1. My goal (SPECIFIC goal you have the ABILITY to do and is
RELATED to something about you)
My goal is a: ___Life Goal ___Long-Term Goal ____Short-Term Goal
(you may need to break Life or Long-Term Goals into Short-Term goals)
My goal is to:
2. (TIMED) My goal will be completed by:
3. (MEASURED) To reach my goal, I will do these 3 things:
Name: _______________________________
Date: __________________
4. I will know when I reached my goal because (or how will you
know you reached your goal):
Things that might give me problems meeting my goal (think about
this before you start working on your goal):
All Goals should be SMART
Specific: exactly what you plan to do
Measured: you know when you met the goal
Ability: I know I can meet this goal
Related: it is about me and what I want and need
Timed: there is a beginning and ending time for the goal
Short-term goals take a few days to 2 months to complete
Long-term goals take 3-12 months to complete
Life goals take over 12 months to complete (can be broken down into short-term