June 1, 2017
Dear EMS Educators,
DSHS is pleased to announce the release of the Emergency Medical Service
Jurisprudence Exam material. This packet contains the following items:
1. Frequently Asked Questions.
2. Course Goals and Objectives.
3. Questions and Answers.
4. Notification and Change Form for CE Programs
5. Presentation to EMS Educators April 2017.
After reviewing the packet if you have any additional questions please
contact your regional EMS office listed below:
EMS Education
North Group, 817-264-4720
Central Group, 512-834-6704
South Group, 210-949-2050
East Group, 713-767-3333
EMS Jurisprudence Exam FAQs
What is the Jurisprudence Exam for EMS?The jurisprudence exam
determines the knowledge of the Health & Safety Code - Ch. 773,
department rules, and any other applicable laws affecting the applicant's
activities regulated by the department. This program requirement was
approved by the 84th Legislative Session.
Can DSHS provide guidance documents?DSHS has developed goals
and objectives for the course and sample exam questions that can be used.
The course can be presented in any format by an approved Continue
Education Sponsor. There should be a lesson plan developed on the current
EMS rules and then a series of questions to validate the students’ knowledge
on the material provided.
Who can offer the course? – The Jurisprudence Course and Exam may be
offered by any DSHS approved continuing education program and meet all of
the standards as stated in §157.38. All initial EMS education programs at all
levels must provide the course to students before issuing a course
completion certificate.
How does an EMS Personnel licensee or certificant show course
completion?This will be just like acquiring and maintaining any CE
records. Complete the course, get your course completion certificate, and
maintain the record for 5 years in case and be able to show proof of such in
case of audit.
What are the requirements for EMS Providers? - §157.33 and §157.34
requires EMS providers to provide proof at initial and renewal of a license
that all certified or licensed personnel have completed a jurisprudence
examination approved by the department.
This will be monitored two ways an attestation during the application
process and verification during on-site surveys and inspections.
What are the requirements for Initial Education Programs? Maintain
a record of completion that would be verified during course records audits or
site visits. There is no notification to DSHS required. Any course started after
September 2017 is required to include the jurisprudence course and exam.
We are trying to keep the process as open and as flexible as possible for
What are the requirements for Continuing Education Programs? -
Maintain records like any other CE course. DSHS would verify these records
during the CE program audits.
CE Programs must report that they will be offering the Jurisprudence (JP)
Exam. DSHS will use the CE Notification and Change Form that can be filled
out and faxed into Austin so that department can track what approved CE
programs are offering the JP exam. The forms will be located on the DSHS -
EMS Education Programs web page.
Why did DSHS choose this delivery method?This method will provide
many options for the deliver the material 65,000 license holders spread out
across the State.
If I still have a question who can I speak to? For any additional
questions please contact your regional EMS office listed below:
North Group, 817-264-4720
Central Group, 512-834-6700
South Group, 210-949-2050
East Group, 713-767-3333
Jurisprudence Course and Exam
Goals and Objectives
1. HSC 773
a. Sec. 773.050. MINIMUM STANDARDS – Jurisprudence Exams
b. Sec. 773.0612. ACCESS TO RECORDS
2. 157.02 Definitions
a. Meanings as used in Texas Administrative Code Rules
3. 157.11 – Requirements for an EMS Provider License
a. Administrator of Record Requirements
b. Minimum Staffing requirements for different levels (BLS, ALS,
MICU, etc.)
c. Treatment and Transport Protocol requirements
d. Minimum Equipment requirements for different levels (BLS, ALS,
MICU, etc.)
e. Responsibilities of the EMS Provider
4. 157.16 – EMS Provider Disciplinary Actions
a. Reasons for disciplinary actions
b. Types of disciplinary actions
5. 157.33 – Certification
a. Certification requirements
b. Certification length
c. Time limit on completing requirements
d. Reciprocity
e. Responsibilities of an EMS Personnel
6. 157.34 – Recertification
a. Recertification requirements
b. Recertification Options
c. Late recertification
7. 157.36 – EMS Personnel Disciplinary Actions
a. Reasons for disciplinary actions
b. Types of disciplinary actions
8. 157.38 – Continuing Education
a. Local credentialing and authorization to practice
b. Definitions
c. Types of and criteria for acceptable continuing education
d. Responsibilities of certified or licensed EMS personnel
e. Audits
9. 197.3 Off-line Medical Director
a. Duties
b. Requirements of the medical director
c. Education requirements
d. Physicians that may not be off-line medical director
103 Injury Prevention and Control
a. Purpose
b. Confidentiality of Records
c. Reporting requirements for EMS Providers
Jurisprudence Exam SAMPLE Questions & Answers 157.2
Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5 Correct Answer
A General Trauma Facility is a facility that:
a. That only provides
trauma care to patients.
b. Provides basic care to
trauma and medical
c. Is equivalent to the level IV
Trauma Facility designation.
meeting the criteria
for level III and level IV
Is equivalent to meeting the criteria
level III and level IV trauma facilities
A Major Trauma Facility is a facility that:
a. Is equivalent to a
level III trauma facility.
b. Is equivalent to a level
II trauma facility.
c. Meets the requirements of
a free standing emergency
requirements of
an urgent care facility.
Is equivalent to a
level II trauma facility.
Medical supervision must be provided by: a. Licensed physicians b. Paramedics c. Registered Nurses d. Physician Assistants Licensed Physicians
An AEMT is an individual who is certified by the
department and is minimally proficient in performing which of the
following skills?
a. Intravenous therapy b. Esophageal intubation c. Endotracheal intubation d. All of the above All of the above
Care provided while transporting a patient
between medical facilities is:
a. Emergency Care
b. Health Care c. Facility Care d. Interfacility Care Interfacility Care
Abandonment is:
a) Leaving your station
or assigned area
without permission
from a supervisor to do
b) Leaving a patient without
appropriate medical
care once patient contact
has been made or turning
over the care to an
individual of lesser
education when advanced
treatment has been started.
c) Failure to gain patient
consent for
treatment if patient is alert,
conscious, and oriented.
a shift
that you have been
assigned to.
b) Leaving a patient without
appropriate medical
care once patient contact has been
made or turning over the care to an
individual of lesser education when
advanced treatment has been
A certificant is:
a) Emergency medical
service personnel with
current certification
from the Texas
Department of State
Health Services
b) Any person certified to
drive a vehicle
c) An individual who holds a
paramedic license from the
that a student has
completed training or
continuing education
a) Emergency medical service
personnel with
current certification from the Texas
Department of State Health Services
An organized geographical area of at least three counties
administered by a regional advisory council for the purpose of
providing prompt and efficient transportation and/or treatment of
sick and injured patients
a. Primary EMS Provider
Response Area
b. Regional EMS/Trauma
c. Primary EMS Provider
Response Area
d. Trauma Service Area d. Trauma Service Area
A hospital that has successfully completed the designation process,
is capable of stabilization and/or definitive treatment of critically
injured persons and actively participates in a regional EMS/trauma
a. Trauma Facility
b. Designated Trauma
c. Major Trauma Facility d. Lead Trauma Facility a. Trauma Facility
The assistance and management given to health care providers
and/or entities involved in regional EMS/trauma systems planning
by a physician or group of physicians designated to provide
technical assistance.
a. Medical Control b. Medical Supervision c. Medical Oversight
c. Medical Oversight
With regards to EMS and hospital, “Bypass” means one of the
a) Direction given to an
EMS provider either by
direct/on-line control, or
predetermined triage
criteria, to bypass the
nearest hospital for the
most appropriate
hospital/trauma facility.
b) Direction given to an
EMS provider by the local
with a patient that they
c) Is a policy or procedure
established by the EMS
provider, allowing them to
pick which hospital they
prefer to deliver patients to.
up to the transporting
EMS crew, as to which
hospital to deliver the
patient to.
a) Direction given to an EMS
provider either by direct/on-line
control, or predetermined triage
criteria, to bypass the nearest
hospital for the most appropriate
hospital/trauma facility.
2) A designated infection control officer is considered:
a) The person
designated to provide
over-site of the
procedures established
to limit the potential of
exposure to life
threating diseases while
treating and/or
transporting patients
b) The person designated to
serve as a liaison between
the EMS crew and the
Medical Director when
infection disease issues
c) An infection control expert
in how to prevent and handle
potentially infectious
who serves as a liaison
between the employer’s
employees who have
been or believe they
have been exposed to a
potentially life threating
infectious disease by a
person who was treated
and/or transported by
the EMS provider.
d) A designated officer who serves
as a liaison between the employer’s
employees who have been or
believe they have been exposed to a
potentially life threating infectious
disease by a person who was
treated and/or transported by the
EMS provider.
A diversion in reference to EMS and hospitals means:
a) The EMS is allowed to
divert to the hospital of
their choice.
b) EMS is allowed to divert
to the hospital preferred by
the patient.
c) A procedure put into effect
by a trauma facility to ensure
appropriate patient care
when that facility is unable to
provide the level of care
demanded by a trauma
patient’s injuries or when the
facility has temporarily
exhausted its resources.
effect by an EMS service
to ensure appropriate
patient care when a
facility is believed to be
unable to provide the
level of care demanded
by a trauma patient’s
injuries or when the
facility has temporarily
exhausted its resources.
d) A procedure put into effect by an
EMS service to ensure appropriate
patient care when a facility is
believed to be unable to provide the
level of care demanded by a trauma
patient’s injuries or when the
facility has temporarily exhausted
its resources.
1. An organized geographical area of at least three counties
administered by a regional advisory council for the purpose of
providing prompt and efficient transportation of sick and injured
patients is a:
a. Trauma Service Area
b. Trauma Registry
c. Specialty Center
d. Prehospital Triage
a. Trauma Service Area
2. The procedure for renewal of Emergency Medical Services
certification is called:
a. Relicensure b. Quality Management
c. Recertification
d. Practical Exam
c. Recertification
A continuing education credit unit awarded for successful
completion of a unit of learning activity is a:
a. Current b. Candidate
c. Distance Learning
d. Credit Hour d. Credit Hour
An individual who serves as a liaison between the employer’s
employees who have been or believe they have been exposed to
potential life-threatening disease, through a person who was
treated and/or transported by the EMS Provider
a. Medical Director b. Administrator of Record c. Infection Control Officer d. State EMS Director c. Infection Control Officer
A unit specially organized to provide coordinated emergency
medical response operation systems during large scale EMS
a. Trauma Regional
Advisory Council
b. Emergency Militia Task
c. Governor’s Emergency
Trauma Advisory Council
Task Force
d. Emergency Medical Task Force
In definition “Department” is referred to as the:
a. Texas Department of
b. Texas Department of
Public Safety
c. Texas Department of State
Health Services
d. Texas Medical Board
c. Texas Department of State Health
A(n) ___________________ is an emergency medical services
personnel with current certification from the Texas Department of
State Health Services.
a. Candidate b. Certificant c. Applicant d. Employee b. Certificant
The principal executive manager of an emergency medical service
organization who is responsible for the non-medical operations,
staffing, policies and procedures, and overall management of the
service is ______________________________________.
a. Emergency Medical
Operations Supervisor
b. Emergency Medical
Services Owner
c. Emergency Medical
Services Administrator
Services Director
c. Emergency Medical Services
The supervision of prehospital emergency medical service
providers by a licensed physician, which encompasses on-line
“direct voice contact” and off-line “written protocol and procedural
review” is known as ___________________________________.
a. Medical Control b. Medical Director c. Medical Oversight d. Medical Supervision a. Medical Control
Jurisprudence Exam Questions & Answers 157.11
Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5 Correct Answer
Of the following, which EMS provider is exempt
from meeting most of the requirements of an Administrator of
a. A for-profit EMS b. A non-profit EMS c. A volunteer EMS
d. A government
entity EMS
d. A government
entity EMS
Which of the following statements
concerning ground EMS vehicles is NOT true:
a. Each ambulance
must have
systems to prevent
extremes in the
b. When operational,
each EMS vehicle
must have
communication with
appropriate medical
c. Each ambulance
must have two-inch in
letters TX followed by
the provider license
number on the front
and back of the
d. All EMS vehicles
must be adequately
equipped, maintained
and operated to
render patient care,
comfort and
transportation safely
and efficiently.
c. Each ambulance must have
two-inch in height
letters TX followed by the
provider license number on the
front and back of the ambulance.
Which of the following is NOT true concerning
EMS equipment on board an ambulance:
a. All equipment must
be clean
and in working order.
b. All equipment must
be included on the list
of medical equipment
approved by the
Regional Advisory
Council (RAC).
c. All equipment must
have a battery back-
, if appropriate, or
have an alternate
source of power.
d. The equipment list
shall include
equipment required
for the transport and
treatment of adult,
pediatric and neonate
b. All equipment must be
included on the list
of medical equipment approved
by the Regional Advisory Council
What is the minimum staffing requirement for a
Basic Life Support (BLS) with Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU)
capability authorized ambulance when operating at a BLS level?
a) One Emergency
Medical Technician
and one paramedic
b) Two Emergency
Attendants (ECAs)
c) One ECA and
one paramedic
d) Two paramedics
Attendants (ECAs)
Protocols must have all of the following items EXCEPT:
a) A signature of the
infection control
b) A signature with an
effective date
of the protocols from
the medical director
c) Delegated
procedures for each
certification or
license level utilized
by the provider.
d) Geographic and
status of personnel.
a) A signature of the
infection control officer.
What is the length of time a provider has to
provide a completed patient care report to the receiving facility?
a) 8 hours b) 72 hours c) 48 hours d) 24 hours d) 24 hours
How long is an EMS provider license effective? Four years One year Two Years Ten Years Two Years
An ambulance that is authorized at the BLS with MICU capability
level becomes active at full MICU status when staffed by:
a. Two certified or
licensed paramedics.
b. At least one
certified or licensed
paramedic and one
EMT Basic.
c. At least one
certified or licensed
paramedic and one
d. At least one AEMT
and one EMT Basic.
b. At least one certified or
licensed paramedic and one EMT
Which of the following is not a responsibility of an EMS provider, as
listed in Texas Administrative Code 157.11 (n)?
a. Assuring the
confidentiality of all
patient information is
in compliance with all
federal and state laws.
b. Assuring that staff
completed a readiness
inspection as written
by the provider’s
c. Assuring that all
documents, reports or
information provided
to the department
and hospital are
current, accurate and
d. Assuring that all
EMS personnel have
their department
issued EMS personnel
ID number
d. Assuring that all EMS
personnel have their department
issued EMS personnel ID number
DSHS Vehicle Authorizations are interchangeable with other EMS
vehicles owned by the EMS provider.
a) True b) False a) True
All EMS vehicles are required to have their provider license number
prominently displayed on both sides of their ambulance in at least
______ inch lettering and in contrasting color.
a) 1 inch b) 2 inch c) 3 inch d) 4 inch b) 2 inch
At renewal, randomly, or in response to a complaint, the
department may conduct an _____________ compliance survey to
include inspection of a provider’s vehicles, operations and/or
records to ensure compliance with this title at any time, including
nights or weekends.
a. Announced b. Unannounced c. Equipment d. Education b. Unannounced
Assuring all EMS personnel receive continuing education on the
provider’s anaphylaxis protocols. The provider shall maintain
___________ and training records to include date, time, and
location of such education or training for all its EMS personnel.
a. Education b. Credit Hour c. Recertification
d: Basic Life Support
a. Education
All patients transported by stretcher must be in an
a. Authorized EMS
b. Emergency Vehicle c. Supervisor’s Vehicle
d. Emergency
Management Vehicle
a. Authorized EMS Vehicle
The administrator of record has completed an initial education
course approved by the department on state and federal laws and
rules that affect EMS in the following areas. Which is not one of the
areas included in the education course?
a. Anatomy &
b. EMS dispatch
c. Quality
processes for EMS
d. EMS billing
a. Anatomy & Physiology
A licensed EMS provider shall maintain adequate medical reports of
a patient for a minimum of _________ years from the anniversary
date of the date of last treatment by the EMS provider.
a. Never b. 7 c. 14 d. 21 b. 7
All MICU EMS Vehicles must have active 12-lead capability cardiac
monitor/defibrillator by January 1st, 2020?
a. True b. False a. True
The Declaration of Administrator of Record shall declare that the
administrator __________________
a. Has a signed
affidavit on file with
the EMS provider
b. Resides in the same
city where the EMS
provider is located
c. Is not employed or
compensated by
another private for-
profit EMS provider
d. Holds both state
and National Registry
c. Is not employed or otherwise
compensated by another private
for-profit EMS provider
Each EMS provider shall develop, implement, maintain, and
evaluate an effective ongoing, system-wide, data-driven,
interdisciplinary Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement
a. True b. False a. True
During the license period, the provider's responsibilities shall
include assuring that all personnel, when on an in-service vehicle or
when on the scene of an emergency, are prominently identified by
Last name, first initial of the first name, certification level and
provider name.
a. True b. False a. True
As a Licensed EMS Provider, the requirement to maintain medical
records for a minimum of 7 years (157.11(n)(15)(A) is waived if the
business is sold or closes.
Texas EMS Provider Licensees pay one or more fees for all of the
following actions EXCEPT:
a. Vehicle
b. Substitution of a
c. Provider License
d. Re-Inspection of a
b. Substitution of a Vehicle
What is the maximum time allowance for an EMS provider to notify
DSHS if there is a change in Medical Director?
a. Within one (1)
business day
b. Within five (5)
business days
c. Within 30 days d. Immediately a. Within one (1) business day
Jurisprudence Exam Questions & Answers 157.16
Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5 Correct Answer
An EMS provider may have their
license revoked for all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Operating the
provider license is
under probation.
b. Operating the
service when there is
outstanding fee that
has not been paid.
c. Operating the
provider license is
under suspension.
d. Operating the
service while
an administrative
action by the
c. Operating the service while the
provider license is under
An emergency suspension order of a provider
license may be issued for which of the following reasons:
a. The department
finds that the service
to maintain patient
according to standards
and department
b. The department has
reasonable cause to
find that the provider
obtained a fee or
benefit by fraud,
coercion, theft,
deception, or
c. The department has
reasonable cause to
believe that the
conduct of any
licensed provider
creates an imminent
danger to public
health or safety.
d. The licensed
provider failed to
correct deficiencies as
instructed by the
c. The department has
reasonable cause to
believe that the conduct of any
licensed provider creates an
imminent danger to public health
or safety.
The department may deny a provider license
application for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
a. A provider applicant
submitted all required
documents for
b. A provider applicant
has not submitted the
appropriate license
fees with the
c. One of the owners
has a history of a
misdemeanor or
felony which the
department has
determined may put
the safety of any
person at risk.
d. The EMS provider
has had disciplinary
action in another
state or by a federal
a. A provider applicant has
submitted all required
documents for licensure.
1. An EMS provider license may NOT be
suspended or revoked for which of the following reasons?
A. The provider fails to
comply with any
requirement of
provider licensure as
defined in 157.11 of
this title (relating to
Requirements for an
EMS Provider License).
B. The provider fails to
maintain patient
according to standards
and department
C. The provider fails
to maintain
adequate response
times to the scene.
D. The provider
discriminates in the
provision of services
based on
national origin, race,
color, creed, religion,
gender, sexual
orientation, age,
physical or mental
disability, or economic
C. The provider fails to maintain
adequate response times to the
An applicant for a provider license receives a
denial, a request for hearing shall be in writing and submitted to the
department and postmarked within 30 days after the date of notice.
An EMS provider’s license may be
suspended or revoked for all the following reasons:
a. failing to maintain
pt. confidentiality
b. obtaining any fee
or benefit by fraud
c. failing to staff each
vehicle deemed
to be in service with
d. All of the above d. All of the above
If a EMS Provider’s License is denied or
suspended, or the service voluntarily surrender’s their license, how
long must they wait to re-apply for a license?
6 months 1 year 5 years 2 years 2 years
How long must a provider whose license was denied, license was
revoked or voluntarily surrendered a license while disciplinary
action is pending wait before re-applying for a new license?
2 years 3 years 4 years None of the above. 2 years
A licensed EMS provider (may/may not) not claim a defense when
one or more staff members, acting with or without the consent and
knowledge of the license holder, commit(s) multiple violations in
this section, or perform(s) contrary to EMS standards while on EMS
business for the provider.
May not May May not
When can a provider whose license is suspended apply for renewal
if it expires?
a. After the
suspension is
b. 1 month prior to
expiration of license.
c. 3 months prior to
expiration of license.
a. After the suspension is
The Texas Department of State Health Services may issue an
emergency suspension order to any licensed EMS provider if the
Department has reasonable cause to believe that…
a) The provider should
no longer be in
b) The service area has
too many EMS
c) The conduct of the
EMS provider creates
an imminent danger
to public health or
d) None of the above
– The State cannot
conduct an Emergency
c) The conduct of the EMS
provider creates an imminent
danger to public health or safety
An EMS provider retains ultimate responsibility for the operation of
the service. The EMS service may claim a defense when one or
more staff members, acting with or without the consent and
knowledge of the license holder, commit(s) multiple violations in
this section, or performs contrary to EMS standards while on EMS
business for the Provider.
a) True b) False b) False
The Texas Department of State Health Services may deny an EMS
Provider license for, all of the following reasons, EXCEPT:
a) holding an EMS
Provider license in
multiple States
b) Failing to meet the
requirements outlined
in rule 157.11 of this
c) One of the owners
having a history of a
misdemeanor or
felony which the
Department has
determined may put
the safety of any
person at risk.
d) Previous conduct
while holding an EMS
provider license which
could put any person
at risk
a) holding an EMS Provider
license in multiple States
An EMS Provider could be denied a license if the EMS provider has
had Disciplinary Action in another state or by a federal agency.
a. True b. False a. True
Which penalty may be assessed when an EMS provider is in
violation of the Health and Safety Code 773, 25 TAC 157 or the
reasons outlined in subsection (c) and (d) of this subsection.
a. Accountability
b. Emergency
c. Plan of Correction d. Administrative d. Administrative
An EMS provider license may be suspended or revoked for the
following reason:
a. Failing to staff each
vehicle with
appropriately and
currently certified
b. Having a license
issued by the
c. Operating the
license is active
d. Paying an
administrative penalty
a. Failing to staff each vehicle
with appropriately and currently
certified personnel
A Probated Suspension issued by the Texas Department of State
Health Services is effective immediately without a hearing or notice
to the license holder if the department has reasonable cause to
believe that the conduct of any licensed provider creates an
imminent danger to public health or safety.
a. True b. False b. False
If the department proposes to deny, suspend, revoke, or probate a
license, the ___________________________________________
shall be notified at the address shown in the current records of the
a. EMS Operations
b. EMS provider
license holder and
administrator of
c. Local TV stations
and newspapers
d. On-Duty Supervisor
b. EMS provider license holder
and administrator of record
An EMS provider license may be suspended or revoked for, but not
limited to, the following reasons:
a. Falsifying or altering
a license issued by the
b. Failing to correct
deficiencies as
instructed by the
c. Obtaining or
attempting to obtain
or assisting another to
obtain a provider
license or
certification by
forgery, deception, or
d. All of the above d. All of the above
Jurisprudence Exam Questions & Answers 157.33
Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5 Correct Answer
Certification may be verified by all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Receipt of the
official identification card.
b. Verifying
certification status
on the department’s
c. Contacting National
to verify NR status.
d. By contacting the
department directly.
Contacting National Registry
to verify NR status.
Which of the following statements is
TRUE concerning the use of finger printing:
a. Finger prints are required
applicants that have a
criminal history.
b. Finger prints are
done to verify
an applicant’s Texas
criminal history.
c. Finger prints are
done exclusively
by local police
d. Finger prints are
completed in order
to undergo a FBI
criminal history check.
Finger prints are completed in
to undergo a FBI criminal history
An initial candidate for certification shall
complete all requirements for certification within ___ year(s) after the
applicant’s course completion date.
1 2 3 4 2
In order to be certified in Texas,
a candidate must pass the following exam:
a. National Registry exam
b. Texas Department
State Health Services
(DSHS) exam
c. Both the National
and DSHS exams
d. None of the above. National Registry exam
A candidate for emergency medical services
(EMS) certification shall be at least 18 years of age and have a high
school diploma or GED certificate. A home school diploma is
acceptable if it is accompanied by:
A letter from the Texas
Education Agency
The student’s
transcript evaluated
by a High School
Principal in their town.
No other document
is required.
A letter from a state
certified teacher.
No other document
is required.
An initial candidate for certification shall complete
all requirements for certification no later than ___ years after the
candidate’s course completion date.
2 Years 1 Year 6 Months 90 Days 2 Years
A person currently certified by another state may
apply for equal or lower level Texas certification by submitting a
reciprocity application and a nonrefundable fee of $120.
Which of the following additional requirements is false?
The candidate must pass the
Texas Assessment Exam
All applicants shall
submit fingerprints
through the
state approved
fingerprinting service
to undergo an FBI
fingerprint criminal
history check.
The applicant has
completed a state
examination to
determine the
knowledge on state
EMS laws, rules, and
The candidate must pass
National Registry
Assessment Exam.
The candidate must pass the
Texas Assessment Exam
During the certification license period,
the EMS Personnel responsibilities shall notify the department of a
current and/or valid mailing address within ____ days of any changes.
7 Days 10 Days 30 Days 45 Days 30 Days
Of the requirements listed below which
one is not a requirement for certification:
a. the candidate has
completed the jurisprudence
b. be at least 21
years of age
c. have successfully
completed a
of State Health
Services approved
d. have a High School
Diploma or GED
b. be at least 21
years of age
When can a certified EMT, AEMT,
Paramedic apply for inactive certification?
a. within 2 years after the
certificate expiration date
b. only after they have
recertified once
c. only with
permission from
the Medical Director
d. anytime during the
certification period or
1 (one) year after the
certificate expiration
d. anytime during the
certification period or
1 (one) year after the certificate
expiration date
For EMT and above certificants, requirements for
reciprocity include all of the following except:
a. Current NR Certification
and/or state EMS
b. Completion of a
state approved
jurisprudence exam
c. Submission of a non-
fee with the
d. Possessing an
or Bachelor’s degree
Possessing an Associate
or Bachelor’s degree
Certification requirements for a candidate for
EMS certification includes all of the following EXCEPT:
a) Taking a department
approved Emergency
Vehicle Operations training
b) Be at least 18
years of age.
c) Have a high school
diploma or GED
d) Successfully complete
a Department
of State Health Services
approved course.
Taking a department approved
Vehicle Operations training
The length of certification for EMS
personnel in the State of Texas is:
a. 2 Years b. 4 Years c. 3 Years d. 6 Years 4 Years
EMS personnel must notify the
department within ____ days of a change of address.
a. 15 b. 45 c. 30 d. 60 30
EMS personnel are required to notify the employer,
appropriate legal authority, or department within ______ of the abuse
or injury to a patient or the public.
a) 24 hours b) 5 days c) 3 days d) 12 hours 24 hours
In what timeframe must you notify the department of a current
and/or valid mailing address?
a. within 5 days b. within 10 days c. within 30 days d. within 45 days c. within 30 days
Which of the following responsibilities of EMS personnel is not
required by the department?
a. Following the approved
medical director’s protocol
and policies
b. Certified or licensed
EMS personnel must
carry their
department issued
certification or license
on their person while
on duty
king accurate,
complete and/or
clearly written patient
care reports
d. Taking precautions to
prevent the
misappropriation of
medications, supplies,
equipment, personal
items, or money
belonging to the patient,
employer or any person
or entity
b. Certified or licensed EMS
personnel must carry their
department issued certification
or license on their person while
on duty
How can a certification be verified?
a. Official department
identification card
b. Using the
department’s online
certification search
c. Contacting the
department directly
d. All of the above d. All of the above
An individual who holds a current Texas EMS certification or
paramedic license may be certified at a lower level voluntarily.
a. True b. False a. True
A person currently certified by another State may apply for equal or
lower level Texas certification by submitting the following:
a) a reciprocity application
and a nonrefundable fee
b) the candidate must
pass the National
Registry Assessment
c) all applicants shall
submit fingerprint
background check
d) All of the above d) All of the above
EMS certification reciprocity is allowed for all levels of EMS
a) True b) False b) False
A candidate who meets the requirements for initial certification shall
be certified for:
a. 2 years b. 4 years c. 8 years d. Lifetime membership b. 4 years
An individual shall not simultaneously hold ______ and active
a. National Registry b. Dual Citizenship
c. Commercial Driver’s
d. Inactive d. Inactive
Which are the responsibilities for EMS personnel during the license
a. Following the approved
medical director’s protocols
and policies
b. Maintaining skill
and knowledge to
perform the duties or
meet the
required of current
level of EMS
c. Notifying the
department of
current and/or valid
mailing address
within 30 days of any
d. Reporting to the
employer, appropriate
legal authority or the
department, of abuse or
injury to a patient or the
public within 24 hours or
the next business day
after the event
a. All of the above a. All of the above
An initial candidate for certification shall complete all requirements
for certification no later than 180 days after the candidate's course
completion date.
a. True b. False b. False
During the license period, the EMS Personnel responsibilities shall
include __________________
a. Maintaining active
employment with no more
than one licensed EMS
b. Notifying the
department in writing
within 30 days of
intent to enroll with
an EMS Education
Program for the
purpose of upgrading
the current
c. Maintaining skill
and knowledge to
perform the duties or
meet the
required of current
level of EMS
d. Applying and
obtaining a Category-E
State Driver’s License (for
EMS Personnel Only)
c. Maintaining skill and
knowledge to perform the duties
or meet the responsibilities
required of current level of EMS
Jurisprudence Exam Questions & Answers 157.34
Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5 Correct Answer
EMS certificants must renew their
EMS certification every _____ year(s):
1 2 3 4 4
The Advanced Emergency Medical Technician
certification used to be referred to as:
a. Emergency Medical
Technician Basic
b. Emergency Medical
c. Emergency Medical
Technician Paramedic
d. Licensed Paramedic
b. Emergency Medical
Technician Intermediate
Of the following statements, which
statement is NOT required in order to renew your EMS
a. All EMS personnel
that wish to
recertify must pass a
jurisprudence exam.
b. All EMS personnel
that submit their
applications in a
timely manner must
test their skills again
prior to renewal of
their EMS certification
c. EMS personnel that
are currently receiving
pay for
working on an
ambulance must pay a
recertification fee.
d. EMS personnel that
submit their application
after expiration
are considered expired
until such time as they
renew their certification
b. All EMS personnel that submit
their applications in a
timely manner must test their
skills again prior to renewal of
their EMS certification
Which of the statements below is untrue:
a. EMS certificants
that are expired more
than one year must
follow the late
requirements in order
to recertify.
b. EMS certificants
that expire within 90-
days or less must pay
a non-refundable
renewal fee that is
equal to 1-1/2 times
the normally required
application renewal
fee for that level.
c. EMS certificants that
expire between 91-
days and one year
must pay a non-
refundable renewal fee
that is equal to 2 times
the normally required
application renewal fee
for that level.
d. Late renewal
certificants will be
renewed from the date
of issuance.
a. EMS certificants that are
expired more than one year
must follow the late
recertification requirements in
order to recertify.
A candidate whose certificate has been expired for ______ or more
may not renew the certificate. The candidate may become certified
by complying with the requirements of 157.33(a) or (j) of this title.
6 Month 9 Month 1 Year 18 Months 1 Year
Late recertification. (Fee) A candidate whose certificate has been
expired for 90 days or less may renew the certificate by submitting
an application accompanied by a non-refundable renewal fee that
is equal to _________ the normal required application renewal fee
for that level as listed in subsection (a)(4) of this section.
1–½ times 2 times 2-½ times 3 times 1–½ times
A candidate who was certified in this state, moved to another state,
and is currently certified or licensed and has been in practice in the
other state for __________ preceding the date of application may
become certified without examination.
1 year 1 & ½ years 2 years 3 years 2 years
An applicant who does not pass the third attempt at the National
Registry assessment examination shall not qualify for more than a
total of ___ attempts at the exam, in any combination of levels
Five Six Seven Eight six
Which of the following is required for recertification;
a. Completion of a
department approved
initial course
b. Submitting the
medical director
evaluation sheet
c. The appropriate level
recertification fee paid
d. Submission of a formal
course completion
c. The appropriate level
recertification fee paid
Which one is not a way to verify certification?
a. applicants receipt of
his/her identification
b. department
certification on
c. permission of the
Medical Director
d. contacting the
department directly
c. permission of the Medical
Who should contact the department to request an application for
recertification or download an application from the Website at least
30 days prior to expiration?
Medical Director b. Certificant c. EMS Administrator d. EMS Specialist b. Certificant
All newly certified applicants and re-certification applicants are
required to take a state approved jurisprudence exam each time a
certification is up for renewal.
If a certificant allows their license to expire, and attempts to renew
the license 1 year after the expiration, the candidate must:
a) Submit a renewal
application, pay a fee
that is two times the
normal fee, and
submit verification of
skills proficiency to
the department for
b) Can never have an
EMS certificate again
c) Submit a renewal
application, and
verification of CE hours
to the department for
d) The certificate cannot
be renewed, and the
applicant must follow all
the requirements of a
new application found in
TAC 157.33, which
includes retaking a
course and passing the
National Registry Exam.
d) The certificate cannot be
renewed, and the applicant must
follow all the requirements of a
new application found in TAC
157.33, which includes retaking a
course and passing the National
Registry Exam.
Which of the following is NOT an option to renew an EMS
certification of personnel:
a) Written exam
through National
b) Attesting to accrual
of Continuing
Education credits
c) Submit application
and fee only
d) Formal Course
c) Submit application and fee
If applicant selects option 1: recertifying by examination, and fails
the examination, which option will be available:
a. Applicant still has
the option to select
another renewal
option provided the
current license has
not expired
b. Retest, with retest
c. May then submit the
appropriate amount of
CE hours provided the
current license has not
d. Must then take a
recertification course
regardless of current
license status
b. Retest, with retest application
All certification holders are required to maintain their CE records
a. 4 years, following
the same
b. 5 years, 1 year
beyond the
c. 8 years, the state
may audit the previous
renewal period
d. 6 years, two years
beyond the
b. 5 years, 1 year beyond the
certification/renewal cycle
If the applicant selects National Registry option 3, which of the
following is true:
a. You do not need to
submit an application
to the State of Texas,
we will receive
notification from NR
b. You are exempt
from taking the
Jurisprudence exam
and from any renewal
audit by the State of
c. You must hold
current NR
certification, verified by
NR number and
expiration date on
State of Texas
d. You must then submit
a State of Texas renewal
application every 2 years
following the renewal
cycle of NR, not every 4
years as defined by the
c. You must hold current NR
certification, verified by NR
number and expiration date on
State of Texas application
A candidate whose certification has expired is able to function in
the capacity of an EMS certificant or representative until
recertification is issued.
a) True b) False b) False
Recertification options – Upon submission of a completed
application for recertification, the applicant may use any of the
following except:
a) Comprehensive
skills examination
b) Continuing
recertification process
c) National Registry
recertification process
d) Formal course
recertification process
e) Comprehensive
Clinical Management
Program (CCMP)
a) Comprehensive skills
examination process
Advance EMT is formerly known ________ as in the State of Texas
a. Aggressive EMT b. EMT – Intermediate c. Special Skills d. Medical Director b. EMT – Intermediate
A person certified by the department who is deployed in support of
military, security, or other action by the United Nations Security
Council, a national emergency declared by the president of the
United States, or a declaration of war by the United States Congress
is eligible for recertification under timely recertification
requirements from the person’s date of demobilization until one
calendar year after the date of demobilization but will not be
certified during this period.
a. True b. False a. True
A candidate whose certificate has been expired for one year or
more may __________.
a. Not renew the
b. Pay a non-
administrative fee and
late fee
c. Provide 50 hours of
community service in
addition to CE
d. Take the state
a. Not renew the certificate
An EMS volunteer will cease exemption and the individual shall pay
a prorated fee to the department based on the number of years
remaining in the certification period if such individual receives
compensation during the certification period.
a. True b. False a. True
Jurisprudence Exam Questions & Answers 157.36
Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5 Correct Answer
An individual that voluntarily surrenders his license
while a disciplinary action is pending may petition the department
for reapplication of certification after ____ months or years:
6 Month 1 Year 2 Years 4 Years 2 Years
EMS certificants may be denied
recertification for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
a. Certificants that are
placed on deferred
for a criminal conviction
do not have to report
their deferred status to
the department.
b. A certificant’s that
works on a licensed
ambulance while
expired may be
denied recertification.
c. A certificant that fails to
maintain a substantial
amount of skill, knowledge
and/or academic acuity may be
denied recertification.
d. A certificant that
falsely states that he
met his continuing
requirements may be
denied recertification.
a. Certificants that are placed on
deferred adjudication
for a criminal conviction do not
have to report their deferred
status to the department.
Which of the following statements might
result in administrative action against your EMS certification?
a. The certificant submits
a recertification
fee to the state that is
more than the required
b. The certifcant
documents more
education hours than
necessary to renew
their certification.
c. The certificant leaves his duty
station before his shift ends
without ensuring that there is
someone to cover the
remainder of his shift.
d. The certificant
follows medical
(physician) orders that
are different than his
protocol orders.
c. The certificant leaves his duty
station before his shift ends
without ensuring that there is
someone to cover the remainder
of his shift.
A medic that has been arrested for a seriou
s charge such as aggravated kidnapping or murder has ____ days to
notify the department of his arrest:
1 2 5 10 5
Emergency Suspension. The commissioner or his/her designee
shall issue an emergency suspension order to any emergency
medical services (EMS) certificant or licensee if the commissioner or
his/her designee has reasonable cause to believe that the conduct
of any certificant or licensee creates________________ to public
health or safety.
A. A possible problem B. A likely danger C. An imminent danger D. A threat C. An imminent danger
Which of the following reasons is NOT
a good reason to suspend, revoke or refuse to renew an EMS
certification or paramedic license?
A. Any conduct which is
criminal in
nature and/or any
conduct which is in
violation of any criminal,
civil and/or
administrative code or
B. Failing to make
accurate, complete
and/or clearly written
patient care reports
documenting a
patient’s condition
upon arrival at the
scene, the prehospital
care provided, and
patient’s status during
including signs,
symptoms, and
responses during
duration of transport
as per EMS provider’s
approved policy.
C. Abandoning a patient,
turning over the care
of a patient or delegating EMS
functions to a person who lacks
the education, training,
experience, knowledge to
provide appropriate level of
care for the patient.
D. Failing to notify the
department no
later than 60 days of
a current and/or valid
mailing address.
D. Failing to notify the
department no
later than 60 days of a current
and/or valid mailing address.
Which of the following reasons is not
a valid reason for denial of EMS Certification or Paramedic
A. Falsifying any Texas
application for
or licensure or falsifying
any application or
documentation used to
acquire registration,
certification or licensure
B. Failure to report
being charged with a
Class “C”
misdemeanor offense
that is not directly
related to the
emergency medical
C. Staffing an EMS vehicle
deemed to be in service
while the person’s previously
issued certification or license is
expired, suspended or has been
D. Failing to maintain
a substantial amount
of skill,
knowledge and/or
academic acuity to
timely and/or
accurately perform
the duties or meet the
required of a certified
emergency medical
technician or licensed
B. Failure to report being
charged with a
Class “C” misdemeanor offense
that is not directly related to the
emergency medical services.
How many business days does a certified or licensed
EMS person have to notify the department of his or her being
arrested, charged or indicted for a criminal offense?
2 Days 5 Days 7 Days 10 Days 5 Days
An emergency suspension issued to
any emergency medical services licensee can be issued only by:
a. State Emergency
Services Director
b. Group Manager or
program Specialist
c. Commissioner or
his/her designee
d. Group Manager or
State Epidemiologist
c. Commissioner or
his/her designee
A complete and/or clearly written patient
care report does not include:
a. documentation of
condition upon arrival at
b. patients social
security number
c. prehospital care provided
d. patients status
during transport
b. patients social
security number
Which one of the actions below cannot
lead to disciplinary action being taken on the licensee:
a. destroying a
patient care report
b. making false or
statements in an oral
c. turning patient care over
to the same or higher level of
d. falsifying an EMS
patient record
c. turning patient care over
to the same or higher level of
Certified and Licensed EMS personnel are required
to notify the department within _____ business days of being
arrested, charged, or indicted for a criminal offense.
1 3 7 5 5
The Department may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew an EMS
certification or paramedic license, or may reprimand an EMS
certificate holder or licensed paramedic for failing to notify the
Department of an arrest, charge or indictment of a criminal offense.
How long does an EMS certificate holder or licensed paramedic
have to report that they were arrested for Driving While Intoxicated
to the Department?
15 Days 10 Days 5 Days 20 Days 5 Days
Which of the following actions could result in disciplinary action
taken against an EMS certificate holder or licensed paramedic’s
a. Failing to complete a
drug screen, at the
request of an employer,
prior to working an
assigned EMS shift
b. Failing to notify the
Department within 30
days of a change of
c. Behaving in a disruptive
manner toward law
enforcement, other EMS
personnel, firefighters, hospital
personnel, other medical
personnel, patients, family
members or others, that
interferes with patient care or
could be reasonably expected
to adversely impact the quality
of care rendered to a patient
d. Issuing a check to
the department that
has been returned to
the department or its
agent unpaid
e. All of the above e. All of the above
When should an EMS certificate/license holder report an event of
abuse or injury to a patient to his employer, appropriate legal
authority or the department?
a. within 24 hours or the
next business day
b. 2 Days c. 5 Days d. 10 Days e. None of the above
a. within 24 hours or the next
business day
The Texas Department of State Health Services may impose the
following disciplinary actions, EXCEPT:
a) Suspend their EMS
b) Revoke their EMS
c) Refuse to renew their EMS
d) Incarcerate the EMS
certificant or License
d) Incarcerate the EMS certificant
or License Holder
The Department may reprimand a certificant or Licensed Paramedic
for failing to report to the employer, appropriate legal authority, or
the Department, an event of abuse or injury to a patient or the
public within 24 hours or the next business day after the event.
a) True b) False a) True
The Department may reprimand a certificant or Licensed Paramedic
for numerous offenses, which includes which of the following?
a) Failing to notify the
Department no later
than 30 days of a current
and/or valid mailing
b) Falsifying or
altering clinical and/or
internship documents
for EMS students
c) Falsifying or failing to
complete daily readiness checks
on EMS vehicles, medical
supplies, and/or equipment as
required by EMS employers
d) All of the above d) All of the above
The department may probate the suspension of an EMS
certification or paramedic license and as a probationary condition
may require the certificant or licensee to continue or review
____________ until the person attains a degree of skill satisfactory
to the department in those areas that are the basis of the
a. Construction Plans
b. Professional
c. Continuing Education d. Astrology Charts b. Professional Education
In an ___________ the commissioner or his/her designee shall
issue an emergency suspension order to any emergency medical
services (EMS) certificant or licensee if the commissioner or his/her
designee has reasonable cause to believe that the conduct of any
certificant or licensee creates an imminent danger to public health
or safety.
a. Public Health
b. Circus c. Emergency Suspension d. State of Emergency c. Emergency Suspension
Which is not a disciplinary action for EMS personnel and
a. Failing or refusing to
timely give the
department full and
complete information
requested by the
b. Turning over the
care of a patient or
delegating EMS
functions to a person
who lacks the
education, training,
experience, or
knowledge to provide
appropriate level of
care for the patient
c. Failing to take precautions to
prevent misappropriating
medications, supplies
equipment, personal items, or
money belonging to the
patient, employer or any
person or entity
d. Protecting and/or
advocating for
and/or the public
from unnecessary risk
of harm from another
EMS certified or
licensed personnel
d. Protecting and/or advocating
for patients/clients and/or the
public from unnecessary risk of
harm from another EMS certified
or licensed personnel
The department may probate the suspension of an EMS
certification or paramedic license and as a probationary condition
may require the certificant or licensee to:
a. Complete or continue
to meet certain
requirements or
conditions related to the
surrounding the
certificant’s or licensee’s
rule violation or
background to assure
that he or she will
continue to meet and
maintain general EMS
b. Limit practice to the
areas prescribed by
the department
c. Report regularly to the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice
on matters that are the basis of
the probation
d. Continue or review
education until the
person attains a
degree of skill
satisfactory to the
department in those
areas that are the
basis of the probation
c. Report regularly to the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice
on matters that are the basis of
the probation
Misrepresenting level of any certification or licensure is outlined as
a/an __________.
a. Ethical Action b. Disciplinary Action c. Leadership Role
d. Professional
b. Disciplinary Action
Which is not part of the criteria for denial of EMS Certification, or
Paramedic Licensure?
a. Misrepresenting any
requirements for
recertification, licensure,
or licensure renewal
b. Staffing an EMS
vehicle deemed to be
person’s previously
issued certification or
license is expired,
suspended or has
been revoked
c. Falsifying any Texas
application for certification or
licensure or falsifying any
used to acquire registration,
certification or licensure
d. Issuing payment to
the department which
has been received and
deposited by the
department or its
d. Issuing payment to the
department which has been
received and deposited by the
department or its agent
The department may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew an EMS
certification or paramedic license, or may reprimand a certificant or
licensed paramedic for _______________________________
a. Following the medical
director’s protocols
b. Performing
advanced level or
invasive treatment
without medical
direction or
c. Reporting abuse to the
employer, appropriate legal
authority and/or the
d. Maintaining
information or
knowledge concerning
a patient except
where required or
allowed by law
b. Performing advanced level or
invasive treatment without
medical direction or supervision
The department may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew an EMS
certification or paramedic license, or may reprimand a certificant or
licensed paramedic for the following, except __________________
a. Notifying the
department of a change
in his or her criminal
history within 5 business
days of the issuance of a
court order
b. Engaging in any
conduct that
jeopardizes or has the
potential to
jeopardize the health
or safety of any
c. Refusing to timely give the
department full and complete
information requested by the
d. Misrepresenting
level of any
certification or
a. Notifying the department of a
change in his or her criminal
history within 5 business days of
the issuance of a court order
An EMS certification or paramedic license may be denied for
a. Issuing a check for any
reason to the
department which has
been accepted by the
department or its agent
a. Issuing a check for
any reason to the
department which has
been accepted by the
department or its
c. Falsifying any Texas
application for certification or
licensure or falsifying any
used to acquire registration,
certification or licensure
d. Maintaining a
substantial amount of
skill, knowledge
and/or academic
acuity to timely
and/or accurately
perform the duties or
meet the
required of a certified
emergency medical
technician or licensed
c. Falsifying any Texas application
for certification or licensure or
falsifying any application or
documentation used to acquire
registration, certification or
Two years after denial, revocation of a license, or the voluntary
surrender of a certificate or license while disciplinary action is
pending, an individual may petition the department in writing for
a. A fee waiver when
applying for renewal of
their certification or
b. Having their current
record expunged of all
prior disciplinary
c. A temporary certification or
d. Reapplication for
certification or
d. Reapplication for certification
or licensure
EMS Personnel are required to notify the Department of his or her
arrest, being charged or indicted for any criminal offense, other
than any class C misdemeanor not directly related to EMS within
how many business days?
a. 2
b. 30 c. 5 d. 45 c. 5
How many years after the denial, revocation of a license, or
voluntary surrender of a certification or license while disciplinary
action is pending, can an individual petition the Department in
writing for reapplication for certification or licensure?
a. 10 b. 2 c. 5 d. Never b. 2
A Texas paramedic arrives first to an emergency in his supervisor’s
unit. After assessment, he administers a medication to the patient
which stabilizes the patient’s condition. He can now turn the patient
over to a BLS ambulance crew for transport to the hospital and
return to service, since the medical emergency has now been
averted and the patient remains stable.
a. True b. False b. False
A Texas certified EMT is arrested. She must report this arrest to
DSHS by 25 TAC 157 rules before?
a. 1 business day b. 2 business days c. 5 business days d. 15 business days c. 5 business days
Jurisprudence Exam Questions & Answers 157.38
Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5 Correct Answer
In order for a person to receive one hour of continuing education,
that person must complete ___ consecutive minutes of
participation in that learning activity:
30 40 50 60 50
In which of the following statements would a medic receive
continuing education:
a. A medic attends a
one hour regional
advisory council
general assembly
b. A medic attends a
one hour training
session on anaphylaxis
that is taught by a
state approved CE
c. A medic researches
a topic on his own
and is not published.
d. A medic attends a
lay person CPR class.
b. A medic attends a one hour
training session on anaphylaxis
that is taught by a state
approved CE program.
An acceptable continuing education program activity must meet all
of the following requirements EXCEPT:
a. Written evaluations
are required for all CE
including state and
national conferences.
b. Learning
experiences and
teaching methods
shall be appropriate to
achieve the objectives
of the program.
c. Time allotted for
each activity shall be
sufficient for the
learner to meet the
objectives of the
d. Principles of adult
education shall be
used in the design and
delivery of the
a. Written evaluations are
required for all CE presentations,
including state and national
A certificate of successful completion of a continuing education
activity must include all of the following except:
a. Name of the CE
b. The medical
director’s signature
c. The date and
location of the
educational activity.
d. The number of
contact hours
b. The medical director’s
How long must a continuing education program keep CE records? 6 Months 1 Year 2 Years 5 Years
5 Years
Educational activities that are related to the content areas and are
designed to promote and enrich knowledge, improve skills, and
develop attitudes for the enhancement of professional practice,
thus improving the quality of emergency medical services provided
to the public is known as:
An initial Education
Credited Course Continuing Education
Clinical Learning
Continuing Education
Which of the following activities is an approved CE activity?
Institutions of higher
education credit
courses that are
Courses in basic
resuscitation or other
instructional activities
designed for lay
persons, including first
aid courses.
Any identical CE
repeated more than
once during the
accrual period.
Orientation programs
taught by an approved
CE program that
address providers
medical treatment
Orientation programs taught by
an approved CE program that
address providers medical
treatment protocols.
The certified or licensed EMS personnel shall be responsible for
maintaining written certifications of successful completions of EMS
continuing education courses or educational activities for ___ years
after the dates of completion.
2 Years 4 Years 5 Years 7 Years
5 Years
Falsification of CE documentation or official evidence of completion
of CE shall be cause for which of the following answers:
reprimand, probation,
reprimand, probation,
suspension or
suspension, charges
being filed by the
reprimand, probation,
suspension or revocation
What constitutes a contact hour of continuing education?
45 minutes of
participation in a
learning activity
50 minutes of
participation in a
learning activity
60 minutes of
participation in a
learning activity
d. 70 minutes of
participation in a
learning activity
50 minutes of consecutive
participation in a learning activity
Records of continuing education courses shall be maintained by the
provider for:
1 Year 5 Years 10 Years 20 Years
5 Years
What are the required hours of Continuing Education for an EMT? 45 72 108 36
Which of the following are not acceptable forms of Continuing
a) Continuing
education through an
approved continuing
education provider
b) Continuing
education through a
hospital or other
health-care facility
accredited by the Joint
Commission on
Accreditation of
Health Care
c) Precepting students
in the clinical or field
internship phases of
Initial education.
d) Meetings and
activities such as in-
service programs that
are required as part of
d) Meetings and activities such as
in-service programs that are
required as part of employment.
If selected for a Continuing Education audit, you must provide the
department all necessary documentation to verify compliance
30 Days 45 Days 120 Days 15 Days
30 Days
Who is responsible for keeping up with EMS Continuing Education
hours accrued required for renewal?
a) EMS provider
b) Texas Department
of State Health
c) The certified or
licensed EMS
d) Medical Director
c) The certified or licensed EMS
The certified or licensed EMS personnel shall be responsible for
maintaining written certifications of successful completions of EMS
continuing education courses or educational activities for __ years
after completion.
7 4 10 5 5
Choose the incorrect statement:
a. The department
may audit the records
of individuals seeking
recertification through
continuing education.
b. Failure to notify the
department of a
current mailing
address shall absolve
the certificant from
audit requirements.
c. An audit shall be
automatic for
certified or licensed
EMS personnel who
have been found non-
compliant in an
preceding audit.
d. The department
may audit specific
certified or licensed
EMS personnel in
response to a
complaint, or if there
is reason to suspect
that the certified or
licensed EMS
personnel may have
given false or
information about the
continuing education
e. All of the above
are correct
b. Failure to notify the
department of a current mailing
address shall absolve the
certificant from audit
Which of the following activities are not acceptable toward re-
certification or re-licensure:
Statement A: Courses in basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation or
other instructional activities designed for lay persons, including first
aid courses.
Statement B: Precepting students in the clinical or field internship
phases of Initial education.
Statement C: Institutions of higher education credit courses that are
Statement D: Orientation programs sponsored by employers to
provide employees with information about the philosophy, goals,
policies, procedures, role expectations, and physical facilities of a
specific workplace.
Statement E: Participating in a self-directed study of an EMS related
topic or issue that results in the participant making written findings
and conclusions of the study which becomes published in an EMS
related textbook, or in a state or national EMS related journal or
magazine, or which results in the presentation of the findings and
conclusions of the study in a department approved workshop,
seminar, conference or class, and which is directed toward, or is
applicable to, the EMS profession.
a. Statements A, C,
and D are not
acceptable activities.
b. Statements B and E
are not acceptable
c. Statements A, B, C,
and D are not
acceptable activities.
d. All of the above are
not acceptable
a. Statements A, C, and D are not
acceptable activities.
1) The following are acceptable methods of obtaining Continual
Education (CE) hours, EXCEPT:
a) Precepting students
in the clinical or field
internship phases of
initial education,
which may only be
accrued in “Additional
Approved Content
Area Category”.
b) Participating in a
self-directed study of
an EMS related topic
or issue that results in
the participant making
written findings and
conclusions of the
study which becomes
published in an EMS
related textbook, or a
State or National EMS
related journal or
magazine, or which
results in the
presentation of the
findings and
conclusions of the
study in a Department
approved workshop,
seminar, conference
or class, and which is
directed toward, or is
applicable to the EMS
c) Organization
activity such as
serving on
committees, councils,
or as an officer or
board member in a
d) None of the above.
c) Organization activity such as
serving on committees, councils,
or as an officer or board member
in a professional organization.
2) Program records of a Continuing Education Provider shall be
maintained by the provider for a minimum of _______ years from
the date of the program completion.
a) Three Years b) Four Years c) Five Years d) Ten Years c) Five Years
3) Classroom instruction for an EMS Continual Education class shall
be at least ______ hour(s) in length.
a) One Hour b) Two Hours c) Three Hours d) No set time a) One Hour
1) Criteria for acceptable Continuing Education, content shall be
relevant to emergency medical services practice and/or
_____________, shall be related to and consistent with the
programs objectives, and shall provide for the professional growth
and/or maintenance of the certificant or licensee.
a. Health Care b. Yoga Class c. CPR d. Participation a. Health Care
2) Principles of ________ education shall be used in the design and
delivery of the program.
a. Sufficient b. Adult c. Child d. Program b. Adult
3) ___________ of CE documentation or official evidence of
completion of CE shall be cause for reprimand, probation,
suspension, or revocation of a certificate or license.
a. Falsification b. Lack c. Presentation d. Renewal a. Falsification
1. Which continuing education content area is not a department
approved CE requirement?
a. Pediatric
b. Culinary Related
c. Patient Assessment d. Trauma b. Culinary Related Operations
2. The provider shall be responsible for verifying that continuing
education program(s) has physician medical oversight when the
education is involving __________.
a. Extrication course b. Cadaver lab c. EMS conference d. Patient care d. Patient care
3. Fifty Consecutive minutes of participation in a learning activity is
known as a __________.
a. Continuing
b. Course c. Contact hour d. Credit course c. Contact hour
4. Program records of continuing education provider shall be
maintained by the provider for a minimum period of __________
a. 5 b. 8 c. 10 d. 25 a. 5
1. Continuing education contact hours applied toward EMS
recertification or relicensure may be earned by participating in
approved educational activities that are offered or sponsored by
a. A hospital or other
health-care facility
accredited by the Joint
Commission on
Accreditation of
Health Care
b. A person, agency,
entity or organization
that has developed a
video for the sole
purpose of continuing
c. An internet video
found on You Tube
related to EMS
d. An organization
from another country
that provides
continuing education
in a related field such
as medicine, nursing,
respiratory care and
similar fields of health
care practice
a. A hospital or other health-care
facility accredited by the Joint
Commission on Accreditation of
Health Care Organizations
2. An activity that is unacceptable as continuing education toward
re-certification or re-licensure is _________________________
a. Precepting students
in the clinical or field
internship phases of
initial education
b. Publication of
findings and
conclusions of a self-
directed EMS related
topic in an EMS
related magazine or
c. Guided learning
experiences designed
to assist students
meet course
objectives in noted
content areas
d. Participation in an
orientation program
sponsored by EMS
employers about
policies, procedures
and role expectations
in the workplace
d. Participation in an orientation
program sponsored by EMS
employers about policies,
procedures and role expectations
in the workplace
3. Certified or licensed EMS personnel may submit
_________________________________ indicating successful
completion of a semester or credit hour course with a passing
a. High school diploma b. Official transcript
c. Official copy of the
final exam
d. Copies of all passed
skills sheets
b. Official transcript
4. Certified or licensed EMS personnel shall be responsible for
maintaining written certifications of successful completions of EMS
continuing education courses or educational activities for
a. No more than 2
years after the date of
completion of the
b. The duration of the
c. Five years after the
dates of completion
d. At least one year
past the date of
completion of the
c. Five years after the dates of
(1) Continuing education contact hours applied toward EMS
recertification or relicensure may be earned
by participating in approved educational activities that are offered
or sponsored by which of the following:
a. A continuing
education provider
approved by the
b. A hospital or other
health-care facility
accredited by The
Joint Commission
c. A person, agency,
entity, or organization
approved by the
d. All of the above d. All of the above
Jurisprudence Exam Questions & Answers 773
Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5 Correct Answer
A person commits an offense if the person knowingly practices as,
attempts to practice as, or represents himself to be an emergency
medical technician-paramedic, advanced emergency medical
technician, emergency medical technician, emergency care
attendant, or licensed paramedic and the person does not hold an
appropriate certificate issued by the department under this chapter.
An offense under this subsection is a:
a. A felony criminal
b. Class B
misdemeanor criminal
c. Class A
criminal offense
d. Level III felony
criminal offense
c. Class A misdemeanor criminal
A person commits an offense if the person knowingly uses or
permits to be used a vehicle that the person owns, operates or
controls to transport a sick or injured person unless the person is
licensed as an emergency medical services provider by the
department. An offense under this subsection is:
a. A civil penalty b. A speeding ticket
c. Class A
criminal offense
d. Level III Felony
criminal offense
c. Class A misdemeanor criminal
Prosecution of a criminal offense under TAC Chapter 773 must be
prosecuted at which of the following locations:
a. In the designated
EMS court of
Governor’s EMS and
Trauma Advisory
Council of Texas
b. In the county where
the offense did not
c. The nearest local
justice of the peace
office where the
offense occurred.
d. In the county where
the offense occurred
d. In the county where the
offense occurred
PRIVACY NOTIFICATION Publication #: F01-13067 - Electronic Publication #: EF01-13067 Page 1 of 2
With a few exceptions, you have the right to request and be informed about information that the State of Texas collects about you. You are entitled to receive
and review the information upon request. You also have the right to ask the state agency to correct any information that is determined to be incorrect. See
http://www.dshs.state.tx.us for information on Privacy Notification. (Reference Government Code, Section 552.021, 552.023 and 559.004)
REV 20170523
Submit this form with the appropriate supplemental documentation by email to EMS Education.
For assistance with this form, contact [email protected] or (512) 834-6704
Education Program Information
Name of Legal Entity:
Continuing Education
Program Number:
Entity Assumed /
Operating Name (dba):
Contact Phone Number: Contact Email:
Change in Program Address
Physical Address Mailing Address Records Location Address Effective Date:
City, State, Zip County:
Physical Address Mailing Address Records Location Address Effective Date:
City, State, Zip County:
Physical Address Mailing Address Records Location Address Effective Date:
City, State, Zip County:
Program Director
New Program Director’s
DSHS Certification #
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip County:
Phone: Fax:
Reason for Change:
PRIVACY NOTIFICATION Publication #: F01-13067 - Electronic Publication #: EF01-13067 Page 2 of 2
With a few exceptions, you have the right to request and be informed about information that the State of Texas collects about you. You are entitled to receive
and review the information upon request. You also have the right to ask the state agency to correct any information that is determined to be incorrect. See
http://www.dshs.state.tx.us for information on Privacy Notification. (Reference Government Code, Section 552.021, 552.023 and 559.004)
Infection Control Officer
New Infection Control
Officer’s Name:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip County:
Phone: Fax:
Reason for Change:
Physician Advisor
New Physician
Advisor’s Name:
Medical License #:
Phone: Fax:
Jurisprudence Examination
This continuing education program will offer the Jurisprudence Examination. Effective Date:
Other (Explain below)
Program Director Authorization
On behalf of the above named legal entity, to the Texas Department of State Health Services, I hereby affirm and declare
that all information submitted on this form and attached supplemental documents are true and correct. It is understood that
any false information given or misrepresentation made in this application or other requested documents may result in
revocation or denial of program approval/license. I have read, understand, and agree to abide by Chapter 773 of the Texas
Health and Safety Code and Title 25 of the Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 157.
Print Name of Program Director Signature of Program Director Date
Jurisprudence Exam
DSHS EMS Coordinator
Update 2017
What is a Jurisprudence Exam?
Why is it required?
Who needs to take it and when?
Who and how can you provide it?
What documentation is required?
Why is DSHS doing it this way?
5/23/2017 2
Common Questions
What is a Jurisprudence
A jurisprudence exam
determines the knowledge of the
Health & Safety Code - Ch. 773,
department rules, and any other
applicable laws affecting the
applicant's activities regulated by
the department.
Imposed by the 84th Legislature
Who needs to take it and
An initial applicant for an
emergency medical services
provider license or emergency
medical services personnel
EMS personnel certification prior
to their certification renewal
5/23/2017 4
Who can provide it?
Any DSHS approved continuing
education (CE) program
All initial education programs at
any level must
provide the
course to students before
issuing a course completion
5/23/2017 5
How do you provide it?
The course can be presented in any
There should be a lesson or scenario
about the law and/or rule presented
to the students and then a series of
questions over the law and/or rule to
validate the students knowledge
5/23/2017 6
Goals and Objectives
5/23/2017 7
DSHS will provide Goals and
Sample Questions
DSHS will provide sample
5/23/2017 8
What documentation is
Just like acquiring any other CE
certificate per 157.38
Maintain CE record for 5 years
No need to submit to DSHS unless
requested by the department
5/23/2017 9
EMS Personnel
What documentation is
Provide proof during Initial and Renewal
of license application phase done in 2
Attestation during application process
Validated by DSHS during on-site
Compliance Surveys and/or Inspections
Proof that all licensed and certified EMS
personnel have completed a
department-approved Jurisprudence
5/23/2017 10
EMS Providers
What documentation is
Maintain a record of completion for a
minimum of 5 years that would be
verified during course records audits
or site visits
Any course started after September
2017 is required to include the
jurisprudence course and exam
No notification to DSHS is required
5/23/2017 11
EMS Initial Education Programs
What documentation is
Provide record to students like you
would for any other CE class
Meet all the requirements of 157.38
Notify DSHS of your intent to provide
the Jurisprudence Exam
1 page notification form will be available
on DSHS website Education Programs
For DSHS tracking purposes only
5/23/2017 12
EMS CE Programs
Why is DSHS doing it this
This method will
provide many options
for the delivery of the
material to over 65,000
license holders spread
out across the State.
5/23/2017 13
5/23/2017 14
For future questions
North Group, 817-264-4720
Central Group, 512-834-6704
South Group, 210-949-2050
East Group, 713-767-3333
Thank you
5/23/2017 16