Impact of ICT on Teaching Practices in India
ICT India Project Working Paper #46
Anchal Sharma
April 2021
CSD Working Paper Series: Impact of ICT on the Teaching Practices in India
Abstract ......................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3
Integration of ICT with Classroom Teaching ..................................................................... 4
Usage of Technology for Classroom Instructions ............................................................ 5
Some of the Best Practices for Integrating ICT in the Indian Classrooms .......................... 6
Perceptions of the Teachers on ICT Integration with Teaching ............................................ 8
ICT for Teacher’s Professional Development .................................................................... 9
ICT for Teachers’ Training ........................................................................................... 9
Role of ICT in a positive learning environment ............................................................ 11
Challenges of Using Technology in the Classroom ........................................................... 11
Conclusion................................................................................................................... 11
References ................................................................................................................... 12
CSD Working Paper Series: Impact of ICT on the Teaching Practices in India
Integration of Information and Communication in the classroom has been transforming the way
learners are learning today. Teachers in India are also experimenting with innovative ways to teach
with the help of ICT tools. They are leveraging various digital platforms for planning their lessons,
delivering them in the classroom setup or virtually, and conducting the assessment as well.
Educational technology is offering effective ways to reach different types of learners and assess
their understanding in more than one way. Teachers' well-equipped preparation with ICT tools and
facilities is one of the main factors in the success of technology-based teaching and learning. The
Indian government has been persistent in implementing policies to encourage technology-driven
innovations in the education sector and encouraging educators to adopt and integrate ICT.
Although the perception of Indian teachers towards the use of ICT is positive, still need more
support with the infrastructure and training especially in the rural regions. This paper will cover
how technology has impacted the teaching practices, perceptions of teachers about the use of
technology in the classroom, and their professional development.
CSD Working Paper Series: Impact of ICT on the Teaching Practices in India
Technology integration nowadays has gone through innovations and transformed the societies
that have totally changed the way people think, work and live (Grabe, 2007)
. It has profoundly
changed the way of educational interactions around the world and has become an integral part of
most of the educational process. The emerging trends have enabled the teachers to use
technology innovatively to create learning objectives, develop curriculum and instructional
strategies, deliver instruction, embed ongoing assessments, and provide appropriate interventions
based on student needs and track outcomes and learning. The New Education Policy of India,
has also emphasized the usage of technology in education. The policy calls for investment
in digital infrastructure, development of online teaching platforms and tools, creation of virtual
labs and digital repositories, training teachers to become high-quality online content creators,
designing and implementation of online assessments, establishing standards for content,
technology, and pedagogy for online teaching-learning.
The education sector has faced radical transformation with the help of technological
advancements like digital books, multi-sensory classrooms, remote learning, virtual and
augmented reality, and artificial intelligence across the globe. ICT is considered an important
tool for building knowledge societies (UNESCO, 2003) and especially, as a tool in school
education that could help in reconstructing the educational processes and system leading to
effective education for all people. The Indian education sector has also witnessed an extensive
push by the policymakers, educators, and learners in integrating technology with improving the
learning process. It has also led to a considerable shift in the teacher's beliefs in using ICT as a
pedagogical tool. Indian teachers have been optimizing various EdTech initiatives launched by
both national and state governments potentially solving systemic issues such as access, equity,
and quality. The efforts of teachers integrating ICT in the classroom have helped in improving
the quality, accessibility, and cost-efficiency of delivery of instruction to students, and the
teacher-student relationship as well. Thus, playing a significant role in contributing to achieving
the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals, by providing platforms for increasing access
to high-quality educational resources and reaching larger numbers of learners.
Integration of ICT with Classroom Teaching
Technology integration in the classroom involves the use of technological resources like
computers, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, digital cameras, social media platforms,
software applications, internet, to build a deeper understanding of content among the learners.
CSD Working Paper Series: Impact of ICT on the Teaching Practices in India
With the increased access to mobiles, internet connections, and other digital infrastructures
across the country, Indian teachers are becoming more comfortable using technology in their
classrooms. Teachers are now experimenting beyond linear, text-based learning and engaging
students in more meaningful ways. According to a study
conducted by the Central Square
about the adoption of EdTech by Indian teachers, irrespective of the school type,
teachers’ willingness to use technology is high. Computers and mobile phones were the most
digital devices at 94% and 86% respectively. A similar trend was observed in the findings of the
Digital School Survey by the Center for Sustainable Development (CSD), conducted across
Maharashtra state in India. 81.5% of schools reported having teachers using ICT to prepare
lessons and 83.3% where teachers are using ICT to deliver the lessons in the classroom
. The
role of technology has evolved from classrooms having a computer set to integrating technology
into the way concepts are taught and assessed. EdTech is helping educators with effective ways
to reach different types of learners and assess students' understanding in more than one way. This
also encourages students to explore tech-related platforms and collaborate among themselves
making learning more student-driven.
Usage of Technology for Classroom Instructions
Lesson Planning
Teachers are using various technological tools and platforms to prepare lessons catering to the
different learning levels of students in the classrooms. Availability of various app and web-based
platforms both public and private are providing resources for teachers to plan lessons using
multimedia. These resources range from unstructured to structured lesson plans which teachers
can directly use or edit according to their classroom needs. National Platform like DIKSHA -
provides a list of multimedia content, teachers can access a pool of multimedia content (image,
audio, videos, etc.) Some platforms are helping teachers with syllabus-aligned ready-to-use
lesson plans. Teachers are also using platforms to provide ready-made lesson plans with
resources like videos, worksheets, quizzes, etc, opportunities to collaborate with people to co-
create lesson plans and receive real-time feedback on lesson plans makes the life of a teacher a
little easy. Platforms like Teacherly
are helping teachers with accessing virtual educator
communities to collaborate and provide feedback on lesson plans. Platforms like Storyweaver
and Seesaw
provide multimedia tools to make lesson plans interesting like videos, audio, slides,
CSD Working Paper Series: Impact of ICT on the Teaching Practices in India
stories, etc. Teachers are also exploring platforms providing them with differential lesson plans
that are automatically created according to student’s progress data and learning levels.
Lesson Delivery
For lesson delivery, the availability of platforms like SWAYAM Prabha
is enabling teachers to
use a platform with a pre-set content and be an instructor in the classroom. WhatsApp has been a
potential platform to deliver the lesson to students using the text service. Platforms like Google
, Zoom
are widely used platforms to deliver the content by the teachers over live
tutoring platforms and virtual classrooms. The free web service designed for schools helps in
drafting, mass distributing, and grading assignments. Students can also post their queries and
receive answers on the same platforms. These platforms have become extremely popular for
remote learning. Such platforms have been helping teachers to personalize the content, become a
coach and guide students. The process has helped teachers simplify lessons, organize their
lessons, and conduct them in a multimedia-rich manner.
Technology is playing a key role in identifying and creating assessments for a classroom on a
need basis. The presence of platforms checking student’s responses, providing performance
summaries and feedback to the learners is reducing teachers to create engaging assessments.
Teachers are using many platforms which enable assignment and correction of objective, text-
based assessments. Platforms like Mindspark
, a computer-based, adaptive learning program
helps students to improve their skills in Maths and English. DIKSHA platform also provides
resources for assessments in the form of worksheets and question banks. To make assessment
more interesting and less overwhelming for the students, teachers are using gamified versions.
One such platform Kahoot
, a game-based learning platform helps with formative assessment
and insights of the class progress. These platforms are helping teachers with the easy creation of
subjective and objective assessments in interactive formats and provide real-time student
performance data at a deeper level including when students are guessing, key misconceptions,
Some of the Best Practices for Integrating ICT in the Indian Classrooms
Indian teachers ranging from a primary teacher to a college professor, have been utilizing the
potential of technology and integrating it in their classroom to make education reach a large
CSD Working Paper Series: Impact of ICT on the Teaching Practices in India
number of learners. Here are some of the best examples by the Indian teachers using technology
to overcome the challenges they faced in the journey of providing education to their students.
These possibilities show the potential ICT tools and platforms hold in transforming the way
education is perceived in the country. The Source of these stories is the study about teaching
with technology
, by the Central Square Foundation
and British Council
and insights from
focus group discussion as a part of Need Assessment study on DIKSHA platform, by CSD and
TERI team with tech-savvy teachers of Maharashtra.
Ranjitsinh Disale, a primary teacher from Solapur District in Maharashtra has been
using a number of different ways to make his classroom teaching interactive. He used
the technology to get students interested in education and attend school regularly. He
introduced the use of Quick Response (QR) codes in the textbooks to provide
additional resources to the syllabus and as a means to extend the curriculum. He also
used virtual field trips to introduce the surroundings of the science labs and historical
monuments. With the help of services like Google SMSs and WhatsApp groups, he
interacted with parents and managed absenteeism. The Maharashtra Government
recognized the innovation of using QR codes in the textbooks and adopted the
innovation for the state and was adapted by the national level on the DIKSHA
. He recently won the Global Teacher Prize 2020 for his efforts to promote
Shruti Sharma, a high secondary grade teacher from Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh. She
has been teaching subjects English and Life skills in grades 10 and 11. She used video
conferencing and text-based discussions, on a platform offered by Generation Globe
to connect to classes in other parts of India and also abroad. Her students engage in
exchange programs on different topics. The availability of a fully equipped computer
lab in her school provided students the necessary technology and resources to engage
in video conferencing. This helped her students build confidence levels and
proactively initiate new endeavors.
Mrunal Shinde, a primary teacher from Maharashtra. She started using innovative
ways in her primary classroom to increase the attention span of the students. She used
a digital platform, Skype to help her students interact with students from different
countries. She also used the platform Kahoot to create a quiz based on the knowledge
about these different countries. This helped her integrate subjects like history and
CSD Working Paper Series: Impact of ICT on the Teaching Practices in India
mathematics in an interesting manner. She also uses the Microsoft platform
interact and learn from other fellow teachers using different innovative teaching
practices in their classrooms.
Premananad Edward Malyakkal, a college lecturer from Calicut, Kerala teaches
English to degree-level students. He uses technology in a variety of ways to provide
and create overviews of different kinds of literary material. One of his projects
involves creating infographics with his students, summarising the key texts with the
help of mobile-friendly software packages. He identified the problem of students
having a tough time understanding the difficult text. His motive became to give
maximum information to a maximum number of people using very basic and simple
technology. He teaches his students basic computing skills and core applications like
word processing, database management, and spreadsheets with design skills and
infographic making. He uses Piktochart software and allows students to explore
different tools which can be used on their mobile phones.
Suchi Dakoria, a primary teacher from Surat, Gujarat. She addressed the challenge of
maintaining a portfolio of her student’s work and communicating regularly with the
parents. As a possible solution, she started using the app Seesaw
, an online portfolio
tool (e-portfolio) to address both these needs simultaneously. The portfolio contains a
wide range of media: audio, pictures, and videos. Parents were involved with their
child’s progress through the platform. It helped in decreasing the workload of the
teachers as the portfolio is maintained on a regular basis without the rush of only doing
assessments at the end of the year. This also enabled maintaining a regular smooth
way of communication between the school and the parents.
Perceptions of the Teachers on ICT Integration with Teaching
The new-age teachers are adapting to the new ways of classroom teaching with the help of
innovative methods. Teachers are not leaving any stone unturned to take learning to the next
level where learning is not limited to the four walls of the classroom. Technology has been
supporting them in bringing in the knowledge and information from all the possible resources
available. Successful integration of technology in the classroom depends on the teacher’s
perception about using technology with the teaching. Attitudes play a significant role in
analyzing why teachers accept or reject technology (Rogers, 2010)
. A research study by
CSD Working Paper Series: Impact of ICT on the Teaching Practices in India
Rastogi and Malhotra (2012)
highlighted that examining teachers’ attitudes and beliefs about
ICT integration with pedagogy is particularly important in developing countries like India, where
technology integration is usually not a part of school culture. The data from various studies about
technology in teaching supports the idea that teachers in India have high interests and are
positive about bringing ICT into the classrooms. Their level of expertise with the technological
tools will determine their level of acceptance with the integration. Tondeur et al (2008) found
that teachers who were less skilled in the use of computers had a negative attitude towards the
use of computers and hence their acceptance level was also found below. Some teachers were
reluctant to use ICT due to anxiety and lack of motivation (Duhaney, 2001)
. Thus, effective
integration of ICT in pre-service and on-service of the teachers plays a crucial role in building
positive attitudes technology in education.
ICT for Teacher’s Professional Development
Educational communities around the country have been making continuous efforts to emphasize
the importance of integrating ICT in the classrooms and the need for quality teachers'
professional development to do so. Technological advancements have made it possible to deliver
the large scale of quality training modules for teacher professional development providing
flexibility and agency to teachers for their learning. Various digital platforms are helping
teachers to improve their area of content with conceptual mastery, effective instructional
practices, and improving digital literacy as well. National and state governments are utilizing
different platforms like DIKSHA, NISHTHA and collaborating with private players like Dell,
Microsoft to equip teachers with the required skills to successfully integrate technology in their
classrooms. This helps resources to reach a large number of teachers with the resources available
through a menu of options categorized by subject, skill, topic, and software. They also consist of
dedicated platforms for teacher social communities with forums, multimedia exchange, topics,
etc allowing teachers to engage with each other and form a strong community. Such initiatives
not just help to build ICT skills and competencies but also building positive attitudes and beliefs
among the teachers.
ICT for Teachers’ Training
Teacher training and professional development are seen as driving forces for the successful
usage of ICTs in education. Pre-service teacher training is now focussing on the initial
preparation on pedagogy, subject mastery, management, and using various ICT teaching tools.
While in-service training includes more structured learning opportunities building upon pre-
CSD Working Paper Series: Impact of ICT on the Teaching Practices in India
service training, directly relevant to the teacher's needs and keeping up with the introduction in
new Ed Tech innovations. National Platforms like DIKSHA, NISHTHA provide online training
courses for capacity building of the teachers with the help of CBSE and NCERT training
modules. These platforms allow registration of the teachers, dissemination of resources, training
gap and impact analysis, monitoring and measuring of the program progress. Till now 30 lakh
teachers have been trained digitally and aim to train 56 lakh school teachers in the coming
academic session. The availability of resources in different regional languages makes it reach
wider across the country.
Other digital platforms like Firki
, ChalkLit, and The Teacher App are also supporting teachers
professionally by providing them effective ongoing training and professional development. Firki,
with the help of a blended (online and offline) learning model, provides continuous support to
teachers by identifying their strengths and building skills to build an effective practice, leading to
improved student outcomes. The platform also provides market-driven accreditations to teachers
on completing the course. ChalkLit, a mobile application provides regular professional
development for in-service teachers through online training with SCERTs/DoEs, teaching tools,
and daily updates from an active teachers community. The platform allows teachers to undergo
self-evaluation to understand their progress and make suitable amends to their
technique.WhatsApp is another popular platform used to bring groups of teachers together at the
school level or national level or global level as well. This way teachers learn from local and
global teacher communities by sharing best practices, resolving doubts, and collaborating with
peers through virtual platforms.
The Indian government has also been collaborating with tech players like Microsoft and Dell
Technologies. India’s All India Council For Technical Education (AICTE) has partnered with
Microsoft on Microsoft Learn for Educator platform
. The platform empowers learners and
educators with future-ready skills. This provides Indian educators access to best-in-class online
learning paths and instructor-led training material through Microsoft's ready-to-teach curriculum
and teaching material aligned with industry-recognized Microsoft certifications. Dell
technologies with its initiative “Dell Aarambh
” equip teachers in India with the requisite
knowledge to implement technology in the classroom. The objective is to improve the digital
literacy of the teachers to bridge the digital divide in the country.
CSD Working Paper Series: Impact of ICT on the Teaching Practices in India
Role of ICT in a positive learning environment
The appropriate use of ICT tools helps in catalyzing the paradigmatic shift in making the
classroom a creative space for exploration and experiment for both the teachers and students. It
promotes the acquisition of skills and knowledge for students to become lifelong learners. Thus
making students autonomous learners and bringing the world into their classrooms. The new
ways of teaching and learning create a shift from a teacher-centered pedagogy to student-
centered pedagogy. Various innovative platforms provide an active learning classroom
environment and opportunities to work on real-life problems in depth making it less abstract. By
keeping the classroom environment engaging, technology enables students to become better
focused on their learning. This also helps teachers to juggle various responsibilities like
attendance maintenance, delivering academic content, monitoring student's progress, and much
Challenges of Using Technology in the Classroom
Technology integration can also present significant challenges to educators. There are several
barriers, some extrinsic related to the availability of resources, time, support system, training
facilities, and some intrinsic factors such as attitudes, beliefs, practices, and the resistance of the
teachers. The constant need to keep updating with the new innovations makes it an
overwhelming experience for the teachers. Teachers are constantly adapting the new ways of
learning and teaching at the same time. In a diverse country like India, the digital divide also
plays a major role in access to ICT tools. Availability of limited or no access to hardware
facilities can pose the biggest challenges in adopting technologies for the teachers. Many schools
in rural India lack basic facilities of electricity and internet making teachers rely on textbook-
based teaching. School-level factors such as organizational culture and teacher-level factors as
beliefs about teaching and technology also impact the motivation levels of the teacher. Lack of
digital literacy and adequate continuous training about the use of technology in the teaching
process makes it difficult to navigate with the technology in the classroom. Another constraint is
of insufficient time and content to use their ICT skills. The non-teaching responsibilities and
pressure to complete the textbook syllabus also discourage teachers to use ICT tools. All these
factors contribute to making it difficult for teachers in India to explore digital resources and use
technology with their teaching.
Indian teachers have been adopting various EdTech integration with their classroom teaching and
exploring the potential it holds for improving the learning outcomes of the students. In today’s
time technology is viewed as an important tool that helps teachers in effective classroom
delivery. These technological advancements are helping teachers to reinforce existing
CSD Working Paper Series: Impact of ICT on the Teaching Practices in India
pedagogical practices in innovative ways. It has allowed teachers to create and disseminate high-
quality lesson plans. Technology is helping in transforming the role of a teacher from an
instructor to a guide that supports students learning journey. However infrastructural challenges,
lack of digital content, insufficient time, non-teaching responsibilities, and contextualized
resources are restricting teachers from fully leveraging the potential of technology. The Indian
government needs to address these challenges of poor connectivity and infrastructure. Blended
forms of training with both online and offline resources should be encouraged to have a
sustainable model for continuous teacher development. Availability of more mobile-based
applications for resources for teachers will help in easy access of these resources. Teacher
training through sustained technical as well as pedagogical support will prove to be the
foundation of any investment in education technology. There should be a collaboration of
teachers, policymakers, administrators, and other stakeholders in the decision-making process as
well design and implementation of professional development programs. This will create a
positive perception of technology in a teacher’s mind and will encourage them to optimize it
more in their classrooms.
CSD Working Paper Series: Impact of ICT on the Teaching Practices in India
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