holders who have not received a title
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after 60 days of original issuance should contact the Agent Partnership Unit (APU),
agentpartnershipuni[email protected]ov.
Who can request a replacement title?
A replacement title can be requested by the owner of a vehicle without any liens on
record or if any lien was listed before July 30, 2012. For liens listed after July 30, 2012,
only the first lien holder can request a replacement title for the vehicle, if the title was
issued in paper. If the title was issued electronically, the lender will need to contact
their service provider for assistance.
Who can apply for a replacement title once the lien has been released?
The owner or next lien holder listed on the title (if applicable) can apply for a
replacement title if the title issued after the previous lien was released was lost, stolen
or mutilated. A new lien holder can also replace a lost title and add their lien at the
same time.
How many days must pass before a replacement can be applied for/issued?
Ten days must pass before a replacement title can be issued. If the original title was not
received by mail within 10-60 days from original issuance a free replacement title can be
issued. Lien holders requesting a title after 60 days of original issuance must submit a
MV2119 Replacement Title application and $20 replacement title fee either through the
mail or at a DMV Service Center. DMV Service Centers charge an additional $5.00
counter service fee for each title application that they process.
Who has the right to repossess the vehicle if there is more than one lien holder
on the title record and the first lien holder is holding the title either electronic
or paper?
Any lien holder that is listed on the record continues to have equal rights to repossess
the vehicle with the MV2117 Repossession Application, notification to other lien
holders, etc., if they are in accordance with the statutes listed on the MV2117.
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User manuals
eMV PARTNER Instructions
APPS – Automated Processing Partnership System
APU Agent Partnership Unit
DMV Department of Motor Vehicles
DOT Department of Transportation
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
WisDOT Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Questions? Please contact the Agent Partnership Unit:
agentpartnershipuni[email protected]ov.