Curriculum Vitae
Professor of Classics
New Testament and
Early Christian Literature Specialization
The Ohio State University
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University of Chicago. Ph.D. Department of New Testament and Early
Christian Literature, Division of the Humanities. Dissertation:
“Manumission and the Common Chest: Paul and His Interpreters on
Slaves in the Early Church. Directors: Hans Dieter Betz and Richard P.
Saller. June 1993.
University of Chicago. A.M. Department of New Testament and Early
Christian Literature, Division of the Humanities. December 1989.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A.B. with distinction and with
highest honors in religious studies. Honor‟s Thesis: “Why Did Satan
Fall? An Exploration into Jewish and Christian Traditions of Fallen
Angels in Antiquity. May 1986.
Additional Study
Yale University. Department of Religious Studies. Exchange Scholars Program.
New Haven, Conn., Fall 1990.
Duke University. Summer Program in Israel: Joint Sepphoris Archaeological Project,
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 2
1985. Inter-institutional registration (Hebrew), Durham, N.C., 19841985.
Goethe-Institute. Freiburg and Göttingen, Germany, 19861987.
Teaching Areas: New Testament studies, early Christian literature, Roman
social and cultural history, ancient Mediterranean religions, classical
civilization and culture, Hellenistic Judaism, religious studies generally.
Academic Appointments: Tenured and Tenure Track
Professor of Classics. The Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio. 2012 present.
Professor of Religious Studies. Indiana University. Bloomington, Indiana. 2007
2012. Additional titles of Adjunct Professor of Classical Studies, 20082012;
Adjunct Professor of History, 20072012; and Adjunct Professor in Jewish Studies,
Associate Professor of Religious Studies. Indiana University. Bloomington, Indiana.
20022007. Additional titles of Adjunct Associate Professor of History, 2005
2007; and Adjunct Associate Professor in Jewish Studies, 20052007.
Associate Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Literature. School of
Theology, with a joint appointment in the Department of Religion. Boston
University. Boston, Massachusetts. 20012002.
Assistant to Associate Professor of Religious Studies. DePaul University. Chicago,
Illinois. 19962001.
Academic Appointments: Visiting and Term
Visiting Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Literature. University
of Chicago Divinity School. Chicago, Illinois. Spring 2012.
Assistant Professor of Theology. Creighton University. Omaha, Nebraska. 1994
Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies (two-thirds time). Catholic Theological
Union. Chicago, Illinois. 19931994.
Lecturer in Koine Greek (part time). Division of the Humanities and the Divinity
School. University of Chicago. Chicago, Illinois. 19921994.
Lecturer in Arts and Sciences (part time). Office of Continuing Education. University
of Chicago. Chicago, Illinois. Fall 1991.
Administrative Appointments
Director, Graduate Program in Ancient Studies, College of Arts and Sciences,
Indiana University, 20052008.
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Religious Studies, Indiana
University, 20052009.
Editorial Appointments
Editorial Board, Journal of Biblical Literature, 20102012, 20132016.
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 3
Associate Editor, Anchor Yale Bible Commentary Series and Anchor Yale
Bible Library Reference Series, Yale University Press, 2008 present.
Research Appointments
Harvard Divinity School. Visiting Scholar. Cambridge, Mass. Spring 2009.
Weston Jesuit School of Theology. Visiting Scholar. Cambridge, Mass.
Summer 2005.
Indiana University. Visiting Scholar, Institute for Advanced Study.
Bloomington, Ind. 19992000.
University of Chicago Divinity School. Postdoctoral Scholar. Chicago, Ill.
Research Fellowships and Grants
Grants-in-Aid (Research Support, Travel Support), College of Arts & Sciences,
Ohio State University, 2012.
Research Fellowship (Resumption). Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Neutestamentliches Seminar, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät.
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany. Hermut Löhr,
academic host. SeptemberDecember 2009.
Research Fellowship. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Neutestamentliches Seminar, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät.
Universität Münster. Dietrich-Alex Koch, academic host. August 2002
June 2003.
Humboldt Alumni Sponsorship: Residence Allowance (Arbeitsbesuch),
Universität Münster, June/July 2008. Conference Allowances: Universität
Halle-Wittenberg, August 2005; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, July
National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Stipend, 1999.
Overseas Conference Fund Grants, Office of International Affairs, Indiana
University, 2009, 2010, 2011.
Research Leave Supplement Grants, Office of the Vice Provost, Indiana
University, 20022003, 2009.
Supplementary Research Grants, Program in Jewish Studies, Indiana University,
2005, 2007, 2009.
New Perspectives Grant, Arts and Humanities New Frontiers Program
($20,000), Office of the Vice President for Research, Indiana University,
Summer Faculty Fellowship, Office of the Vice President for Research, Indiana
University, 2006.
Fellow, College Arts and Humanities Institute, Indiana University, Fall 2006.
Summer Faculty Fellowship, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University,
Faculty Development Travel Grant (Turkey and Greece), DePaul University,
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 4
Faculty Research and Development Grants, DePaul University, 1997 and 2000.
Competitive Research Leave, DePaul University, 19992000.
Research Grant, the Graduate School, Creighton University, 1994.
Academic Honors and Awards
Distinguished Teaching Award, Department of Religious Studies, Indiana
University, 2012.
Nominee, Excellence in Teaching Award, DePaul University, 1999 & 2001.
Dean of the Humanities Travel Grant, University of Chicago, 1992.
University Fellowship, University of Chicago, 19871991.
Sprachkurs-Stipendium, Goethe-Institut, Göttingen, Germany, 1987.
Bernard Boyd Memorial Fellowship in Religious Studies, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1986.
Daniel H. Moore Award for Undergraduate Scholarship in Religion, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1985.
Phi Beta Kappa (Junior year selection), 1985.
Publications: Books
Paul the Apostle: His Life and Legacy in Their Roman Context. Cambridge and
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012 (cloth and paper).
Czech language edition: Mladá fronta a.s., Prague, 2015.
Slaves in the New Testament: Literary, Social, and Moral Dimensions.
Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006 (cloth and paper).
Chapter 1 (The Slave Self: Paul and the Discursive I”) anthologized in The English Bible,
King James Version, Volume 2: The New Testament and the Apocrypha, edited by Gerald
Hammond and Austin Busch, Norton Critical Editions (New York: W. W. Norton and
Company, 2012), 144859.
The Manumission of Slaves in Early Christianity. Hermeneutische
Untersuchungen zur Theologie 32. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul
Siebeck), 1995. Reprinted in Paperback Edition, 1998.
Publications: Journal Articles and Chapters in Edited Volumes
“Saint Paul and the Christian Communities of Nero‟s Rome.” In Cambridge
Companion to the Age of Nero, edited by Shadi Bartsch, Cedric Littlewood,
and Kirk Freudenburg (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015),
under contract.
Slavery and Inhumanity: Keith Bradley‟s Legacy on Slavery in New
Testament Studies. Biblical Interpretation 21 (2013): in press.
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 5
“Accusing Philosophy of Causing Headaches: Tertullian's Use of a Comedic
Topos (Praescr. 16.2).Studia Patristica 65 (2013): in press.
Paul and Empire: Studying Roman Identity after the Cultural Turn. Early
Christianity 2 (2011): 281311.
“Divine Judgment against Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:111): A Stock Scene
of Perjury and Death.” Journal of Biblical Literature 130 (2011): 35169.
The Psychology of Slaves in the Gospel Parables: A Case Study in Social
History. Biblische Zeitschrift 55 (2011): 6374.
“Stoic Physics, the Universal Conflagration, and the Eschatological Destruction
of „the Ignorant and Unstable‟ in 2 Peter.” In Stoicism in Early
Christianity, edited by Tuomas Rasimus, Troels Engberg-Pedersen, and
Ismo Dunderberg (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2010), 11540.
“Cannibalistic Language in the Fourth Gospel and Greco-Roman Polemics of
Factionalism (John 6:52–66).” Journal of Biblical Literature 127 (2008):
“The Slave Still Appears: A Historiographical Response to Jennifer Glancy.”
Biblical Interpretation 15 (2007): 21221.
“The Metaphor of Slavery in the Writings of Tertullian.” Studia Patristica 42
(2006): 38590.
“Servile Functionaries or Priestly Leaders? Roman Domestic Religion,
Narrative Intertextuality, and Pliny‟s Reference to Slave Christian
Ministrae (Ep. 10,96,8).” Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche
Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche 97 (2006): 11130.
“Paul and the Slave Self.” In Religion and the Self in Antiquity, edited by
David Brakke, Steven Weitzman, and Michael Satlow (Bloomington:
Indiana University Press, 2005), 5169.
“Entscheidend ist das Wir. Die Unterscheidung von „Theology‟ und „Religious
Studies‟ in den USA: Chancen und Grenzen” (co-authored with David
Brakke). Evangelische Aspekt: Zeitschrift der Evangelischen
Akademikerschaft in Deutschland 14.1 (2004): 2832.
“Paul and Slavery.” In Paul in the Greco-Roman World: A Handbook, edited
by J. Paul Sampley (Harrisburg, Penn.: Trinity Press International, 2003),
“The Domestic Enemy: A Moral Polarity of Household Slaves in Early
Christian Apologies and Martyrdoms.” In Early Christian Families in
Context: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue, edited by David Balch and Carolyn
Osiek, The Religion, Marriage, and Family Project (Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2003), 23154.
“Coming of Age and Putting on Christ: The Toga Virilis Ceremony, Its
Paraenesis, and Paul‟s Language of Baptism in Galatians.” Novum
Testamentum 44 (2002): 25177.
“The Influence of Roman Contract Law on Early Baptismal Formulae
(Tertullian, Ad martyras 3).” Studia Patristica 36 (2001): 27582.
“Invective against Paul (2 Cor 10:10), the Physiognomics of the Ancient Slave
Body, and the Greco-Roman Rhetoric of Manhood.” In Antiquity and
Humanity: Essays on Ancient Religion and Philosophy Presented to Hans
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 6
Dieter Betz on his 70th Birthday, edited by Adela Yarbro Collins and
Margaret M. Mitchell (Tübingen: Mohr [Siebeck], 2001), 189213.
“The Humanitas of Hans Dieter Betz.” Criterion: A Publication of the
University of Chicago Divinity School 19.2 (2000): 56.
“The Use of the New Testament in the American Slave Controversy: A Case
History in the Hermeneutical Tension between Biblical Interpretation and
Christian Moral Debate.” Religion and American Culture 10 (2000): 149
“The Dramatic Function of the Running Slave Rhoda (Acts 12.12–16): A Piece
of Greco-Roman Comedy.” New Testament Studies 46 (2000): 15057.
“Using the Roman Jurists to Interpret Philemon: A Response to Peter Lampe.”
Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der
älteren Kirche 90 (1999): 13538.
“The Vice of Slave Dealers in Greco-Roman Society: The Use of a Topos in 1
Timothy 1:10.” Journal of Biblical Literature 118 (1999): 97122.
“Slavery and Society at Corinth: The Issues Facing Paul.” The Bible Today 35
(1997): 28793.
“The Indentured Labor of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:15).” Journal of Biblical
Literature 115 (1996): 71417.
“Paul and Slavery: The Problem of 1 Corinthians 7:21.” Biblical Research 39
(1994): 528.
“Ignatius, Ad Polycarp. 4.3 and the Corporate Manumission of Christian
Slaves.” Journal of Early Christian Studies 1 (1993): 10742.
Anthologized in Christianity and Society: The Social World of Early
Christianity, edited by Everett Ferguson, Recent Studies in Early
Christianity 1 (New York: Garland, 1999), 279314.
Encyclopedia and Reference Works Entries
Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei, edited by Heinz Heinen et al.
Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei, Beiheft 5 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner,
20112012). 2012 CD-ROMLieferung IV, ed. Johannes Deißler:
“New Testament.”
Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, edited by Hans-Josef Klauck et al.
(Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 20092018):
Asia Minor in the Bible,” vol. 2 (2009): 1006.
The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, edited by Katherine Doob
Sakenfeld et al. (Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 20072009):
“Demas," vol. 2 (2007), 90
“Philemon, Letter to,” vol. 4 (2009), 497–99.
“Slavery,” vol. 5 (2009), 299–308.
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 7
Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Handwörterbuch für Theologie und
Religionswissenschaft, 4th ed., edited by Hans Dieter Betz et al., 8 vols.
(Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 19982005). English edition: Religion Past &
Present: Encyclopedia of Theology and Religion, 14 vols. (Leiden: Brill
Academic Publishers, 20062012):
“Sklaverei: III. Neues Testament,” vol. 7 (2004), 1384.
“Slavery: III. New Testament,vol. 12 (2012): 5253.
Dictionary of New Testament Background, edited by Craig A. Evans and
Stanley E. Porter (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2000):
“Asia Minor,” 130–36.
“Slavery,” 1124–27.
The Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, edited by David Noel Freedman et al.
(Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2000):
“Servant,” 1189.
“Slave,” 1232.
The Historical Encyclopedia of World Slavery, edited by Junius P. Rodriguez et
al., 2 vols. (Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1997):
“The Bible,” vol. 1, 78–80.
“Spartacus,” vol. 2, 608.
The Collegeville Pastoral Dictionary of Biblical Theology, edited by Carroll
Stuhlmueller et al. (Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1996):
“Conscience,” 162–164.
“Judgment (New Testament),” 506–509.
“Justice (New Testament),” 512–16.
“Law (New Testament),” 541–47.
“Liberty (New Testament),” 553–55.
“Retribution (New Testament),” 844–45.
“Throne of God (New Testament),” 995–97.
Current Project (under contract)
Ephesians: A New Introduction and Commentary. Anchor Yale Bible. New
Haven: Yale University Press (in progress).
Critical Book Reviews
Slavery, Abolitionism, and the Ethics of Biblical Scholarship, by Hector Avalos.
Biblical Interpretation 21 (2013): in press.
The Cambridge World History of Slavery; Volume 1: The Ancient
Mediterranean World, ed. Keith Bradley and Paul Cartledge. Classical
Review 62 (2012): 55759.
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 8
The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering: Origin, Development and
Content of the Christian Gathering in the First to Third Centuries, by
Valeriy A. Alikin. Church History 81 (2012): 14850.
The Freedman in the Roman World, by Henrik Mouritsen. Ancient History
Bulletin Online Reviews 1 (2011): 9194.
Judaism and the Gentiles: Jewish Patterns of Universalism (to 135 CE), by
Terence L. Donaldson. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish
Studies, 27 (2009): 18183.
The Letters to Philemon, the Colossians, and the Ephesians: A Socio-Rhetorical
Commentary on the Captivity Epistles, by Ben Witherington III. Catholic
Biblical Quarterly 70 (2008): 85152.
Jewish Slavery in Antiquity, by Catherine Hezser. Journal of Semitic Studies 53
(2008): 17576.
Greco-Roman Culture and the Galilee of Jesus, by Mark A. Chancey. Journal
of Religion 87 (2007): 26668.
Didache and Judaism: Jewish Roots of an Ancient Christian-Jewish Work, by
Marcello del Verme. Journal of Early Christian Studies 14 (2006): 117
Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations: Claiming a Place in Ancient
Mediterranean Society, by Philip A. Harland. Theological Studies 66
(2005): 66869.
Die Beendigung des Sklavenstatus im Altertum: Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden
Sozialgeschichte, by Ingomar Weiler. American Historical Review 110
(2005): 53031.
Slavery Metaphors in Early Judaism and Pauline Christianity, by John Byron.
Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 23 (2005): 18587.
The Curse of Ham: Race and Slavery in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,
by David M. Goldenberg. Journal of Religion 84 (2004): 51112.
Slavery in Early Christianity, by Jennifer A. Glancy. Catholic Biblical
Quarterly 64 (2002): 75859.
Fünfzig Jahre Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei an der Mainzer Akademie,
19502000, ed. Heinz Bellen and Heinz Heinen. Bryn Mawr Classical
Review 2002.07.30. <>
The Epistle to the Ephesians, by John Muddiman. Journal of Religion 82
(2002): 43637.
Paul and the Stoics, by Troels Engberg-Pedersen. Catholic Biblical Quarterly
63 (2001): 74344.
Paul and Empire: Religion and Power in Roman Imperial Society, ed. Richard
A. Horsley. Journal of Religion 79 (1999): 71112.
The Metaphor of Slavery in the Writings of the Early Church, by I. A. H.
Combes. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 61 (1999): 77577.
Embassy of Onesimus: The Letter of Paul to Philemon, by Allen D. Callahan.
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 60 (1998): 75759.
The Corinthian Correspondence, ed. R. Bieringer. Catholic Biblical Quarterly
59 (1997): 79395.
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 9
The Epidaurian Miracle Inscriptions: Text, Translation and Commentary, by
Lynn R. LiDonnici. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 59 (1997): 16465.
Paul, Scripture and Ethics: A Study of 1 Corinthians 57, by Brian S. Rosner.
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 58 (1996): 56062.
Gospel in Paul: Studies on Corinthians, Galatians and Romans for Richard N.
Longenecker, ed. L. Ann Jervis and Peter Richardson. Catholic Biblical
Quarterly 58 (1996): 18487.
Reading Luke-Acts: Dynamics of Biblical Narrative, by William S. Kurtz.
Ashland Theological Journal 27 (1995): 15254.
Learn to Read New Testament Greek, by David Alan Black. Ashland
Theological Journal 27 (1995): 16365.
Ethnic Issues in Paul’s Letter to the Romans, by James C. Walters. Catholic
Biblical Quarterly 57 (1995): 61214.
In der Mitte der Gemeinde: Kinder im Neuen Testament, by Peter Müller.
Critical Review of Books in Religion 7 (1994): 24244.
Pelagius’s Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, by Theodore de
Bruyn. Echos du Monde classique / Classical Views n.s. 13 (1994): 441
Slavery as Salvation: The Metaphor of Slavery in Pauline Christianity, by Dale
B. Martin. Journal of Religion 72 (1992): 42627.
Invited Lectures and Papers
“Ethnic Fluidity in Ephesians.” General Meeting, Studiorum Novi Testamenti
Societas, Murdoch University. Perth, Australia. July 2013.
An Anti-biography of the Apostle Paul. Mini-Seminar in Christian Origins.
Theological School, Trinity College, University of Melbourne. Victoria,
Australia. July 2013.
Saint Paul and the Christian Communities of Nero's Rome: Fact and Fiction.
Inaugural Lecture, Department of Classics, co-sponsored by the Center for
the Study of Religion, The Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio.
February 2013.
Slavery and Inhumanity: Engaging the Work of Keith Bradley.Annual
Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature; Slavery, Resistance, and Freedom
Consultation. Chicago, Ill. November 2012.
Contextualizing the Ephesian Haustafeln in Magical Defixiones: A Study in
Social Control.” Early Christian Studies Workshop, the University of
Chicago Divinity School. Chicago, Ill. April 2012.
Paul and Empire: Studying Roman Identity after the Cultural Turn. Joint
session of the Upper Seminar in New Testament Exegesis and the Upper
Seminar in the History of Religion (Mikael Winninge, respondent).
Department of Theology, Uppsala University. Uppsala, Sweden. May
“The Rediscovery of Paul in his Roman Imperial Context: Paul's Language of
Authority as a Roman Discourse. Department of Greek and Latin, The
Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio. April 2011.
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 10
Key Figures in Antiquity: The Problematic Case of Paul.” Colloquia Series,
Program in Ancient Studies. Indiana University. Bloomington, Ind.
February 2011.
The Psychology of Slaves in the Gospel Parables: A Case Study in Social
History. General Meeting, Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Berlin, Germany. August 2010.
“The Roman Cultural Identity of Paul's Gospel and Mission.” The Rise and
Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries C.E.: An International
Conference. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Berlin, Germany. July
“The Apostle Paul in Roman Culture and Society.” Faculty Colloquium,
Department of Religious Studies, Indiana University. Bloomington, Ind.
January 2010.
Gottesurteil gegen Hananias und Saphira (Apg 5,111). Eine Standardszene
um Meineid und Tod.” Vortrag auswärtiger Gelehrter auf Einladung der
Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät und der Westfälischen Wilhelms-
Universität Münster. Münster, Germany. November 2009.
“Slavery in the Christian Household: Social Roles and Occupations.”
Department of Biblical Studies. University of Helsinki. Helsinki, Finland.
October 2009.
Paul and Empire.” Neutestamentiches Forschungskolloquium,
Neutestamentliches Seminar, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät.
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität. Münster, Germany. October 2009.
Divine Judgment against Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:111): A Scene of
Perjury.What the Gods Demand: Blood Sacrifice in Mediterranean
Antiquity, an interdisciplinary conference at Boston University (Thomas
Kazen, respondent). Boston, Mass. November 2008.
Christopher Gill, The Structured Self, and New Testament Studies.” Annual
Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature; Corpus Hellenisticum Novi
Testamenti Consultation. Boston, Mass. November 2008.
“Paul's Anthropology in Romans 7.” Annual Meeting, Society of Biblical
Literature; Corpus Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti Consultation. San
Diego, Calif. November 2007.
Cosmic Dissolution into Fire: Early Christian Appropriations of Stoic
Conflagration Physics (Ekpyrosis). Conference on The End of Everything:
Catastrophe and Community in the Ancient Mediterranean and Near
Eastern Worlds. Program in Ancient Studies, Indiana University.
Bloomington, Ind. October 2007.
“Reassessing Social Status in the First Century Assemblies” (panalist). Annual
Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature; Archaeology of Religion in the
Roman World Section. Philadelphia, Penn. November 2005.
Families––A Useful Category in Early Christian Studies?” Annual Meeting,
Society of Biblical Literature; Early Christian Families Group.
Philadelphia, Penn. November 2005.
“Slaves in the New Testament: Literary, Social, and Moral Dimensions.”
General Meeting, Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, Martin-Luther-
Universität Halle-Wittenburg. Halle, Germany. August 2005.
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 11
The Elite Slave as Subordinate to Another: Agricultural Handbooks and the
Household Codes. Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity Colloquium,
Indiana University. Bloomington, Ind. October 2004.
“Emperor Worship and Pliny‟s Reference to the Christian Slave Ministrae
(Epistle 10.96).” Ancient Studies Colloquium, Indiana University.
Bloomington, Ind. September 2004.
“Playing the Automaton: Comedy in the Slave Parables and the Roman Moral
Value of Auctoritas. ” General Meeting, Studiorum Novi Testamenti
Societas, La Salle Bonanova College. Barcelona, Spain. August 2004.
“The Apostle Paul on the Slave Self.” Conference on the Religious Self in
Antiquity. Indiana University. Bloomington, Ind. September 2003.
“Die Unterschiedung von „Theology‟ und „Religious Studies‟ in den USA:
Chancen und Grenzen” (with David Brakke). Evangelische
Akademikerschaft in Deutschland. Stuttgart, Germany. May 2003.
“The Comic Stage Parasite and the Parable of the Unjust Steward.”
Doktoranden- und Habilitandenkolloquium, Neutestamentliches Seminar,
Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität.
Münster, Germany. May 2003.
“The Domestic Enemy: A Moral Polarity of Household Slaves in Early
Christian Apologies and Martyrdoms.” Boston Theological Institute New
Testament Colloquium, Weston Jesuit School of Theology. Cambridge,
Mass. March 2002.
“The History and Archaeology of the African Roman City of Volubilis.”
Faculty Development Seminar to Morocco and Southern Spain, DePaul
University. Chicago, Illinois. May 2001.
“Coming of Age and Putting on Christ: Early Christian Baptism in its Roman
Domestic Context.” Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS)
New Testament Discipline Group (Carolyn Osiek, respondent). Chicago,
Ill. December 2000.
“The Domestic Enemy: Slaves in Early Christian Households.” Lilly
Endowment Conference on the Early Christian Family, Brite Divinity
School, Texas Christian University. Fort Worth, Tex. December 2000.
“Torture and Truth: The Slave Body as Spectacle in Early Christian Martyr
Literature.” Liberal Arts and Sciences Research Seminar, Humanities
Series, DePaul University. Chicago, Ill. October 2000.
“Early Christianity, Roman Asia Minor, and the Combat Myth of the Book of
Revelation.” Faculty Development Seminar to Turkey and Greece, DePaul
University. Chicago, Ill. March 2000.
“The Humanitas of Hans Dieter Betz.” Symposium Honoring Hans Dieter Betz,
the Divinity School, University of Chicago. Chicago, Ill. February 2000.
“Invective against the Apostle Paul, the Physiognomics of the Ancient Slave
Body, and the Greco-Roman Rhetoric of Manhood.” The Cultural Theory
Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study, Indiana University. Bloomington,
Ind. October 1999.
“Race as a Category of Historical Analysis for the Study of Ancient Slavery.”
Liberal Arts and Sciences Research Seminar, Humanities Series, DePaul
University. Chicago, Ill. October 1998.
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 12
“The Vice of Slave Dealers in Greco-Roman Society: The Use of a Topos in 1
Timothy 1:10.” Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS) New
Testament Discipline Group (Robert Jewett, respondent). Chicago, Ill.
December 1997.
“The Use of the New Testament in the American Slavery Controversy: A Case
History in the Hermeneutical Tension between Biblical Interpretation and
Christian Moral Debate.” Liberal Arts and Sciences Research Seminar,
Humanities Series, DePaul University. Chicago, Ill. November 1997.
“The Apostle Paul and Greco-Roman Family Values.” Faculty Classical and
Medieval Group, DePaul University. Chicago, Ill. October 1997.
“Slavery in the Ancient World.” Annual Convivium, Department of Religious
Studies, DePaul University. Chicago, Ill. June 1997.
“The Lost Women Apostles.” Women‟s Center Series, DePaul University.
Chicago, Ill. October 1996.
“Paul‟s View of the Afterlife: A Response to James Tabor.” Annual Graduate
Symposium, Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, N.C. October 1995.
“Three Theological Paradigms for the Interpretation of Scripture.” Department
of Theology and Religious Studies, Wheeling Jesuit College. Wheeling,
W.V. January 1995.
“The Role of Women in the Early Church.” Department of Humanities and
Religious Studies, California State University, Sacramento. Sacramento,
Calif. April 1994. Paper also read at Hastings College. Hastings, Neb.
April 1993.
“The Social and Economic Position of Jewish Freedmen in Rome.” Annual
Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature; Social History of Formative
Christianity and Judaism Section. San Francisco, Calif. November 1992.
“The Corporate Manumission of Slaves in the Early Church.Workshop on
Ancient Societies. University of Chicago. Chicago, Ill. January 1991.
Curse Tablets and Binding Spells as a Context for the Agonistic Scenario of
Violence in Ephesians 6:5–7.” Annual Meeting, Society of Biblical
Literature; Religious World of Late Antiquity/Violence and
Representations of Violence among Jews and Christians Sections. San
Francisco, Calif. November 2011.
“Accusing Philosophy of Causing Headaches: Tertullian‟s use of a Comedic
Topos (Praesc. 16.2).” Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic
Studies. University of Oxford. Oxford, England. August 2011.
“Jesus and Roman Imperialism: The Problem of „Hidden Transcripts.‟” Annual
Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature; Jesus Traditions, Gospels, and
Negotiating the Roman Imperial World Section. Atlanta, Ga. November
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 13
God Demands Death for Forswearing: Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:111).
General Meeting, Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, Universität Wien.
Vienna, Austria. August 2009.
“The Structured Self in Stoicism and 2 Peter: The Eschatological Destruction of
'the Ignorant and Unstable' in Light of Stoic Moral Philosophy.” Annual
Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature; Hellenistic Moral Philosophy and
Early Christianity Section. San Diego, Calif. November 2007.
“Cannibalistic Language in the Fourth Gospel: Ideology of Internal War.”
Annual Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature; Johannine Literature
Section. Washington, D.C. November 2006.
“Pliny‟s Reference to the Christian Ministrae (Ep. 10.96) and Emperor Worship
in City Wards.” General Meeting, North American Patristics Society.
Loyola University Chicago. Chicago, Ill. June 2005.
“Ritual Patterns in the Cult of the Lares Augusti.” Annual Meeting, Society of
Biblical Literature; Greco-Roman Religions Section. San Antonio, Tex.
November 2004.
“The Comedy of Slavery: The Historical Jesus on Masters and Slaves.” Annual
Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature; Historical Jesus Section. San
Antonio, Tex. November 2004.
“The Apostolic Haustafeln: A Synoptic Comparison of Didache 4.911 and The
Epistle of Barnabas 19.57. General Meeting, North American Patristics
Society. Loyola University Chicago. Chicago, Ill. May 2004.
“Early Christian Definitions of the Familia in Light of Greek and Roman
Agricultural Manuals.” Annual Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature;
Early Christian Families Group. Atlanta, Ga. November 2003.
“The Farce of the Dishonest Manager (Luke 16:1–8): Roman Slave Comedy and
Early Christian Self-Definition.” Annual Meeting, Society of Biblical
Literature; Synoptic Gospels Section. Atlanta, Ga. November 2003.
“The Metaphor of Slavery in the Writings of Tertullian.” Fourteenth
International Conference on Patristic Studies, University of Oxford,
England. August 2003.
“Household Slaves in the Writings of Tertullian.” General Meeting, North
American Patristics Society. Loyola University Chicago. Chicago, Ill.
May 2002.
“Creation as a Tortured Slave: An Examination of the Manumission and Birth
Imagery in Romans 8:19-25.” Annual Meeting, New England Regional
Society of Biblical Literature, Brandeis University. Waltham, Mass. April
“Max Weber and the Historiography of Slavery in France, Germany, and Italy.”
Annual Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature; Bible and Cultural Studies
Section. Denver, Colo. November 2001.
“The Roman Puberty Rite of Toga Virilis in Paul‟s Language of Baptism (Gal
3:27).” Annual Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature; Pauline Epistles
Section. Nashville, Tenn. November 2000.
“The Greco-Roman „Faithful Slave‟ Topos in Early Christian Apology:
Athenagoras and Tertullian.” General Meeting, North American Patristics
Society, Loyola University Chicago. Chicago, Ill. May 2000.
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 14
“The Dramatic Function of the Running Slave Rhoda.” Annual Meeting,
Midwest Regional Society of Biblical Literature, Lutheran School of
Theology in Chicago, Chicago, Ill. February 2000.
“The Influence of Roman Contract Law on Early Baptismal Formulae
(Tertullian, Ad martyras 3).” Thirteenth International Conference on
Patristic Studies, University of Oxford, England. August 1999.
“The Physiognomics of the Ancient Slave Body.” After the Body: An
International Conference on Religion, Culture and Gender at the University
of Manchester. Manchester, England. June 1998.
“The Manumission of Slaves in Early Christianity.” Annual Meeting, Rocky
Mountain and Great Plains Regional Society of Biblical Literature.
Denver, Colo. April 1996.
“The Indentured Labor of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:15).” Quarterly Meeting,
Chicago Society of Biblical Research. Loyola University Chicago.
Chicago, Ill. April 1996.
“Using the Roman Jurists to Interpret Philemon.” Annual Meeting, Central
States Regional Society of Biblical Literature. Tulsa, Okla. April 1995.
“A Philological Solution to the Exegetical Crux of 1 Cor. 7:21.” Annual
Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature; Biblical Greek Language and
Linguistics Section. Washington, D.C. November 1993.
“The Apostle Paul and Roman Slavery.” Quarterly Meeting, Chicago Society of
Biblical Research, Saint Xavier University. Chicago, Ill. October 1993.
“Ignatius, Ad Polycarp. 4.3 and the Corporate Manumission of Slaves.”
General Meeting, North American Patristics Society. Loyola University
Chicago. Chicago, Ill. May 1992.
“Beyond Bartchy: Towards a New Understanding of Slavery and Early
Christianity.” New Testament and Early Christian Literature Workshop.
University of Chicago. Chicago, Ill. May 1990.
Memberships in Learned Societies
Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, elected 2003
Society of Biblical Literature
North American Patristics Society
Association of Ancient Historians
American Philological Association
Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions
Alexander von Humboldt Association of America
Service to the Academic Profession
Peer Reviewer, American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Fellowship
Program (2012).
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 15
Co-Chair, Early Christian Families Group, Society of Biblical Literature (2006
Acting Chair, Seminar on the Graeco-Roman World of the New Testament,
Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (2004).
Tenure and/or Promotion Referee: Boston University, Michigan State
University, Georgia State University, SUNY College at Brockport.
Manuscript Referee: Cambridge University Press, Yale University Press,
Oxford University Press, Indiana University Press, Brown Judaic Studies,
Journal of Early Christian Studies, Journal of Biblical Literature.
Panel of Jurors, Theta Alpha Kappa Honor Society in Religious Studies and
Theology (2007).
Service: Ohio State University
The Graduate School: Fulbright U.S. Student Program Committee (2012).
Department of Classics: Chair, Lecture Committee (2013 ), Graduate
Committee (Autumn 2012); Awards Committee (2012 ); Lecture
Committee (201213).
Campus Outreach: "The Bible and Slavery in America," presentation to OSU
Convergence Student Club (February 2013).
Previous Service
Indiana University Service
Faculty Mentor, Hutton Honors College Research Symposium (2012).
Herman B. Wells Scholars Program, Admissions Selection Committee
Office of the Vice President for International Affairs, Summer Pre-
dissertation Research Grants Selection Committee (2010).
University General Education Committee: Arts and Humanities
Subcommittee, College of Arts and Sciences (2007).
Bloomington Faculty Council Library Committee (20052006).
Phi Beta Kappa, University Chapter Delegate to Triennial Meeting, Atlanta,
Ga. (2006).
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Outstanding Junior
Faculty Awards Selection Committee (2003).
College of Arts and Sciences, Program in Ancient Studies, Steering
Committee (20052008, 2010).
Principal Convener, “The End of Everything: Catastrophe and Community
in the Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Worlds,”
Interdisciplinary Ancient Studies Conference, Indiana University,
Bloomington (2007).
Department of Religious Studies:
Graduate Studies Committee (20102011)
Undergraduate Studies Committee (20032008, 2010).
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 16
Tenure and Promotion Committees: Islam (2006); American religious
history (2008, Chair); African-American religious history (2010,
Search Committees: Modern Judaism (20032004); Hebrew Bible
(20042005, Chair); Orthodox Christianity (20102011, Chair).
Faculty Colloquium Coordinator (20032005).
Junior Faculty Mentorships (20062012).
Undergraduate Religious Studies Association, various presentations
Robert A. and Sandra Borns Jewish Studies Program:
Core faculty status (20052007); Scholarships and Fellowships
Committee (20052006); Undergraduate Committee (20062007);
Search Committee in Ancient Judaism (20102011).
Department of History:
Search Committee in Ancient History (20052006).
Department of Classical Studies:
Pratt Fellowship Committee (2010); Promotion Committee (2010);
Doctoral Examination Committees (2011, 2012), Dissertation
Committee (2011present).
Boston University
Advanced Studies Committee, School of Theology (20012002).
Committee on Academic Programs, Graduate Division of Religious and
Theological Studies (20012002).
DePaul University
University Library Review Board (19992001).
Women‟s Studies Advisory Committee (19962001).
Research Committee, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (19981999).
Department of Religious Studies: Library Liaison (19962001); Curriculum
Committee (19961997); Assessment Committee (20002001);
Chapter Moderator, Theta Alpha Kappa Honor Society (19982001);
Student Outreach and Directions Committee (Chair, 19982000).
University of Chicago
Co-President, Gay and Lesbian Alliance, 1990.
Courses Taught
*Advanced undergraduate/graduate.
**Graduate Seminar
The Ohio State University (New Course Development = ***)
GK 2110 The Greek New Testament
CL 2401 Introduction to the New Testament: History and Literature***
CL 3202 Slavery in the Greco-Roman World***
CL 3407 Paul & His Influence in Early Christianity***
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 17
CL 3408 Ancient Roman Religion***
CL 4999 Senior Tutorial and Essay, also in the Honors College
*CL 5402 Jesus and the Gospels***
Indiana University
Introduction to the New Testament, also in Honors College.
The Bible and Slavery (new course development)
*Ancient Mediterranean Religions
*Jesus and the Gospels
*Paul and His Influence in Early Christianity, also in Honors College.
*Religions of Ancient Rome (new course development)
**Colloquium in Ancient Religions: Magic
**Colloquium in Ancient Religions: Ancient Eschatologies
Individual Research, Service Learning, and Teaching Internships
Reading for Honors
Senior Honors Essay (numerous students)
Boston University
**New Testament Doctoral Seminar
**The Social Setting of Early Christianity
**Pauline Studies: The Macedonian Correspondence
**Introduction to the New Testament
DePaul University
Religious Worlds in Comparative Perspective
The Christian Experience
The Bible: An Introduction
Introduction to the New Testament (new course development)
Paul and His Interpreters in Early Christianity (new course development)
Varieties of Early Christianity (new course development)
Varieties of Judaism in the Greek and Roman World (new course
Gods and Goddesses in the Greek and Roman World (new course
First Year Focal Point Seminar: The Bible and Slavery (new course
Gender and Family in Early Christianity (new course development)
The Historical Jesus (new course development)
Introduction to Ancient Greek (special course overload)
Senior Thesis (created and designed the departmental program)
Creighton University
Religious Inquiry: Christianity in Context
Reading the New Testament
Paul and His Legacy
J. Albert Harrill, Vita, p. 18
Catholic Theological Union
**New Testament Introduction
**Pauline Theology and Writings
**Paul: The Corinthian Correspondence
**The Gospel of Mark
The University of Chicago
**The Epistle to the Ephesians
**Introductory Koine Greek 13
Slavery in the Ancient World
Graduate Course Assistant:
Ancient Mediterranean World 2: The Republic
Ancient Mediterranean World 3: The Empire