Construction & Demolition Debris Recovery Program
City and County of San Francisco
Environment Code Chapter 14; Ordinance No. 144-21; Regulations #SFE-21-02-C&D and #SFE-23-01-CDO
Any person or company that transports mixed construction & demolition (C&D) debris originating from San Francisco
jobsites must obtain a permit for each debris box, vehicle, and/or vehicle towing a trailer that is used to collect and transport
mixed C&D debris. Permits must be prominently displayed on a debris box or vehicle at all times that a debris box, vehicle, or
trailer contains mixed C&D debris (i.e., during collection and transport). C&D transporters may obtain either:
Annual Permits, which are valid from January 1 to December 31, 2024
7-Day Temporary Permits, which are valid for a specied 7-day period
1. All applicants – complete the Permit Applicant Information section on page 1 and the Applicant
Attestation section on page 2.
2. C&D Vehicle Permit applicants – complete Attachment A: C&D Vehicle Permits. Include a copy of
the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) registration card for each vehicle that will be
permitted with your application submission.
3. C&D Debris Box Permit applicants – complete Attachment B: C&D Debris Box Permits.
4. All applicants – submit the completed and signed application and Attachment A and/or
Attachment B by email or mail.
Email application to:
Do not provide payment at this time. Once your application is approved, San Francisco Public Works
will email you an invoice with the nal payment amount and instructions on how to pay.
For questions or additional information, please visit
requirements, email, or call (415) 355-3799.
Permit applicant information:
Permit Applicant Name (company or person)
Mailing Address
Physical Address
Business Account Number (Seven-digit number issued by SF Treasury-Tax Collector)
Name of Authorized Representative (if different from above)
Phone Number Email Address
v. 2.01
Mixed Construction & Demolition Debris
2024 Transporter Permit Application
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Mixed Construction and Demolition Debris 2024 Transporter Permit Application
OR mail application to:
San Francisco Environment Department
1455 Market Street, Suite 13B
San Francisco, CA 94103
Attention: C&D Debris Recovery
Applicant attestation:
Applicant seeks C&D debris box and/or C&D vehicle permits to transport mixed construction &
demolition (C&D) debris originating within the City and County of San Francisco;
Applicant will not transport C&D debris directly to landll except as expressly permitted by
Environment Code Chapter 14 or other applicable laws;
Applicant will transport mixed C&D debris only to a processing facility registered by San Francisco
Environment Department;
Applicant will provide the registered processing facility information that identies the source of
the mixed C&D debris, such as the jobsite address or the San Francisco Department of Building
Inspection (DBI) permit number (if applicable), for each load of mixed C&D debris delivered;
Applicant will prominently display the C&D permit decal on the applicant’s debris box or vehicle at
all times that the applicant’s debris box, vehicle, or trailer contains mixed C&D debris (i.e., during
collection and transport).
Applicant is in compliance with all city, state and federal laws and regulations applicable to
transport of mixed C&D debris, including but not limited to possession of valid licenses, permits, and
insurance, and is in good standing with all other regulatory agencies;
Applicant has no outstanding notices of violation from any federal, state, or local agency that could affect
permits, authorizations, or licenses required for continued lawful and safe operation of vehicles;
Applicant will maintain copies of all receipts provided by registered processing facilities and other
business records that demonstrate compliance with Environment Code Chapter 14 for at least three years;
Applicant agrees to comply with the provisions of Environment Code Chapter 14, to provide
documentation to support the information in this application upon request, and to allow San
Francisco Environment Department to inspect records related to compliance with Environment
Code Chapter 14 in order to verify the information in this application and other submitted reports or
Applicant agrees that all C&D debris boxes and vehicles will be handled, placed, parked, and
operated in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, including motor carrier
regulations, and in accordance with standard industry practices to ensure against leakage and
unsafe loads;
Applicant will transport all C&D debris in a fully enclosed or covered container or vehicle to minimize
any potential spillage or littering.
By signing below, the applicant attests that they understand and agree to the above conditions of
permit issuance as well as the rules and requirements set forth in Environment Code Chapter 14 and
Regulations #SFE-21-02-C&D and #SFE-23-01-CDO.
Print name Title
Signature Date
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Mixed Construction and Demolition Debris 2024 Transporter Permit Application
Attachment A: C&D Vehicle Permits
For xed-body vehicles and vehicles towing a trailer
1. All C&D Vehicle Permit applicants – Use Table 1 and the vehicles DMV registration card to
determine the Vehicle Permit Tier for each vehicle that will be permitted.
2. All C&D Vehicle Permit applicants – in Table 2, list the license plate number for each vehicle that
will be permitted and its Vehicle Permit Tier.
3. 7-Day Temporary Permit applicants – in Table 2, provide the permit start date, project address and/
or DBI permit number of the project.
4. All C&D Vehicle Permit applicants – include a copy of the DMV registration card for each vehicle
that will be permitted in the application submission.
Note: Vehicle permit tier is based on the vehicles Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) or Combined Gross Vehicle Weight
(CGW) established by the DMV. A vehicles GVW and CGW can be found on the vehicles DMV registration card. For
more information, visit
If needed, attach additional page(s) with the permit and vehicle information requested in Table 2 above
Table 1: C&D vehicle permit tiers and fees
Vehicle permit tier Annual Permit fee (each
per year)
7-day Temporary Permit
fee (each)
Under 10,001 lbs. Tier 1 $417 $185
10,001 - 35,000 lbs Tier 2 $1,267 $317
35,001 - 60,000 lbs. Tier 3 $1,690 $422
60,001 - 80,000 lbs. Tier 4 $2,112 $528
Table 2: C&D vehicle permits and vehicle information
Vehicle license plate Vehicle permit tier Permit start date (7-Day
Permits Only)
Project address and/or
DBI permit number of the
project (7-Day Permits
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Mixed Construction and Demolition Debris 2024 Transporter Permit Application
Attachment B: C&D Debris Box Permits
For roll-off boxes and other portable containers
1. All C&D Debris Box Permit applicants – complete Table 3 to indicate the number and type of debris
box permits you are applying for.
2. 7-Day Temporary Permit applicants – complete Table 4 to provide the permit start date, project
address and/or DBI permit number of the project.
Note: C&D Debris Box Permits are required for any debris box used to collect and transport mixed C&D debris. Permits
can be transferred among debris boxes owned by the same operator but can only be used for one debris box at a time.
The permit must be prominently displayed on a debris box at all times that a debris box contains mixed C&D debris (i.e.,
during collection and transport).
Table 4: 7-Day Temporary C&D Debris Box Permit information (Complete this table only if you are applying for 7-day
temporary permits)
Permit Start Date Project address and/or DBI permit number of the project
If needed, attach additional page(s) with the permit and vehicle information requested in Table 4 above
San Francisco Environment Department
1455 Market Street, Suite 13B, San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 355-3700
Mixed Construction and Demolition Debris 2024 Transporter Permit Application
Table 3: C&D Debris Box Permits
Annual Debris
Box Permits
# of permits
Permit cost
(each per year)
Debris Box
# of permits
Permit cost
$840 $211
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