Cardiac rehabilitation
Hasnain M Dalal honorary clinical associate professor
, Patrick Doherty chair in cardiovascular
health, director of the National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation, deputy head of department (research)
Rod S Taylor chair of health services research, academic lead for Exeter Clinical Trials Support
Network, NIHR senior investigator
University of Exeter Medical School (primary care), Truro Campus, Knowledge Spa, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro TR1 3HD, UK;
of Health Sciences, University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK;
Institute of Health Research, University of Exeter Medical School, Exeter EX1 2LU,
Cardiac rehabilitation is a complex intervention offered to
patients diagnosed with heart disease, which includes
components of health education, advice on cardiovascular risk
reduction, physical activity and stress management. Evidence
that cardiac rehabilitation reduces mortality, morbidity,
unplanned hospital admissions in addition to improvements in
exercise capacity, quality of life and psychological well-being
is increasing, and it is now recommended in international
This review focuses on what cardiac rehabilitation
is and the evidence of its benefit and effects on cardiovascular
mortality, morbidity and quality of life.
Why is cardiac rehabilitation important?
Although mortality from coronary heart disease has fallen over
recent decades, annually it still claims an estimated 1.8 million
lives in Europe,
and 785 000 new and 470 000 recurrent
myocardial infarctions occur in the US.
In the UK, around 110
000 men and 65 000 women have an acute myocardial infarction
every year, equivalent to one every three minutes.
improved survival and an aging population, the number of
people living with coronary heart disease in the UK has
increased to an estimated 2.3 million.
What is cardiac rehabilitation and who
should get it?
Various organisations and national bodies have defined cardiac
rehabilitation, which is encompassed by: “Cardiac rehabilitation
(and secondary prevention) services are comprehensive, long
term programmes involving medical evaluation, prescribed
exercise, cardiac risk factor modification, education, and
counselling. These programmes are designed to limit the
physiological and psychological effects of cardiac illness, reduce
the risk for sudden death or re-infarction, control cardiac
symptoms, stabilise or reverse the atherosclerotic process, and
enhance the psychosocial and vocational status of selected
patients.” Although exercise training is a core component,
current practice guidelines consistently recommend
“comprehensive rehabilitation” programmes that should include
other components to optimise cardiovascular risk reduction,
foster healthy behaviours and compliance to these behaviours,
reduce disability, and promote an active lifestyle.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE),
Department of Health, British Association for Cardiovascular
Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR), and wider European
guidelines agree that the patient groups listed in box 1 will
benefit from cardiac rehabilitation.
and the core components
of cardiac rehabilitation are illustrated in figure 2.
Historically, cardiac rehabilitation in the UK, US, and most
European countries has been delivered to groups of patients in
healthcare or community centres.
13 14
Recent guidance from the
UK Department of Health
refers to a seven stage pathway of
care that begins with diagnosis of a cardiac event and is followed
by assessment of eligibility, referral, clinical assessment, and
core delivery of cardiac rehabilitation before progressing to long
term management (fig 1).
Formal rehabilitation programmes vary in intensity and duration.
The European guide for patients with established cardiac disease
provides a full review of the impact of the mode and dose of
exercise based cardiac rehabilitation.
In the UK, formal
rehabilitation is predominantly provided to supervised groups
in outpatient hospital clinics or community centres, starting 2–4
weeks after percutaneous coronary intervention or myocardial
infarction and usually 4–6 weeks after cardiac surgery.
BACPR standard recommends delivery of the seven core
components of cardiac rehabilitation after clinical assessment
(fig 2).
Programmes are typically delivered by specialist nurses
or physiotherapists supported by exercise therapists, although
ideally an integrated multidisciplinary team led by an
experienced clinician with a special interest in cardiac
Correspondence to: H M Dalal [email protected]
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The bottom line
Globally, the prevalence of coronary heart disease and heart failure is increasing, and there is some evidence of the health benefits
of cardiac rehabilitation
Effective implementation of cardiac rehabilitation after acute coronary syndrome, coronary revascularisation, and heart failure has
remained suboptimal, with overall participation rates <50% over recent decades despite international recommendations
International guidelines now recommend that cardiac rehabilitation programmes include health education and psychological counselling
Patients should be offered a choice of community based and home based cardiac rehabilitation programmes to fit their needs and
Clinicians should endorse cardiac rehabilitation for patients with a recent diagnosis of coronary heart disease or heart failure
Sources and selection criteria
RST is a member of the Cochrane Heart Group and has led and conducted several systematic reviews of cardiac rehabilitation. We searched
the Cochrane database ( for cardiac rehabilitation and equivalent terms. We identified current national and international
clinical guidelines based on systematic reviews and meta-analyses. We referred to the National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation annual report,
which was led by PD, and the British Heart Foundation’s website for statistics on coronary heart disease in the UK. We also consulted recent
review articles from the UK, US, Canada, and Australia. We have included topics that would be of interest to hospital doctors and general
practitioners based on a previous review coauthored by HMD and also the level 1 evidence provided by the Cochrane reviews. We also
used our personal reference collections.
Box 1: Patient groups who benefit from cardiac rehabilitation*
Patients with acute coronary syndrome—including ST elevation myocardial infarction, non-ST elevation myocardial infarction, and
unstable angina—and all patients undergoing reperfusion (such as coronary artery bypass surgery, primary percutaneous coronary
intervention, and percutaneous coronary intervention)
Patients with newly diagnosed chronic heart failure and chronic heart failure with a step change in clinical presentation
Patients with heart transplant and ventricular assist device
Patients who have undergone surgery for implantation of intra-cardiac defibrillator or cardiac resynchronisation therapy for reasons
other than acute coronary syndrome and heart failure
Patients with heart valve replacements for reasons other than acute coronary syndrome and heart failure
Patients with a confirmed diagnosis of exertional angina
*According to NICE, Department of Health, BACPR, and European guidelines
rehabilitation should deliver the programme (BACPR standard
2, box 2).
Most programmes involve weekly attendance at
group sessions for an average of 56 (SD 3.6) days or
approximately 8 weeks.
Centre based sessions involve
graduated exercise training, education (covering coronary risk
factors and diet), common cardiac misconceptions, preventative
medication, and stress management.
Ideally, patients should
be given information about the cardiac event and lifestyle advice,
including the importance of smoking cessation (if appropriate),
healthy diet, and physical activity to encourage progressive
mobilisation. Prior to discharge, clinicians should ensure that
patients are prescribed drugs for secondary prevention and drugs
that are beneficial for those with systolic heart failure such as
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and
Good communication between secondary and
primary care after discharge can improve uptake of cardiac
rehabilitation and optimise secondary prevention.
Cardiac rehabilitation programmes in the US and Europe tend
to be more intensive than those in the UK and are delivered
from outpatient departments over 3–6 months. Some European
countries offer residential programmes lasting 3–4 weeks. The
focus is mainly on “monitored exercise and aggressive risk
factor reduction” in medically supervised sessions.
13 18
What are the benefits of cardiac
The benefits of cardiac rehabilitation for individuals after
myocardial infarction and revascularisation and for those with
heart failure have been reviewed comprehensively in several
meta-analyses, including six Cochrane reviews and a recent
clinical review from the US.
A 2011 Cochrane review and meta-analysis of 47 randomised
controlled trials that included 10 794 patients showed that
cardiac rehabilitation reduced overall mortality (relative risk
0.87 (95% confidence interval 0.75 to 0.99), absolute risk
reduction (ARR) 3.2%, number needed to treat (NNT) 32) and
cardiovascular mortality (relative risk 0.74 (0.63 to 0.87), ARR
1.6%, NNT 63), although this benefit was limited to studies
with a follow-up of greater than 12 months.
With the exception
of one large, UK based trial that showed little effect of cardiac
rehabilitation on mortality at two years (relative risk 0.98 (0.74
to 1.30)),
findings from meta-analyses and observational
studies support a mortality benefit.
Another systematic review
and meta-analysis of 34 randomised controlled trials including
6111 patients after myocardial infarction showed that those who
attended cardiac rehabilitation had a lower risk of all-cause
mortality than non-attendees (odds ratio 0.74 (0.58 to 0.95)).
The latest updated Cochrane review of exercise based cardiac
rehabilitation for coronary heart disease reports an absolute risk
reduction in cardiovascular mortality from 10.4% to 7.6% (NNT
37) for patients after myocardial infarction and revascularisation
who received cardiac rehabilitation compared with those who
did not.
No significant reduction occurred in overall mortality,
which contrasts with results in previous meta-analyses.
25 29
inclusion of patients from the UK based randomised controlled
is cited as one reason for this lack of reduction in
The negative findings of this trial have also led to
scepticism about the content and delivery of UK based cardiac
rehabilitation programmes in the late 1990s,
30 31
and this
controversial trial has been the subject of much debate.
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Box 2: Core components of cardiac rehabilitation. Adapted from BACPR Standard 2
1. Health behaviour change and education
2. Lifestyle risk factor management
- Physical activity and exercise
- Diet
- Smoking cessation
3. Psychosocial health
4. Medical risk factor management
5. Cardioprotective therapies
6. Long term management
7. Audit and evaluation
Delivery of the core components requires expertise from a range of different professionals. The team may include:
Cardiologist, community cardiologist, physician, or general practitioner with a special interest
Nurse specialist
Exercise specialist
Occupational therapist
Clerical administrator
Reduced hospital admissions
Although the 2015 Cochrane review in coronary heart disease
reported no reduction in the risks of fatal or non-fatal myocardial
infarction or coronary revascularisation (coronary artery bypass
graft or percutaneous coronary intervention), there was a reduced
risk of hospital admission (from 30.7% to 26.1%, NNT 22).
In another Cochrane review of 33 randomised controlled trials
and 4740 patients with heart failure, exercise based cardiac
rehabilitation reduced the risk of overall hospitalisation (relative
risk 0.75 (0.62 to 0.92), ARR 7.1%, NNT 15) and hospitalisation
for heart failure (relative risk 0.61 (0.46 to 0.80), ARR 5.8%,
NNT 18).
Improvement in psychological wellbeing and
quality of life
A US observational study of 635 patients with coronary heart
disease reported improvements in depression, anxiety, and
hostility scores after cardiac rehabilitation.
Early cardiac
rehabilitation programmes only offered interventions that
focused predominantly on exercise, but significant (P<0.01)
improvements in anxiety and depression scores were reported
in one randomised controlled trial of 210 men admitted with
myocardial infarction undergoing gym based exercise training.
Furthermore, a meta-analysis of 23 randomised controlled trials
(3180 patients with coronary heart disease) that evaluated the
impact of adding psychosocial interventions to standard exercise
based cardiac rehabilitation reported a greater reduction in
psychological distress (effect size 0.34) and improvements in
systolic blood pressure and serum cholesterol (effect sizes −0.24
and −1.54 respectively).
Several studies have reported improvement in psychological
stress in patients with coronary heart disease who have attended
cardiac rehabilitation: one recent US observational study of 189
patients with heart failure (left ventricular ejection fraction
<45%) reported a decrease in symptoms of depression by 40%
after exercise training cardiac rehabilitation (from 22% to 13%,
Also depressed patients who completed their
cardiac rehabilitation had a 59% lower mortality (44% v 18%,
P<0.05) compared with depressed dropout patients who did not
undergo cardiac rehabilitation.
A Cochrane review of exercise based rehabilitation for coronary
heart disease showed that seven out of 10 randomised controlled
trials that reported quality of life using validated outcome
measures found “significant improvement,” but the authors were
not able to pool the data to quantify the effect because of the
heterogeneity of the outcome measures.
Similarly, another
Cochrane review of exercise based cardiac rehabilitation for
heart failure reported a clinically important improvement in the
Minnesota Living with Heart Failure questionnaire (mean
difference 5.8 points (95% confidence interval 2.4 to 9.2),
P=0.0007) in the 13 randomised controlled trials that used this
validated quality of life measure.
Cardiovascular risk profile
Before the use of statins for the secondary prevention of
coronary heart disease, two observational studies demonstrated
the beneficial effects of diet and exercise in improving lipid
38 39
The findings of a small case series of 18 patients
prescribed a low cholesterol diet and daily exercise for 30
minutes on a bicycle ergometer resulted in regression of
coronary artery atheroma on angiography in seven of the 18
patients, compared with only one of 18 in the usual care group.
Significant reductions in total serum cholesterol concentration
(−2%, P=0.05) and low density lipoprotein:high density
lipoprotein cholesterol ratios (−9%, P≤0.0001) were reported
after 36 sessions of cardiac rehabilitation in another US
observational study from the 1990s involving 313 cardiac
The prevalence of obesity in those attending cardiac
rehabilitation in the US has increased in the past two decades,
with >40% having a body mass index >30 and 80% with a body
mass index >25.
Ades et al conducted a randomised controlled
trial of 74 overweight patients with coronary heart disease and
showed that a “walk often and walk far” (“high calorie, high
expenditure”) exercise protocol of 45-60 minutes per session
of lower intensity exercise (70% peak oxygen uptake) resulted
in twice the weight loss (8.2 kg v 3.7 kg, P<0.001) compared
with the standard cardiac rehabilitation exercise session of 25-40
minutes. This study also reported significant improvements
(P<0.05) in systolic blood pressure, body mass index, serum
triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, blood glucose,
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and peak oxygen uptake in the high calorie, high expenditure
exercise group.
What are the risks of cardiac
A French observational study of more than 25 000 patients
undergoing cardiac rehabilitation reported one cardiac event for
50 000 hours of exercise training, equivalent to 1.3 cardiac
arrests per million patient-hours.
An earlier US study reported
one case of ventricular fibrillation per 111 996 patient-hours of
exercise and one myocardial infarction per 294 118
Patients with unstable angina, uncontrolled ventricular
arrhythmia, and severe heart failure (New York Heart
Association (NYHA) level 3 or 4, ejection fraction <35%) have
been considered at high risk, with formal risk stratification (to
include factors such as a history of arrhythmias and functional
capacity) conducted by an experienced clinician before they
engage in the exercise component of cardiac rehabilitation.
However, the most recent Cochrane review found “no evidence
to suggest that exercise training programmes cause harm in
terms of an increase in the risk of all cause death in either the
short or longer term” in patients with stable chronic heart failure
(NYHA level 1–3).
Access to cardiac rehabilitation
For those who have difficulty accessing centre based cardiac
rehabilitation, or those who dislike groups, home based cardiac
rehabilitation programmes are sometimes available.
17 43
most widely used programme in the UK is the Heart
—a six week intervention that uses written material
and a relaxation CD and is delivered by a trained healthcare
facilitator who makes home visits and provides telephone
support—which has been shown to be just as effective as centre
based programmes.
45 46
Overcoming barriers to cardiac
Despite robust evidence of clinical and cost effectiveness, uptake
of cardiac rehabilitation varies worldwide and by patient group,
with participation rates ranging from 20% to 50%.
uptake has been attributed to several factors, including
physicians’ reluctance to refer some patients, particularly women
and those from ethnic minorities or lower socioeconomic classes,
and lack of resources, capacity, and funding.
Adherence to
cardiac rehabilitation programmes is affected by factors such
as psychological wellbeing, geographical location, access to
transport, and a dislike of group based rehabilitation sessions
(box 3).
The most effective way to increase uptake and
optimise adherence and secondary prevention is for clinicians
to endorse cardiac rehabilitation by inviting patients still in
hospital after a recent diagnosis of coronary heart disease or
heart failure to participate and for nurse led prevention clinics
to be linked with primary care and cardiac rehabilitation
Novel ways of providing cardiac rehabilitation are emerging
using the internet and mobile phones.
57 58
A recent systematic
review has evaluated alternative models of delivery
that can
be provided via secondary prevention clinics.
Offering patients
a choice of centre based, home, or online programmes on an
equitable basis is likely to improve uptake across all groups of
cardiac patients. Self management and collaboration with care
givers can also improve uptake and outcomes.
We thank Jemma Lough for help with technical editing of the manuscript,
and Tony Mourant, retired consultant cardiologist, and Jenny Wingham,
senior clinical researcher, for commenting on earlier drafts of this paper.
Contributors: HMD conceived of the article based on a clinical review
he co-authored for the BMJ in 2004. He contributed to the literature
review, drafting and revising the article, and approval of the final version.
RST provided details from the various Cochrane systematic reviews
that he has led and conducted. PD and RST also contributed to the
literature review and drafting, design, and revision of the article. All
authors approved the final manuscript.
Competing interests: We have read and understood the BMJ Group
policy on declaration of interests and declare the following interests.
HMD and PD have co-authored Cochrane reviews in cardiac
rehabilitation with RST. RST is an author on several other Cochrane
reviews of cardiac rehabilitation. HMD and RST are co-chief investigators
on the REACH-HF programme of research, which is developing and
evaluating a home based cardiac rehabilitation intervention for people
with heart failure and their carers (NIHR PGfAR RP-PG-0611-12004).
Patient consent: Patient consent obtained.
Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer
1 British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation. BACPR standards
and core components for cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation 2012 . 2nd
ed. UKBACPR, 2012.
2 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Secondary prevention in primary and
secondary care for patients following a myocardial infarction (clinical guidance 172). NICE,
3 JBS3 Board. Joint British Societies’ consensus recommendations for the prevention of
cardiovascular disease (JBS3). Heart 2014;100(suppl 2):ii1-67.
4 Piepoli MF, Corrà U, Adamopoulos S, Benzer W, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Cupples M, et
al; Endorsed by the Committee for Practice Guidelines of the European Society of
Cardiology. Secondary prevention in the clinical management of patients with
cardiovascular diseases. Core components, standards and outcome measures for referral
and delivery: a policy statement from the cardiac rehabilitation section of the European
Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation. Eur J Prev Cardiol
5 Balady GJ, Williams MA, Ades PA, Bittner V, Comoss P, Foody JA, et al; American Heart
Association Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention Committee; Council on
Clinical Cardiology; Councils on Cardiovascular Nursing, Epidemiology and Prevention,
and Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; American Association of Cardiovascular
and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Core components of cardiac rehabilitation/secondary
prevention programs: 2007 update: a scientific statement from the American Heart
Association Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention Committee, the Council on
Clinical Cardiology; the Councils on Cardiovascular Nursing, Epidemiology and Prevention,
and Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; and the American Association of
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 2007;27:121-9.
6 Leon AS, Franklin BA, Costa F, Balady GJ, Berra KA, Stewart KJ, et al; American Heart
Association; Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac
Rehabilitation, and Prevention); Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism
(Subcommittee on Physical Activity); American association of Cardiovascular and
Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary
heart disease: an American Heart Association scientific statement from the Council on
Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention)
and the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical
Activity), in collaboration with the American association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary
Rehabilitation. Circulation 2005;111:369-76.
7 British Heart Foundation. European cardiovascular disease statistics 2012.
8 Balady GJ, Ades PA, Bittner VA, Franklin BA, Gordon NF, Thomas RJ, et al; American
Heart Association Science Advisory and Coordinating Committee. Referral, enrollment,
and delivery of cardiac rehabilitation/secondary prevention programs at clinical centers
and beyond: a presidential advisory from the American Heart Association. Circulation
9 British Heart Foundation. Heart statistics.
10 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. The early management of unstable
angina and non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (clinical guidance 94). NICE,
11 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Management of chronic heart failure
in adults in primary and secondary care ((clinical guidance 108). NICE, 2010. www.nice.
12 Department of Health. Cardiac rehabilitation commissioning pack. DoH, 2010. http://
13 Mampuya WM. Cardiac rehabilitation past, present and future: an overview. Cardiovasc
Diagn Ther 2012;2:38-49.
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Box 3: Barriers to cardiac rehabilitation participation. Adapted from Menezes et al
Poor referral rates, especially for certain groups:
- Women
- People from ethnic minority groups
- Elderly people
- People living in rural settings
- People in low socioeconomic classes
Poor patient adherence, leading to low enrolment and high dropout rates
Lack of endorsement by a doctor
Obesity (high body mass index)
Multiple morbidities, leading to poor functional capacity
Poor exercise habits
Cigarette smoking
Problems with transport
Poor social support
Lack of leave from work to attend centre-based sessions
Ongoing research and unanswered questions
Ongoing research
The NIHR has sponsored two UK based studies:
- REACH-HF aims to develop a new self help manual for people with heart failure and their caregivers, which may help them to manage
the condition using the principles of cardiac rehabilitation. The team will then evaluate the clinical effectiveness, cost effectiveness,
and acceptability of the manual for people with heart failure and their caregivers.
WorkingWithUs/TeachingAndResearch/ReachHF/Homepage.aspx. (A protocol paper on REACH-HF has been submitted to BMJ
- CADENCE is a feasibility study and pilot randomised controlled trial to establish methods to assess the acceptability and the clinical
and cost effectiveness of enhanced psychological care in cardiac rehabilitation services for patients with new onset depression. http:
WREN pilot study of web based cardiac rehabilitation for those declining or dropping out of conventional rehabilitation. http://public.
Telerehab III, a multicentre randomised controlled trial of 140 patients with coronary heart disease in Belgium, is evaluating the
effectiveness of tele-rehabilitation, which has been proposed as an adjunct or alternative to standard, centre based cardiac rehabilitation.
The study aims to investigate the long term effectiveness of adding to standard cardiac rehabilitation a patient tailored, internet based,
rehabilitation programme that implements multiple core components of cardiac rehabilitation and uses telemonitoring and telecoaching
Unanswered questions
What characteristics are associated with uptake and adherence to cardiac rehabilitation after an acute myocardial infarction when
rehabilitation is started early?
How can referral and participation rates for eligible patients be increased?
Should referral be the responsibility of the physician or the healthcare team?
How will working and non-working patients afford to pay for these services?
Can advances in information and communication technologies be used to develop novel ways of delivering cardiac rehabilitation to
improve uptake and adherence?
How can we improve uptake in hard to reach groups, such as patients living in rural communities, patients from ethnic minority groups,
and those from low socioeconomic classes?
Is cardiac rehabilitation, as delivered in routine clinical practice, still effective?
Additional educational resources
Resources for healthcare professionals
Anderson L, Taylor RS. Cardiac rehabilitation for people with heart disease: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
2014;(2): CD011273.
This overview describes six Cochrane systematic reviews in cardiac rehabilitation, which included 148 randomised controlled trials in 98 093 participants.
British Heart Foundation. The National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation: annual statistical report 2014. British Heart Foundation, 2014.
Provides information to commissioners and clinicians on the inequalities and insufficiencies in delivery against key service indicators for over 320 cardiac
rehabilitation programmes in the UK.
Menezes AR, Lavie CJ, Milani RV, Forman DE, King M, Williams MA. Cardiac rehabilitation in the United States. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 2014;56:522-9.
A clinical review that provides clinicians with information on the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation, risk factors, and factors affecting participation from a US
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Secondary prevention in primary and secondary care for patients following a myocardial infarction (clinical
guidance 172). NICE, 2013.
Provides clinicians and commissioners with new and updated recommendations on cardiac rehabilitation, drug therapy, and communication of diagnosis.
14 Bethell H, Lewin R, Dalal H. Cardiac rehabilitation in the United Kingdom. Heart 2009;95:271-5.
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Piepoli M, Corrà U, Adamopoulos S, Benzer W, Bjarnason B, Cupples M, et al. Secondary prevention in the clinical management of patients with cardiovascular
diseases. Core components, standards and outcome measures for referral and delivery. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2014;21:664-81.
A policy statement for clinicians and commissioners from the Cardiac Rehabilitation Section of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention &
Sandesara PB, Lambert CT, Gordon NF, et al. Cardiac rehabilitation and risk reduction: time to “rebrand and reinvigorate.” J Am Coll Cardiol 2015;65:389-95.
A clinical review article that argues that the current model of centre based cardiac rehabilitation is unsustainable and requires a patient centred strategy.
Clark RA, Conway A, Poulsen V, Keech W, Tirimacco R, Tideman P. Alternative models of cardiac rehabilitation: a systematic review. Eur J Prev Cardiol
Provides evidence on alternatives to the traditional hospital based model of cardiac rehabilitation.
Clark AM, Hartling L, Vandermeer B, McAlister FA. Secondary prevention program for patients with coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis of randomized
control trials. Ann Intern Med 2005;143:659-72.
Evaluates clinical evidence to on the effectiveness of secondary cardiac prevention programmes with and without exercise components.
Resources for patients and carers
American Heart Association: What is cardiac rehabilitation?
Provides answers to frequently asked questions about cardiac rehabilitation, including who needs it and for how long.
Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Cardiac Rehabilitation. Patient information.
Information on cardiac rehabilitation, its main components, and when to start it.
British Heart Foundation.
Information on cardiac rehabilitation programmes and how they can help prevent a heart attack and cardiac surgical interventions. Also has a video clip.
Text and personal stories on film from UK patients who have had a heart attack. Has stories from 37 people (including four carers) in their own homes.
NHS Choices. CHD Dave’s story: high cholesterol.
A video in which Dave shares his battle with his cholesterol levels and talks about how he got to where he is now, successfully managing his condition.
NHS Choices. Coronary heart disease-recovery.
Information on what to do after having heart surgery or problems such as a heart attack and how it is possible to resume a normal life.
NHS Choices. Heart attack: real story.
An account of how a man who is nearly 60 has survived three heart attacks. He explains how the attacks affected him and how his recovery was different for
each of them.
NICE information for the public.
Patient information based on the latest NICE guidance on cardiac rehabilitation and includes information on exercise and sessions covering a range of topics
including health education and information. Also encourages partners or carers to be involved in cardiac rehabilitation.
Cardiac rehabilitation—a personal view from Philip Boorman
I am a 65 year old retired air traffic controller, and had been treated for hypertension and high cholesterol since 1998. I had experienced
mild chest pains in the past, which I could always walk through, but more severe pains in December 2014 led me to seek advice from my
general practice, which resulted in a referral to the Fast Track Chest Pain Clinic. Ironically, while I was waiting for my outpatient appointment,
I experienced a bout of more severe pain at home and was rushed to hospital, where I was told that I had had a heart attack.
Treatment in hospital was first class, and a single stent was fitted. My first contact with the cardiac rehabilitation team was a home visit by
a rehabilitation nurse. She was suitably encouraging, but the cynic in me thought that she was probably encouraging to everyone. However,
her advice was sound, and I followed it to the letter. Rehabilitation sessions at the gym started about eight weeks after my heart attack and
not only proved to be physically demanding and rewarding (no stopping for at least 50 minutes) but also helped to rebuild my slightly flagging
confidence. The programme included “teach-ins” on lifestyle, relaxation, diet, and exercise regimens, and I am extremely grateful for the
opportunity to attend.
Will I have another heart attack? I don’t know, but I do know that cardiac rehabilitation has fast-tracked me back to a normal life and given
me the knowledge that the chances of another heart attack are greatly reduced. It is also helpful to know that I will have regular follow up
by my GP and see the practice nurse in the cardiac clinic at least once a year.
15 Vanhees L, Rauch B, Piepoli M, van Buuren F, Takken T, Börjesson M, et al; Writing
Group, EACPR. Importance of characteristics and modalities of physical activity and
exercise in the management of cardiovascular health in individuals with cardiovascular
disease (Part III). Eur J Prev Cardiol 2012;19:1333-56.
16 British Heart Foundation. The National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation: annual statistical
report 2014 . British Heart Foundation, 2014.
17 Dalal HM, Evans PH. Achieving national service framework standards for cardiac
rehabilitation and secondary prevention. BMJ 2003;326:481-4.
18 Menezes AR, Lavie CJ, Milani RV, Forman DE, King M, Williams MA. Cardiac rehabilitation
in the United States. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 2014;56:522-9.
19 Anderson L, Thompson DR, Oldridge N, et al. Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for
coronary heart disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (forthcoming).
20 Taylor RS, Dalal H, Jolly K, Zawada A, Dean SG, Cowie A, et al. Home-based versus
centre-based cardiac rehabilitation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015;8:CD007130.
21 Anderson L, Taylor RS. Cardiac rehabilitation for people with heart disease: an overview
of Cochrane systematic reviews. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014;12:CD011273.
22 Taylor RS, Sagar VA, Davies EJ, Briscoe S, Coats AJ, Dalal H, et al. Exercise-based
rehabilitation for heart failure. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014;4:CD003331.
23 Brown JP, Clark AM, Dalal H, Welch K, Taylor RS. Patient education in the management
of coronary heart disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011;(12):CD008895.
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Fig 1 BACPR standards pathway, showing a patient’s journey through cardiac rehabilitation (reproduced with permission
from BACPR
). *CR=cardiac rehabilitation
Fig 2 Core components of cardiac rehabilitation. Reproduced with permission from BACPR
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