Degrees & Awards
The New Jersey FFA Degree & Awards Program provides members the opportunity to earn degrees
and awards based on their SAE programs, involvement, and contributions within the FFA at the
chapter, state, and national levels.
The purposes of this publication are to (1) explain the FFA degree program, (2) provide detailed
information regarding the types of degrees and various awards available to members, (3) provide
information regarding state degree check, and (4) provide important information regarding the
completion of degree and award applications.
New Jersey FFA will utilize AET for the State and American FFA Degrees, Proficiency Awards, and all
Star Awards. Students can access applications by logging into www.theaet.com and using the
Degree/Application Manager in the “Reports” tab. First-time users will need to create an account
with the help of their chapter FFA advisor.
The Agricultural Experience Tracker (AET)
All FFA members have free access to AET. Members should ask their FFA Advisors for access to
their account. Chapter and State level applications are locked to AET records. This means students
will need to make sure records are accurately and completely filled out in the AET record keeping
system. There are numerous teacher and student help resources available on www.theaet.com
and a variety of professional development workshops held throughout the year to assist with AET.
Students are to complete the following applications through www.theaet.com. Applications with
an asterisk (*) are locked to AET records and do not allow for manual entry of information, unless
specified. Only online versions of these applications will be accepted. All other applications are
obsolete and will not be accepted.
American Degree
Garden State FFA Degree*
Star Applications
o Greenhand*
o Chapter*
o State*
o American
Proficiency Application
Research Proficiency Application
New Jersey FFA Degree & Award Programs Handbook 2023-2024
FFA Degree Program
The FFA Degree program represents a member’s progress through the phases of their leadership,
academic, and career skill development. For members to earn and be awarded at each degree
advancement, they must achieve the specific constitutional requirements as outlined in the New
Jersey FFA and National FFA constitution. The five different degree levels for members include:
Discovery, Greenhand, Chapter FFA, Garden State FFA, and American FFA.
Information for each degree can be found in their entirety in Article II of the New Jersey FFA By-
Laws: https://nj.gov/agriculture/ag_ed/ffa/activity/1.002.pdf.
Discovery FFA Degree
The Discovery FFA Degree is awarded at the chapter level to students in grades 7 - 8
who are enrolled in agricultural science courses. To receive a Discovery Degree,
members must meet the requirements as outlined in the New Jersey FFA By-Laws.
Receipt of the Discovery FFA Degree is not necessary to obtain the Greenhand FFA
Degree or subsequent degrees.
Greenhand FFA Degree
The Greenhand FFA Degree is awarded at the chapter level. To receive the
Greenhand FFA Degree members must be enrolled in an Agriculture, Food and
Natural Resource course while meeting the requirements listed in the New Jersey
FFA By-Laws. In addition to the Greenhand FFA Degree, members may receive a
bronze FFA pin from their local chapter.
(Other requirements may be established by the chapter.)
Chapter FFA Degree
The Chapter FFA Degree is awarded at the chapter level. To receive a Chapter FFA
Degree, members must meet the requirements listed in the New Jersey FFA By-
Laws. Members must hold the Greenhand Degree to receive the Chapter Degree. In
addition to the Chapter FFA Degree, members may receive a silver FFA pin from
their local chapter.
(Other requirements may be established by the chapter.)
Garden State FFA Degree
The Garden State FFA Degree is the highest degree the state association can bestow
upon a member. The Garden State FFA Degree is designed to recognize students
who have developed an outstanding supervised agricultural experience program
throughout their FFA career. The Garden State FFA Degree should be the ultimate
goal of all FFA members. In order to receive the Garden State FFA Degree, members
must meet the minimum requirements as outlined in the New Jersey FFA By-Laws
which includes holding the Greenhand and Chapter FFA Degrees. A maximum of 45
hours from a foundational SAE will be counted toward fulfilling degree
requirements for advanced FFA degrees above the Chapter Degree. In addition to
receiving the Garden State FFA Degree certificate, members receive a gold FFA
charm from the state FFA association.
New Jersey FFA Degree & Award Programs Handbook 2023-2024
American FFA Degree
The American FFA Degree is awarded to members who have demonstrated the
highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their
supervised agricultural experience. The American FFA Degree is awarded at the
National FFA Convention and Expo each year. The coveted American FFA Degree is
awarded to less than 1% of FFA members making it the most prestigious degree and
one of the organization’s highest honors. In addition to the degree, each recipient
receives a gold American FFA Degree key from the National FFA Organization.
Pages 5-7 include a chart that compares the requirements for each degree.
Degree Selection Process
Discovery, Greenhand and Chapter degrees are selected at the chapter level. Each chapter must
determine their process for selecting and recognizing members for attainment of theses degrees.
Garden State degrees are selected at the state level. Applications received by March 15 are
reviewed by the State FFA Advisor and/or State FFA Specialist and a special review committee. If
an applicant fails to meet the expectations for the degree, feedback is provided and a short
opportunity for resubmission is granted. Applicants are notified via email regarding the status of
their application. State FFA Degree Candidates will receive a certificate and degree charm at the
State FFA Convention in May. Please see pages 12-13 of this handbook for an overview of the
application submission process.
American degrees are reviewed and recommended by the National FFA Board of Directors, and
final approval is given by the delegates present at the national FFA convention. However,
applications of the candidates are reviewed by the State FFA Advisor and/or State FFA Specialist
and a special review committee before being certified for consideration. Applications must be
received by March 15. If an applicant fails to meet the state-level expectations for the degree,
feedback is provided and a short opportunity for resubmission is granted. It is NOT guaranteed
that additional time will be granted for revisions once the applications are certified with the
National FFA Organization. Applicants are notified via email regarding the status of their
application. American FFA Degree candidates are recognized at the State FFA Convention in May
and if approved, will receive a certificate and degree key at the National FFA Convention in
October/November. Please see pages 12-13 of this handbook for an overview of the application
submission process.
New Jersey FFA Degree & Award Programs Handbook 2023-2024
Star Awards
The New Jersey FFA Star Award program is designed to recognize the most outstanding
production, agribusiness, placement, and agriscience based Supervised Agricultural Experience
(SAE) programs at the local and state levels. The New Jersey FFA Association recognizes star
winners at the greenhand, chapter, and state degree level. American Star Awards are also
available, but not awarded on the state level. American Star candidates are selected by a state
review committee, and applications are forwarded to the National FFA Organization for
Star applicants must demonstrate fulfillment of the minimum requirements of the degree level
corresponding to their award and meet the criteria of the division in which they are applying. In
addition to the levels, each star applicant will apply within a specific division that fits their SAE.
Members may apply for recognition in only one division per year. Please see pages 12-13 of
this handbook for an overview of the application submission process.
Star Award Selection Process
Star Greenhand and Star Chapter Awards are based on application only. After being selected at
the local level, members may apply to compete at the state level by submitting an application.
Applications are due November 1. Applicants MUST have been selected by their respective
chapter for local level recognition in the school year prior to applying. Only one application per
level and category per chapter are permissible. A special committee will review applications
and select award winners. Applicants are notified via email regarding the status of their
Star State Awards are based on an application and an interview. Applications are due March 15
with the Garden State FFA Degree applications. There is no limit to how many applications a
chapter can submit. A special committee will select up to four finalists in each category.
Finalists will interview with a panel of judges at the State FFA Convention in May. This panel of
judges will select the award winners. Schedules for interview times will be communicated via
All Star Award winners will be recognized on stage during the New Jersey FFA Convention and
will receive a Star Award winner certificate, pin and monetary award.
Star Greenhand: $50
Star Chapter (up to four awards farmer, agribusiness, agricultural placement,
agriscience): $100 each
Star State (up to four awards farmer, agribusiness, agricultural placement,
agriscience): $300 each
New Jersey FFA Degree & Award Programs Handbook 2023-2024
Star Degree Levels
Star Greenhand Degree candidates must have been recognized by their chapter
as a Star Greenhand in their first year of membership at or above the 9
level and apply in the November following. One overall award will be presented.
Star Chapter Degree candidates must have been recognized by their chapter as a
Star Chapter Award winner in the year following the first year of membership
above the 9
grade level and apply in the November following. Up to four
awards will be presented one for each category.
Star Garden State Degree candidates must apply during the same membership
year that their respective degree application is submitted for consideration.
Finalists will be contacted for scheduling interviews. Up to four awards will be
presented one for each category.
Star Category Criteria
Star Farmer recognizes students with SAEs that involve
ownership/entrepreneurship in production agriculture. This includes the
production of animals, grain crops, tree production, etc.
Star in Agribusiness recognizes students with SAEs that involve
ownership/entrepreneurship in non-production agriculture. Examples include
but are not limited to, lawn care services, crop consulting services, and
equipment repair services.
Star in Agricultural Placement recognizes students with SAEs that involve
working for an agricultural producer or agribusiness. The placement does not
have to be a paid position, although the applicant must have enough hours,
earnings, and investment to qualify for the degree.
Star in Agriscience recognizes students with SAEs that involve planning and
conducting a scientific experiment based on a hypothesis and the use of the
scientific method of investigation on the hypothesis. This may include
qualitative research, quantitative research, experimental research, descriptive
research, or quasi experimental research. Members who work for agricultural
laboratories but are not performing their own research should apply in the
agricultural placement category.
*Candidates who have SAE projects of multiple types must decide which their strongest type is
and complete the Star application with ONLY that information. However, information from all
SAE types may be included in the Garden State FFA Degree application.
New Jersey FFA Degree & Award Programs Handbook 2023-2024
What are they?
Agricultural Proficiency Awards are based entirely on a member’s Supervised
Agricultural Experience (SAE). These awards recognize individuals skills and
career-based competencies developed through multiple yeas of participation in
Immersion type SAE projects.
Agricultural Proficiency Awards are divided into “areas” where members
exploring or becoming established in specific agricultural career pathways can
receive recognition. Each area has a specific description that the SAE project
must fit to apply in that area.
Proficiency award areas do not and are not meant to define SAEs. Not all SAE
projects will have a proficiency award area to be recognized in, though areas are
added and updated each year, attempting to include as many SAE projects as
Award Application Types
Once the correct SAE type is determined, the next step is to select the correct Agricultural
Proficiency Award application type. There are four application types:
ENTREPRENEURSHIP The application type is for Ownership/Entrepreneurship
SAE projects, School-based Enterprise SAE projects, and some Service-Learning
SAE projects.
PLACEMENT This application type is for all Placement/Internship SAE projects
and some Service-Learning SAE projects.
COMBINED This application type is for applicants who have multiple SAE
projects, some of which fit into the Entrepreneurship application type and
some of which fit into the Placement application type. This application allows
both SAE types to be included.
AGRISCIENCE RESEARCH This application type is for Research SAE projects. If
you determine you have an Agricultural Research SAE, go to the National FFA
Agriscience Research Proficiency Awards Handbook for information specific to
this agricultural proficiency award type.
Award Areas
The list of available Agricultural Proficiency Award areas is updated yearly and released each
fall. The current list is available on the Agricultural Proficiency Awards webpage of FFA.org.
Carefully review the current year's award area list to find an award area description that
matches the SAE project(s). Read all possible award areas to be certain. Some types of
agriculture are specifically specified in certain areas. If the wrong award area is selected, the
application will perform poorly in the judging process.
With constant changes in agriculture and the creativity of students, parents and advisors, it is
possible to have an SAE project that will not fit into any Agricultural Proficiency Award area.
Updates are made each year, attempting to include all types of SAE projects.
New Jersey FFA Degree & Award Programs Handbook 2023-2024
Competition and Recognition Levels
Agricultural Proficiency Awards start competing at the chapter level and are narrowed down
through multiple levels of competition until a single national winner in each award area is
named at the National FFA Convention & Expo. Opportunities for awards and recognition are
provided at each level.
CHAPTER Agricultural Proficiency Award applications start the competition process
at the local chapter level. Check local chapter rules to ensure eligibility, meet local
deadlines, and use the correct application forms and procedures. Chapters have many
options to provide recognition to local winners. Certificates, pins, plaques and even
cash awards may be offered.
STATENew Jersey FFA Agricultural Proficiency Award applications are due March 15.
Only one application per area per chapter is permissible each year. A special
committee will review applications and one winner in each award area is selected.
Applicants are notified via email regarding the status of their application. All
Proficiency Award winners will be recognized on stage during the New Jersey FFA
Convention and will receive a certificate and $250. Award winners will have time to
update their application before it is submitted for National consideration. Please see
pages 12-13 of this handbook for an overview of the application submission process.
NATIONALThe National FFA Organization allows each state association to submit
one national competitor in each current year's Agricultural Proficiency Award area for
competition at the national level. Each state association may submit only FFA
members from their association. National-level competitors receive a rating of
Participant, Bronze, Silver, Gold, National Finalist, or National Winner from the
national judges.
o Participant RatingApplications rated Participant are not recognized on the
national website or provided an award pin. These applications generally have
major errors such as being submitted on the wrong application type, being
non-agricultural or being submitted in the wrong proficiency award area.
o Gold, Silver, BronzeApplicants are listed on the National FFA Organization
website and receive a bronze, silver, or gold medallion to wear on their FFA
jacket. Gold-rated applications received high scores from judges. Silver-rated
applications received middle scores, and bronze-rated applications received
low scores from the judges.
o National FinalistFour competitors in each award area are rated National
Finalist. These applicants move on to the finals round of judging
and are expected to attend the National FFA Convention & Expo to be
recognized in person. These applications are recognized on the National FFA
Organization website and may receive certificates, medals, plaques, or cash
o National WinnerOne applicant from the four National Finalists is selected
in the finals round of judging as the National Winner. This achievement is
announced live during the National FFA Convention & Expo. The national
winner is recognized on the National FFA Organization website and may
receive additional certificates, medals, plaques, or cash awards.
New Jersey FFA Degree & Award Programs Handbook 2023-2024
Guidelines for Submitting Degree & Award Applications
All Degree & Award Applications will be approved by chapter FFA advisors in AET using the
“Submission Lists & Feedback” portal in the Reports tab. This replaces the Degree & Proficiency
Application Submission Summary form previously used. All applications must be added to the
submission list by 11:59 PM on March 15.
Proficiency Award Application Submission Guidelines
o Complete the National FFA Proficiency Award Application in the Degree/Application
Manager in AET.
o Ensure all items in the Checklist are MET.
o Save your application to generate a version #.
o Advisors must add the application to the Submission List in AET by 11:59 PM on
March 15.
o Be sure the most recent version of the application is added!
o DO NOT email or send physical copies of the application to the Office of FANRE.
Only applications listed in the Submission List will be reviewed.
American FFA Degree & American Star Application Submission
o Complete the National FFA American FFA Degree Application in the Degree/Application
Manager in AET.
o Ensure all items in the Checklist are MET.
o Save your application to generate a version #.
o Advisors must add application to the Submission List in AET by 11:59 PM on March 15.
o Be sure the most recent version of the application is added!
o DO NOT email or send physical copies of the application to the Office of FANRE.
Only applications listed in the Submission List will be reviewed.
o SPECIAL NOTE: To be considered as an American Star Candidate, you must click
“yes” on the Cover Page to the prompt, “I would like to complete additional pages in
this application to be considered for an American Star.” Clicking “yes” will
automatically populate the American Star application sections that are to be
completed at the same time as the American Degree application.
Garden State FFA Degree Application Submission Guidelines
o Complete the AET State Degree Application in the Degree/Application Manager in
AET. ALL other State Degree applications are obsolete!
o Ensure all items in the Checklist are MET.
o Save your application to generate a version #.
o Advisors must add application to the Submission List in AET by 11:59 PM on March 15.
o Be sure the most recent version of the application is added!
o DO NOT email or send physical copies of the application to the Office of FANRE.
Only applications listed in the Submission List will be reviewed.
New Jersey FFA Degree & Award Programs Handbook 2023-2024
Star Award Submission Guidelines
Complete the AET Degree application that corresponds to the level star award for
which you are applying Greenhand, Chapter, State. All items must be MET before
you can proceed to the Star Award application. SPECIAL NOTE: The American Star
application has a different process which is outlined above in the American FFA
Degree & American Star Application Submission Guidelines section.
o Complete the AET Star Award in the Degree/Application Manager in AET. ALL other
Star Award applications are obsolete!
o Connect the AET Star Award Application to the respective Degree Application.
o Ensure all items in the Checklist are MET.
SPECIAL NOTE: A Letter of Recommendation is NOT required; however, the
applicant must upload a blank document to override the system and allow the
value to be MET.
o Save your application to generate a version #.
o Advisors must add application to the Submission List in AET by the following
1. 11:59 PM on November 1 for Star Greenhand and Star Chapter Awards
2. 11:59 PM on March 15 for Star State Awards
o Be sure the most recent version of the application is added!
o DO NOT email or send physical copies of the application to the Office of FANRE.
Only applications listed in the Submission List will be reviewed.
All Degrees are linked to AET record books (EXCEPT the American Degree). Students
must have complete AET records in order for applications to populate.
On the Profile Tab
o Complete personal profile
o Compete resume
On the Journal tab
o Ensure Project/Experience Manager is updated
Ensure each listed SAE has a Plan entered (pencil icon All 4 tabs:
Description, Time Invested, Financial Investment, Learning
Include an annual review (clipboard icon) for each SAE
o Complete Journal Entries for (where applicable)
Community Service
Other Activities (parli pro, speeches, etc.)
Leadership Roles
Competitive Activities
Other FFA Activities
New Jersey FFA Degree & Award Programs Handbook 2023-2024
On the Financial Tab
o Complete Entries for (where applicable)
New Cash Entries
New Non-cash Entries
Non-Current Items
Non-SAE entries (personal & education income/expenses)
AET Resources
AET Video Library: http://library.theaet.com/
o Videos for Students Using AET
o Videos for Teachers
o FFA Award Application Videos & Submission List Tools
o Explore SAE
o AET Online Workshops
Student Help: https://www.theaet.com/studenthelp
o Getting Started: https://www.theaet.com/page.aspx?ID=254
o Awards: https://www.theaet.com/Awards
o AET Resume: https://www.theaet.com/page.aspx?ID=256
o AET Journal: https://www.theaet.com/AET_Journal
o SAE and Other Finances: https://www.theaet.com/page.aspx?ID=255
o SAE Best Practices: https://www.theaet.com/BMP
Teacher Help: https://www.theaet.com/teacherhelp
o Getting Started: https://www.theaet.com/GettingStarted
o FFA.org and AET Connections: https://www.theaet.com/RosterHelp
o Recorded Trainings: https://www.theaet.com/Workshops
Each year, minor but requirement specific issues cause us to return applications for
resubmission. Some of these mistakes are made year after year, even with an explanation.
Please pay close attention to the items listed below BEFORE submitting applications. If an
application is submitted with one or more of the following issues, it will NOT be allowed to be
resubmitted for reconsideration.
New Jersey FFA Degree & Award Programs Handbook 2023-2024
State Degree Application
Signature Page
o Missing one or more signatures
SAE entry has errors
o Relationship to agriculture is unclear (if the relationship to agriculture is not
apparent, please be sure to provide enough detail to make it so). Project must be
tied to the National AFNR Career Cluster Content Standards.
o Not enough information is provided on the SAE. Please be sure students are
providing a complete description of their SAEs (size, responsibilities, etc.).
o No growth is shown. In most cases, there should be evidence of growth in the
project (growth in skill, in responsibility, in hours/earnings). If no growth, please
have the student explain why.
o Hours worked are not reasonable for a high school student.
o Gross earnings and hours worked are not relevant or don’t meet minimum wage
10 DIFFERENT parliamentary procedure activities outlined in the FFA manual are not
listed and/or activities listed do not meet the criteria. Amend and Amend an amendment
are the same. Use of the gavel, second, and debate do not count as activities. Please
reference the FFA manual for the list of approved motions.
Each Parliamentary procedure activity must be listed separately and location of where
the procedure was demonstrated must be listed.
Missing the title, year, and/or group and length for SIX-minute speech on an
agriculturally related topic. Team speeches are not permissible.
Fails to list at least one FFA related leadership role and/or fails to provide the start/end
Fails to list at least one POA activity.
Wrong SAE Type Chosen
o Only 45 hours of Foundational SAE hours can be used to satisfy this degree.
o Research refers to SCIENTIFIC research where a hypothesis was created, and the
scientific method was followed. Student should include the hypothesis in the
o Placement refers to projects, paid or unpaid, where the student works for
someone else for wages or the experience. Students cannot earn paid and unpaid
hours in the same project.
o Entrepreneurship refers to all OWNERSHIP type projects. A student does not need
a full-fledged business to be considered entrepreneurship. If a student OWNS the
animal/plants/etc., the project is to be considered entrepreneurship (even if the
parents buy the supplies).
Entrepreneurship Projects have incomplete records
o Income & Expense Summary must be fully completed, and inventory pages must
be complete (if applicable). Students with entrepreneurship projects cannot avoid
these pages.
o Inventory is NOT a listing of all items used throughout the duration of an SAE
project. Inventory is what is on hand as of December 31, 2022.
Financial Balance Sheet is not balanced.
New Jersey FFA Degree & Award Programs Handbook 2023-2024
o Financial records listed in the application should only be reflective of what a
student earns in an SAE, the money a student uses to support an SAE (whether it’s
earned or gifted), and expenses that are paid using money from an SAE.
Community Service Hours are missing or not acceptable
o Hours must be from two different activities (doing the same activity two different
times does not meet the “two different activities” requirement).
o Hours cannot be used for SAE hours and for FFA chapter activities. Activities/hours
may only be used in one section of an application.
o Activities can be organized by a group the applicant is a part of, but the activity
cannot be for the benefit of the group itself.
o Please review this document for more details about acceptable and unacceptable
community service - https://ffa.app.box.com/v/Library/file/323326541238
Important Notes
1. Read all instructions and watch all instruction videos before you begin. AET has
numerous resources to assist.
2. Check your application for spelling, grammar, mathematical, or technical errors.
3. For award and degree purposes, all unpaid or directed laboratory/SAE hours must occur
outside of the regular scheduled agriculture class, EXECEPT for up to 45 hours of
Foundational SAE work.
4. For award and degree purposes, no unpaid or directed lab/SAE hours dedicated to
owning and managing an entrepreneurship/ownership type project are eligible for
5. State and Federal Child Labor Laws should be considered when entering total hours
dedicated to an SAE. It is also important to consider the hours a student must dedicate
to school, sleep, personal care, etc.
6. The Ending Date is 12/31 of the year prior to submitting your application. For example,
applications submitted for consideration in 2024 should have an ending date of
7. Inventory refers to current and non-current items on hand that are personally owned
by the student as of December 31 of the ending date of the application. Inventory is
NOT a list of items utilized throughout the entire time of their SAE.
8. While it is common for SAE programs to include other family members, applications
should only include the student’s share of inventory, income, net worth, etc.
9. State FFA Degree, American FFA Degree, and Proficiency Award applications are due by
11:59 PM on March 15. This deadline is FIRM! None of the applications require you to
send them through the U.S. Postal Service or other delivery carriers.
10. Once in an application, please read ALL INSTRUCTIONS and view ALL instructional
videos. Applications submitted with one or more of the issues listed on pages 15-16 of
this document will NOT be allowed to be resubmitted for reconsideration.
New Jersey FFA Degree & Award Programs Handbook 2023-2024
Degree Checklists
State Degree Checklist Used by Review Committee: Pages 27-28 of this document
American Degree Checklist Used by Review Committee:
Proficiency Awards
Placement Rubric:
Entrepreneurship Rubric:
Combined Rubric:
Agriscience Research Rubric:
Star Award Rubrics
Star Greenhand Application Rubric: Pages 19-20 of this document
Star Chapter Application Rubric: Pages 21-22 of this document
Star State Application Rubric: Pages 23-24 of this document
Star State Interview Rubric: Pages 25-26 of this document
New Jersey FFA Degree & Award Programs Handbook 2023-2024
Review A-1
The student
explained how
their SAE(s) relates
to this award area.
Illustrates a clear
understanding of their
SAE program and how
it connects to this
award application
Illustrates a somewhat
clear understanding of
their SAE program and
how it connects to this
award application area
but lacks clarity.
A poor or unclear
understanding of their
SAE program and how it
connects to this award
application area.
Review A-2
The student
explained their
SAE(s) roles,
responsibilities and
decisions and how
they have changed.
Illustrates a clear
understanding of their
roles, responsibilities
and management
decisions made.
A somewhat clear
understanding of their
roles, responsibilities and
management decisions
made, but lacks clarity.
A poor understanding of
their roles,
responsibilities and
management decisions
SAE Skills and
Planned Activities
Award App
Summary &
Section F. SAE Plan
Skills, Planned
Activities and
Illustrates an
appropriate and clear
list of skills, planned
activities and
outcomes that clearly
related to the project
Somewhat appropriate
and somewhat clear list
of skills, planned activities
and outcomes and clearly
relate to the SAEs listed in
this application, but
lacking some details.
A poor or missing list of
Skills, planned activities
and outcomes for the
SAEs listed in this
SAE Annual
SAE Summary
(Yearly) for each
SAE listed - See
Section F. Scope /
Annual Summary
for each SAE listed
Illustrates a clear
summary of annual
growth from year to
year, responsibilities,
important outcomes
and engagement
across all years listed.
A somewhat clear
summary of annual
growth from year to year,
important outcomes and
engagement across all
years listed.
A poor summary of
annual growth from year
to year, responsibilities,
important outcomes and
engagement across all
years listed.
SAE Plans
Student SAE(s)
plans for each SAE
- See Section F. SAE
Plan for each SAE
Illustrates a clear SAE
description, planned
us of time/financial
investments and clear
learning objectives
that relate to the SAE.
A somewhat clear SAE
description, planned us of
investments and a
somewhat clear learning
objectives that relate to
the SAE.
A poor SAE description,
planned us of
investments and a poor
listing of learning
objectives that relate to
the SAE, or missing
Student Name:
Scope &
Complexity of
Records / Project
See Section F.
SAE Expenses,
Journals or other
Illustrates a complex
project, a variety of
responsibilities and
a significant amount
of hours and/or
Illustrates a somewhat
complex project, a
smaller variety of
responsibilities and a
somewhat significant
amount of hours
and/or earnings.
Illustrates a simple
project with few
responsibilities and a
low amount of hours
and earnings.
SAE Journals and
or Finances
appropriate and
accurate SAE
Journals and/or
Finances - See
Section F. SAE
Journals or other
Illustrates an
appropriate, and
accurate set of
records that
represent the
timeframe of the
project, and
appropriate records
for the scope of the
Illustrates a somewhat
complete, appropriate,
and accurate set of
records that represent
the timeframe of the
project, but lack some
aspects. Also,
somewhat illustrates
records for the scope
of the project, but
misses certain aspects.
A poor set of records
that do not represent
a logical listing of
records and
timeframe of the
Grammar, and
Spelling and
overall appeal of
the application.
See all sections.
Very complete and
proper use of
grammar and details
of records.
A somewhat complete
use of grammar and
details of records.
A poor use of
grammar or details.
Student Resume
Development of
a career
objective and
engagement in
FFA, SAE and
Student resume
includes a well-
written career
objective and high-
level of engagement
in all areas.
Student resume
includes a somewhat
well-written career
objective and
somewhat engaged in
all areas.
Student lacks a career
objective and limited
involvement in
resume areas.
Evaluator Signature:
Performance Review A-1
The student explained
how their SAE(s) relates
to this award area.
Illustrates a clear
understanding of their SAE
program and how it
connects to this award
application area.
Illustrates a somewhat
clear understanding of
their SAE program and
how it connects to this
award application area
but lacks clarity.
A poor or unclear
understanding of their SAE
program and how it
connects to this award
application area.
Performance Review A-2
The student explained
their SAE(s) roles,
responsibilities and
management decisions
and how they have
Illustrates a clear
understanding of their
roles, responsibilities and
management decisions
A somewhat clear
understanding of their
roles, responsibilities and
management decisions
made, but lacks clarity.
A poor understanding of
their roles, responsibilities
and management decisions
SAE Outcome &
Efficiency Factors
Performance Review
Efficiency Factors
An appropriate and clear
list of efficiencies gained
and clearly relate to the
SAEs listed in this
A somewhat appropriate
and somewhat clear list
of efficiencies gained and
clearly relate to the SAEs
listed in this application,
but lacking some details.
A poor or missing list of
efficiencies gained for the
SAEs listed in this
SAE Skills and Planned
Award App Summary &
Section F. SAE Plan Skills,
Planned Activities and
Illustrates an appropriate
and clear list of skills,
planned activities and
outcomes that clearly
related to the project area.
Somewhat appropriate
and somewhat clear list
of skills, planned activities
and outcomes and clearly
relate to the SAEs listed in
this application, but
lacking some details.
A poor or missing list of
Skills, planned activities and
outcomes for the SAEs
listed in this application.
SAE Annual Summary
SAE Summary (Yearly) for
each SAE listed - See
Section F. Scope / Annual
Summary for each SAE
Illustrates a clear summary
of annual growth from
year to year,
responsibilities, important
outcomes and
engagement across all
years listed.
A somewhat clear
summary of annual
growth from year to year,
important outcomes and
engagement across all
years listed.
A poor summary of annual
growth from year to year,
responsibilities, important
outcomes and engagement
across all years listed.
Student Name:
SAE Plans
Student SAE(s) plans for
each SAE - See Section F.
SAE Plan for each SAE
Illustrates a clear SAE
description, planned us of
time/financial investments
and clear learning
objectives that relate to
the SAE.
A somewhat clear SAE
description, planned us of
investments and a
somewhat clear learning
objectives that relate to
the SAE.
A poor SAE description,
planned us of time/financial
investments and a poor
listing of learning objectives
that relate to the SAE, or
missing information.
Scope & Complexity of
Records / Project
See Section F. SAE
Expenses, Journals or
other entries
Illustrates a complex
project, a variety of
responsibilities and a
significant amount of
hours and/or earnings.
Illustrates a somewhat
complex project, a
smaller variety of
responsibilities and a
somewhat significant
amount of hours
and/or earnings.
Illustrates a simple
project with few
responsibilities and a low
amount of hours and
SAE Journals and or
Complete, appropriate
and accurate SAE
Journals and/or
Finances - See Section
F. SAE Expenses,
Journals or other
Illustrates an complete,
appropriate, and
accurate set of records
that represent the
timeframe of the
project, and appropriate
records for the scope of
the project.
Illustrates a somewhat
complete, appropriate,
and accurate set of
records that represent
the timeframe of the
project, but lack some
aspects. Also,
somewhat illustrates
records for the scope
of the project, but
misses certain aspects.
A poor set of records that
do not represent a logical
listing of records and
timeframe of the project.
Spelling, Grammar,
and Detail
appeal of the
application. See all
Very complete and
proper use of grammar
and details of records.
A somewhat complete
use of grammar and
details of records.
A poor use of grammar
or details.
Student Resume
Development of a
career objective and
engagement in FFA,
SAE and Community
Student resume includes
a well-written career
objective and high-level
of engagement in all
Student resume
includes a somewhat
well-written career
objective and
somewhat engaged in
all areas.
Student lacks a career
objective and limited
involvement in resume
Performance Review A-1
The student explained
how their SAE(s) relates
to this award area.
Illustrates a clear
understanding of their SAE
program and how it
connects to this award
application area.
Illustrates a somewhat
clear understanding of
their SAE program and
how it connects to this
award application area
but lacks clarity.
A poor or unclear
understanding of their SAE
program and how it
connects to this award
application area.
Performance Review A-2
The student explained
their SAE(s) roles,
responsibilities and
management decisions
and how they have
Illustrates a clear
understanding of their
roles, responsibilities and
management decisions
A somewhat clear
understanding of their
roles, responsibilities and
management decisions
made, but lacks clarity.
A poor understanding of
their roles, responsibilities
and management decisions
SAE Outcome &
Efficiency Factors
Performance Review
Efficiency Factors
An appropriate and clear
list of efficiencies gained
and clearly relate to the
SAEs listed in this
A somewhat appropriate
and somewhat clear list
of efficiencies gained and
clearly relate to the SAEs
listed in this application,
but lacking some details.
A poor or missing list of
efficiencies gained for the
SAEs listed in this
SAE Skills and Planned
Award App Summary &
Section F. SAE Plan Skills,
Planned Activities and
Illustrates an appropriate
and clear list of skills,
planned activities and
outcomes that clearly
related to the project area.
Somewhat appropriate
and somewhat clear list
of skills, planned activities
and outcomes and clearly
relate to the SAEs listed in
this application, but
lacking some details.
A poor or missing list of
Skills, planned activities and
outcomes for the SAEs
listed in this application.
SAE Annual Summary
SAE Summary (Yearly) for
each SAE listed - See
Section F. Scope / Annual
Summary for each SAE
Illustrates a clear summary
of annual growth from
year to year,
responsibilities, important
outcomes and
engagement across all
years listed.
A somewhat clear
summary of annual
growth from year to year,
important outcomes and
engagement across all
years listed.
A poor summary of annual
growth from year to year,
responsibilities, important
outcomes and engagement
across all years listed.
Student Name:
SAE Plans
Student SAE(s) plans for
each SAE - See Section F.
SAE Plan for each SAE
Illustrates a clear SAE
description, planned us of
time/financial investments
and clear learning
objectives that relate to
the SAE.
A somewhat clear SAE
description, planned us of
investments and a
somewhat clear learning
objectives that relate to
the SAE.
A poor SAE description,
planned us of time/financial
investments and a poor
listing of learning objectives
that relate to the SAE, or
missing information.
Scope & Complexity of
Records / Project
See Section F. SAE
Expenses, Journals or
other entries
Illustrates a complex
project, a variety of
responsibilities and a
significant amount of
hours and/or earnings.
Illustrates a somewhat
complex project, a
smaller variety of
responsibilities and a
somewhat significant
amount of hours
and/or earnings.
Illustrates a simple
project with few
responsibilities and a low
amount of hours and
SAE Journals and or
Complete, appropriate
and accurate SAE
Journals and/or
Finances - See Section
F. SAE Expenses,
Journals or other
Illustrates an complete,
appropriate, and
accurate set of records
that represent the
timeframe of the
project, and appropriate
records for the scope of
the project.
Illustrates a somewhat
complete, appropriate,
and accurate set of
records that represent
the timeframe of the
project, but lack some
aspects. Also,
somewhat illustrates
records for the scope
of the project, but
misses certain aspects.
A poor set of records that
do not represent a logical
listing of records and
timeframe of the project.
Spelling, Grammar,
and Detail
appeal of the
application. See all
Very complete and
proper use of grammar
and details of records.
A somewhat complete
use of grammar and
details of records.
A poor use of grammar
or details.
Student Resume
Development of a
career objective and
engagement in FFA,
SAE and Community
Student resume includes
a well-written career
objective and high-level
of engagement in all
Student resume
includes a somewhat
well-written career
objective and
somewhat engaged in
all areas.
Student lacks a career
objective and limited
involvement in resume
STUDENT: ______________________________ CHAPTER: ______________________________
The following are review sections related to the Garden State FFA Degree. When evaluating the
application, the reviewer should verify information with the candidate’s record book.
The candidate has completed two years of systematic instruction in agricultural education at or
above the ninth grade level, including an SAE.
Student has FFA membership for at least 16 months
FFA Membership
(Award App)
Student basic profile is complete (100%)
Cover Page
Student must be a junior, senior, or have graduated to apply for this degree
AET Profile
Student holds the FFA Greenhand Level Degree
A. Student Resume
Student holds the FFA Chapter Level Degree
A. Student Resume
Candidate has a current membership for the ending date of this application
FFA Membership
(Award App)
Candidate has obtained the required electronic signatures and approvals.
Award Application
Candidate has served as an officer, committee chairperson, or participating member of a major
C. Officer/ D.
Has performed ten parliamentary law procedures
Special note: No duplicate procedures. Amend and Amend an amendment are the same in
nature. Use of the gavel, second, and debate are NOT acceptable procedures. Please reference
the FFA manual for the list of approved motions that are considered acceptable procedures.
AET Profile
Student has given a six-minute speech relating to agriculture
Special note: Cannot be a team speech. Speech MUST relate to agriculture. FFA and leadership
related topics are not acceptable unless there is a clear DIRECT connection to agriculture.
E. Other (Journal)
Participated in a minimum of five events above the chapter level
Special note: Activities listed must have occurred BEFORE March 15 of the application year.
Activities must be official FFA activities of the New Jersey State FFA Association and/or the
National FFA Organization or activities recognized and approved by the New Jersey State FFA
Association to fit this requirement (i.e. The Big E, Del Val Leadership Day) A countywide FFA
event could be accepted if the State FFA Association is made aware the event prior to the
submission of the application and the event is clearly identified in the chapter’s POA.
E. FFA Activities
Participated in at least 25 hours of Community Service Activities in at least 2 different fully-
described activities that DID NOT BENEFIT FFA and NOT DUPLICATED AS AN SAE
Special note: Candidates must list “Individual/Group/Organization to whom service was
provided” in the first column, not who service was performed with. Entries which list FFA, 4-H, or
applicant’s own school in the first column are wrong and will be questioned. Entries must
provide enough detail so it can be clearly determined whether this service meets the guidelines.
Listed activities must meet Community Service Guidelines for FFA Degrees:
E. Community Service
2024 Garden State FFA Degree
Checklist of Minimum Qualifications
All SAE Plans are complete, which is noted by “green” check mark
F. SAE Plan
Student qualifies for the Degree with earnings, productively invested, and hours.
Special note: Candidate must meet one of these three conditions:
1. Candidate has worked 300 hours in excess of class time in an SAE (with the exception of
45 hours that can be from a Foundational SAE)
2. Has earned and productively invested $1,000
3. A combination, thereof
“Earned & Prod.
Invested” Award
Candidate has valid financial entries and no SAE warnings reported by AET
AET Experience
SAE transactions (income/paychecks, expenses, or journal hours) for each SAE are appropriate
and reasonable for the SAE(s) listed.
Special note: To verify, reviewers should see (1) journals and (2) cash and non-cash entries
F. SAE Details
If market livestock projects, does inventory purchased for resale exist?
Special note: To verify, the reviewer should see ‘financial records in cash and non-cash entries.’ If
this does not apply to the candidate, they should record n/a on the final review page.
F. SAE Expenses
Are SAE market adjustments appropriate and reasonable for the SAE(s)?
Special note: To verify, the reviewer should see ‘financial records in cash and non-cash entries.’ If
this does not apply to the candidate, they should record n/a on the final review page.
F. SAE Expenses
If placement SAEs, are record journals and paychecks appropriate & reasonable (verify wages)
and are less than 2,080 hours per year?
Special Note: To verify, the reviewer should see ‘journal and financial records.’ If this does not
apply to the candidate, they should record n/a on the final review page.
F. SAE Details
(P & L Summary)
Are non-current items reasonable and appropriate for their SAE(s) and explained in their SAE
plan (agreement)?
Special Note: To verify, the reviewer should see ‘non-current and SAE plan.’ If this does not apply
to the candidate, they should record n/a on the final review page.
F. SAE Plan/G. Non-
Current (Records
SAEs listed in the application are aligned with AFNR content areas/agricultural career fields
and/or state-approved experiences.
F. SAE Details
Scope/description of SAE (ex. Size of enterprise, type of animal cared for, responsibilities)
provides enough detail.
F. SAE (Reflection)
(Placement Only) SAE project descriptions describe only Placement projects. (Example: Project
descriptions such as “feed and groom my horse” or “harvested my garden” lead reviewers to
believe the project is an owned Entrepreneurship project.)
F. SAE (Reflection)
(Entrepreneurship Only) Income & Expense Summary of SAE Program is reasonable for scope of
project and includes an appropriate amount of operating expense for each Entrepreneurship
project described for each year and Entrepreneurship project is listed. (Example: An application
which includes owned livestock must show expenses to feed and maintain animals.)
(Entrepreneurship Only) All items included in both current and non-current inventory are
directly related to the Entrepreneurship SAE projects included in the application.
(Research Only) Are only individually titled research projects listed in the SAE Research
(i.e. Each project is listed with a descriptive “Research Title” that provides enough description for
a reviewer to determine what research was about so agricultural nature can be established. An
entry such as, “Research, 20 hrs.” is not acceptable.)
F. SAE Details
Checklist of Minimum Qualifications are all met
Application has not been altered.