First Name Middle Name Last Name Suffix
Other last name(s) under which your transcript(s) might be submitted
Home Telephone Number (Including Area Code) Social Security Number
Address (Number and Street) City State Zip/Postal Code
High School Name Location Year of Graduation
Area of Academic Interest at Gannon University
Transcript Release Authorization
Signature Date
Guidance Counselors:
Our review process is very personal and we work to give applicants every possible opportunity. Therefore, we appreciate your cooperation
in providing the following information.
Along with this form,
1. Please submit a copy of the high school transcript, including senior year courses, for the above-named student to:
Office of Admissions
Gannon University
109 University Square
Erie, Pennsylvania 16541-0001 or via email to
Weighted GPA Unweighted GPA
3. SAT Scores:*
Evidence Based Reading/Writing Math Writing
4. ACT Scores:*
Verbal Math
Reading Sci. Reasoning Composite
5. Do you weight your honors and/or AP course grades to:
Calculate grade point average and rank Calculate rank only No course weighting is used
6. Please list all appropriate grading information in the format below. Your assistance is needed to evaluate each student fairly.
Honors-level AP-Level
Grading Scale quality points quality points
A (4 quality points) =
B (3 quality points) =
C (2 quality points) =
D (1 quality point) =
F (0 quality points) =
7. Indicate your specific recommendation of this student to the Admissions Committee at Gannon University:
recommended for the Honors Program recommended with reservation
recommended highly not recommended
recommended no basis for judgment
8. Please send a copy of your current High School Profile including a grading scale.
Student Transcript Request
Please complete the reverse side.
Please complete the top portion of this form and give it to your high school/secondary school guidance counselor.
*Note: While SAT/ACT scores are not required for admission, they
may be used when awarding financial aid. These scores must either
appear on the student’s transcript or be sent directly to Gannon for
the university to consider them official.
Guidance Counselors:
Our review process is very personal and we work to give applicants every possible opportunity. Therefore, we appreciate your cooperation
in providing the following information.
10. Please provide comments regarding this student’s academic performance and/or character (feel free to attach separately).
Name (Please Print) Counselor Principal CEEB School Code
Telephone Number (Including Area Code and Extension) E-mail Address
Signature Date