IPCOT Information
My IPCOT was approved, what do I need to do?
Once your IPCOT is approved you have a decision to make. Are you going to take leave between the
two tours or are you going to defer your COT leave?
If, you are taking leave between the two tours, complete and submit your DA Form 31 for approval. You
can simultaneously complete the IPCOT RFO checklist and gather all documents. Once you leave from
is approved you can submit your entire packet to your S1 for submittal to MPD.
If you are deferring your COT leave entitlement, we only need a deferment memo signed by your BN
Commander - we do not need the checklist until you are ready to process your request for orders. The
deferment memo must be received by MPD prior to the completion of your current tour. If you
begin the new tour, prior to MPD receiving your deferment memo, the entitlement is lost.
In either case, this is your entitlement and your leave request, plan accordingly so that you have
adequate time to process and do not lose you COT leave entitlement. MPD has 10 working days to
process your IPCOT leave travel order, failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on
our part.
Can a Soldier be authorized non-chargeable leave together with Consecutive Overseas Tour (COT)
No, leave granted in conjunction with COT is ordinary (chargeable) leave. Travel is the only entitlement that is free, IAW
Title 37, US Code, and (Reference AR 600-8-10 4-8).
What entitlement are associated with an IPCOT?
An eligible Soldier and his or her eligible Command Sponsored Dependent(s), is/are authorized transportation allowances
between authorized locations. The authorized destination is the Service member’s HOR. Transportation to any other
location is limited to the cost had the Service member or dependent traveled to the HOR. (Reference JTR 4-8 B.)
When can I use my COT leave travel?
COT leave is normally used between the two tours of duty. Soldiers authorized travel allowances in conjunction with a
COT or IPCOT may request to defer travel between the two tours of duty to use the allowances during the second tour of
duty. (Reference AR 600-8-10 4-8 c. & e.)
Will I be authorized to pay the difference if going to a distance or location further and more expensive than the
cost of transportation from my PDS to my HOR?
If transportation to a selected alternate location is more expensive than transportation to the HOR, the Service member is
financially responsible for the additional cost unless transportation to the more expensive alternate location is authorized
or approved through the Secretarial Process. (Reference JTR 050812 C. 1.)
Is there any free leave associated with COT Leave?
No, COT leave is chargeable leave granted with funded transoceanic travel per 37 USC 481. (Reference AR 600-8-10 4-8
Upon approval of my IPCOT, who do I request my travel authorization order from?
To request your order for IPCOT travel, See your S1 or visit the USAG Humphreys website at
division/personnel-services click on the link for IPCOT download and complete the checklist and submit the checklist
along with all required documents to your S1. Your S1 will submit the request to MPD who will generate your IPCOT
order. Please note, MPD has 10 days to cut your orders, so plan accordingly.
What information needs to be stated on the deferment memo to defer my COT entitlement?
COT leave is deferred due to military necessity by the commander” Or COT Leave is deferred due to personal reasons
(state the reason)
This information is current as of 13 January 2021. S1 and individual Soldiers are responsible for ensuring that the
From AR 600-8-10
4-8. Leave together with consecutive overseas tours
a. COT leave is chargeable leave granted with funded transoceanic travel per 37 USC 481.
b. Soldiers stationed OCONUS receiving orders to an in-place consecutive overseas tour (IPCOT), or on PCS
reassignment to another overseas duty station, may be authorized Government-funded travel and transportation
allowances in connection with authorized leave from their last duty station (in accordance with DoDI 1327.06 and the
c. Soldiers authorized travel allowances in conjunction with a COT or IPCOT may request to defer travel between the two
tours of duty to use the allowances during the second tour of duty. Unless Soldiers are unable to use the COT travel
allowances due to lengthy deployment, the travel allowances will expire unless completed before the end of the new tour.
Soldiers unable to use COT travel allowances due to lengthy deployment may defer travel up to one year after completion
of the deployment that precluded travel.
d. The new tour must be an authorized tour as prescribed in the JTR.
e. COT leave is normally used between the two tours of duty.
f. The old tour must be totally completed before COT leave commences.
g. Travel entitlements for Soldiers and their Family members are specified in the JTR.
h. Travel is performed in a duty status (not chargeable as leave).
i. Either losing or gaining commanders may defer COT leave due to military necessity, and Soldiers may request
deferment of COT leave for personal reasons. However, deferment is void and COT leave entitlements are depleted if any
chargeable leave is used between the two tours of duty.
j. If COT leave travel is deferred, the Soldier must travel directly from the old PDS to the new PDS. No leave or other
absence may be authorized enroute except for 4 days to drop off and/or pick up dependents if they are residing at an
approved designated location (see Proceed Time, para 514).
k. If the PCS requires either the Soldier or Family members to traverse through CONUS, COT leave must be used
between the two tours of duty. The only exception is if no chargeable leave is used enroute, and COT leave deferment is
justified in writing as a military necessity by the losing or gaining commander.
l. COT leave may not be combined with other leave, pass, or administrative absence except for administrative absence for
house hunting and for TDY enroute.
m. If COT leave is deferred due to military necessity, the orders will state, “COT leave is authorized but deferred due to
military necessity by [gaining or losing] commander.” Even if the orders state that COT leave is deferred, the entitlement is
lost if any chargeable leave is used enroute.
n. The first leave used after reporting to the Soldier’s new PDS is not required to be deferred COT leave.
o. Steps to request COT leave
(1) Use DA Form 31 in accordance with paragraph 43; however, click on COT leave dropdown.
(2) If leave is disapproved due to military necessity, the Soldier must retain a copy of the disapproved DA Form 31 to
substantiate a future request for deferred COT leave.
(3) The Soldier attaches PCS orders and a copy of the disapproved DA Form 31 to substantiate deferred COT leave.
All IPCOT Order Request need to be submitted PRIOR to the Soldier’s ORIGINAL DEROS date. Please submit all
IPCOT Order Request to:
Additional References:
JTR 050812
DoD 1315.18