Acta Scientific Otolaryngology (ISSN: 2582-5550)
Volume 3 Issue 12 December 2021
Management of Lost Interdental Papilla by a Surgical Approach - A Case Report
Subuhi Mudassar
, Mehvish Saleem
*, Mayur Kaushik
and Sachin
Post Graduate Student, Department of Periodontology, Subharti Dental College
and Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontology, Subharti Dental College and
Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
Professor and Head, Department of Periodontology, Subharti Dental College and
Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
*Corresponding Author: Mehvish Saleem, Assistant Professor, Department of
Periodontology, Subharti Dental College and Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti
University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Case Report
Received: September 15, 2021
Published: November 18, 2021
© All rights are reserved by Mehvish
Saleem., et al.
Black triangles or absence or loss of interdental papillae (IDP) is one of the most important steps of decision-making process
of clinicians. The IDP is a dense connective tissue that is covered by oral epithelium and is found in the space between the gingival
tissues of two adjacent teeth. It protects the periodontal structures by acting as a biological barrier, and also plays a critical role in
aesthetics. The shape of the IDP between the teeth is determined by three important aspects - contact relationship, the width of the
proximal tooth surfaces, and the course of the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). The loss of IDP creates esthetic and phonetic problem
and may also lead to food impaction. Orthodontic, prosthetic and restorative procedures are the non-surgical approaches that can
was performed for papilla reconstruction.
Keywords: Interdental Papillae (IDP); Black Triangles; Soft Tissues
Aesthetic dentistry is fueled by enchantment, generating com-
pliments, obsession and popularity. A victorious aesthetic pro-
cedure regains the patient’s self-confidence, resuscitate social
skills and knowledge. Restoration of lost teeth in association with
aesthetic dentistry involves the management and reconstruction
of the encasing gingiva [1].
Periodontal treatment aimed more at
preserving and restoring the periodontal health rather than focus-
ing on the aesthetic outcome of the treatment. Recent advances
    -
thetic concerns [2]. Periodontal cosmetic surgery comprises of a
good range of procedures that aims to correct anatomical, develop-
mental or traumatic deformities of the gingiva or alveolar mucosa
The interdental papilla, a part of the gingiva that’s present
between the proximal surfaces of the teeth which occupies the
cervical embrasure space extending to fill the lingual, buccal,
and occlusal pyramid of the interdental space [4].
The loss or absence of interdental papilla could also be a re-
sult of gingival inflammation, attachment loss, and interproxi-
mal bone resorption. The foremost common cause being loss
         
traumatic oral hygiene [5].
    
support are essential for the upkeep of a healthy papilla [6].
Citation: Mehvish Saleem., et al. “Management of Lost Interdental Papilla by a Surgical Approach - A Case Report". Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 3.12
(2021): 08-12.
The Presence or absence of the IDP primarily depends upon the
space between the interdental contact point and therefore the in-
terproximal crest of bone that’s alleged to be 5 mm [7].
tal surgical procedures like soft tissue grafting, connective tissue
graft/free gingival grafts, use of enhanced conservative new mu-
  -
pography with/without GTR/GBR, enhanced regeneration of lost
interdental hard and soft tissue [8]. Additive materials like Platelet
Rich Fibrin (PRF) as a membrane, etc. have also proven their ef-
To gain aesthetics reconstruction and regeneration of lost in-
terdental papilla is the aim of the periodontal surgeons. Tissue
deformities in the interproximal areas can be treated by various
periodontal surgeries, orthodontic teeth alignment or combination
of all [5]. The non-surgical procedures modify the interproximal
space whereas the surgical approaches recontour, preserve and
regenerate the soft tissue between the interproximal spaces
Limited success has been achieved with surgical procedures like
free gingival grafts, interproximal curettage, or displacement of the
interproximal palatal tissue due to the shortage of blood supply to
the graft tissue [11].
lent principle of healing on which the subepithelial connective tis-
sue graft for root coverage and ridge augumentation are based,
henceforth increasing both the success rate and predictability of
the procedure [12].
Materials and Methods
A 35-year-old female patient came to the Outpatient Depart-
ment of Periodontology and Implantology, Subharti Dental College
and Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut, Uttar
Pradesh, with the chief complaint of black space between the upper
front tooth and the gum region since 6 months.
On clinical examination, class I papillary loss between both the
maxillary central incisors was found (Figure 1). Clinical evaluation
was done using UNC-15 periodontal probe and the distance from
the contact point to the bone crest came out to be 5 mm.
No bone loss was revealed on radiographic examination hence,
pilla reconstruction was anticipated.
Figure 1: Preoperative view showing loss of interdental
papillae in 11 and 21 region.
Surgical procedure
Informed consent was taken after explaining the procedure
followed by phase I therapy and oral hygiene instructions. Imme-
diately prior to the surgical procedure, the patient was instructed
to rinse with 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate solution for 30 sec-
onds. After administration of local anaesthesia (2% lignocaine
with 1:80000 adrenaline), a split thickness semilunar incision was
performed 3 mm apically from the mucogingival junction facial to
the interdental area, and a pouch-like preparation was performed
into the interdental area. Intrasulcular incisions were made round
the neck of the adjacent teeth extending from the buccal to the pal-
atal surface, to release the connective tissue attachment from the
root surface and to permit coronal displacement of the gingival-
papillary unit (Figure 2).
Figure 2: View of the line of incision.
Harvesting of connective tissue graft
sion was made within the area of molar and premolars followed
Management of Lost Interdental Papilla by a Surgical Approach - A Case Report
Citation: Mehvish Saleem., et al. “Management of Lost Interdental Papilla by a Surgical Approach - A Case Report". Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 3.12
(2021): 08-12.
surgical blade no.15 and tissue holding forceps were used to raise a
the underlying connective tissue. The harvested subepithelial con-
nective tissue graft was then preserved within the normal saline.
3-0 black braided silk sutures to obtain primary closure were used
to obtain the primary closure at the donor site (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Donor Site.
The harvested graft was consistent with the recipient site and
was then pushed coronally to support and provide bulk to the coro-
nally positioned interdental tissue (Figure 4). Flap was stabilised
using 5-0 black silk sutures (Figure 5).
Figure 4: Connective tissue graft being tucked into the pouch
Figure 5: Incisions closed with 5-0 silk sutures.
The patient was prescribed with antibiotics and analgesics and
0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate mouthwash twice daily for two
weeks with no mechanical cleaning of the surgically treated area.
2 weeks after the procedure suture removal was done and
satisfactory healing was found. The patient was reviewed weekly
for 1 month, then monthly for 6 months post-operatively. Normal
anatomy and shape of the IDP was maintained till 6 months with
complete reconstruction of the papilla (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Postoperative view after 6 months.
Black triangles within the anterior region of teeth are some
extent of aesthetic concern. Several nonsurgical and surgical tech-
       -
construction [10].
The distance from the bottom of the contact area to the crest of
bone depends on the presence or absence of the interproximal pa-
pilla and if it’s 5 mm or less, the papilla could also be reconstructed
surgically [13]. If the space between the interproximal papilla is
construction of the papilla by adding restorative material therein
unpredictable due to minimal blood supply from the recipient site
to the donor site, both of which have minimal contact because of
The lost papilla is often re-created by surgical means that in-
volves the principle of ample blood supply to the newly created tis-
sue. Therefore, semilunar incision along side with coronal displace-
ment of entire gingivopapillary unit, with subepithelial connective
Management of Lost Interdental Papilla by a Surgical Approach - A Case Report
Citation: Mehvish Saleem., et al. “Management of Lost Interdental Papilla by a Surgical Approach - A Case Report". Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 3.12
(2021): 08-12.
tissue graft may be a most predictable method in reconstructing
reconstruct the interdental papilla offers successful results [12].
The principle of dual blood supply of subepithelial connective
tissue has also been applied to the reconstruction of the interdental
age of blood supply to the prevailing papilla by accessories to papil-
Successful results and improvement in interdental papilla with
reconstruction of interdental papilla was observed by Sawai., et al.
Semilunar incision allows coronal displacement without cre-
ating tension and prevents gingiva from rebounding back to its
original position while the intrasulcular incision free the connec-
tive tissue from the root surface to permit coronal displacement of
the gingivopapillary unit keeping the prevailing papilla completely
preserved. To eliminate the dead space and to maintain the gingival
thelial connective tissue graft. The graft was harvested just before
the surgical detachment of the papilla to prevent the development
of blood clot between the bone and connective tissue because
blood clot might compromise the immediate blood supply to the
graft and therefore can induce partial necrosis of the transplanted
tissue as suggested by Carnio J [16].
The graft in the present case report was harvested from palate
Flow of plasma and ingrowth of capillaries from surrounding
tissue into the subepithelial connective tissue graft leads to aes-
Reconstruction of the lost interdental papilla is the most chal-
lenging and least predictable problem because of narrow inter-
proximal space results obliteration, ischemia and ultimately to
necrosis of graft.
The major aesthetic challenge in periodontal plastic surgery is
the reconstruction of the lost IDP. The success and the predictabil-
ity of any surgical procedure for treating papilla loss depends on
connective tissue graft and the maintenance of good oral hygiene
terproximal papilla, subepithelial connective tissue graft proved to
nective tissue graft. The atraumatic management of the tissues, re-
spect for the blood supply and avoidance of tension and pressure
are critical for the viability of the tissues and the success for the
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Volume 3 Issue 12 December 2021
© All rights are reserved by Mehvish Saleem., et al.
Management of Lost Interdental Papilla by a Surgical Approach - A Case Report
Citation: Mehvish Saleem., et al. “Management of Lost Interdental Papilla by a Surgical Approach - A Case Report". Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 3.12
(2021): 08-12.