Cellular Stains
Membrane Stains
Membrane & Cell Surface Stains Comparison ... p. 4
CellBrite™ Steady Membrane Dyes for Live Cell Imaging ... p. 4
Fixable Surface Stains: CellBrite™ Fix & MemBrite™ Fix ... p. 5
CellBrite™ Lipophilic Membrane Dyes for Live or Fixed Cells ... p. 5
Lectin Conjugates ... p. 6
LipidSpot™ Lipid Droplet Stains ... p. 6
Labeled Phospholipids ... p. 6
Cytoplasmic Stains and Cell Division Tracking
ViaFluor® SE Cell Proliferation Dyes ... p. 3
Calcein AM Cell Viability Assay ... p. 3
Organelle Stains
Nuclear Stains ... p. 7
MitoView™ Mitochondrial Stains ... p. 8
LysoView™ Lysosomal Stains ... p. 9
Cytoskeleton Probes ... p. 10
Endosomal Tracers ... p. 11
Overview of Organelle & Cytoskeleton Stains ... p. 2
2 • www.biotium.com
Overview of Organelle &
Cytoskeleton Stains
• Live cell microtubule stains (p. 10)
• Phalloidin conjugates for xed cells (p. 10)
Membrane-permeant dyes that
accumulate in mitochondria due
to membrane potential &
lipophilicity (p. 8)
Vesicle Tracking
• Fluorescent toxins and ligands for receptor-mediated endocytosis (p. 11)
• Fluorescent dextrans for uid phase tracing (p. 11)
Blue, green, and red stains with
various properties for labeling
xed, dead, or live cells (p. 7)
• Stable,covalentlivecellcytoplasmic
• Non-covalentcytoplasmstainsforcell
Membrane-permeant, pH-sensitive
dyes that accumulate and uoresce
in the acidic environment of
lysosomes (p. 9)
Membrane & Cell Surface
• Cell surface stains for long-term imaging of live cells (p. 4)
• Lipophilic carbocyanine dyes for live or xed cells (p. 5)
• Covalent membrane & surface stains for xable
live-cell staining (p. 5)
• Lectin conjugates for staining cell surface
glycoproteins in live or xed cells (p. 6)
Lipid Droplets
Neutral lipid stains for
live or xed cells (p. 6)
www.biotium.com • 3
ViaFluor® SE Cell Proliferation Kits use amine-reactive dyes to covalently label cells throughout the cell cytoplasm and intracellular compartments. While developed
for cell division tracking by ow cytometry, stable whole-cell labeling is also useful for imaging cell morphology, or to track cell populations in mixed co-culture
experiments (Fig. 1). In addition, the labeling is covalent and can therefore withstand xation and permeabilization for downstream immunostaining.
ViaFluor® CFSE is the classic cell proliferation dye, detected in the FITC channel. Biotium created ViaFluor® 488 as an improved alternative to CFSE that is less
toxic, less leaky, and has a greater tolerance for xation. We also offer blue uorescent ViaFluor® 405 for the Pacic Blue® channel which provides bright and
stable staining with low toxicity.
ViaFluor® SE Cell Proliferation Kits
Cytoplasmic Stains and Cell Division Tracking
Cat. # Product Ex/Em (nm)
30068 ViaFluor® 405 SE Cell Proliferation Kit 408/452
30086 ViaFluor® 488 SE Cell Proliferation Kit 493/532
30050 ViaFluor® CFSE Cell Proliferation Kit 495/519
ViaFluor® SE Cell Proliferation Dyes
Figure 1. Adherent HeLa cells and MCF-7 cells were labeled
with ViaFluor® 488 (green) and ViaFluor® 405 (blue),
respectively. The cells were then trypsinized, mixed, plated,
and grown in co-culture for four days.
ViaFluor® SE Cell Proliferation Kit Features
• Non-toxic dyes for covalent cytoplasm labeling
• Suitable for long-term imaging
• Toleratesxationandpermeabilization
• ViaFluor® 405 SE and ViaFluor® 488 SE offer
better performance and less toxicity than CFSE
Calcein AM is a widely used green uorescent live cell stain. The compound is initially a non-uorescent, membrane permeable compound. Once inside live cells,
cytoplasmic esterase activity converts calcein AM to the green uorescent, membrane-impermeant compound calcein that lls the entire cell (Fig. 2). We offer
high-purity Calcein AM as a solid or as a ready-to-use solution in the Calcein AM Cell Viability Assay Kit. Because calcein is only retained in cells with intact plasma
membranes, the Calcein AM Cell Viability Assay is a true live-cell endpoint assay that is compatible with microplate readers. Staining is fast and simple, requiring
only 30 minutes.
The Viability/Cytotoxicity Assay Kit for Animal Live & Dead Cells pairs calcein AM with the red dead cell stain Ethidium Homodimer III, to detect live
and dead cells by microplate reader, ow cytometry, or microscopy (Fig. 3).
Calcein AM for Cell Viability
Figure 2. Live HeLa cells labeled with Calcein AM.
Figure 3. HeLa cells stained with the Viability/Cytotoxicity
Assay Kit for Animal Live & Dead Cells. Live cells are stained
green, dead cells are stained red.
Cat. # Product Ex/Em (nm)
80011 Calcein AM
494/517 (hydrolyzed product)
30026 Calcein AM Cell Viability Assay Kit
Viability/Cytotoxicity Assay Kit for Animal
Live & Dead Cells
494/517 (Calcein AM)
522/593 (EthD-III)
Cytosolic Tracers
Pacic Blue is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientic.
4 • www.biotium.com
CellBrite™ Steady Features
• Rapid & uniform staining of live cell surface
membranes for 24 hours or longer
• Optional Enhancer masks intracellular signal
for selective imaging of cell surface
• Dye colors from blue to near-IR, with
STORM-compatible options
Membrane & Cell Surface Stains
CellBrite™ Steady Membrane Staining Kits
CellBrite™ Steady Membrane Staining Kits are unique uorescent membrane
probes that allow uorescence imaging of cell surface for up to several days
in culture. Unlike non-covalent lipophilic membrane stains that are rapidly lost
from the cell surface by endocytosis after labeling, CellBrite™ Steady Dyes
equilibrate between intracellular compartments and the plasma membrane.
Therefore, cells retain uniform cell surface and intracellular staining for 24
hours or longer (Fig. 1). CellBrite™ Steady Enhancer is an optional reagent
included in the kits that can be used to mask intracellular uorescence of
CellBrite™ Steady Dyes, for more selective visualization of cell boundaries.
Washing optional for confocal imaging, required for epiuorescence.
Staining is retained immediately after formaldehyde xation, but dye redistributes over time; if cells must be xed, image within 24 hours
Product Line Colors Protocol
Stain live
Stain xed
CellBrite™ &
CellBrite™ NIR
Membrane Dyes
Blue to
Stain in complete medium ~20 min
Washing required
Staining lost from cell surface over
time by internalization
Yes Yes (PFA)
Yes (PFA)
Does not
detergent or
MeOH xation
Lipophilic carbocyanine dyes
Non-toxic with minimal dye transfer between cells
Suitable for live-cell surface staining, transplantation, or co-culture
Can stain cell before or after PFA-xation
CellBrite™ Fix
Membrane Stains
Green, Red,
Stain in buffer 15 min
Washing optional
Yes No
Tolerates MeOH
xation &
Fixable membrane stains that tolerate permeabilization
For labeling cell surface before xation & immunouorescence
Non-toxic, but covalent modication of cell surface may affect function
MemBrite™ Fix
Cell Surface
Blue to
Treat with prestain solution 5 min
Stain in buffer 5 min
Washing required
Yes No
Tolerates MeOH
xation &
Fixable membrane stains that tolerate permeabilization
For labeling cell surface before xation & immunouorescence
STORM-compatible dye options
Non-toxic, but covalent modication of cell surface may affect function
& Other Lectin
Conjugates (p. 6)
Blue to
Stain in complete medium 10 min
Washing recommended
Yes Yes
Tolerates MeOH
xation &
Stain cells or tissue sections (staining is cell-type and tissue-dependent)
Many dye options, including STORM-compatible dyes
Binds to specic glycoproteins; staining may be toxic
CellBrite™ Steady
Membrane Dyes
Blue to
Stain in complete medium 30 min to
several days
No wash staining for confocal imaging
Equilibrates between cell surface and
intracellular compartments
Yes No
Yes (PFA)
Does not
detergent or
Unique probes for stable multi-day imaging of the cell surface membrane
Non-toxic, uniform, & even cell staining
Optional enhancer masks intracellular signal
STORM-compatible dye options
Membrane & Cell Surface Stains Comparison
Biotium offers a wide selection of highly uorescent and photostable stains to visualize cell boundaries and morphology in multi-color staining experiments. Our
novel CellBrite™ Fix and MemBrite™ Fix Membrane Stains are unique cell surface stains that can tolerate detergent permeabilization and methanol xation.
CellBrite™ Steady dyes are excellent for long-term imaging of cell surface membranes in live cells. Our original CellBrite™ Cytoplasmic Membrane Stains are
lipophilic dyes for simple, non-toxic, and stable labeling of membranes in live or xed cells. We also offer a several lectins conjugated to our bright and photostable
CF® dyes for cell surface staining after xation or permeabilization (see p. 6).
DiD Staining
30 minutes 3 hours
CellBrite™ Steady 650 + Enhancer
30 minutes 24 hours
Figure 1. Comparison of lipophilic carbocyanine dye DiD and CellBrite™ Steady
in live HeLa cells. DiD staining is heterogeneous and rapidly internalized into
intracellular compartments. In contrast, CellBrite™ Steady 650 gives even staining
of cell surface that can be clearly imaged after 24 hours in culture with the use
of Enhancer.
www.biotium.com • 5
CellBrite™ Fix and MemBrite™ Fix Features
• Toleratepermeabilizationandxation
• Stable and non-cytotoxic
• Simple and rapid staining protocols
• MemBrite™ Fix-ST dyes for STORM
• Suitable for mammalian cells, yeast, & bacteria
While other lipophilic membrane dyes such as DiB, DiO and DiI can be xed
with formaldehyde, they are not compatible with detergent permeabilization
or methanol xation. To address these issues Biotium developed the novel
CellBrite™ Fix and MemBrite™ Fix dyes. These are unique dyes that
accumulate at the cell surface and bind covalently to membrane proteins for
stable labeling. Both types of dyes can tolerate permeabilization and methanol
xation (Fig. 1), allowing membrane staining to be combined with intracellular
labeling with antibodies. Moreover, CellBrite™ Fix and MemBrite™ Fix dyes
offer greater water solubility compared to lipophilic carbocyanine dyes like
DiO and DiI, resulting in much more uniform staining. The dyes are also non-
cytotoxic and provide stable labeling that does not transfer readily between
cells, allowing co-culture experiments.
CellBrite™ Fix and MemBrite™ Fix
Membrane Dyes That Tolerate Permeabilization
Figure 1. CellBrite™ Fix and MemBrite™ Fix label the cell surface more evenly than
other lipophilic membrane stains, and tolerate xation and permeabilization. Because
CellBrite™ Fix and MemBrite™ Fix labeling is covalent, it does not redistribute after
permeabilization, unlike lipophilic carbocyanine dye DiI. Live HeLa cells were labeled with DiI,
CellBrite™ Fix 555, or MemBrite™ Fix 568/580. Cells were xed with 4% paraformaldehyde
(PFA) (left column), followed by permeabilization with 0.1% Triton® X-100 (center column), or
xed with methanol (MeOH) (right column).
DiI Staining
CellBrite™ Fix 555
MemBrite™ Fix 568/580
MeOH x
PFA x +
Triton® permPFA x
CellBrite™ Cytoplasmic Membrane Dyes
CellBrite™ Cytoplasmic Membrane dyes are lipophilic carbocyanine dyes like
DiI and DiO, which have been used extensively for cell tracing and tracking.
Unlike other membrane stains, these dyes can be used for selective plasma
membrane staining after cells are xed and permeabilized. We offer a selection
of dyes with uorescence ranging from blue to near-infrared. We also offer
CellBrite™ NIR dyes which are suitable for in vivo near-IR imaging in small
animals. Please visit our website to view our full selection of stand-alone
lipophilic carbocyanine dyes including DiO, DiI, and DiR.
Cat. # Product Ex/Em (nm)
30092 MemBrite™ Fix 405/430 Cell Surface Staining Kit 405/430
30093 MemBrite™ Fix 488/515 Cell Surface Staining Kit 488/515
30094 MemBrite™ Fix 543/560 Cell Surface Staining Kit 543/560
30095 MemBrite™ Fix 568/580 Cell Surface Staining Kit 568/580
30096 MemBrite™ Fix 594/615 Cell Surface Staining Kit 594/615
30097 MemBrite™ Fix 640/660 Cell Surface Staining Kit 640/660
30098 MemBrite™ Fix 660/680 Cell Surface Staining Kit 660/680
30099 MemBrite™ Fix 680/700 Cell Surface Staining Kit 680/700
30101 MemBrite™ Fix-ST 650/665 Cell Surface Staining Kit 650/665
30102 MemBrite™ Fix-ST 667/685 Cell Surface Staining Kit 667/685
30103 MemBrite™ Fix-ST 681/698 Cell Surface Staining Kit 681/698
30104 MemBrite™ Fix-ST 755/777 Cell Surface Staining Kit 755/777
MemBrite™ Fix Cell Surface Labeling Kits
Cat. # Product Ex/Em (nm)
30090 CellBrite™ Fix 488 Membrane Stain 480/513
30088 CellBrite™ Fix 555 Membrane Stain 542/571
30089 CellBrite™ Fix 640 Membrane Stain 638/667
CellBrite™ Fix Membrane Labeling Kits
Cat. # Product Ex/Em (nm)
30024 CellBrite™ Blue Cytoplasmic Membrane Staining Kit 366/441
30021 CellBrite™ Green Cytoplasmic Membrane Labeling Dye 484/501
30022 CellBrite™ Orange Cytoplasmic Membrane Labeling Dye 549/565
30023 CellBrite™ Red Cytoplasmic Membrane Labeling Dye 644/665
30070 CellBrite™ NIR680 Membrane Labeling Dye 683/724
30077 CellBrite™ NIR750 Membrane Labeling Dye 748/780
30078 CellBrite™ NIR770 Membrane Labeling Dye 767/806
30079 CellBrite™ NIR790 Membrane Labeling Dye 786/820
CellBrite™ & CellBrite™ NIR Cytoplasmic Membrane Dyes
Cat. # Product Ex/Em (nm)
30105 CellBrite™ Steady 405 Membrane Staining Kit 406/428
30106 CellBrite™ Steady 488 Membrane Staining Kit 505/529
30107 CellBrite™ Steady 550 Membrane Staining Kit 562/579
30108 CellBrite™ Steady 650 Membrane Staining Kit 656/676
30109 CellBrite™ Steady 685 Membrane Staining Kit 686/708
CellBrite™ Steady Membrane Labeling Kits
Membrane & Cell Surface Stains
6 • www.biotium.com
Lectin Conjugates and Lipid Stains
Intracellular lipid droplets are cytoplasmic organelles involved in the storage
and regulation of triglycerides and cholesterol esters. LipidSpot™ dyes are
uorogenic neutral lipid stains that rapidly stain lipid droplets with minimal
background staining of cellular membranes or other organelles (Fig. 2). The
protocol is simple and convenient, requiring as little as 30 minutes for incubation
before or after xation with no wash step required. LipidSpot™ dyes are
available in green or far-red uorescence with compatible detection channels
for FITC, Texas Red®, or Cy®5. LipidSpot™ 488 has green fluorescence for
the FITC channel and has been validated in super-resolution imaging by SIM.
LipidSpot™ 610 has red/far-red fluorescence than can be detected in the Texas
Red® or Cy® 5 channel.
LipidSpot™ Lipid Droplet Stains
Texas Red is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientic. Cy dye is a registered trademark
of GE Healthcare.
LipidSpot™ Lipid Droplet Stains
Cat. # Product Ex/Em (nm)
70065 LipidSpot™ 488 Lipid Droplet Stain, 1000X in DMSO 420/511
70069 LipidSpot™ 610 Lipid Droplet Stain, 1000X in DMSO 610/663
Cat. # Product Ex/Em (nm)
60022 Biotin-DHPE N/A
60023 Biotin-X-DHPE N/A
60024 Fluorescein-DHPE 496/519
60025 NBD-PE 463/536
60028 TRITC-DHPE 540/566
60026 Rhodamine-DHPE 560/581
60027 Texas Red®-DHPE 582/601
Phospholipid Probes
These membrane probes are derived from natural phospholipids by
modifying the head group with a uorescent dye or biotin. The probes are
useful for studying vesicle trafcking and membrane fusion. Red uorescent
phospholipids like TRITC-, Rhodamine-, and Texas Red®-DHPE have been
used as uorescence acceptors in combination with NBD-DHPE in membrane
fusion assays.
Labeled Phospholipids
LipidSpot™ Features
• Rapid staining of lipid droplets
• Compatiblewithliveorxedcells
• Simple protocol with no wash step
• Minimal background staining
• Detect in FITC, Texas Red®, or Cy®5 channels
CF ® Dye Labeled Lectins
Dye Ex/Em (nm) Con A PNA WGA
CF®350 347/448 29015 --- 29021
CF®405S 404/431 29075 --- 29027
CF®405M 408/452 29074 --- 29028
CF®488A 490/515 29016 29060 29022
CF®532 527/558 --- --- 29064
CF®555 555/565 --- --- 29076
CF®568 562/583 --- 29061 29077
CF®594 593/614 29017 29062 29023
CF®633 630/650 29018 --- 29024
CF®640R 642/662 29019 29063 29026
CF®680 681/698 29020 --- 29029
CF®680R 680/701 --- --- 29025
CF®750 755/777 29080 --- ---
CF®770 770/797 29058 --- 29059
CF® Dye Lectins
Lectins are carbohydrate binding proteins that recognize specic sugar moieties
on cell surface glycoproteins. They can be used to stain the cell surface of live
cells; and withstand xation and permeabilization. When cells are xed and
permeabilized before staining, uorescent lectins stain both cell surface and
organelles in the secretory pathway. Biotium offers CF® dye lectin conjugates
of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) (Fig. 1), concanavalin A (Con A), and peanut
lectin from Arachis hypogaea (PNA) in a variety of colors. Con A conjugates are
used to stain the yeast cell wall and WGA conjugates are used to stain yeast
bud scars. WGA may also be used as a live-cell Gram stain for bacteria.
Figure 1. Live HeLa cells stained with CF®488A
WGA (green) and Hoechst 3342 (blue).
Figure 2. Oleic acid-treated HeLa cells were
xed with formaldehyde and stained with
LipidSpot™ 488 (green), CF®594 WGA (red),
and Hoechst (blue).
www.biotium.com • 7
Nuclear Stains
NucSpot® Nuclear Stains for Live or Fixed Cells
NucSpot® Live Cell Nuclear Stains are cell-permeable DNA dyes that stain
nuclei in live or fixed cells. Staining is specific, non-toxic, and does not
require a wash step, so staining can be continuously monitored for several
days. NucSpot® Live 488 has green uorescence and NucSpot® Live 650 has
far-red uorescence for the Cy®5 channel (Fig. 1). NucSpot® Live 650 is also
suitable for super-resolution imaging techniques such as STORM or SIM.
Figure 2. Formaldehyde xed and detergent permeabilized HeLa
cells stained with RedDot™2 (A) or Draq7™ (B). Actin is stained with
CF®488A phalloidin (green).
A. RedDot™2 B. Draq7™
A. NucSpot® Live 488 B. NucSpot® Live 650
Figure 1. Live HeLa cells stained with 1X NucSpot® Live 488 (A)
or 1X NucSpot® Live 650 (B).
Draq7 is a trademark of Biostatus, Ltd. Cy Dye is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare.
In-Cell Western is a trademark of LI-COR® Biosciences. SYTOX, TOTO, and TO-PRO are
registered trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientic.
*With DNA
Cat. # Product Ex/Em (nm)
40081 NucSpot® Live 488 Nuclear Stain, 1000X in DMSO 500/515
40082 NucSpot® Live 650 Nuclear Stain, 1000X in DMSO 650/675
40083 NucSpot® 470 Nuclear Stain, 1000X in DMSO 460/546
40060 RedDot™1 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in Water 662/694*
40061 RedDot™2 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in DMSO 665/695*
40011 DAPI 358/461*
40044 Hoechst 33258, 10 mg/mL in H
O 352/461
40046 Hoechst 33342, 10 mg/mL in H
O 350/461
Nuclear Stains
RedDot™1 and RedDot™2 are far-red nuclear counterstains for the Cy®5
channel. RedDot™1 rapidly and specically stains nuclei in live cells, and can
be used for cell cycle analysis by ow cytometry or for cell normalization by
In-Cell Western™. It has also been used to stain nuclei in live atworms.
RedDot™2 is membrane impermeant and can be used to selectively stain dead
cells, or as a nuclear counterstain for xed cells. RedDot™2 is functionally
similar to Draq7™, but with better nuclear specicity in xed cells and does not
require a blocking step for nuclear-specic staining (Fig. 2).
RedDot™1 and RedDot™ 2 Far-Red Nuclear Stains
NucSpot® 470 is a cell membrane-impermeant green fluorescent DNA
stain. While other green nucleic acid stains like TOTO®, TO-PRO®, or
SYTOX® dyes stain both the nucleus and cytoplasm, NucSpot® 470
specifically stains the nucleus of fixed and permeabilized cells. It can also
be used to selectively stain dead cells in living cultures. It can be imaged
using standard settings for FITC, and is an excellent match for instruments
with blue LED excitation.
NucSpot® 470 Nuclear Stain for Dead or Fixed Cells
NucSpot® Features
• Excellentnuclearspecicity,noRNaseor
washing required
• Greenorfar-reduorescence
• NucSpot® Live Stains have low toxicity and are
suitable for long-term imaging
• NucSpot®470stainsdeadorxedcells
RedDot™ 1 Features
• Cell-permeable, for staining live cells
• Canbeusedforcellcycleanalysisbyow
RedDot™ 2 Features
• Forxedcellsortissues,orselectivedeadcell
• Morenuclear-specicthanDraq5™or
Draq7™, with no RNase or wash required
We offer a number of widely used nuclear specic dyes for microscopy
analysis. This includes DAPI and Hoechst, commonly used for live or xed cell
nuclear staining. We also offer antibody conjugates that label nuclei, nuclear
membranes, and nucleoli.
Visit our website at www.biotium.com to view our full selection of dead cell
nucleic acid stains like propidium iodide (PI), 7-AAD, Ethidium Homodimer
III, dimeric cyanine dyes (also known as TOTO® and TO-PRO®), as well as
mounting media with DAPI.
Other Nucleic Acid Dyes
8 • www.biotium.com
Mitochondrial Stains
Geometric mean (FL4-H)
Figure 2. Flow cytometry analysis of Jurkat cells treated
with CCCP to depolarize the mitochondrial membrane or
staurosporine to induce apoptosis, resulting in decreased
MitoView™ 633 staining.
Figure 1. Live HeLa cells stained with MitoView™ 405 (A), MitoView™ Green (B),
MitoView™ 633 (C), or MitoView™ 720 (D).
A. MitoView™ 405 B. MitoView™ Green
C. MitoView™ 633 D. MitoView™ 720
MitoView™ 633 also has red uorescence in the Cy®3/rhodamine channel. It is not recommended
for imaging with other red uorescent probes.
While optimal for Cy®7 settings, MitoView™ 720 is bright enough to be imaged in the Cy®5
channel, and can be combined with visible red uorescent probes.
Dyes with partial mitochondrial membrane potential dependence localize to the cytoplasm after
mitochondrial depolarization, but still retain uorescence.
Cat. # Product Ex/Em (nm)
70070 MitoView™ 405 398/440 Partial
70054 MitoView™ Green 490/523 No
70055 MitoView™ 633 622/648
70075 MitoView™ 650 644/670 Partial
70068 MitoView™ 720 720/758
MitoView™ Dyes
Cat. # Product Features
NucView® 488 and MitoView™
633 Apoptosis Kit
Two color detection of caspase-3 activity
and mitochondrial potential
JC-1 Mitochondrial Membrane
Potential Detection Kit
Two-color detection of mitochondria
Assay Kits
Cy Dye is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare.
MitoView™ Features
• Rapid, no-wash, live cell mitochondria stains
• Bright, photostable, and non-toxic
• Availableinvecolorswithblue,green,far-red,
or near-IR emission
• Options for mitochondrial potential-dependent
or -independent staining
MitoView Dyes
MitoView™ dyes are uorogenic mitochondrial stains for live cells (Fig. 1).
The dyes rapidly stain mitochondria without a wash step, and are non-toxic
for live-cell imaging. They are available with blue, green, far-red, and near-
infrared uorescence. MitoView™ 633 can be used to monitor mitochondrial
membrane potential by microscopy or ow cytometry (Fig. 2). We also offer
MitoView™ Green, a potential-independent mitochondrial dye that can be
imaged following mitochondrial depolarization, or after xation. MitoView™ dyes
stain mitochondria in yeast, and also stain bacteria (gram-positive and gram-
More Mitochondrial Dyes
Cat. # Product Ex/Em (nm)
70014 JC-1, Iodide Salt
510/527; 585/590* Ratiometric*
70011 JC-1, Chloride Salt
70010 Rhodamine 123 505/534 Yes
70016 TMRE
549/574 Yes
70005 TMRE, 2 mM in DMSO
70017 TMRM 548/573 Yes
70018 DASPEI 461/589 Yes
70015 DiIC
(5) 638/658 Yes
70012 Nonyl Acridine Orange (NAO) 495/522 No
*JC-1 forms red uorescent aggregates in polarized mitochondria, and green uorescent monomers
in cytoplasm
Other Mitochondrial Dyes and Antibodies
We offer a wide selection of classic mitochondrial membrane-potential dyes
including Rhodamine 123 and TMRE/TMRM. JC-1 dye can be used for
ratiometric measurements of mitochondrial potential, while NAO is a green
potential-independent dye that binds cardiolipin phosphoprotein in mitochondria.
For xed cells and tissues we recommend using mitochondrial localized
antibodies. We offer several mitochondrial localized primary antibodies
conjugated to our bright and photostable CF® dyes. Visit our website at
www.biotium.com to learn more.
www.biotium.com • 9
Lysosomal Stains
LysoTracker is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientic
Cy Dye is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare.
Figure 2. pH dependence of LysoView™ 633 uorescence emission.
625 650 675 700 725
Wavelength (nm)
pH 2
pH 3
pH 4
pH 5
pH 6
pH 7
pH 8
pH 9
pH ≤ 5
pH 6
pH 7
pH 8
pH 9
Figure 1. Live HeLa cells stained with LysoView™ 405 (A), LysoView™ 488 (B),
LysoView™ 540 (red) and Hoechst 33342 (blue) (C), or LysoView™ 650 (magenta)
and MitoView™ Green (D).
C. LysoView™ 540 D. LysoView™ 650
A. LysoView™ 405 B. LysoView™ 488
Cat. # Product Ex/Em (nm)
70061 LysoView™ 405, 1000X in DMSO 318, 400/464
70061 LysoView™ 488, 1000X in DMSO 506/532
70061 LysoView™ 540, 1000X in DMSO 541/634*
70058 LysoView™ 633 (1000X)** 634/659*
70059 LysoView™ 650, 1000X in DMSO 650/675
*pH ≤ 5
**After reconstitution
LysoView™ Dyes
LysoView™ Dyes
LysoView™ dyes are uorescent stains for imaging lysosome localization and morphology in live cells. LysoView™ dyes belong to a family of lysosomotropic
dyes with weakly basic amine groups that accumulate in acidic organelles. LysoView™ dyes are available with blue, green, red, and far-red uorescence (Fig. 1).
Red uorescent LysoView™ 540 and far-red uorescent LysoView™ 633 dyes exhibit pH-dependent uorescence (Fig. 2), resulting in specic lysosomal staining
without a wash step. LysoView™ 488 has been validated for super-resolution imaging by SIM, while LysoView™ 650 is compatible with SIM and STED.
LysoView™ Features
• Fluorescent imaging of lysosomes in live cells
• Highlyspecic,no-washstainingofacidic
• Dyes available for DAPI, FITC, Cy®3, and
Cy®5 channels
• LysoView™ 650 compatible with SIM and
STED imaging
• Options for yeast and bacteria staining
Visit website for details
Figure 3. LysoView™ 633 compared to LysoTracker® Deep Red. Live HeLa
cells were stained for 10 minutes at 37
C with 1X LysoView™ 633 or 50 nM
LysoTracker® Deep Red (Thermo Fisher Scientic). LysoView™ 633 (A) showed
more specic lysosomal staining with less cytoplasmic staining compared to
LysoTracker® Deep Red (B).
A. LysoView 633 B. LysoTracker® Deep Red
10 • www.biotium.com
A. ViaFluor® 405, B. ViaFluor® 488
C. ViaFluor® 647 D. ViaFluor® 647
Figure 1. Live HeLa cells stained with ViaFluor® 405 microtubule stain (blue) and
LysoView™ 540 (red) (A). HeLa cells stained with ViaFluor® 488 microtubule stain
(B). Live MCF-7 cells stained with ViaFluor® 647 microtubule stain (C). Dividing HeLa
cell stained with ViaFluor® 647 microtubule stain showing mitotic spindle (magenta).
DNA is stained with Hoechst 33342 (blue) (D).
Figure 2. HeLa cells stained with CF®405M
phalloidin (blue) and RedDot™2 Far-Red Nuclear
Stain (magenta).
Cat. # Product Ex/Em (nm)
ViaFluor® 405 Live Cell Microtubule Stain,
1000X in DMSO
ViaFluor® 488 Live Cell Microtubule Stain,
1000X in DMSO
ViaFluor® 647 Live Cell Microtubule Stain,
1000X in DMSO
ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains
Alexa Fluor, Texas Red, and DyLight are registered trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientic. Cy
Dye is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare. TAXOL is a registered trademark of Bristol-Myers
ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains are simple, rapid, and sensitive
stains for imaging the microtubule cytoskeleton in live cells (Fig.1). The
stains are uorescent, cell-permeable TAXOL® (paclitaxel) probes which
label the cytoskeleton by binding to polymerized tubulin. Though TAXOL® is
known for stabilizing microtubules and inhibiting mitosis, ViaFluor® Live Cell
Microtubule Stains are less disruptive of microtubule dynamics and cell division.
Presumably, this is because of the lower binding afnity of TAXOL® when
conjugated to a uorescent dye. The stains are supplied with a vial of verapamil,
an efux pump inhibitor that may improve probe retention and staining in certain
cell types. ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains are not suitable for xation
after staining and cannot be used with xed cells or tissues.
Biotium offers blue uorescent ViaFluor® 405, green uorescent ViaFluor® 488,
and far-red uorescent ViaFluor® 647 Live Cell Microtubule Stains. ViaFluor®
647 Microtubule Stain is compatible with super-resolution imaging by STED.
ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains Phalloidin conjugates
Phalloidin is a toxin isolated from the Amanita phalloides mushroom. It is a
bicyclic peptide that binds specically to F-actin (Fig. 2). Unlike antibodies,
the binding of phalloidin is not species-specic, and non-specic staining is
negligible. Biotium offers phalloidin conjugated to a large selection of CF® dyes
which are unrivaled in brightness, photostability, and water solubility compared
to competing dyes such as Alexa Fluor®, DyLight®, and Cy® dyes. A number
of our CF® dyes have also been validated for super-resolution imaging by
STORM, STED, SIM, and other methods.
Cytoskeleton Probes
Cat #. Product Ex/Em (nm)
00049 CF®350 Phalloidin 347/448
00034 CF®405M Phalloidin 408/452
00054 CF®430 Phalloidin 426/498
00055 CF®440 Phalloidin 440/515
00042 CF®488A Phalloidin 490/515
00051 CF®532 Phalloidin 527/558
00043 CF®543 Phalloidin 541/560
00040 CF®555 Phalloidin 555/565
00044 CF®568 Phalloidin 562/583
00045 CF®594 Phalloidin 593/614
00046 CF®633 Phalloidin 630/650
00050 CF®640R Phalloidin 642/662
00041 CF®647 Phalloidin 650/665
00052 CF®660C Phalloidin 667/685
00047 CF®660R Phalloidin 663/682
00053 CF®680 Phalloidin 681/698
00048 CF®680R Phalloidin 680/701
CF Dye® Phalloidin Conjugates
Cat #. Product Ex/Em (nm)
00028 Phalloidin, Biotin-XX N/A
00030 Phalloidin, Fluorescein 496/516
00032 Phalloidin, Rhodamine 110 502/524
00027 Phalloidin, Rhodamine 540/565
00033 Phalloidin, Sulforhodamine 101 (Texas Red®) 591/608
Other Phalloidin Conjugates
www.biotium.com • 11
Endosomal Tracers
Dextrans are water soluble branched-chain polysaccharides. Fluorescently
labeled dextrans are used as markers for trafcking of uid phase endocytic
cargo to lysosomes. In addition, dextrans may be used as tracers for epithelial
and endothelial permeability as well as microinjected tracers for neuronal
morphology. CF® Dye Dextrans are available with a variety of dye colors and
molecular weights ranging from 3,500 to 250,000.
CF® Dye Dextran Conjugates
CF® Dye Transferrin Conjugates
Transferrin is a glycoprotein iron carrier that delivers iron to vertebrate cells
via receptor-mediated endocytosis. Labeled human holo-transferrin is useful
for microscopic studies of the endosomal pathway and/or transferrin uptake.
After transferrin binds to its receptor on the cell surface, it is rapidly internalized
by invagination of clathrin-coated pits. Inside endocytic vesicles, the acidic
environment causes dissociation of iron from the transferrin-receptor complex.
The apotransferrin is then recycled to the plasma membrane. We offer human
transferrin labeled with a selection of our bright and photostable CF® dyes for
imaging of recycling endosomes by microscopy.
CF® Dye Cholera Toxin Subunit B Conjugates
Cholera toxin is the symptom-causing toxin produced by the bacteria Vibrio
cholerae. Cholera toxin subunit B (CT-B) is the non-toxic receptor binding
subunit that binds to ganglioside GM1 in lipid rafts on the plasma membrane.
Fluorescently labeled conjugates of CT-B are useful as endocytic tracers
because the subunit is internalized by clathrin-dependent and -independent
pathways. CT-B conjugates can also be used to label lipid rafts on the cell
surface and as a retrograde neuronal tracer.
Figure 1. Live HeLa cells stained with CF®568 dextran (red)
and counterstained with Hoechst (blue).
Dye Ex/Em (nm) BSA
Toxin B
3.5K MW
10K MW
40K MW
70K MW
150K MW
250K MW
CF®350 347/448 --- --- --- 80137 --- --- --- --- ---
CF®488A 490/515 20289 00070 00081 --- 80110 80126 80117 80131 80134
CF®532 527/558 --- 00074 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
CF®543 541/560 --- 00075 00082 --- 80111 --- --- --- ---
CF®555 555/565 --- --- --- --- 80112 --- --- --- ---
CF®568 562/583 --- 00071 00083 --- 80113 --- --- --- ---
CF®594 593/614 20290 00072 00084 --- 80114 --- --- --- ---
CF®620R 617/639 --- 00076 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
CF®633 630/650 --- 00077 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
CF®640R 642/662 20291 00073 00085 --- 80115 --- --- --- ---
CF®660R 663/682 --- 00078 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
CF®680 681/698 20292 --- --- --- 80118 80127 80129 80132 80135
CF®680R 680/701 --- 00079 00086 --- 80116 --- --- --- ---
CF®750 755/777 --- --- 00087 --- 80119 80128 80130 80133 80136
CF®770 770/797 --- --- 29059 --- 80120 80122 80123 80124 80125
CF®790 784/806 --- --- --- --- 80121 --- --- --- ---
CF ® Dye Labeled Endosomal Tracers
Bovine Serum Albumin CF® Dye Conjugates
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) conjugates are commonly used as protein
tracers for studying the rate of receptor-mediated endocytosis and exocytosis
during vesicle trafcking. Fluorescent BSA conjugates also have been used for
quantitative studies of electroporation and measurement of plasma volume in
rats. We offer BSA conjugates with four of our bright and photostable CF® dyes.
Figure 2. Live HeLa cells were stained with CF®488A
transferrin (green) and DAPI (blue).
General Inquiries: [email protected]
Technical Support: [email protected]
Phone: 800-304-5357
Biotium, Inc.
46117 Landing Parkway
Fremont, CA 94538 USA
About Us
At Biotium, we are dedicated to developing cutting-edge uorescent
solutions for life science research. Our efforts have resulted in a growing
number of unique and industry-leading uorescence-based technologies for
a wide array of biological research applications. Our products are available
in the U.S. through our website, and worldwide through our extensive
network of domestic and international distributors.
We license our technologies to a number of international biotechnology
companies, and collaborate with academic laboratories to develop tools for
the constantly evolving research community. We welcome inquiries about
licensing the use of our dyes, technologies, or trademarks; email us at
Biotium implements a Quality System, certied by QAS according to
Standard QAS ISO 9001:2015.