19 July 2023
Reissued on, 16 July 2024
1660 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1040
UBJECT: Air Force Guidance Memorandum (AFGM) to Air Force Instruction (AFI) 38-101,
Manpower and Organization
By order of the Secretary of the Air Force, this Air Force Guidance Memorandum (AFGM)
immediately implements changes to AFI 38-101, Manpower and Organization. Compliance with this
guidance memorandum is mandatory. To the extent the guidance memorandum’s directions are
inconsistent with other Department of the Air Force publications, the information herein prevails, in
accordance with DAFMAN 90-161, Publishing Processes and Procedures. This guidance memorandum
is applicable to Regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve, and Air National Guard.
s memorandum provides updated language in AFI 38-101 (see attachment) renaming all
USAF Vice Commanders to Deputy Commanders. This will improve the clarity of the USAF structure
and result in the same title being used across all USAF organizational levels. This change is effective 1
Aug 23. USSF Vice Commanders and USAF Vice Commanders assigned to USSF units are unaffected
by this change.
nsure all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in
accordance with AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, and disposed
of in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule located in the Air Force Records
Management System.
is memorandum becomes void after one year has elapsed from the date of this memorandum,
or upon incorporation by interim change to, or rewrite of AFI 38-101,
whichever is earlier.
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
(Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
Renaming USAF Vice Commanders to Deputy Commanders
AFI38-101_AFGM2023-01, 19 July 2023
Renaming USAF Vice Commanders to Deputy Commanders
(Replace) Deputy Commander or Vice Commander. Department of the Air Force
organizations will use these terms to denote an officer who shares a Commander's duties and
acts for the Commander during the Commander's absence at group level and above (or USSF
equivalent organizations). (T-1) If eligible, and the officer properly assumes or is appointed to
command under the provisions of AFI 51-509, a Deputy Commander or Vice Commander may
exercise all command authority during the assigned Commander’s absence. The office symbol
code for Deputy Commander is CD and for Vice Commander (USSF only) is CV. USAF will
exclusively use the termDeputy Commander” for officers assigned to USAF organizations.
(Replace) Where the USAF or USSF is the “lead Serviceat a joint base, the officer
(irrespective of the branch of Military Service) designated the "Deputy Joint Base Commander"
will perform the functions of the Vice Commander (USSF installations only) or Deputy
Commander at wing level (or equivalent). (T-1)
Manpower and Organization
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at for downloading or ordering.
RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.
AFI38-101, 31 January 2017
AFI38-601, 7 January 2015
AFI38-201, 30 February 2014
AFI38-205, 24 May 2012
Certified by: SAF/MRM
Pages: 192
This instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 38-1, Manpower and
Organization. This instruction references Title 10 United States Code (USC) Armed Forces
Sections 517, Authorized daily average: members in pay grades E-8 and E-9, 523, Authorized
Strengths, 9013, Secretary of the Air Force, 2241, Availability of Appropriations For Certain
Uses, 2330a, Procurement of services: Tracking of Purchases, 2751, Foreign Relations and
Intercourse, 10211, Policies and regulations: participation of Reserve officers in preparation and
administration,12011, Authorized Strengths: Reserve Officers on Active Duty or on Full-Time
National Guard Duty for Administration of the Reserve or the National Guard, 12012, Authorized
Strengths: Senior Enlisted Members on Active Duty or on Full-time National Guard Duty for
Administration of the Reserve or National Guard, 12310, Armed Forces, 22 USC § 2751, Need
for International Defense Cooperation and Military Export Controls; Presidential Waiver; Report
to Congress; Arms Sales Policy and Title 32 USC National Guard. This AFI applies to uniformed
military and civilian members of Air Force units and organizations of the Regular Air Force, Air
National Guard (ANG) and the Air Force Reserve. This publication explains how the Air Force
organizes units, defines manpower requirements and allocates manpower resources in the
Manpower Programming Execution System for the Total Force and describes the objectives,
principles, standard structures and procedures for establishing and modifying Air Force
organizations. It provides guidance requirements and procedures for management and
AFI38-204, 23 May 2018
2 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
development of Air Force Mission Directives (AFMD). This publication may be supplemented at
any level; all Major Command (MAJCOM) level supplements must be approved by the Human
Resources Management Strategic Board prior to certification and approval. Refer recommended
changes and questions about this publication to the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) listed
above using the AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route AF Forms 847
from the field through the appropriate chain of command. The authorities to waive wing/unit level
requirements in this publication are identified with a Tier (“T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3”) number following
the compliance statement. See AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management, for a
description of the authorities associated with the Tier numbers. Submit requests for waivers
through the chain of command to the appropriate Tier waiver approval authority, or alternately, to
the requestors Commander for non-tiered compliance items. Ensure all records created as a result
of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with Air Force Manual
(AFMAN) 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed of in accordance with the Air Force
Records Disposition Schedule located in the Air Force Records Information Management System.
This publication requires the collection and or maintenance of information protected by the Privacy
Act of 1974 authorized by Title 10, United State Code, Section 9013 and Executive Order 13478,
Relating to Federal Agency Use of Social Security Numbers. The applicable SORN F036 AF PC
C, Military Personnel Records System, is available at: The use of the name or mark of any specific
manufacturer, commercial product, commodity, or service in this publication does not imply
endorsement by the Air Force.
This document has been substantially revised and must be completely reviewed. Major changes
include revisions to terminology and unit nomenclature, chapter reorganization, timeline additions
to Table 2.1, addition of several attachments, and updates to Table 3.1 This instruction
consolidates guidance previously provided in AFI 38-101, Air Force Organization and Unit
Designations, AFI 38-201, Management of Manpower Requirements and Authorizations, AFI 38-
204, Manpower Programming, AFI 38-205, Expeditionary Manpower, and AFI 38-601, Format
and Content of Mission Directives. Other major changes for this instruction include reducing
acronyms, limiting the scope of the publication to Air Force guidance removing "how to"
procedural references, and lowering compliance tiers where possible.
1.1. Overview directive principles and guidance. ........................................................ 12
2.1. Manpower Activities. ............................................................................................ 13
2.2. Air Force, Directorate of Manpower, Organization and Resources (AF/A1M). .. 13
2.3. Air Force Career Field Manager: ............................................................................ 15
2.4. Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency will: .......................................................... 15
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 3
2.5. Major Command Manpower and Organization (MAJCOM/A1M). ..................... 16
2.6. Major Command Functional Managers may: ......................................................... 18
2.7. Air Force Reserve Command, Manpower AFRC/A1M. ...................................... 18
2.8. National Guard Bureau Manpower and Organization (NGB/A1M) will: ............. 19
2.9. Air Education and Training Command Manpower and Organization
(AETC/A1M). ......................................................................................................... 20
2.10. Servicing Manpower Activity will: ....................................................................... 20
2.11. Additional Roles and Responsibilities. ................................................................. 21
Chapter 3 WORKFORCE MIX 22
3.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 22
3.2. Types of Manpower. ............................................................................................. 22
3.3. Military Essentiality. .............................................................................................. 22
3.4. Non-Military Essential. ......................................................................................... 22
3.5. Workforce Mix. .................................................................................................... 22
4.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 23
4.2. Man-hour Availability Factor. .............................................................................. 23
4.3. Overload Factor. ................................................................................................... 23
4.4. Various Overload Factors. ...................................................................................... 23
5.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 24
5.2. General Information. ............................................................................................... 24
5.3. Management Engineering Program. ..................................................................... 24
6.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 25
6.2. A1M Staffs. ........................................................................................................... 25
6.3. Major Command Manpower and Organization (MAJCOM/A1M) will: ................ 25
6.4. Servicing Manpower Activity will: ........................................................................ 25
6.5. Applying Manpower Determinants. ...................................................................... 26
4 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
6.6. Manpower Change Requests. ................................................................................ 26
6.7. Unit Manpower Document Maintenance. ............................................................. 27
7.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 28
7.2. Position Description Review. ................................................................................. 29
7.3. Overhire and Reimbursable Civilian Positions. .................................................... 29
7.4. Civilian Position Data Attributes. ........................................................................... 30
Table 7.1. Civilian Position Attribute Matrix. ......................................................................... 30
8.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 32
8.2. Contract Purchase Request Review. ..................................................................... 32
8.3. Documenting Contractor Full-Time Equivalents. ................................................. 32
9.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 33
9.2. Colonel and Chief Master Sergeant Grade Allocation Process. ............................. 33
9.3. Officer and Enlisted Grades Allocation Process. .................................................... 36
10.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 39
10.2. AF/REX, AFRC/A1M and NGB/A1M will: .......................................................... 39
10.3. Establishing Manpower Requirements. .................................................................. 39
11.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 41
11.2. Applicability. ....................................................................................................... 41
11.3. Individual Mobilization Augmentees Categories. ................................................ 41
11.4. Miscellaneous Information. .................................................................................... 41
11.5. Restrictions. ............................................................................................................ 42
11.6. Chief Air Force Reserve (AF/RE) will: .................................................................. 42
11.7. Major Command Manpower and Organization (MAJCOM/A1M) or Agency
Manpower Activity will: ......................................................................................... 43
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 5
11.8. Non-Air Force Activities will: ................................................................................ 43
12.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 44
12.2. Criteria. ................................................................................................................... 44
13.1. Air National Guard Military Grades Process Overview. ........................................ 46
13.2. Air Force Reserve Military Grades Overview. ..................................................... 47
13.3. Grade Changes. ..................................................................................................... 47
14.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 49
14.2. Air Force Directorate of Manpower, Organization and Resources (AF/A1M). ... 49
14.3. Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff Operations (AF/A3O). ........................................ 49
14.4. Air Force Medical Support Agency Aerospace Operations Division
(AFMSA/SG3P). .................................................................................................... 49
14.5. Functional Authority Responsibility. ...................................................................... 49
14.6. Major Command Operations Directorate (MAJCOM/A3). .................................. 50
14.7. Air Force Surgeon General (AF/SG). ................................................................... 50
14.8. Installation Functional Area Manager. ................................................................. 50
14.9. Servicing Manpower Activity. .............................................................................. 50
14.10. Crew Ratio or Crew Complements. ........................................................................ 50
14.11. Programmed Flying Training Positions. ................................................................. 50
14.12. Positions Based on Manpower Determinants. ...................................................... 51
14.13. Other Aircrew Positions. ....................................................................................... 51
14.14. Aircrew Position Indicator Code. ......................................................................... 51
15.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 52
15.2. Manpower Requirements Package. ....................................................................... 52
15.3. Manpower Classification. ..................................................................................... 52
15.4. Foreign Military Sales Position Codes. .................................................................. 52
6 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
16.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 53
17.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 54
17.2. Air Force Program Development Division (AF/A1MP). ...................................... 54
18.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 55
18.2. Manpower Resource Accountability. .................................................................... 55
18.3. General Guidance. .................................................................................................. 55
19.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 57
19.2. Weapon System Zero Base Process. ..................................................................... 57
19.3. Base Support Tail Factors. .................................................................................... 57
19.4. Major Department of Defense Headquarters Activity Factor. .............................. 57
19.5. Individuals Account Manpower Programming Tools. .......................................... 58
20.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 59
20.2. Air Force Corporate Structure Change Control Number. ..................................... 59
20.3. Manpower Zero-Balance Transfers. ..................................................................... 59
20.4. Major commands and Equivalents will: ................................................................. 60
20.5. Air Force Corporate Structure Air Force Program Development Division
(AF/A1MP), Chief of Air Force Reserve Manpower Division (AF/REXX),
National Guard Bureau Programs Division (NGB/A1MP). .................................. 60
20.6. Out of Cycle End Strength Changes. .................................................................... 60
21.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 62
21.2. Overseas Ceilings and Floors. ............................................................................... 62
21.3. Overseas Ceiling and Floor Change Requests. ....................................................... 62
21.4. Major Department of Defense Headquarters Activity. ......................................... 63
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 7
21.5. Joint Manpower. ................................................................................................... 63
21.6. Special Access Program. ....................................................................................... 63
21.7. Defense Health Agency. ....................................................................................... 63
21.8. Special Operations Forces. .................................................................................... 63
21.9. Intelligence. ........................................................................................................... 63
21.10. Foreign Military Sales. ......................................................................................... 63
22.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 64
22.2. General Guidance. ................................................................................................ 64
22.3. Air Force Manpower, Organization and Resources Directorate Programming
Division (AF/A1MP) will: ....................................................................................... 64
22.4. Major Command Manpower and Organization (MAJCOM/A1M) will: ............... 64
22.5. Major Command Unit Manpower Document Management. .................................. 65
23.1. Overview. .............................................................................................................. 66
Figure 23.1. Total Active Military End Strength. ....................................................................... 66
23.2. Air Force Manpower, Organization and Resources Directorate (AF/A1M) will: . 66
23.3. Air Force Personnel Center Research Analysis and Data Division (AFPC/DSY)
will: ........................................................................................................................ 66
24.1. Organization Objectives. ....................................................................................... 67
24.2. Organization Principles. ........................................................................................ 67
24.3. Additional Responsibilities Assigned. .................................................................... 67
25.1. Organizational Entities. ......................................................................................... 69
25.2. Standard Levels of Air Force Organization. ......................................................... 72
Figure 25.1. Organizational Schemes.......................................................................................... 72
8 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Table 25.1. Decision Levels for Waivers to Wing, Group, and Squadron Size Guidance. ....... 79
25.3. Standard Elements of Air Force Organization. ..................................................... 79
26.1. Organization Structure. ......................................................................................... 83
26.2. Numbered and Named Air Force. ......................................................................... 83
Figure 26.1. Basic Numbered and Named Air Force Structure (Does not apply to component
Numbered Air Forces). ............................................................................................ 84
Figure 26.2. Component Numbered Air Force Structure. ........................................................... 84
Figure 26.3. Wing Structure. ....................................................................................................... 85
Figure 26.4. Wing Staff Structure. .............................................................................................. 86
Figure 26.5. Comptroller Squadron Structure. ............................................................................ 88
Figure 26.6. Operations Group Structure. ................................................................................... 90
Figure 26.7. Operations Support Squadron Structure. ................................................................ 91
Figure 26.8. Operations Squadron Structure. .............................................................................. 93
Figure 26.9. Operations Squadron Structure for Missile Squadrons. .......................................... 94
Figure 26.10. Operations Squadron Structure for Space Operations and Space Warning
Squadrons................................................................................................................. 95
Figure 26.11. Operations Squadron Structure for Aeromedical Evacuation Squadrons. .............. 96
Figure 26.12. Maintenance Group Structure. ................................................................................ 97
Figure 26.13. Maintenance Squadron Structure for Missile Organizations. ................................. 98
Figure 26.14. Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Structure. ............................................................. 99
Figure 26.15. Maintenance Squadron Structure. ........................................................................... 100
Figure 26.16. Missile Maintenance Squadron Structure. .............................................................. 102
Figure 26.17. Equipment Maintenance Squadron Structure. ........................................................ 102
Figure 26.18. Component Maintenance Squadron Structure. ....................................................... 103
Figure 26.19. Munitions Squadron Structure. ............................................................................... 103
Figure 26.20. Mission Support Group Structure. .......................................................................... 105
Figure 26.21. Contracting Squadron Structure. ............................................................................ 105
Figure 26.22. Logistics Readiness Squadron Structure. ................................................................ 107
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 9
Figure 26.23. Force Support Squadron Structure. ......................................................................... 108
Figure 26.24. Security Forces Squadron Structure. ....................................................................... 110
Figure 26.25. Civil Engineer Squadron Structure. ........................................................................ 111
Figure 26.26. Communications Squadron Structure. .................................................................... 113
Figure 26.27. Medical Group Structure......................................................................................... 114
Figure 26.28. Medical Support Squadron Structure. ..................................................................... 116
Figure 26.29. Medical Operations Squadron Structure. ................................................................ 118
Figure 26.30. Aerospace Medicine Squadron Structure. ............................................................... 121
Figure 26.31. Dental Squadron Structure. ..................................................................................... 123
Figure 26.32. Inpatient Operations Squadron Structure. ............................................................... 124
Figure 26.33. Diagnostics and Therapeutics Squadron Structure. ................................................ 125
Figure 26.34. Surgical Operations Squadron Structure. ................................................................ 126
27.1. Organization Actions. ........................................................................................... 128
27.2. Organization Terminology. ..................................................................................... 128
27.3. Organization Procedures. ...................................................................................... 129
27.4. Office Symbol Codes. ........................................................................................... 133
Figure 27.1. Standard Two-Digit A-Staff Office Symbol Codes. ............................................... 135
28.1. Nomenclature. ....................................................................................................... 137
28.2. General Guidelines. .............................................................................................. 137
Figure 28.1. Unit Designation Examples. ................................................................................... 137
28.3. Heritage. ................................................................................................................ 137
28.4. Unit Number. .......................................................................................................... 137
28.5. Unit Kind. ............................................................................................................... 138
28.6. Unit Type. ............................................................................................................. 139
28.7. New Nomenclature. .............................................................................................. 139
28.8. Procedures for Unit Designation. .......................................................................... 139
10 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
29.1. Actions Requiring AF/A1M Approval. ................................................................ 141
Table 29.1. Organization Change Request Approval Levels for Actions Submitted to
AF/A1M. .................................................................................................................. 141
29.2. Organization Change Request. .............................................................................. 142
29.3. Testing New Organizations. .................................................................................. 146
30.1. Implementation Authority. .................................................................................... 147
30.2. Distribution Requirements. .................................................................................... 150
30.3. Headquarters Air Force Organization Chart. ........................................................ 150
31.1. Provisional Unit. ................................................................................................... 151
31.2. Two Types of Provisional Units. ............................................................................ 151
31.3. Personnel Accounting Symbol Codes. .................................................................. 152
31.4. History. ................................................................................................................... 152
31.5. Designations. .......................................................................................................... 152
31.6. Air Expeditionary Task Force. .............................................................................. 153
31.7. Air and Space Expeditionary Force Organization. ................................................. 154
Figure 31.1. Expeditionary Unit Naming and Numbering Guidelines. ....................................... 155
31.8. Attaching and Assigning Provisional Units. ......................................................... 157
31.9. Administrative Control. ........................................................................................ 157
31.10. Uniform Code of Military Justice. ........................................................................ 157
31.11. G-Series Orders. .................................................................................................... 157
32.1. General Guidelines. .............................................................................................. 159
32.2. AFMDs. ................................................................................................................ 159
32.3. Major command, Direct Reporting Unit, and Field Operating Agency
commanders: ............................................................................................................ 160
32.4. Preparing a Mission Directive. ............................................................................. 160
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 11
32.5. Mission Directive Numbering................................................................................. 161
Table 32.1. AFMD Number Assignment, Certifying and Approval Authority Continued. ..... 161
Figure 32.1. Sample AFMD. ....................................................................................................... 163
Attachment 4 DAF/A1M Letter and G-Series Order Template Samples 175
12 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Chapter 1
1.1. Overview directive principles and guidance. Manpower is a resource and this instruction
defines processes for planning and determining manpower requirements and authorizations. It
explains overseas ceilings, grade and end-strength constraints, and provides Air Force specific
guidance on the proper utilization of manpower. It provides guidance requirements and procedures
for management and development of mission directives and clarifies Department of Defense
guidance to ensure the efficient use of Air Force manpower resources.
1.1.1. The Air Force Manpower, Organization and Resources Directorate (AF/A1M) will
ensure Air Force manpower is organized and employed to provide maximum effectiveness and
combat power to support National military objectives. (T-1).
1.1.2. AF/A1M will execute manpower management ensuring it is flexible and adaptive to
program changes, responsive to crisis situations and new management strategies. (T-1).
1.1.3. AF/A1M will review new policies, including fiscal policy, to evaluate its impact on
manpower and personnel performance. (T-1). AF/A1M will periodically assess existing
policies, procedures, and structures to ensure efficient and effective use of manpower
resources. (T-1).
1.1.4. Manpower requirements are workload-driven and will be established at the minimum
levels necessary to execute mission and performance objectives. (T-1).
1.1.5. Changes in manpower will be preceded by changes to the policies, programs, missions,
and processes requiring manpower resources. (T-1).
1.1.6. Manpower requirements for business processes must be maintained at the lowest
possible proportion of the Total Force structure. (T-1). Manpower in support of war-fighting
processes will be maintained at the lowest level practicable to optimize combat capability
within the operating forces. (T-1).
1.1.7. Assigned missions must use the least costly mix of personnel (military, civilian, and
contract) consistent with military requirements and needs of the Air Force. (T-1).
1.1.8. Inherently governmental functions will not be contracted. (T-1).
1.1.9. Manpower authorities must consider all available sources when determining workforce
mix to include the Regular Air Force and Air Reserve Component (Air Reserve Component)
military manpower, United States and foreign national civilian manpower, intragovernmental,
contract, and host-nation support. (T-1).
1.1.10. Manpower will be designated as civilian except when military incumbency is required
for reasons of law, Command and Control of crisis situations, combat readiness, or esprit de
corps; when unusual working conditions are not conducive to civilian employment; or when
military-unique knowledge and skills are required to perform the duties. (T-1). Manpower
authorities shall designate sufficient manpower to provide a rotation base for military
personnel and for civilian employees assigned outside the United States. (T-1). Furthermore,
when designating management positions as military or civilian, career opportunities for both
categories of personnel shall be considered. (T-1).
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 13
Chapter 2
2.1. Manpower Activities. Manpower activities leverage manpower capabilities and assist
commanders to perform their duties and responsibilities in accordance with AFI 1-2, Commander’s
Responsibilities. Manpower activities at all organizational levels will:
2.1.1. Assist commanders to execute the mission by maintaining situational awareness of the
supported unit’s primary missions and capabilities and providing sound advice for managing
manpower risk and resources. (T-1).
2.1.2. Assist commanders by maintaining open and responsive communication; and ensure
assigned personnel are competent in policies, procedures, and abilities to provide a wide range
of sophisticated manpower capabilities. (T-1).
2.1.3. Assist commanders to manage resources by advising on policies and procedures for
managing manpower requirements and authorizations; evaluate and process requests for
changing manpower, and ensure manpower data is correct in the Manpower Programming and
Execution System (see Attachment 2). (T-1).
2.1.4. Assist commanders by providing manpower information and data analysis to support
data-driven decisions to strategically align resources to missions and performance
management. (T-1).
2.1.5. Provide analysis and process improvement services to help improve mission readiness
and resolve deficiencies, including those identified by the Commander’s Inspection Program.
2.1.6. Incorporate and integrate Continuous Process Improvement and problem-solving
principles, practices, and tools before determining and managing manpower requirements and
authorizations. (T-1).
2.2. Air Force, Directorate of Manpower, Organization and Resources (AF/A1M). In
addition to the responsibilities in paragraph 2.1, AF/A1M will:
2.2.1. Develop policy and guidance for the Secretary of the Air Force to determine and manage
Air Force manpower requirements. (T-1). Will define Air Force manpower requirements and
manage corporate Air Force manpower programming and resource distribution for the Total
Force. (T-1).
2.2.2. Ensure corporate Air Force manpower requirements link mission capabilities to
programmed resources. (T-1).
2.2.3. Oversee programs and prepares policies for management engineering, wartime
requirements, end strength management, and manpower data management. (T-1).
2.2.4. Develop and administer policies for identifying and adjusting Air Force manpower
integral to the Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution process. (T-1).
2.2.5. Develop and implement Air Force-wide Total Force manpower guidance for workforce
mix. (T-1).
14 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
2.2.6. Develop and implement Air Force-wide Total Force manpower program control for all
manpower resources and requirements including ceilings associated with management
headquarters, headquarters support activities, and Joint activities. (T-1).
2.2.7. Establish and disseminate plans and procedures governing the Total Force manpower
requirements determination process and the efficient use of manpower resources and
associated grades. (T-1).
2.2.8. Develop and program manpower assessments for manpower and organization actions
directed by the Air Force corporate process. (T-1).
2.2.9. Approve manpower determinants and resource costing models and provides
implementation guidance for approved manpower determinants. (T-1).
2.2.10. Present results of manpower determinants studies to Air Force Corporate Structure for
programming decisions. (T-1).
2.2.11. Operate, secure, and manage the Manpower Programming and Execution System and
associated applications. (T-1).
2.2.12. Work with Air Force Career Field Managers to advocate for Air Forcelevel functional
priorities and objectives to AF/A1M and Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency to develop,
allocate, and manage manpower requirements and resources in their functional area of
responsibility. (T-1). Assist Air Force Career Field Managers to determine and manage manpower
requirements and authorizations in their functional area of responsibility. (T-1). Notify Air Force Career Field Managers when changes to policies, procedures,
or other factors could affect manpower requirements in their functional area of
responsibility. (T-1).
2.2.13. Define military essentiality and ensures Major Commands follow policies and
procedures when identifying manpower positions as military essential. (T-1).
2.2.14. Approve all manpower availability factors. (T-1).
2.2.15. Provide oversight for the Management Engineering Program. (T-1).
2.2.16. Provide manpower standard application and implementation guidance to Major
Commands. (T-1).
2.2.17. Approve the Regular Air Force manpower study schedule and any changes. (T-1).
2.2.18. Approve specific Regular Air Force Logistics Composite Model scenarios to meet
aircraft maintenance manpower requirements. (T-1).
2.2.19. Coordinate with MAJCOM/A1M for preparation of Manpower Estimate Reports for
major acquisition programs. Oversees update of reports at various milestones. Coordinates
on reports sent by the MAJCOM/A1M. (T-1).
2.2.20. Manage Manpower career field Continuous Process Improvement training and
capability. (T-1).
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 15
2.3. Air Force Career Field Manager:
2.3.1. Work with the manpower community to review manpower determinants for
applicability and currency.
2.3.2. Appoint functional area representatives to the manpower standard development team.
Collaborate with the Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency and take part in manpower
standard development studies.
2.3.3. Identifies initiatives and best practices to the Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency
lead team during the manpower determinants study process.
2.3.4. Reviews and coordinates on new Regular Air Force manpower determinants before
AF/A1M approval.
2.4. Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency will:
2.4.1. Ensure Air Force manpower requirements study documents are approved by the Air
Force Analysis Agency Commander, this includes but is not limited to Air Force manpower
determinants. (T-1).
2.4.2. Improve Air Force mission performance, effectiveness, and resource efficiency by
determining current and future peacetime and wartime manpower requirements. (T-1).
2.4.3. Partner with functional communities, Major Commands, and field commanders to
complete manpower requirements determination studies to include the development of
standard work. (T-1).
2.4.4. Develop Air Forcelevel manpower programming factors. (T-1).
2.4.5. Develop and execute senior grade reviews, and grade allocation factors. (T-1).
2.4.6. Conduct special Headquarters Air Force studies. (T-1).
2.4.7. Recommend the most efficient and effective use of Air Force manpower resources to
the Air Force Corporate Structure and functional managers. (T-1).
2.4.8. Validate Air Force-wide military and civilian manpower requirements, before use in the
programming and resourcing process. (T-1).
2.4.9. Assist functional managers and field units to execute Air Force strategic sourcing and
commercial activity programs. (T-1).
2.4.10. Provide manpower and management consulting services to Headquarters Air Force
and Air Force functional communities for optimizing systems, improving resource use, and
enhancing mission effectiveness and efficiency in peacetime and contingency operations. (T-
2.4.11. Develop management engineering tools and methods, programming tools,
organizational and process-related standards, organizational staffing requirements, and
resource allocation studies. (T-1).
2.4.12. Serves as Air Force functional lead for Logistics Composite Model. (T-1).
2.4.13. Coordinates with Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)/A1M, and National Guard
Bureau (NGB)/A1M when quantifying Regular Air Force manpower requirements in functions
16 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
common to both Regular Air Force and Air Reserve Components to leverage Total Force
integration. (T-1).
2.4.14. Develops and quantifies manpower availability factors and special manpower
availability factors for activities crossing command lines. (T-1).
2.4.15. Reviews and certifies manpower availability factors are current, or updates factors, at
least every three years. (T-1).
2.4.16. Posts all manpower availability factor tables on the Air Force Manpower Analysis
Agency Website. (T-1).
2.4.17. Execute the Management Engineering Program. (T-1).
2.4.18. Develop management engineering tools and methods to execute the Management
Engineering Program. (T-1).
2.4.19. Develop, post, and maintain the Regular Air Force manpower studies schedule. Sends
schedule to AF/A1M for approval. (T-1).
2.4.20. Develop, approve, post, and maintain all Regular Air Force manpower determinants,
to include Air Force Manpower Analysis Agencyapproved Major Command manpower
standard variances. (T-1).
2.4.21. Staff Regular Air Force manpower standard products with Air Force functional
communities and MAJCOM/A1Ms during the manpower determinants development process.
(T-1). At a minimum, the manpower determinants staffing process consists of staffing
manpower standard data, standard work documents, and any applicable variances or manpower
tables. (T-1).
2.4.22. Conduct Continuous Process Improvement events to develop new or updated standard
work documents. (T-1).
2.4.23. Provide impact statements at the request of study stakeholders. (T-1).
2.4.24. Provide Major Commands with standard work documents and manpower determinants
for review during manpower determinants development and staffing process. (T-1). Major
commands provide material to support their comments. (T-1).
2.4.25. Notify MAJCOM/A1Ms of new and revised manpower determinants. (T-1).
2.4.26. Establish a schedule for currency/functional account code review every two years. (T-
2.4.27. Coordinate with the functional community, review and update manpower determinants
for applicability. (T-1).
2.5. Major Command Manpower and Organization (MAJCOM/A1M). In addition to the
responsibilities in paragraph 2.1, MAJCOM/A1Ms will:
2.5.1. Advocate for Major Command-specific priorities and objectives to develop, allocate,
and manage manpower requirements and resources. (T-1).
2.5.2. Validate and manage all manpower requirements and authorizations in the command’s
portfolio. (T-1). This includes participating in developing and applying manpower
determinants and cost factors. (T-1).
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 17
2.5.3. Allocate manpower authorizations in the command’s portfolio. This includes allocating
Future Year Defense Program (FYDP) resources and grades. (T-1). Conduct currency review of unfunded Unit Manpower Document positions. (T-
1). Remove unfunded positions which are not current or have not been funded for a
three year period. (T-1). Exceptions will be coordinated with AF/A1MR. (T-1).
2.5.4. Assist or prepare manpower estimates, analyses, and reports to support planning,
programming, systems acquisition, and resource use. (T-1).
2.5.5. Operate and maintain the integrity, viability, and accuracy of all data in the Manpower
Programming and Execution System, in the scope of the command’s portfolio. (T-1).
2.5.6. Work with Major Command Functional Managers to advocate for Major Command-
level functional priorities and objectives to their MAJCOM/A1Ms, Air Force Manpower
Analysis Agency, and Air Force Career Field Managers to develop, allocate, and manage
manpower requirements and resources in their functional area of responsibility. (T-1). Assist MAJCOM Career Field Managers with determining and managing
manpower requirements and authorizations in their area of responsibility. (T-1). Notify MAJCOM Career Field Managers when changes to policies, procedures,
or other factors could affect manpower end strength, allocations, or distribution in their
area of responsibility. (T-1).
2.5.7. Act as servicing manpower office for above wing level manpower requirements. (T-1).
2.5.8. Follow Department of Defense and Air Force directives on military essentiality.
Creates new military manpower positions only if the positions satisfy military essentiality
criteria. (T-1).
2.5.9. Jointly develop special and foreign national manpower availability factors with the Air
Force Manpower Analysis Agency. (T-1).
2.5.10. Notify Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency that an Regular Air Force manpower
standard is no longer applicable. (T-1). Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency determines if
the manpower determinant is still valid and notifies the MAJCOM/A1M of the results. (T-1).
If still valid, Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency will update the manpower determinant’s
applicability statement. (T-1).
2.5.11. Provide guidance on the use of manpower requirements determination tools to
servicing manpower activities. (T-1).
2.5.12. Communicate with the Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency lead team for manpower
standard studies. (T-1).
2.5.13. Review and coordinate on manpower determinants development products. (T-1).
2.5.14. Review and analyze Major Command inputs to developmental manpower
determinants. (T-1).
2.5.15. Work with the respective functional area manager to mitigate issues with
developmental manpower determinants at the Major Commandlevel. (T-1).
18 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
2.5.16. Combine installation inputs to developmental manpower determinants into a single
command response back to Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency. (T-1).
2.5.17. Notify the servicing manpower activity when scheduled to take part in manpower
determinants development efforts. (T-1).
2.5.18. Validate all manpower requirements not included in approved manpower
2.5.19. Coordinate proposed manpower changes with affected Major Command functional
staffs before updating projects in the Manpower Programming and Execution System. (T-1).
2.5.20. Review Logistics Composite Model scenarios which define the major parameters used
in the simulation for accuracy. (T-1).
2.5.21. Apply manpower determinants every three years or earlier if dictated by significant
workload or mission changes. (T-1).
2.5.22. Apply newly approved manpower determinant and update the Manpower
Programming and Execution System with the results of a manpower determinant application
within 90 calendar days from AF/A1M notification. (T-1).
2.5.23. Notify Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency when the Regular Air Force manpower
standard is no longer applicable to an activity. (T-1).
2.5.24. Sends all valid Regular Air Force variance requests to Air Force Manpower Analysis
Agency. (T-1). Validates the need based on required work, in coordination with Major
Command functional authority, and validates the number of hours estimated to do the required
work. (T-1). Will ensure each variance meets the minimum threshold of 25 monthly man-
hours. (T-1).
2.5.25. Prepares Manpower Estimate Reports using the situational guidance provided by the
requestor. Sends reports to AF/A1M for review and approval. (T-1).
2.5.26. Performs oversight of manpower inputs into the Strategy, Planning, Programming,
Budgeting, and Execution process. (T-1).
2.5.27. Ensure assigned Continuous Process Improvement practitioners work closely with the
Master Process Officer on Continuous Process Improvement issues. (T-1).
2.6. Major Command Functional Managers may:
2.6.1. Take part in manpower determinants development studies and reviews and provides
coordination to MAJCOM/A1M on manpower determinants development and Logistics
Composite Model products.
2.6.2. Partner with the MAJCOM/A1M to identify the minimum essential work to determine
manpower requirements for the stated mission.
2.6.3. Coordinate on manpower change actions and other manpower products within their
functional area of responsibility.
2.7. Air Force Reserve Command, Manpower AFRC/A1M. In addition to the responsibilities
in paragraph 2.1, AFRC/A1M will:
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 19
2.7.1. Quantify Air Force Reserve Command manpower requirements by developing,
implementing, and managing various Air Force Reserve Commandspecific manpower
determinants, costing models, and associated Regular Air Force Major Commandapproved
unit type codes. (T-1).
2.7.2. Develop and approves various manpower determinant and resource costing models for
Air Force Reserve and manpower requirements. (T-1).
2.7.3. Incorporate Continuous Process Improvement principles, methods, and initiatives in
development processes. (T-1).
2.7.4. Coordinate with AF/A1M, Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency, and affected
MAJCOM/A1Ms when quantifying Regular Air Force manpower requirements in functions
common to both Regular Air Force and Air Reserve Components to leverage Total Force
integration. (T-1).
2.7.5. Operate and maintain the integrity, viability, and accuracy of all data in the Manpower
Programming and Execution System, in the scope of their command. (T-1).
2.7.6. Execute the Management Engineering Program for Air Force Reserve Command. (T-
2.7.7. Develop management engineering tools and methods to execute the Management
Engineering Program. (T-1).
2.7.8. Approve and distribute the Air Force Reserve Command manpower study schedule. (T-
2.7.9. Develop, post, and maintain Air Force Reserve Command full-time manpower
determinants and variances. (T-1).
2.7.10. Staff Air Force Reserve Command manpower determinants throughout Air Force
Reserve functional communities during the manpower determinants development process. At
a minimum, the manpower determinants staffing process consists of staffing manpower
standard data, a work description, and any applicable variances or manpower tables. (T-1).
2.7.11. Provide Air Force Reserve functional communities with work descriptions and
manpower determinants for review during manpower determinants development and staffing
process. Major commands will provide materials to support their comments. (T-1).
2.7.12. Notify Air Force Reserve functional communities of new or revised manpower
determinants. (T-1).
2.8. National Guard Bureau Manpower and Organization (NGB/A1M) will:
2.8.1. Develop and approve various manpower determinant and resource costing models to
quantify ANG manpower requirements. (T-1).
2.8.2. Incorporate Continuous Process Improvement principles, methods, and initiatives in
development processes. (T-1).
2.8.3. Coordinate with AF/A1M, Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency, and affected
MAJCOM/A1Ms when quantifying Regular Air Force manpower requirements in functions
common to both Regular Air Force and Air Reserve Components to leverage Total Force
integration. (T-1).
20 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
2.8.4. Provide guidance and procedures for determining and managing part-time ANG
manpower requirements not otherwise specified in Air Force instructions and under ANG
authorities in 32 USC and 10 USC. (T-1).
2.8.5. Operate and maintain the integrity, viability, and accuracy of all data in the Manpower
Programming and Execution System, in the scope of their command. (T-1).
2.8.6. Execute the Management Engineering Program for the ANG. (T-1).
2.8.7. Develop management engineering tools and methods to execute the Management
Engineering Program. (T-1).
2.8.8. Approve and distribute the ANG manpower study schedule. (T-1).
2.8.9. Develop, post, and maintain ANG full-time manpower determinants and variances. (T-
2.8.10. Staff ANG manpower determinants throughout ANG functional communities during
the manpower determinants development process. At a minimum, the manpower determinants
staffing process consists of staffing manpower standard data, a work description, and any
applicable variances or manpower tables. (T-1).
2.8.11. Provide ANG functional communities with work descriptions and manpower
determinants for review during manpower determinants development and staffing process.
Major commands provide materials to support their comments. (T-1).
2.8.12. Notify ANG functional communities of new or revised manpower determinants. (T-
2.9. Air Education and Training Command Manpower and Organization
(AETC/A1M). AETC/A1M will develop all technical training requirements using the Air
Education and Training Command Manpower Pricing System and Programmed Flying Training
manpower determinants. (T-1).
2.10. Servicing Manpower Activity will:
2.10.1. Advocate for activityspecific priorities and objectives to develop and manage
manpower requirements and resources. (T-1).
2.10.2. Support developing and applying various manpower determinants and cost models, as
directed. (T-1).
2.10.3. Maintain the integrity, viability, and accuracy of all data in the Manpower
Programming and Execution System, within the scope of their supported units. (T-1).
2.10.4. Work with commanders to manage manpower requirements and resources. Servicing
manpower activity will assist commanders with initiating requests to change manpower when
any significant long-term change in mission requirements exists. (T-1).
2.10.5. Follows policies and procedures for military essentiality to establish new manpower
positions, implement significant mission or duty changes, or consider converting current
positions. Determines military essentiality based on the requirements of the position or the
need to maintain a specific capability, it is not based on the characteristics of the incumbent.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 21
2.10.6. Use Inherently Governmental and Commercial Activity Reason codes using the
guidance in DoDI 1100.22 in the appropriate field in the Manpower Programming and
Execution System. (T-1).
2.10.7. Advise commanders about application, use and management of manpower
requirements. (T-1).
2.10.8. Helps study teams measure workload, collect workload factor data, and validate
workload information. (T-1).
2.10.9. Review service contract purchase requests. (T-1).
2.10.10. Review host-tenant and inter-Service support agreements for manpower impact. (T-
2.10.11. Review memorandums of understanding for manpower impact. (T-1).
2.10.12. Manage civilian positions. (T-1).
2.10.13. Take part in deployment planning. (T-1).
2.10.14. Support productivity programs. (T-1).
2.10.15. Collect and validate workload factor data when the MAJCOM/A1M applies
manpower determinants. (T-1).
2.10.16. Provide manpower advisory services for units within their area of responsibility. (T-
2.10.17. Performs Management Advisory Studies offered by the manpower activity in a client
consultant relationship between the servicing manpower activity and requesting unit or agency
to analyze problems such as excessive overtime, meeting suspenses, high error rates, morale
problems, layout analysis, paperwork flow, work distribution and misplaced manpower.
Provide services to assist functions in identifying efficiencies and better ways of operating. (T-
2.10.18. Performs manpower assessment to determine the initial impact of a new mission,
provide commanders or managers assistance in rapidly evaluating manpower- related issues or
determine the manpower needs of an Air Force level-of-effort or a level-of-capability function.
2.10.19. Manpower Activity Chief will ensure assigned practitioners work closely with the
Wing Process Manager on Continuous Process Improvement issues. (T-2).
2.11. Additional Roles and Responsibilities. The following chapters present Manpower career
field programs, activities, processes and tasks. Multiple functional organizations are identified
within these chapters to provide content, clarity and improve readability of this AFI. They are
essential for the effective management of key Manpower operations.
22 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Chapter 3
3.1. Overview. This chapter details the types of manpower used to carry out Air Force missions
and provides the tools for determining the appropriate workforce mix and private sector support
with applicable laws and policies. DoDI 1100.22 provides guidance and procedures for
determining the workforce mix of each function. DoDI 1100.22 has a decision matrix for
determining the workforce mix to the function level.
3.2. Types of Manpower. The Air Force uses three kinds of manpower to do required work: (1)
military personnel, (2) in-Service civilian employees, and (3) contracted services.
3.3. Military Essentiality.
3.3.1. Requires military-unique knowledge and skills needed for the performance of duties.
3.3.2. Requires military incumbency by law.
3.3.3. Requires military performance for command and control, risk mitigation, or esprit de
3.3.4. Provides overseas rotation for career development, or wartime assignments.
3.3.5. Mitigates unusual working conditions or costs which are not conducive to civilian
3.4. Non-Military Essential. Use in-Service civilian employees or contract services for work
that does not meet the requirements of military essentiality.
3.5. Workforce Mix.
3.5.1. Military Essentiality. Military essentiality is the initial mission criteria considered to
identify the correct workforce mix.
3.5.2. Military Essential Work. If current authorized civilian positions become military
essential, convert the civilian positions to military positions through attrition unless mission
requirements dictate a faster conversion. Coordinate any conversion in activities affecting
ANG force training with the National Guard Bureau and Air Force Reserve conversions with
Air Force Reserve Command.
3.5.3. Non-Military Essential Work. Use in-Service civilian employees or contract services
to perform work not requiring military personnel. Work center capability may be maintained
by using the residual military, including individual mobilization augmentees, or by realigning
other civilian positions.
3.5.4. In work centers where civilian authorizations have been abolished as a result of a
civilian reduction in force, MAJCOMs may not re-assign permanent or overage military
personnel to perform the tasks formerly accomplished by reduction-in-forced in-service
civilian employees.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 23
Chapter 4
4.1. Overview. The Air Force uses various manpower availability factors to define and quantify
the number of full-time equivalents a given activity requires regarding man-hours. Dividing the
man-hours earned from applying a manpower standard by the appropriate manpower availability
factor and overload factor results in full-time equivalents.
4.2. Man-hour Availability Factor. A manpower availability factor is an average number of
man-hours a month an assigned individual is available to do primary duties. The factor
computations account for time away from the work center related to leave, medical care, education,
and training (other than on the job training), permanent change of station, and organizational
duties. Foreign national factors reflect host nationunique non availability. Use Air Force
approved foreign national manpower availability factors as appropriate to include special
workweeks. MAJCOM/A1Ms send requests for new factors to Air Force Manpower Analysis
Agency for review. Each request must contain detailed justification and supporting data for the
new factor and describe the circumstances and personnel availability policies. (T-1).
4.3. Overload Factor. The overload factor is usually applied along with specific manpower
availability factors when applying manpower determinants and ensures efficient use of manpower
authorizations. The overload factor realizes Air Force leadership expectation that some overtime
is a useful tool instead of adding more manpower requirements.
4.4. Various Overload Factors.
4.4.1. Overload factor of 7.7 is applied to all mixed work centers, all military work centers
and civilian only work centers with one - six civilian positions.
4.4.2. Use the 4.0 percent overload factor for the extended overseas 48-hour workweek.
4.4.3. Use the 1.2 percent overload factor for the wartime sustained and wartime contingency
60-hour workweek.
4.4.4. Do not apply the overload factors against wartime surge, firefighter, United States Air
Force Academy faculty, or foreign national civilian workweeks.
4.4.5. Rounding rules for converting man-hours to fractional manpower. For United States direct hire civilians in work centers with one to six civilian
positions, apply the overload factor then round fractional manpower up to the next whole
number. For United States direct hire civilians in work centers with more than six civilian
positions do not use overload factor and use normal rounding rules (less than .5 round
down). For military (use overload factor) and foreign national civilians, round manpower
results to three decimal places and then round any fractional manpower up to the next
whole number.
24 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Chapter 5
5.1. Overview. By definition, manpower requirements quantify full-time equivalents needed to
perform a job, mission, or program.
5.1.1. Manpower positions are documented as funded manpower authorizations or unfunded
manpower requirements.
5.1.2. The Air Force considers manpower a resource to support approved programs.
Manpower is not a program to manipulate apart from the programs it supports. Manpower is
a limited resource reflecting the minimum essential level to do required work.
5.2. General Information.
5.2.1. Regular Air Force manpower planning and programming activities are centralized at
Headquarters Air Force where national security policy is translated into force structure
programs. Execution is decentralized to Major Commands and certain field operating agencies
where budget and resource allocations are translated into command programs and units. The
Management Engineering Program provides manpower determinants to help commanders
determine manpower requirements.
5.2.2. Base manpower requirements are based on Air Force, Major Command, or National
Guard Bureau directives.
5.2.3. Headquarters Air Force functional area managers and Air Force Career Field Managers
will provide resources for manpower studies directed by the Air Force Corporate Structure.
(T-1). Functional managers will not make manpower mix decisions without coordination from
AF/A1M, this includes services provided by private sector contractors. (T-1). For Major
Command-level manpower studies, Major Command Functional Managers will provide
resources for manpower studies directed by Air Force Corporate Structure or Major Command
Commander (MAJCOM CC). (T-1).
5.2.4. Manpower study teams will not release preliminary results, manpower estimates, or
manpower requirements without leadership approval from the Air Force Manpower Analysis
Agency Commander (AFMAA/CC). (T-2).
5.2.5. AFMAA/CC approves manpower determinants applicable to the Regular Air Force and
those that also apply to the Air Reserve Component, such as wartime manpower determinants,
whether applicable to multiple commands, a single command, or a single location. NGB/A1M
and AFRC/A1M approve manpower determinants affecting the ANG and Air Force Reserve
5.3. Management Engineering Program.
5.3.1. The Management Engineering Program provides the framework for developing Air
Force manpower determinants and analysis tools to identify the minimum manpower required
to carry out approved missions.
5.3.2. Manpower determinants are developed per AFMAN 38-208 Vol. 1, Air Force
Management Engineering (MEP) - Processes.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 25
Chapter 6
6.1. Overview. Manpower activities maintain manpower positions by systematically applying
available manpower determinants, process quality control, and various reviews.
6.2. A1M Staffs. AF/A1M, AFRC/A1M, and NGB/A1M staff may independently execute these
common activities.
6.2.1. Issues guidance for disposition of authorizations more than applied manpower
determinants. For the Regular Air Force, the applying wing may keep and redistribute excess
authorizations unless otherwise specified in advance by their parent command or AF/A1M.
For the ANG, excess resources will be returned per the ANG Corporate Process to be applied
to ANG corporate priorities. (T-1).
6.2.2. Provides guidance or clarification on methods or procedures not otherwise specified in
this instruction.
6.2.3. Prepares and disseminates a master study schedule for their respective Component. The
schedule forecasts studies for five fiscal years and is updated every six months.
6.2.4. Maintains an up-to-date web-based repository of all active and historical manpower
determinants and studies for their respective Component.
6.2.5. Establishes internal controls to ensure all products in the active repository are current
and usable.
6.2.6. Certifies all manpower determinants are current and usable at least every 5 years or
removes them from the active repository.
6.2.7. Documents the certification on the manpower determinants cover page. If notified
products may be obsolete or incorrect, takes prompt action to resolve the status.
6.2.8. Posts all schedules on the respective Component’s website.
6.2.9. Provides guidance on methods and procedures not otherwise specified in this
6.3. Major Command Manpower and Organization (MAJCOM/A1M) will:
6.3.1. Ensure overall compliance, accuracy, and currency of all manpower data in the
Manpower Programming and Execution System (see Attachment 2) for their Command. (T-
6.3.2. Apply all manpower determinants at least once every three years per Air Force
Manpower Analysis Agency or as directed by AF/A1M, or as significant mission changes
warrant. (T-1).
6.3.3. Direct subordinate manpower activities to apply manpower determinants, but the
Command keeps accountability for their completion. (T-1).
6.4. Servicing Manpower Activity will:
6.4.1. Apply manpower determinants as directed by their parent MAJCOM/A1Ms, or as
significant mission changes warrant. (T-2).
26 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
6.4.2. Help supported units prepare manpower change requests. (T-2).
6.4.3. Evaluate manpower change requests for policy compliance, resource impact, unit type
code impact, and possible impact on other position attributes and coordinates the request with
local functional managers, as applicable. (T-2).
6.5. Applying Manpower Determinants.
6.5.1. Apply manpower determinants per instructions in the standard or as otherwise directed.
6.5.2. Make changes to unfunded positions and resource-neutral funded positions effective
6.5.3. If determinant application results in changes to authorized position populations, the
Manpower Serving Activity will follow standing Command or AF/A1M guidance per
Manpower Guidance Memorandum located on the AF/A1M SharePoint ™. (T-2).
6.6. Manpower Change Requests.
6.6.1. Manpower change requests affect the population, distribution, composition of
manpower requirements, programs, and organization in the Manpower Programming and
Execution System.
6.6.2. Authorities to send Manpower Change Requests. Commanders or designated approval
officials are the release authority to submit manpower change requests for their unit and any
subordinate units. If delegated, they will identify the subordinate authority to the servicing
manpower activity. (T-1).
6.6.3. Authority for Change Action. Air Force directives define manpower requirements.
Program allocation, distribution, and risk management shape the requirements. A valid
requirement must drive all manpower changes. (T-1).
6.6.4. Follow this guidance to submit a Manpower Change Request: Change Action. Briefly describe the requested action. Change Rationale. The rationale is often the only information available to a
reviewing and approving authority evaluating the request. Provide enough justification
that an independent party can adequately evaluate. Coordination Requirements. The proper functional authority must review changes
affecting specific resources. (T-1). Program Element Code. The Department of Defense uses program elements
in the Future Year Defense Program to budget for and control its resources. Evaluate
actions affecting this attribute for effect to the program. Some constraints could limit
or prohibit changing this attribute. For change requests initiated below the Command,
servicing manpower activities contact the MAJCOM/A1M staff to coordinate the
change request to the appropriate staff division to assess the feasibility of the action
before sending the change request to the command. MAJCOM/A1M staff reviews all
other requests affecting this attribute. Resource Identifier Code. Apply the same considerations to evaluate the
program element code.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 27 Air Force Specialty Code. Servicing manpower activities coordinate
changes with local specialty functional, if applicable. MAJCOM/A1Ms coordinate all
specialty changes with the appropriate Major Command Functional Manager. Also,
include Air Force specialty code changes on civilian positions to assess the effect to
any occupational series codes. Military Grade. MAJCOM/A1Ms coordinate all changes to military grades
with the Major Command Functional Manager (for impact on specialty lifecycle
management) for command grade limit compliance. Servicing manpower activities
will contact the MAJCOM/A1M to assess actions resulting in overall growth in any
grade, regardless of specialty, for feasibility before sending the change request to the
command. (T-1). Funded Civilian Position. Coordinate all change requests affecting unit,
office symbol, Air Force specialty of funded civilian positions with the servicing
civilian personnel activity for effect on position descriptions and the encumbered
employees. Resource Neutral Actions. All manpower changes are resource neutral
unless authorized by the MAJCOM/A1M. Offset any action resulting in an increase or
decrease of an accountable resource with a comparable resource. Servicing manpower
activities contact their parent MAJCOM/A1M for authority to send imbalance change
6.7. Unit Manpower Document Maintenance.
6.7.1. MAJCOM/A1Ms will perform deliberate database review using various review
processes. (T-1). AF/A1M or Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency will schedule recurring review
of high-interest attribute codes. (T-1). Manpower activities at all levels will conduct attribute code reviews during the
manpower change process. (T-1). Review all position attributes for accuracy and currency
when adding or changing manpower positions. Manpower authority may perform targeted attribute reviews for specific
specialties or units.
28 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Chapter 7
7.1. Overview. Civilian positions are a result of workforce mix or budgetary decisions. They
balance mission needs with economy and efficiency of operations. Civilian positions are not
military essential but may be inherently governmental or exempt commercial activities. (See DoDI
1100.22 for guidelines on determining workforce mix.) Civilian positions may exist in
commercial activities because they are determined by a study or determined for in house cost
7.1.1. Civilian positions are a result of the statutory expenditure of civilian pay appropriations.
The Future Years Defense Program allocations capture expenditure of appropriations. All
manpower activities must be deliberate and prudent in determining and managing civilian
positions. (T-1). (See AFI 36-1401, Civilian Position Classification, for other responsibilities
for developing, managing, and classifying position descriptions.)
7.1.2. AF/A1M takes necessary actions to transfer civilian grade and occupation series data
from civilian personnel to the Manpower Programming and Execution System (see Attachment
7.1.3. In accordance with AFI 36-129, Civilian Personnel Management and Administration,
the Wing Commander/civilian equivalent (or designated representative) chairs the base level
Human Capital Resource Management Board, which includes functional managers, and
representatives from Civilian Personnel, Financial Management and Force Support Manpower
and Organization Flight. MAJCOM A1Ms likewise as an advising member support the Human
Capital Resource Management Board at the MAJCOM level.
7.1.4. The servicing manpower activity is a member of the corporate board, and will assist
with managing civilian positions on the Unit Manpower Document. In accordance with AFI
36-129, the servicing manpower activity will: Monitor civilian position data in the Manpower Programming and Execution
System for their supported units. (T-2). Coordinate manpower change actions that affect funded civilian positions with the
servicing civilian personnel activity. (T-2). Review new and revised position descriptions for consistency with the position’s
Air Force specialty and skill level, function, organizational placement, and any other
position-defining attribute. (T-2). Work with supervisors and servicing civilian personnel activities to resolve
disparities between position descriptions and position requirements. (T-2).
7.1.5. Servicing Civilian Personnel Activity. Reviews and coordinates manpower change requests for impacts that may
adversely affect position classification or encumbered positions. Sends requests for personnel action that might affect position description
classification to the servicing manpower activity for coordination before taking any
classification or staffing actions.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 29 Provides copies of position descriptions to the servicing manpower activity to
support review and change processes. Works with supervisors and the servicing manpower activity to resolve
discrepancies between position descriptions and associated manpower positions. Coordinates all requests for overhire and reimbursable civilian positions with the
servicing manpower activity before classification and staffing.
7.1.6. Supervisors. Send requests for new or revised position descriptions to the servicing manpower
activity for coordination. Works with their servicing manpower activity when developing or revising
position descriptions. The servicing manpower activity can provide information and
advice to ensure the duties and responsibilities are within the scope of the position’s Air
Force specialty, function, and organization. Send requests for any new or revised position descriptions to the servicing civilian
personnel activity for action only after receiving servicing manpower activity coordination.
7.2. Position Description Review.
7.2.1. Servicing manpower activity will work with servicing civilian activities to review
position descriptions. (T-2).
7.2.2. Verify position descriptions do not include inferred work, assumed work, or work done
by existing contracts. Directed work defines manpower requirements. Do not use civilian
position descriptions to capture work not otherwise directed to the unit by higher headquarters
7.2.3. Verify the occupational series and duties are consistent with the position’s Air Force
specialty and skill level.
7.3. Overhire and Reimbursable Civilian Positions.
7.3.1. Overhire civilian positions are short-term solutions to short-term seasonal, cyclical, or
surge workload requirements. Overhires are not to resolve chronic staffing shortfalls. Pursue
permanent solutions if anticipating overhire requirements to last more than two years. They
will not be validated and approved to replace or compensate for unfunded manpower
requirements on the unit manpower document for long periods. (T-1). Establish overhire
positions in the Manpower Programming and Execution System when requirement lasts more
than 1 year and set the position’s “through date” for no more than 24 fiscal quarters. Review
all overhire requirements every year and update the Manpower Programming and Execution
System. See Table 7.1 for specific Manpower Programming and Execution System position
7.3.2. Reimbursable civilian requirements are funded by non-Air Force sources (e.g., foreign
military sales or service agreements). The requirement duration is often undetermined.
Manpower positions are established in the Manpower Programming and Execution System
with an indefinite “through date.” Reimbursable requirements are reviewed annually and the
Manpower Programming and Execution System is updated as needed. See Table 7.1 for
specific manpower position attributes.
30 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
7.4. Civilian Position Data Attributes.
7.4.1. The Defense Civilian Personnel Data System is the system of record for classified
civilian positions. A direct feed updates occupational series codes and grades for civilian
positions from the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System. Do not use alternate sources to
update these fields in the Manpower Programming and Execution System. Servicing
manpower activities work with the appropriate servicing civilian personnel activities to resolve
any discrepancies or omissions. A direct feed from the Defense Civilian Personnel Data
System updates the Manpower Programming and Execution System once discrepancies are
7.4.2. Air Force Specialty Code. The Air Force specialty code reflects military specialties,
not civilian specialties. Occupational series codes reflect civilian specialties and are a result
of the classification process. There is no direct conversion from military specialty and skill
level to civilian specialty and grade, but there must be a close correlation. Military specialty
and skill level initially define all Air Force manpower requirements. If workforce mix or
budgetary decisions warrant civilian positions, then a classification process determines an
occupational series and grade equal to the position’s military specialty and skill level.
Manpower and civilian personnel specialists and classifiers work together to maintain the
intended specialty and skill level of the position through the final classification.
7.4.3. Occupational Series Code. The occupational series code reflects a civilian positions
specialty. Supervisors, servicing manpower and civilian personnel activities work together
to identify occupational series most appropriate to reflect relative equivalency to the Air
Force specialty code requirements of positions. The Manpower Programming and Execution System reflects occupational series
codes of positions established in the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System. Civilian positions without an established position in the Defense Civilian
Personnel Data System use occupational series code “0000.”
7.4.4. Civilian Grades. Civilian grades are a result of the classification process. The classified grade is both the required and authorized grade. Positions classified with incremental grades reflect the highest target grade in the
Manpower Programming and Execution System. Required and authorized grades for civilian positions without a position
description use code “TBD.” Required and authorized grades for all foreign national civilian positions use code
Table 7.1. Civilian Position Attribute Matrix.
7676, 7678-
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 31
32 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Chapter 8
8.1. Overview. Manpower authorities review contract purchase requests for services to verify the
proposed contract work is not already done or paid for by programmed resources.
8.2. Contract Purchase Request Review.
8.2.1. Under Title 10 USC Section 2241, government and contract performance and funding
of the same function may overlap for up to 1 year in order to implement an orderly transition
plan between service providers. The supported function, servicing contracting and manpower
activities must promptly resolve any extenuating circumstances that require funding that
extends beyond a year to bridge the transition. (T-1).
8.2.2. Requiring Activity. Sends contract purchase requests, to include funding
documentation, the independent government estimate, requirements approval document and
the performance work statement, to the servicing manpower activity for validation. The
requiring activity also provides enough technical information to help the servicing manpower
activity in reviewing the contract request.
8.2.3. Servicing Manpower Activity. Reviews and coordinates on all service contract
requests, modifications, or terminations which change contractor full-time equivalent
requirements to ensure the proposed contract work does not duplicate or conflict with the
existing government workforce. (T-1).
8.2.4. Servicing Contracting Activity. Processes request for services, including changes,
extensions, and terminations, once the servicing manpower activity has reviewed the request.
8.3. Documenting Contractor Full-Time Equivalents.
8.3.1. The need to record contractor full-time equivalents is an internal manpower enterprise
8.3.2. Contractor full-time equivalents have worth in determining workforce mix, sizing
organizations, applying specific manpower determinants, base support plans, and manpower
estimates for major acquisition programs.
8.3.3. Until otherwise directed by AF/A1M, MAJCOM/A1M’s may use their discretion
whether to document contractor full-time equivalents. If recorded, MAJCOM/A1M’s will
publish methods and procedures to include an annual review. (T-1).
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 33
Chapter 9
9.1. Overview. Military grade management is an integral process with the colonel and chief
master sergeant grade review boards and officer and enlisted grade allocations. Although each is
a separate event, they occur in sequence to ensure top-down allocation and grade determination.
9.1.1. Each grade review is accomplished every two years on alternating years. Grades must
stay in balance with the funding accounts identified within the annual National Defense
Authorization Act. (T-1).
9.1.2. Military Grade Allocation and Constraints. Each year the National Defense Authorization Act defines the maximum number
of officers and enlisted authorizations. Congressional along with Air Force policy determine ceilings that constrain the
number of Regular Air Force general officers, field grade officers, chief master sergeants,
and senior master sergeants. Colonel and chief master sergeant grade review boards validate and recommend
those positions to fund to colonel or chief master sergeant. The grades allocation process establishes percentages (factors) for the remaining
officer and enlisted grades (i.e., lieutenant through lieutenant colonel and airman first class
through senior master sergeant). The Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency will provide
a fair share distribution of limited grades to all commands and specialties by developing
command grade factors and command specialties factors using the required grade of funded
authorizations. (T-1). The Manpower Programming and Execution System (see Attachment 2)
documents all funded and unfunded manpower requirements. Funded requirements
contain required and authorized grades. The required grade (unconstrained) data field in
the Manpower Programming and Execution System reflects grades to do specific work.
The authorized grade (constrained) data field reflects fiscal reality and defines those grades
allowed by applying colonel and chief master sergeant allocations and applying officer and
enlisted factors to authorized end strength.
9.2. Colonel and Chief Master Sergeant Grade Allocation Process.
9.2.1. Air Force Senior Leader Management (AF/A1L). Establishes and administers Air Force guidance governing the management of all
colonel and chief master sergeant grades to include the control and allocation of those
grades. Convenes the colonel and chief master sergeant grade review boards. Establishes controls to manage colonel and chief master sergeant grades in the
Manpower Programming and Execution System. Develops procedures for adding more colonel or chief master sergeant grades or
realigning Air Forceapproved colonel or chief master sergeant grades.
34 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
9.2.2. Manpower, Organization and Resources Directorate (AF/A1M). Oversees the colonel and chief master sergeant grade allocation process. Establishes criteria, guidelines, and instructions for each colonel and chief master
sergeant grade review. Maintains the colonel and chief master sergeant “directed grade” lists, as well as
other positions protected from the grade review board process. Provides overall management and oversight of Air Force rotational and
nominative positions. Notifies MAJCOM/A1Ms to implement the approved colonel and chief master
sergeant allocations. Helps transfer colonel and chief master sergeant grades resulting from Air Force
directed mission or organization changes between commands. Develops guidelines and approves change requests for colonel and chief master
sergeant grades for out of cycle requests.
9.2.3. Air Force Colonel Management (AF/A1LO). Manages Regular Air Force authorized colonel officer grade end strength within
proportional limits set by 10 USC § 523. Exclude medical and dental officers, permanent
United States Air Force Academy career military professors, and Senior Military
Acquisition Advisors (under 10 USC § 1725) when computing and determining authorized
end strength. Executive agent for, and advisor to, the colonel grade review board. Analyzes colonel data for grade review board. Coordinates the results for Chief of Staff of the Air Force review and approval. Coordinates on change requests for colonel grades for out of cycle requests. Approves and maintains the colonel “directed requirements” lists, as well as other
positions protected from the grade review board process.
9.2.4. Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Management (AF/A1LE). Manages Regular Air Force authorized chief master sergeant grade end strength
within proportional limits set by AFPD 38-1. Executive agent for, and advisor to, the chief master sergeant grade review board. Analyzes chief master sergeant data for grade review board. Coordinates the results for Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force review and
approval. Coordinates on change requests for chief master sergeant grades for out of cycle
requests. Approves and maintains the chief master sergeant “directed requirements” lists,
as well as other positions protected from the grade review board process.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 35
9.2.5. Air Force Career Field Managers. Adhere to the criteria, guidelines, and instructions provided for each respective
senior grade review. Review colonel and chief master sergeant positions during the review process and
provide an Air Forcelevel perspective for grade review board consideration to include
prioritization and Air Force three-letter functional authority endorsement. Review out of cycle colonel and chief master sergeant grade change requests to
ensure the duties and responsibilities of the proposed request warrant spending these scarce
grade resources.
9.2.6. Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency. Provides data system requirements, analysis, programming, and data processing
support for developing and maintaining the Manpower Programming and Execution
System’s Senior Grades Allocation Module. Manages the data collection process with major command(s) and Air Force Career
Field Managers. Analyzes and stratifies major command(s) and Headquarters Air Force functional
area manager inputs. Coordinates with AF/A1M, Air Force Colonel Management (AF/A1LO), and Air
Force Chief Master Sergeant Management (AF/A1LE) in preparation for the grade review
board. Provides approved results to MAJCOM/A1Ms for implementation. Performs monthly oversight for command compliance of approved colonel and
chief master sergeant grades. Analyzes trend data and command compliance with allocated senior grades and
notifies Manpower, Organization and Resources Directorate (AF/A1M), Air Force
Personnel Center, Force Management Policy (AFPC/A1P), Plans and Integration
Directorate (AF/A1X), Air Force Colonel Management Division (AF/A1LO), and Air
Force Chief Master Sergeant Management Division (AF/A1LE) when the commands over
allocate or under allocate colonels or chief master sergeants.
9.2.7. MAJCOM/A1Ms and Non-Air Force Activities. Adhere to the criteria, guidelines, and instructions provided for each respective
senior grade review. Identify colonel and chief master sergeant requirements to include, but not limited
to developing and maintaining position descriptions and ranking positions during grade
review process per established criteria and business rules provided for each review.
Validate colonel and chief master sergeant position requests to ensure the workload
expressed warrants a colonel or chief master sergeant grade. Provide funded offsets for each unfunded requirement sent to the colonel and chief
master sergeant grade review boards. Offsets must be in the same resource category, and
the action must be effective at least two fiscal quarters from the current fiscal quarter.
36 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 Implement colonel and chief master sergeant grade review board result as directed
by AF/A1M implementation instructions. Ensure the Manpower Programming and Execution System reflects only Air
Forceapproved colonel and chief master sergeant positions. Coordinate with AF/A1M, Air Force Colonel Management (AF/A1LO) or Air
Force Chief Master Sergeant Management (AF/A1LE), and Air Force Career Field
Managers on colonel and chief master sergeant out of cycle requests. Send colonel and
chief master sergeant position descriptions and change request to AF/A1MR for out of
cycle changes for approval before implementing in the Manpower Programming and
Execution System.
9.2.8. Major Command Senior Leader Management (MAJCOM/A1L). Takes part in ranking colonel and chief master sergeant requirements. Coordinates on colonel and chief master sergeant position descriptions.
9.3. Officer and Enlisted Grades Allocation Process.
9.3.1. AF/A1M. Manages Regular Air Force senior master sergeant authorized grade end strength
within proportional limits set by 10 USC § 517. Manages Regular Air Force authorized lieutenant colonel and major grades within
proportional limits set by 10 USC § 523. Excludes medical and dental officers, permanent
United States Air Force Academy career military professors, and Senior Military
Acquisition Advisors (under 10 USC § 1725) from computations when determining
authorized end strength. Manages remaining officer (lieutenant and captain) and enlisted (airman first class
through master sergeant) authorized grades. Oversees officer and enlisted grades allocation planning and execution. Establishes officer and enlisted grades allocation criteria, guidelines, and
instructions. Provides grade ceilings, programmed end-strength data, and student, trainee, and
personnel hold data to be used at each allocation. Sets fixed grades criteria and approves fixed grades requests. Approves officer and enlisted command and specialty grade factors. Notifies MAJCOM/A1Ms to implement the approved officer and enlisted
allocations. Coordinates with MAJCOM/A1Ms when grades are over or under the
established officer and enlisted grade allocation.
9.3.2. Air Force Career Field Managers.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 37 Review their respective specialty required grade funded positions before enlisted
and officer grades allocation and throughout the grades allocation process within criteria
and guidelines established on the announcement of each respective grade review. Adheres to the criteria, guidelines, and instructions provided for each respective
grade allocation.
9.3.3. Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency. Manages the officer and enlisted allocation process for AF/A1M. Informs AF/A1M about grade review criteria, processes, and procedures. Manages the data collection process with MAJCOM/A1Ms and Air Force Career
Field Managers. Provides approved results to MAJCOM/A1Ms for implementation. Defines data system requirements supporting the grade allocation process. Provides analysis, programming, and data processing support for developing and
maintaining the Manpower Programming and Execution System’s Grades Allocation
Module. Analyzes and evaluates grade allocation results. Compares grade allocation results with relevant personnel programs as identified
by AF/A1M. Prepares final grade factors for command allocation. Helps Air Force Career Field Managers with enlisted and officer specialty
reviews. Provides final grade factors to MAJCOM/A1Ms. Helps MAJCOM/A1Ms implement officer and enlisted command grade and
AFSC factors to command end strength. Oversees command compliance with officer and enlisted command grade factors
by comparing historical unit manpower documents against the command’s Future Year
Defense Program and applying command grade factors quarterly. Analyzes trend data and command compliance with established grade factors and
notifies AF/A1M, Air Force Personnel Center, Force Management Policy (AF/A1P), Plans
and Integration (AF/A1X) when the commands over allocate or under allocate grades.
9.3.4. MAJCOM/A1Ms and Non-Air Force Activities. Adhere to the criteria, guidelines, and instructions provided for each respective
grade allocation. Ensure required grade data in the Manpower Programming and Execution System
reflects command grade requirements, identifies/requests fixed grades. Implement grade allocations.
38 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 Ensure commands stay within their respective command grade factors when
applied to the command end strength.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 39
Chapter 10
10.1. Overview. Air Reserve and National Guard Bureau Components manage their manpower
in accordance with the following guidance.
10.2. AF/REX, AFRC/A1M and NGB/A1M will:
10.2.1. Establish manpower requirements for in-place mobilization and manage, support, and
train units in a non-mobilized status when the Regular Air Force command does not provide
this support. Include these authorizations with the coordinating command’s mobilization
manpower requirements and send the combined data to Headquarters Air Force, the
coordinating Major Command, mobilization assistant, and the respective Air Force Reserve
units. (T-1).
10.2.2. Oversee unit programming actions to ensure unit designations are valid and personnel
accountability symbol codes are available. Confirm and communicate unit designation and
personnel accountability symbol codes to Regular Air Force commands when they complete
programming actions. (T-1). Only the National Guard Bureau shall allocate manpower
resources, to include skill level and grade, and prepare manpower documents for ANG State
headquarters per approved staffing guides. (T-1).
10.2.3. Validate all individual mobilization augmentee authorizations. (T-1).
10.2.4. Review Air Reserve Component authorization skill and grade distribution to ensure
they follow current Air Force and Department of Defense guidance. (T-1).
10.3. Establishing Manpower Requirements.
10.3.1. Air Force approves manpower authorizations for Air Reserve Component units based
on: Established Air Reserve Component manpower determinants and guides,
support agreements and programming documents. Approved Unit Type Codes. Information and automated manpower file extracts exchanged among Regular
Air Force and host commands, the National Guard Bureau, Headquarters Air Force
Reserve Command, and Headquarters Air Force.
10.3.2. Requirements for Reserve Component Gained Units. Commands establish
mobilization manpower requirements for gained ANG units whereas AFRC units mobilize,
but are not gained to the Regular Air Force. These requirements state the manpower resources
needed to augment the active forces in wartime and contingencies. Get NGB/A1M
coordination before placing mobilization manpower requirements into the Manpower
Programming and Execution System. Use the required grade of the active force unit manpower
document and manpower determinants for similar activities to determine Air Reserve
Component required grades. AF/A1M and NGB/A1M are the only offices authorized to
update ANG mobilization manpower requirements into the Manpower Programming and
Execution System.
40 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
10.3.3. Manpower Requirements for Full-Time In-Place and Nonmobilized Units. The ANG
and Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command determine manpower requirements needed for
in-place mobilization and for managing, supporting, and training ANG and Air Force Reserve
units in a non-mobilized status. Air Force program guidance and the United States Air Force
Programs, Installations, Units, and Priorities documents provide the numbers and types of Air
Reserve Component units programmed by period and unit location. AF/A1M uses the
manpower transaction report to oversee manpower programs established for ANG and Air
Force Reserve Command units.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 41
Chapter 11
11.1. Overview. This chapter applies to individual mobilization augmentee authorizations below
brigadier general in all program elements. Individual mobilization augmentees are individual
members of the Selected Reserve or Participating Individual Ready Reserve assigned to an Regular
Air Force of the Department of Defense or other federal agency in war, contingency operations,
and peacetime to meet national defense, strategic national interest, and domestic objectives.
11.2. Applicability. Do not reallocate authorizations between controlled program elements
without first obtaining approval from the appropriate program manager. (T-1).
11.3. Individual Mobilization Augmentees Categories.
11.3.1. Per DoDI 1235.11, Management of Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs),
individual mobilization augmentee requirements may support mobilization, contingency
operations, or other specialized or technical requirements to augment the Regular Air Force
component structure. Use the following guidelines when validating individual mobilization
augmentee manpower requirements. (T-1).
11.3.2. Mobilization. Individual mobilization augmentees are validated to backfill units that
deploy in support of war plans when critical home station functions must continue. Individual
mobilization augmentees also may be validated under mobilization criteria to augment
deployed-in-place units not adequately staffed to provide expanded hours of operation or other
requirements defined in operational plans. MAJCOM’s will review war plans when validating
individual mobilization augmentee requests for in-place mobilization support. (T-1).
11.3.3. Contingency Operations. Individual mobilization augmentees provide support to
Regular Air Force expeditionary forces, backfill active personnel who deploy, or augment
Headquarters Air Force, Major Command, and Numbered/Named Air Force staff activities
that must expand operations during these operations. Individual mobilization augmentees for
contingency operations requires the position to either reduce the operations tempo of the active
force, provide workload relief for units losing personnel on steady-state deployment
requirements, or augment Major Command or Numbered/Named Air Force staffs not staffed
to support the expanded hours associated with contingency operations.
11.3.4. Specialized, Technical, or Scientific. Individual mobilization augmentees provide
support to Regular Air Force when workload is mission essential and requires rare, highly-
specialized, scientific, or technical skills, degrees, or certifications otherwise unavailable in the
Regular Air Force (examples: nuclear physicist, brain surgeon, etc).
11.4. Miscellaneous Information.
11.4.1. Individual Mobilization Augmentee Wartime Authorizations. Before requesting
individual mobilization augmentee authorizations to satisfy wartime requirements, identify
manpower made available by planned reductions in wartime or peacetime workloads.
11.4.2. Central and Single Manager Programs. Air Force Reserve Command centrally
manages individual mobilization augmentees with specialties in the chaplain, medical, and
legal career fields. Base manpower activities coordinate all requests for new individual
mobilization augmentee authorizations in these specialties with the appropriate Air Force
42 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Reserve Command functional area manager. The Air Force Office of Special Investigations is
the single manager for all individual mobilization augmentees in their community.
11.4.3. General Officer Requirements. The Reserve General Officer Baseline Study
periodically reviews and validates requirements and authorizations for general officers and
mobilization assistants. The study is the basis for changes in positions to the Regular Air Force
command for inclusion in the Manpower Programming and Execution System (see Attachment
2). The Air Force Reserve Senior Leader Management Office (AF/REG) is responsible for the
baseline study.
11.5. Restrictions.
11.5.1. Individual mobilization augmentees do not augment Air Reserve Component force
structure. Additionally, individual mobilization augmentees do not augment the Regular Air
Force portion of an associate unit when the same capability is being provided by the Air Force
Reserve or ANG portion of the association.
11.5.2. Individual mobilization augmentees do not augment ANG units.
11.5.3. Individual mobilization augmentees do not replace military personnel expected to be
unavailable for duty because of leave, hospitalization, professional military education, or other
temporary reasons.
11.5.4. Individual mobilization augmentees do not replace civilian employees who are Ready
Reservists of the Military Services.
11.5.5. Individual mobilization augmentees do not manage and train Air Force Reserve
Command personnel when that is the sole justification for an individual mobilization
augmentee requirement. Major commands may use management and training of individual
mobilization augmentee personnel as partial justification for an individual mobilization
augmentee requirement providing the individual mobilization augmentee keeps proficiency in
primary duties, using the individual mobilization augmentee is economical, and the individual
mobilization augmentee exercises appropriate leadership and management skills for position
and rank. Major commands may assign a senior individual mobilization augmentee position to
administratively manage individual mobilization augmentees. Regular Air Force personnel
within the Major Command keep primary responsibility for managing individual mobilization
augmentee program operations.
11.6. Chief Air Force Reserve (AF/RE) will:
11.6.1. Ensure the most efficient and effective use of individual mobilization augmentee
resources. (T-1).
11.6.2. Conduct a biennial review of individual mobilization augmentee positions below the
rank of brigadier general. (T-1).
11.6.3. Manage external from USAF, such as Joint Staff, Combatant Commands and Defense
Agencies and internal USAF Direct Reporting Units, FOAs, and MAJCOMs individual
mobilization augmentee requirements. (T-1).
11.6.4. Establish and provide individual mobilization augmentee program guidance to
servicing manpower offices and ensure requirements are validated per criteria and restrictions.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 43
11.6.5. Review all requests to ensure individual mobilization augmentee requirements meet
the established criteria. (T-1).
11.6.6. Manage individual mobilization augmentee requirements inside the Air Force. (T-1).
11.7. Major Command Manpower and Organization (MAJCOM/A1M) or Agency
Manpower Activity will:
11.7.1. Review, coordinates, and validates requests for new requirements. (T-1).
11.7.2. Review unfunded individual mobilization augmentee requirements every three years
and deletes requirements that are no longer valid. (T-1).
11.7.3. Send requests to fund validated individual mobilization augmentee requirements to
AF/REXX. Requests must include a proposed funding strategy. (T-1).
11.8. Non-Air Force Activities will:
11.8.1. Process requests per DoDI 1235.11 or Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Instruction
1001.01B, Joint Manpower and Personnel Program. (T-1).
11.8.2. Send validated individual mobilization augmentee requirements to AF/RE, through the
servicing manpower activity. (T-1).
11.8.3. Units, Below Major CommandLevel send requests for individual mobilization
augmentee positions to their servicing manpower activity for review, coordination, and
validation. (T-1).
44 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Chapter 12
12.1. Overview. Commands establish Active Guard and Reserve authorizations for members of
the ANG or Air Force Reserve Command. DoDI 1205.18, Full-Time Support (FTS) to the Reserve
Components, lists duties and responsibilities for full-time support to the Air Reserve Components.
12.1.1. Congress and the Office of the Secretary of Defense establish limitations on
management headquarters activities and Air Force personnel end strengths. Programs using
Active Guard and Reserve authorizations get the usual budgetary review scrutiny.
12.1.2. 10 USC §12011, Authorized Strengths: Reserve Officers on Active Duty or on Full-
Time National Guard Duty for Administration of the Reserve or the National Guard, and
§12012, Authorized Strengths: Senior Enlisted Members on Active Duty or on Full-time
National Guard Duty for Administration of the Reserve or National Guard, limits the grades
for Active Guard and Reserve field grade officer and senior enlisted authorizations.
12.2. Criteria.
12.2.1. 10 USC §12310, Armed Forces, and §10211, Policies and regulations: participation
of Reserve officers in preparation and administration cites Active Guard and Reserve positions
are for organizing, administering, advising, recruiting, instructing, or training of the Reserve
Component and participation of reserve officers in preparation and administration of policy
affecting Reservists.
12.2.2. Includes duties not routinely assigned to, or not the responsibility of, the active force.
12.2.3. Record all Active Guard and Reserve authorizations in the Manpower Programming
and Execution System (see Attachment 2) with the appropriate resource identity code and
functional category.
12.2.4. Major commands may request new Active Guard and Reserve authorizations and
changes to existing Active Guard and Reserve positions. A single request may include more
than one similar position. All requests must identify the total number of authorizations
required and determine the appropriate manpower workforce mix. Requests for new
authorizations include potential sourcing options. The requesting unit commanders include a
cover letter stating the overall intent of the position. (T-1).
12.2.5. Air Reserve Component and National Guard Bureau. Reviews manpower requirement position request for compliance, allocation use,
and impact on congressional, Office of the Secretary of Defense and budget limits.
NGB/CF and AF/RE approve validated requests. Sends copies of the validation, funding decision and supporting documentation
to the requesting servicing manpower activity. Validates all Active Guard and Reserve authorizations not established in law,
ensures position currency, and approves establishment or changes to Active Guard and
Reserve positions.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 45 NGB/A1M and AFRC/A1M maintain Active Guard and Reserve manpower
authorizations within approved end strength and grade ceilings for their respective
component Active Guard and Reserve Unit Program. All requests for Active Guard and
Reserve positions outside of the AFRC unit program are processed by AF/RE.
46 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Chapter 13
13.1. Air National Guard Military Grades Process Overview.
13.1.1. This section establishes guidance for an Enlisted Grades Program for all ANG military
positions at the unit-level and applies to all enlisted grades included in unit manpower
document funded military end strength numbers. However, it does not apply to organizations
or specialties identified in advance by the National Guard Bureau Command Chief Master
Sergeant or NGB/CF. The ANG Enlisted Grades Program ensures grades are equitably
distributed throughout all ANG field-level units. The Enlisted Grades Program ensures
compliance with established grade percentages and provides methods for distributing enlisted
grades throughout all ANG field-level units equitably.
13.1.2. Enlisted Grades Council. The Enlisted Grades Council will convene and review the
enlisted grade structure every two years. (T-1). NGB/CF can direct an enlisted grade review
board at any time. The major participants in the ANG Enlisted Grades Program are National
Guard Bureau Command Chief Master Sergeant, Career Field Managers, Enlisted Grades
Council representatives, NGB/A1M Chief Master Sergeant, and the Enlisted Field Advisory
Council representatives.
13.1.3. National Guard Bureau Command Chief Master Sergeant. Chairs the Enlisted Grades
Council and makes recommendations to NGB/CF.
13.1.4. Career Field Manager. Coordinates specialty actions with Air Force specialty functional area managers
and ensures the grades allocations and distribution process supports mission requirements
and career progression within their specialties. Conducts reviews of specialties and determines distribution while maintaining a
zero within-grade balance of the total grades allocated for their specialties.
13.1.5. Enlisted Grades Council Representatives. Each functional and special staff director
assigns a chief master sergeant representative. These representatives are responsible for the
overall grades structure of all specialties within their areas and represent the ANG corporate
process on enlisted grades.
13.1.6. National Guard Bureau Manpower Requirements (NGB/A1MR). Administers the ANG Enlisted Grades Program and co-chairs the Enlisted
Grades Council by way of the NGB/A1M Chief Master Sergeant. Manpower maintains
and provides the ANG enlisted grades data. Baseline data for this process is current end
of fiscal year data from the manpower database. Schedules Enlisted Grades Council meetings.
13.1.7. Enlisted Field Advisory Council. Provides three representatives to the Enlisted Grades
Council. These members represent the voice of the field in the ANG corporate process on
enlisted grades.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 47
13.1.8. Implementation. Career field managers and the Enlisted Grades Council work with
NGB/A1M to revise the unit manpower document to reflect the grade changes generated by
the ANG enlisted grades allocation process.
13.2. Air Force Reserve Military Grades Overview.
13.2.1. The Air Force Reserve Command officer and enlisted grades distribution process is
designed to (1) optimize Air Force Reserve Command officer and enlisted force development,
(2) adhere to officer and enlisted force structure principles, (3) provide a consistent method to
equitably distribute limited grades throughout the command, (4) enhance unit standardization,
(5) meet mission requirements, and (6) provide grade targets to functional and personnel
communities to effectively manage limited personnel resources. Air Guard Reserve
promotions within the controlled grades of E-8 (SMSgt), E-9 (CMSgt), O-4 (Maj), O-5 (Lt
Col), and O-6 (Col) must be IAW 10 U.S.C., §§ 12011 and 12012. Note: (Individual
Mobilization Augmentee and Regular Air Force authorizations are not part of this process.)
AF/REXX provides oversight, executes, and validates new and existing Air Guard Reserve
positions external to AFRC and ensures exterior AFRC Air Guard Reserve authorizations and
requirements are updated in the Manpower Programming and Execution System (MPES).
13.2.2. Air Force Reserve Command Officer and Enlisted Grade Percentages. The Air Force
Reserve Command Commander (AFRC/CC) approves the command’s officer and enlisted
baseline grade percentages that are documented in Air Force Reserve Command guidance.
Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command may opt to apply alternate grade percentages to
specific positions (e.g., Air Force specialties, functions, units) that may result in an adjustment
to the Air Force Reserve Command officer and enlisted baseline grade percentages for the
remaining positions.
13.2.3. Officer and Enlisted Active Guard and Reserve Grades. AFRC/A1M maintains Active
Guard and Reserve authorizations within approved Active Guard and Reserve end strength and
under 10 USC § 12012. Factor enlisted Active Guard and Reserve grades into the overall Air
Force Reserve Command enlisted grade percentages.
13.3. Grade Changes.
13.3.1. National Guard Bureau or Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command may specify
military grades that differ from those specified in the Regular Air Force command’s manpower
standard statement. This flexibility enables them to respond to management problems inherent
to the unit.
13.3.2. Keep all enlisted required grade changes within the required specialty and skill level
spread shown in the governing directive manpower force detail by the Regular Air Force
command. Further, do not change the authorized skill level more than one skill level from the
required skill level unless the unit type code allows.
13.3.3. Keep all officer changes within the required specialty and grade spread authorized in
the governing directive for the Regular Air Force command required specialty. Do not change
authorized grades more than one grade level from the required grade unless the unit type code
allows more than one grade.
13.3.4. Commands may not use this grade realignment guidance to shift grades between
Regular Air Force command wartime requirements and Air Reserve Component additional
48 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
requirements approved for in-place mobilization for managing, supporting, and training units
in a non-mobilized status unless satisfying baseline enlisted and officer grade requirements.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 49
Chapter 14
14.1. Overview. The Manpower community determines and documents aircrew manpower
requirements. (See AFI 11-412, Aircrew Management, for aircrew management procedures) This
chapter identifies key actions stakeholders may accomplish to effectively manage aircrew
14.2. Air Force Directorate of Manpower, Organization and Resources (AF/A1M).
14.2.1. Determines and validates aircrew manpower requirements with AF/A3O, except for
aircrew manpower requirements determined by Air Education and Training Command’s
specialized undergraduate pilot training flying training resource allocation programming
14.2.2. Assigns aircrew specialties with applicable aircrew position indicator codes only to
those positions where duties require aircrew skills. Establishes aircrew positions at the lowest
organizational level consistent with mission requirements and coordinates with the
MAJCOM/A3 to validate aircrew requirement changes and the yearly aircrew authorizations
review. Updates aircrew position indicator codes in the Manpower Programming and
Execution System (see Attachment 2) to reflect approved actions.
14.3. Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff Operations (AF/A3O).
14.3.1. Establishes the rated baselines for MAJCOM/A3s and provides an information copy
to the MAJCOM/A1M using the end of fiscal year requirements. The baseline sets each
command’s maximum total pilots, combat systems officers, air battle managers, and remotely
piloted aircraft pilots by category.
14.3.2. Evaluates requests for new positions and changes to existing authorizations and sends
approval or disapproval to the requester. Helps identify offsets to growth requirements, where
appropriate and directed.
14.3.3. Updates AFI 65-503, US Air Force Cost and Planning Factors, with crew ratio
changes by 31st of December.
14.3.4. Updates aircrew authorizations estimate using funded aircrew ratios.
14.3.5. Analyzes yearly aircrew authorizations review from each MAJCOM/A1M and
Department of Defense Component and returns comments or corrections.
14.4. Air Force Medical Support Agency Aerospace Operations Division
(AFMSA/SG3P). Evaluates requests for new aircrew position indicator code “5” positions or
changes to existing authorizations and sends approval or disapproval to the originator.
14.5. Functional Authority Responsibility.
14.5.1. Assigns aircrew specialties only to those positions with duties requiring aircrew skills.
Establishes aircrew positions at the lowest organizational level consistent with mission
14.5.2. Sends all changes and new requests in enough time to be approved by 1 year before
the proposed requirement change date. This date provides time to implement changes in
50 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
aircrew production or manning levels to support the change. Major commands manage non-
aircrew position indicator code “5” aircrew requirements within overall aircrew specialty and
major weapons system category levels determined by AF/A3O. All other organizations must
coordinate any changes to aircrew authorizations with AF/A3O. (T-1). Air Reserve
Components must coordinate any change in Regular Air Force aircrew positions with AF/A3O.
14.5.3. Sends all changes and new requests for rated flight surgeon positions directly to Air
Force Medical Support Agency Aerospace Division (AFMSA/SG3).
14.5.4. Identifies potential offsets for new aircrew requirements. Additions or changes to
aircrew requirements are possible only with offsets within the same aircrew specialty and
major weapons system category. Aircrew changes generated by new manpower determinants
or reapplying existing manpower determinants require offsetting authorizations.
14.6. Major Command Operations Directorate (MAJCOM/A3). Approves additions or
changes to aircrew authorizations (except flight surgeon positions) and maintains the command’s
baseline requirements. AF/A3O approves in advance any change to the baseline requirements.
14.7. Air Force Surgeon General (AF/SG). Manages the justification process for flight
surgeons with aircrew position indicator code “5” as described in AFMAN 11-402, Aviation and
Parachutist Service.
14.8. Installation Functional Area Manager. Sends requests for new authorizations and
changes to existing authorizations to the servicing manpower activity, who in turn sends it to the
MAJCOM/A1M for validation and coordination with the Major Command functional authority.
Installation functional area managers must conduct a yearly aircrew authorization review as
directed by the Major Command, provides supporting justification, and coordinates aircrew
position requests with the servicing manpower activity. (T-1).
14.9. Servicing Manpower Activity. Shall coordinate with the functional authority on aircrew
data changes and the yearly aircrew authorizations review and send the Manpower Programming
and Execution System changes to the MAJCOM/A1M. (T-1).
14.10. Crew Ratio or Crew Complements.
14.10.1. Existing Crew Ratios or Crew Complements. MAJCOM/A3 must send proposed
changes to MAJCOM/A8 then sends proposed changes to existing crew ratios or crew
complements to Air Force Director of Programs (AF/A8P), with a copy to AF/A3O. AF/A8P
coordinates the proposed change with AF/A1M and AF/A3O. Once AF/A8P approves the
proposed changes, they inform the MAJCOM/A1M for programming and AF/A3O who
updates to AFI 65-503.
14.10.2. New Crew Ratios or Crew Complements. Lead commands must send proposed crew
ratios and crew complements with justification as part of the Operational Requirements
Document for aircraft scheduled to enter the inventory. (T-1). These documents require
AF/A3O coordination. On Operational Requirements Document approval, AF/A8P informs
AF/A3O, who updates AFI 65-503.
14.11. Programmed Flying Training Positions.
14.11.1. Send methods used to determine programmed flying training instructor requirements,
including any method changes or deviations, to AF/A3O. Document all programmed flying
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 51
training methods in a directive-type publication, such as an instruction, manual, or operating
14.11.2. MAJCOM/A3, in coordination with their MAJCOM/A1M, sends advanced student
requirements to AF/A3O. Summarize these requirements by Mission Design Series, course
number and crew position for each Future Year Defense Program year. Determine all
advanced student requirements by multiplying approved yearly student production or loads by
course length in calendar days and dividing by the number of training days within a given year.
14.11.3. As the programmed flying training student load changes, instructor requirements also
likely change. Commands conducting formal aircrew training must send instructor aircrew
change requests to AF/A1M who coordinates with AF/A3O for approval. (T-1).
14.12. Positions Based on Manpower Determinants. For flying unit staff positions based on
manpower determinants, MAJCOM/A1Ms must send proposed changes to existing aircrew
manpower determinants or reapply existing manpower determinants with justification through Air
Force Manpower Analysis Agency to AF/A1M for approval. (T-1). Any aircrew staff changes
generated by applying new or existing manpower determinants require offsetting authorizations.
AF/A1M sends to AF/A3O for recommendation and coordination.
14.13. Other Aircrew Positions. Staff positions include all aircrew positions not mentioned in
paragraphs 14.1 through 14.5 The Major Command must provide offsetting authorizations for
any new aircrew staff requirements. Additions or changes are possible only with offsets for
aircrew position indicator codes within the same aircrew specialty.
14.14. Aircrew Position Indicator Code. All aircrew manpower authorizations require an
aircrew position indicator code per AFMAN 11-402.
52 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Chapter 15
15.1. Overview. Chapter 39, Arms Export Control of Title 22 United States Code Section 2751,
Foreign Relations and Intercourse, authorizes the sale of defense articles and services. The yearly
National Defense Authorization Act includes the Air Force end strength to support the Foreign
Military Sales Program. Although most Foreign Military Sales manpower is reimbursable, the Air
Force programs the requirements to ensure coverage in the Future Year Defense Program.
AF/A1M does not keep a pool of manpower authorizations available for new Foreign Military
Sales programs.
15.2. Manpower Requirements Package. MAJCOM/A1Ms prepare manpower requirements
packages to justify support for a Foreign Military Sales case. Use Regular Air Force manpower
determinants when possible. Use other approved methods to determine requirements if no Regular
Air Force manpower determinants apply.
15.3. Manpower Classification.
15.3.1. Foreign Military Sales manpower authorizations are either full-time or part-time.
Those positions doing less than 10 percent Foreign Military Sales work are not Foreign
Military Sales. Use the following information to classify required Foreign Military Sales
15.3.2. Full-time positions do Foreign Military Sales duties 90 percent or more of the available
15.3.3. Part-time positions do both Foreign Military Sales and Air Force workload. Part-time
authorizations spend more than 10 percent (but less than 90 percent) of their available time
supporting Foreign Military Sales.
15.3.4. Use overhires for approved requirements when appropriate. Foreign Military Sales
funding must be available.
15.4. Foreign Military Sales Position Codes.
15.4.1. Use program element code “A2002” for full-time manpower reimbursed by direct case
15.4.2. Program the authorizations in the appropriate program element for commands using
part-time manpower authorizations to do direct case workload.
15.4.3. Program manpower reimbursed by administrative surcharge funds in the appropriate
major force program using a shred of "S.” Use administrative surcharge funds to reimburse
civilian and contractor positions. Military positions in a Foreign Military Sales administrative
surcharge program element are Air Force funded.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 53
Chapter 16
16.1. Overview. The Manpower Estimate Report satisfies the Department of Defense
requirement to send major acquisition program manpower requirements to the Secretary of
Defense. This chapter identifies key actions stakeholders may accomplish to a Manpower
Estimate Report.
16.1.1. The Secretary of Defense reviews the manpower requirements report before approving
full-scale engineering development or production and deployment.
16.1.2. The Manpower Estimate Report is the source document for determining the manpower
requirements part of the total costs of ownership for acquisition systems required by
Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 5000.01, Operation of The Defense Acquisition
16.1.3. Manpower authorities assess Manpower Estimate Reports for the following: Estimates are comprehensive and accurate. Estimates meet congressional controls and administrative restrictions on special
programs. Estimates meet manpower and personnel objectives or thresholds in the
capabilities documents.
16.1.4. The Manpower Estimate Report accounts for the most likely level of performance and
recommends post fielding verification of high-risk factors used for the estimate. The
Manpower Estimate Report summarizes critical personnel decisions or assumptions having a
significant effect on manpower.
54 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Chapter 17
17.1. Overview. AF/A1M performs oversight of manpower inputs into the Strategy, Planning,
Programming, Budgeting, and Execution process.
17.2. Air Force Program Development Division (AF/A1MP). Facilitates management of
AF/A1M manpower inputs for the Strategy, Planning, Programing, Budgeting, and Execution
17.2.1. Compiles, records, allocates and administers the Air Force’s “top line” end strength
changes for fiscal year Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution decisions.
This end strength includes student, trainee, and personnel hold accounts (i.e., Individuals
accounts) and the Air Force portion of joint- and defense-level activities and accounts centrally
managed by Office of the Secretary of Defense and Office of the Director of National
Intelligence. (See special considerations outlined in Chapter 21.) AF/A1MP will advocate for
manpower resources in support of the Individuals (non-unit) account. (T-1). (See Chapter 23.)
17.2.2. Assists the Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution responsible
office in determining the manpower inputs in the Automated Schedule and Resource
Allocation Program Information Decision System and records approved changes in the
Manpower Programming and Execution System (see Attachment 2) that passes the manpower
details into Automated Budget Interactive Data Environment System or its replacement. (See
Attachment 2 for a description of the Manpower Programming and Execution System.)
17.2.3. Ensures Total Force manpower adjustments are coordinated and validated by the
respective component office of primary responsibilitynamely Chief of Air Force Reserve
Manpower Division (AF/REXX) for Air Force Reserve manpower issues and National Guard
Bureau Programs Division (NGB/A1MP) for ANG manpower issues.
17.2.4. Coordinates manpower options affecting the acquisition workforce with Air Force
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Personnel and Acquisition Career Management Directorate
(SAF/AQH) and Air Force Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management Policy and Program
Integration (SAF/AQX).
17.2.5. Co-chairs manpower realignment working groups with AF/A8P during the Program
Objective Memorandum to address the sourcing and redistribution of manpower resources
during Program Objective Memorandum deliberations and facilitates sourcing of newly
developed standards.
17.2.6. Responsible for providing to Office of the Secretary of Defense Headquarters Air
Force manpower data on Air Force organizations covered in the congressional definition of
Major Headquarters Activities.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 55
Chapter 18
18.1. Overview. Military personnel authorizations (end strength) are set by Congress and
managed by DoD components within congressional limits. During Program Objective
Memorandum deliberations, manpower programming shall adhere to Office of the Secretary of
Defense fiscal guidance, the Air Force Quadrennial Defense Review, and Annual Planning and
Programming guidance.
18.2. Manpower Resource Accountability.
18.2.1. An Air Force program element code accounts for resources, to include end strength,
needed to provide a specific capability.
18.2.2. Manpower Resource Identification Code. An Air Force program element code may
contain two manpower categories: (1) military and (2) civilian for each component of the Total
Force. Military end strength includes Regular Air Force officers, enlisted, and United
States Air Force Academy cadets, Air Force Reserve officers and enlisted, and ANG
officers and enlisted. Air Force Reserve and ANG end strength is further identified in the
Future Year Defense Program by resource identification code as drill officer, drill enlisted,
and Active Guard and Reserve officer and enlisted. The Air Force Reserve also has
individual mobilization augmentee officer and enlisted resource identifier codes. The civilian category contains six subcategories: (1) United States direct hire, (2)
foreign national direct hire, (3) foreign national indirect hire, (4) United States direct hire-
Air Force (memo), (5) foreign national direct hire-Air Force (memo), and (6) foreign
national indirect hire-Air Force (memo). “Memo” entries are used to denote ANG and Air
Force Reserve technicians that are a subset of the United States direct hire category,
Defense Health Agency and special operations forces civilians managed by the Air Force,
but funding remains in Defense Health Agency and special operations forces budget.
18.3. General Guidance.
18.3.1. Reimbursable Positions. These are positions that perform work for an organization
outside the Air Force (e.g., another Department of Defense Component, other federal agencies)
for which the Air Force is reimbursed for personnel expenses. Major commands and
equivalents may adjust their number of reimbursable civilian positions above or below fiscal
year program if agreed to by the functional office of primary responsibility and Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Air Force Financial Management and Comptroller, Directorate of
Budget Operations Personnel (SAF/FMBO). However, Major Commands and equivalents
cannot keep strength associated with a decrease in reimbursable positions except through fiscal
year programming actions, so as not to create year-of-execution costs for the Air Force.
18.3.2. End strength in program elements controlled by agencies and activities outside of the
Air Force (e.g., Defense Health Agency, National Intelligence Program, joint agencies, special
operations forces) will not be changed by AF/A1MP unless Office of the Secretary of Defense
has approved a written agreement (e.g., memorandums of agreement or issue paper) between
56 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
the Air Force and the affected activity or directed in Program Budget Review decision
document. (T-1).
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 57
Chapter 19
19.1. Overview. When available, manpower requirement estimates will be based on approved
crew ratios, logistics composite models, manpower determinants, analysis of alternatives,
command guides, or weapon system typical tools. (T-1). For new and emerging missions,
functional managers and manpower requirement experts will develop a manpower estimate. (T-
19.2. Weapon System Zero Base Process.
19.2.1. A weapon system zero base process is designed to optimize the allocation of operations
and maintenance manpower end strength, first within a Major Command mission set and
secondly across the Air Force Future Year Defense Program. Weapon system zero base process
matches authorized or fielded weapons in conjunction with annual budget cycles and produces
a weapon system typical manpower determinant as a programming tool to estimate manpower
impacts against proposed force structure changes. The weapon system zero base process
identifies all fixed (open-the-door costs) and variable costs (requirements as outlined in a
typical) tied to a weapon system program element. The Weapon system zero base process does
not take the place of program change requests or funding of new requirements.
19.2.2. Each year in preparation for the Program Objective Memorandum cycle, AF/A1MP
will provide a weapon systems zero base template and detailed instructions to the
MAJCOM/A1Ms. (T-1).
19.2.3. Within 60 calendar days after the President’s budget allocation is received by the
Major Commands or equivalents, functional managers and manpower requirement experts will
annotate any changes to the previously submitted requirement using a separate line item for
each change. (T-1).
19.3. Base Support Tail Factors.
19.3.1. Mission and capability changes affect installation support requirements; so,
programmed changes in mission manpower affect installation support manpower requirements
and may affect service levels for private sector contract support. The relative effect of these
changes is represented as Air Force base support tail factors. (See Attachment 3) These base
support tail factors are to be used in conjunction with other tools when determining manpower
effects of mission capability changes and are not applicable to Air Reserve Component bases.
19.3.2. The base support tail factor estimates the incremental impact in installation support
manpower generated by a change in mission manpower requirements or tenant population. Its
use assumes the presence of a full support infrastructure before making the proposed mission
manpower changes.
19.3.3. The different factors recognize the required levels of support vary. Refer to attachment
3 to determine which base support tail factor to use. Manpower activities below Major
Command level will not use these factors to adjust authorizations on the unit manpower
document based on mission and force structure changes without a change to programmed end
strength. (T-1).
19.4. Major Department of Defense Headquarters Activity Factor.
58 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
19.4.1. As missions and force structure change, so may the size of the major Department of
Defense headquarters activity manpower element. Headquarters Air Force, Major Commands,
and ANG headquarters element may establish an internal engineered factor based on units,
dollars, end strength, number of weapons systems, the number of different countries where
geographically separated units are located, or a combination of creditable factors and evaluate
the headquarters strength relative to the factor every year concurrently with fiscal year budget
decisions that change allocated force structure. The factor is subject to peer review by another
Major Command or AF/A1M if used for Program Objective Memorandum or Program Budget
Review mission transfer or force structure increase or decrease.
19.4.2. For new missions and force structure, Air Force Corporate Structure will determine
the relative change to major Department of Defense headquarters activity manpower. (T-1).
19.4.3. For mission and force structure transfers, divestitures, and changes, Admin Assistant
to the Secretary of the Air Force, Resources Directorate (SAF/AAR) and MAJCOM/A1M staff
will determine the relative impact to their major Department of Defense headquarters activity
elements. (T-1). In the case of intercommand transfers where affected SAF/AAR and
MAJCOM/A1Ms cannot agree on the requisite headquarters activity manpower adjustments,
a factor of 2.65 percent times full-time end strength (Regular Air Force and Active Guard and
Reserve) will be used. (T-1).
19.5. Individuals Account Manpower Programming Tools.
19.5.1. The manpower associated with the Individuals Account is quantified through the
development and application of mathematical models to identify and validate student man-year
requirements. (See Chapter 23, Figure 1) The student man-year requirements are determined
by multiplying student entry data and course length and then dividing the result by the average
number of academic calendar days. The results are programmed in designated program
elements by AF/A1MP who develops and maintains the student man-year models.
19.5.2. Students shall include all active military personnel who are attending non-initial entry
course of instruction in a permanent change of station status (normally combined course length
of 20 weeks or more at one location ) or in temporary duty status while executing a permanent
change of station.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 59
Chapter 20
20.1. Overview. Manpower adjustments in Programming Inputs and Budgeting Inputs are
identified by an Air Force Corporate Structure change control number within the Resource
Allocation Programming Information Decision System.
20.2. Air Force Corporate Structure Change Control Number. The Air Force Corporate
Structure change control number records approved actions implementing offsets, disconnects, and
initiatives. AF/A1MP creates a corresponding Manpower change control number in the Manpower
Programming and Execution System (see Attachment 2) for each approved Air Force Corporate
Structure change control number. (See Attachment 2).
20.3. Manpower Zero-Balance Transfers. Zero-balance transfers are manpower adjustments
designed to facilitate intercommand transfers and to correct minor deviations in program execution
within a single command. A zero-balance transfer is an exact reallocation of resources, normally
within a single program. A zero-balance transfer is not to be used for reprogramming actions (i.e.,
transferring resources from one mission or capability to another). Zero-balance transfers must
follow the business rules in the fiscal year Program Objective Memorandum preparation
20.3.1. Manpower zero-balance transfers cannot increase end strength (buy end strength with
a funding offset), cross appropriations, or create costs for the Air Force. Manpower Servicing
Activity will submit balance zero-balance transfers by manpower category, appropriation, and
dollars for each fiscal year. (T-1). If a zero-balance transfer is necessary to fix database errors
from a previous programming event, the Manpower Servicing Activity must provide enough
rationale. (T-1).
20.3.2. Major commands and equivalents will submit zero-balance transfers to AF/A1MP
manpower programmers at the same time all other zero-balance transfers are submitted to
AF/A8P. (T-1).
20.3.3. Manpower actions that are country and state code cleanup actions are considered zero-
balance transfers.
20.3.4. Inter-command transfers that do not transfer systems are considered manpower only
zero-balance transfers. If the intercommand transfer is the result of weapon system transfer,
the action is not considered a pure manpower intercommand transfer and must be approved by
the appropriate Air Force Corporate structure mission or mission support panels (e.g. Personnel
and Training, Space Superiority, Nuclear Deterrence Operations). (T-1).
20.3.5. Manpower actions that cross appropriations, end strength categories, Budget
Activities, or budget sub-activity, or drive a cost to the Air Force Corporate Structure are not
considered manpower zero-balance transfers.
20.3.6. Air Force Reserve and ANG Technician (memo) resource identification codes (“0160”
and “0170”) may be increased or decreased in a zero-balance transfer. However, their civilian
resource identification codes (“0160”) must zero-balance.
60 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
20.4. Major commands and Equivalents will:
20.4.1. Coordinate the details of the zero-balance transfer, prepare their respective portions of
the manpower zero-balance transfer the Manpower Programming and Execution System (see
Attachment 2) project, and submit it to AF/A1MP in the Manpower Programming and
Execution System (both the gaining and losing commands). (T-1).
20.4.2. Review all manpower files or manpower zero-balance transfers before submission to
ensure non Air Force positions are not affected (i.e., the United States Special Operations
Command, Defense Health Agency, or National Intelligence Program.) (T-1).
20.4.3. Make changes to reimbursable positions if agreed to by the functional office of primary
responsibility and SAF/FMBOP. Major commands and equivalents may not create zero-
balance transfers between reimbursable positions and direct-funded positions. (T-1).
20.5. Air Force Corporate Structure Air Force Program Development Division (AF/A1MP),
Chief of Air Force Reserve Manpower Division (AF/REXX), National Guard Bureau
Programs Division (NGB/A1MP). Manpower programmers will:
20.5.1. Review all manpower zero-balance transfer requests for compliance with current
Program Objective Memorandum preparation instruction guidance. (T-1).
20.5.2. Work noncompliance issues with affected Major Commands and equivalents. (T-1).
20.5.3. Coordinate zero-balance transfers with SAF/FMBO (or appropriate Air Reserve
Component Financial Management office). If Major Commands and equivalents propose zero-
balance transfer actions that result in added (unsourced) costs to the Air Force, the action is
disapproved and they have the option to bring the action forward with an offset identified. (T-
20.5.4. Host-Tenant Support Agreements. MAJCOM and equivalent who initiate a workload
on another Major Command and equivalent must coordinate host-tenant manpower actions
with the affected command and will prepare documents in accordance with AFI 25-201, Intra-
Service, Intra-Agency, and Inter-Agency Support Agreements Procedures. (T-1). The supported command will give the supporting command the information it
needs to determine its manpower requirements. (T-1). The supported command must negotiate with the supporting command regarding
the availability of existing resources to support the requirement. (T-1). The supported command will program required manpower actions in the first
available exercise of the Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution cycle
after the support agreement has been finalized. (T-1).
20.6. Out of Cycle End Strength Changes. These changes include program change request and
host-tenant actions.
20.6.1. A program change request is used to realign Air Force resources outside of the normal
Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution and consists of changes in the
current execution and budget years. Because program change requests require changing the
Air Force Program of Record, they are vetted through the Air Force Corporate Structure
process and approved by the Secretary of the Air Force.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 61 Fiscal realignment approved as part of a program change request is typically
finalized through intercommand transfer by Deputy Assistant Secretary for Air Force
Financial Management and Comptroller Director of Plans (SAF/FMBP). An
intercommand transfer is the realignment of funding between Major Commands and
appropriations. AF/A1MP and MAJCOMs track changes to force structure items in execution or
budget year within the Force Structure Data Management database (i.e., aircraft,
munitions). Special oversight is necessary when reprogramming between appropriations,
over specific funding level dollar thresholds, or special interest items involving
congressional special interest line items. Headquarters Air Force, Office of the Secretary
of Defense, or Congress can deny reprogramming actions of this nature. All military and civilian manpower addressed in program change requests must
zero-balance and may consider required adjustments in private sector contract support. If a program change request proposes manpower changes, it must be broken
out by officers, enlisted, and civilians; the request may display the manpower of the
current and proposed programs. (T-1). If the program change request proposes to
change or transfer billets, the request must display the impact of these changes by
category and fiscal year, including out years. (T-1). If the request is to change manpower only (e.g., no forces, flying hours),
the requesting office may first consult AF/A1MP to see if the change can be
reprogrammed by an intercommand transfer or other manpower change vehicle,
without preparing a program change request.
62 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Chapter 21
21.1. Overview. End strength levels within a program or theater may be dictated or limited by
legislative and Office of the Secretary of Defense policy. These constraints include ceilings and
floors (e.g., overseas and major Department of Defense headquarters activity elements) or
protected budget activities whose funding levels cannot be adjusted without consent from the
owning activity (e.g., Defense Health Agency and special operations forces).
21.2. Overseas Ceilings and Floors. United States activities in foreign countries are of special
political and economic interest to the United States and foreign governments. Office of the
Secretary of Defense, working with higher authorities, establishes overseas ceilings and floors to
control Department of Defense activities in various areas, regions, and countries. Unless
Headquarters Air Force or a higher authority specifies otherwise, overseas manpower ceilings and
floors include all permanent party military authorizations.
21.2.1. AF/A1M designates the manpower office within the Air Force component, to the
Combatant Command for the geographic area, as the Air Force executive or support agent.
21.2.2. AF/A1MP notifies executive agents of ceiling and floor limitations.
21.2.3. AF/A1MP, AF/REXX, and NGB/A1MP are End Strength Resource Managers. Administer and monitor the Regular Air Force and Air Force Reserve portions
of the ceiling and floor. Notify other Major Commands and equivalents of their portion of the ceiling and
floor. Ensure Major Commands and equivalents do not exceed ceiling and floor limits
unless a higher authority so authorizes. Ensure major command, and equivalent, unit
manpower documents affected by manpower ceilings and floors, do not exceed limitations.
(See Department of Defense 7000.14-R volume 2A, Budget Formulation and Presentation,
Chapter 3, page 374 for adjusting joint accounts for undistributed congressional and Office
of the Secretary of Defense general reductions.) Ensures that limitations provide only the minimum manpower needed for
assigned missions.
21.2.4. Executive and support agents and Major Commands and equivalents may directly
communicate on ceiling and floor limitations. Executive and support agents may directly
communicate with the Combatant Command staff that controls the limitation they administer.
21.3. Overseas Ceiling and Floor Change Requests.
21.3.1. To make changes to an Air Force ceiling and floor, the executive or support agent
sends a written explanation of the requirement to the appropriate Combatant Command, with
an information copy to AF/A1MP.
21.3.2. To increase or decrease a Major Command limitation, the Major Command or
equivalent sends a written explanation of the requirement to the executive agent, with an
information copy to AF/A1MP. The executive or support agent approves the Major Command
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 63
or equivalent request if it falls within the established Air Force limitation or disapproves if it
falls outside of limitation.
21.4. Major Department of Defense Headquarters Activity. Major Department of Defense
headquarters activities are described and defined by statute, and organizations and functions
considered major Department of Defense headquarters activity are in DoDI 5100.73, Major DoD
Headquarters Activities. In the Office of the Secretary of Defense Future Year Defense Program
Resource Structure Management System, program elements are flagged in specified headquarters
categories (giving Office of the Secretary of Defense and Congress visibility on changes to Air
Force total major Department of Defense headquarters activity strength and by headquarters type.
Office of the Secretary of Defense and Congress require an explanation for increases in Regular
Air Force and Active Guard and Reserve major Department of Defense headquarters activity
resources between fiscal years; so, any increases require Air Force Corporate Structure approval
during Program Objective Memorandum or Program Budget Review. Manpower zero-balance
transfer increasing the amount of Regular Air Force and Active Guard or Reserve Air Force major
Department of Defense headquarters activity resources cannot be in the balanced submission.
Manpower category changes must be at a cost saving or cost neutral to stay within fiscal year
major Department of Defense headquarters activity costs targets.
21.5. Joint Manpower. Adjustment to Air Force programmed support to joint organizations can
occur only through memorandums of agreement or program or budget issue papers during Program
Decision Memorandum action during Program Budget Review. Refer to Chairman Joint Chief of
Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 1001.01B for further guidance on managing Joint and Combatant
Command end strength and authorizations.
21.6. Special Access Program. AF/A1M will appoint a point of contact to support manpower
programming for special access programs. (T-1).
21.7. Defense Health Agency. AF/A1M will coordinate Defense Health Agency manpower
programming changes with Air Force Surgeon General Medical Manpower Personnel and
Resourcing (AF/SG1/8). (T-1).
21.8. Special Operations Forces. AF/A1M will coordinate special operations forces manpower
programming changes with Air Force Special Operations Command Manpower, Personnel and
Services Director (AFSOC/A1) and United States Special Operations Command Force Structure
Requirements and Strategic Assessments Directorate (USSOCOM/J8). (T-1).
21.9. Intelligence. AF/A1M will coordinate Consolidated Cryptologic Program (budget
subactivity “330”), General Defense Intelligence Program (budget subactivity “331”), National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (budget subactivity “336”), and Military Intelligence Program
(budget subactivity “365”) manpower programming changes with Deputy Chief of Staff
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (AF/A2). (T-1). AF/A1M will coordinate National
Reconnaissance Program (budget subactivity “333”) manpower programming changes with the
National Reconnaissance Office and Air Force Space Command Manpower, Personnel and
Services Director (AFSPC/A1). (T-1).
21.10. Foreign Military Sales. AF/A1M will coordinate Foreign Military Sales manpower
programming changes with Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force International Affairs
(SAF/IA). (T-1).
64 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Chapter 22
22.1. Overview. AF/A1MP allocates programmed manpower resources by program element
code, resource identification code, and country state code to the commands directing
implementation of approved programs. Major commands and equivalents translate these
manpower resources into manpower authorizations by updating the unit manpower document. Air
Force Manpower, Organization and Resources Directorate, Organization Division (AF/A1MO)
provides the Air Force Personnel Center the Manpower Programming and Execution System (see
Attachment 2) data on military and civilian authorization changes to begin the actions necessary
to recruit, train, and assign people. Comparable detail is provided to Air Force Reserve and ANG
personnel organizations by their respective Air Force Reserve and ANG manpower organizations
so they may also begin the actions necessary to recruit, train, and assign personnel.
22.2. General Guidance. Manpower authorizations will be added or deleted from the unit
manpower document effective the fiscal quarter of an associated mission change. (T-1). However,
when a mission is extended 1 or more fiscal years, the MAJCOM/A1M (or equivalent) will submit
a request to the applicable end strength resource manager (AF/A1MP, AF/REXX, NGB/A1MP)
to over or under execute manpower on the Major Command unit manpower document to match
the mission change or submit the requirement through the Air Force Corporate Structure process
as a program disconnect. (T-1). AF/A1M will coordinate these requests with the appropriate
Headquarters Air Force stakeholder. (T-1).
22.3. Air Force Manpower, Organization and Resources Directorate Programming Division
(AF/A1MP) will:
22.3.1. Allocate manpower resources to the commands as required, typically at the end of each
Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution cycle, but making out-of-cycle
allocations as necessary. (T-1).
22.3.2. Transmit manpower resources to the commands in the Manpower Programming and
Execution System (see Attachment 2). Resources are allocated by command, country state
code, program element code, and resource identification code for all fiscal years in the Future
Year Defense Program. (T-1).
22.3.3. Provide guidance regarding which fiscal years are to be updated on the unit manpower
document and when these unit manpower document changes can be published. (T-1).
22.4. Major Command Manpower and Organization (MAJCOM/A1M) will:
22.4.1. Review allocation from AF/A1MP. (T-1).
22.4.2. Using the Manpower Programming and Execution System, implement changes on the
unit manpower document per AF/A1MP instructions. (T-1).
22.4.3. Request extension or exception to timeline from AF/A1MP as required. (T-1).
22.4.4. Ensure authorizations on the unit manpower document match total allocated Future
Year Defense Program by the Department of Defense program element. (T-1). Deviations within military resource identification codes of more than 0.5 percent
for a program element are noncompliant. (T-1).
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 65 Deviations in civilian resource identification codes of more than 0.5 percent are
allowable if the Major Command or equivalent is executing within its civilian work year
allocation. (T-1).
22.5. Major Command Unit Manpower Document Management.
22.5.1. Military Manpower Increases. Major commands will ensure the addition of military
manpower authorizations or changes to grades and skills are made effective no earlier than the
current quarter plus two. (T-1). For example, if the manpower change request is received in the first quarter of
the year, the effective date of the approved change may be no earlier than the third quarter
of that year. Coordinate deviations from this time-phasing with Major Command and
equivalent personnel directorate activities to confirm the shorter lead time does not
negatively affect the personnel assignments process.
22.5.2. Manpower Reductions. Major commands will make effective military and civilian
manpower authorization reductions tied to workload and mission decreases per the higher
authority’s direction (e.g., program action directive, program guidance letter, and
programming actions). (T-1). Reductions that are not related to the loss of a specific workload
or mission take effect when a higher authority levies the reduction.
22.5.3. Inter-command Transfer of Functions and Related Authorizations. Since
intercommand transfers often involve manpower realignment among major force programs,
the constraints associated with crossing budget appropriations and major force programs may
limit the timing of civilian realignments among Department of Defense program elements.
Losing and gaining commands may work closely together to facilitate these transfers. Once intercommand transfer negotiations begin, the losing command no longer
adjusts manpower authorizations on the unit manpower document in the functions
proposed for transfer. Also, the losing command must provide an associated manpower
display for the two-year period before the proposed transfer date. Manpower quantities are based on the losing command’s funded manpower
authorizations by the fourth quarter for each fiscal year. To prevent duplicate end strength reporting, Major Commands will ensure
manpower authorization transfers between commands are completed within the Manpower
Programming and Execution System (see Attachment 2) during the same month, and with
the same effective date. (T-1).
66 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Chapter 23
23.1. Overview. The Air Force Student, Trainee, and Personnel (STP) Hold Program provides a
deliberate and defendable methodology to develop, program, and execute the Individuals accounts
as outlined in DoDI 1120.11, Programming and Accounting for Active Component Military
Manpower. The supporting manpower (i.e., Training units) includes instructors, recruiters,
overhead, support manpower, and is not part of the Individuals accounts.
Figure 23.1. Total Active Military End Strength.
Note: Permanent Change of Station (PCS); Temporary Duty (TDY).
23.2. Air Force Manpower, Organization and Resources Directorate (AF/A1M) will:
23.2.1. Serve as the Air Force office of primary responsibility for the individuals accounts and
determines, justifies, defends, and plans its manpower programming. (T-1).
23.2.2. Determine the criteria by which the Air Force Personnel Center collects and reports
individual manpower requirements data. (T-1).
23.2.3. Serve as the manpower program manager for the individuals accounts. (T-1).
23.2.4. Ensure centrally managed individuals manpower and supporting manpower is
developed and funded in relationship to adjustments in overall Air Force accession levels. (T-
23.3. Air Force Personnel Center Research Analysis and Data Division (AFPC/DSY) will:
23.3.1. Develop and maintain personnel data practice and procedures to support accurate
accounting of members in “individuals” status. (T-1).
23.3.2. Ensure personnel functional category coding complies with the Individuals Account
program funding established by AF/A1M. (T-1).
23.3.3. Justify the Transient, Personnel Holdee, Patient, and Separatee Program within the
Military Personnel Program. (T-1).
23.3.4. Provide AF/A1M permanent change of station move requirements and other functions
required for the development of transient, personnel holdee, patient, and separatee account
man-years. (T-1).
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 67
Chapter 24
24.1. Organization Objectives. Air Force organizations are designed to achieve characteristics
outlined in AFPD 38-1.
24.2. Organization Principles. Air Force organizational structure follows these management
24.2.1. Emphasis on Wartime Tasks. Structure organizations to accomplish wartime tasks
without reorganizing. (T-1).
24.2.2. Functional Grouping. Structure organizations to have a clear-cut purpose, goal, and
scope, with one individual in charge; parts that form a logical, separable activity; a close
relationship among the parts, constituting a complete entity; and natural divisions of work that
clearly define where responsibility begins and ends. (T-1).
24.2.3. Lean Organizational Structures. Structure organizations to encourage rapid decision
making, and reflect flat structures without intermediate levels unless mission requirements
cannot otherwise be met. (T-1). When used, structure intermediate organizations consist of
tactical functions only, without a full range of staff functions. (T-1). Organizational levels that
exist only to review and transmit information or taskings may be eliminated. Both the number
of supervisors and the number of internal subdivisions within organizations will be designed
to minimize layers and maximize worker-to-supervisor ratios. (T-1).
24.2.4. Skip Echelon Structure. Structure organizations with appropriate staff based on their
role. (T-1). A Major Command sits on top of a skip echelon staffing structure. Major
commands, wings, and squadrons possess the full range of staff functions needed to perform
required tasks. Numbered and Named Air Forces, groups and flights have no or minimal staff.
These tactical echelons are designed to increase operational effectiveness rather than to review
and transmit paperwork. The chain of command and responsibility for mission
accomplishment runs through commanders at all levels. Problems, however, often are solved
by staff communication through the functional chain, bypassing echelons where the function
is not found. Component Numbered Air Forces possess a broader staff to support the Air Force
Component Commander. (See paragraph and Figure 26.2)
24.2.5. Standard Levels. Use the standard levels described in Chapter 25 to design
organizations. (T-1). Establish organizations at the lowest level required to accomplish the
primary mission. (T-1). Factors such as the scope of responsibility, span of control, and
functional grouping of related missions and activities are the predominant factors that
determine the organizational type.
24.3. Additional Responsibilities Assigned.
24.3.1. Headquarters Air Force and the Major Commands, Field Operating Agency, and
Direct Reporting Units work toward meeting Air Force organizational goals. AF/A1M leads
and monitors progress. Headquarters Air Force functional chiefs assist in their functional
68 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
24.3.2. AF/A1M is responsible for the administrative control of all units in the Air Force. It
publishes Department of the Air Force (DAF)/A1M letters, which are the legal authority for a
unit and authorize such actions as unit activations, redesignations, and inactivations.
24.3.3. Major commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units must follow
the organizational procedures and standard structures described here. (T-1). A Major
Command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit must have AF/A1M approval to
deviate from a standard structure and to activate, redesignate, or inactivate units (see Chapter
29 for procedures). (T-1). Major commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting
Units approve nonstandard organizational structures while adhering to applicable guidance.
(T-1). Headquarters Air Force offices, designated field operating agencies, and other
supported organizations work with the SAF/AAR for approval of nonstandard organizational
structures. (T-1).
24.3.4. Individual unit commanders must use the standard organizational structures found in
this instruction. (T-1). If a unit's unique mission or location requires a different structure, a
waiver to the standard structure can be requested using the organizational change procedures
found in Chapter 29. Units work with their servicing manpower activity on such requests.
Note: For most field units, this activity is in the Manpower and Organization Flight of the
base Force Support Squadron.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 69
Chapter 25
25.1. Organizational Entities. Air Force organizations will organize their component parts as
establishments, units, and nonunits using the below guidance. (T-1).
25.1.1. Establishment. Air Force organizations will use the term to denote an organizational
entity consisting of a headquarters unit and its subordinate units. (T-1). Headquarters Air
Force, Major Commands, Field Operating Agencies and Direct Reporting Units will put the
name of the establishment in the name of the headquarters unit. (T-1). For example, Air
Mobility Command is an establishment; Headquarters Air Mobility Command is its
headquarters. Major Commands, Field Operating Agencies and Direct Reporting Units assign
subordinate units to the establishment and not to the headquarters unit. (T-1). Major Commands, Field Operating Agencies and Direct Reporting Units will
have groups with subordinate squadrons as the lowest level establishment in their
structures. (T-1). Headquarters Air Force, Major Commands, Field Operating Agencies
and Direct Reporting Units will assign lower level establishments to higher level ones (e.g.,
groups to wings, wings to Numbered and Named Air Forces, Numbered and Named Air
Forces to Major Commands, and Major Commands to the United States Air Force). (T-1).
This arrangement (units reporting to establishments, subordinate establishments to superior
ones) sets up the chain of command, through which all control and accountability flow. Establishments facilitate organizational actions. For example, the reassignment
of a wing (establishment) from one Numbered Force to another automatically reassigns the
wing's subordinate units.
25.1.2. Unit. All Air Force organizations will use the following as the formal definition of a
unit: a military organization constituted by Headquarters Air Force or, for provisional units
only, designated by a Major Command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit. (T-
1). A unit is either named or numbered. A unit helps provide for an unbroken chain of command since military personnel
are always assigned to a unit. A unit will be headed by a “Commander” or, under approved
circumstances, a civilian “Director.” (T-1). Appointment of a civilian to lead a unit
designates that unit as civilian-led. When a civilian is appointed to lead a unit, that
individual is the director of that unit. (In the case of a civilian-led unit, the chain of
command is maintained by having it reside with the first military unit Commander above
the civilian-led unit.) While civilians may provide supervision to military and civilian personnel
in a unit, civilians cannot assume military command or exercise command over military
members within the unit. Units designated to be led by directors will not have
commanders, because command authority will lie with the Commander of a superior
unit, and alternative arrangements for functions, which are performed by commanders,
are required (not waiverable). (T-1). (See AFI 51-509, Appointment to and Assumption
of Command)
70 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 A civilian director of a unit may perform all functions normally performed
by a unit Commander of similar position and authority except as required by law (e.g.,
Uniform Code of Military Justice) or controlling superior authority (e.g., Department
of Defense guidance, instruction by a superior Commander). For guidance concerning
whether an authority or action is explicitly reserved for military commanders, contact
the servicing staff Judge Advocate. Air Force organizations will apply the following terms to units: Active Unit. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a Major
Command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit constituted and activated
by Headquarters Air Force; or a subordinate unit constituted by Headquarters Air
Force, assigned to a Major Command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting
Unit and activated by special order. (T-1). Inactive Unit. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a unit
constituted by Headquarters Air Force but not activated or a unit constituted, activated,
and subsequently inactivated. (T-1). Disbanded Unit. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a unit
whose legal authority for existence is withdrawn by Headquarters Air Force. Its
designation is retired and preserved in historical records. (T-1). Parent Unit. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote an
organization that directly administers units, detachments, or operating locations
assigned to it. (T-1). Provisional Unit. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a
temporary unit organized to perform a specific task. (T-1). (See Chapter 31 for
guidance on provisional units.) Attached Unit. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a unit,
or part of a unit, placed under the control of another organization for a specific purpose
such as operational control, administrative control, or logistic support. (T-1). It is still
assigned to the parent unit. Detached Unit. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a unit
serving away from its organization of assignment. (T-1). It may function
independently, or may be attached to another organization. Primary Subordinate Unit. Air Force organizations will use this term to
denote a unit that performs part or all of the primary mission of the organization to
which it assigned. (T-1). The unit will report to the Commander of the parent
organization and have full authority to execute its assigned mission. (T-1). A primary
subordinate unit’s purpose will be to perform part of its parent organization’s main
mission and not to provide support functions for its parent headquarters. (T-1). Under
a Major Command, examples include Numbered Air Forces, Air University, and the
Air Force Life Cycle Management Center. Similarly, under a wing, squadrons are
primary subordinate units of their group and the groups are primary subordinate units
of the wing.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 71
25.1.3. Nonunit. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote an organizational entity
that is not constituted by Headquarters Air Force as a unit. (T-1). Air Force organizations will
apply the following terms to nonunit organizations: Named Activity. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a part of a
unit whose mission can be identified better by assigning it a definitive name that is
designated in a DAF/A1M letter (e.g., the Civil Engineer School is part of a unit, the Air
Force Institute of Technology). (T-1). Headquarters Air Force administers the designation,
redesignation, and inactivation of named activities and authorizes them by issuing
DAF/A1M letters. Every three years, AF/A1MO conducts a review with the Major
Commands, field operating agencies, Direct Reporting Units, and SAF/AAR to validate
the continuing requirement and proper alignment of named activities. To avoid confusion
with named activities (which are nonunits), do not include the word “Activity” in unit
designations. (T-1). Detachment. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a part of a unit
that is separated geographically from its parent unit and that, although not a unit for
organizational purposes, may have a Commander. (T-1). If a commissioned officer is
assigned and appointed on G-Series orders as a Commander, the Commander has
nonjudicial punishment authority under the Uniform Code of Military Justice unless
withheld by superior competent authority. (See AFI 51-202, Nonjudicial Punishment.) Operating Location. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a part
of a unit that is separated geographically from its parent unit and that cannot have a
commander. (T-1). It is used to account for personnel by location. Personnel remain
assigned to the parent unit. An operating location has none of the administrative attributes
of a unit and does not have nonjudicial punishment authority under the Uniform Code of
Military Justice. Squadron Section. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a function
responsible for the administrative control of all members assigned to a unit and that is
created by appointing a Section Commander on special orders in accordance with guidance
in AFI 51-509. (T-1). A Squadron Section Commander has nonjudicial punishment
authority under the Uniform Code of Military Justice unless withheld by superior
competent authority. (See AFI 51-202.) Section commanders at other organizational levels
may use a term reflecting their unit level (e.g., Group Section Commander). Commander's Support Staff. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote
a function responsible for providing direct support for a unit or Section Commander,
primarily in administering unit personnel and administrative programs. (T-1). In
squadrons, the function uses the office symbol code (OSC) of “CCQ” and office symbol
code title “Orderly Room.” Above the squadron level, the office symbol code is “CSS”
and the office title is “Commander's Support Staff.” When a squadron section exists, this
function falls under it. Air Force Element. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a nonunit
nomenclature used to account for manpower authorizations and to identify Air Force
personnel on duty with organizations outside the Air Force, such as defense Agencies,
defense field activities, and ANG units not in federal service. (T-1). Although not a unit
for organizational purposes, an Air Force Element may function as a unit if so designated
72 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
by the competent authority, an eligible commissioned officer either assumes command or
is appointed to command and Air Force members are assigned or attached to the Air Force
Element. (See paragraph
25.2. Standard Levels of Air Force Organization. Air Force organizations will use the
following terms to denote standard levels of organization used in structuring and designating Air
Force units. (T-1).
25.2.1. Headquarters Air Force. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote the senior
headquarters of the Air Force, consisting of the Secretariat (including the Secretary of the Air
Force and the Secretary's principal staff) and the Air Staff, headed by the Chief of Staff of the
Air Force. (T-1). Detailed information on Headquarters Air Force’s mission, command
structure, and responsibilities can be found in AFMD 1, Headquarters Air Force (HAF).
25.2.2. Major Command. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a major
subdivision of the Air Force that is assigned a major part of the Air Force mission. (T-1). A
Major Command is directly subordinate to Headquarters Air Force. Most Major Commands
have the word Command as part of their designation. Do not include the word “Command” in
the designation of any organization that is not a Major Command. (T-1). Major command
headquarters have the full range of functional staff (excluding functions that have been
centralized elsewhere for Air Force-wide execution). Major commands, in turn, may be
subdivided per either of the organizational schemes shown in Figure 25.1 The levels in each
scheme are in descending order and represent levels of assignment. A unit cannot be assigned
to an organization of equivalent or lower level. (T-1). For example, a group can be assigned
to any organization listed above it, but a group cannot be assigned to another group or a
Figure 25.1. Organizational Schemes.
Unit Oriented Scheme
Scheme with Major Nonunit Organizations. The terms below “Complex” represent internal staff
structure and are not units as defined in paragraph 25.1.2
Directorate (limited use)
Section Lead Major Command. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a
type of Major Command that consolidates responsibilities for a function in a single Major
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 73
Command, supporting the entire Air Force as applicable. (T-1). For example, Air
Education and Training Command is the lead Major Command for education and training. Component Major Command. Air Force organizations will use this term to
denote a type of Major Command that is the Air Force component to a Combatant
Command. (T-1). For example, Pacific Air Forces is a component Major Command that
is the Air Force component to the United States Pacific Command. A component Major
Command is commanded by the Commander, Air Force Forces and includes supporting
staff and all assigned and attached forces. A component Major Command may have one
or more component Numbered or Named Air Force through which it presents its forces to
the Combatant Commander. The component Major Command integrates, at the strategic
level, component activities across all phases of conflict. The component Major Command
staff should not duplicate the functions of the component Numbered Air Force Air Force
Forces staff or air operations center. (See Figure 26.2) The component Major Command
Commander is the Combatant Commander’s theater Commander, Air Force Forces and
may function as a theater Joint Force Air Component Commander when required. Refer
to Air Force Doctrine Document (AFDD) Volume 3, Command, for more information on
component relationships and roles. A Major Command can be both a component Major
Command and a lead Major Command.
25.2.3. Direct Reporting Unit. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a
subdivision of the Air Force, directly subordinate to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force that
performs a mission that does not fit into any Major Command. (T-1). A Direct Reporting Unit
has many of the same administrative and organizational responsibilities as a Major Command.
(See paragraph 29.2.4 for more guidance on the establishment of Direct Reporting Units.) Major Command Direct Reporting Unit. Direct reporting unit also applies to a
subdivision of a Major Command. A Major Command Direct Reporting Unit reports
directly to the Major Command Commander and performs a mission that does not fit into
any of the Major Command's primary subordinate units. (See paragraph 29.2.4 for more
guidance on the establishment of Major Command Direct Reporting Units.)
25.2.4. Field Operating Agency (FOA). Air Force organizations will use this term to denote
a subdivision of the Air Force, directly subordinate to a Headquarters Air Force functional
manager. (T-1). A Field Operating Agency performs field activities beyond the scope of any
Major Command. The activities are specialized or associated with an Air Force-wide mission.
Field operating agencies will minimize staff functions. (T-2). Air Force field operating
agencies usually have the word Agency as part of their designation. Do not include the word
“Agency” in the designation of any organization that is not a Field Operating Agency directly
under Headquarters Air Force. (T-1). Organization guidance for Major Commands also
applies to large Air Force field operating agencies that are structured along Major Command
lines. (See paragraph 29.2.4 for more guidance on the establishment of field operating
agencies.) Major Command Field Operating Agency. Field operating agency also applies
to a subdivision of a Major Command. A Major Command Field Operating Agency reports
directly to a Major Command functional principal (e.g., two-letter office such as “director”)
and performs specialized field activities beyond the scope of any of the Major Command's
primary subordinate units. The activities are specialized and are associated with the Major
74 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Command or theater-wide missions that transcend the scope of routine wing functions.
Major command field operating agencies minimize staff functions. (See paragraph 29.2.4
for more guidance on the establishment of Major Command field operating agencies.)
25.2.5. Numbered or Named Air Force (NAF). Air Force organizations will use this term to
denote a level of command directly under a Major Command providing operational leadership
and supervision. (T-1). A NAF is assigned subordinate units, such as wings, groups, and
squadrons. They do not have complete functional staffs. Numbered or Named Air Forces designated as “Component Numbered Air
Forces” (C-NAF) provide support at the operational and tactical level. When designated
as the Air Force component to a Combatant Command, the component Numbered Air
Force functions at the strategic, operational, and tactical level. A component Numbered
Air Force is authorized a broader staff as depicted in Figure 26.2 The number of persons assigned to a Numbered or Named Air Force
headquarters varies from case to case, but, except for component Numbered Air Forces,
will not exceed 99 manpower authorizations without an approved waiver from AF/A1M.
(T-1). The size of the component Numbered or Named Air Force headquarters staff is not
limited to 99 manpower authorizations.
25.2.6. Wing. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a level of command below
the Numbered or Named Air Force or higher headquarters with a distinct mission with
significant scope and usually composed of a primary mission group (e.g., operations, training)
and the necessary supporting groups. (T-1). By pulling together the mission and support
elements, a wing provides a significant capability under a single commander. It is often
responsible for maintaining the installation. A wing will have several squadrons in more than
one dependent group. (T-1). Wings will have a minimum adjusted population of at least 1,000
per paragraph 25.2.15 (See Table 25.1 for waiver approval authorities). A wing may be either
an operational wing, an air base wing, or a specialized mission wing. Operational Wing. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a wing
that has an operations group and related operational mission activity assigned to it. (T-1).
When an operational wing performs the primary mission of the base, it usually maintains
and operates the base. Also, an operational wing is capable of self-support in functional
areas such as maintenance, supply, and conventional munitions, as needed. When an
operational wing is a tenant organization, the host organization provides it with varying
degrees of base and logistics support. Air Base Wing. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a wing that
performs support rather than an operational mission that maintains and operates a base. (T-
1). An air base wing sometimes provides functional support to a Major Command
headquarters. Specialized Mission Wing. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote
a wing that performs a specialized mission and usually does not have aircraft or missiles
assigned to it (e.g., intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance wing; training wing). (T-
1). This wing may be either a host wing or a tenant wing, depending on whether it
maintains and operates the base.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 75
25.2.7. Group. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a level of command
between wings and squadrons. (T-1). Groups bring together multiple squadrons or other lower
echelon units to provide a broader capability. For instance, a mission support group pulls
together several squadrons in a variety of areas to provide a full spectrum mission support
capability. A group is generally a tactical echelon without significant staff support. A group
has two or more subordinate units. (T-1). Groups will have a minimum adjusted population of
at least 400 per paragraph 25.2.15 (See Table 25.1 for waiver approval authorities). Dependent Group. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a
dependent group is a mission, maintenance, mission support, medical, or large functional
unit (e.g., civil engineer) that encompasses a number of related squadrons to provide the
specified capability to a parent wing. (T-1). Such groups may possess small supporting
staff elements, such as standardization and evaluation or quality control that are organized
as sections. Independent Group. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote an
independent group has the same functions and responsibilities as a similar wing, but its
scope and size do not warrant wing-level designation and associated overhead costs. (T-
25.2.8. Squadron. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote the basic unit in the
Air Force that is the basic building block organization in the Air Force, providing a specific
operational or support capability. (T-1). A squadron may be either a mission unit, such as an
operational flying squadron, or a functional unit, such as a civil engineer, security forces, or
maintenance squadron. A squadron has a substantive mission of its own that warrants
organization as a separate unit based on factors such as unity of command, functional grouping,
and administrative control, balanced with the efficient use of resources. Squadrons vary in
size according to their responsibility but will have a minimum adjusted population of at least
35 per paragraph 25.2.15 (See Table 25.1 for waiver approval authorities). Do not fragment
a capability into multiple squadrons when a single squadron provides a parent wing or group
commander the best approach regarding a coordinated, focused capability under single
direction. In extreme cases, when squadron population exceeds 700 manpower authorizations,
Major Commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units may request the
establishment of two squadrons. Functional squadrons will employ the 7-series numbering
convention in these instances (i.e., “XX” and “7XX” Squadrons). (T-1).
25.2.9. Flight. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a level of organization
lower than a squadron. (T-1). If an internal subdivision is required, a flight may consist of
sections, then elements. A flight may be either a Numbered or Named Flight, alpha flight, or
a functional flight. Numbered or Named Flight. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote
the lowest level unit in the Air Force. (T-1). A Numbered or Named Flight primarily
incorporates smaller elements into an organized unit that is constituted by a DAF/A1M
letter. Its administrative characteristics, such as strength reporting, are like those of a
squadron. As a unit, it is authorized a Commander. Functions requiring unit status that
are not large enough to be squadrons may be considered for Numbered and Named Flight
level. Because a Numbered or Named Flight is a unit, it is assigned to an establishment at
76 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
the group level or higher rather than to a squadron. Examples of this type of flight are the
497th Combat Training Flight and Air Mobility Command Safety Flight. Alpha Flight. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a part of a
squadron (usually a mission squadron) and composed of several elements performing
identical missions. (T-1). Because an alpha flight is not a unit, it is not subject to unit
reporting. An example of this type of flight is an “A” flight in an operations squadron. Functional Flight. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a
squadron composed of elements performing specific missions. (T-1). Because a functional
flight is not a unit, it is not subject to unit reporting. An example of this type of flight is a
Manpower and Organization Flight in a Force Support Squadron.
25.2.10. Center. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a named unit that
performs a specialized mission, typically for a larger function that performs most of its mission
at one location and has few subordinate units such as the Space and Missile Systems Center.
(T-1). However, extremely large centers such as those for sustainment, life cycle management,
and test may have multiple subordinate units and nonunits at several locations.
25.2.11. Laboratory. Air Force organizations may use this term to denote an organization that
performs research or advanced development missions.
25.2.12. Region. Air Force organizations may use this term to denote a unit whose
organization is geographic.
25.2.13. Complex. Air Force organizations may use this term to denote a named unit that
performs a related set of missions within some specialized facilities predominantly on one
installation. Predominantly used for sustainment, research, or development missions (e.g., the
air logistics complexes and the Arnold Engineering Development Complex).
25.2.14. Named Component Headquarters. Air Force organizations will use this term to
denote a named unit that serves as an Air Force component to a Combatant Command. (T-1).
It is a command echelon under a Major Command. Named component headquarters plan,
command, control, execute, and assess air, space, and information operations across the full
range of military operations. Air Force forces and units are assigned or attached as required to
support the Combatant Command.
25.2.15. Organization Size Guidance for Wings, Groups, and Squadrons. Adjusted population minimums shall be 1,000 for wings, 400 for groups and 35
for squadrons (See Table 25.1 for waiver approval authorities). Adjusted populations
include: Funded manpower authorizations as reflected in the Manpower
Programming and Execution System (See Attachment 2). Average daily student load (ADSL) or, for the United States Air Force
Academy, cadets or preparatory school cadet candidates. Compute ADSL for adjusted
populations per this instruction as follows: Multiply the number of course days by the
total number of students and then divide that result by 246 (the annual available days
for training in line with similar AETC computations). Round to the nearest whole
number (round up for .5 and above and round down for .49 and below). ADSL can be
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 77
included only for training courses approved at Major Command level or higher and for
which the unit has significant student oversight responsibilities. A percentage of the contractor workforce. Specifically, one-third of the
contractor full-time equivalent reflected in the Manpower Programming and Execution
System for a unit may be counted when: The contractor full-time equivalent portion counts for no more than
30 percent of the adjusted population used to meet unit size minimums. In other
words, before contractor full-time equivalents may be considered, adjusted
populations are at least 700 for wings, 280 for groups and 25 for squadrons. This guidance recognizes the role of contractors in mission
accomplishment while reflecting the reduced supervisory responsibilities. It also
ensures Air Force units are made up of predominantly Air Force assets. Additional Specialized Guidance. A unit reflected as a squadron in the Force Tabs may maintain its squadron
status regardless of size. (SAF/FMP maintains the Force Tabs as part of the Program
Data System per AFI 16-402, Aerospace Vehicle Programming, Assignment,
Distribution, Accounting and Termination.) A wing with other dependent groups may have an operations group if it
has multiple squadrons reflected in the Force Tabs, regardless of the operations group’s
size. An Associate unit may be a squadron if the unit whose weapons system(s)
it shares is a squadron. Refer to AFI 90-1001, Planning Total Force Associations
(TFAs), for further information on associated units. Additional Specialized Guidance for ANG and Air Force Reserve
Command units. Using standard wing and group organization structures in the Air
Reserve Component enhances their ability to transition smoothly to the expeditionary
environment and interface with Regular Air Force organizations, although Air Reserve
Component wings and groups are often smaller because of factors such as a more
experienced workforce with a smaller trainee population, fewer aircraft at a location,
and smaller installation support infrastructure. Air Reserve Component units follow
standard unit size and organizational guidance in all other respects, except for: Specialized adjusted population minimums for ANG and Air Force
Reserve Command units shall be 750 for wings and 200 for groups (See Table 25.1
for waiver approval authorities). An ANG or Air Force Reserve Command wing with other
dependent groups may have an operations group if it has at least one operations
squadron that is reflected in the Force Tabs or is an associate squadron, plus at least
one other unit (e.g., operations support squadron). This is like the guidance for
Regular Air Force operations groups but reflects that many Air Reserve Component
wings have only one flying unit. Adjusted populations for ANG units may include a percentage of
the State employees. This recognizes the contribution of State employees while
78 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
reflecting the differing roles and supervisory aspects. Specifically, one-third of the
State employees for a unit may be counted when the State employee portion counts
for no more than 30 percent of the adjusted population used to meet unit size
minimums. In other words, before State employees may be considered, adjusted
populations (excluding contractor full-time equivalents) are at least 525 for wings,
140 for groups and 25 for squadrons. Contractor full-time equivalents are excluded
from the adjusted population when assessing if the State employee portion counts
for no more than 30 percent to ensure units are made up predominantly of assets
directly associated with Air Force. The specified percentages of State employees
and contractor full-time equivalents may be included in the final total adjusted
population if the minimums have been met. Additional Specialized Guidance for Medical Units. Medical squadrons will follow the standard size guidance and
applicable standard structures in this instruction (See Table 25.1 for waiver
approval authorities). Regardless of size, medical groups are authorized when all the
following are met: the organization reports to a wing per Figure 26.3, Wing
Structure, in this instruction; the organization is structured per the medical group
standard structures in this instruction; and the organization has multiple subordinate
squadrons that meet standard size guidance and follow the standard structures in
this instruction. Medical wings will follow the standard size guidance for wings and
have multiple subordinate groups (See Table 25.1 for waiver approval authorities). The specialized medical unit guidance does not apply to Air Reserve
Component units per paragraph 26.27.4 which specifies the standard medical
group structures do not apply to the Air Reserve Component. Because of the
organization threshold review of medical units, AF/SG addresses the Air Reserve
Component medical units and their structure in the Medical Flight Path. Additional Specialized Guidance for Comptroller Squadrons. This
guidance applies to comptroller squadrons to recognize their fiduciary requirements
and responsibility for wing staff administration. Comptroller squadrons that provide
administrative and Uniform Code of Military Justice support to their parent wing
headquarters staff per paragraph 26.4.2, may adjust their population to include one-
third of that wing staff’s funded military manpower authorizations. This additional
population can account for no more than 30 percent of the adjusted population needed
to meet squadron size minimums. In other words, before wing staff may be considered,
a comptroller squadron has at least 25 funded manpower authorizations. Additional Specialized Guidance for Overseas Units with Foreign
National Indirect Hire Civilian Employees. Adjusted populations for overseas units
may include a percentage of foreign national indirect hire employees. This recognizes
the contribution of those employees while reflecting the differing roles and supervisory
aspects. Specifically, one-third of foreign national indirect hire employees
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 79
for a unit may be counted when the foreign national indirect hire employee portion
counts for no more than 30 percent of the adjusted population used to meet unit size
minimums. In other words, before they may be considered, adjusted populations
(excluding contractor full-time equivalents) are at least 700 for wings, 280 for
groups and 25 for squadrons. Contractor full-time equivalents are excluded from the adjusted
population when assessing if the foreign national indirect hire employee portion
counts for no more than 30 percent to ensure units are made up predominantly of
assets directly associated with the Air Force. The specified percentages of foreign
national indirect hire employees and contractor full-time equivalents may be
included in the final total adjusted population if the minimums have been met. MAJCOM/A1Ms will monitor unit sizes on an ongoing basis to ensure units
are named and organized per the guidance in this instruction. (T-1). AF/A1M reviews wing, group, and squadron sizes every two years to ensure
compliance with organization size guidance. Approval levels for waivers to wing, group
and squadron size guidance are shown in Table 25.1 AF/A1M provides guidance on how
to submit waiver requests during the biennial reviews. Paragraph provides
guidance on requesting wing, group, and squadron size waivers that are needed as part of
an organization change request at other times.
Table 25.1. Decision Levels for Waivers to Wing, Group, and Squadron Size Guidance.
Type of Unit
Approval Level
Disapproval Level
Dependent Group
Independent Group
Secretary of the Air Force and Chief of Staff of the Air Force are informed of all wing, group,
and squadron size waivers. Expeditionary Units. Major commands will strive to organize expeditionary
units per the organization size guidance but may authorize variances when necessary
because of factors such as operational needs, relationships with other Service or coalition
forces, or to avoid turbulence because of population fluctuations. (T-1). (See Chapter 31
for general guidance on provisional units.)
25.3. Standard Elements of Air Force Organization. Air Force organizations will use the
following terms to denote organizational elements within command and staff functions:
25.3.1. Command. Air Force organizations will use the term Commander to denote an officer who
occupies a position of command under orders of appointment or by the assumption of
command per AFI 51-509. (T-1). This designation is used in all Air Force units except
for: The United States Air Force Academy, which is commanded by a
80 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 Other school organizations, which may be commanded by commandants.
Commandants of nonunit school organizations are not commanders. A unit with a civilian leader. When a civilian is appointed to lead a unit,
that individual is the director of the unit. A unit designated to be led by a civilian
director will not have a Commander, Section Commander or detachment Commander
(this is not waiverable). Internal functional flight heads using the duty title of “flight
commander” may continue to use this title since they are not unit commanders with
corresponding legal command authority. (T-1). Major command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit
headquarters may approve the designation of a unit to be led by a civilian director
instead of a military Commander subject to the restrictions within this instruction
or other applicable guidance. Headquarters Air Force approval under the waiver
process in this instruction is required for approval under any other circumstances. Civilian unit directors must be full-time Department of the Air Force
appropriated fund employees who have completed any applicable probationary
periods. (T-1). Civilian unit directors must be United States citizens. (T-1). A unit will not have a civilian unit director and must have a military
Commander if: the unit is committed as a unit to a combat mission or to fill a
mobility requirement; the unit or an organization subordinate to the unit has a flying
mission; the unit has a medical mission; the unit is above wing level (Exception:
This restriction does not apply to Air Force Field Operating Agency and Major
Command Field Operating Agency headquarters units); the unit is one whose leader
may normally function as an installation Commander; the unit is an expeditionary
or provisional unit; or the unit is in the Air Force Reserve Command or ANG (this
restriction does not limit traditional Reserve and ANG Technician arrangements;
see AFI 51-509 for more guidance specific to Air Reserve Component
commanders). (T-1). Since civilians cannot exercise command over military members, and
no member of the unit or subordinate unit can assume command of the unit, it is
advisable to establish a succession plan for leadership of the unit so it is prepared
for the possibility that the civilian leader might become incapacitated. Refer to AFI
51-509 for guidance on command authority matters for units led by civilian
directors. Civilian unit leaders will use an office symbol code of “CL” (Civilian
Unit Leader). (T-1). Civilian unit leaders will not use the title “Commander” nor
an office symbol code of “CC” (Commander). (T-1). Since units with civilian leaders do not have commanders, the
titles and office symbol codes for Vice Commander (CV) and Deputy
Commander (CD) cannot be used for either military or civilian members in such
units. When authorized, a primary subordinate who shares the civilian
director’s duties and acts for the director in the director’s absence will use the
title “Deputy Director” and the office symbol code of “DD.” (T-1). The title
“Vice Director” and office symbol code of “DV” will be used for such a primary
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 81
subordinate at center or wing level. (T-1). Civilians who are subordinates in units commanded by officers
cannot use the titles “Vice Commander,” “Deputy Commander,” “Deputy to
the Commander” or any similar title that denotes or implies the ability to
exercise command authority in a Commander’s absence. Such civilians will use
a title of “deputy” and office symbol code of “DD.” (T-1). Vice Commander. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote an officer
who shares a commander's duties and acts for the Commander during the commander's
absence at wing, center and Numbered or Named Air Force level. (T-1). If eligible, and
the officer properly assumes or is appointed to command under the provisions of AFI 51-
509, a deputy Commander may exercise all command authority during the assigned
Commander’s absence. Where the Air Force is the lead Service at a joint base, the officer
(irrespective of the branch of Military Service) designated the "Deputy Joint Base
Commander" will perform the functions of the Vice Commander at wing level. (T-1). Installation Commander. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote
the host unit Commander who is responsible for maintaining and operating the installation.
(T-1). This individual discharges the duties directed by United States statutes or Air Force
directives to be performed by the Installation Commander. Deputy Commander. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote an
officer who shares the Commander’s duties and acts for the Commander during the
Commander’s absence at Major Command or group level. (T-1). If eligible, and the officer
properly assumes or is appointed to command under the provisions of AFI 51-509, a deputy
Commander may exercise all command authority during the assigned Commander’s
25.3.2. Staff. Chief of Staff. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote the Chief of
Staff of the Air Force, with the only variance for component Numbered or Named Air
Forces. (T-1). (See Figure 26.2 for a variance for component Numbered or Named Air
Forces.) Deputy Chief of Staff. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote an
officer who oversees a major portion of the Air Staff and who reports directly to the Chief
of Staff of the Air Force. (T-1). A Deputy Chief of Staff supervises the activities of
directorates and field operating agencies. Director of Staff. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a staff
element reporting directly to the Major Command Deputy Commander that oversees
executive services, orderly room, and command section activities. (T-1). Wings may use
this title when authorized by a manpower standard. (T-2). Directorate. Air Force organizations will use this term to denote a staff element
at Headquarters Air Force or Major Command level that is a decision-making level which
performs a range of related staff functions and normally supervises the activities of
divisions and field operating agencies. (T-1).
82 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 Directorates are also authorized in large Headquarters Air Force field
operating agencies and in large centers and laboratories (about 500 authorizations)
which oversee major mission areas and key Air Force programs or support functions. Division. Normally aligned as a staff element in Headquarters Air Force, a Major
Command, Numbered or Named Air Force, center, Field Operating Agency, or equivalent.
Divisions supervise the activities of branches if the organization is large enough to require
branches. Organizations that hold squadron status in the wing structure can be aligned as
divisions when the head of the organization is a civilian (e.g., Contracting Divisions). Branch. A staff element that performs a specific portion of a division's mission.
Branches may be further subdivided into sections and elements. Branches supervise the
activities of sections and elements. However, sections and elements are only authorized if
the organization performs technical, highly specialized workload or if the supervisor-to-
worker ratio is higher than 10-to-1. If further subdivision of a branch is required, a team
leader approach is the preferred arrangement.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 83
Chapter 26
26.1. Organization Structure.
26.1.1. This chapter prescribes standard organizational structures for use to the lowest level
shown. Illustrative figures include approved organizational titles. (See Figures 26.1 through
26.36) Organization structures are illustrated to the lowest mandatory levels. Headquarters Air
Force and Major Command functional and manpower, organization, and resources focal points
are authorized to develop standard organization structures below the mandatory level. This
chapter also reflects standard office symbol codes.
26.1.2. Organizational Variations. Each figure depicts a standard organizational structure for
a unit or function. AF/A1M must approve any variations from the standard structure. (T-1).
Variations from standard structures should have a clear, overriding purpose that has easily
recognizable and defensible organizational and cost benefits. Major commands, field
operating agencies and Direct Reporting Units submit variation requests as described in
Chapter 29 of this instruction when a standard function does not exist at a location, when
functions are combined because of small size, or when units are responsible for activities not
accounted for in standard structures.
26.1.3. Functions and Responsibilities. Each figure depicts the standard organizational
structure and accompanying paragraphs list typical functions and responsibilities performed
by an organization. These functions and responsibilities are not comprehensive but are
intended to give an understanding of activity that fits in each organizational block.
26.1.4. The standard squadron organizational structures prescribed in Chapter 26 also apply
to units with the respective unit kinds that are organized as Numbered Flights because of
organization size guidance. When the unit is a Numbered Flight, the internal subdivisions are
26.1.5. The standard organizational structures prescribed in Chapter 26 also apply to
similarly named units that include “Special Operations” in their designations.
26.2. Numbered and Named Air Force. The Numbered and Named Air Force is a command
echelon directly under a Major Command that is focused on ensuring the readiness of assigned
forces. It prepares forces for deployment and employment.
26.2.1. Basic Numbered and Named Air Force Structure. The basic Numbered and Named
Air Force structure is in Figure 26.1
84 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure 26.1. Basic Numbered and Named Air Force Structure (Does not apply to
component Numbered Air Forces).
26.2.2. Component Numbered Air Force Structure. The component Numbered Air Force
structure is in Figure 26.2
Figure 26.2. Component Numbered Air Force Structure. A component Numbered Air Force is a specialized category of Numbered and
Named Air Force that is structured to perform an operational and warfighting mission in
support of a Combatant Command. The component Numbered and Named Air Force is a
command echelon directly under a Major Command. The component Numbered Air Force
plans, commands, controls, executes, and assesses air, space, and information operation
capabilities across the full range of military operations. The component Numbered Air
Force normally consists of an Air Force Forces staff and an air operations center as depicted
in Figure 26.2 Air Force Forces and units are assigned or attached as required to support
the Combatant Command.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 85 Organization Variations. Elements of personal staff may be reduced or
eliminated as much as practical through support agreements and reach back. The personal
staff may include Protocol (CCP), Political and Military Advisor (CCT), Judge Advocate
(JA), Public Affairs (PA), Historian (HO), Chaplain (HC), Safety (SE), Surgeon (SG),
Financial Management (FM), Reserve Affairs (RE), Information Protection (IP), and
Inspector General (IG). The rest of the component Numbered Air Force staff consists of
the standard Air Force A1A9 staff functions. (See Figure 27.1 and paragraph 27.4.4
for information on A-staff office symbol codes.) A-staff two-digit functions may be linked
(e.g., A3 and A5 as A3/5), but separate functional staffs are maintained. Component
Numbered Air Forces are authorized to use the “Chief of Staff” (CS) title as a variance to
paragraph of this instruction. Component Numbered Air Force responsibilities
may vary depending on the capabilities provided by the Major Command. 26.3 Standard
Figure 26.3. Wing Structure.
26.3.1. Standard Wing Structure and Responsibilities. The standard wing generates and
employs combat capability. One Commander has the authority and responsibility to command
the wing. The standard operational wing structure is a wing with four dependent groups
(Operations, Maintenance, Mission Support, and Medical) with related functions and
disciplines aligned under the appropriate group. Generally, only the wing staff, comptroller
unit, and the four group commanders report directly to the wing Commander. So, the wing
86 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Commander concentrates on the wing's primary mission and delegates authority to
subordinates so they can accomplish their responsibilities. Major wing functions are divided
among a few principal subordinates, each accountable for carrying out a specific part of the
wing mission. Responsibilities are clearly defined, and duplication is avoided. While the
standard wing is organized for combat operations, its basic structure is applied to all types of
wings (for instance, air base and specialized mission wings).
26.3.2. Organization Variations. Where applicable, air control squadrons are part of the Operations Group. Where applicable, munitions squadrons are part of the Maintenance Group. Where applicable, aerial port squadrons are part of the Mission Support Group.
Aerial port squadron alignment is under review.
26.3.3. Staffing of a Standard Wing. A wing is organized as an operational unit with
manpower requirements set at those levels required for mission success. A standard or core
manpower level exists for each organization defined in this instruction.
Figure 26.4. Wing Staff Structure.
26.4.1. Wing Staff Organization. Wing staff functions report to the wing Commander. A
wing staff function may be referred to as an office, e.g., a Public Affairs Office. The senior
staff member is referred to as the Chief. Figure 26.4 and the related descriptions in the
subparagraphs under 26.4.1 reflect separate wing staff functional offices. This does not include
individual positions or activities immediately under the “CC” or “CV” as reflected by “CC” or
“CV” office symbol codes, such as the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (CVS), Drug
Demand Reduction Program (CVD), or Installation Resilience Program (CVB). Public Affairs (PA). Provides guidance to commanders regarding
communicating information about Air Force activities to the Department of Defense, Air
Force, domestic and international audiences. Provides visual information services and
visual information documentation of significant events. Gives commanders awareness of
the public information environment. Directs media and community relations activities.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 87
Provides security and guidance review of publicly releasable information. Only wings with
host installation responsibilities are authorized a Public Affairs office without SAF/PA
waiver. Safety (SE). Advises commanders and supervisors on safety requirements and
issues. Manages wing United States Air Force Mishap Prevention Program to help preserve
vital resources and enhance mission capability. History (HO). Provides commanders and staffs with research services; prepares
official histories and other publications. Judge Advocate (JA). Advises wing and subordinate commanders on all matters
affecting Air Force operations across all legal domains. Advises commanders on military
justice and disciplinary matters, prosecutes courts-martial and represents the government
in administrative separation hearings. Provides personal legal assistance. Provides legal
advice to military investigative agencies. Represents Air Force interests in environmental,
civilian labor and utility rate matters and advises on contract law and related civil law
issues. Acts as Air Force liaison with federal, state, and local legal authorities. Advises
commanders and staffs on international and operational law matters. Drafts and reviews
operation and exercise contingency plans for compliance with the law of war. Command Post (CP). Implements emergency action and quick reaction checklist
procedures and controls assigned forces; operates communications systems; maintains and
provides communications security and area security; monitors alert force status; monitors
airfield, weather, and navigational aid status. Coordinates and reports maintenance actions.
Only one command post is authorized on each installation unless otherwise approved under
AFMAN 10-207, Command Posts. Chaplain (HC). Provides spiritual care and the opportunity for authorized
personnel to exercise their constitutional right to the free exercise of religion by conducting
religious observances and providing pastoral care. Advises leadership on spiritual, ethical,
moral, morale, core values, and religious accommodation issues. Information Protection (IP). Wing’s principal advisor on the implementation of
the Air Force’s Personnel, Industrial, and Information Security Programs used to define
risk associated with the protection of collateral classified national security, controlled
unclassified, and other sensitive information. Plans (XP). Develops, coordinates, and publishes wing plans. Acts as the
exercise administrator of the Crisis Action Team, Installation Command Center, and
Emergency Operations Center. Wing commanders may approve eliminating “plansas a
separate office and merging its responsibilities and resources into the wing Inspector
General Office. Equal Opportunity (EO). Assists commanders at all levels to proactively engage
all Airmen in the pursuit of equal opportunity. Includes implementation of various equal
opportunity programs (e.g., Complaint Program, Human Relations Program, Climate
Assessment Program, Alternate Dispute Resolution Program that include conflict
consulting, Affirmative Employment Program, Disability Program and Special Emphasis
Programs). Educates and trains all Airmen to make workplace professionalism a top
88 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
priority and to take proactive steps to prevent, correct, and eliminate unlawful
discriminatory behavior. Inspector General (IG). Plans, directs, conducts, and monitors inspector general
programs. Executes the complaints resolution and the fraud, waste, and abuse programs
per AFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution. Manages the wing-level
Commander’s Inspection Program and evaluates the wing's Self-Assessment Program per
AFI 90-201, The Air Force Inspection System. Is the wing gatekeeper for all inspections.
Inspects and reports on the wing's management of resources, leadership, improving the unit
and mission execution to the Commander. Trains and oversees the Wing Inspection Team
26.4.2. Wing staff personnel are attached to the Comptroller Squadron for administrative and
Uniform Code of Military Justice purposes. For wings that do not have a Comptroller Squadron or that have a civilian-led
Comptroller Squadron, wing staff personnel are attached to the Force Support Squadron.
In this case, if the Force Support Squadron is civilian-led, the wing staff personnel are
attached to the Mission Support Group headquarters unit. MAJCOM/A1s, in coordination with their Major Command Judge Advocates
(MAJCOM/JA), may approve variances to the above wing staff attachments if necessary
to avoid inappropriate reporting relationships such as between spouses. The variances will
last the minimum time needed to avoid the inappropriate relationship. (T-2). If a wing does not have any units specified in paragraphs 26.4.2 or, the
wing Commander may attach wing staff personnel to another unit for administrative and
Uniform Code of Military Justice purposes. Guidance in paragraph 26.4.2 concerning attachment of wing staff personnel
also applies to independent group staffs. The guidance in this paragraph concerning
Comptroller Squadrons also applies to Regular Air Force Comptroller Flights.
Figure 26.5. Comptroller Squadron Structure.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 89
26.5.1. Comptroller Squadron (FM) Functions and Responsibilities. This squadron provides
financial analysis and services, including budget development and execution, cost, and
economic analysis, pay and travel services and liaison with the Defense Finance and
Accounting Service.
26.5.2. Nonappropriated Funds Financial Analysis (FMN). This area provides independent
financial management oversight and analysis of morale, welfare, and recreation and lodging
programs and activities on the base, along with other special nonappropriated fund programs.
Supports the installation Commander, the comptroller, and Force Support Squadron
26.5.3. Quality Assurance (FMQ). Develops and maintains a practical Quality Assurance
Program for squadron operations. Includes performing quality review inspections, developing
internal review checklists and ensuring squadron internal controls are in place and working.
26.5.4. Financial Analysis Flight (FMA). Plans, develops, and presents all budget and fund
requirements for the installation to the Major Command or other higher headquarters.
Responsibilities for financial analysis encompass economic analysis and execution of
appropriated Air Force funds, including applicability and propriety of fund usage, to ensure
their most effective use in support of Air Force programs and priorities. This flight updates
accounting data. It also provides financial management function accounting for host and tenant
unit commanders in the execution of funding authorities and liaison service among units,
vendors and Defense Finance and Accounting Service. The flight performs commitment
accounting and fund certification for the Government Purchase Card Program, fund cite
authorizations, fund control messages, and other funding authorizations. Obligates and
authenticates temporary duty and emergency leave orders and performs follow up on
outstanding orders and advances.
26.5.5. Financial Operations Flight (FMF). Provides military, travel, and civilian pay services
for all personnel. Performs in and out-processing for a permanent change of station,
separations, and retirements pay, and assistance with the Defense Travel System. This flight
manages debt programs, dependency determinations, and recertification of entitlements. It
processes documents to update pay, allowance, leave, allotment, and tax information. Audits
temporary duty travel claims, trains, and oversees unit leave monitors and timekeepers,
processes time and attendance records for updates to the Defense Civilian Pay System and
performs disbursing and cashier functions.
90 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure 26.6. Operations Group Structure.
Note: Major commands may align Intelligence in the Operations Group headquarters or the
Operations Support Squadron. (See Figures 26.7 and 26.8) Major commands notify AF/A1MO
and the Headquarters Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff/Intelligence, Surveillance and
Reconnaissance and Cyberspace Effects Operations (AF/A2/6) Force Management Division
(AF/A2/6FD) when changing a wing's Intelligence organizational alignment.
26.6.1. Operations Group Functions and Responsibilities. The Operations Group operates
primary mission equipment.
26.6.2. Standardization and Evaluation (OGV). Performs group aircrew standardization and
evaluation program functions.
26.6.3. Intelligence (OGI). Provides intelligence support for the wing during all phases of
conflict and decision making. Trains aircrew and operators and prepares the wing for
contingency and wartime missions. Provides intelligence tailored to the wing's operational
mission and base support activities. Provides full-spectrum threat assessments and mission
planning in support of deployments, contingencies, and combat operations. Major commands
may align Intelligence in the Operations Group headquarters or the Operations Support
Squadron. (See Figures 26.6 and 26.7) Major commands notify AF/A1MO and AF/A2/6FD
when changing a wing's Intelligence organizational alignment.
26.6.4. Organization Variations. Except for the lettered flights, an Operations Group Commander has the
discretion to combine operations squadron functions with similar functions in an
Operations Support Squadron or in an Operations Group staff in cases where effectiveness
and efficiency may be improved. Where applicable, Air Control Squadrons are part of an Operations Group.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 91 An Operations Group Commander may attach individual “OGI”-assigned
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance personnel to the operations squadrons under
“OGI” administrative control or assign individual intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance Airmen to the operations squadrons.
Figure 26.7. Operations Support Squadron Structure.
Note: Major commands may align Intelligence in the Operations Group headquarters or the
Operations Support Squadron. (See Figures 26.7 and 26.8) Major commands notify AF/A1MO
and AF/A2/6FD when changing a wing's Intelligence organizational alignment.
26.7.1. Operations Support Squadron (OS) Functions and Responsibilities. Provides support
to operations squadrons in designated areas.
26.7.2. Weapons and Tactics Flight (OSK). Develops procedures and unit tactics for planning
and employing operational mission and wing assets. Advises wing staff on operational
capabilities, limitations, and status of resources.
26.7.3. Airfield Operations Flight (OSA). Provides airfield management and air traffic
operations services to the installation’s flying wing, transient and civilian airfield, and air
traffic users. The flight typically supports the flying mission in a single terminal environment;
however, it may also include enroute control, range complexes, and multiple airfields. Air
Operations (AO) facilities typically operate 16-24 hours per day with assigned personnel
working rotating shifts to support the unit’s primary flying mission. Typical Airfield
Operations Flights also include a Radar, Airfield & Weather System (RAWS) section
responsible for maintaining air traffic control and airfield equipment supporting the safe
takeoff, landing, and navigation of all aircraft transiting the base or airspace controlled by the
base (this function may also be a separate flight per paragraph 26.7.9).
26.7.4. Current Operations Flight (OSO). Responsible for all wing flying operations.
Monitors and directs flying, scheduling, and training. Manages the flying hour program and
flight simulator systems and provides centralized flight records support. Coordinates wing
combat mission planning and sortie allocation. Provides inspection support and coordinates
deployment requirements for an Operations Group.
26.7.5. Aircrew Flight Equipment Flight (OSL). Performs functions that enhance aircrew
performance and preserve human lives through proper equipment integration of the human and
92 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
the weapons system. Issues, fits, repairs, and maintains critical mission performance and
lifesaving equipment such as parachutes, helmets, nuclear flash and thermal protection devices,
oxygen equipment, antigravity garments, anti-exposure suits, aircrew ocular devices, survival
kits, life preservers, rafts, electronic communications, helmet mounted weapons integration
devices, and aircrew chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear equipment. Instructs aircrew
on the proper use and care of equipment under normal, contingency, and chemical, biological,
radiological, and nuclear operations. Responsible for aircrew contamination mitigation;
maintains and sets up aircrew contamination control areas, and processes aircrew through
26.7.6. Weather Flight (OSW). Provides weather services for all operations on base, all
activities supported by the base, and Air Reserve Component activities as directed. Prepares
and disseminates weather information for base resource protection from severe weather and
other environmental effects. Provides weather inputs into Department of Defense databases to
support Department of Defense operations worldwide. Provides tailored weather input to
satisfy specific combat operations and weapon system requirements.
26.7.7. Intelligence (IN). Provides intelligence support for the wing during all phases of
conflict and decision making. Trains aircrew and operators and prepares the wing for
contingency and wartime missions. Provides intelligence tailored to the wing's operational
mission and base support activities. Provides full-spectrum threat assessments and mission
planning in support of deployments, contingencies, and combat operations. Major commands
may align Intelligence in the Operations Group headquarters or the Operations Support
Squadron. (See Figures 26.6 and 26.7) Major commands notify AF/A1MO and AF/A2/6FD
when changing a wing's Intelligence organizational alignment.
26.7.8. Operations Plans Flight (OSX) (Optional). All Major Commands are authorized a
variation to perform operations plans functions in an Operations Support Squadron to
accommodate their deployment missions.
26.7.9. Radar, Airfield and Weather System Flight (OSM) (Optional). Provides air traffic
control and landing systems maintenance in support of wing, transient and civil air operations.
These services include maintenance of legacy radar, navigational aids, weather, and air traffic
control radio systems. Flight personnel also provide limited support for systems maintained
by regional maintenance centers. All Major Commands are authorized a variation to realign
these activities from the airfield operations flight to create this flight if size and workload
permit. At a minimum, the air traffic control and landing systems maintenance flight is led by
a senior master sergeant or GS-9.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 93
Figure 26.8. Operations Squadron Structure.
26.8.1. Operations Squadron Functions and Responsibilities. Provides flying weapons system
crews and mission and mobility planning; weapons and tactics; scheduling; training;
standardization and evaluation; command, control, communications, and computers; aviation
resource management; squadron medical element; and administration. Applies to all kinds of
squadrons operating aircraft (e.g., fighter, airlift, bomb, flying training, special operations,
flight test, reconnaissance).
26.8.2. Operations Officer (DCO). Oversees daily operations.
26.8.3. Weapons and Tactics (DCOK). Ensures assigned personnel are familiar with unit
mission and taskings and expected enemy threats. Assesses unit combat capability; provides
inputs to unit training programs; ensures appropriate tactics related study materials are
available; ensures tactics information is disseminated to unit personnel; and develops
procedures and materials required for mission planning.
26.8.4. Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (DCOC). Provides command,
control, communications, and computers support as required to conduct the unit mission.
26.8.5. Scheduling (DCOS). Determines, obtains, and implements flight, ground, and
simulator scheduling requirements for upgrade, initial qualification, requalification, transition,
currency, and continuation training based on syllabus requirements; student progression;
weather; equipment and range availability; and Commander-directed programs.
94 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
26.8.6. Mobility and Plans (DCOX). Develops contingency plans that include mobilizing and
deploying the squadron and associated equipment in support of higher headquarters taskings
and operations orders.
26.8.7. Training (DCOT). Maintains training records for individual training and evaluations.
26.8.8. Aviation Resource Management (DCOR). Manages flying resources. Provides
guidance and procedures for rated officers, career enlisted aviators, nonrated aircrew,
Missileers, and aviation resource management.
26.8.9. Standardization and Evaluation (DOV). Performs functions as directed in AFI 11-202
Volume 2, Aircrew Standardization and Evaluation Program, and associated instructions in
the applicable aircrew evaluation criteria.
26.8.10. Safety (SE). Manages the unit’s safety program per applicable 91-series AFIs.
26.8.11. Squadron Medical Element (SME). Flight and Operational Medicine Clinic
personnel assigned to and integrated into the operations squadron. This element performs
medical duties per AFI 48-149, Flight and Operational Medicine Program (FOMP).
26.8.12. Lettered Flights (DOFA, B, C, etc.). Provide aircrews to perform the unit mission.
If only a single flight is needed it is designated “Forces” (DOF).
26.8.13. Organization Variations. The number of lettered flights may be varied to adjust flight
size for optimum mission capability. (See “Organization Variations” under paragraph 26.6,
Operations Group.)
Figure 26.9. Operations Squadron Structure for Missile Squadrons.
26.9.1. Missile Squadrons Functions and Responsibilities. Provides crews for strategic
missile operations.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 95
26.9.2. Lettered Flights (DOOA, B, C, etc.; rather than starting with “A” in each squadron,
AFGSC may determine the specific letters for each squadron based on local requirements).
Provide crews to perform the unit mission.
26.9.3. Weapons and Tactics (DOK). Ensures assigned personnel are familiar with unit
mission and taskings and expected enemy threats. Assesses unit combat capability; provides
inputs to unit training programs; ensures appropriate tactics related study materials are
available; ensures tactics information is disseminated to unit personnel; and develops
procedures and materials required for mission planning.
Figure 26.10. Operations Squadron Structure for Space Operations and Space Warning
26.10.1. Space Operations Squadron Functions and Responsibilities. Supports satellite
programs including the global positioning system, Defense satellite communications system,
wideband global satellite communications, Milstar, Defense Meteorological Satellite Program,
space-based space surveillance, operationally responsive space-1, advanced extremely high
frequency, and the worldwide Air Force Satellite Control Network.
26.10.2. Space Warning Squadron Functions and Responsibilities. Provides early warning of
strategic ballistic missile and theater ballistic missile attacks and foreign space launches.
Tracks and catalogs man-made objects in space, from those in near-Earth orbit to objects up to
22,300 miles above the Earth's surface.
26.10.3. Organization Variations. A Major Command may authorize special staff functions
as necessary (i.e., Chaplain, Comptroller, Safety, and Equal Opportunity). Geographically
separated units may be authorized special staff functions.
96 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure 26.11. Operations Squadron Structure for Aeromedical Evacuation Squadrons.
26.11.1. Aeromedical Evacuation (AE) Squadron Functions and Responsibilities. Provides
for safe and expeditious evacuation of patients to save life, limb, and eyesight; prevent undue
suffering, and preserve military strength. Provides time-critical in route care of patients to and
between medical treatment facilities with medical aircrew trained explicitly for this mission.
26.11.2. Standardization and Evaluation (AEV). Manages and conducts flight and emergency
procedures evaluations. Responsible for the aircrew examination, flight publication, and flight
evaluation folder maintenance and review programs. Conducts review and certification
26.11.3. Operations Officer (DO). Directs operations within the squadron to include
organizational flying, aircrew and ground unit type code training, and operations support
functions. The Major Command (may be delegated to the squadron Commander) may direct
that the operations officer supervise the operations, operations support, and training flights.
26.11.4. Chief Flight Nurse (CN). Directs nursing services within the squadron. Exercises
primary responsibility for the nursing standards of care. Provides clinical oversight of
organizational flying, training, and readiness functions within the squadron. The Major
Command (may be delegated to the squadron Commander) may direct that Chief Flight Nurse
supervise the clinical management flight.
26.11.5. Operations Flight (AEO). Provides scheduling, mission planning, and mission
management for operational and aeromedical readiness missions. Coordinates pre-mission
requirements with supporting agencies, provides ground support during execution of
aeromedical evacuation missions for assigned and transient aeromedical evacuation crews and
critical care air transport teams, and processes all required post-mission documentation.
26.11.6. Training Flight (AET). Responsible for the aircrew and ground unit type code
training requirements of all assigned personnel.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 97
26.11.7. Operations Support Flight (AER). Provides command, control, communications, and
computers systems, logistics, resource management, and readiness support.
26.11.8. Clinical Management Flight (AEC). Responsible for the clinical training, patient
safety, and clinical quality programs.
Figure 26.12. Maintenance Group Structure.
26.12.1. Maintenance Group Functions and Responsibilities. The maintenance group
supports the primary mission with weapon system maintenance. This includes maintenance
training, on-equipment, and off-equipment maintenance.
26.12.2. Weapons Standardization (MXL). Weapons Standardization consists of the
superintendent, the loading standardization crew, academic instructor, and lead crews.
Maintenance Groups may form a loading standardization crew for each Mission Design Series
in multiple Mission Design Series units. Maintenance Groups normally form one lead crew
for each Aircraft Maintenance Unit. Organizations that do not load munitions requiring
certification do not need to form a Weapons Standardization organization, providing the
requirements of the Weapons Task Qualification Program are met. In organizations such as
this, the weapons function is responsible for applicable weapons manager responsibilities and
the Weapons Task Qualification Program.
26.12.3. Quality Assurance (MXQ). Quality Assurance is the primary technical advisory
agency for maintenance. It helps production supervisors and the maintenance group
Commander resolve quality problems. It evaluates and analyzes deficiencies and problem
areas to identify underlying causes and recommend corrective actions.
98 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
26.12.4. Maintenance Operations (MXO). Maintenance Operations provides the group with
these fleet health support functions: maintenance operations control, analysis, plans,
scheduling, documentation, engine management, and supply liaison. It directs monitors and
schedules training for all group personnel. It provides Air Force Engineering and Technical
Services. It also manages group programs, including deployment, support plans, and
agreements, facilities, budget, commercial contracts, manpower, communications and Status
of Resources and Training System reporting. (The ANG organizes maintenance operations as
a Numbered Maintenance Operations Flight.)
26.12.5. Organization Variations. Where authorized, Munitions Squadrons are also in the Maintenance Group. If a Maintenance Squadron has more than 700 manpower authorizations, Major
Commands may approve splitting the Maintenance Squadron into a Component
Maintenance Squadron and an Equipment Maintenance Squadron. Major commands may
also approve merging the Component Maintenance Squadron and Equipment Maintenance
Squadron into a Maintenance Squadron if the combined manpower authorizations are 700
or less. To receive a DAF/A1M letter for such actions, Major Commands submit them on
a DAF/A1M letter request sheet per paragraph, at least two months before
implementation; annotate this paragraph and the applicable current and future unit sizes in
the “Remarks” section. If the resulting units wish to vary from the standard structures in
this chapter, an organization change request is submitted for AF/A1M approval instead.
Figure 26.13. Maintenance Squadron Structure for Missile Organizations.
26.13.1. Maintenance Squadron (MXM) for Missile Organizations Functions and
Responsibilities. Maintains status of all launch facilities and missile alert facilities. Functions
as centralized manager for manpower, mission support equipment facilities, and long-range
planning. Coordinates training for applicable maintenance personnel. Performs off-equipment
maintenance on electrical, environmental, power generation, pneumatic, and hydraulic systems
associated with the intercontinental ballistic missile weapon system. Centrally stores, issues,
inspects, and repairs intercontinental ballistic missile support equipment, guidance systems,
and special purpose vehicles.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 99
26.13.2. Maintenance Supervision (MXM). Overall management and supervision of daily
maintenance activities including production supervision.
26.13.3. Maintenance Operations Flight (MXMO). Maintains status of all launch facilities
and missile alert facilities. Provides leadership with key information to assist in determining
maintenance requirements and priorities. Functions as centralized manager for manpower,
mission support equipment facilities, and long-range planning. Provides expertise to solve
unique weapon system problems that are beyond the normal scope of technical data.
26.13.4. Maintenance Training Flight (MXME). Conducts, directs, monitors, and schedules
training for all group personnel.
26.13.5. Programs and Resources Flight (MXMU). Performs off-equipment maintenance on
electrical, environmental, power generation, pneumatic and hydraulic systems associated with
the intercontinental ballistic missile weapon system. Centrally stores, issues, inspects, and
repairs intercontinental ballistic missile support equipment, guidance systems, and special
purpose vehicles.
Figure 26.14. Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Structure.
26.14.1. Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Functions and Responsibilities. Provides direct
mission generation support by consolidating and executing on-equipment activities necessary
to produce properly configured, mission ready weapon systems to meet operational,
contingency, or training mission requirements. Squadron personnel service, inspect, maintain,
launch, and recover aircraft.
26.14.2. Maintenance Supervision (MXA). Overall management and supervision of daily
maintenance activities.
26.14.3. Debrief (MXAF). Tracks discrepancies, deviations, use, and applicable flight data
for each aircraft at the termination of sorties and missions. (See paragraph 26.14.6 for
applicability for specific types of organizations.)
100 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
26.14.4. Aircraft Maintenance Unit (MXAA, B, C, etc., with the fourth character being any
letter not already used in the squadron). Responsible for servicing, inspecting, maintaining,
launching, and recovering assigned aircraft and ensuring all mobility requirements are met.
There is one Aircraft Maintenance Unit for each supported operations squadron. To maximize
efficient use of resources, Major Commands have the option to organize an Aircraft
Maintenance Unit to support multiple flying squadrons. This organization is a flight internal
to the Aircraft Maintenance Squadron.
26.14.5. Aircraft Support Flight (MXAS). Provides support to flight line maintenance and
generation activities. Functions include maintaining technical orders, hazardous materials and
bench and operating stocks; preparing equipment and supplies for deployment; controlling and
maintaining test, measurement, and diagnostics equipment; and ensuring maintenance, control,
and storage of alternate mission equipment, dash-21 equipment and maintenance, safety, and
protective equipment. (See paragraph 26.14.6 for applicability for specific types of
26.14.6. Organization Variations. In Mobility Air Forces and low density-high demand
organizations, debriefing and aircraft support activities are centralized for the squadron as
shown. Combat Air Forces squadrons have debrief and support sections in each aircraft
maintenance unit.
Figure 26.15. Maintenance Squadron Structure.
26.15.1. Maintenance Squadron (MXM) Functions and Responsibilities. Provides back shop
support to perform on and off-equipment maintenance tasks that are assigned to a specific back
shop function. Provides both organizational and intermediate level maintenance and supports
repair network integration operations when assigned by the Major Command.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 101
26.15.2. Maintenance Supervision (MXM). Overall management and supervision of daily
maintenance activities including production supervision.
26.15.3. Fabrication Flight (MXMF). Performs inspection, repair, and fabrication of aircraft
components; nondestructive inspection of aircraft and components; and aircraft structural
26.15.4. Accessories Flight (MXMC). Performs off-equipment maintenance on pneudraulics
systems, aircraft and support equipment electrical systems, batteries, and environmental
systems. Maintains aircraft fuel and egress systems.
26.15.5. Avionics Flight (MXMV). Performs diagnostic and off-equipment maintenance on
communication and navigation, electronic warfare, guidance control, and airborne
photographic and sensor systems and repairs Type 4 precision measurement equipment.
26.15.6. Aerospace Ground Equipment Flight (MXMG). Performs inspections, maintenance,
pickup, delivery, and time compliance technical orders of aerospace ground equipment. Stores
or prepares aerospace ground equipment for shipment.
26.15.7. Armament Flight (MXMR). Performs off-equipment maintenance of weapons
release systems, guns, munitions racks, adapters, pylons, and launchers.
26.15.8. Maintenance Support Flight (MXMT). Services transient aircraft, performs repair
and reclamation (large component repair), builds up, and services wheels and tires.
26.15.9. Munitions Flight (MXMW). Performs maintenance on and accounts for conventional
munitions, containers, dispensers, training items and associated support equipment. Maintains,
receives, stores, delivers, and obtains disposition instructions for munitions. Inspects munitions
and storage facilities.
26.15.10. Propulsion Flight (MXMP). Performs off-equipment inspection, repair,
maintenance, and testing of engines and associated engine support equipment.
26.15.11. Test, Measurement, and Diagnostics Equipment Flight (MXMD). Performs on-site
or in-laboratory testing, repair, and calibration of precision measurement equipment.
26.15.12. Organization Variations. If a Maintenance Squadron exceeds 700 authorizations,
two squadrons may be established. If two maintenance squadrons are needed, they are
designated Equipment Maintenance Squadron and Component Maintenance squadron and use
flight office symbols as shown in Figure 26.15 and under paragraph 26.15 (See Figures
26.17 and 26.18)
102 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure 26.16. Missile Maintenance Squadron Structure.
26.16.1. Missile Maintenance Squadron Functions and Responsibilities. Maintains the
immediate launch readiness of intercontinental ballistic missiles and corresponding missile
alert facilities and launch facilities. Includes the maintenance of munitions, missiles, reentry
systems, guidance sets, security and electrical systems, coding, corrosion control, and power
and environmental control systems.
26.16.2. Generation Flight (MXSG). Generates and maintains assigned intercontinental
ballistic missile by removing, installing, and transporting Minuteman aerospace vehicle
equipment, re-entry systems, and missiles. Performs repair and troubleshooting on electrical;
electro-mechanical; security; and weapon command, control, and communications systems.
Performs coding of the intercontinental ballistic missiles.
26.16.3. Facilities Flight (MXSF). Performs on-site repair of intercontinental ballistic missile
launch facility; missile alert facility power and environmental control systems; and weapon
system C3 systems. Performs periodic maintenance inspections, corrosion control, and
preventive maintenance actions. Maintains the hardened intersite cable system.
Figure 26.17. Equipment Maintenance Squadron Structure.
26.17.1. Equipment Maintenance Squadron Functions and Responsibilities. Maintains
assigned aerospace ground equipment (support equipment) and repairs select aircraft
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 103
components. Performs extensive on-equipment aircraft maintenance tasks identified by the
lead command for the assigned weapons system.
26.17.2. See Figure 26.15, Maintenance Squadron Structure, and paragraph 26.15 for flight
descriptions and office symbols.
Figure 26.18. Component Maintenance Squadron Structure.
26.18.1. Component Maintenance Squadron Functions and Responsibilities. Provides off-
equipment repair of aircraft and support equipment maintenance beyond the capability of the
aircraft maintenance squadron and equipment maintenance squadron (e.g., material
fabrication, precision measurement equipment calibration, reprogramming of line replaceable
units, electronic combat pods, and other avionics pods). May perform the function as a repair
network integration repair node when designated by the Major Command.
26.18.2. See Figure 26.15, Maintenance Squadron Structure, and paragraph 26.15 for flight
descriptions and office symbols.
Figure 26.19. Munitions Squadron Structure.
104 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
26.19.1. Munitions Squadron Functions and Responsibilities. Receives stores, maintains,
assembles, disassembles, delivers, and loads conventional munitions and nuclear weapons, and
performs off-equipment maintenance and management of alternate mission equipment directly
supporting training and combat operations.
26.19.2. Munitions Supervision (MXW). Provides overall management and supervision of
daily activities of munitions maintenance production and support.
26.19.3. Production Flight (MXWP). Assembles, disassembles, delivers, and maintains
conventional munitions, missiles, containers, dispensers, assigned munitions materiel handling
equipment, and training items. Administers and conducts the Combat Munitions Training
Program (may be aligned in Systems Flight at local option).
26.19.4. Materiel Flight (MXWC). Stores, handles, inspects, ships, receives, disposes locally,
and accounts for conventional munitions, containers, dispensers, and training items.
Coordinates transportation.
26.19.5. Systems Flight (MXWK). Provides broad Command and Control, direction, and
support for all munitions squadron activities to include training, resources, munitions
information systems, facilities, and mobility programs. Plans, schedules, coordinates, controls,
and directs all munitions activities.
26.19.6. Armament Systems Flight (MXWR). Performs off-equipment maintenance of
weapons release systems, guns, munitions racks, adapters, pylons, and launchers, if assigned.
26.19.7. Conventional Air-Launched Cruise Missile Flight (MXWM). Performs on-
equipment and off-equipment maintenance on assigned conventional air-launched cruise
missile and associated equipment.
26.19.8. Special Weapons Flight (MXWS). Performs on-equipment and off-equipment
maintenance on assigned nuclear weapons, missiles, reentry systems, reentry vehicles, and
associated equipment.
26.19.9. Organization Variations. Because Air Force Material Command munitions activities
are not organized for direct combat operations, they are authorized to organize per Major
Command guidance instead of the structure in this instruction.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 105
Figure 26.20. Mission Support Group Structure.
26.20.1. Mission Support Group Functions and Responsibilities. The Mission Support Group
provides base support and services.
26.20.2. Noncommissioned Officer Academy. At overseas locations with a noncommissioned
officer academy, the academy is a functional flight assigned to the Mission Support Group
Commander. Continental United States academies are aligned under Air Education and
Training Command. Name and establish noncommissioned officer academies after its host
base as a named activity (e.g., Lackland Noncommissioned Officer Academy).
26.20.3. Organization Variations. Where applicable, Aerial Port Squadrons are part of the
Mission Support Group. Aerial Port Squadron alignment is under review.
Figure 26.21. Contracting Squadron Structure.
106 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
26.21.1. Contracting Squadron (PK) Functions and Responsibilities. The Contracting
Squadron provides acquisition planning and business advice; leads market research for
solicitation, contract award, and contract administration; and ensures performance
management in support of installation contracting requirements and deployment contingency
26.21.2. Contingency Support (PKZ). Provides planning, programming, training, and
execution of all contingency contracting operations.
26.21.3. Acquisition Flights (PKA, B, C, etc.). Leads market research; provides business
advice and acquisition planning for solicitation; executes, awards, and performs contract
administration; and ensures performance management for all installation acquisition
26.21.4. Plans and Programs Flight (PKP). Includes all functions in support of the Contracting
Squadron. This may include functions such as information technology support, administration
of the government-wide purchase card program, quality assurance evaluator program, and
contract review committee. Focal point for squadron training, squadron performance metric
development, and trend analysis.
26.21.5. Performance Management Flight (PKM) (Optional). This flight may perform
consolidated contract quality and specialist functions needed to provide complete performance
management support to the acquisition flight(s). In addition to quality assurance, this flight
may include the quality assurance program coordinator, contract specialists and other
multifunctional expertise (e.g., more acquisition personnel, program management, engineers,
and quality assurance specialist) as determined by wing senior leadership. Under this option,
the flight performs pre-award planning, solicitation, and source selection and post-award
functions as a multifunctional unit under the squadron Commander for a single multifunctional
service contract or group of services contracts. One or more Performance Management
flight(s) may be added with the approval of the wing Commander.
26.21.6. Organization Variations. If acquisition flight “A” and acquisition flight B” together
exceed 30 manpower authorizations, the Squadron Commander may establish more acquisition
flights. More acquisition flights may be added with Head of Contracting Activity approval.
Also, a performance management flight may be established with the approval of the Wing
Commander with an information copy to the Head of Contracting Activity.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 107
Figure 26.22. Logistics Readiness Squadron Structure.
26.22.1. Logistics Readiness Squadron (LGR) Functions and Responsibilities. Plans,
organizes, directs, and manages all logistics support activities. Activities include materiel and
traffic management functions inherent to the receiving, shipping, movement, storage, and
control of property and equipment. Activities also include efficient and economical vehicle
operations and management services as well as installation planning and execution of unit
movement, reception, and bed down and redeployment operations.
26.22.2. Operations Officer (LGR). Provides direct support to the squadron Commander,
oversees squadron programs, associated business processes, and unit operation compliance.
26.22.3. Materiel Management Flight (LGRM). This flight is responsible for stocking,
storing, issuing, managing, inventorying, and inspecting Department of Defense supplies and
equipment. It provides Decentralized Materiel Support for maintenance activities. This flight
is the primary liaison between customers and the responsible Air Force Material Command
centralized supply chain management commodity function.
26.22.4. Deployment and Distribution Flight (LGRD). This flight is responsible for the
centralized Command and Control, planning and execution of all wing deployment operations
and the distribution of cargo, passengers, and personal property. The installation deployment
officer is from the deployment and distribution flight. The flight executes squadron air and
space expeditionary force management, unit type code management for the squadron, in-
garrison expeditionary site planning and installation deployment planning. The deployment
and distribution flight also operates a deployment control center, reception control center, and
installation deployment readiness cell, as necessary. This flight manages the wing’s war
reserve materiel support agreements. Additionally, the flight is the single installation
transportation intermodal decision authority responsible for planning, managing, and
executing the movement of personnel; the shipment and receipt of Department of Defense
cargo; acquisition and arrangement of personal property movement services; and operation of
small air terminals for cargo and passenger movement functions at locations with no aerial port
squadron or other host support. This flight provides Ground Transportation capabilities and
108 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
functions, responsible for providing efficient and the economical transportation services to
support the mission, including licensing, dispatch, pickup, and delivery operations, and vehicle
and equipment support. This flight is the single authority for vehicle official use and
permissible operating distance guidance and programs.
26.22.5. Vehicle Management Flight (LGRV). This flight is the single authority and source
for maintenance and management of an installation’s motor vehicle fleet. Responsible for
overall management and maintenance of the wing’s vehicle fleet and assigns, accounts for and
maintains vehicle assets so they are safe, efficient, environmentally sound and meet the wing’s
needs. The flight is responsible for the management, repair, and accountability of the Air Force
vehicle fleet.
26.22.6. Fuels Management Flight (LGRF). This flight ensures quality petroleum products,
cryogenic fluids, and missile propellants are acquired or produced and issued safely and
efficiently to using organizations.
Figure 26.23. Force Support Squadron Structure.
26.23.1. Force Support Squadron (FS) Functions and Responsibilities. This squadron
provides personnel, manpower, morale and recreation services, food service and lodging
support, child care, training, education and family readiness functions to military personnel,
their dependents and other eligible parties.
26.23.2. Marketing (FSK). Marketing provides day-to-day functional oversight and advice on
marketing, commercial sponsorship and market research programs that supports both
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 109
appropriated and nonappropriated fund activities within the squadron. Marketing also works
with the Public Affairs office to administer publicity.
26.23.3. Operations Officer (FSO). This squadron’s operations officer is responsible for Unit
Training and the Readiness & Plans functions. The operations officer also focuses on day-to-
day squadron operations (e.g., suspense response and problem solving) and may also be in
charge of activities such as internal squadron awards.
26.23.4. Readiness and Plans (FSOX). Readiness and plans performs unit deployment
manager (manages staffing/readiness for all of the squadron Unit Type Codes), War Reserve
Material, unit deployable equipment management, and base plans functions for the squadron.
26.23.5. Unit Training (FSOT). Unit training develops, manages, conducts and oversees
training for all military and appropriated and nonappropriated fund civilian employees in the
26.23.6. Superintendent (FSZ). Provide leadership and management of the squadron’s
enlisted force and the base honor guard.
26.23.7. Honor Guard (FSZH). The honor guard provides for military funeral honors;
provides honor guard training on military customs, courtesies, movements, protocol, heraldry,
and heritage for the professional development of Airmen; and supports military and civilian
protocol and ceremonial functions as permitted by time and resources. Supervised by squadron
superintendent (FSZ).
26.23.8. Airman and Family Readiness Flight (FSH). This flight provides referral counseling,
leadership consultation, base family action plans and assistance programs for Relocation and
Transition Assistance. It also provides casualty and personal/family readiness functions. At
Air Force-led joint bases, this flight is called the Military and Family Readiness Flight (FSG).
26.23.9. Child and Youth Services Flight (FSY). This flight provides child development,
family care and youth programs.
26.23.10. Civilian Personnel Flight (FSC). This flight provides appropriated and
nonappropriated fund civilian personnel advice and administrative support to commanders,
supervisors, employees, and applicants. It manages civilian workforce through affirmative
employment, labor and employee relations, classification, employee development, and
resource management programs.
26.23.11. Community Services Flight (FSW). This flight provides recreational activities such
as community centers, arts and crafts, outdoor recreation programs, activities and equipment
checkout. It also provides food, beverage and entertainment programs through clubs, bowling
centers and golf courses. The flight has retail operations and hosts a number of special interest
clubs such as aero clubs, rod and gun clubs, stables, etc.
26.23.12. Force Development Flight (FSD). This flight provides all elements of voluntary
education, training and professional development. These functions are supported with
professional and recreational library services for the installation.
26.23.13. Manpower and Organization Flight (FSM). This flight provides comprehensive
manpower and organization management capability to commanders by advising on optimal
resource utilization practice (manpower, dollars, and time). These services include managing
manpower requirements and organization structure on the Unit Manpower Document,
110 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
application of manpower standards and determinants, management advisory/consulting
services, wartime manpower support, managing the wing process improvement programs,
conducting installation process improvement training, facilitating process improvement teams,
application of process improvement tools and techniques, and development and
implementation of performance measures. The flight supports development of manpower
products through data gathering and measurement.
26.23.14. Military Personnel Flight (FSP). This flight provides military personnel support to
commanders, military members, and their families. It manages the military work force through
readiness programs, personnel relocation actions, personnel employment programs, career
enhancement activities, and maintenance of military member information.
26.23.15. Resource Management Flight (FSR). Responsible for appropriated and
nonappropriated fund financial management, private organizations, squadron logistics and
property management, and squadron information technology.
26.23.16. Sustainment Services Flight (FSV). This flight provides life sustaining functions
like food, fitness and lodging services for the installation. It also includes food and beverage
operations like casual/formal dining, banquet/catering operations; and stand-alone
nonappropriated fund food operations. This flight includes official mail centers in continental
United States (CONUS) locations and postal operations and management in locations outside
26.23.17. Organization Variations. At Air Force-led joint bases, the Airman and Family
Readiness Flight uses the title Military and Family Readiness Flight.
Figure 26.24. Security Forces Squadron Structure.
26.24.1. Security Forces Squadron (SF) Functions and Responsibilities. Protect installations,
personnel, and resources from terrorism, criminal acts, sabotage, and acts of war.
26.24.2. Security Forces Management (SFM). Functions include senior security forces
enlisted leader and standardization and evaluation of security forces functional mission
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 111
26.24.3. Intelligence Flight (S2). Functions include force protection intelligence liaison and
26.24.4. Operations and Training Flight (S3). Functions include day-to-day installation
security, confinement program management, and military working dog management.
Administers all security forces training programs and performs unit scheduling.
26.24.5. Logistics Flight (S4). Functions include security forces resource advisor, mobility
(unit deployment) management, armory, combat arms training, weapons maintenance, supply
management, vehicle management, and electronic system security management.
26.24.6. Plans and Programs Flight (S5). Functions include pass and identification; reports
and analysis; plans administration; installation security; resource protection; physical security;
crime prevention; antiterrorism program; police services planning; Security Forces
Management Information System; and contractor oversight.
26.24.7. “S1” is the office symbol code used by the commander’s support staff in this
squadron instead of “CCQ.”
Figure 26.25. Civil Engineer Squadron Structure.
26.25.1. Civil Engineer Squadron (CE) Functions and Responsibilities. Establish, operate,
sustain, and protect installations as power projection platforms that enable Air Force and other
supported commander core capabilities through engineering and emergency response services
across the full mission spectrum.
26.25.2. Engineering Flight (CEN). Responsible for portfolio optimization, community
planning, environmental planning, program development, energy, design and construction
management, Installation Geospatial Information and Service and Comprehensive Asset
Management Plan integration. Provides project management to include design, contract
execution, and Simplified Acquisition of Base Engineer Requirements contracts. Also
provides installation mapping, facility floor plan maintenance, and civil engineer record
drawing management.
26.25.3. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Flight (CED). Provides oversight and management of
the capabilities to safely respond, mitigate, or defeat the hazards presented by the enemy or
friendly employment of explosive ordnance to include improvised explosive devices or
112 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
conventional explosives, nuclear, biological, chemical, radiological, or incendiary material on
and off installations.
26.25.4. Fire Emergency Services Flight (CEF). Provides incident leadership and response
capabilities for all multi-agency incidents, aircraft crash and rescue responses, structural fire
responses, technical rescue services, hazardous material incident management and response,
prehospital medical emergencies (nontransport), and fire prevention services to minimize
negative consequences of emergency incidents.
26.25.5. Installation Management Flight (CEI). Provides oversight and management of
financial management support, information technology management, and force support for the
squadron. Provides oversight and management of real property, cultural and natural resources,
environmental compliance, and hazardous waste management. Also provides housing,
dormitory, and furnishing management.
26.25.6. Operations Flight (CEO). Provides oversight and management of facility and
infrastructure operations, maintenance and repair, material control, customer service, services
contract management, and operations engineering functions. Responsible for transportation
and utilities Activity Management Plan management.
26.25.7. Readiness and Emergency Management Flight (CEX). Provides oversight and
management of the installation Emergency Management Program, and the Civil Engineer
squadron Expeditionary Engineering Program to include Prime Base Engineer Emergency
Force (PRIME BEEF) operations. Trains installation populace on chemical, biological,
radiological, nuclear defense, Air Force incident management, and emergency response
operations. Serves as installation chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and hazardous
material emergency responders, emergency operations center manager and operates the
installation mobile communications vehicle and mobile emergency operations center.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 113
Figure 26.26. Communications Squadron Structure.
26.26.1. Communications Squadron (SC) Functions and Responsibilities. Wing focal point
for all cyberspace operations and planning. Assures wartime readiness of cyberspace Airmen.
Interfaces directly with other cyberspace units to include those within Twenty-Fourth Air
Force, Defense Information Systems Agency, and other Air Force and joint organizations.
26.26.2. Policy and Evaluations (SCQ). Provides unit training program management,
squadron standardization and evaluation and quality assurance, reporting and analysis, and
policy guidance functions.
26.26.3. Operations Flight (SCO). Provides a network control center capability, including a
client service center, network management, server administration, and network cybersecurity
services. Also, the flight enables knowledge management through such services as records
management, forms, publications, content and collaboration management, workflow, and
electronic communications management. The flight further performs Department of Defense
Information Network operations on unclassified and secure voice, data, and radio frequency
networks including associated infrastructure and assets for which the wing has responsibility.
Conducts Department of Defense Information Network operations to enable wing mission and
by direction from the 624th Operations Center and the Cyberspace Coordination Center of the
owning Major Command.
26.26.4. Plans and Resources Flight (SCX). Manages activities related to base-level
command, control, communications, and computers systems planning. Plans support,
including mobility and deployment planning, spectrum management, strategic planning, and
requirements analysis; implementation, including architectures, integration, direction, and
standards; resources, including budgeting and billing; and human resources and functional
management, including agreements and contract management. The flight is responsible for
114 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
base-level cybersecurity programs (communications security, computer security, emission
security, and spectrum information assurance). Conducts functional mission analysis to
identify wing mission dependencies on cyberspace and provide mission assurance.
26.26.5. Special Mission Flight (SCP) (Optional). A Communications Squadron Special
Mission Flight may be added to units having unique responsibilities, such as a teleport facility
or Theater Deployable Communications equipment. Major commands submit requests to
implement this variation to AF/A1M per this instruction.
Note: At publication time, the Medical Groups are in transition. The details of the new
structures are not available at this time and will be updated in a later revision. The units
currently shown in this AFI will still be retained at some locations. However, at most
installations in the continental United States, Aerospace Medicine Squadrons and Medical
Operations Squadrons will be replaced by Operational Medical Readiness Squadrons and
Healthcare Operations Squadrons, with the goal of transitioning most Medical Groups to have
one unit focused on Airmen medical readiness and separate units focused on all other beneficiary
categories and support functions. Dental Squadrons and some Medical Support Squadrons will
inactivate at AF/SG identified locations in the continental United States. Medical Support
Squadrons at larger locations and other specialized medical squadrons will be retained at specific
locations due to mission requirements.
Figure 26.27. Medical Group Structure.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 115
26.27.1. Medical Group Functions and Responsibilities. Provides healthcare services
including preventive services as well as patient care and treatment for tactical units, the military
community, and other authorized personnel.
26.27.2. Medical Group Staff. The Medical Group staff may include these functional
advisors: Administrator (SGA); Biomedical Sciences Corps Executive (SGB); Chief of
Medical Staff (SGH); Chief Nurse (SGN); Chief of Dental Services (SGD); Chief of Aerospace
Medicine (SGP); and Director of Medical Education (activities marked with an asterisk [*] are
authorized at academic teaching facilities only). Individual groups may not have all functional
advisors, depending on the mission and clinical capability of the medical treatment facility.
Individuals serving as medical unit commanders or flight heads may also serve as functional
advisors in some cases. For instance, in groups with Dental Squadrons, the squadron
Commander is the Chief of Dental Services. Functional advisors provide professional and
specialized technical perspectives to the Commander. They are full participants in executive-
level decision making, including strategic and operational planning, the design of services,
resource allocation, and organizational policies. Functional advisors actively support a
cooperative, multidisciplinary approach to the delivery of healthcare and organizational
26.27.3. Organization Variations. Variations are authorized for Medical Groups with two, three, five, or six
squadrons based on group size and mission. Medical Groups typically have two or three
squadrons, including Medical Operations and Medical Support Squadrons and, if required
because of special mission requirements, one or more of these squadrons: Aerospace
Medicine, Dental, Inpatient Operations, or Surgical Operations. Medical Groups with
more than 1,000 authorizations may also have a Diagnostics and Therapeutics Squadron if
required. Figures 26.28. through 26.34 depict the authorized squadron and flight
variations. Major commands may approve changes to a Medical Group’s squadron or flight
configuration that are per Figures 26.28 through 26.34 and unit size guidance. To receive
a DAF/A1M letter for such actions involving squadron activations, inactivations or
redesignations, Major Commands submit them on a DAF/A1M letter request sheet per
paragraph at least two months before implementation and annotate the
appropriate rationale for the action in the remarks section. Major commands submit
requests for variances to these figures to AF/A1MO under this instruction. Medical Squadrons are authorized at small locations or when the medical unit
is assigned to an Air Base Group and may include but are not limited to these functional
flights: Medical Support, Medical Operations, Aerospace Medicine, and Dental. Limited-
scope medical treatment facilities are authorized as Medical functional flights or small
Medical Squadrons assigned to an Air Base Squadron, Air Base Group or a support group
and are organized with these functions as functional flights, sections, or elements, as
26.27.4. The Medical Group structures do not apply to the Air Reserve Component.
26.27.5. For further background information on the medical unit structures, including the most
recent information, consult the Air Force Medical Service Flight Path for the United States Air
116 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Force Combat Wing Organization-Medical Special Instruction located on the Air Force
Medical Service Knowledge Exchange Website at
Figure 26.28. Medical Support Squadron Structure.
Note: Flights shown are options available. The composition of units depends on the mission
and clinical capability of the medical treatment facility. Individual units do not have all flights.
26.28.1. Medical Support Squadron (SGS) Functions and Responsibilities. Provides medical
logistics, medical information services, personnel and administration, TRICARE operations
and patient administration, readiness, pharmacy, clinical laboratory, nutritional medicine,
diagnostics and therapeutics, histopathology, and diagnostic imaging (without an assigned
radiologist) in support of the Medical Group.
26.28.2. Clinical Laboratory Flight (SGSL). Collects, analyzes, and prepares reports on
biologic specimens. Manages the blood transfusion process.
26.28.3. Diagnostic Imaging Flight (SGSQ). Accomplishes records, interprets, and stores
radiographic scans, fluoroscopy, and ultrasounds. May perform angiograms, guided biopsies,
myelograms, and other procedures.
26.28.4. Histopathology Flight (SGSH). Provides analysis of biologic specimens from major
and minor surgical procedures. Performs frozen section interpretation and autopsies.
26.28.5. Medical Information Services Flight (SGSI). Plans, implements, and manages
information tools to meet the medical mission.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 117
26.28.6. Medical Logistics Flight (SGSM). Provides materiel, facilities, equipment,
maintenance, and services and manages war reserve materiel and transportation for the medical
mission. Responsible for management of Defense or Air Force Working Capital Funds assets
and programs for the medical mission.
26.28.7. Nutritional Medicine Flight (SGSN). Provides dietetic services for patients and staff,
including food production and service activities, clinical nutrition management services,
nutrition education, subsistence management, and cost accounting.
26.28.8. Personnel and Administration Flight (SGSP). Provides and arranges for the
personnel and administrative needs for the Medical Group.
26.28.9. Pharmacy Flight (SGSD). Receives and fills prescriptions. Monitors patients for drug
interactions and incompatibilities. Provides patient and provider education and performs drug
use evaluations.
26.28.10. Readiness Flight (SGSX). Leads operational readiness training and exercise
planning for all medical personnel. Ensures medical forces are organized, trained, and
equipped to meet in-garrison and deployed mission requirements. Conducts medical unit
deployment manager functions and force readiness reporting.
26.28.11. Resource Management Flight (SGSR). Plans, programs, allocates and accounts for
manpower and funds. Performs billing and collecting, data analysis, workload accounting, and
other related functions.
26.28.12. TRICARE Operations and Patient Administration Flight (SGST). Plans, develops,
and implements the local TRICARE health plan to include beneficiary and provider services,
analysis, and utilization management, and interacts with the regional TRICARE contractor.
Oversees medical record management, admissions and dispositions, medical evaluation
boards, and other patient administrative activities.
26.28.13. Diagnostics and Therapeutic Services Flight (SGSA). This flight combines selected
functions to provide diagnostic; preventive; therapeutic; education and food services for
patients, providers, and other customers. May include functions from these flights: Clinical
Laboratory, Histopathology, Nutritional Medicine, Pharmacy, and Diagnostic Imaging.
118 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure 26.29. Medical Operations Squadron Structure.
Note: Flights shown are options available. The composition of units depends on the mission
and clinical capability of the medical treatment facility. Individual units do not have all flights.
26.29.1. Medical Operations Squadron (SGO) Functions and Responsibilities. Plans,
organizes, operates, and evaluates a comprehensive system of healthcare, to include the
development of processes to provide seamless and accessible beneficiary-focused, diagnostic,
preventive, and treatment-related services. Provides patient education and continuity of care
for health maintenance, as well as for the acute and chronic management of disease and
26.29.2. Educational and Developmental Intervention Services Flight (SGOT). Helps
children with special needs achieve their developmental and educational potential by providing
quality family-centered support services in the home, school, and community. Provides
evaluations and educational services for children (ages 021) with special needs in support of
the 20 USC §1400, Education of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Used at
designated locations. At smaller installations, may fall under the Mental Health Flight.
26.29.3. Emergency Services Flight (SGOE). Provides medical care to patients with emergent
and urgent problems and provides an emergency medical response.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 119
26.29.4. Family Health Flight (SGOF). Provides comprehensive examination, diagnosis, and
treatment of inpatients and outpatients. Clinical services include the monitoring and
maintenance of patients’ state of health, counseling, and guidance, health education,
rehabilitation and prevention of disease, provision of clinical and consultation services, and
medical care evaluation.
26.29.5. Genetics Flight (SGOU). Provides care and counseling to patients with, and at risk
for genetically based conditions. Advises and assists healthcare providers with the
identification and management of patients or families with, or at risk for the same. Functions
may include clinical and laboratory services.
26.29.6. Medically Related Services Flight (SGOV). Where required, provides medical
services to children who are eligible to receive special education in the Department of Defense
Dependent Schools overseas under the 20 USC §1400, Education of Individuals with
Disabilities. Functions may include audiology, speech, and language pathology services,
occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work services, community health nurse services,
child psychology services, child psychiatry services, and pediatric developmental services.
26.29.7. Mental Health Flight (SGOW). May include psychiatry, clinical psychology, clinical
social work, inpatient nursing units, substance abuse counseling, specialized treatment
functions (alcohol and drug rehabilitation), and family advocacy. At smaller installations, may
include educational and developmental intervention services function.
26.29.8. Obstetrics and Gynecology Services Flight (SGOG). Provides routine and
specialized obstetrics and gynecology services in both the ambulatory and inpatient settings.
26.29.9. Pediatrics Flight (SGOC). Provides comprehensive and predominantly nonsurgical
care to children and young adults under eighteen.
26.29.10. Physical and Occupational Therapy Flight (SGOY). Provides for the evaluation and
management of acute and chronic conditions with the goal of alleviating pain and restoring
functions. Depending on the mission and clinical capability of the facility, functions may
include occupational therapy, physical therapy, orthotics, and rehabilitation medicine. If
occupational therapy is not available in the medical treatment facility, this flight becomes the
Physical Therapy Flight.
26.29.11. Surgical Services Flight (SGOS). Provides comprehensive, specialized surgical
26.29.12. Aeromedical Staging Flight (SGOI). (See Aerospace Medicine Squadron.)
26.29.13. Aerospace and Operational Medicine Flight (SGOZ). This flight is used in two or
three squadron Medical Groups that do not have an Aerospace Medicine or Dental Squadron.
It performs the functional mission of an Aerospace Medicine Squadron.
26.29.14. Aerospace and Operational Physiology Flight (SGOR). (See Aerospace Medicine
26.29.15. Audiology Flight (SGOA). (See Aerospace Medicine Squadron.)
26.29.16. Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight (SGOJ). (See Aerospace Medicine
26.29.17. Dental Operations Flight (SGOD). (See Aerospace Medicine Squadron.)
120 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
26.29.18. Health Promotion Flight (SGOH). (See Aerospace Medicine Squadron.)
26.29.19. Hyperbaric Medicine Flight (SGOQ). (See Aerospace Medicine Squadron.)
26.29.20. Occupational Medicine Flight (SGON). (See Aerospace Medicine Squadron.)
26.29.21. Optometry Flight (SGOO). (See Aerospace Medicine Squadron.)
26.29.22. Personnel Reliability Program Flight (SGOX). (See Aerospace Medicine
26.29.23. Public Health Flight (SGOL). (See Aerospace Medicine Squadron.)
26.29.24. Clinical Medicine Flight (SGOK). This flight is used in two or three squadron
Medical Groups that want to combine all clinical functions into one flight. May include
functions from these flights: Family Health, Mental Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Services, Pediatrics, and Primary Care.
26.29.25. Maternal and Child Care Flight (SGOB). Provides routine and specialized
obstetrical services in the inpatient settings. Depending on the mission and clinical capability,
elements may include labor and delivery, postpartum, neonatal intensive care unit, and nursery.
This flight combines the functions of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Services and Pediatrics
26.29.26. Medical Services Flight (SGOM). This flight combines selected functions to
provide comprehensive, but predominantly nonsurgical care to patients. May include functions
from these flights: Emergency Services, Family Health, Mental Health, Obstetrics and
Gynecology Services, Pediatrics, and Primary Care.
26.29.27. Primary Care Flight (SGOP). Provides for the delivery of comprehensive primary
care services for all ages. Clinical services include the management of acute and chronic health
problems, disease prevention activities, screening, counseling, patient education, health risk
assessment, continuity, and coordination of care. May include functions from these flights:
Family Health, Pediatrics, Mental Health, and Obstetrics and Gynecology Services.
26.29.28. Organization Variations. If there is no Aerospace Medicine Squadron, the
Aerospace Medicine Squadron functions (marked with an asterisk [*] in the figure) fall under
Medical Operations Squadron. These functions may transfer as one Aerospace and
Operational Medicine Flight or as individual flights.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 121
Figure 26.30. Aerospace Medicine Squadron Structure.
Note: Flights shown are options available. The composition of units depends on the mission
and clinical capability of the medical treatment facility. Individual units do not have all flights.
26.30.1. Aerospace Medicine Squadron (SGP) Functions and Responsibilities. Supports the
operational Air Force by enhancing the health of its people, ensuring a fit force, preventing
disease and injury, protecting the environment, and, anticipating and responding to medical
contingencies in all environments and workplaces. Also provides and supports regulatory
assessments, risk assessments, enhanced mission performance, planning, and public relations
and risk communication service lines.
26.30.2. Aeromedical Staging Flight (SGPW). Receives, shelters, processes, transports, and
provides medical and nursing care to patients who enter, travel in and exit the aeromedical
evacuation system, including patients in “remain overnight” status. Coordinates patient
movement requirements through the appropriate global, theater, or joint patient movement
requirements centers; coordinates with base operations for mission ground support;
coordinates with billeting and transportation to assist nonmedical and medical attendants while
transiting and remaining overnight.
26.30.3. Aerospace and Operational Medicine Flight (SGPF). Provides primary care to flying
and special operational duty personnel and their families, including all space and missile
operations duty personnel and their families. Provides primary care and application of Air
Force medical Personnel Reliability Program standards, for all personnel assigned to Personnel
Reliability Program positions, at bases that do not have a Personnel Reliability Program flight
in the Aerospace Medicine Squadron. (Family members of Personnel Reliability Program
personnel who are not flyers are to obtain primary care from family medicine, primary care,
medical services, or pediatric flights.) Provides flying and occupational preventive health
physicals. Determines fitness for flight and special operational duties. Acts as the human
systems integration consultant to the wing and air operations, space weapons, and warfare
122 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
26.30.4. Aerospace and Operational Physiology Flight (SGPT). Supports local and regional
Department of Defense operational commanders by providing appropriate aerospace
physiology and human performance enhancement training. Provides consultant services for
flying and ground safety activities and physiological and human factor investigations and
analysis of military aircraft mishaps. Provides high altitude reconnaissance and airdrop
mission support. In squadrons with hypobaric (altitude) chambers, provides overall
management to include operations, training, and oversight. In squadrons with hyperbaric
(dive) chambers, responsibilities reflect the availability of hyperbaric specialists but may
include operations, training, and oversight.
26.30.5. Audiology Flight (SGPQ). Provides clinical diagnostic and aerospace medicine
flight operational support. Evaluates and treats hearing and balance disorders. Manages the
Hearing Conservation Program and hearing loss prevention programs including education and
training and shop visits.
26.30.6. Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight (SGPB). Provides operational health risk
assessment expertise to enhance Commander decision making and health service support
capabilities by identifying, evaluating, and recommending controls for chemical, biological,
radiological, nuclear, and physical occupational and environmental health threats.
26.30.7. Health Promotion Flight (SGPZ). Provides programs that encourage healthy
lifestyles (e.g., tobacco product nonuse, exercise and fitness, nutrition, stress management,
cardiovascular disease prevention, and substance abuse education).
26.30.8. Hyperbaric Medicine Flight (SGPH). Provides initial clinical care for decompression
sickness, and carbon monoxide poisoning. Additionally, provides coordinated care in chronic
clinical cases such as gas gangrene and nonhealing wounds. When dedicated hyperbaric
personnel are not assigned, Aerospace and Operational Medicine Flight and aerospace
physiology personnel provide initial response capability and serve as consultants to the
Medical Group.
26.30.9. Occupational Medicine Flight (SGPO). Delivers comprehensive preventive care to
the military and civilian workforce. Provides initial management of occupational injuries and
illnesses. Directs medical monitoring efforts for the workforce. Instructs clinical specialists
and other allied health professionals on the recognition of occupational illnesses and injuries.
26.30.10. Optometry Flight (SGPE). Examines, diagnoses, treats, and manages diseases and
disorders of the visual system as well as diagnosis-related systemic conditions with special
emphasis on providing primary eye care and refractive services to flying and non-flying
military personnel. Manages the spectacle and gas mask inserts, contact lens and Warfighter
Aviation Corneal Refractive Surgery Programs.
26.30.11. Personnel Reliability Program Flight (SGPP). Responsible for application of Air
Force medical Personnel Reliability Program standards for all military personnel assigned to
Personnel Reliability Program positions at bases with more than 400 personnel assigned to the
Personnel Reliability Program.
26.30.12. Public Health Flight (SGPM). Recommends and implements programs to prevent
disease, disability, morbidity, and death through the effective use of population-based public
health programs. Conducts epidemiological surveillance and analysis of communicable,
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 123
environmental, and occupational morbidity and mortality to establish and prioritize strategies
for prevention and intervention.
26.30.13. Dental Operations Flight (SGPD). This flight option is used when a Medical Group
does not have a Dental Squadron.
26.30.14. Organization Variations. If there is no Aerospace Medicine Squadron, the
Aerospace Medicine Squadron functions fall under Medical Operations Squadron. These
functions may transfer as one Aerospace Medicine Flight or as individual flights.
Figure 26.31. Dental Squadron Structure.
Note: Flights shown are options available. The composition of units depends on the mission
and clinical capability of the medical treatment facility. Individual units do not have all flights.
26.31.1. Dental Squadron (SGD) Functions and Responsibilities. Implements and maintains
comprehensive programs for the prevention and treatment of dental disease to ensure
maximum individual readiness and optimal oral health. Sustains maximum readiness using
the Air Force Dental Readiness Assurance Program and delivery of comprehensive dental
services and programs. Provides a dental health care delivery system that integrates quality,
cost-effectiveness, and access and may include administration of a private sector care referral
26.31.2. Area Dental Laboratory Flight (SGDA). Supports Air Force and other federal dental
and medical services by fabricating and repairing dental prostheses, orthodontic appliances,
and related materials.
26.31.3. Clinical Dentistry Flight (SGDD). Provides diagnostic and preventive services and
delivers comprehensive dental treatment.
26.31.4. Dental Laboratory Flight (SGDL). Fabricates dental prostheses and other appliances
to support local treatment. Refers workload to the area dental laboratory as required.
26.31.5. Dental Residency Flight (SGDR). Provides education, training, and administrative
support for selected dental officers.
26.31.6. Dental Support Flight (SGDS). Supports the squadron in matters relating to
personnel management, records, reports, publications, correspondence, training, resource
management, logistics, and general management of patient data.
124 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure 26.32. Inpatient Operations Squadron Structure.
Note: Flights shown are options available. The composition of units depends on the mission
and clinical capability of the medical treatment facility. Individual units may not have all flights.
26.32.1. Inpatient Operations Squadron (SGI) Functions and Responsibilities. Provides or
arranges for the full scope of inpatient clinical health care services for the defined population
normally on 24 hours and seven days a week basis. Assesses the healthcare needs and
expectations of the population served. Plans, organizes, operates, evaluates, and improves a
comprehensive system of inpatient health care services from admission to discharge. Develops
processes to provide seamless, customer-focused access, assessment, diagnostic services,
preventive and treatment services, education and continuity in all care settings for health
maintenance, as well as acute and chronic management of disease and injury. Supports
information requirements of beneficiaries, staff, and management. Develops a program to
continuously analyze and improve system performance, to include measures of customer
satisfaction, clinical outcomes, costs, and effectiveness of all key processes.
26.32.2. Critical Care Flight (SGIC). Provides specially trained personnel and specialized
monitoring and support equipment or treatment of patients whose conditions require
intensified, comprehensive observation and care. Depending on the mission and clinical
capability of the facility, functions may include surgical and medical intensive care, special
care units, and cardiac care units.
26.32.3. Maternal and Child Care Flight (SGIB). (See Medical Operations Squadron.)
26.32.4. Medical Inpatient Flight (SGIM). Provides comprehensive, specialized, nonsurgical
care to medical patients in inpatient nursing units.
26.32.5. Mental Health Inpatient Flight (SGIW). Provides comprehensive, specialized care to
mental health inpatients.
26.32.6. Perioperative Flight (SGIP). Provides perioperative services to include the operating
room, anesthesia, same day surgery, post-anesthesia care unit, and sterile processing
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 125
26.32.7. Surgical Inpatient Flight (SGIS). Provides comprehensive, specialized, surgical care
to inpatients. All inpatient surgical units, regardless of specialty, fall within the Surgical
Inpatient Flight (excluding intensive care units).
26.32.8. Multiservice Inpatient Flight (SGIA). To be used for smaller flights. This flight
combines functions of Medical Inpatient and Surgical Inpatient Flights.
Figure 26.33. Diagnostics and Therapeutics Squadron Structure.
Note: Flights shown are options available. The composition of units depends on the mission
and clinical capability of the medical treatment facility. Individual units may not have all flights.
26.33.1. Diagnostics and Therapeutics Squadron (SGQ) Functions and Responsibilities.
Responsible for diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, education, nutrition, and foodservices for
patients, staff, and other customers.
26.33.2. Clinical Laboratory Flight (SGQC). (See Medical Support Squadron.)
26.33.3. Diagnostic Imaging Flight (SGQQ). (See Medical Support Squadron.)
26.33.4. Histopathology Flight (SGQH). (See Medical Support Squadron.)
26.33.5. Nutritional Medicine Flight (SGQD). (See Medical Support Squadron.)
26.33.6. Pharmacy Flight (SGQP). (See Medical Support Squadron.)
26.33.7. Organization Variations. The Diagnostics and Therapeutics Squadron is an optional
squadron for Medical Groups with more than 1,000 authorizations that have large capabilities
in the affected areas. When this option is used, the Medical Support Squadron does not have
the affected flights.
126 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure 26.34. Surgical Operations Squadron Structure.
Note: Flights shown are options available. The composition of units depends on the mission
and clinical capability of the medical treatment facility. Individual units may not have all flights.
26.34.1. Surgical Operations Squadron (SGC) Functions and Responsibilities. Provides
episodic care to the patient population. Provides specialized treatment that is generally a
singular occurrence.
26.34.2. Anesthesia Flight (SGCJ). Provides preoperative services, recovery room and
postanesthesia care units, and pain management clinics.
26.34.3. Diagnostic Imaging Flight (SGCR). (See Medical Support Squadron.)
26.34.4. General Surgery Flight (SGCQ). Examines, diagnoses, and treats diseases, injuries,
and disorders by surgical means and provides related inpatient nursing units.
26.34.5. Obstetrics and Gynecology Services Flight (SGCG). (See Medical Operations
26.34.6. Operating Room Flight (SGCS). May include the operating room, postanesthesia
care unit, Commander’s support section, anesthesia, and same-day surgery functions.
26.34.7. Orthopedics Flight (SGCO). Provides outpatient clinics, brace shops, and podiatry
26.34.8. Surgical Services Flight (SGCU). Provides treatment of patients who, because of a
major surgical procedure or pre-operating or post-operating conditions, require intensified,
comprehensive observation and care. Also provides services such as ambulatory surgery
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 127
clinics, operating rooms, anesthesia, postanesthesia care units, and sterile processing
26.34.9. Surgical Specialties Flight (SGCX). Provides ophthalmology, orthopedics,
neurosurgery, thoracic surgery, cardiac surgery, urology, vascular surgery, and plastic surgery.
26.34.10. Critical Care Flight (SGCC). (See Inpatient Operations Squadron.)
26.34.11. Maternal and Child Care Flight (SGCB). (See Inpatient Operations Squadron and
Medical Operations Squadron.)
26.34.12. Medical Inpatient Flight (SGCN). (See Inpatient Operations Squadron.)
26.34.13. Mental Health Inpatient Flight (SGCW). (See Inpatient Operations Squadron.)
26.34.14. Multiservice Inpatient Flight (SGCM). (See Inpatient Operations Squadron.)
26.34.15. Perioperative Flight (SGCP). (See Inpatient Operations Squadron.)
26.34.16. Surgical Inpatient Flight (SGCI). (See Inpatient Operations Squadron.)
26.34.17. Organization Variations. In facilities too small to have Inpatient Operations Squadrons, Inpatient
Operations Flights (marked with an asterisk [*] in the figure) can be established under the
Surgical Operations Squadron if those services are present in the facility. When this option is used, the Medical Operations Squadron does not have the
Obstetrics and Gynecology Services and Surgical Services Flights.
128 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Chapter 27
27.1. Organization Actions.
27.1.1. Use the terminology and related procedures outlined in this chapter to make an
organization change. Implementation of organization actions is to be per applicable provisions
of AFI 10-503, Strategic Basing. Procedures and responsibilities in this chapter apply to Major
Commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units. SAF/AAR may perform
these functions for their supported organizations. See Chapter 29 for the organization change
request process.
27.2. Organization Terminology.
27.2.1. Constitute. Provide the legal authority for a new unit by designating it in a DAF/A1M
27.2.2. Disband. Withdraw the legal authority for a unit. The designation of the unit is retired
and preserved in historical records.
27.2.3. Reconstitute. Renew legal authorization of a disbanded unit.
27.2.4. Activate. Bring into existence a constituted unit, a detachment of a unit, or a
provisional unit. An active unit can legally function as specified by directives.
27.2.5. Inactivate. End the existence of a unit, detachment of a unit, or provisional unit. An
inactive unit keeps its lineage, history, honors, and is available for activation when needed
again (applies to non-provisional units; see Chapter 31 for information on provisional units).
Inactivate units when their mission ceases to exist and all resources are withdrawn. (T-1).
27.2.6. Designate. Give an official name (or a number and name).
27.2.7. Redesignate. Change the name or number.
27.2.8. Consolidate. To permanently combine two or more organizations by merging their
lineage into a single line to form a single organization. Consolidation usually applies to
organizations that were active at different times but have the same numerical designations or
similar functions. Units that have been active concurrently cannot be consolidated. A
consolidated unit cannot subsequently be separated.
27.2.9. Assign. Place a unit with an existing military organization.
27.2.10. Attach. Place a unit, or part of a unit, with a military organization other than its parent
organization, without making it a part of that organization. A unit, or part of a unit, may be
attached for operational control, administrative control, and logistic support. Operational Control. The authority of a Commander over subordinate forces to
organize and employ commands and forces, assign tasks, designate objectives, and give
direction necessary to accomplish the mission. This is applicable at Combatant Command
echelon and below. Administrative Control. Direction or exercise of authority over subordinate or
other organizations concerning administration and support. Examples of administrative
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 129
control are the Uniform Code of Military Justice authority, personnel classification,
effectiveness reports, and granting leaves and so on. Logistic Support. The support provided by one organization to another,
enabling that organization to carry out operations. Examples include supply, maintenance,
logistics planning, transportation, and contracting. An order that states a unit is attached
for logistic support only clearly means operational control and administrative control are
not responsibilities of the Commander to which the unit is attached. The order itself does
not detail the extent and kind of logistic support, as this support is clarified through separate
documents, such as host-tenant support agreements.
27.2.11. Allot. Authorize a unit to be part of the ANG. DAF/A1M letters allot units to the
National Guard Bureau that in turn assigns them to the appropriate state, territory, or the
District of Columbia.
27.2.12. Status Change. Change the organizational status of a Major Command, Field
Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit. A DAF/A1M letter accomplishes a status
change. A redesignation often accompanies status changes. For example, the status change of
the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Agency from a Field Operating
Agency to a subordinate organization of Air Combat Command was accompanied by its
redesignation to Twenty-Fifth Air Force.
27.3. Organization Procedures. The following procedures apply to organizational entities
within the Air Force:
27.3.1. Establishments. An establishment is automatically created when its headquarters unit is activated. An establishment is controlled through its headquarters. However, subordinate
units are assigned to the establishment, not to the headquarters unit. This enables each unit
within an establishment to have a separate identity. The fact that the headquarters unit
controls the establishment places the other units subordinate to it. Personnel are assigned
to a unit, not to an establishment. The assignment of any establishment assigns all its components at the same time
unless otherwise specified. For example, when a wing is assigned to a Numbered Air
Force, the assignment of the wing's groups and squadrons also is to the Numbered Air
Force. The separation of units by location does not affect their assignment to the
establishment. Inactivation of a headquarters unit automatically inactivates the establishment.
Units assigned to the establishment automatically revert, unless otherwise directed, to the
next higher level.
27.3.2. Units. Headquarters Air Force issues a DAF/A1M letter to constitute and activate Major
Commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units. For a unit subordinate
to a Major Command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit, Headquarters Air
Force constitutes the unit and assigns it to the Major Command, Field Operating Agency,
or Direct Reporting Unit for activation. The Major Command, Field Operating Agency, or
Direct Reporting Unit will activate and assign the unit by issuing a G-series order citing
130 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
the DAF/A1M letter as authority. (T-1). A DAF/A1M letter also can authorize a Major
Command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit to redesignate or inactivate
a unit. An inactivated unit reverts to the control of Headquarters Air Force. DAF/A1M
letters and G-series orders follow the formats prescribed in Chapter 30 and illustrated in
Attachment 4. A Major Command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit may
reassign a unit internally unless the unit's assignment is specified in a DAF/A1M letter or
by a standard structure prescribed in this instruction. A unit may be reassigned from one Major Command, Field Operating Agency,
or Direct Reporting Unit to another. In this case, the losing Major Command, Field
Operating Agency or Direct Reporting Unit (after coordinating with the receiving Major
Command, Field Operating Agency or Direct Reporting Unit) requests AF/A1M approve
the reassignment on a date agreed to by both commands (if agreed to by both parties, the
receiving command may make the request, or the commands may make a joint request). A
DAF/A1M letter directs the reassignment of such units and copies are sent to both
commands. The effective date of an organization action (e.g., activation, inactivation, or
redesignation) is published either in the DAF/A1M letter or orders issued by the Major
Command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit. When a DAF/A1M letter
allows the effective date to be on or about a certain date, the organization action must occur
no more than 30 calendar days before or after that date. (T-1). Numbered Flights are units and require the same organization procedures as
other units. Alpha and functional flights, however, are not units and are not subject to this
chapter's procedures.
27.3.3. Nonunits. Major commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units
have the approval authority to activate, inactivate, and redesignate detachments and operating
locations. (See below for specifics such as how to designate them and restrictions on
redesignations.) The above organizations and Admin Assistant to the Secretary of the Air
Force, Manpower (SAF/AARM), (for serviced organizations) may approve variances to
paragraphs and regarding sequencing of detachment and operating
location designations when warranted. Examples of circumstances that might warrant a
variance include operational needs, to maintain continuity, or to identify with a particular
related organization or location (such as joint bases). In all cases, detachments must remain
numeric and operating locations remain alphabetical. (T-1). MAJCOM/A1M focal points will
conduct an annual detachment and operating location review to validate the continuing
requirement for the activity. (T-1). Detachments. A Major Command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit may
activate a detachment for a function that is geographically separated from its parent
unit. A detachment is activated to fill a need for command or supervision, or for other
reasons, such as to facilitate unit movement. If there is a need for command authority,
the senior officer on duty with a detachment is appointed on orders as detachment
Commander. Normally, a geographically separated organization is designated an
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 131
operating location unless on-site command authority is required. Then, it is designated
as a detachment. Detachments are numbered in sequence, beginning with “1.” A detachment can be redesignated to another number within the same unit.
The new number cannot duplicate a currently active detachment number within that
unit. The following redesignations cannot be made: A detachment of one parent unit to a detachment of another parent
unit. A detachment to a unit. A unit to a detachment. A detachment to an operating location. An operating location to a detachment. The inactivation of a parent unit automatically inactivates its detachments. Detachments are designated as part of a unit, not an establishment (e.g.,
Detachment 1, 1st Fighter Squadron, or Detachment 4, Headquarters 1st Operations
Group). If a gap in sequential numbering occurs because of actions such as
inactivation of a detachment, it is not necessary to take actions to change the numbers
of the other detachments in the unit to fill in the gap. Operating Location. An operating location may be activated by a Major Command, Field
Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit. An operating location is a geographically separated location where persons
are required to perform permanent duty, and the command supervision or other features
provided by a detachment are not needed. An operating location is not a location separated from an installation to
which persons are transported to work. Detachment guidelines in paragraphs to also apply
to operating location actions (with the understanding that operating locations are
designated alphabetically instead of numerically). Manpower authorizations for an operating location are reported with the
location where duty is being performed. Operating locations are designated in alphabetical sequence, beginning
with A. Coding Personnel Accounting Symbol Data
132 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 The personnel accounting symbol code contains data fields for designating
detachments, operating locations, and staff elements. The following coding rules
apply: Operating locations are designated with a maximum of three alphabetic
characters in a four-character field. The first character of the operating location field
is zero. The first two characters of the operating location field are always zero for
operating locations designated with two letters. The first three characters of the
operating location field are always zero for operating location designations with a
single letter (e.g., operating location code “000A” for operating location “A,” operating
location code “00ZZ” for operating location “ZZ,” operating location code “0ABC” for
operating location “ABC”). If the operating location is not subordinate to the detachment, the
detachment code is designated with zeroes (e.g., detachment code “0000” and operating
location code “000A” means operating location “A” and parent is not a detachment). If the operating location is subordinate to the detachment, both fields are
designated independently (e.g., detachment code “0001” and operating location code
“000A” equals operating location “A” of Detachment “1”). Detachment and operating location data fields (four characters each) are
combined in the personnel system. So, total nonzero characters cannot exceed four
characters. An operating location can be up to three characters if the detachment
number designation is one digit (19). An operating location can be one or two characters if the detachment
number designation is two digits (1099). An operating location can be only one character if the detachment
number designation is three digits (100999). An operating location cannot be assigned to a detachment numbered
greater than “999.” If it becomes necessary to establish an operating location, the
detachment is redesignated using not more than three digits for identification. The first character of an operating location or staff element data field
is alphabetic if used for anything other than an operating location (e.g., when
establishing a separate personnel accounting symbol for a senior rater). General guidance on the personnel accounting symbol system is in
Air Force Computer Systems Manual (AFCSM) 36-699, Volume 4, Personnel
Accounting Symbol System Users Manual. Squadron Sections. A Commander of a large unit (235 or more military
authorized), squadron or above, may delegate administrative control of all assigned
members by appointing a section Commander on special orders per the guidance in AFI
51-509. If a full-time section Commander is not authorized under a manpower standard,
unit commanders may appoint a section Commander who performs these functions as an
additional duty. Commanders exercise discretion to ensure this is done only when
warranted by the span of control factors. (See AFI 51-509 for legal guidance on the
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 133
appointment of section commanders and AFI 36-2101, Classifying Military Personnel
(Officer and Enlisted) for guidance on Air Force specialty code and duty title matters.) Air Force Elements. An Air Force Element may be designated to function as a unit by a
designating officer (described in paragraphs through The
designating officer attaches the Air Force members on duty with an organization
outside the Air Force to the Air Force Element. (Refer to AFI 51-509 for the
determination of an Air Force Element Commander and the appointment of Air Force
Element section Commanders.) These officers have authority to designate an Air Force
Element to function as a unit: The senior Air Force officer in a defense Agency, defense field
activity, Combatant Command, joint task force, combined task force, coalition
forces, or activity outside the Air Force that exercises operational control over the
Air Force Element. The Commander of the Major Command for Regular Air Force
members within that command detailed to a unit of the ANG not in federal service;
detailed to an organization outside the Air Force for which the Secretary of the Air
Force serves as the Executive Agent per DoDDs; or similar circumstances. The Commander, Air Force District of Washington for Air Force
Elements not within such commands, agencies, or activities. In appropriate circumstances (such as a geographically dispersed Air Force
Element), an Air Force Element may be divided into sections, and an Air Force Element
section Commander appointed to each section. In these cases, the Air Force Element
Commander designates which members are attached to each section.
27.4. Office Symbol Codes.
27.4.1. Office symbol codes identify the organizational structure and functional
responsibilities within a unit. For instance, “HO” is the office symbol code for the History
Office in the wing headquarters. These specifically address office symbol codes as used in the
Manpower Programming and Execution System (see Attachment 2) and related manpower
27.4.2. General Characteristics of Office Symbol Codes. Major functions have two-letter symbols (e.g., the surgeon is “SG.” Since basic
functions report to major functions, basic functions have three-letter [or more] symbols,
e.g., dental is “SGD”). A basic function’s office symbol starts with the same letters as the
parent function’s office symbol and adds one more letter. Each major function within the Air Force is assigned a two-letter office symbol;
wing staff, group, and squadrons within the Operations group and Mission Support Group
have two-letter office symbols. Basic functions are assigned three-letter (or more) office
symbols. Some major functions include basic functions that are similar in title and function
to another major function (e.g., the major function of Manpower, Personnel, and Services,
“A1,” may have a basic function of Plans). Since all office symbols within a function start
134 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
with the same two characters, the Personnel Plans function uses the office symbol “A1X”
rather than “XP” so the basic function is not confused with a major function. The office symbol code “CC” may be used for organizational commanders
instead of the functional office symbol code. Major commands, field operating agencies
and Direct Reporting Units should be consistent among their similar organizations in use
of “CC” or the functional office symbol code in the Manpower Programming and
Execution System. As much as possible, office symbol codes use the same letters and titles at
Headquarters Air Force, Major Command, and base level. Two Types of Office Symbol Codes. Air Force standard office symbol codes are available for use by more than
one command. These types of office symbol codes are established for standard
organization structures such as those previously listed in Chapters 26 and 27 of this
instruction or a functional instruction and to promote standardization and ease of
communication. These office symbol codes are identified by a command code of
“AF” in the Manpower Programming and Execution System office symbol code
reference table. Command-unique office symbol codes are used by a single command, as
identified in the Manpower Programming and Execution System office symbol code
reference table. Command-unique office symbol codes cannot duplicate or conflict
with standard office symbol codes. (T-1). Do not create a command-unique office
symbol code if an Air Force standard office symbol code exists for an organization
(e.g., if a Civil Engineer Squadron has an Operations Flight, it uses an office symbol
code of “CEO” as reflected previously Chapter 26). (T-1).
27.4.3. Procedures for the Manpower Programming and Execution System Office Symbol
Codes. The Manpower Programming and Execution System office symbol codes are
limited to seven alphanumeric characters. Though special characters such as dashes or
slashes may be acceptable when office symbol codes are used for communication or
identification purposes, they cannot be included in office symbol codes as reflected in the
Manpower Programming and Execution System because they create problems in some data
systems that interface with the Manpower Programming and Execution System. The Manpower Programming and Execution System office symbol code titles
are limited to 40 characters for Air Force systems and a 100-character title for interface
with Department of Defense systems. To facilitate interface with the Department of
Defense systems, the 100-character title are spelled out as much as possible, avoiding
acronyms and other abbreviations. Special characters cannot be used in the Manpower
Programming and Execution System office symbol code titles because they create
problems in some data systems that interface with the Manpower Programming and
Execution System. The organizational level is not normally included in the office symbol code title
(i.e., do not include words such as “division,” “directorate,” “squadron,” “flight,”
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 135
“section,” etc., in the title). This allows the same office symbol code to be used at different
organizational levels. Using organizations will request deletion of office symbol codes that are no
longer required. (T-1). The deletions cannot occur until no manpower authorizations
remain using the office symbol code. Use existing office symbol codes when possible. Headquarters Air Force functional managers should maintain standard office
symbol codes and structures down to the division or equivalent level (i.e., offices with
three-digit office symbol codes) for Major Command and Numbered and Named Air Force
headquarters to facilitate communications and minimize personnel transition time. The
Headquarters Air Force functional manager must approve all deviations to these
established three-letter office symbols. (T-1). (See paragraph 29.1.4) Do not use proposed office symbol codes until approved.
27.4.4. A-Staff Office Symbol Codes. A-staff office symbol codes are used to identify certain
major staff elements in Headquarters Air Force, Major Command headquarters, and
component Numbered and Named Air Force headquarters. These office symbol codes are
patterned on the J-staff structure used in joint organizations and are designed to improve
communication within the Air Force and with other Department of Defense organizations.
Base-level organizations do not use A-Staff office symbol codes. (T-1). Functions not covered
by the standardized A-staff structure maintain their current office symbols (e.g., “FM,” “JA,”
“SG,” “PA”). Standard two-digit A-staff office symbol codes are shown in Figure 27.1 Major
commands may request to link A-staff two-digit functions (e.g., A3 and A5 as A3/5) in their
Major Command headquarters using the organization change request procedures in Chapter
29. Major commands are authorized to approve linking A-staff two-digit functions in their
component Numbered Air Forces if they follow the guidance in Figure 26.2 Major commands
may return to the standard A-staff structure in Figure 27.1 without using the organization
change request procedures in Chapter 29, but they notify AF/A1M of the return to the standard
Figure 27.1. Standard Two-Digit A-Staff Office Symbol Codes.
27.4.5. Requests for the Manpower Programming and Execution System Office Symbol Code
136 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 If an office symbol code change is needed because of an organization change
request, requesters include the associated office symbol code actions in question five of the
organization change request per the procedures in Chapter 29 of this instruction. Major commands, field operating agencies, Direct Reporting Units, and
SAF/AAR will send other office symbol code requests for the Manpower Programming
and Execution System actions by e-mail to the AF/A1MO Workflow mailbox. (T-1).
When possible, use a distinct e-mail subject that reflects the request and requester (e.g.,
subject: “OSC Request-ACC OS Add” or “OSC Request-Air Force Material Command
“PK” Actions”). Include the specific office symbol code, office symbol code titles, action
(i.e., add, delete, or change), a short rationale for the request, and whether requesting a
standard or command-unique office symbol code (identify command code, as appropriate).
A spreadsheet request template is available from AF/A1MO, their Air Force Portal site or
Microsoft SharePoint site. AF/A1MO obtains functional coordination within
Headquarters Air Force, as required, and forwards approved requests to be loaded into the
Manpower Programming and Execution System (See Attachment 2). Send office symbol
code requests for organizations outside the Air Force (e.g., Air Force Elements) to
AF/A1MP instead of AF/A1MO.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 137
Chapter 28
28.1. Nomenclature. Standardize organization titles, when possible. When activating a unit,
designate it using the procedures in this instruction and guidance in AFPD 38-1.
28.2. General Guidelines. Apply these guidelines when naming a unit:
28.2.1. Generally, units require a specific organization title or designation made up of a
number or name, a "kind" (nomenclature) and a "type" (organizational level) indicator.
Examples of Numbered and Named unit designations are in Figure 28.1
Figure 28.1. Unit Designation Examples.
28.3. Heritage. Heritage is an important element in unit prestige, pride, and morale. It, therefore,
impacts readiness and operational effectiveness. The Air Force regularly activates and inactivates
units as a result of force structure and organizational changes. Throughout this process, we take
care to preserve those units with the richest heritage by keeping them in active status. This may
require transferring a unit designation from one location to another (follow procedures in AFI 10-
28.4. Unit Number.
28.4.1. A numbered unit is assigned a number with no more than three numerals (e.g., 305th
Air Mobility Wing).
28.4.2. The Air Force designates Numbered Air Forces in a single series beginning with
"First." Do not use Arabic or Roman numerals in designating Numbered Air Forces.
Component Numbered Air Forces have a parenthetical designation indicating their component
role consisting of "(Air Forces XXXXX)" where "XXXXX" is the functional or geographic
designation of the associated Combatant Command [e.g., Seventh Air Force (Air Forces
Korea)]. Numbered and Named Air Forces that are not component Numbered Air Forces
cannot have a parenthetical designation (e.g., Second Air Force).
28.4.3. Use unit numbers as low in sequence as possible.
28.4.4. Reserve numbers 101 through 299 for ANG units.
138 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
28.4.5. Do not duplicate wing and independent group numerical designations. In other words,
there is only one 325th wing (presently a fighter wing) or one 720th group (presently a special
tactics group). Since these numbers are taken, no other 325th or 720th wing or group is
authorized. AF/A1M manages active wing designations.
28.4.6. Give dependent groups and support squadrons the same number as their parent
organizations, when possible. If you cannot give groups their parent organization's number
(e.g., because of duplication) do not use a number already assigned to another wing. Assign
to these groups or squadrons a number that bears a logical relationship to the parent. When
feasible, number duplicate units “7XX” or “8XX” (where “XX” is the wing number). For
example, duplicate squadrons under the 96th Civil Engineer Group would be the 96th Civil
Engineer Squadron and 796th Civil Engineer Squadron.
28.4.7. Do not normally give mission squadrons assigned to groups or wings the same number
as their parent organizations. When otherwise convenient, use sequential numbers for mission
squadrons within the same wing. Examples of mission squadrons include operational
squadrons in a flying wing, training squadrons in a training wing, and electronics maintenance
squadrons in a maintenance wing.
28.4.8. You do not normally redesignate a unit numerically. For example, if the host wing at
an installation changes, the support units are not redesignated from the old host wing number
to the new host wing number. Instead, the support units under the old host wing are inactivated,
and support units with the new host wing number are activated. This ensures that the previous
host wing has similarly numbered support units available for activation if needed.
28.4.9. Normally number units subordinate to a Numbered Air Force “6XX” (where “XX” is
the number). Do not use “6XX” numbers for units not assigned to “XX NAF” (where “XX”
is the Numbered Air Force number).
28.4.10. Priorities. Use the following priorities to assign unit numerical designations for
wings, independent groups, and operational squadrons. Give: First priority to preserving units that trace their heritage to the original (pre-
1939) Air Force formations. Second priority to units with records of unique historical achievements. Third priority to units which have gained the most years of service, unit
decorations, and specific accomplishments. The Air Force Historical Research Agency maintains, updates, and distributes
annual master heritage rankings based on these priorities.
28.5. Unit Kind.
28.5.1. Assign a unit a designation that describes its assigned mission. Use the same
nomenclature for organizations with the same responsibilities. Do not construct unit titles that
restrict another unit with a similar mission from using that nomenclature.
28.5.2. Do not designate composite wings or composite independent groups by "kind"
designation (e.g., 3d Wing).
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 139
28.5.3. Keep unit "kinds" (nomenclature) and type attributes short and simple. Use more
specific nomenclature at lower organizational levels, but keep the number of different titles to
a minimum.
28.5.4. Use current, approved nomenclature for units. For available unit "kinds"
(nomenclatures) see the organization kind code reference table in the Manpower Programming
and Execution System. Units must have approval from AF/A1M for any deviations to
approved nomenclature.
28.6. Unit Type. Use Chapter 25 of this instruction to determine appropriate unit types.
28.7. New Nomenclature.
28.7.1. If an unusual factor such as a special mission suggests a deviation from the standard
organization nomenclature, a Major Command may request new nomenclature from AF/A1M.
Include in these requests the proposed nomenclature (unit kind), type (level), and command to
which restricted (if any) and a short definition of the mission implied by the nomenclature.
Also, include the justification or rationale for the proposed nomenclature. Include this
information in Question 5a of an organization change request per the procedures in paragraph
29.2.2 of this instruction. For example:
Proposed Unit Kind: Fighter Training
Proposed Unit Type: Squadron
Restriction: None
Definition: Provides flying training in fighter type aircraft.
Justification: Provide rationale for new nomenclature
28.8. Procedures for Unit Designation.
28.8.1. Units are regularly activated, inactivated, or redesignated because of force structure
and organizational changes. Designation actions will conform to policy criteria in AFPD 38-
1 and procedural criteria documented in this instruction. (T-1).
28.8.2. Do not designate or redesignate a unit with the exact number, name, and type of
another active or inactive unit.
28.8.3. When a new unit is needed, you may re-activate an inactive unit of the same number
or name and similar function. It may be redesignated before activation to reflect current
nomenclature when needed. The unit that is activated again keeps its lineage, honors, history,
and emblem. When proposing a unit activation, Major Commands should contact the Air
Force Historical Research Agency as early in the process as possible for identification of
appropriate inactive units that are available. “Similar function” for inactive flying units means
re-activation as a unit whose members operate aircraft, spacecraft or other flying equipment
operating in the air or space environments. Other types of mission units and support units do
not use the heritage of former flying units.
28.8.4. A unit keeps its lineage, honors, and history through all activations, inactivations, and
redesignations. AFI 84-105, Organizational Lineage, Honors, and Heraldry, describes the
effect an organizational action has on inheriting the lineage, honors, and history of a unit. On
request, the Air Force Historical Research Agency provides Major Commands with a list of
qualified inactive units for possible activation.
140 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
28.8.5. Major commands, field operating agencies and Direct Reporting Units will use
approved nomenclature and heritage lists to propose unit designations. (T-1). Submit these
proposals to AF/A1M for evaluation and certification of compliance with guidance in AFPD
38-1 and this instruction per procedures in Chapter 29. If Major Commands wish to deviate
from the guidance, they provide explicit justification in a request for approval of an
organizational variance. AF/A1M sends proposals to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force for
28.8.6. Requests to memorialize a named unit or named activity are to follow the guidelines
in AFMAN 36-2806, Awards and Memorialization Program. Major commands submit these
requests per the procedures in Chapter 29 and include a biography of the individual,
explanation of why the Major Command wishes to memorialize the organization for this
individual, and certification that appropriate quality force reviews or background checks have
been conducted.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 141
Chapter 29
29.1. Actions Requiring AF/A1M Approval. Major commands, field operating agencies, Direct
Reporting Units, and their subordinate units (through their servicing manpower activity) must have
AF/A1M approval to:
29.1.1. Activate, inactivate, or redesignate a unit or to vary from any policy, guidance,
procedure, or standard organization depicted in this instruction or AFPD 38-1. (T-1). A
variation includes any addition, deletion, or merger of functions shown in a standard
organization. AF/A1M staffs these requests to appropriate approval authorities within
Headquarters Air Force as shown in Table 29.1
29.1.2. Change major staff elements (i.e., directorate or equivalent level [i.e., offices with two-
digit office symbols]) in a Major Command headquarters.
29.1.3. Headquarters Air Force functional managers must also approve changes to Major
Command headquarters at the division or equivalent level (i.e., offices with three-digit office
symbols). Major commands submit these requests to either: (1) the appropriate Headquarters
Air Force functional manager with an information copy to AF/A1MO or (2) to AF/A1M using
the procedures in this chapter.
Table 29.1. Organization Change Request Approval Levels for Actions Submitted to
Major command activations, redesignations, inactivations
Secretary of the Air
Numbered/Named Air Force activations, redesignations,
Secretary of the Air
Headquarters Air Force Field Operating Agency or Direct
Reporting Unit activations, redesignations and inactivations
Secretary of the Air
Major command Field Operating Agency or Major Command
Direct Reporting Unit activations
Secretary of the Air
Major command Field Operating Agency redesignations,
Wing activations, redesignations, inactivations
Independent groups activations, redesignations, inactivations
142 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Dependent groups activations, redesignations, inactivations,
Dependent groups nonstandard nomenclature
Operational squadrons and Numbered Flights activations,
redesignations, inactivations
Support squadrons and Numbered Flights activations,
redesignations, inactivations, variances
and Functional
Named units (centers) activations, redesignations,
Named units (other than centers)
Change to standard internal squadron functional structure or
name of internal squadron functional flights
AF/A1M and functional
29.2. Organization Change Request.
29.2.1. A request for an action such as unit activation, inactivation, redesignation, or variation
to a standard structure must include answers to the Organization Change Request Questions,
as they apply. (T-1.) Answer “not applicable” when appropriate. AF/A1M reviews
organization change requests and, on approval, directs Major Commands, field operating
agencies, Direct Reporting Units, or SAF/AAR to reflect the action in a DAF/A1M letter
request sheet per paragraph Also, AFI 84-105 requires Major Commands, field
operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units to submit to the Air Force Historical Research
Agency a monthly report of any changes in organizations using RCS: HAF-HO(M)7401.
Implementation of actions is subject to applicable provisions in AFI 10-503.
29.2.2. Organization Change Request Questions. Major commands should edit submissions
from their base-level organizations before forwarding requests to Headquarters Air Force to
ensure questions are answered, and that information extraneous to Headquarters Air Force
review is deleted. Question 1. What is the proposed action (list specific actions, such as activation,
inactivation, nomenclature change, reorganization, or variation request)? Question 2. Why is the action needed? What are the expected benefits? (Identity
factors driving the need for the action [e.g., changes to instructions, missions, or concepts
of operations]); attach any substantiating Air Force directives. In describing expected
benefits, identify improvements, examples of increased mission capability and so on.
Generalized statements such as increases mission capability or reduces the span of control
are not adequate as justifications.) Question 3. What is the structure of the new organization? (Include current and
proposed organization and function charts showing authorized and proposed manpower by
officer, enlisted and civilian. Also include the ADSL, where applicable. Contractor
numbers are not required in an OCR unless they are necessary to explain the particular
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 143
situation; if showing contractor numbers, show them as a separate item not added into
organization chart totals nor the Officer/Enlisted/Civilian/Total numbers. Explain
manpower changes. To assist in the identification of potential Congressional or community
concerns, identify the number of manpower authorization changes for each affected
installation, using a table if needed.) Question 4. Explain how the proposed structure compares with standard
structures in Chapter 26, nomenclature guidance, and size guidance, and provide rationale
for any requested deviations. Explain any requested variances, citing affected portions of
this AFI, and explaining why the organization wishes to vary from the guidance. Using
the guidance in Chapter 25, include computation of adjusted populations for wings,
groups, or squadrons with manpower authorizations under the unit size thresholds. If there
are no variances involved, answer “Not applicable.” Question 5. Because of this request, are any changes needed to add or delete
organization nomenclature codes or office symbol codes or to change the title for an office
symbol code? If so, provide the following information. Strive to use existing codes rather
than creating new ones. Avoid special characters because of data system interface
problems. (When submitting a request to Headquarters Air Force for approval, only include
code requests that require Headquarters Air Force action; do not include code actions that
are handled at the command or base level.) (See Chapter 27 for more information on
office symbol codes.) Question 5a. Organization Nomenclature Code Change.
Action: [Add or Delete; titles cannot be changed]
Requested 3-character code:
Requested 18-character code:
Requested 38-character code:
Requested 100-character code: [to facilitate interface with systems outside of the Air Force,
spell out full nomenclature to the maximum extent possible, avoiding acronyms and other
Description: [Provide a short one to two sentence description of the mission for this type of unit.
Make descriptions mission-focused and generic enough to allow other similar units to use this
nomenclature.] Question 5b. Office Symbol Code Change.
Action: [Add, Delete, Change Title]
Requested code: [Can be no more than 7 alphanumeric characters]
Requested 40-character title:
Requested 100-character title: [to facilitate interface with systems outside of the Air Force, spell
out full nomenclature to the maximum extent possible, avoiding acronyms and other
abbreviations] Question 6. For unit activations or redesignations, explain why the proposed unit
designation was chosen. Identify any inactive historical units you are proposing to use and
explain why you want to use these units. If the proposed approach varies from guidance
144 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
regarding unit heritage or nomenclature, provide specific rationale for the requested
deviation. Coordinate proposals with the appropriate history office. Question 7. What is the cost of the request regarding dollars and resources?
(Document cost regarding dollars and manpower. Include administrative costs such as
flags and signs, as well as manpower increases, or other monetary costs the requested
reorganization action directly drives. Do not include costs that may be from related force
structure actions, e.g., runway construction costs for bedding down programmed aircraft
may not be included in the organization change request to activate an associated flying
squadron. If there are any changes in controlled grades (e.g., colonel, chief master
sergeant), explain those. If the action cannot be implemented from within currently
programmed Major Command, Field Operating Agency or Direct Reporting Unit resources
see paragraph Major commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units
normally implement actions approved under the organization change request process
using currently programmed manpower and budgetary resources. In the rare cases
when this is not possible, they submit an initiative for the resources needed for the Air
Force Corporate Structure during a budget exercise, following guidance in AFPD 90-
6, Air Force Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (SPPBE)
Process, and any related instructions. They do this before or concurrent with the
organization change request submission. AF/A1M holds the organization change
request without action until the resources are approved. AF/A1M returns the
organization change request without action if the resource approval does not occur
within 30 calendar days of receipt of the organization change request. For
reconsideration, the Major Command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting
Unit resubmits the organization change request following approval of the resources. Question 8. Provide a mission directive, statement, or description for
organizations proposed for activation, inactivation, redesignation, or reorganization.
29.2.3. Major command, Field Operating Agency, and Direct Reporting Unit A1Ms and
SAF/AARM (for serviced organizations) submit organization change requests requiring
AF/A1M action using a request memorandum from the A1M or SAF/AARM to AF/A1MO.
These submissions reflect their commands’ position and are to have been staffed with
appropriate offices internal to the command (including affected command functional points of
contact) before submission to Headquarters Air Force. AF/A1MO coordinates the
organization change requests with appropriate Headquarters Air Force offices and staffs the
organization change request to the approval authorities reflected in Table 29.1 for a decision
on approval or disapproval. If approval authority is the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Chief of Staff of
the Air Force or Secretary of the Air Force, the submitting Major Command, Field
Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit includes documentation reflecting approval to
release the organization change request by their Commander, director, deputy Commander
or equivalent. A copy of the command staff summary sheet for the action is the preferred
documentation and is included as an attachment to the organization change request
submission memorandum.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 145 Organization change requests for ANG units include coordination by the gaining
commands for the affected units. NGB/A1M obtains the coordination from the gaining
command A1Ms who staff the requests within their command, including appropriate
functional coordination. The gaining command A1Ms obtain coordination from their
Commander or deputy Commander if the approval authority for the action per Table 29.1
is the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Chief of Staff of the Air Force or Secretary of
the Air Force. The Major Command Commander or deputy Commander may delegate the
coordination of these organization change requests to the command A1M; the command
A1M provides a copy of the delegation to AF/A1MO and NGB/A1M and updates the
delegation at least every five years. (See AFPD 10-3, Operational Utilization of the Air
Reserve Component Forces; and AFI 10-301, Managing Operational Utilization
Requirements of the Air Force Reserve Component Forces, for further discussion of
gaining commands.)
29.2.4. Major commands, field operating agencies, Direct Reporting Units, and SAF/AARM
are encouraged to use supplements to this instruction or similar documents to guide their
organizations on organization change requests that do not require Headquarters Air Force
approval, as well as command-unique organization structures, terms, and processes.
29.2.5. A request for organization action is not required in the following instances: For units inactivating because of an approved force structure action. Actions
subject to legislative action or related studies are not considered approved until satisfactory
completion of the legislative requirements. If actions are not per heritage priority guidance
in AFPD 38-1 and this instruction, an organization change request is required. When specific unit actions are directed in a Program Action Directive, Program
Guidance Letter, Program Change Request, or similar directive issued by Headquarters Air
29.2.6. A Major Command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit, after notifying
AF/A1M, may return a changed organization to a prescribed configuration.
29.2.7. Further requirements may need to be met for the establishment of a new Field
Operating Agency, Direct Reporting Unit, Major Command Field Operating Agency, or Major
Command Direct Reporting Unit. The annual Defense Appropriations Act usually contains a
provision prohibiting the expenditure of funds for the establishment of such organizations. The
provision permits the Secretary of the Air Force to grant a waiver if the Secretary of the Air
Force certifies to Congress that the establishment results in personnel or financial savings to
the Department of the Air Force. Existing field operating agencies, Direct Reporting Units,
Major Command field operating agencies, and Major Command Direct Reporting Units are
not redesignated or re-missioned to an unrelated mission area to circumvent this legal direction.
Contact AF/A1MO for the current guidance when considering the establishment of one of these
29.2.8. Units will not take actions such as scheduling ceremonies, inviting dignitaries, or
making public announcements before appropriate Headquarters Air Force approval of
organization changes. (T-2).
29.2.9. Major commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units ensure all
notification requirements are followed for organization actions. (T-0). Consult current
146 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
guidance including Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Instruction 2300.02J, Coordination of
Overseas Force Structure Changes and Host-Nation Notification; AFI 10-503; AFI 10-504,
Overseas Force Structure Changes and Host Nation Notification; AFI 16-601,
Implementation of, and Compliance with, International Arms Control and Nonproliferation
Agreements; and current Congressional notification and public announcement requirements
(as applicable). Consider these requirements when planning implementation timing. For
instance, the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty requires the United States make
notifications on affected organization changes 42 calendar days in advance of the
implementation date and more time needs to be allowed for processing the notification through
the United States European Command, the Joint Staff, and the State Department after
organization change request approval. Major commands, field operating agencies, and Direct
Reporting Units work Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty notifications with
Headquarters Air Force per guidance in AFI 16-601.
29.2.10. Major commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units will also use
the organization change request procedures for reassignment of units or named activities to
another Major Command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit. (T-1). The losing
command normally prepares the organization change request. If agreed to by both parties, the
gaining command may prepare the organization change request or the commands may submit
a joint organization change request. In all cases, the submitting command will coordinate the
organization change request with the other command before submission and include this
coordination with their organization change request submittal to AF/A1M. (T-1).
29.3. Testing New Organizations.
29.3.1. Major commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units may develop
and test new organizations. An organization test evaluates the new organization's effectiveness
under actual working conditions and resolves most common problems before committing
affected functions to change. A test involving an organization structure found in this
instruction must have AF/A1M approval. (T-1). Submit test plans for approval at least 120
calendar days before the proposed start of the test. The Major Command, Field Operating
Agency, Direct Reporting Unit or SAF/AAR will submit a test plan including: Answers to the questions in paragraph 29.2.1, as they apply. (T-1). Dates of the test period (not to exceed 1 year). (T-1). Objective measures to assist in the evaluation of the test. (T-1).
29.3.2. After completing the test period, the Major Command, Field Operating Agency, or
Direct Reporting Unit sends results and recommendations to AF/A1M. They must include a
waiver request if a permanent organization change is desired. (T-1).
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 147
Chapter 30
30.1. Implementation Authority.
30.1.1. Headquarters Air Force, MAJCOM/A1Ms, Field Operating Agency, and Direct
Reporting Unit manpower staff functions are responsible for publishing the legal and
authoritative documents needed to implement organization actions.
30.1.2. DAF/A1M Letters. DAF/A1M letters constitute, reconstitute, disband, consolidate,
activate, inactivate, redesignate, assign, and reassign (between Major Commands, field
operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units) Air Force units. Also, DAF/A1M letters
designate, redesignate, inactivate, assign, and reassign (between Major Commands, field
operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units) named activities. DAF/A1M letters serve as
authority for Major Command, Field Operating Agency, and Direct Reporting Unit named
activity and unit organization actions. DAF/A1M letters will follow the formats outlined in
Attachment 4. (T-1). Effective Date. The effective date of an organizational action is published either
in the DAF/A1M letter or the order issued by a Major Command, Field Operating Agency,
Direct Reporting Unit or SAF/AARM. When a DAF/A1M letter allows the effective date
to be on or about a certain date, the organization action must occur no more than 30
calendar days before or after that date. (T-1). Major commands, field operating agencies, Direct Reporting Units, and
SAF/AARM will notify AF/A1MO of their desired effective dates by providing a
DAF/A1M letter request sheet (see paragraph (T-1). Project the desired
effective dates at least two months in advance but no less than one day in advance and
no more than one year in advance. When MAJCOMs have a unit that is being
inactivated and replaced with the activation of another unit, both actions (activation
and inactivation) take place on the same day. Strive to provide maximum lead time. An on-or-about date in a DAF/A1M letter is at least 30 calendar days from
the date of the letter. This provides the maximum flexibility for commands submitting
their desired effective dates with less than one month notice while preventing the final
effective dates from being earlier than the date the DAF/A1M letter is issued. If a Major Command, Field Operating Agency, Direct Reporting Unit, or
SAF/AARM needs to change an effective date outside the dates allowed by a
DAF/A1M letter on or about date, it will submit the new desired date and reason for
the change in an amendment to its DAF/A1M letter request sheet. (T-1). They must
submit the amendment before the last possible effective date provided for by the
original DAF/A1M letter. (T-1). If a DAF/A1M letter allows an effective date to be on or about a certain
date and the Major Command, Field Operating Agency, Direct Reporting Unit or
SAF/AARM fails to issue a special order providing the final date within the on or about
period, then the on or about date in the DAF/A1M letter becomes the final effective
148 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 DAF/A1M letters activating, inactivating, redesignating, or changing the
status of Major Commands, field operating agencies and Direct Reporting Units
provide a specific effective date and do not have on or about dates. This is because
these types of organizations are directly subordinate to Headquarters Air Force, which
is the issuing authority for DAF/A1M letters. DAF/A1M Letter Request Sheets. These spreadsheets provide the information
needed for AF/A1MO to prepare a DAF/A1M letter for approved actions as described in
this AFI. Specific information includes official unit designations, requested
implementation dates, and identification of the HQ USAF approval reference for the action.
MAJCOM, FOA or Direct Reporting Unit manpower and organization functions and
SAF/AARM prepare the request sheets and submit them to AF/A1MO any time following
HQ USAF approval of the action. The current request sheet templates are available on the
AF/A1MO AF Portal site or may be obtained from AF/A1MO or the AF/A1M SharePoint
™ site (
30.1.3. G-Series Orders. Major commands, field operating agencies, Direct Reporting Units
and SAF/AAR will publish these orders to activate, inactivate, redesignate, assign, and re-
assign units, detachments and named activities; and to attach one organization to another. (T-
1). Major Command, Field Operating Agency, and Direct Reporting Unit manpower staff will
authenticate and publish G-series orders using the guidelines below and the formats in Figures
A4.6 through A4.12 in Attachment 4. (T-1). SAF/AAR may perform these functions for their
supported organizations. ANG units also follow any additional guidance provided by the
National Guard Bureau. (Note: Consult AFI 10-503 regarding unit moves; they are not
covered by this AFI.) Guidelines for G-Series Orders. Numbering G-Series Orders. Number G-series orders in sequence starting
with number one (e.g., GS-1, GS-2). Begin a new sequence with the first order issued
each fiscal year. For the first order of a year, cite the number of the last order published
the previous year above the heading of the first order of a year. If no orders were
published during the preceding year(s), state that “no orders were published in this
series in (year(s)).” Effective Date. Specify the effective date of the action in the order. The
effective date is the date of the order if a different effective date is not specified. Date orders to reflect the issuance date. Do not postdate or antedate orders. Distribution. Send all organizations affected by the order a copy. Use
standard distribution lists when possible. Orders involving medical units include the
Air Force Medical Support Agency on distribution. Major commands, Field Operating
Agency, Direct Reporting Units and SAF /AAR send copies of all orders to the Air
Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA) address AFHRA/RSO, 600 Chennault
Circle, Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6424, or e-mail: [email protected].mil. AF/A1MO
sends copies of all DAF/A1M letters to AFHRA/RSO. G-Series Order Organization Actions.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 149 Activation and Assignment. Include the title of organization, station, unit,
or establishment of assignment, effective date, and authority (Figures A4.6 and A4.9). Redesignation. Include the old and new unit or detachment designation; the
station, unit, and the establishment of assignment, as applicable; the effective date; and
the authority (Figures A4.7 and A4.9). (See paragraph for more guidance
regarding redesignation of detachments.) Inactivation. Include the designation of the organization being inactivated,
the station, the effective date, the disposition of personnel and equipment, statement
that funds are to be disposed of per Air Force directives and the authority (Figures
A4.8 and A4.9). Reassignment. Include the designation of the establishment from which
the unit is relieved, the establishment to which the unit is assigned, the effective date
of transfer and the authority (Figures A4.9 through A4.11). Attachment of One Unit to Another. Include the unit and Major Command
to which attached, the effective date of attachment, the purpose of attachment, and the
authority. (See sample orders in Attachment 4.) Detachments and Operating Locations (Figure A4.12). Designate
detachments and operating locations as parts of a unit, not as part of an establishment
(e.g., Detachment 1, 1st Fighter Squadron, or Operating Location A, Headquarters 1st
Operations Group). The rationale for this is that detachments and operating locations
are parts of a unit, not separate units. Special orders are not required for operating
location actions because there is no associated Uniform Code of Military Justice
authority; however, Major Commands may publish orders for announcement or
accountability purposes. Changes to G-Series Orders. Orders issuing authorities make changes by issuing
amendments, revocations, or corrected copies. Publish amendments and revocations in the same series as the original
order. Only the organization that published the original order may make a change
to it. Amendments. Publish an amendment to add, delete, change or correct
items in the body of the order. Revocations. Revocations cancel an action. Revoke an order before it goes
into effect. A new order may announce the revocation if an organization revokes an
order and immediately replaces it with another. Add the statement: "This order revokes
(order number and date)" at the beginning of the order. Do not revoke a revocation;
publish a new order. Corrected Copies. Publish a corrected copy of an order only to correct an
error in the heading, close or approving official’s part of the original order. Enter
"Corrected Copy-Destroy All Others" and the incorrect number and date at the top of
the corrected copy. Use the same heading and close as on the original order, correcting
150 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
only those portions that need it. Double underscore the corrected portion when possible;
and make sure the distribution matches the original order.
30.2. Distribution Requirements.
30.2.1. Each MAJCOM/A1M ensures AF/A1MO is on distribution to receive special orders,
Major Command organization charts, mission directives, and instructions relating to
organizations within their command.
30.3. Headquarters Air Force Organization Chart.
30.3.1. This publication prescribes Air Force Visual Aid (AFVA) 38-104, HQ USAF
Organization Chart. AFVA 38-104 shows Headquarters Air Force offices under the Secretariat
and the Air Staff down to the three-letter level, along with their respective field operating
agencies. SAF/AAR prepares this Air Force visual aid semiannually or as needed.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 151
Chapter 31
31.1. Provisional Unit.
31.1.1. A provisional unit is temporary in nature and created when a specific organization is
required for a temporary mission, and no organization exists to attach forces (including
personnel). All personnel are attached to the provisional unit and remain assigned to their
permanent unit.
31.1.2. References to assigned and attached units in this chapter refer to the organizational
structure of the provisional organization that establishes the Air Force chain of command.
Assigned and attached units are not synonymous assigned and attached forces.
31.1.3. Provisional units are organized in the same manner as permanent units. Establish
provisional organizations at the organization level required to meet mission requirements (i.e.,
Numbered Air Force, wing, group, squadron, flight, detachment, and operating location).
Organize provisional Operations, Maintenance, Mission Support, Medical Groups, and
subordinate squadrons under a provisional wing, as needed. Related functions may be
consolidated into a single unit if more efficient because of size, oversight, or other factors (e.g.,
all maintenance functions can be combined into a Maintenance Squadron when the size of the
functions do not warrant separate Maintenance and Aircraft Maintenance Squadrons). If only
a portion of a squadron is required, those functions may be added to an existing provisional
squadron or the next higher provisional unit. For example, if an entire expeditionary Force
Support Squadron is not required, manpower, personnel, and services functions could be
assigned into an Expeditionary Mission Support Group.
31.1.4. A provisional unit is attached rather than assigned to a permanent unit. Conversely, a
permanent unit cannot be assigned to a provisional unit, but it may be attached to a provisional
unit. A subordinate provisional unit is assigned to a higher provisional unit.
31.2. Two Types of Provisional Units.
31.2.1. Traditional. When a need exists for a temporary organization not associated with a
contingency type situation. An organization change request to Headquarters Air Force or
DAF/A1M letter is not required for this type of provisional unit. For example: When two or more organizations merge, and the need exists to create a temporary
organization pending final disposition of resources from the merging organizations. When an organization is needed for a short-term requirement such as a temporary
headquarters until a location is selected for the permanent headquarters. Do not establish
a provisional unit to presuppose approval of a permanent basing decision. (T-1).
31.2.2. Expeditionary. Provisional organizations established in support of a contingency or
exercise operation. There are two types of expeditionary units (major force provider and
rainbow). Major Force Provider. An expeditionary unit that draws the preponderance of
its forces or command element from a single active unit. This wartime or contingency
organization uses the unit designation of the unit providing the preponderance of forces
152 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
(major force provider) or the command element. (Discussed further in paragraph Rainbow. An expeditionary unit formed from multiple force providers. This
wartime or contingency organization does not have an identifiable major force provider.
These organizations are inactive historical units converted to provisional status and
assigned to, and activated by Major Commands as expeditionary organizations. (Discussed
further in paragraph MAJCOM/A1Ms establish procedures for requesting the establishment of
expeditionary units assigned or attached to subordinate Air Expeditionary Task Forces.
31.2.3. Major commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units forward copies
of G-series orders to AF/A1MO, the Air Force Historical Research Agency (address
AFHRA/RSO, 600 Chennault Circle, Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6424, or e-mail:
[email protected]), all units mentioned in the order, and other offices and units as needed.
(Discussed further in paragraph 31.11)
31.3. Personnel Accounting Symbol Codes. Provisional units have the same command
relationship characteristics and personnel accounting symbol code requirements as permanent
units. Major commands request provisional personnel accounting symbol codes per current
instructions. Personnel accounting symbol codes are assigned and registered in the personnel
accounting symbol system. The personnel accounting symbol code for provisional units is
represented by an "H" in the fifth digit of the eight-digit personnel accounting symbol instead of
an "F" (i.e., "EP2CHR9C" vs. "EP2CFR9C"). The letter "H" serves two primary purposes: (1)
provides a distinction between provisional units and regular units; and (2) keeps the provisional
personnel accounting symbol code compatible with the joint reporting systems.
31.4. History.
31.4.1. Traditional provisional organizations as described in 31.2.1 are temporary and once
inactivated, their lineage ceases and cannot be revived. Any provisional unit of this type using
the same nomenclature as a previous provisional or permanent unit cannot claim the lineage,
history, or honors of that unit.
31.4.2. Major force provider expeditionary organizations as described in paragraph
are temporary and once inactivated, their lineage ceases and cannot be revived; however, any
honors earned by this type of expeditionary provisional organization are conferred on its single
major force provider of the same organizational level (e.g., squadron to squadron; group to
group) per AFI 84-105. For this purpose, wings are considered on the same organizational
level as groups and squadrons on the same organizational level as Numbered Flights.
31.4.3. Rainbow expeditionary organizations temporarily converted from permanent to
provisional organizations as described in keep all lineage, history, and honors of the
permanent unit and, when returned to permanent status, keep all lineage, history, and honors
earned while in provisional status. Honors earned by a rainbow unit are kept by the rainbow
unit and are not shared with units that provided personnel for the expeditionary organization.
31.4.4. For specifics on lineage, honors, and heraldry refer to AFI 84-105.
31.5. Designations. Major commands title provisional units to reflect their functional mission.
As much as possible, use existing nomenclature. Traditional provisional units include the term
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 153
provisional in the unit designation to indicate the unit is provisional, e.g., Headquarters 849th
Mission Support Group (Provisional) or HQ 849 MSG (P). Major commands submit an
organization change request to AF/A1M per Chapter 29 of this instruction for approval to create
new unit nomenclatures (organization kind).
31.5.1. For traditional provisional units, Major Commands select a unit designation that
cannot be confused with another unit and does not have the same designation as an active unit.
31.5.2. Designate expeditionary units as directed in paragraph 31.7 and Figure 31.1
31.6. Air Expeditionary Task Force. An Air Expeditionary Task Force may be established as
an Air Force service component to a joint task force, or as a subordinate task force within a larger
Air Force service component to address specific internal tasks. If an Air Expeditionary Task Force
is formed as the former, the Air Expeditionary Task Force Commander is also a Commander, Air
Force Forces (“AFFOR”). Otherwise, the Air Expeditionary Task Force Commander is not a
Commander, Air Force Forces, but reports to a Commander, Air Force Forces. An Air
Expeditionary Task Force has a Commander, a staff, appropriate Command and Control
mechanisms, and tailored and fully supported forces to meet specific mission requirements. The
Air Expeditionary Task Force is organized into a Numbered Expeditionary Air Force, Air
Expeditionary Wings, Air Expeditionary Groups, Air Expeditionary Squadrons, or other
organizations, as necessary to provide reasonable spans of control. When directly supporting a
Combatant Command, the Air Expeditionary Task Force is attached to the Air Force component.
When an Air Expeditionary Task Force is established to support a joint task force subordinate to
a Combatant Command, the Air Expeditionary Task Force may be attached for administrative
control directly to the Air Force component to the Combatant Command, or it may be assigned to
an Air Expeditionary Task Force established at the Combatant Command level.
31.6.1. An Air Expeditionary Task Force is named based on the unit providing the senior
command headquarters, its size (Numbered Expeditionary Air Force, Air Expeditionary Wing,
Air Expeditionary Group), and the operation name. For a numbered expeditionary Air Force level Air Expeditionary Task Force, use
the numerical designation of the engaged Numbered and Named Air Force, followed by
the expeditionary Air Force, then the name of the operation. For example, a Numbered
Expeditionary Air Forcesized Air Expeditionary Task Force established under 12 AF
(AFSOUTH) may be designated as “12 EAF-[OPERATION NAME]”. In rare circumstances, a provisional command headquarters may be needed
between a Numbered Expeditionary Air Force and its assigned and attached forces. These
headquarters are designated as a Numbered Air Expeditionary Task Force (AETF)
followed by an operation or location identifier, e.g., 9th AETF-Iraq (9 AETF-I). The 9
AETF-I would be assigned to the 9th Expeditionary Air Force (9 EAF). For wing- or group-sized Air Expeditionary Task Forces, use the numerical
designation of the engaged wing or group, followed by Air Expeditionary Wing or Air
Expeditionary Group, then the name of the operation. For example, a wing or group-sized
Air Expeditionary Task Force established under 12 AF (AFSOUTH) would be designated
154 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 While not normally established, a squadron-sized Air Expeditionary Task Force
would use the designation of the engaged expeditionary squadron followed by the
operation name.
31.6.2. Refer to appropriate Air Force and Joint doctrine for more guidance on organization
and command relationships.
31.7. Air and Space Expeditionary Force Organization.
31.7.1. Expeditionary units are established to operate with an Air Expeditionary Task Force.
In the following paragraphs, the term “supported command” refers to the Major Command the
Air Force Component command is administratively assigned to and which is receiving support
(i.e., forces) from other Major Commands. “Supporting command” refers to the Air Force
Major Command, Field Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit providing forces to the
supported command.
31.7.2. Permanent units supporting or participating in an Air Expeditionary Task Force from
their permanent locations are not redesignated as expeditionary units nor are major force
provider expeditionary units established at the same location as the corresponding permanent
unit. In-place permanent units supporting or participating in an Air Expeditionary Task Force
can be attached to the expeditionary unit they are supporting.
31.7.3. Expeditionary units are numbered. (See Figure 31.1 for detailed guidelines on air and
space expeditionary force unit naming and numbering.) Except for support units, the numerical designation for expeditionary units that
have a major force provider reflects the designation of the unit that provides the
preponderance of forces or the command element to the expeditionary organization. For
example, if the 4th Fighter Wing were the major force provider of an air expeditionary
wing, then the nomenclature would be 4th Expeditionary Fighter Wing. If there were a
mix of forces (e.g., fighter, mobility), then the nomenclature would be the 4th Air
Expeditionary Wing. The organizational level of the expeditionary unit is the same as the
unit providing the preponderance of forces, except for the situations in paragraphs and If size and scope of an operation do not warrant the establishment of a wing,
a group nomenclature may be used. For example, if the 4th Fighter Wing is the major
force provider of an air expeditionary activity that does not have the appropriate scope
or size to be designated a wing, a major force provider unit designated the 4 EFG or
4th Air Expeditionary Group could be established. If the size and scope of an operation do not warrant the establishment of a
squadron, a Numbered Flight nomenclature may be used. For example, if the 4th Civil
Engineer Squadron is the major force provider for an expeditionary mission, but size
does not warrant a squadron designation, a major force provider unit designated 4th
Expeditionary Civil Engineer Flight could be established. The numerical designation for expeditionary units that do not have a major force
provider reflects the designation of a historical unit activated to form a rainbow unit. In
cases where multiple Major Commands deploy forces to the same location, but a single
major force provider cannot be identified, the supported Major Command creates
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 155
expeditionary units using historical “rainbow” units allocated for their use by AF/A1MO.
The numerical designation for expeditionary rainbow units keeps the numerical
designation of the historical unit converted from permanent to provisional status. Major
commands work with their Historians and the Air Force Historical Research Agency to
identify inactivated units to fill rainbow expeditionary unit requirements to meet highest
projected demand and provide those units to AF/A1MO. AF/A1MO issues Department of
the Air Force numbered letters to convert inactive historical units to provisional units and
assign them to Major Commands to activate or inactivate in provisional unit status as
needed (Figure A4.13). All subordinate, dependent groups and support units carry the same numerical
designation as the parent expeditionary organization. For example, support units under the
4th Expeditionary Fighter Wing would be designated the 4th Expeditionary Operations
Group, 4th Expeditionary Maintenance Group, 4th Expeditionary Maintenance Squadron,
4th Expeditionary Mission Support Group, 4th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness
Squadron, and 4th Expeditionary Medical Group. If portions of an organization are deployed to different locations, Major
Commands are authorized to include the name of the operation and location in the unit
designation (e.g., 71st Expeditionary Fighter Squadron-NOBLE ANVIL, Location Name).
Figure 31.1. Expeditionary Unit Naming and Numbering Guidelines.
Comments & Examples
xx Air
Expeditionary Task
Force (AETF). Can
be a Numbered
Expeditionary Air
Force, wing, group
or squadron level.
The generic name of an Air Force
Service component presented to a
joint task force commander. An
Air Expeditionary Task Force is
presented within the framework
described in Air Force doctrine.
Use the numerical
designation of the tasked
Numbered Air Force, wing,
group or squadron followed
by the operation name (e.g.,
NAME, 336 EAS-
in-place Numbered or
Named Air Force retains its
Numbered/Named Air
Force designation (e.g., 7
xx AETF-
Operation Name or
Location Identifier.
Provisional command headquarters
between a Numbered
Expeditionary Air Force and its
assigned and attached forces.
Use the numerical
designation of the parent
Numbered Expeditionary
Air Force followed by the
operation name or location
(e.g. 9 AETF-Iraq).
xx Air
Expeditionary Wing
Temporary wing assigned to an Air
Expeditionary Task Force.
Use the numerical
designation of the major
156 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
(AEW) or
Wing, e.g.
Fighter Wing
force provider unit or an
authorized rainbow unit, as
appropriate (e.g., 345th Air
Expeditionary Wing, 4th
Expeditionary Fighter
xx Air
Group (AEG)
Temporary independent group
assigned to an Air Expeditionary
Task Force. An independent group
has the same functions and
responsibilities as a like-type wing,
but its scope and size do not
warrant wing-level designation.
Use the numerical
designation of the major
force provider unit or an
authorized rainbow unit, as
appropriate (e.g., 4th Air
Expeditionary Group)
xx Expeditionary
Temporary group assigned to an
Air Expeditionary Task Force.
A dependent group is a mission,
maintenance, mission support,
medical or large functional unit
(e.g. communications) that
provides the specified capability to
a parent wing.
An independent functional group is
a large functional unit that does not
report to a wing; e.g., the 1
Expeditionary Civil Engineer
Group under the 9
Expeditionary Task Force.
A dependent group uses the
numerical designation of its
parent expeditionary wing
(e.g., 4th Expeditionary
Operations Group, 4th
Expeditionary Mission
Support Group)
An independent functional
group uses the numerical
designation of the major
force provider unit or an
authorized rainbow unit, as
xx Expeditionary
Temporary mission squadron
assigned to an Air Expeditionary
Task Force.
Use the numerical
designation of the major
force provider unit or an
authorized rainbow unit, as
appropriate (e.g., 366th
Expeditionary Fighter
Squadron or 344th
Expeditionary Air Refueling
xx Expeditionary
[direct combat
Temporary direct combat support
squadron assigned to an Air
Expeditionary Task Force.
Use the numerical
designation of the major
force provider unit or an
authorized rainbow unit, as
appropriate (e.g., 819th
Expeditionary RED HORSE
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 157
Squadron or 5th
Expeditionary Combat
Communications Squadron)
xx Expeditionary
Temporary support squadron
assigned to an Air Expeditionary
Task Force.
Use the numerical
designation of its parent
expeditionary wing or group
(e.g., 4th Expeditionary
Logistics Readiness
Detachment x, xx
[unit type]
Temporary dependent detachment
of an expeditionary unit.
Number in sequence starting
with 1. Use the unit
designation of its parent unit
(e.g., Detachment 1, 16th
Expeditionary Special
Operations Squadron)
Operating Location
(OL) x, xx
[unit type]
Temporary dependent OL of an
expeditionary unit
Alphabetized in sequence
starting with A. Use the unit
designation of its parent unit
(e.g., OL-A, 24th
Expeditionary Special
Tactics Squadron)
31.8. Attaching and Assigning Provisional Units. Provisional units are assigned to a higher
echelon provisional unit or attached to a higher or same echelon permanent unit. All expeditionary
units are assigned to an Air Expeditionary Task Force or attached under a component Numbered
Air Force and under the administrative control of the Air Force Component for the geographic
region in which forces are based. If a deployed expeditionary unit is not assigned or attached to
the regional Commander, Air Force Forces (Secretary of Defense orders does not formally transfer,
i.e., the forces, and the owning Combatant Command keeps control) then a host-tenant support
agreement is required to define support requirements.
31.9. Administrative Control. The administrative control responsibilities of the gaining
Commander can vary by scenario; specify these in G-Series orders when possible. The supporting
and supported Major Commands work together to ensure the degree of administrative control
responsibilities is clearly understood. Specified administrative control responsibilities are
included in AFDD Volume 1, Basic Doctrine.
31.10. Uniform Code of Military Justice. Authority resides concurrently with the commanders
in the assigned and attached units and does not need to be explicitly stated in G-series orders. (See
51-series AFIs for specific information on disciplinary and Uniform Code of Military Justice
31.11. G-Series Orders. Major commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting Units
publish G-series orders to activate, inactivate, redesignate, assign, or attach provisional (including
expeditionary) units. The G-Series order provides the legal authority for provisional units.
Examples of G-Series orders for provisional and expeditionary units are shown in Figures A4.14
through A4.18 in Attachment 4. Major commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting
158 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Units forward copies of unclassified and classified orders to AF/A1MO, the Air Force Historical
Research Agency (HQ AFHRA/RSO, 600 Chennault Circle, Maxwell, AFB AL 36112-6424), and
all units mentioned in the order. Major commands, field operating agencies, and Direct Reporting
Units use RCS: HAF-HO (M) 7401 to document the organizational changes to provisional units
per AFI 84-105.
31.11.1. G-series orders for expeditionary units are prepared by the supported Major
Command (reference paragraph 31.7.1) or in cases where forces are not attached, by the
Major Command keeping operational control. The supporting and supported Major
Commands work closely together on drafting the G-series orders to ensure administrative
control responsibilities are spelled out, and the Air Expeditionary Task Force commander’s
concept for organization and unity of command are understood.
31.11.2. Command Relationships. The supported and supporting command work closely
together to develop the best organization structure to support mission requirements and build
a clear chain of command. For more information on command relationships, see Joint
Publication (JP) 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States, and AFDD Volume 1.
31.11.3. Activation and inactivation dates may be specified in the same G-series order.
31.11.4. Major commands may add the name of the operation and location to any unit in the
G-series orders.
31.11.5. Classify and declassified G-series orders per the classification guidance published for
the exercise or operation. Classified orders have appropriate paragraph marking, classified by,
and declassification guidance. Declassify the orders as soon as permissible or use a specific
event (i.e., activation date) as the declassification date.
31.11.6. G-series orders for recurring and major exercise (when required) units follow the
same basic conventions as those used for expeditionary units.
31.11.7. A G-series order is not required to establish a provisional or permanent Major
Command headquarters. A DAF/A1M letter is the authority and establishes the specific Major
Command headquarters activation date.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 159
Chapter 32
32.1. General Guidelines.
32.1.1. Mission directives provide general guidance about an organization's mission and
communicate the unit's mission and responsibilities to the Commander and unit personnel.
Mission directives describe what an organization does, not how it does it, and are at the
executive level. A checklist of specific tasks is not appropriate for the general guidance
commanders provide in mission directives.
32.1.2. Every unit in the Air Force will have a mission directive. (T-1). Detachments and other activities below squadron level do not require a mission
directive unless directed by the Major Command, Direct Reporting Unit, or Field Operating
Agency Commander. When two or more subordinate units have the same mission, the Major
Command, Direct Reporting Unit, or Field Operating Agency may issue a single mission
directive. For example, when several wings have the same mission, only one mission
directive is necessary for those wings. At their discretion, Major Commands may waive the requirement for a mission
directive for units below the Numbered and Named Air Force level that have a current
designed operational capability (DOC) statement per AFI 10-201, Force Readiness
32.1.3. Major commands, Direct Reporting Units, and field operating agencies will issue
mission directives for each directly assigned and Air Reserve Component gained or associate
unit. (T-1). Major commands may delegate the authority to issue mission directives to
subordinate units.
32.1.4. The office of primary responsibility, certifying authority, and approving authority for
an organization’s mission directive must be in a higher-level organization within its chain of
command. (T-1).
32.2. AFMDs. AFMDs are a special publication type and provide the missions for the Air Force’s
major subdivisions that report directly to Headquarters Air Force (Major Commands, Direct
Reporting Units and field operating agencies). Headquarters Air Force offices of primary
responsibility use these guidelines to develop AFMDs for each Major Command, Direct Reporting
Unit, and Field Operating Agency. The Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force approves AFMDs for
Major Commands and Direct Reporting Units. The appropriate Headquarters Air Force two-digit
official (e.g., SAF/IG, AF/A3) approves AFMDs for their field operating agencies.
32.2.1. AF/A1: Maintains a focal point for matters about AFMDs (AF/A1MO). Determines the certifying authority for each Major Command, Direct Reporting
Unit, and Field Operating Agency AFMD (See Table 32.1). The certifying authority, in
turn, appoints an office of primary responsibility (e.g., three or four-digit staff office).
160 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
During the AFMD’s review every four years or as necessary, certifying officials review
the office of primary responsibility designation to ensure it is up-to-date.
32.2.2. Each AFMD office of primary responsibility: Prepares assigned AFMDs. Revises the AFMD when the mission changes. Coordinates new and revised AFMDs at the Headquarters Air Force level per
AFI 33-360.
32.3. Major command, Direct Reporting Unit, and Field Operating Agency commanders:
32.3.1. Issue and control mission directives for their subordinate units. (T-1). These are
command publications.
32.3.2. Appoint offices of primary responsibility to prepare individual mission directives. (T-
32.3.3. Appoint a focal point and maintainer of a central repository of mission directives. (T-
32.4. Preparing a Mission Directive. Offices of primary responsibility at every level will use
these guidelines and the sample (Figure 32.1) when preparing mission directives. (T-1).
32.4.1. Create a broad outline of the principal components of the organization's mission, but
provide enough detail to clarify the following: Mission. Include all necessary elements of the organization's mission and duties. Command. Specify the relationships, if applicable, between: Headquarters Air Force and commanders of Major Commands, Direct
Reporting Units, field operating agencies, or selected offices. The organization and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Air Force components and the Combatant Command of assignment. The organization and other Air Force organizations, government agencies,
United States Military Services and the armed forces and government agencies of other
nations. Responsibilities. Identify the mission elements assigned by Combatant
Commanders or higher authorities. Define the Commander's responsibility for executing
those elements of the mission.
32.4.2. Legal or higher headquarters direction. Cite any laws or higher headquarter directives
that provide specific direction regarding the organization’s mission, responsibilities, and
command relationships.
32.4.3. Length. Be brief; if possible, limit to no more than two pages.
32.4.4. Language and Tone. The mission directive is an order from a superior Commander to
a subordinate Commander. The mission directive directs action. Use simple, clear, and direct
language to make mission directives easy to understand.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 161
32.4.5. Subparagraphs. The nature of the organization determines the headings for
subparagraphs. Keep the focus at the executive level rather than on specifics.
32.4.6. Security Classification. Do not classify mission directives. Classified supplements
may be prepared, if necessary, to describe a unit's mission.
32.5. Mission Directive Numbering.
32.5.1. Major command, Direct Reporting Unit, and Field Operating Agency AFMDs have
the numbers in Table 32.1 AF/A1 assigns, deletes, or changes AFMD numbers as necessary.
AF/A1MO is AF/A1’s contact office for this.
32.5.2. Unit-Level Mission Directives. Mission directive numbers for units below a Major
Command, Direct Reporting Unit, and Field Operating Agency begin with the parent
organization's abbreviation followed by three digits, assigned at the organization's discretion
(e.g., Air Combat Command mission directives would be Numbered ACCMD XXX). Each
Major Command, Direct Reporting Unit, and Field Operating Agency will publish a list of all
organization mission directives. (T-1).
Table 32.1. AFMD Number Assignment, Certifying and Approval Authority Continued.
Headquarters Air Force
of the Air
Air Combat Command
Air Education and Training Command
Air Force Materiel Command
Air Force Space Command
Air Force Special Operations Command
Air Mobility Command
Pacific Air Forces
United States Air Forces in Europe
Organization and Functions of National Guard Bureau
Air Force Reserve Command
United States Air Force Academy
Air Force District of Washington
Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center
No AFMD currently assigned
Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations
Air Force Audit Agency
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
162 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
Air Force Operations Group
National Air and Space Intelligence Center
Air Force Cost Analysis Agency
No AFMD currently assigned
Air Force Flight Standards Agency
Air Force Public Affairs Agency
No AFMD currently assigned
Air Force Historical Research Agency
Air Force Inspection Agency
Air Force Legal Operations Agency
No AFMD currently assigned
Air Force Program Executive Office
Air Force Medical Operations Agency
Air Force Medical Support Agency
Air Force Personnel Center
No AFMD currently assigned
Air Force Office of Special Investigations
No AFMD currently assigned
Air Force Manpower Analysis Agency
No AFMD currently assigned
Air Force Review Boards Agency
Air Force Safety Center
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
Air National Guard Readiness Center
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 163
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
No AFMD currently assigned
Air Force Global Strike Command
Figure 32.1. Sample AFMD.
164 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Shon J. Manasco
Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
Manpower and Reserve Affairs
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 165
Attachment 1
5 USC § 5504(b), Biweekly pay periods; computation of pay, 12 January 2012
10 USC § 517, Authorized daily average: members in pay grades E-8 and E-9, 7 January 201110
USC § 523, Authorized Strengths, 7 January 2011
10 USC § 1725, Senior Military Acquisition Advisors, 30 June 2019
10 USC § 2241, Availability of Appropriations For Certain Uses,7 January 2011
10 USC § 2330a, Procurement of services: Tracking of Purchases, 7 January 2011
10 USC § 9013, Secretary of the Air Force,1 February 2019
10 USC § 10211, Policies and regulations: participation of Reserve officers in preparation
and administration, 7 January 2011
10 USC § 12011, Authorized Strengths: Reserve Officers on Active Duty or on Full-Time
National Guard Duty for Administration of the Reserve or the National Guard, 7 January 2011
10 USC § 12012, Authorized Strengths: Senior Enlisted Members on Active Duty or on Full-time
National Guard Duty for Administration of the Reserve or National Guard, 7 January 2011
10 USC §12310, Armed Forces, 7 January 2011
20 USC §1400, Education of Individuals with Disabilities, 3 December 2004
22 USC §2751, Foreign Relations and Intercourse, 22 October 1968
32 USC, National Guard, 10 August 1956
AFCSM 36-699, Volume 4, Personnel Accounting Symbol System Users Manual, 3 August 2005
AFDD Vol 1, Basic Doctrine, 27 February 2015
AFMAN 11-402, Aviation and Parachutist Service, 24 January 2019
AFMAN 33-363, Management of Records, 1 March 2008
AFI 1-2, Commander’s Responsibilities, 8 May 2014
AFI 10-201, Force Readiness Reporting, 3 March 2016
AFI 10-301, Managing Operational Utilization Requirements of the Air Force Reserve
Component Forces, 20 December 2017
AFI 10-503, Strategic Basing, 18 July 2017
AFI 10-504, Overseas Force Structure Changes and Host Nation Notification, 21 October 2011
AFI 11-202 Vol 2, Aircrew Standardization/Evaluation Program, 6 December 2018
AFI 11-412, Aircrew Management, 15 January 2019
AFI 16-402, Aerospace Vehicle Programming, Assignment, Distribution, Accounting and
Termination, 30 May 2013
166 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
AFI 16-601, Implementation of, and Compliance with, International Arms Control and
Nonproliferation Agreements, 7 August 2018
AFI 25-201, Intra-Service, Intra-Agency, and Inter-Agency Support Agreements Procedures, 18
October 2013
AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management, 1 December 2015
AFI 36-129, Civilian Personnel Management and Administration, 17 May 2019
AFI 36-1401, Civilian Position Classification, 2 January 2019
AFI 36-2101, Classifying Military Personnel (Officer and Enlisted), 25 June 2013
AFI 38-204, Manpower Programming, 23 May 2018
AFI 48-149, Flight and Operational Medicine Program (FOMP), 1 November 2014
AFI 51-202, Nonjudicial Punishment, 6 March 2019
AFI 51-509, Appointment to and Assumption of Command, 14 January 2019
AFI 65-503, US Air Force Cost and Planning Factors, 13 July 2018
AFI 84-105, Organizational Lineage, Honors, and Heraldry, 27 April 2017
AFI 90-201, The Air Force Inspection System, 20 November 2018
AFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution, 28 December 2018
AFI 90-1001, Responsibilities for Total Force Integration, 9 January 2017
AFMAN 10-207, Command Posts, 11 April 2018
AFMAN 36-2806, Awards and Memorialization Program, 10 June 2019
AFMAN 38-208 Vol. 1, Air Force Management Engineering (MEP)-Process, 29 March 2002
AFMD 1, Headquarters Air Force, 5 August 2016
AFPD 10-3, Operational Utilization of the Air Reserve Component Forces, 29 November 2017
AFPD 38-1, Manpower and Unit Designations, 24 May 2018
AFPD 90-6, Air Force Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (SPPBE)
Process, 18 May 2017
AFVA 38-104, HQ USAF Organization Chart, 19 October 2017
CJCSI 1001.01B, Joint Manpower and Personnel Program, 7 October 2014
CJCSI 2300.02J, Coordination of Overseas Force Structure Changes and Host-Nation
Notification, 15 April 2016
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (Public Law 99-272), April 7, 1986
DoDD 5000.1, The Defense Acquisition System, 12 May 2003
DoDD 5000.01, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, 7 January 2015
DoDD 7000.14-R Volume 2A, Budget Formulation and Presentation, 1 January 2011
DoDD 1100.4, Guidance for Manpower Management, 12 February 2005
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 167
DoDI 1100.22, Policy and Procedures for Determining Workforce Mix, 12 April 2010
DoDI 1120.11, Programming and Accounting for Active Component (AC) Military Manpower,
17 March 2015
DoDI 1205.18, Full-Time Support (FTS) to the Reserve Components, 12 May 2014
DoDI 1235.11, Management of Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs), 24 May 2007
DoDI 5100.73, Major DoD Headquarters Activities, 1 December 2007
JP-1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States, 25 March 2013
Office of Management and Budget, Circular, No. A-76, 29 May 2003
Public Law 99-272, Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, 7 April 1986
Prescribed Forms
Adopted Forms
AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
RCS: HAF-HO(M)7401, Air Force Organizational Status Change Report
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ADSLAverage Daily Student Load
AETCAir Education and Training Command
AETFAir Expeditionary Task Force
AFAir Force
AFDDAir Force Doctrine Document
AFHRAAir Force Historical Research Agency
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFMAAAir Force Analysis Agency
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFRCAir Force Reserve Command
AFVAAir Force Visual Aid
ANGAir National Guard
CONUSContinental United States
CSSCommander's Support Staff
CCQOrderly Room
DAFDepartment of the Air Force
DoDDepartment of Defense
168 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
DoDIDepartment of Defense Instruction
FOAField Operating Agency
FTEFull-time Equivalent
FYDPFuture Year Defense Program
HAFHeadquarters Air Force
JPJoint Publication
MAJCOMMajor Command
NAFNumbered/Named Air Force
NGBNational Guard Bureau
OSCOffice Symbol Code
PCSPermanent Change of Station
STPStudents, Trainees, Personnel
TDYTemporary Duty
USAFUnited States Air Force
USCUnited States Code
Attribute CodeData code in the Manpower Execution Programming System which can impact
manpower requirement/authorization position information related to the manpower type code,
programming element code, grade and Air Force specialty codes.
Authorized End StrengthThe count of Air Force military and civilian positions the Air Force
needs to have funded and cannot exceed, in each year of the FYDP to accomplish all approved
missions. FYDP end strength is allocated to Commands by program element code (PEC) and
category (officer, enlisted and civilian).
CommanderFor the purposes of the directions in this instruction, collectively refers to
commanders and civilian leaders of established units. Do not construe to confer any
responsibilities or authorities reserved for military commanders to civilian leaders.
Centrally ManagedFunctions with Individual Mobilization Augmentees in Chaplain (HC),
medical (SG) or legal (JA) career fields, in which all Individual Mobilization Augmentee
requirements are ‘centrally’ managed HQ AFRC functional manager. Any request to add or
eliminate one of these Individual Mobilization Augmentee specialties must be coordinated with
the appropriate HQ AFRC functional manager.
Contract FullTime Equivalent It is a calculated based on a 2080 annual hours as mandated
in The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (Public Law 99-272, April 7,
1986) which amended 5 USC 5504(b). Prior to then an hourly rate of basic pay was computed by
dividing the employee's annual rate of basic pay by 2,080 hours (the number of hours in 52
workweeks of 40 hours) and rounding to the nearest cent. This formula presumes a calendar year
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 169
consisting of exactly 52 weeks or 364 calendar days. However, a calendar year actually consists
of either 365 or 366 calendar days. Thus, a calendar year may have more paid work days than a
52-week year. A General Accounting Office study published in 1981 demonstrated that over a 28-
year period (the period of time it takes for the calendar to repeat itself) there are, on average, 2,087
work hours per calendar year. This average results from the fact there are usually 4 years with 262
work days (2,096 hours), 17 years with 261 work days (2,088 hours), and 7 years with 260 work
days (2,080 hours). The 2,087 divisor is derived from the following formula: (2,096 hours*4 years)
+ (2,088 hours*17 years) + (2,080 hours*7 years) / 28 years = 2,087.143 hours. Using 2,087 as the
average number of work hours in a calendar year reasonably accommodates the year-to-year
fluctuations in work hours.
Controlled Program ElementAny program that is funded outside of AFRC and controlled by
a separate agency, such as Special Operations Forces or Military Intelligence Program.
Department of Defense ComponentRefers to any Department of Defense activity other than
the Department of the Air Force and Air Reserve Components.
FullTime EquivalentA FTE is a measure of workload; a daily work allocation is 8 hours,
and a yearly allocation may be 2080 hours (40 hours per week for 52 weeks). An individual’s
work duration may be determined based on the person's FTE in the following way, for a given
period of two work days: 0.75 FTE (assumed) x 2 work days (given) x 8 hours per workday (typical
allocation rate) = 12 hours work duration.
Headquarters Air ForceRefers to the Secretariat and Air Staff.
Inherently Governmental/Commercial ActivityFederal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR)
Act of 1998, Public Law 105-270, mandates that all functions within the federal government be
coded into one of three categories, Inherently Governmental (IG) , Commercial Activity Exempt
(CE), or Commercial Activity (CA). This act serves two primary functions, ensure IG functions
remain in-house and to achieve savings and effectiveness of CAs through cost analysis. The act
further mandates that the coding of all Air Force authorizations, with the exception of Non-
appropriated Fund (NAF) and some intelligence authorizations, be reported to Congress on an
annual basis.
Inventory for Contract ServicesAs required by USC Title 10, Section 2330a, the intent of the
ICS is for the Department of Defense to provide an inventory of contract service support, to include
the contractor labor hours expended, and report this by the end of the 3rd quarter of the next fiscal
year. This includes a service-level review of the inventory to ensure contractors are not performing
inherently governmental work; that to the maximum extent, contractors are not performing close
to inherently governmental work; that any personal service contracts being performed are within
statutory and regulatory guidance; and to identify any support contractor activities that may be
considered for conversion to government performance.
Major CommandFor the purposes of directions in this instruction, collectively refers to Major
Commands, Direct Reporting Units, field operating agencies and SAF/AAR and the National
Guard Bureau (NGB). The term “Command” may also be used instead of “Major Command”
(e.g., “command grade factor” instead of “Major Command grade factor”).
MAJCOM/A1M StaffRefers to Major Command, Direct Reporting Unit, Field Operating
Agency manpower staffs, NGB/A1M and SAF/AARM.
170 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Man-hour Availability FactorThis factor is the average number of man-hours per month an
assigned individual is available to do assigned duties. Required man-hours are divided by the Man-
hour Availability Factor times the overload factor to determine the manpower requirements.
Man-hourA unit of measuring work. It is equivalent to one person working at a normal pace
for 60 minutes, two people working at a normal pace for 30 minutes, or a similar combination of
people working at a normal pace for a period of time equal to 60 minutes.
Manpower AuthorizationA funded manpower requirement with detail that defines the position
in its function, organization, location, skill, grade, and other appropriate characteristics which
commands use to extend end strength resources to units. May appear as a “funded” or “unfunded”
authorization on the Unit Manpower Document and in the Manpower Programming and Execution
Manpower RequirementJoint Publication 1 defines manpower requirements as human
resources needed to accomplish a specific job, workload, mission, or program. There are two types
of manpower requirements: funded and unfunded. Funded manpower requirements are those that
have been validated and allocated. Unfunded requirements are validated manpower needs that have
been deferred because of budgetary constraints. Manpower requirements are generally determined
by an Air Force Manpower Standard or other management decision.
Manpower StandardThe basic tool used to determine the most effective and efficient level of
manpower required to support a function. It is a quantitative expression that represents a work
center's man-hour requirements in response to varying levels of workload.
Mission/Mission Support PanelAir Force Corporate structure group subject matter experts
which include MAJCOM representation to begin the resource allocation process by conducting
baseline reviews of programs contained in their portfolios. Panels review and develop options for
presentation to intermediate level review. They analyze and assess all programs and program
elements vice integrated priority lists. Panels validate and recommend MAJCOM, DRU, and FOA
program adjustments (e.g. Personnel and Training, Rapid Global Mobility, Space Superiority,
Nuclear Deterrence Operations). They advocate their core competency and address
standardization, rationalization, and interoperability requirements and capabilities.
Non-Air Force ActivityCollectively refers to any activity outside the Department of the Air
NonDepartment of Defense Government Activity - Collectively refers to any federal, state,
or local government activity not part of the Department of Defense.
Out of Cycle RequestOutside the annual Individual Mobilization Augmentee Program Review.
Overload FactorThe overload factor is applied in conjunction with certain Man-hour
Availability Factors during the manpower determinants application and ensures effective use of
Air Force manpower authorizations. The overload factor realizes Air Force leadership’s
expectation that some overtime is an effective tool instead of adding additional manpower
Unfunded Manpower RequirementAn approved manpower requirement on the Unit
Manpower Document that reflects recognized and/or necessary workload, however which is not
fundedmeaning no individual can be assigned to, or receive a permanent change of station order
to the position.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 171
Unit Manpower DocumentThe Unit Manpower Document report is a computer generated
product from the Manpower Programming and Execution System or Business Objects (BO)
business intelligence reporting tool that contains Regular Air Force military, civilian, traditional
reservists (TR), Active Guard Reserve, Air Reserve Technician (ART), and Individual
Mobilization Augmentee authorizations. The Unit Manpower Document report reflects total force
manpower position information for funded authorizations, unfunded requirements, and Non-
FYDP positions by unit and work center.
Workforce MixThe effective determination and management of the appropriate mix of
manpower categories (Regular Air Force, Reserve, Individual Mobilization Augmentees, and
National Guard), Department of Defense civilian employees, and contracted services) within an
activity, regardless the level.
Workload FactorAn index or unit of measure that is consistently expressive of, or relatable to,
the manpower required to accomplish the quantitatively and qualitatively defined responsibilities
of a work center.
172 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Attachment 2
A2.1. Overview. The Manpower Programming and Execution System is the family of
applications that support manpower budgeting, unit manpower requirements, personnel and
position management, manpower modeling, and reporting and analysis for the Regular Air Force,
ANG, Air Force Reserve, and civilian workforce. It is the authoritative data source for all funded
Air Force end strength and associated Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution
manpower changes. Within the Manpower Programming and Execution System, specific
manpower change control numbers and change control numbers are used to validate manpower
requirement changes. Manpower requirement changes are then loaded into the system per
validated program element requirements and projected funding.
A2.2. Future Year Defense Program Key the Manpower Programming and Execution
System Data Elements.
A2.2.1. Change Control Number. A change control number is assigned to an initiative,
offset, or disconnect option under consideration. Change control numbers are used in all the
various Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution databases and tools to
ensure all the pieces of the option are tracked and priced together. One primary function of
the change control number is to enforce accountability and input control of the database. The
author of the change control number must be consulted before any changes are made.
A2.2.2. Command Identifier. An attribute used to represent the Major Command, Field
Operating Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit that will receive the manpower resource allocation
for the authorization.
A2.2.3. Manpower Change Request. Consists of a two-digit “command identification”
code, a four-digit exercise code, and a four-digit “sequence” manpower change control
number. Manpower change control number consists of the following: the first character is the
major force program, the second character is the last digit of exercise year, the third character
is the type of exercise, fourth and fifth characters is for “super-tracking,” and the sixth, seventh,
and eighth characters are open to programmer’s discretion.
A2.2.4. Program Element Code. This code is directly related to a parent program element
with cost data related to a weapon system or support function as shown in the United States
Air Force and Financial Program.
A2.2.5. Resource Identification Code. This code identifies categories of resources such as
treasury codes for funds, component, and category of personnel for manpower, and type of unit
for forces. Each resource identification code has only one appropriation; the resource
identification code is a four-position code that identifies the type of resources assigned to each
program element.
A2.2.6. Country State Code. For manpower programming, the value for states within the
continental United States is “A0”; states outside the continental United States are numbers. All
others countries values are letters and numbers.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 173
Attachment 3
A3.1. Overview. Mission and capability changes affect installation support requirements;
therefore, programmed changes in mission manpower affect installation support manpower
requirements and may impact service levels for private-sector contract support. The relative effect
of these changes is represented as Air Force BST factors.
A3.2. Base Support Tail Factor Use. BST factors are to be used in conjunction with other tools
when determining manpower impacts of mission capability changes and are not applicable to Air
Reserve Component bases.
A3.2.1. Weapons System Base Support Tail. Developed to include general base support
tail, this factor of 7.0% estimates common installation support requirements as well as those
that indirectly support aircraft or other weapons system operations (e.g., vehicle maintenance
and fuels management). This factor may be used to determine base support tail associated with
the mission and operational unit moves.
A3.2.2. General Base Support Tail. The factor of 5.4% is used to estimate common
installation support for activities moving into or from an installation. Examples include field
operating agencies, Numbered and Named Air Forces, or headquarters units.
A3.3. Mission Transfers. For mission transfers between Regular Air Force, ANG or Air Force
Reserve, or new ANG or Air Force Reserve missions on a Regular Air Force base, AF/A1MP will
compute installation support impacts as follows:
A3.3.1. For Active Guard and Reserve. AF/A1MP will compute installation support
impacts using the same approved continental United States general support factor (5.4 percent)
used for Regular Air Force full-time military.
A3.3.2. For drill spaces. AF/A1MP will compute installation support by applying a 2 percent
factor to total drill spaces.
A3.4. Installation Support Reductions. AF/A1MP will keep any installation support manpower
savings associated with a base closure or realignment, or Program Objective Memorandum or
President’s Budget force structure decisions as program savings for use in the future programming
cycles. The allocation of any retained manpower savings will be per Air Force Corporate Structure
decisions on manpower priorities. Any resulting increases in installation support manpower
associated with mission transfers are to be programmed as part of the mission transfer and offset
by the activity proposing the transfer.
A3.4.1. Major commands must internally offset self-initiated changes that change base
support population at their bases or that of another command (including host-tenant support
agreements in intercommand transfers) if the resulting population changes drive an installation
support increase at other commands installations. AF/A1MP does not provide offsets for
installation support resources in such cases.
A3.4.2. For actions affecting the Air Reserve Component, the tasking command, including the
ANG or Air Force Reserve, must develop manpower agreements and work with the affected
commands on transfers of base support resources to support unit moves.
174 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
A3.4.3. The tasking command provides or programs for, required base support resources when
a prime function or tenant organization of that command is moved.
A3.4.3.1. Refer any disagreement between losing and gaining commands to AF/A1MP.
A3.4.4. AF/A1MP normally does not program installation support manpower tail to support
changes to other installation support functions or non-mission areas.
A3.4.5. AF/SG determines medical support requirements in a separate medical annual
planning and programming guidance exercise. Their requirements are typically made known
during the Program Budget Review and codified in memorandums of agreement.
A3.4.6. AF/A4 determines real property requirements during the Program Objective
Memorandum process. AF/A4 uses total square footage of floor space, not population, as the
primary driver to determine their manpower requirements. Mission changes and resulting
population changes do not necessarily drive changes in real property requirements.
A3.4.7. The Defense Commissary Agency determines commissary support requirements
generated by a change in mission manpower requirements. Their requirements are identified
through the corporate process.
A3.4.8. Air Force organizations tasked by other government departments or Department of
Defense agencies must develop manpower and funding agreements using the inter-Service
support agreement and work with AF/A1M, SAF/FMP, and respective functional staff to
ensure that required out-year manpower programming actions are addressed.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 175
Attachment 4
A4.1. The following figures illustrate the DAF/A1M letters and G-series orders prescribed in
Chapters 30 and 31 and provide template samples. See Chapter 30 for accompanying guidance
regarding DAF/A1M and G-series orders for permanent organizations. See Chapter 31 for
guidance on G-series orders for provisional organizations, including expeditionary units, as well
as for DAF/A1M letters for rainbow expeditionary units.
176 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure A4.1. Sample DAF/A1M Letter. Constitute and Assign for Activation.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 177
Figure A4.2. Sample DAF/A1M Letter. Reconstitute and Assign for Activation.
178 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure A4.3. Sample DAF/A1M Letter. Redesignation.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 179
Figure A4.4. Sample DAF/A1M Letter. Inactivation.
180 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure A4.5. Sample DAF/A1M Letter. Reassignment between Commands.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 181
Figure A4.6. Sample Special Order. Activate.
Figure A4.7. Sample Special Order Redesignate.
182 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure A4.8. Sample Special Order. Inactivate.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 183
Figure A4.9. Sample Special Order. Multiple Unit Actions.
184 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure A4.10. Sample Special Order. Reassign Within a Major Command, Field Operating
Agency, or Direct Reporting Unit.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 185
Figure A4.11. Sample Special Orders. Reassign Between Major Commands, Field
Operating Agencies, or Direct Reporting Units.
186 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure A4.12. Sample Special Order. Activate or Inactivate Detachment and Operating
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 187
Figure A4.13. Example of a DAF/A1M Letter Assigning Rainbow Units to a Command.
188 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure A4.14. Example of G-Series Order for Traditional Provisional Unit.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 189
Figure A4.15. Example of G-Series Order for Exercise, Major Force Provider Unit.
190 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure A4.16. Example of G-Series Order for Major Force Provider Expeditionary Unit.
AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019 191
Figure A4.17. Example of G-Series Order for Major Force Provider Expeditionary Unit.
192 AFI38-101 29 AUGUST 2019
Figure A4.18. Example of G-Series Order for Rainbow Unit (Requires DAF/A1M Letter).