School attendance
Guidance for maintained schools,
academies, independent schools and
local authorities
May 2022
This guidance only applies until the end of the 2021/2022 academic year. Please
refer to our new guidance: working together to improve school attendance which
will apply from next academic year.
Summary 4
About this guidance 4
Expiry or review date 4
Who is this guidance for? 4
Key points 4
Section one: guidance on pupil registers and attendance codes 5
School attendance 5
What does the law say and what do I have to do? 5
The admission and attendance registers 5
Contents of admission register 6
Contents of attendance register 9
Absence and attendance codes 10
Attendance codes for when pupils are present at approved off-site educational
activity are as follows: 11
Absence codes when pupils are not present in school are as follows: 12
Section two: guidance on school day and school year 17
Setting school term dates and holidays 17
School day and school year 17
School day 17
School year 17
Changes to school day and school week 17
What legislation does the guidance in this section relate to? 18
Frequently asked questions 19
Can a school place a pupil on a part-time timetable? 19
Are pupils entitled to study leave? 19
How should schools record the attendance of pupils on study leave? 19
Can a school use a designated school day as an academic review day for parents? 19
Do schools need to consult parents if making changes to the school day? 20
Can a parent take their child on holiday during term time? 20
Does the change to the regulation on leave of absence affect child performers? 20
Further sources of information 21
Relevant legislation 21
Other DfE guidance 21
About this guidance
This is guidance from the Department for Education. This guidance is non-statutory, and
has been produced to help schools and local authorities maintain high levels of school
attendance and plan the school day and year. It would be helpful to read this alongside
the statutory guidance on parental measures for school attendance and behaviour.
Expiry or review date
This guidance only applies until the end of this academic year. Please refer to our new
guidance: working together to improve school attendance which will apply from
September 2022 onwards.
Who is this guidance for?
This guidance is for:
local authorities
all school
staff, head teachers, governors, alternative provision providers
independent schools for pupil registers
This guidance may also be useful for parents and carers.
Key points
This document replaces previous guidance on pupils’ registration, school day and year,
and Ensuring Children’s Right to Education, it outlines the government’s approach to
school attendance.
This guidance is made up of:
Section one - pupil registers and attendance codes
Section two - school day and year
In all types of state funded schools, including state maintained nurseries, independent schools, schools
with 6th forms, academies, free schools, pupil referral units and alternative provision providers.
Section one: guidance on pupil registers and
attendance codes
School attendance
Central to raising standards in education and ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential is
an assumption so widely understood that it is insufficiently stated pupils need to attend
school regularly to benefit from their education. Missing out on lessons leaves children
vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both
primary and secondary school.
The government expects:
schools and local authorities to:
promote good attendance and reduce absence, including persistent
ensure every pupil has access to full-time education to which they are
act early to address patterns of absence
parents to perform their legal duty by ensuring their children of compulsory school
age who are registered at school attend regularly
all pupils to be punctual to their lessons
What does the law say and what do I have to do?
This guidance summarises the legal powers and duties that govern school attendance
and explains how they apply to local authorities, head teachers, school staff, governing
bodies, pupils and parents.
These requirements are contained in:
The Education Act 1996 - sections 434(1)(3)(4)&(6) and 458(4)&(5)
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2011
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016
The admission and attendance registers
The law requires all schools including independent schools to have an admission register
and, with the exception of schools where all pupils are boarders, an attendance register.
All pupils (regardless of their age) must be placed on both registers. The proprietor of a
school who fails to comply with these regulations is guilty of an offence and can be
Contents of admission register
The admission register must contain the personal details of every pupil in the school,
along with the date of admission or re-admission to the school, information regarding
parents and carers and details of the school last attended.
Expected first day of attendance
Schools must enter pupils on the admission register and attendance register from the
beginning of the first day on which the school has agreed, or been notified, that the pupil
will attend the school. For most pupils the expected first day of attendance is the first day
of the school year.
If a pupil fails to attend on the agreed or notified date, the school must establish the
reason for the absence and mark the attendance register accordingly.
All schools must
notify the local authority within five days of adding a pupil’s name to the
admission register and must provide the local authority with all the information held within
the admission register about the pupil. This duty does not apply to pupils who are added
to the admission register at the start of the school’s youngest year for example pupils
who are registered at a secondary school at the start of Year 7 - unless the local authority
also requests for such information to be provided.
Pupils moving to a new address and/or school
Where the parent of a pupil notifies the school that the pupil will live at another address,
schools must
record in the admission register: (a) the full name of the parent with whom
the pupil will live, (b) the new address, and (c) the date from when it is expected the pupil
will live at this address.
Where a parent notifies the school that the pupil is registered at another school or will be
attending a different school, schools must
record in the admission register: (a) the name
Section 434(6) of the Education Act 1996.
Regulation 12 of the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 (as amended by the
Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016).
Regulation 5 of the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 (as amended by the
Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016).
Regulation 5 of the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 (as amended by the
Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016).
of the other school, and (b) the date of when the pupil first attended, or is due to start
attending, that school.
Deletions from the admission register
A pupil can lawfully be deleted from the admission register on the grounds prescribed in
regulation 8 of the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 as
Deletions due to unpaid boarding fees
A maintained boarding school or boarding academy may, additionally, delete a pupil from
its admission register where the boarding fees remain unpaid at the end of the school
term for which they were due to be paid. Where fees are unpaid, the school or academy
should, before the grounds for removing the pupil from the register are met, consider
the relevant local authority, in the case of a maintained school, has considered
whether a case exists for paying some or all of the child's boarding fees
removing the child from school would have a significant negative effect on his or
her education and whether it can be mitigated, for example by transferring to a
school closer to home
parents/carers have been informed of any charitable or other voluntary sector
assistance or benefits that may be available to help meet the cost of boarding fees
the school has given timely notice to the relevant local authority and the
parents/carers, to assist school transfer
Amendments to the admission register and attendance register
Every amendment made to the admission register and the attendance register must
include: the original entry; the amended entry; the reason for the amendment; the date on
which the amendment was made; and the name and position of the person who made
the amendment.
Preservation of the admission register and attendance register
Every entry in the admission register and attendance register must be preserved for a
period of three years after the date on which the entry was made.
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2011.
Under section 458(4) and (5) of the Education Act 1996
Children at risk of missing education
School governing bodies, academy trusts, and other school proprietors must have regard
to the statutory guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ when making
arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
Schools should put in place appropriate safeguarding responses for children who go
missing from school, particularly on repeat occasions. Where reasonably practicable, for
every pupil, schools should hold an emergency contact number for more than one
person. Emergency contact numbers should be provided and updated by the parent with
whom the pupil normally resides. This goes beyond the legal requirement but is good
practice. Doing so provides schools with additional options for making contact with a
responsible adult when a child is missing school and is also identified as a welfare and/or
safeguarding concern.
Where school staff have concerns about a child, they should use their professional
judgement and knowledge of the individual pupil to inform their decision as to whether
welfare concerns should be escalated.
Local authorities have a duty
to put in place arrangements for identifying (as far as it is
possible) those children of compulsory school age in their area who are not school
registered or receiving suitable education otherwise than at a school. Local authorities
should trace those children and ensure that they receive full-time education.
All schools must notify the local authority when a pupil’s name is to be deleted from the
admission register under any of the grounds prescribed in regulation 8 of the Education
(Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 as amended, as soon as the ground for
removal is met and no later than the time at which the pupil’s name is removed from the
register. This duty does not apply where the pupil’s name is removed after they have
completed the school’s final year, unless the local authority requests for such information
to be provided.
Where a school notifies a local authority that a pupil’s name is to be deleted from the
admission register, the school must
provide the local authority with the following
the full name of the pupil
the full name and address of any parent with whom the pupil lives
Under section 436A of the Education Act 1996 (as inserted by section 4 of the Education and Inspections
Act 2006). There is separate statutory guidance for local authorities on how to carry out this duty (including
advice for schools) at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/children-missing-education
Under regulation 12 of the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 (as amended by the
Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016).
at least one telephone number of any parent with whom the pupil lives
the full name and address of the parent who the pupil is going to live with, and the
date the pupil is expected to start living there, if applicable
the name of pupil’s other or future school and the pupil’s start date or expected
start date there, if applicable
the ground prescribed in regulation 8 under which the pupil’s name is to be
deleted from the admission register
All schools (including academies) must agree with the relevant local authority, the regular
interval that the school will inform the local authority of any pupil who fails to attend
school regularly, or has been absent without the school’s permission for a continuous
period of 10 days or more.
Home educated children
On receipt of written notification to home educate, schools must inform the pupil’s local
authority that the pupil is to be deleted from the admission register. Schools should not
seek to persuade parents to educate their children at home as a way of avoiding
excluding the pupil or because the pupil has a poor attendance record.
Schools and local authorities should not seek to prevent parents from educating their
children outside the school system. There is no requirement for parents to obtain the
school or local authority’s agreement to educate their child at home.
Parents have a duty to ensure their child of compulsory school age receives suitable full
time education but this does not have to be at a school
Contents of attendance register
Schools must take the attendance register at the start of the first session of each school
day and once during the second session. On each occasion they must record whether
every pupil is:
attending an approved educational activity
unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances
not attending in circumstances relating to coronavirus (COVID-19)
Section 7 of the Education Act 1996.
See Addendum: recording attendance in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19), which explains and
illustrates the changes made to regulations governing school attendance registers in relation to coronavirus
The school should follow up any absences to:
ascertain the reason;
ensure the proper safeguarding action is taken
identify whether the absence is approved or not
identify the correct code to use before entering it on to the school’s electronic
register, or management information system which is used to download data to the
School Census
Boarding schools
Boarding schools without day-pupils are not required to keep an attendance register.
Schools with a mixture of day-pupils and boarders must keep an attendance register for
the day-pupils.
Absence and attendance codes
The national codes enable schools to record and monitor attendance and absence in a
consistent way which complies with the regulations. They are also used for collecting
statistics through the School Census System. The data helps schools, local authorities
and the Government to gain a greater understanding of the level of, and the reasons for,
absence. The codes are:
Present at school
Pupils must not be marked present if they were not in school during registration. If a pupil
were to leave the school premises after registration they would still be counted as
present for statistical purposes.
Registration code / \: Present in school / = am \ = pm
Present in school during registration.
Code L: Late arrival before the register has closed
Schools should have a policy on how long registers should be kept open; this should be
for a reasonable length of time but not that registers are to be kept open for the whole
session. A pupil arriving after the register has closed should be marked absent with code
U, or with another absence code if that is more appropriate.
(COVID-19), which comes into effect from 09 August 2021 for use throughout the 2021 to 2022 school
Present at an approved off-site educational activity
An approved educational activity is where a pupil is taking part in supervised educational
activity such as field trips, educational visits, work experience or alternative provision.
Pupils can only be recorded as receiving off-site educational activity if the activity meets
the requirements prescribed in regulation 6(4) of the Education (Pupil Registration)
(England) Regulations 2006. The activity must be of an educational nature approved by
the school and supervised by someone authorised by the school. The activity must take
place during the session for which the mark is recorded.
Attendance codes for when pupils are present at approved off-site
educational activity are as follows:
Code B: off-site educational activity
This code should be used when pupils are present at an off-site educational activity that
has been approved by the school. Ultimately schools are responsible for the
safeguarding and welfare of pupils educated off-site. Therefore by using code B, schools
are certifying that the education is supervised and measures have been taken to
safeguard pupils. This code should not be used for any unsupervised educational activity
or where a pupil is at home doing school work. Schools should ensure that they have in
place arrangements whereby the provider of the alternative activity notifies the school of
any absences by individual pupils. The school should record the pupil’s absence using
the relevant absence code.
Code D: dual registered - at another educational establishment
This code is not counted as a possible attendance in the School Census. The law allows
for dual registration of pupils at more than one school. This code is used to indicate that
the pupil was not expected to attend the session in question because they were
scheduled to attend the other school at which they are registered.
The main examples of dual registration are pupils who are attending a pupil referral unit,
a hospital school or a special school on a temporary basis. It can also be used when the
pupil is known to be registered at another school during the session in question.
Each school should only record the pupil’s attendance and absence for those sessions
that the pupil is scheduled to attend their school. Schools should ensure that they have in
place arrangements whereby all unexplained and unexpected absence is followed up in a
timely manner.
Code J: at an interview with prospective employers, or another educational
This code should be used to record time spent in interviews with prospective employers
or another educational establishment. Schools should be satisfied that the interview is
linked to employment prospects, further education or transfer to another educational
Code P: participating in a supervised sporting activity
This code should be used to record the sessions when a pupil is taking part in a sporting
activity that has been approved by the school and supervised by someone authorised by
the school.
Code V: educational visit or trip
This code should be used for attendance at an organised trip or visit, including residential
trips organised by the school, or attendance at a supervised trip of a strictly educational
nature arranged by an organisation approved by the school.
Code W: work experience
Work experience is for pupils in the final two years of compulsory education. Schools
should ensure that they have in place arrangements whereby the work experience
placement provider notifies the school of any absences by individual pupils. Any absence
should be recorded using the relevant code.
Authorised absence from school
Authorised absence’ means that the school has either given approval in advance for a
pupil of compulsory school age to be away, or has accepted an explanation offered
afterwards as justification for absence.
Absence codes when pupils are not present in school are as follows:
Code C: leave of absence authorised by the school
Only exceptional circumstances warrant an authorised leave of absence. Schools should
consider each application individually taking into account the specific facts and
circumstances and relevant background context behind the request.
Code E: excluded but no alternative provision made
If no alternative provision is made for a pupil to continue their education whilst they are
excluded but still on the admission register, they should be marked absent in the
attendance register using Code E. Alternative provision must be arranged for each
excluded pupil from the sixth consecutive day of any fixed period or permanent exclusion.
Where alternative provision is made they should be marked using the appropriate
attendance code.
Code H: holiday authorised by the school
Head teachers should not grant leave of absence unless there are exceptional
circumstances. The application must be made in advance and the head teacher must be
satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances based on the individual facts and
circumstances of the case which warrant the leave. Where a leave of absence is granted,
the head teacher will determine the number of days a pupil can be away from school. A
leave of absence is granted entirely at the head teacher’s discretion.
Code I: illness (not medical or dental appointments)
Schools should advise parents to notify them on the first day the child is unable to attend
due to illness. Schools should authorise absences due to illness unless they have
genuine cause for concern about the veracity of an illness. If the authenticity of illness is
in doubt, schools can request parents to provide medical evidence to support illness.
Schools can record the absence as unauthorised if not satisfied of the authenticity of the
illness but should advise parents of their intention. Schools are advised not to request
medical evidence unnecessarily. Medical evidence can take the form of prescriptions,
appointment cards, etc. rather than doctors’ notes.
Code M: medical or dental appointments
Missing registration for a medical or dental appointment is counted as an authorised
absence. Schools should, however, encourage parents to make appointments out of
school hours. Where this is not possible, the pupil should only be out of school for the
minimum amount of time necessary for the appointment.
Code R: religious observance
Schools must treat absence as authorised when it is due to religious observance. The
day must be exclusively set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which
the parents belong. Where necessary, schools should seek advice from the parents’
religious body about whether it has set the day apart for religious observance.
Code S: study leave
Schools must record study leave as authorised absence. Study leave should be used
sparingly and only granted to Year 11 pupils during public examinations. Provision should
still be made available for those pupils who want to continue to come into school to
Code T: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller absence
A number of different groups are covered by the generic term Traveller Roma, English
and Welsh Gypsies, Irish and Scottish Travellers, Showmen (fairground people) and
Circus people, Bargees (occupational boat dwellers) and New Travellers.
This code should be used when Traveller families are known to be travelling for
occupational purposes and have agreed this with the school but it is not known whether
the pupil is attending educational provision. It should not be used for any other types of
absence by these groups.
To help ensure continuity of education for Traveller children it is expected that the child
should attend school elsewhere when their family is travelling and be dual registered at
that school and the main school. Children from these groups whose families do not travel
are expected to register at a school and attend as normal. They are subject to the same
rules as other children in terms of the requirement to attend school regularly once
registered at a school.
Unauthorised absence from school
Unauthorised absence is where a school is not satisfied with the reasons given for the
absence. Absence codes are as follows:
Code G: holiday not authorised by the school or in excess of the period
determined by the head teacher.
If a school does not authorise a leave of absence for the purpose of a holiday but the
parents still take the child out of school, or the child is kept away for longer than was
agreed, the absence is unauthorised. The regulations do not allow schools to give
retrospective approval. If the parents did not apply for leave of absence in advance, the
absence must be recorded as unauthorised.
Code N: reason for absence not yet provided
Schools should follow up all unexplained and unexpected absences in a timely manner.
Every effort should be made to establish the reason for a pupil’s absence. When the
reason for the pupil’s absence has been established the register should be amended.
This code should not be left on a pupil’s attendance record indefinitely; if no reason for
absence is provided after a reasonable amount of time it should be replaced with code O
(absent from school without authorisation).
Code O: absent from school without authorisation
If the school is not satisfied with the reason given for absence they should record it as
Code U: arrived in school after registration closed
Schools should actively discourage late arrival, be alert to patterns of late arrival and
seek an explanation from the parent.
Not attending in circumstances relating to coronavirus (COVID-19)
For the school year 2021 to 2022, a new category was added to record instances when a
pupil is ‘not attending in circumstances relating to coronavirus (COVID-19)’. See this
addendum for further information, including advice on the application of Code X.
*Code X: not attending in circumstances relating to coronavirus (COVID-19)
(This code is not counted as an absence in the school census)
This code was used to record sessions where the pupil’s travel to or presence at school
would conflict with:
guidance relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19) from
the United Kingdom Health and Safety Agency (UKHSA) or the Department of
Health and Social Care
any legislation (or instruments such as statutory directions) relating to the
incidence or transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19)
*In line with our transition to living with COVID-19 and the latest public health
advice, we are no longer advising schools to record pupils who are not attending
school because of COVID-19 using Code X (not attending in circumstances related
to coronavirus).
Where a pupil is not attending because they have symptoms of COVID-19 or have
had a positive test schools should record this using Code I (illness) unless another
more appropriate code applies. Schools no longer need to record pupils who do
not attend for reasons related to COVID-19, using Code X.
Schools should also continue to use code X to record when a pupil not of compulsory
school age is not expected to attend as detailed below.
Administrative codes
The following codes are not counted as a possible attendance in the School Census.
Code X: not required to be in school
This code is used to record sessions that non-compulsory school age children are not
expected to attend.
And their equivalents in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland if a pupil attending a school in England
resides there.
Code Y: unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances
This code can be used where a pupil is unable to attend because:
the school site, or part of it, is closed due to an unavoidable cause
the transport provided by the school or a local authority is not available and where
the pupil’s home is not within walking distance
a local or national emergency has resulted in widespread disruption to travel which
has prevented the pupil from attending school
This code can also be used where a pupil is unable to attend because:
The pupil is in custody; detained for a period of less than four months. If the school
has evidence from the place of custody that the pupil is attending educational
activities then they can record those sessions as code B (present at approved
educational activity)
This code is collected in the School Census for statistical purposes.
Code Z: pupil not on admission register
This code is available to enable schools to set up registers in advance of pupils joining
the school to ease administration burdens. Schools must put pupils on the admission
register from the first day that the school has agreed, or been notified, that the pupil will
attend the school.
Code #: planned whole or partial school closure
This code should be used for whole or partial school closures that are known or planned
in advance such as: between terms; half terms; occasional days (for example, bank
holidays); weekends (where it is required by the management information system); up to
five non-educational days to be used for curriculum planning/training; and use of schools
as polling stations.
Different term dates for different pupils
Schools and local authorities can agree to set different term dates for different year
groups e.g. for ‘staggered starts’ or ‘induction days’. Code # can be used to record the
year group(s) that is not due to attend. This is only acceptable where the school ensures
that those pupils not attending on that day are still offered a full education over the school
Section two: guidance on school day and school year
Setting school term dates and holidays
School employers are required to set the term dates of their school year. Employers are:
the local authority in community, voluntary controlled and community special schools and
maintained nursery schools; the governing body in foundation and voluntary aided
schools; the academy trust in academies and Free Schools.
School day and school year
The law regulating the school day and school year applies only to schools maintained by
a local authority and special schools not maintained by a local authority. This law does
not apply to academies and Free Schools.
School day
Every school day must have two sessions divided by a break in the middle of the day.
The length of each session, break and the school day is determined by the school’s
governing body.
School year
Schools must meet for at least 380 sessions or 190 days during any school year to
educate their pupils. If a school is prevented from meeting for one or more sessions
because of an unavoidable event, it should find a practical way of holding extra sessions.
If it cannot find a practical way of doing this then it is not required to make up the lost
Changes to school day and school week
The structure of the school day and school week should not be the cause of
inconvenience to parents and it is unacceptable for schools to shorten their school day or
school week unless it is a direct action to support and enhance their pupils’ education.
Schools should organise the school day and school week in the best interest of their pupil
cohort, to provide them with a full-time education suitable to their age, aptitude and
In the event that a school decides to make changes to its school day or week, it is
expected that the school will act reasonably when making such decisions; giving parents
notice and considering the impact on those affected, including pupils, teachers, and
parents’ work commitments and childcare options.
Schools should also consider the potential impact of a shorter school week on parental
choice as part of admissions and admission appeals processes.
What legislation does the guidance in this section relate to?
The Education Act 2002 - section 32
The Education Act 1996 section 551(1)
The Education (School Day and School Year) (England) Regulations 1999
The Changing of School Session Times (England) (Revocation) Regulations 2011
Frequently asked questions
Can a school place a pupil on a part-time timetable?
As a rule, no. All pupils of compulsory school age are entitled to a full-time education. In
very exceptional circumstances there may be a need for a temporary part-time timetable
to meet a pupil’s individual needs. For example where a medical condition prevents a
pupil from attending full-time education and a part-time timetable is considered as part of
a re-integration package. A part-time timetable must not be treated as a long-term
solution. Any pastoral support programme or other agreement must have a time limit by
which point the pupil is expected to attend full-time or be provided with alternative
In agreeing to a part-time timetable a school has agreed to a pupil being absent from
school for part of the week or day and therefore must record it as authorised absence.
Are pupils entitled to study leave?
No. Study leave should not be granted by default once tuition of the exam syllabus is
complete, and study leave should only ever be granted to pupils in year 11. If schools do
decide to grant study leave, provision should still be made available for those pupils who
want to continue to come into school to revise.
All pupils are different and have different requirements and preferences when preparing
for examinations. Some schools do seek alternatives to study leave as they recognise
that some pupils do not have the skills, or are not inclined, to make the best use of
unsupervised and unstructured revision time. However, many schools also recognise that
study leave is a chance for pupils to develop their independent study which will help them
when they move to post-16 provision, where a self-study approach is commonly used.
How should schools record the attendance of pupils on study
Y11 pupils granted study leave should be marked on the attendance register as
authorised absence using code S. No other attendance code is suitable for the purpose
of study leave. Y11 pupils who are 16 years old are of compulsory school age (up to the
last Friday in June) and must be marked on the attendance register accordingly.
Can a school use a designated school day as an academic
review day for parents?
No. Academic reviews day should not be used as part of the school day. Schools should
endeavour to hold these reviews out of school hours.
Do schools need to consult parents if making changes to the
school day?
It is expected that school will act reasonably when making such decisions; giving parents
notice and considering the impact on those affected, including pupils, teachers, and
parents’ work commitments and childcare options.
Can a parent take their child on holiday during term time?
Head teachers should only authorise leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. If a
head teacher grants a leave request, it will be for the head teacher to determine the
length of time that the child can be away from school. Leave is unlikely, however, to be
granted for the purposes of a family holiday as a norm.
Does the change to the regulation on leave of absence affect
child performers?
The amendments made to regulation 7 of the Education (Pupil Registration) (England)
Regulations 2006 on leave of absence do not affect the section that allows the parent of
a child performer to seek leave of absence from school for their child to take part in a
performance. The amendments affect section 3 and 4 of regulation 7, which relate to
leave of absence for the purpose of a family holiday.
Section 2 of Regulation 7 (which has not been amended) still enables a head teacher to
grant leave of absence for a pupil to undertake employment during school hours for the
purpose of taking part in a performance within the meaning of section 37 of the Children
and Young Persons Act 1963.
Legislation sets out that a local authority licence must be obtained before a child can take
part in a performance. Where the license specifies the dates that a child is to be away
from school to perform, then the head teacher should authorise those days. However,
where the terms of the license do not specify dates it is at the discretion of the head
teacher to authorise leave of absence. However, where the terms of the license do not
specify dates it is at the discretion of the head teacher to authorise leave of absence.
Head teachers should be sympathetic to requests that are supported by a licence, as
long as the school remains satisfied that this will not have a negative effect on a child’s
Further sources of information
Relevant legislation
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2010
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2011
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016
The Education Act 2002
The Education (School Day and School Year) (England) Regulations 1999
The Changing of School Session Times (England) (Revocation) Regulations 2011
The Education and Inspections Act 2006
Other DfE guidance
Parental responsibility measures for school attendance and behaviour
Children missing education
Keeping children safe in education
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