Patrick T. Schuette
Cohen Jutla Dovitz
Makowka, LLC
OCTOBER 30, 2017
Real Estate Installment Contract
On January 1, 2018, Public Act 100-416, including the Installment Sales Contract Act
(765 ILCS 67/1, et seq.) takes effect.
P.A. 100-416 includes amendments to the Illinois Mortgage Foreclosure Law (“IMFL”),
which will be noted later in the presentation.
Per 765 ILCS 67/90 of the Installment Sales Contract Act, that Act applies to Real
Estate Installment Contracts executed on or after the effective date of the Installment
Sales Contract Act.
Installment Contracts Defined
735 ILCS 5/15-1214
"Real estate installment contract" means any agreement or contract for a deed under which
the purchase price is to be paid in installments with title to the real estate to be conveyed
to the buyer upon payment of the purchase price or a specified portion thereof.
765 ILCS 67/5
"Installment sales contract" or "contract" means any contract or agreement, including a
contract for deed, bond for deed, or any other sale or legal device whereby a seller agrees to
sell and the buyer agrees to buy a residential real estate, in which the consideration for the
sale is payable in installments for a period of at least one year after the date of sale, and
the seller continues to have an interest or security for the purchase price or otherwise in
the property.
A Practical Overview of Installment
Why use installment contracts?
Alternative to mortgages for individuals who might not otherwise qualify for mortgages;
Fewer regulations compared to mortgages and traditional sales;
Control over real estate for contract sellers.
Historical Context
Rebecca Burns, The infamous practice of contract selling is back in Chicago, Chicago
Reader (Mar. 1, 2017),
Contract Buyers League
Farmers State Bank v. Neese
Thomas and Susan Neese entered into a real estate installment contract to purchase real estate
in Pike County, Illinois.
The Neeses obtained a loan from Farmers State Bank in 1989, assigning the bank their interest
in the contract as part of the security for the loan.
In 1991, the IRS filed a tax lien against the Neeses.
In 1992, the bank recorded the assignment and the installment contract.
The Neeses defaulted under the Farmers State Bank loan and the installment contract.
Farmers State Bank filed for foreclosure, and then paid for the installment contract sellers’
Priority of proceeds from foreclosure sale:
1. Farmers State Bank for payment to installment contract sellers
2. IRS for their lien
3. Farmers State Bank for the loan
665 N.E.2d 534, 281 Ill.App.3d 98
4th Dist. 1996
Farmers State Bank v. Neese
Critical Concepts
1. Doctrine of Equitable Conversion for Real Estate Installment Contracts
The contract owner holds “legal title”, but in trust for the buyer.
The contract buyer becomes the equitable owner (holding “equitable title”)
As a result, the IRS’ lien attached to the Neeses’ interest in the real estate.
2. Enforcement and Priority
Farmers State Bank lost priority over the IRS’ lien because Farmers State Bank failed to record the installment
contract AND the Neeses’ subsequent assignment to Farmers State Bank.
Note: The court in Federal National Mortgage Association v. Kuipers, 732 N.E.2d 723, 314 Ill.App.3d 631 (2nd Dist. 2000) found
Neese distinguishable where a mortgage was recorded, but an assignment of the mortgage was not recorded.
Recording a Real Estate Installment Contract is currently optional.
Post-January 1, 2018, real estate installment contracts must be recorded pursuant to 765 ILCS 67/20.
Non-Foreclosure Installment
Contract Remedies
Contractual Remedies
Generally disfavored and requires strict compliance; see Kirkpatrick v. Petreikis, 44 Ill.App.3d 575, 358 N.E.2d 679
(3rd Dist. 1976).
Breach of Contract
735 ILCS 5/9-102(a)(5)
Can evict when unpaid principal and interest is more than 80% of original purchase price or if installment contract
is to be paid over a period of less than 5 years.
Foreclosing an Installment Contract
Pre-P.A. 100-416
Mandatory: 735 ILCS 5/15-1106(a)(2)
Three key requirements
1. Installment contract must be entered into on or after July 1, 1987;
2. Unpaid amount due (including principal and interest) is less than 80% of the original purchase price;
3. Purchase price to be paid over 5+ years.
Permissive: 735 ILCS 5/15-1106(c)
Note: 735 ILCS 5/15-1106(d) makes the election to foreclose non-binding.
735 ILCS 5/15-1107(c): Installment contract deemed a mortgage in a foreclosure.
Post-P.A. 100-416
Removes 5+ year requirement from 735 ILCS 5/15-1106(a)(2)
Applies only to installment contracts executed on or after January 1, 2018.
Installment Contract Pitfalls
Statutory Rescission
765 ILCS 430/2 – Disclosure requirement regarding land trust information.
765 ILCS 75/2 – Building code violation disclosure/certification.
Breach of Contract and Equitable Defenses (fraud, unclean hands, etc.)
Unsophisticated Sellers/Buyers
Post-January 1, 2018, per 765 ILCS 67/58, violations of the Installment Contract Act
(765 ILCS 67/1, et seq.) constitute unlawful practices under the Consumer Fraud and
Deceptive Business Practices Act.
735 ILCS 5/12-101
Basic requirements for a judgment lien against real estate
1. A valid and enforceable judgment;
2. A transcript, certified copy, or memorandum of judgment filed (recorded) in the office of the recorder where the
real estate is located;
“The lien may be foreclosed by an action brought in the name of the judgment creditor or
its assignee of record under Article XV in the same manner as a mortgage of real property,
except that the redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of sale and the real
estate homestead exemption under Section 12-901 shall apply.”
Maniez v. Citibank, F.S.B.
Plaintiff (Maniez) obtained a judgment against defendants (Koshiyama and Jolly) in
the amount of $110,348.83; memorandum of judgment recorded on February 28,
1997 with misidentified judgment date.
Koshiyama filed for bankruptcy, listed a Chicago property as being in joint tenancy
with co-defendant Jolly, Plaintiff listed as secured creditor in bankruptcy.
Judgment was revived as to both defendants, but limited to in rem effect only as to
real estate owned by Koshiyama at the time bankruptcy was filed. New
memorandum recorded after Koshiyama received a discharge.
Plaintiff subsequently filed foreclosure complaint against the Chicago property.
Co-defendant Jolly subsequently passed away during proceedings.
937 N.E.2d 237, 404 Ill.App.3d 941
1st Dist. 2010
Maniez v. Citibank, FSB
Critical Concepts
Strict compliance
A memorandum of judgment with an incorrect judgment date does not create a judgment
lien upon real estate.
Judgment lien can survive bankruptcy (subject to avoidance actions), but only as to real
estate owned by the judgment debtor at the time of the bankruptcy filing.
Revival of judgments
735 ILCS 5/2-1602
Judgment liens expire 7 years after initial judgment, unless revived.
Revival can occur even if debtor obtains post-judgment bankruptcy discharge; see Farmers State Bank of Sherrard
v. Hansen, 553 N.E.2d 751, 196 Ill.App.3d 295 (3rd Dist. 1990), First National Bank in Toledo v. Adkins, 650
N.E.2d 277, 272 Ill.App.3d 111 (4th Dist. 1995).
Death of judgment debtor extinguishes lien
Redemption Period
Mortgage Foreclosure
735 ILCS 5/15-1603(b)
Residential Real Estate: Later of 7 months from service or 3 months from entry of judgment of foreclosure;
Non-Residential Real Estate: Later of 6 months from service or 3 months from entry of judgment of foreclosure;
Abandoned Real Estate: 30 days from entry of judgment of foreclosure.
Judgment Lien Foreclosure
735 ILCS 5/12-101
Redemption period is for 6 months post-sale
Homestead Exemption
735 ILCS 5/12-901
$15,000.00 per individual occupying property as a residence.
GMAC Mortgage, LLC v. Arrigo, 2014 IL App (2d) 130938
Non-titled spouse could not claim homestead exemption for marital property.
PNC Bank, National Association v. Pattermann, 2016 IL App (3d) 150568
Marital dissolution proceedings leave door open for non-titled former spouses to claim homestead exemption.
Tenancy by Entirety
735 ILCS 5/12-112
Protection of an innocent spouse against having homestead property sold to satisfy the other spouse’s debts
Note: 735 ILCS 5/12-1001 exemptions apply only to personal property.
Receiver Lien Foreclosures
65 ILCS 5/11-31-2(a)
Court-appointed receiver to cure building code violations in building court proceedings;
Court may authorize receiver to recover costs through the issuance of certificates;
Certificates act as a first lien on real estate, superior to all prior existing liens and
encumbrances, except taxes;
Certificates are freely assignable;
Holder of certificate required to file a notice of lien with recorder;
Lien may be enforced through mortgage or mechanics lien foreclosure proceedings.
Date of default deemed to occur 90 days from the issuance of the certificate if, at that time,
the certificate remains unpaid in whole or in part.
Note: Per 65 ILCS 5/11-31-2(b), redemption period expires 60 days after entry of judgment
of foreclosure.
Community Renewal Foundation, Inc. v. Chicago Title and Trust Company, 255
N.E.2d 908, 44 Ill.2d 284 (1970)
A court of equity has the inherent power to appoint a receiver to correct building code violations.
City of Chicago v. Westphalen, 93 Ill.App.3d 1110, 418 N.E.2d 63 (1st Dist. 1981)
The appointment of a receiver to cure such code violations is not an abuse of discretion or unreasonable where
such violations are continuing violations and unsafe.
City of Chicago v. Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2016 IL App (1st)
Overview of burdens and procedures with housing court receivers.
Rosenblatt v. Michigan Avenue National Bank, 389 N.E.2d 182, 70 Ill.App.3d 1039
(1st Dist. 1979)
Attorneys’ fees may be awarded to receiver in underlying housing court proceedings and in foreclosure
Cited favorably in Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2016 IL App (1st) 151864, ¶ 86
Representative Cases
Receiver Lien and Judgment Lien
Foreclosure Tips
Both types of liens stem from underlying cases.
Keep res judicata in mind!
But also beware of issues in the underlying cases.
Cf. Hecko v. City of Chicago, 323 N.E.2d 595, 25 Ill.App.3d 572 (1st Dist. 1975)
Both types of liens are creations of statutes in derogation of common law.
Strict statutory compliance required to assert the lien.
Ques tions?
Patrick T. Schuette
Cohen Jutla Dovitz Makowka, LLC
(847) 282-0155
1. Plaintiff files this complaint to foreclose a judgment lien hereinafter described, pursuant
to 735 ILCS 5/15-1101 et. seq. of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, and joins the
persons named in the caption as "Defendants" as parties hereto.
2. Attached as Exhibit "A" is a copy of the Memorandum of Judgment.
3. Information concerning the instrument:
a. Nature of instrument: Memorandum of Judgment.
b. Date of Judgment:
c. Name of mortgagor:
d. Name of mortgagee or grantee:
e. Date and place of recording: The Memorandum of Judgment was recorded with
f. Identification of recording (book and page number or document number): The
document number of the recorded Memorandum of Judgment is
g. Interest subject to the mortgage: The property is owned in fee simple.
h. Amount of original indebtedness, including subsequent advances made under the
mortgage: The judgment lien is for
i. Both the legal description of the property and the common address or other
information sufficient to identify it with reasonable certainty:
j. Statement as to defaults, including but not necessarily limited to, date of default,
current unpaid principal balance, per diem interest accruing, and any further
information concerning the default: The judgment lien is unpaid, in full, and
accrues statutory 9% interest pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2-1303.
k. Name of present owner of the real estate:
l. Names of persons in addition to the judgment debtor, but excluding any non-
record claimants as defined in the Illinois Mortgage and Foreclosure Act, who are
joined as defendants and whose interest in or lien on the mortgaged real estate is
sought to be terminated:
n. Names of defendants claimed to be personally liable for deficiency, if any:
o. Capacity in which plaintiff brings this foreclosure:
p. Facts in support of a redemption period shorter than the longer of (i) 7 months
from the date the mortgagor or, if more than one, all the mortgagors (I) have been
served with summons or by publication or (II) have otherwise submitted to the
jurisdiction of the court, or (ii) 3 months from the entry of the judgment of
foreclosure, if sought: Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/12-101 and 735 ILCS 5/12-122,
the redemption period shall expire six (6) months from the date of sale.
q. Statement that the right of redemption has been waived by all owners of
redemption, if applicable: Not applicable.
r. Facts in support of request for attorneys' fees and of costs and expenses if
applicable: Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/12-112 and 735 ILCS 5/12-205, the Plaintiff
is entitled to recover her court costs, statutory interest, title costs, attorney fees
and other expenses in prosecuting this action.
s. Facts in support of a request for appointment of mortgagee in possession or for
appointment of receiver, and identity of such receiver, if sought: Plaintiff
reserves the right to file a separate petition for appointment of agent of possession
or receiver, as applicable.
t. Offer to mortgagor in accordance in accordance with Section 15-1402 to accept
title to the real estate in satisfaction of all indebtedness and obligations secured by
the mortgage without judicial sale, if sought: No allegation of such an offer is
made however Plaintiff alleges that it is not precluded from making or accepting
such offer by the filing of the instant foreclosure action.
u. Name or names of defendants whose right to possess the mortgaged real estate,
after the confirmation of a foreclosure sale, are sought to be terminated and, if not
elsewhere stated, the facts in support thereof:
4. Plaintiff avers that in addition to persons designated by name herein and the Unknown
Defendants herein before referred to, there are other persons, and/or non-record claimants
who are interested in this action and who have or claim some right, title, interest or lien in,
to or upon the real estate, or some part thereof, in this Complaint described, including but
not limited to the following:
That the name of each of such persons is unknown to Plaintiff and on diligent inquiry
cannot be ascertained, and all such persons are therefore made party defendants to this
action by the name and description of UNKNOWN OWNERS and NONRECORD
5. That should a deficiency result from the foreclosure sale of the subject property, Plaintiff
may seek a deficiency judgment.
(i) A judgment of foreclosure and sale.
(ii) An order granting a shortened redemption period, if sought.
(iii) A personal judgment for deficiency, if applicable and sought, and only against parties
who have not received a Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge who are personally protected by
the automatic stay at sale confirmation.
(iv) An order granting possession, if sought.
(v) An order placing an agent in possession or appointing a receiver, if sought.
(vi) A judgment for attorneys' fees, costs and expenses, if sought.
(vii) For the Appointment of a Selling Officer, if deemed appropriate by this court.
(viii) Such other and further relief as the Court deems just.