Notice to Employees of Archer Daniels Midland Company
of Application for Authorization under
Prohibited Transaction Exemption 96-62, as Amended
You are hereby notified that Archer Daniels Midland Company ("ADM") has applied
to the U.S.
Department of Labor (the "DO!]) for authorization of a reinsurance transaction. The transaction
involves the reinsurance of risks and the receipt of premiums by Agrinational Insurance
Company (" Agrlnational"), a subsidiary of ADM, from insurance
contracts that
will fund
ADM's long-term disability insurance programs. The purpose of the authorization is to exempt
the transaction from certain of the prohibited transaction rules of the
Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"). The authorization is necessary because
Agrinational is an affiliate of ADM. Due to the relationship between Agrinational and ADM,
such reinsurance might otherwise constitute a prohibited transaction under ERISA. This notice
informs you of the application to the DOL and certain changes to the ADM Omnibus Health &
Welfare Plan
Hourly Employees and the ADM Omnibus Health & Welfare Plan for Salaried
Employees (the "Plans"), and describes your right
to comment
to the DOL about the proposed
The Plans
ADM is the sponsor of the Plans. The Plans provide long-term disability benefits to eligible
The Plans will provide this benefit to eligible participants under an insurance policy
(the "Policy"), issued by Aetna Life Insurance Company ("Aetna"), an unaffiliated insurer which
is licensed to conduct disability insurance business and has an A or better rating
from A.M. Best
Company or the equivalent from a similar rating agency.
Changes to the Plan
Agrinational intends to enter into an arrangement with Aetna, in which Aetna will reinsure with
Agrinational up to 100% of Aetna's risk under the Policy. Participants who
eligible to
receive benefits under the Policy, pursuant to the provisions of the Plans, will not be adversely
affected by the proposed reinsurance arrangement, as Aetna will remain fully liable for the
payment of long-term disability benefits under the Policy. In addition, in anticipation of the
Proposed Transaction, ADM is adding an enhanced benefit to the Plans by providing financial
planning services consultations with Ayco, L.P., a division of the Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.,
for all non-collectively
bargained hourly and salaried employees participating in the long-term
disability insurance programs under the
Plans without cost
the participants.
enhanced benefit for each participant is in a range of $240 per year to $1,500 per year. ADM
mplement these
changes for bargaining unit employees if they are agreed to during
negotiations by the unions representing these hourly employees. In addition to the benefit
enhancement, the Plans will extend long-term disability benefit coverage eligibility to all non-
collectively bargained hourly employees and increase the minimum monthly long-term insurance
benefit from $50 to $100 for all non-collectively bargained hourly employees and salaried
The financial pl
services benefit will provide all non-collectively bargained hourly and
salaried employees participating in the long-term disability insurance programs under the Plans
with Company-paid financial planning services, including personalized phone-based financial
counseling, financial planning web tools and financial education seminars.
The Plans do not
presently provide a financial planning services benefit
As stated above, the terms of the reinsurance agreement will not adversely affect the Plans'
benefits in arty way, as it is simply an internal arrangement between Agrinational and Aetna.
Aetna will insure the long-term disability benefits provided under the Plans.
Overview of Exemntion,Conditions end Representations
The following are the principal conditions and representations imposed by the DOL
full version of the draft authorization is set forth in the attached "Pending
Authorization" Appendix):
Agrinational is a party in interest with respect to the Plans, as described in section
3(14)(E) of ERISA, by virtue of its stock affiliation with ADM;
Agrinational is licensed to sell insurance or conduct reinsurance operations in at
least one State as defined in section 3(10) of ERISA.
Agrinatiomal is currently licensed to sell insurance or conduct
reinsurance operations in the State of Vermont;
has obtained a Certificate of Authority from the insurance
commissioner of the State of Vermont to transact the business of a captive
company, which has
neither been revoked nor suspended;
Agrination al has undergone an examination
by the
independent certified public
accounting firm of Saslow Lufkin & Buggy, LLP for its last completed taxable
year immediately prior to the taxable year of the reinsurance transaction.
Agrinational is licensed to conduct reinsurance transactions by a State whose law
requires that an actuarial review of reserves by conducted annually by
firm of actuaries and reported to the appropriate regulatory authority;
The Plans will pay no more than adequate consideration for the insurance
No commissions will be paid by the Plans with
to the insurance
or the
In the
year of any contract for coverage of the long-term disability benefits
involving Agrinational, there will be an immediate and objectively determined
enhancement for
and beneficiaries eligible
participation in the long-term disability benefits
in the form of increased benefits;
Section 3(10) of ERISA defines "State" to include any State of the United States, the ,District of Columbia,
Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, Wake Island
and the Canal
In subsequent years, the formula used to calculate premiums by Aetna or any
successor insurer will be similar to formulae used by other insurers providing
comparable coverage under similar programs, the premium charge calculated
under the formula will be reasonable, and the premiums will be comparable to the
premium charged by the insurer and its competitors with the same or better rating
providing the same coverage under comparable programs;
The Plans will only contract for coverage of the long-term disability benefits with
insurers with a rating of A or better from A.M. Best Company or the equivalent
rating from another rating agency. The reinsurance arrangement between Aetna
and Agrinational will be indemnity reinsurance only (i.e., Aetna is not relieved of
liability to the Plans should Agrinational be unable or unwilling to cover any
liability arising from the reinsurance arrangement); and
Agrinational will retain an
independent fiduciary (the "Independent Fiduciary"),
atADM's expense, to analyze the transaction and render
opinion that the
listed above have been met. For purposes of this transaction, the
Independent Fiduciary is a person who:
Is not directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries,
controlling, controlled by, or under common control with ADM or Agrinational
(this relationship hereinafter referred to as an "Affiliate");
Is not an officer, director, employee of, or partner in, ADM or
Agrinational (or any Affiliate of either);
Is not a corporation or partnership in which ADM or Agrinational
has an ownership interest or is a partner;
Does not have an ownership interest in ADM or Agrinational, or
any of either's Affiliates;
Was not a fiduciary with respect to the long-term disability
insurance program prior to the appointment in connection with the proposed
Has acknowledged in writing acceptance of fiduciary
responsibility and has agreed not to participate in any decision with respect to any
transaction in which the Independent Fiduciary has an interest that might affect its
best judgments as a fiduciary;
Has not received gross income from ADM or Agrinational, or their
Affiliates (including amounts received for services as Independent Fiduciary
under any prohibited transaction exemption granted by the DOL) for this fiscal
year in excess of five percent of its annual gross income from all sources for such
fiscal year; and
Has not acquired any property from, sold any property to, or
borrowed funds from ADM or Agrinational, or their Affiliates, during the period
that it serves as an Independent Fiduciary and continuing for a period of six
months after it ceases to be an Independent Fiduciary, or negotiates any such
transaction during the period that it serves as an Independent Fiduciary.
Independent Fiduciary
For purposes of this transaction, Agrinational has retained Milliman, Inc. ("Milliman") to serve
as the Independent Fiduciary.
Milliman will represent the interests of the Plans as the
Independent Fiduciary at all times with respect to the proposed transaction.
Mill man will
monitor compliance by the
parties with the terms and conditions of the proposed transaction, and
will take whatever action is necessary and appropriate to safeguard the interest of the Plans and
their participants and beneficiaries, with respect thereto, and to insure that the proposed
transaction remains in the interest of the Plans and its participants and beneficiaries.
Tentative Authorization of Proposed Transaction
Authorization of the DOL was requested under a procedure, Prohibited Transaction Exemption
96-62, 61 Fed. Reg. 39988 (July 31, 1996), as amended by 67 Fed. Reg. 44622 (July 3, 2002)
("PTE 96-62" the "EXPRO" exemption), which requires that at least two prior exemptions that
are substantially similar to the proposed transaction have been granted by the DOL.
ADM and Agrinational , have represented to the
that the proposed transaction is
substantially similar to three previous prohibited transaction exemptions that were granted by the
DOL within the requisite time period: (i) Prohibited Transaction Exemption 2000-48, 65 Fed.
Reg. 60452 (Oct. 11, 2000) (Columbia Energy Group); (ii) Prohibited Transaction Exemption
2003-07, 68 Fed. Reg. 23764 (May 5, 2003) (Archer Daniels Midland Company); and (iii) Final
Authorization 2003-32E (Nov. 7, 2003) (International Paper Company). In each of these
transactions, the
proposed using their respective
insurance companies to reinsure
employee benefits. In each case, the parties agreed to provide improved benefits, retain an
independent fiduciary, contract only withh insurers with an A rating or better from A.M. Best
Company or a similar rating agency, and arrange the transaction with the captivee as indemnity
insurance only.
description of the Columbia Energy Group and Archer Daniels
Midland Company transactions and the DOL's comments relating thereto may be found in the
notice of proposed exemptions published in the Federal Register at the following citations: PTE
2000-48, 65 Fed. Reg. 50237 (Aug. 17, 2000) and PTE 2003-07, 68 Fed. Reg. 10043 (March 3,
The proposed transaction described in this notice has met all of the requirements for tentative
authorization from the DOL under PTE 96-62. Unless the DOL otherwise notifies ADM, final
authorization under PTE 96-62 will be effective on January 25, 2009.
Your Right to Convent on Tentative Authorization
All interested persona have
to submit comments, if they choose, on the tentative
authorization. Comments
should be sent to the following address:
Benefits Sewrity Administration
Office of
Exemption Determinations, Division of Individual Exemptions
of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue,
N. W .,
Room N-5700
Wash i, D, C. 20210
Any come t should note that it relates to EXPRO Submission No. E-00612. All comments
must be received by the Department of Labor by January 20, 2009.
Comments or questions may
faxed or e-mailed to the DOL. The fax
is (202) 219-0204
and the e-mail address is vaughan.anna
In anticipation of the proposed transaction, ADM implemented the enhanced benefit, financial
planning services consultations with Ayco, L.P.
ADM will implement these changes for
bargaining: unit employees if they
agreed to during negotiations by the unions representing
these hourly employees.
Also in anticipation of the proposed transaction, ADM expects to
mplement, the extension of benefit coverage and increase in monthly long term insurance
benefits, as discussed above in page 1, effective January 1, 2009. ADM expects to implement
the reinsurance arrangement as of
25, 2009, assuming the. final authorization of the
proposed transaction by the DOL
be effective on that date.
Agrinational -
Pending Authorization
The restrictions of sections 406(a) and 406(b) of the Employee Retirement Income Security
Act of 1914, as amended (the "Act") shall not apply to the reinsurance of risks and the receipt of
premiums therefrom by Agrlnational Insurance Company ("Agrinational") in connection with
insurance contracts sold by Aetna Life Insurance Company ("Aetna"), or any successor insurance
company to Aetna which is unrelated to Archer Daniels Midland Company ("ADM"), to provide
long-term disability beueftts to participants in the ADM Omnibus Health & Welfare
for Hourly
Employees and the ADM Omnibus Health & Welfare Plan for Salaried Employees (the "Plans"),
provided the following conditions are met:
I .
Is a party in interest with respect to the Plans, as described in section 3(14)(E)
of ERISA, by virtue of its stock affiliation with ADM;
Is licensed to sell insurance or conduct reinsurance operations in at least one
State as defined in section 3(10) of ERISA;
Has obtained a Certificate of Authority from the Insurance Commissioner of
its dorniciliary state which has neither been revoked nor suspended;
Has undergone an examination by an independent certified public
itss last completed taxable year immediately prior to the taxable year of the reinsurance
transaction; or
Has undergone a financial examination (within the meaning of the
law of its domiciliary State, Vermont) by the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Vermont within
the 5 years prior to the end of the year in which the reinsurance transaction occurred; and
Is licensed to conduct reinsurance transactions by a State whose law requires
that an actuarial review of reserves be conducted annually by an independent firm of actuaries and
reported to the appropriate regulatory authority; and
The Planss
no more than adequate consideration for the insurance contracts;
No commissions are paid by the Plans with respect to the insurance or the
In the initial year of any contract for coverage of the long-term disability benefits
involving Agrinational, there will be an immediate and objectively determined benefit enhancement
for those participants and beneficiaries eligible for participation in the long-term disability benefits in
the form of increased benefits;
1n. subsequent years, the formula used to calculate premiums by Aetna or any
successor insurer will be similar to formulae used by other insurers providing comparable coverage
under similar programs. Furthermore, the premium charge calculated in accordance with the formula
will be reasonable and wilt be comparable to the premium charged by the insurer and its competitors
with the same or a better rating providing the same coverage under comparable programs;
The Plans only contracts for coverage of the long-term disability benefits with
with a rating of A or better from A.M. Best Company. The reinsurance arrangement
between the insurers and Agrinational will be indemnity reinsurance only (i.e., the insurer will not be
relieved of liability to the Plan should Agrinational be unable or unwilling to cover any liability
arising from the reinsurance arrangement);
Agrinational retains an independent fiduciary (the "Independent Fiduciary"), at
ADM's expense, to analyze the transaction and render an opinion that the requirements of sections a.
through f. have been met. For purposes of this exemption, the Independent Fiduciary is a person
not directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controlling,
controlled by, or under common control with ADM or Agrinational (this relationship hereinafter
referred to as an "Affiliate");
Is not an officer, director, employee of, or partner in, ADM or Agrinational
(or any Affiliate of either);
not a corporation or partnership in which ADM or Agrinational has an
ownership interest or is a partner;
Does not have an ownership interest in ADM or Agrinational, or any of
either's Affiliates;
not a fiduciary with respect to the long-term disability insurance
program in the Plans prior to the appointment in connection with a transaction involving the long-
term disability benefits; and
Has acknowledged in writing acceptance of fiduciary responsibility and has
agreed not to participate in any decision with respect to any transaction in which the Independent
Fiduciaryhas an interest that might affect its best judgments as a fiduciary.
For purposes of this definition of an "Independent Fiduciary," no organization or individual
may serve as an
Independent Fiduciary for any fiscal year if the gross income received by such
organization or
individual (or partnership or
corporation of which such individual
is an officer,
director, or 10 percent or more partner or shareholder) from ADM, Agrinational.
or their Affiliates
(including amounts received for services as Independent Fiduciary under any prohibited transaction
exemption granted by the Department) for that fiscal year exceeds 5 percent of that organization or
individual's annual gross income from all sources for such fiscal year.
In addition, no organization or individual who is an Independent Fiduciary, and no
paruiership or corporation
which such organization or individual is an officer, director, or 10
percent or
more partner or shareholder, may acquire any property from, sell any property to, or
borrow funds from ADM, Agrinational, or their Affiliates during the
that such organization or
individual serves as Independent Fiduciary, and continuing for a period of six months after such
or individual ceases to be an Independent Fiduciary, or
any such transaction
during the period that such organization or individual serves as
Independent Fiduciary.