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Analyzing the Impacts of
Variable Renewable Resources
on California Net
Ramp Events
Bing Huang,
Venkat Krishnan,
Bri-Mathias Hodge
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
resented at the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
Portland, Oregon
August 5
10, 2018
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Conference Paper
August 2018
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Analyzing the Impacts of Variable Renewable
Resources on California Net-Load Ramp Events
Bing Huang, IEEE St. Member, Venkat Krishnan, IEEE Member, and Bri-Mathias Hodge, IEEE Senior Member
AbstractThis paper characterizes the ramping features of
multiple renewable resources, load and net-load in California
using 2016 measured data. The goal of this analysis is to
understand the interactions between variable renewable resource
ramps and net-load ramps, and delineate the positive and negative
impacts. The findings indicated that although the frequency and
uncertainty in the system level net-load ramp occurrences
increased due to variable renewable integration, there was also a
decrease in the average ramp up and down magnitudes by about
20% and 30% respectively, along with decreases in their
respective standard deviations by 40% and 20%. At the zonal
level, the analyses also indicated a 4-5% decrease in the net-load
standard deviations due to wind integration alone at various
market scheduling periods. The paper finally concludes with
future research needs to better integrate variable renewable ramp
forecasts into system operations and planning for economic
utilization of resources.
KeywordsRamping, Renewables, Net-load Ramps, Flexible
Ramping Product, CAISO, Ramp Forecasts, Reserves
ramp event can be defined as large or rapid changes in
power and it can appear at both generation as well as for
load in the power system. Such variations in either
direction (i.e., up ramp when there is an increase and down
ramp when there is a decrease) must be compensated in real
time using load following resources to keep the generation-load
balance and the consequent system frequency response in order.
In situations when serious ramp events cause generation-load
imbalances, especially of the generation scarcity types with
insufficient ramp capability, power markets send out high real-
time prices to quickly mitigate the scarcity situation by tapping
into reserves or unplanned quick start generation [1]. With
increases in renewable generation penetration such as wind and
solar, that induce higher amount of variability and uncertainty
on the system net-load (i.e., total load minus renewable
generation), it becomes challenging for the system operators to
maintain the generation-load balance efficiently. To address
this issue, market-based flexible ramping products (FRPs) have
been proposed in the industry, which embeds foresight about
the anticipated net-load ramps into the Independent System
Operator’s (ISO) market clearing procedures that co-optimize
energy, reserves, and ramping. This in turn allows ISOs to
utilize the existing ramping capabilities better by timely
procurement of ramping resources in the current dispatch
Bing Huang ( is a graduate student at the University of
Texas, Austin, and was an intern at National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL) during 2017 summer. Venkat Krishnan, Senior Engineer
Venkat.kri[email protected]) and Bri-Mathias Hodge, Manager, Power System
intervals for future needs [1]. In 2016, California ISO (CAISO)
implemented FRP in its fifteen-minute real-time market (FMM)
[2] and the Midcontinent ISO (MISO) in both its day-ahead and
5-min real-time markets [3].
Under the current design, FRPs are provided by fast
responding peaking units and fast start units, typically gas-fired.
Cui et al. [4] and Chen et al. [5] studied the feasibility and
impacts of wind resources offering ramping capacity into the
market clearing processes. In order for this concept to mature,
it is important to understand the ramp events in the renewable
generation and their interactions with the system net-load ramps
better. Sevlian and Rajagopal et. al. [6] proposed an optimal
ramp detection technique and analyzed the distribution of
different wind power ramp features using data from the
Bonneville Power Authority (BPA) and NREL Western
Integration Dataset. Kamath [7] showed the effectiveness of a
simple statistical analysis on the characterizations of wind
generation ramp events, including distributions of severity
levels, start time within the day and occurrence by month from
a BPA dataset. Based on systematic studies on wind power
changes at different time steps, Wan [8] studied the statistics of
wind power ramp events from ERCOT data and inspected their
impacts on the system net-load ramps. However, all of these
works only focused on detection and characterization of wind
ramp events, and there is a dearth of works that can relate the
impact of variable renewable resource ramps on the system net-
load ramps and understand the changes in their summary
Thus, the goal of this paper is to analyze the ramp events
in the California system’s load and net-load data, and quantify
the impact of variable renewable ramps on net-load ramps from
both negative and positive perspectives. For this purpose, the
optimized swinging door algorithm (OpSDA) developed in [9]
was used in this study to detect and assess the ramp events and
their features such as start times, magnitudes, duration and
rates. Based on the ramp characterizations shown in Sections II
(load and net-load) and III (renewable resources), the
possibilities of future power market innovations for variable
renewable ramp forecast integration are discussed in Section
IV. Finally, Section V presents conclusions.
Design and Studies Group (bri.mathias.[email protected]), are with the Power
Systems Engineering Center at NREL.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
The 2016 California system measured data, at 1 min
resolution [10], was used to analyze the ramp up and ramp
down events for load and net-load. The net-load is defined as
system load minus renewable generation, including distributed
generation, solar PVs, solar thermal, and wind power in
California. Table I shows the number of ramp events detected
in the load and net-load data (using OpSDA [9], with a
qualifying ramp event defined as 5% of the total load), where
we observe an increase in the net-load ramp events influenced
by the addition of renewable generation. Fig. 1 shows the
distributions of ramp event start times across the 24-hour
period, where we observe that the ramp event occurrences are
relatively less predictable in the net-load data (i.e., occurring
throughout the day) compared to the load data which had ramps
mostly happening during morning and evening hours.
Net Load
Ramp Up
Ramp Down
Fig. 1 Daily Distributions of CAISO Ramp Up and Down Event Start Times
Fig. 2 Distributions of CAISO Ramp Up and Down Event Magnitudes
However, it is also interesting to note from Fig. 1 that there
are less ramp events in the net-load data during early morning
(5-7 am) and evening peak hours (16-18 pm). Upon analyzing
ramp magnitudes, Fig. 2 shows that the probability of certain
magnitudes (around 8-14 GW, 18-20 GW) decreases in the net-
load ramp data compared to the load data. The summary
statistics in Table II for ramp magnitudes and rates further
corroborate this finding, where we can observe that the ramps
in the net-load have lower maximum and average magnitudes
and rates, along with a smaller standard deviations compared to
the load ramps. This indicates that the ramp magnitude and rates
in net-load is distributed in lower values with a smaller range.
Therefore, though the integration of renewables has increased
the number of ramp events and their uncertainties, there are
times when they seem to alleviate the net-load ramps in either
direction, thereby implicitly providing ramping capability to the
grid for reliable operation.
Load (w/o renewables)
Net load (% change)
Ramp magnitude (MW)
Std. Dev.
Ramp rate (MW/min)
Std. Dev.
igure 3 shows the ramp up (left) and down (right) events
start time distributions for different renewable generation, that
include distributed generation (DG), PV Solar (PV), Thermal
Solar (TS) and Wind. One can draw the following inferences
about the aggregated impact of solar-dependent resources on
net-load ramps from Figs 1 and 3:
Negative impacts: The worsening of ramp up
requirements in the net-load data during the evening 15-
19 hours in Fig. 1 may be primarily due to solar-
dependent resources as they tend to ramp down during
those hours as seen in Fig. 3 (right).
Positive impacts: However, reduction in the ramp up a
wn magnitudes in the net-load data compared to loa
ata (Fig. 1) during morning and evening hours
respectively may be primarily attributed to the solar-
based variable renewable resources, which ramp up in
the morning and ramp down in the afternoon (Fig. 3).
Wind resources, however, are different from the rest of the
renewable resources, in that the majority of ramp up start times
is in the evening, and ramp down start times is in the early
morning. The following inferences can be drawn about their
aggregated impact on net-load ramping events:
Negative impacts: Comparing Figs. 1 and 3, during
morning hours when load is expected to ramp u
aggregate wind resources ramping down may have an
acerbating effect. Additionally, the spread out nature of
wind ramping events in Fig. 3 throughout the day may
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contribute to the similar observation in the net-load ramp
events and increase uncertainties
Positive impacts: Comparing Figs. 1 and 3, load and wind
ramp up events coincide to some extent during evening
hours, when the system could possibly face ramping
capability limitations.
Fig. 3 Distributions of Renewable Ramp Start Times: Ramp up (left) and Ramp down (right)
To further confirm the above observations, investigations
at the zonal level were performed. In this analysis, load ramp
features were compared with wind affected net-load ramp
features (i.e., Net-load
or Netload (wind) defined as load
minus wind) at three different reserve zones in California,
pertaining to the Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) bay area (with
~3% wind by capacity), the Sacramento Municipal Utility
District (SMUD) (with no wind) and the San Diego Gas &
Electric (SDGE) (with ~9% wind by capacity) utility regions.
Based on the work in [11], yearly load and renewable resource
data at 1 min-resolution for the three CAISO zones were used
to estimate the load and wind resource distribution factors
among the three zones, which was applied to the 2016
California system time series data [10]. To study the impact of
wind generation on net-load ramps, three different maximum
instantaneous wind energy penetration levels (estimated as the
largest wind to load ratio in the time series data) were chosen,
i.e., 15% (2016 CAISO system data), 30%, and 50%.
Fig. 4 California Zone 3 Ramp Start Time Distribution of Load and Net-
load(wind) at Different Wind Penetration Levels
Figure 4 shows the ramp start time distribution of load and
at different wind penetration levels in zone 3. When
the penetration level increases from 0% indicated by blue lines
(load data) to 50% indicated by green lines, we observe that
although wind resources do spread the ramp events across the
day (8-15 hours), they do contribute to the decrease in the
frequencies of ramping events, especially during early morning
(4-7) and peak evening hours (16-18) for ramp up events, and
late evening/night hours (20-23) for ramp down events. Table
III shows the statistics of ramp up and ramp down magnitudes
for load and net-load
at different wind penetrations in zone 3.
Though the number of net load ramps does increase with the
increase in wind penetration level (doubles at 30% wind and
almost triples at 50% wind), the values of ramp magnitude
statistics including the average and standard deviations
decrease (decreases by 40% and 50% for ramp up, and 28% and
33% for ramp down under 30% and 50% wind penetrations
respectively). These are further evidences that wind energy in
zone 3 is indeed helping the system by reducing ramps,
including during peak hours.
15% (MW)
50% (MW)
Ramp Up
Std. Dev.
770.8 (-27%)
613.6 (-42%)
520.6 (-51%)
Ramp Down
1,209.5 (-5%)
1,172.8 (-8%)
1,179.9 (-7%)
Std. Dev.
656.9 (-12%)
531.7 (-28%)
495.8 (-33%)
The analyses in Sections II and III indicate a need for better
integration of variable renewable ramp forecast information
into the market operations and planning tools. Currently,
average forecasts of variable renewable generation at different
time intervals suitable for different market clearing processes
are accounted, i.e., day-ahead forecasts for day-ahead market, a
few hours-ahead forecasts for look-ahead reliability unit
commitments, and intra-hour ahead (15-min and 5-min)
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
forecasts for real-time markets. Though average forecasts of
renewable generation will provide an estimation of the expected
ramps, nevertheless, markets have to explicitly take into
account the accurate ramp forecasts of renewables in order to
1) better cope with their anticipated negative influences on the
net-load, and 2) be in a position to take advantage of their
positive impacts on net-load ramps that could alleviate the
reserve needs. In this context, we envision at least two kinds of
integrations of renewable ramp forecasts.
A. Better FRP procurements using net-load ramp forecasts
ISOs that have implemented FRPs estimate the ramping
capability procurements for their day-ahead and real-time
markets based on day-ahead and real-time net-load forecasts,
respectively. In addition to the net-load ramp forecast, the
ramping requirements are also informed by ramp uncertainties
(typically a function of standard deviations in historical net-
load ramp data). Therefore, any improvement in the renewable
generation ramp forecasts will directly impact the net-load
ramp forecasts and consequently the FRP procurement in the
markets. This can be observed from the standard deviations of
the 5-min, 15-min, and 1-hour net-load ramps shown in Table
IV. The standard deviations at various time-intervals decrease
in the net-load
data under 50% wind penetration compared to
15% wind penetration data (~1% reduction in zone 1, ~4-5%
reduction in zone 3 and ~2% reduction in system (zone 2 has
no wind)), which will reduce the ramp procurement needs in the
respective markets and consequently reduce the reserve costs
from conventional generation and the system production costs
[4]. Therefore, precise information of renewable ramp forecasts
and their uncertainties through advanced probabilistic forecasts
[12], and the integration of such information to extract accurate
net-load ramp forecasts will likely benefit system economics.
141.70 vs.
213.81 vs. 209.96
392.30 vs.
Zone 1
102.19 vs.
126.86 vs. 125.64
200.16 vs.
Zone 2
66.63 vs. 66.63
75.73 vs. 75.73
107.31 vs.
Zone 3
77.49 vs. 74.39
92.70 vs. 87.99
135.98 vs.
B. Plant-level ramp forecasts for situational awareness and
ramp products from variable renewable generation
The previous discussion was from the system perspective,
where aggregated wind and net-load ramp forecasts are to be
used. Under increasing levels of variable renewable
penetrations, plant-level ramp forecasts will also be important.
Already, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has
implemented programs to gain visibility into renewable
resources in their energy management system (EMS) that will
inform the operators about impending wind ramping events
along with their probabilities [13]. This feature provides
necessary situational awareness of variable renewables for the
operators to take timely corrective actions including calling on
unplanned quick start units to offset any ramp up deficits.
However, as discussed before, there are scenarios when certain
renewable resource plants also provide positive impacts on
system net-load ramps. Therefore, future EMS applications will
benefit from having precise plant-level ramp forecast
information, along with associated uncertainties in the form of
probabilistic forecasts [14], which will enable system operators
to gain accurate foresight into such situations. Such abilities
could also enable operators in the real-time EMS environment
to use variable renewable ramps better, including strategically
curtailing certain plants in order to offset down-ramp deficits
(instead of cycling a conventional plant), and then compensate
the respective renewable plant with lost opportunity cost or FRP
clearing prices.
Additionally, integrating plant-level ramp forecast
information in the planning and market dispatch processes
could enable variable renewables to offer their services for the
flexible ramping product explicitly, unlike the conventional
idea of implicitly accounting for their impacts on net-load
ramping requirements (as discussed in Section IV.A). Figure 5
shows probability distributions of wind ramp start times,
magnitudes and duration based on 2013 simulated wind power
data at 5-min resolution from NREL’s WIND toolkit [15] over
24 hrs. The selected wind site is from a city named Felicity, on
the border between California and Mexico, with a site ID 14960
in the WIND toolkit, a capacity of 16 MW, a wind speed of
6.36m/s, and a capacity factor of 0.33. We can observe that the
peaks of the distribution curve of ramp up events are in the early
morning (around 4 am to 8 am) while the peaks of the
distribution curve of ramp down events are in the afternoon (13-
15 pm), except for in the Summer. The ramp up events from
this plant in the morning are beneficial to the system since the
system load also ramps up at the same time, as seen in Fig. 1.
While looking at the aggregated wind ramp up start times in
Fig. 3, wind resources contributions to ramping up events in the
morning hours seemed trivial, but in looking at this plant-level
information, one can see opportunities for this plant to offer its
ramping capacity explicitly into the FRP. Fig. 5 shows that this
wind plant can provide a ramping capability of 4-6 MW (~32%
of 16 MW plant) with high probability, and that some of these
ramps could also last for hours, thereby creating opportunity for
this and any other wind plants with correlated outputs to offer
their ramping capability explicitly for FRP services, thereby
having a chance to gain additional revenues from FRP marginal
clearing prices. Apart from aiding system ramps when a
particular wind plant’s ramp is forecasted to be in sync with the
load ramps, wind generation can also consider controlling their
outputs or ramp rates under situations when a wind resource’s
ramp is forecasted to exacerbate the system ramping needs (i.e.,
wind ramps in opposite direction to net-load). One such
example is when wind resources can consider strategically
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curtailing the wind power and thereby provide down-ramp
under situations when system down-ramp capability is limited,
under situation when it is economically more attractive than
providing power to the energy market.
Therefore, having accurate forecasts of plant-level ramps
and their uncertainties will open the door for better
understanding of the synergies between variable renewable
generation and load ramps, and even utilizing the renewable
ramps for grid services. Consequently, ramping provisions by
individual renewable plants will reduce the FRP needs from
conventional units and reduce total system production costs.
Fig. 5 Distributions of Wind Site Ramp: 1) Start Time, 2) Magnitude, and 3) Duration
This paper presented an analysis of the impacts of
variable renewable generation ramps on the system net-load
ramps, taking California 2016 measured data as an example
and extracting ramp features using the optimized swinging
door algorithm. The analysis showed that integration of
variable renewables definitely increased the overall annual
frequencies of ramp events and uncertainties related to their
occurrences throughout the day. Nevertheless, during certain
ramping challenged situations like early morning or evening
hours, renewable generation ramps seemed to implicitly
provide support to net-load ramps and decrease the
magnitudes and ramp rates of net load. The summary
statistics showed the average of system aggregate net-load
ramps to decrease by 20% in magnitude for ramp ups and
30% for ramp downs, with their standard deviations
decreasing by 40% and 20% respectively.
Upon analyzing the solar and wind resources separately,
it was observed that solar ramps had positive influences on
overall ne-load ramps during morning and early evening
hours when their trend coincided with diurnal load, except
during late evening hours when net-load ramp up was
exacerbated due to solar ramp down. On the other hand, wind
[1] N. Navid and G. Rosenwald, "Market Solutions for Managing Ramp
Flexibility With High Penetration of Renewable Resource," in IEEE
Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 784-790, Oct. 2012.
[2] California ISO, “Flexible Ramping Product- Revised Draft Final
Proposal,” Dec 2015
[3] N. Navid and G. Rosenwald, “Ramp Capability Product Design for MISO
Markets,” Market Development and Analysis, July 2013
[4] M. Cui, J. Zhang and B.-M. Hodge, “Wind-Friendly Flexible Ramping
Product Design in Multi-Timescale Power System Operations,” IEEE Trans.
Sustain. Energy, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 10641075, Jan. 2017.
resources seemed to contribute to the decrease in the
frequencies of ramping events, especially during early
morning and late evening hours for ramp up events, and late
evening/night hours for ramp down events, thereby providing
implicit support to the grid when solar ramped down. A
further zonal level investigation of wind ramp impacts on
California net-load showed that in zone 3 (depicting SDGE
with higher wind capacity) wind ramps could decrease ramp
standard deviations by up to 4-5% at 5-min, 15-min, and 1-
hour intervals, which would mean the required ramping
reserve procurements will be reduced.
All of these analyses indicated a need for better
integration of variable renewable ramp forecasts information,
including their uncertainties via probabilistic forecasts, into
the market operations and planning tools, both at the
individual plant level, as well as aggregated regional or
system level. This will enable better utilization of existing
ramping capabilities in the grid, including from the variable
renewable resources, reducing unplanned quick starts,
reducing system production costs, and finally achieving more
efficient markets.
[5] R. Chen et. al., “Wind Power Providing Flexible Ramp Product,” IEEE
Trans. Power Syst., vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 2049-2061, May 2013.
[6] R. Sevlian and R. Rajagopal, “Detection and statistics of wind power
ramps,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 36103620, 2013.
[7] C. Kamath, “Understanding wind ramp events through analysis of
historical data,” in Proc., Transmission Distribution Conf. Expo., New
Orleans, LA, USA, pp. 16, 2010
[8] Y. Wan, “Analysis of Wind Power Ramping Behavior in ERCOT,”
NREL, Golden, CO. Mar 2011.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
[9] M. Cui et. al., “An optimized swinging door algorithm for identifying
wind ramping events,” IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 150
162, Jan. 2016.
[10] California ISO OASIS [Online]. Available FTP:
[11] I. Pena; C. Brancucci; B. M. Hodge, "An Extended IEEE 118-bus Test
System with High Renewable Penetration," IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1, April 2017
[12] M. Cui et. al., "Wind Power Ramp Event Forecasting Using a Stochastic
Scenario Generation Method," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,
vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 422-433, April 2015
[13] ERCOT operating procedure manual, Power Operations Bulletin # 794,
(also seen in
the news release:
[14] M. Cui et. al., “A Data-Driven Methodology for Probabilistic Wind
Power Ramp Forecasting,” to appear in IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, Oct 2017
[15] Draxl, C et. al., "The Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND)
Toolkit." Applied Energy 151: 355366, 2015