The Golden Rule, or being kind to others, is the next theme for
BOZ Treehouse
at MOPPETS. To introduce this topic, please look for opportunities to
model kindness and catch your child showing kindness. This concept is most
easily understood when the word “kind” is associated with a good deed. For
example, you might say, “You were kind to Skippy when you lled his water dish.”
B Nice 2 Each Other
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BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
B Nice 2 Each Other
The lesson elements are designed to be exible, so feel free to
establish a routine that works best for your group.
For example, after children are checked in, you might follow this plan:
encourages young children to discover God’s world through
play-based, faith-focused activities. The interactive learning experiences will help
children know and love God.
Because many younger children are not enrolled in a formal program for learn-
ing, MOPPETS is their “school.” Ideas and activities in
Treehouse Time!
are develop-
mentally appropriate for children under the age of 6. This includes the selective use
of interactive media to extend children’s active engagement as they explore, create,
learn and imagine.
Young children gain a great deal of security from routine, so develop a logical
pattern that can be used for each session, even if adult leaders rotate.
After the children have arrived, say “It’s
Treehouse Time!
Come and sit down in front of me on the rug.”
Look in the BOZ bag. Use children’s responses to extend the
conversation about the object or theme. Introduce the memory
verse during this opening discussion.
Do the activity rhyme.
Show the video.
Do a craft.
Children oat back into free play after completing the craft.
Pray and then serve the snack.
Do the activity rhyme.
Read a book.
Say the closing prayer.
End with the
Treehouse Time!
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
B Nice 2 Each Other
Lesson Guide
Options to help you set the stage for your lesson,
including themed coloring/activity sheets!
Let’s Get Ready!
Key points and concepts of your lesson
Lesson Overview
Initial callout that
is beginning
Gathering Rhyme
A fun group participation guessing game to
introduce the lesson’s theme
Options for theme-based activities, including
interactive songs, stories and poems
Make-and-take crafts that help extend
the lesson
Craf ts
Simple, easy-to-prepare options that reinforce
the lesson theme or season
Engaging theme-based BOZ video episode, along with pre-
viewing and follow-up questions to emphasize theme
BOZ Video Presentation
Easy-to-learn closing verse and brief prayer for
the end of each session
Closing Prayer
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
Memory Verse
Be kind to everyone.
(2 Timothy 2:24)
Young children are concrete thinkers, yet kindness is an abstract concept. Young
children can’t touch, smell or taste kindness, but they can learn that kindness means
doing something good for someone else. God is kind to us. Our thanks to God over-
ows in the form of being kind to others.
Just for You
God is kind to us. We can be kind to others.
Biblical Concept
I can be kind.
Concept in Action
Lesson Overview
B Nice 2 Each Other
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
Suggestions and ideas to help get your room, space or table ready.
Let’s Get Ready!
The following coloring/activity pages can be printed and
copied for your MOPPETS.
B Nice 2 Each Other
When young children see crayons, they might begin coloring before
they even sit down! Help them get physically comfortable before
they begin. If MOPPETS are of varying ages, provide a table and
chair that matches their size. Or, use carpet squares on the oor.
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
Be kind to everyone.
(2 Timothy 2:24)
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
Be kind to everyone.
(2 Timothy 2:24)
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
Treehouse Time!
for you and me
So jump up high, count 1, 2, 3
Next clap your hands, then spin around
(whisper) Now please sit down without a sound
Gathering Rhyme
Insert traditional Thanksgiving-themed items: cornucopia,
turkey, Pilgrim, etc. Or, collect acorns, colored leaves and
other seasonal items outside. During the conversation, focus
on the fact that Thanksgiving is a good time to remember
our many blessings. Because God is kind to us, we want to be
kind to others.
Use a color printer to reproduce the BOZ bag image available online at Attach the image to a pillowcase or cloth bag.
B Nice 2 Each Other
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
If you’re thankful and you know it, say “I am” (“I am”)
If you’re thankful and you know it, say “I am” (“I am”)
If you’re thankful and you know it
’Cause our God has surely shown it
If you’re thankful and you know it, say “I am” (“I am”)
Option 1: Thankful (Song)
Sing to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It.”
Children dene holidays
by what they get. That’s why
Thanksgiving is such a minor
holiday for them.
B Nice 2 Each Other
Collect various sizes and types of boxes, including gift
and shoe boxes and, if possible, a large appliance box.
Make a tall tower, positioning small jewelry boxes as
turrets and chimneys. Use masking tape to hold the
tower together. On each box, print a child’s name and
something for which he/she is thankful. (Children can
have more than one “blessing box.”) Add a sign at the
top of the tower that says, “Thank you, God.”
Option 2: Thank-You Tower (Interactive Fun)
In advance, ask moms
to send empty boxes for this
activity. Or, ask at a local
grocery store.
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
I’ll be kind now
Yes I will
Yes I will, yes I will
I’ll be kind now
Yes I will
’Cause God’s been kind to me
Praise God! (shout)
I am thankful
Yes I am
Yes I am, yes I am
I am thankful
Yes I am
’Cause God’s been kind to me
Praise God! (shout)
I will praise God
Yes I will
Yes I will, yes I will
I will praise God
Yes I will
’Cause God’s been kind to me
Praise God! (shout)
Option 3: God’s Been Kind to Me (Song)
Sing to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”
B Nice 2 Each Other
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
Line up chairs back to back until the number of chairs equals the number of children minus one. Ask
children to bring their stuffed animals or dolls. Turn on music, and invite children to walk around the row
of chairs until the music stops. When the music stops, each child should put the plush on a chair. When
the children realize there aren’t enough chairs for all the plush, ask, “How could we be kind?”
(Answer: Share a chair.) Take away another chair. Then repeat until two plush are on each chair. Say,
“You were kind. It is good to be kind. God wants us to be kind like that. Thank you for sharing your chair.”
Option 4: Share a Chair (Game)
Children can bring
from home a favorite
stuffed animal or doll, or
borrow one for each child from
the church nursery.
In advance, write “Thank you, God” on several index cards or fall-colored squares of paper. Lay each sign
at an activity center. Walk with the children around the room to search for these thank-you signs. Stop
at the snack table to thank God for good food, at the toys to thank God for friends to play with, at the
coat area where children leave their things, etc. At each thank-you stop, say, “Thank you, God, for ... ,”
lling in the specic blessing. (With older MOPPETS, write a numeral on each sign. Then follow the prayer
points in order.)
Option 5: “Thank You” (Walk)
More Activities
In advance, trace around a turkey-shaped cookie cutter or cake pan on brown construction paper. Cut
out the turkey, and punch a hole in the center. Punch a hole in the center of the turkey. Thread a string
through the hole. Tie one end of the string to a doorknob or chair that is outside the normal trafc
pattern in your room. Ask a child to stand at the other end of the string, holding and shaking the string
to make the turkey “trot” all the way to the end.
Option 6: Turkey Trot (Interactive Play)
B Nice 2 Each Other
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
Craf ts
Take an outdoor leaf hunt, looking for dried leaves. Give each child a small brown lunch
bag in which to carry leaves. Children should crumble the leaves they nd. Then, back in
the classroom, cut the center out of a large paper plate for each child, leaving only the
ring. Brush thinned glue onto the plate ring. Sprinkle the leaf crumbles on the plate to
make a fall wreath.
Option 1: Wreath
Young children are
egocentric. Because the world
revolves around them, they often
don’t mean to be unkind. They sim-
ply don’t naturally think
about others!
Tape together, side by side, two empty cardboard rolls, using decorative masking tape
to hold the rolls together and create “binoculars.” When everyone has binoculars, sit in a
circle. Go around the circle, asking each child individually to look through their binoculars
to see a kind person. The child should describe what the kind child is wearing, then ev-
eryone should look through their binoculars to name that child.
Option 2: Binoculars
B Nice 2 Each Other
Send home the list of items needed to make personal care kits for a local homeless shelter, crisis preg-
nancy center or charity supported by your host congregation. Or, send home the following list of items
for MOPPETS to bring next time: large zip-close plastic bag, bar of soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste,
toothbrush, disposable cleansing wipes, washcloth, comb. At the next session, ask MOPPETS to sort the
items into piles, so that all soap bars are together, all bottles of shampoo are together, etc. Then, invite
children to put one item from each pile into the large bag. If desired, add a label with the name of your
host church and the note, “Come worship with us,” before delivering to the shelter.
Additional Activity
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
B Nice 2 Each Other
Peel a banana, using one banana for every four children.
Cut the banana lengthwise in half, then slice each half lengthwise again.
Lay the pieces at on paper plates.
Invite each child to create a personal banana bug, using slivered almonds for eyes,
raisins for spots, shredded coconut for hair, carrots or pretzel sticks for antennae, a
grape for a head, etc.
During the snack-assembly process, guide the conversation toward Thanksgiving.
Include the question, “Why should we thank God for bugs?”
Banana Bugs
Be alert to potential choking
hazards and allergens before
serving any snack.
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
pre-viewing question
In the story today, Drew and Gracie get mad at each other.
Why do you think they get upset?
Let’s nd out.
post-viewing questions
How was Drew kind?
How was Gracie kind?
If you were going to be kind to Buster the dog, what would you do?
How would you be kind to Violet the cat?
B Nice 2 Each Other
You will need: BOZ Treehouse Time! DVD #1, a television and a DVD player.
BOZ Video Presentation
Select and play
B Nice 2 Each Other
Running Time: 14:12
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
BOZ Books
Let’s Say Thanks to God!
(BOZ and friends thank God for His many blessings.)
Additional BOZ resources
When do you thank God for the good things He gives us?
Let’s see when BOZ thanks God.
pre-reading question
post-reading question
Why did BOZ say, “Thank you, God”?
B Nice 2 Each Other
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.
is done today
But now before we end our play
We fold our hands and then we say
“Thank you, dear God, for this great day”
Thank you, God, for being so kind to me.
Help me be kind to others.
Closing Prayer
B Nice 2 Each Other
Copyright 2005 - 2013 Exclaim Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
BOZ, EXCLAIM, WOWIEBOZOWEE, and related names, logos, slogans, and characters are trademarks and service marks of Exclaim Entertainment, LLC.