An Introduction to Faculty Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for
Excellence in Nurse Education: Literature Review
Emily Ganek, BSN, MSN; Romy Antonnette P Sazon, BSN, MSN; Lauren Gray, BSN, MSN; Daisy Sherry, PhD,
College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Lewis University, Romeoville, IL, United States
Corresponding Author:
Daisy Sherry, PhD, NP
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Lewis University
One University Parkway
Romeoville, IL, 60446
United States
Phone: 1 815 836 5249
Background: The diversity of the world’s population is increasing, along with the health inequities of underrepresented minority
populations. To provide high-quality care to all patients, nurses require an understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
as well as how to implement best practices. Nurse educators are the ones to lead the way for DEI education for students.
Objective: This paper aims to describe the findings of a literature review that introduces DEI concepts for excellence in nurse
education and their related benefits. Best practices for actions to address DEI in nursing education will be described.
Methods: After institutional review board approval, a literature search yielded 61 articles using 15 distinct keywords in 4 global,
peer-reviewed literature databases. Melynk and Fineout-Overholt’s (2023) Levels of Evidence guided the process of selecting
26 peer-reviewed articles and resources.
Results: Common themes for best practices in DEI were identified. These themes included recruiting underrepresented minority
nursing faculty, incorporating DEI into an institution’s mission statement, addressing DEI topics in curricula, providing leadership,
having a DEI strategic plan, developing education, developing data-based interventions, instilling policy change, partnering in
outreach, targeting impact on hiring committees, recognizing DEI work, and providing mentorship.
Conclusions: In summary, this literature review provides several strategies to address DEI for nurse educators. Committing to
DEI efforts and improving diversity in the nurse educator workforce are integral steps in improving the quality and inclusivity
of nursing education and ultimately improving the health of our communities.
(Asian Pac Isl Nurs J 2023;7:e49231) doi: 10.2196/49231
nursing education; diversity; equity; inclusion; inclusive; nursing; allied health; medical education; nurse; nurses; health care
education; curriculum; DEI; teaching; educator; educators; hiring; recruiting; recruitment; teacher; teachers
It is well known that the diversity of the world’s population is
increasing, along with the health inequities of underrepresented
minority populations. To provide high-quality care to all
patients, nurses need to understand diversity, equity, and
inclusion (DEI) and implement best practices. The American
Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) [1] declared the
need for DEI in nursing academia to better prepare future nurses.
Nursing educators are in a prime role to lead education about
DEI for the next generation of nurses.
In the United States, the proportion of full-time underrepresented
minority nursing educators was 18% in 2019 [2,3]. In the state
of Illinois, 20.1% of nurse educators identified as an
underrepresented minority, which falls short in contrast to the
31.3% of underrepresented minority nursing students [2]. Efforts
to increase the number of underrepresented minority nursing
educators must be put into place to better match the needs of
the student population. AACN [4] supports expanding the
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diversity of nurse educators. To strengthen the quality of nursing
education in DEI to promote the inclusion of underrepresented
students, recruiting more diverse nursing educators is essential.
Diverse nurse educators provide a diversity of perspectives and
faculty to attract aspiring underrepresented minority students.
The objective of this paper is to provide the results of a literature
review that introduces DEI concepts for excellence in nurse
education and their related benefits. Evidence-based best
practices for actions to address DEI in nursing education will
be discussed.
Ethics Approval
The Lewis University Institutional Review Board approved this
educational research on March 25, 2022.
A literature review was done to investigate what is known about
the attitudes, beliefs, and strategies related to building cultural
competence among staff and faculty in a school setting. Primo,
ProQuest, Google Scholar, and Mendeley were used to perform
the literature review that yielded 61 articles and readings.
The following keywords were searched in variation for this
literature review: cultural competency, nurse educators, training,
supporting diverse nursing faculty, diversity of nursing faculty,
nursing faculty diversity, inclusivity for nursing faculty, holistic
review, diversity, nursing workforce, holistic admissions,
cultural competence, nursing, and influence on students and
Melynk and Fineout-Overholt’s Levels of Evidence [5] were
used during the process of finding peer-reviewed articles for
this literature review. All articles included were either primary
or secondary sources and were written within the last 5 years.
The search for DEI concepts was researched first through the
AACN. Having a defined set of DEI concepts directed
subsequent articles that sought the benefits of diversity in the
nurse educator workforce.
The following definitions and suggestions are the result of the
literature review. Many resources in nursing education look to
the AACN for how to define DEI. These definitions will be
provided. “Benefits of diversity in the nursing workforce” was
a common theme within each of the articles and resources
examined. These benefits will also be provided.
After an examination of the literature, common themes for best
practices in DEI were identified. These themes include recruiting
underrepresented minority nursing faculty, incorporating DEI
into an institution’s mission statement, addressing DEI topics
in curriculum, providing leadership, having a DEI strategic plan,
developing education, developing data-based interventions,
instilling policy change, partnering in outreach, targeting impact
on hiring committees, recognizing DEI work, and providing
Defining DEI
The AACN [1] provides important definitions (Textbox 1) for
the terms diversity, equity, and inclusion. It is necessary to be
knowledgeable of the many aspects that encompass DEI to fully
grasp the importance of diversifying the nurse educator
workforce. An institution that values and embraces DEI efforts,
appreciates opposing opinions, inspires innovative
problem-solving strategies, and boosts creativity within the
academic institution is more likely to draw diverse applicants
Textbox 1. Definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
A broad range of individual, population, and social characteristics, including but not limited to age; sex; race; ethnicity; sexual orientation; gender
identity; family structures; geographic locations; national origin; immigrants and refugees; language; physical, functional, and learning abilities;
religious beliefs; and socioeconomic status.
“The ability to recognize the differences in the resources or knowledge needed to allow individuals to fully participate in society, including access to
higher education, with the goal of overcoming obstacles to ensure fairness.
“Environmental and organizational cultures in which faculty, students, staff, and administrators with diverse characteristics thrive.
Note: Definitions are taken from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing [1].
Benefits of Diversity in the Nurse Educator Workforce
One key benefit of diversity in the nurse educator workforce is
a better representation of the diversity of the student population.
An institution with diverse nursing faculty and staff attracts and
inspires current and prospective students to identify with their
educators. Students associating with faculty whom they identify
with promotes a sense of belonging. Alsulami and Sherwood
[7] note that underrepresented minority students are motivated
by seeing themselves represented by faculty who are successful
in their careers. AACN [8] adds that underrepresented minority
nursing faculty can inspire students looking to join the nursing
profession. Increasing the diversity of underrepresented minority
faculty members enriches the cultural climate of a teaching
institution. The Center for American Progress emphasizes the
importance of recruitment and retention of a diversity of faculty
members to combat the imbalance of diversity between students
and educators [9].
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Guler [10] demonstrates that diverse students need diverse and
inclusive teaching approaches. Educators with the best intentions
verbalized frustration connecting with a diversity of students.
For example, 65% of faculty members reported they did not
have enough training to educate culturally and linguistically
diverse students properly [10]. Volpe [11] added that
underrepresented minority students attending schools with a
lack of diversity reported feeling alone and unsupported. To
solve this dilemma, Partelow et al [9] stated that recruiting
faculty from underrepresented minority groups will help improve
culturally responsive teaching. Diversity in language and culture
is a positive experience for classroom learning allowing students
to learn from both educators and peers. A diversity of nurse
educators provides different outlooks, pedagogies, and
experiences enriching the education of the students [7]. The
ultimate goal would be to recruit a widely diverse faculty to
support a diversity of students, increase inclusivity in the
organization, and improve the cultural climate.
Principal Findings
In the search for excellence in the recruitment of diverse nursing
faculty, several common strategies were identified. The
following practical strategies, created from a thorough literature
review, can be applied to any school of nursing for the creation
of a more culturally inclusive environment that supports a
diversity of nurse educators.
Mission Statement
A mission statement conveys the purpose and intentions of the
group and sets the tone for the group culture. A clear mission
statement for nursing regarding DEI is critical for understanding
the culture, holding leaders accountable, and directing the
learning environment [4]. Therefore, the first step in creating a
more diverse nursing faculty is a mission statement driven by
DEI principles. By doing so, a mission statement dedicated to
providing culturally competent education is indisputable.
Moreover, Alsulami and Sherwood [7] found that faculty
development offerings led to greater job satisfaction for
underrepresented minority faculty when the mission and culture
of the university were highlighted. The mission statement is the
nucleus of an institution, guiding all actions.
A mission statement that describes values in DEI also helps
support and sustain faculty work. Retention rates for
underrepresented minority faculty were increased in institutions
with mission statements embedding DEI values [7]. However,
it is important to discern that simply rewording a mission
statement to add popular DEI catchphrases will not be effective.
Having core DEI values requires measurable initiatives for
call-to-action stances on social justice to mean something [12].
This means that a mission statement driven by DEI principles
is a first step, which then needs to be the anchor for a school’s
set of priorities, resources, and decisions, and in turn, be evident
in the campus climate [13]. For example, the University of
Pennsylvania School of Nursing exhibits its commitment to
diversity through its mission statement, its Office of Diversity
and Inclusivity’s strategic goals to prioritize diversity in the
social and cultural life of the campus, and its attentiveness to
adding cultural competence into the curriculum [14]. The
mission statement of a school is a vital message to the
The incorporation of DEI concepts within the curriculum in
nursing programs is a key component in attracting diverse
faculty members. For example, a community health course can
concentrate its clinical portion of the course on providing care
to historically underserved populations, while continuing to
practice their fundamental skills [13]. In another instance, in a
nursing research course, a class assignment could incorporate
the identification of DEI topics, retrieve related research articles,
create in-class discussions, and participate in reflection activities
about their given topic [15]. It was found through student course
evaluations that incorporating DEI helped create a more
inclusive learning environment and supported their personal
growth. A more diverse group of nursing faculty and students
cannot be accomplished without intentionally including DEI
concepts in the curriculum and learning environment [16].
Syllabi within the nursing curriculum communicates class
expectations. Among these expectations, the creation of an
inclusive learning space is fundamental. The learning space
includes the physical classroom, internet-based classroom, and
experiential clinical setting. For example, Lewis University
promotes a sanctified zone where learning spaces encourage
diversity and oppose bias and prejudice [17]. Communicating
a persistent and consistent inclusive message to the students
and community in course syllabi is a practical way to support
faculty diversity and recruit potentially underrepresented
minority faculty. Prospective underrepresented minority faculty
will find value in the addition of DEI concepts in the curriculum
on which they base their work.
Loyola Marymount University’s School of Education stands as
an example to other universities for how they prepare their
educators to serve a diverse student body. For example, a
significant portion (40%) of their teaching competencies are
specifically related to diversity [9]. Examples of
diversity-specific teaching competencies incorporate advocacy
for social justice and inclusion, respect for all individuals, and
leadership that is moral and caring [9]. Having the next
generation of educators meet these competencies demonstrates
a commitment to diversity and ensures educators have the ability
to teach in an inclusive way. A diversity of prospective faculty
will see that the school of nursing values DEI, as stated in their
mission, when the curriculum provides learning opportunities
Academic Leadership
Leaders in academia uphold the mission statement of the
learning institution. In doing so, the cultural expectations of
faculty are outlined. However, it is known that unconscious bias
is a characteristic of being human. Everyone has their own
biases. Unfortunately, biases from academic leaders or faculty
members can unintentionally hinder the ability to recruit diverse
nursing faculty members [1]. It is recommended that all
leadership and faculty members increase their self-awareness
of bias and reflect on how that bias could impact a nursing
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school’s endeavor to improve DEI efforts. More importantly,
it is recommended to reflect on how bias can be overcome to
promote DEI efforts.
Strategies to overcome bias include self-assessments on
awareness and identification of individual biases. Subsequently,
education and support to empower faculty with knowledge for
personal and professional development is a responsibility of
leadership. Resources, continuing education, and readings on
inclusivity and bias are helpful for all faculty members to learn
and grow. Byrd et al [18] highlight the importance of self-study
on the topic of inclusivity and actively exposing oneself to
diverse viewpoints. Inclusive leadership includes a diversity of
perspectives for making decisions. Inclusive leaders promote
diverse thinking while ensuring a respectful environment for
Along with biases, lack of support is another barrier in
leadership for the recruitment and retention of diverse nursing
faculty members. Iheduru-Anderson et al [19] found that many
Black nurse leaders felt a lack of support from the institution’s
leadership. Actions such as the absence of academic leadership
at important DEI events conveyed the message that these events
are not significant [19]. AACN [4] highlights the importance
of leadership participating in DEI activities and evidence-based
training to ensure that the school can fulfill its commitment to
advancing the quality of nursing education regarding DEI. An
academic leadership team that is visible and campaigns for DEI
initiatives will assist in recruiting diverse faculty members.
There are many other ways a leadership team can demonstrate
a positive cultural climate for the promotion of diversity.
Embracing differences, ensuring proper work-life balance,
valuing a diversity of educators’ voices through inclusion in
decision-making procedures, and rewarding faculty members
for DEI-related work are a few examples [7]. Leaders at the
highest level of the institution must consistently convey the
importance of diversity and inclusion to support
underrepresented minority faculty to feel “that their presence
on campus is part of the collective group, not a representation
of the invisible few” [7,10]. In other words, the value of a
diversity of underrepresented minority faculty members should
be evident in all facets of the institution and continually
reinforced by leadership.
DEI Strategic Plan
A DEI strategic plan is a document that communicates the
strategies and goals regarding DEI efforts of the learning
institution and provides ways to become a more inclusive and
equitable environment. A DEI strategic action plan will identify
stakeholders, set goals, create objectives, and develop outcomes
and metrics that all align with the mission of the institution [4].
One of the first actions to include in a DEI strategic plan is the
creation of a DEI committee to facilitate efforts [11]. The
addition of a DEI leader can also assist with coordinating efforts
between departments and the university, serving as a resource
for mentorship and faculty advice, promoting a welcoming
culture for a diversity of educators, and leading the nursing
school’s DEI committee [4]. The DEI strategic plan and DEI
committee are a powerful duo. Prospective and current nursing
faculty will appreciate the guidance of a clear plan and feel
supported by the DEI committee members.
The University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing proves to
be a model for excellence in diversity and inclusion as
demonstrated by the key performance indicator of faculty
diversity. As of 2018, the University of Pennsylvania School
of Nursing was one of 3 schools to have an Office of Equity
and Inclusion [14]. This office focuses on the promotion of
classroom strategies to ensure culturally sensitive and inclusive
teaching-learning strategies and provides support to
underrepresented minority faculty and students. As a result, the
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing has achieved a
faculty diversity rate of 24.5% underrepresented minority faculty
members [14]. This percentage is notably greater than the 2019
national average of 18% full-time diverse faculty members [3].
The University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing introduced
a position called the Diversity Search Advisor to create hiring
goals and strategies for promoting diversity. Some of these
strategies include organizing implicit bias workshops for faculty
search committees, improving university policies that relate to
diversity and inclusion, and scheduling discussions about how
to increase the pool of diverse applicants [14]. These strategies
display the school of nursing’s commitment to diversity, which
has been successful in increasing faculty diversity.
Faculty Education
Although a DEI strategic plan is key for an organization
dedicated to the promises of providing fair opportunities for all
students, it is important to take it a step further and ensure that
all faculty and staff are fully knowledgeable to implement these
actions. AACN [4] prepared a DEI Tool Kit to guide and assist
schools of nursing with implementing DEI strategies, expanding
the capacity of nursing faculty to grow professionally and
personally. Evidence-based resources and exemplar models are
provided to give faculty the tools necessary to build an inclusive
teaching and learning environment [4]. For example, the DEI
Tool Kit contains an area called Access and Success” that
recommends developing a recruitment plan to expand the
diversity pool for the next generation of nurses, creating a
pipeline program for underrepresented minority high school
students, and establishing articulation agreements from associate
degree and baccalaureate degree programs through graduate
studies to promote educational advancement. There are 3
additional areas in the DEI Tool Kit—Institutional Viability
and Capacity, Climate and Intergroup Relations, and Education
and Scholarship—providing a variety of strategies to advance
DEI work. To support faculty education related to the DEI Tool
Kit, AACN offers a series of free Inclusive Excellence webinars.
Research shows that many faculty members have a low sense
of self-efficacy related to teaching DEI concepts [20]. One way
to implement faculty education is to start with new faculty
orientation that sets expectations for the faculty role in
optimizing the learning space as inclusive and safe. Subsequent
educational offerings can be expected on a regular basis as one
way to meet the requirements for promotion and tenure. These
offerings for DEI education should include current faculty
members. Institutions that used educational interventions for
DEI training saw more student success, increased faculty
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involvement, and positive faculty feedback [7]. O’Connor et al
[20] conducted an incentivized 3-day DEI institute to give
faculty the knowledge and skills to embrace DEI concepts and
create culturally competent teaching practices. The offering of
the DEI institute found statistically significant increases in
faculty and staff self-efficacy in teaching DEI-related topics
[20]. Many of the participants felt that the training would
improve their teaching and that DEI-based learning is valuable
to consider in yearly faculty competencies.
Iheduru-Anderson et al [19] suggested that cultural competency
education should cover topics such as racism, microaggressions,
diversity, and inclusion. It is important that these sensitive topics
are covered in separate interactive and introspective educational
modules to promote self-awareness, empathy, and compassion
for others. An institution that offers continuing education to
faculty on DEI concepts is attractive to prospective and current
underrepresented minority faculty to promote inclusion and
enhance knowledge, thereby assisting in the recruitment and
retention of faculty.
Another key step for excellence in the recruitment of
underrepresented minority nursing faculty is the use of data.
Data are well known to drive institutional decision-making.
Collecting data regarding faculty and student recruitment
practices, acceptance rates, retention rates, and progression to
measure and compare performance among groups will be
informative for making decisions [11]. Metrics keep track of
performance and assessments of the current climate. Some
examples of metrics and data are the Center for Urban
Education’s Racial Equity Tools, climate surveys, and
governance committees’ feedback.
The University of Southern California’s Center for Urban
Education developed Racial Equity Tools, broken down into 4
phases, with the goal of improving racial justice in education
[21]. The University of Southern California uses these tools to
identify gaps in practices, policies, or individual beliefs to
promote equity in the educational outcomes and opportunities
for underrepresented minority students [21]. These tools are
user-friendly and able to be used without a facilitator’s
assistance. Data results inform the institution’s ability to learn
about its areas of success and growth.
Another helpful metric for data on performance is an
institutional climate survey. Climate surveys measure the
perceptions of an institution’s culture and provide a voice for
participants to offer feedback as to what the institution is doing
well, where there is room for improvement, and how the
institution supports DEI efforts. To change the climate of
academic nursing to value inclusion and diversity, the
experiences of those impacted by these matters should be
assessed through climate surveys. Climate surveys are deployed
on a routine basis to provide a snapshot of the current climate
and gather comparative data over time. Positive results from
cultural climate surveys lead to greater retention of
underrepresented minority faculty [22]. Similar to the Racial
Equity Tools, a climate survey allows institutions to identify
both areas of success and growth.
Viewpoints from current students, faculty, and staff members
provide important details on the institutional culture and tips
for addressing areas for growth. Byrd [13] found that nursing
education programs successful at increasing DEI efforts obtain
students’input often through governance committees and focus
groups. This information is used to make changes, whether
changes to outdated policies or enhancements in the classroom
to promote effective teaching strategies. Data and feedback help
to inform institutions about the need to create a diverse and
inclusive academic environment.
Policy Change
Institutional, departmental, and programmatic policies need to
reflect the commitment to DEI and support the DEI strategic
plan. Policies and procedures regarding recruitment, acceptance,
and progression of both faculty and students are of particular
importance [11]. Taking action to address outdated policies and
procedures speaks volumes to the perceived value and
commitment to DEI work. According to AACN [4], there should
be a continual review of current policies to remove barriers that
prevent the advancement of DEI efforts. Examination of policy
language is recommended for the reduction and elimination of
any systemic bias or prejudice.
The gap in diversity between the educator workforce and the
student population is wide. Policy changes regarding the
improved recruitment and retention of underrepresented minority
faculty members could help lessen this gap [7,9,11]. Institutional
policies and key performance indicators need to involve
inclusion and equitable work environments. For example,
learning institutions could incorporate inclusive procedures to
hire based on merit while also mitigating bias in search
committees. Reducing bias includes addressing any
prejudgments related to age, race, gender, or other characteristics
that are not related to performance.
The establishment of strategic partnerships throughout the
community is a key step in increasing the pipeline of prospective
underrepresented minority faculty members [11]. For example,
the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing uses the
Diversity Search Advisor to represent the school of nursing at
outreach events, internal and external meetings, and
consultations with a diversity of community and educational
leaders to attract a diversity of student and faculty applicants
[14]. It is helpful for a leader who is knowledgeable and
comfortable with DEI concepts to promote community
partnerships. Along the same lines, Teach for America strategies
for recruitment can be helpful [9]. The members of Teach for
America have a role in expanding awareness of goals for
diversity and advocacy of inclusion for prospective applicants.
For example, campuses with a high percentage of a diverse
student population, accredited historically black colleges and
universities, and Hispanic-serving institutions are ideal places
to form relationships with future students and educators [9].
The most effective nursing programs integrate outreach with
recruitment. For example, in the United States, every public
school district’s data on student diversity are made available to
the public. Nursing leaders and DEI experts can select to partner
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with schools that serve a diverse student body. Increasing the
number of underrepresented minority nursing students ultimately
increases the number of potential future underrepresented
minority nurse educators.
Hiring Committee
Displaying diversity in the search committee and using a holistic
hiring process are two key steps to recruiting more diverse nurse
educators. AACN recommends a guide provided by Columbia
University as an exemplar for best practices in faculty search
and hiring [4,23]. Columbia University [23] recommends that
the recruitment and hiring of diverse candidates should be done
in a space where the hiring committee is also diverse. In line
with this, a web-based survey found that nurse educator
applicants from underrepresented minority groups would prefer
to see a more diverse hiring committee that is a better
representation of themselves during the interview process to
foster a sense of belonging [24].
Using a holistic hiring approach includes an examination of the
applicant as a whole person. A holistic hiring approach considers
more than a narrow view of the person’s professional skill set.
Rather, the holistic hiring approach will examine the applicant’s
values, how they interact with others, and their potential
longevity with the institution. Incorporating a holistic hiring
approach can prove beneficial for the overall culture of the
Recognition of Work
The role of faculty members includes not only teaching and
scholarship but also university service, such as participating in
DEI committees or mentoring programs. Service contributions,
when speaking of promotion and tenure, are given less weight
compared to research, teaching, or clinical practice [13].
DeWitty and Murray [22] report underrepresented minority
faculty often serve on DEI committees and participate in DEI
events, but this work is not as highly valued as research or
scholarship. As a result, underrepresented minority faculty often
feel unsupported and have less time for promotion, tenure, and
professional development [7]. DEI work is important to driving
the learning institution’s mission and needs to be counted as
valuable to career advancement. Giving credit to DEI work will
support faculty retention, promotion, and tenure. It is
recommended to give greater weight to activities that promote
and influence diversity in an institution in the promotion and
tenure process [13].
Iheduru-Anderson et al [19] report on the negative experiences
of Black women in academic nursing and the increased
responsibilities assumed of them. For example, it was reported
that colleagues often expected the Black nurse educator to be
the leader of diversity and inclusion committees or the planner
of cultural competency training, without providing proper
resources. From the mission statement to the promotion and
tenure process, a just and inclusive culture provides support and
welcomes all to the role and shared responsibilities of being a
faculty member within the nursing community.
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) is
one of the first institutions to begin compensating employees,
through tenure and promotion, for DEI-related work [25].
IUPUI’s policy gives credit to accomplished work that
strengthens the institution’s efforts toward being inclusive and
rewards those contributing to DEI. For example, an African
American assistant professor at IUPUI described how she was
asked to participate in many DEI-related roles, and because of
the policy change, her research on DEI excellence in service
counts for promotion [25]. It is well known that promotion and
career advancement are key factors in attracting faculty. In the
recruitment of diverse faculty members, the importance of
recognition for DEI-related work should be highlighted,
especially in terms of promotion and tenure.
Research shows that faculty members value the support of
mentorship. There are data supporting the number of
underrepresented minority faculty lost to tenure rejection or
attrition [25]. Byrd [13] found that a significant factor in the
retention of underrepresented minority faculty is offering a
high-quality mentoring program. Mentorship has been shown
to increase a sense of belonging, confidence, and support while
fostering an environment of equity where equal pay and
promotion occur fairly [26,27]. Mentorship would provide
professional and personal support, in turn preventing attrition.
One exemplary organization for mentorship is Penn State, whose
nursing program provides mentorship programs, faculty
development opportunities, training, and workshops [14].
Another impactful factor for the retention and recruitment of
faculty includes support from colleagues and leaders [7]. Forms
of support include mentorship, quality new employee
orientation, and continuing faculty development. Having a
multitude of options for faculty to connect and learn with and
from each other is invaluable.
Diversifying the nurse educator workforce is an essential
strategy for creating a more equitable environment. The
increasing diversity of nursing students and the next generation
of nurse educators requires nursing education to evolve.
Adopting best practices for the recruitment and retention of
underrepresented minority faculty members will expand the
pipeline of nurse educators. Committing to DEI efforts and
improving diversity in the nurse educator workforce are integral
steps in improving the quality and inclusivity of nursing
education, ultimately improving the health of our communities.
This study was partially funded by the Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) Nursing Workforce Diversity
Program (grant 5 D19HP42035-02-00). The authors gratefully acknowledge support from Dr Linda Steffens and Dr Tina Bobo.
Asian Pac Isl Nurs J 2023 | vol. 7 | e49231 | p. 6
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Conflicts of Interest
None declared.
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AACN: American Association of Colleges of Nursing
DEI: diversity, equity, inclusion
IUPUI: Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Edited by H Ahn; submitted 23.05.23; peer-reviewed by A Palese, HD Byon; comments to author 10.07.23; revised version received
31.10.23; accepted 02.11.23; published 01.12.23
Please cite as:
Ganek E, Sazon RAP, Gray L, Sherry D
An Introduction to Faculty Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Excellence in Nurse Education: Literature Review
Asian Pac Isl Nurs J 2023;7:e49231
doi: 10.2196/49231
PMID: 38039066
©Emily Ganek, Romy Antonnette P Sazon, Lauren Gray, Daisy Sherry. Originally published in the Asian/Pacific Island Nursing
Journal (, 01.12.2023. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work, first published in the Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal, is properly cited. The
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