©2019 Maternity House Publishing, Inc.® MHP is Spinning Babies®
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Welcome to Spinning Babies
for Labor and Delivery
Nurses carry their passion to every birth. We hear the praise of parents for the special efforts
of their Labor and Delivery Nurse. Amidst your busy schedule you nd time to bring that cold
wash cloth, explain the situation, arrange a peanut ball, or tuck a new family in with warm
blankets. Thank you.
Spinning Babies
is a physiological childbirth approach that can be adapted into any setting
for comfort and labor progress. You can learn a single technique to reduce someone’s back
labor, or you can adopt our Physiology Before Force
paradigm. Small, dedicated groups
of nurses have reduced cesarean rates in their own hospitals by applying Spinning Babies
systemized arrangement of techniques. SpinningBabies.com provides solutions for common
labor situations: the start and stop labor pattern (frequent yer coming into triage), lack of fetal
engagement, babies stuck at the spines, slow progress in pushing or not coming around the
curve at all.
Spinning Babies
empowers nurses. Pregnant patients appreciate these skills, and their own
parents sometimes ask, “Why didn’t anyone know to do this when I was having a baby?” When
a nurse is looking for an alternative to a cesarean, Spinning Babies
is the rst source for fetal
rotation support.
You can learn more about Spinning Babies
Visiting SpinningBabies.com
Signing up for our Provider eNewsletter
Attending a Spinning Babies
Buying our Quick Reference Guide
Spinning Babies
offers something you might not have learned in school. You may be delighted
to nd something here that can help a family in your care tonight.
Joyfully welcoming you,
Gail Tully, Creator of Spinning Babies
Baby Positions
©2019 Maternity House Publishing, Inc.® MHP is Spinning Babies®
You may not copy or post online. All rights reserved.
Kicks and wiggles help reveal baby’s position in the womb. Flexion and extension of baby’s spine
inuences labor. Normal “right obliquity of the uterus” makes left positions ideal.
Right Obliquity
Left Occiput
Right Occiput
Right Occiput
Left Occiput
Left Occiput
Right Occiput
Oblique Lie
Breech Lie
“Pelvis First”
Transverse Lie
Occiput Posterior
Occiput Anterior
©2019 Maternity House Publishing, Inc.® MHP is Spinning Babies®
You may not copy or post online. All rights reserved.
Let baby come down and open
your cervix easier by carefully
resting upside-down to adjust
your cervical ligaments.
On your knees, hold the edge
of the bed and lower yourself
to your elbows. Tuck your chin
and relax your belly. Hold for
30 seconds or through one
Coming up to kneeling creates
more ease in the cervix and
reduces back pain. Repeat as
The weight of the hanging leg
lengthens muscles, making them
supple. Reduce pain and help
baby rotate to t better.
The nurse or birth partner
helps your hips remain stacked,
absolutely straight at 90 degrees
from bed. Don’t let your hips or
shoulder tip.
Rest like this for 2-3 contractions
on each side for best results.
Useful to improve baby’s
position and ease labor.
Gentle jiggling of abdomen or
hips creates calm in body and
Kneel on a pillow and lean on ball
or bed. Relax your breath.
In early labor, your helper gently
lifts your belly and begins slow,
small circles. Sift for 4 minutes,
stopping for contractions. Gently
let the belly down.
In active labor, jiggle the hips to
enhance labor progress.
2 3
Rebozo Manteada Forward-leaning
Side-lying Release
Before choosing a birth position or an intervention, use the Three Sisters of Balance.
Traditional wisdom meets new techniques. Each of our “Sisters” supports the other. Use these
natural muscle stretches to “make room for the baby”! Ease labor pain and help baby slide out.
Three Sisters of Balance
Find instructions and safety tips at
©2019 Maternity House Publishing, Inc.® MHP is Spinning Babies®
You may not copy or post online. All rights reserved.
Spinning Babies
teaches positions to open each level of the pelvis to “make room for baby”!
After body balancing, open the pelvis. Ask, “Wheres baby?” Your doctor, midwife, or nurse will
help you know. Match your birth position to babys pelvic station.
Three Levels Solutions
Baby is well-engaged, 0 Station.
Help baby through the middle:
Lunge to the side to let baby. Rock
gently during contractions. Do 3 on
each side, and repeat.Or, try a peanut
Open the Middle
Baby is high, not engaged.
Help baby engage into the pelvis:
Flatten your lower back on the wall
or your partner. Lift and tuck your
belly. This tips baby in while making
room at the top. Do through 10
contractions in a
row, relaxing in
If in bed, put
soles together
and knees apart
with knees
lower than hips.
+2 Station, or you see baby.
Make more room for baby:
Grab a long cloth held by a knot
behind a closed door. Squat with
a curve in your lower back while
pushing. Your tail bone moves out of
baby’s way.
If in bed, lie on
knees together
and feet apart.
Your sitz bones
open for baby’s
Open the Top
Open the Bottom
Birth Positions