Mae'r ddogfen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg. This document is available in Welsh.
Denbighshire County Council ECO4 Flexible Eligibility
Statement of Intent
Publication Date: 19/12/2022
Version number: V.2
Publication on web site:
This statement sets out Denbighshire County Council’s flexible eligibility criteria for the
Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) scheme from December 2022March 2026.
The ECO4 scheme will focus on supporting low income and vulnerable households. The
scheme will improve the least energy efficient homes helping to meet the Government’s
fuel poverty and net zero commitments.
Denbighshire County Council welcomes the introduction of the ECO4 Flex eligibility routes
as it helps the Council achieve its plans to improve the homes of those in fuel poverty or
vulnerable to the cold.
The Council has worked for many years on projects to improve energy efficiency and
reduce fuel poverty on a county wide basis but note that the final decision wether a
householder receives an ECO measure is made by the obligated energy supplier or their
agents/contractors and Flintshire Council / Denbighshire County Council cannot guarantee
the installation of measures.
The Council is publishing this Statement of Intent (SoI), on the 19/12/2022 to confirm that
each of the identified households will adhere to at least one of the four available routes
outlined below:
Route 1: SAP bands D-G households with an income less than £31,000. This cap applies
irrespective of the property size, composition, or region.
Route 2: SAP bands E-G households that meet a combination of two of the following
Denbighshire County Council ECO4 Flexible Eligibility
Proxy 1) Homes in Welsh provision LSOA 1-3 on the
Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019
Proxy 2) Householders receiving a Council Tax rebate
(rebates based on low income only, excludes
single person rebates).
Proxy 3) Householders vulnerable to living in a cold
home as identified in the National Institute for
Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidance.
Only one from the list can be used, excludes
the proxy ‘low income’.
Proxy 4) A householder receiving free school meals due
to low-income.
Proxy 5) A householder supported by a Denbighshire
County Council run scheme, that has been
named and described by the Council as
supporting low income and vulnerable
households for the purposes of NICE Guideline.
Proxy 6) A household referred to the Council for support
by their energy supplier or Citizen's Advice,
because they have been identified as struggling
to pay their electricity and gas bills. (Currently
under review)
* Note proxies 1 and 3 cannot be used together.
Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (full Index update with ranks): 2019 | GOV.WALES
Denbighshire County Council ECO4 Flexible Eligibility
Route 3: SAP bands D-G households that have been identified as housing a person
suffering from a severe and / or long-term health condition that is adversely affected by
living in a cold home. These health conditions may be cardiovascular, respiratory,
immunosuppressed, or limited mobility related. For this referral route, detailed written
evidence from a licenced medical practitioner or health board/NHS trust is required for
proof of eligibility.
Route 4: SAP band D-G households that are referred under Route 4: Bespoke Targeting.
Flintshire Council (on behalf of Denbighshire County Council) can submit an application to
BEIS where they have identified a low income and vulnerable household, who are not
already eligible under the exiting routes.
Denbighshire County Council ECO4 Flexible Eligibility
Evidence, monitoring and reporting
All installers working under this agreement will need to confirm eligibility of a property
and/or its occupants for ECO4: FLEX. Residents are required to complete an assessment
All installers working under this agreement will need to be approved by Flintshire
Council (on behalf of Denbighshire County Council) and have paid for their
application, before any measures have been installed and the energy savings
reported to the Council on a quarterly basis.
All declarations held by installers must match the declarations sent by Flintshire
Council (on behalf of Denbighshire County Council) to Ofgem.
Installers must retain all proof of eligibility for the selected referral route for later
auditing purposes.
Installers that were previously registered with RMBC for ECO 3 will have to reapply for
ECO4 and provide the following documents to be held on record by Flintshire County
Council (on behalf of Denbighshire County Council):
PAS 2030:2019 accreditation and Trust Mark registration.
Gas Safe registration and NIC compliant accredited.
F Gas accreditation in place.
MCS accreditation and Trust Mark.
RECC and NICEIC accredited.
NIC compliance and evidence of Trust Mark registration.
All installers must use the application form provided by Flintshire County Council (on
behalf of Denbighshire County Council). No application will be accepted other than the
forms supplied and the forms must be filled in correctly and clearly to avoid invalid
Denbighshire County Council ECO4 Flexible Eligibility
Any installer found to be using sales tactics that the Council deem to be immoral /
misleading can have its declarations and work through ECO-4 flex in Flintshire &
Denbighshire suspended.
Declaration and evidence check confirmation
All potentially eligible households should apply through one of their approved ECO
installers to ensure that they can either benefit from the scheme or be assessed for
eligibility under any other relevant programme.
The officer below will be responsible for checking and verifying declarations and
associated evidence submitted on behalf of Denbighshire County Council:
Name: Joseph Muxlow
Job Title: Housing Regeneration Manager, Flintshire County Council
Telephone: 01352 703426
Denbighshire County Council ECO4 Flexible Eligibility
CEO or dedicated responsible person mandatory signature
Denbighshire County Council has appointed Flintshire County Council to administer the
scheme on their behalf, according to BEIS’ ECO4 Order and will identify eligible
households via Ofgem’s application process. The CEO of the Flintshire County Council will
oversee the process of identifying eligible households under ECO4 Flex.
The eligibility information will be stored securely in line with Flintshire County Council’s
data protection policy, Information Commissioner’s Office Data Sharing Code, and BEIS
Name: Emlyn Gwynedd Jones
Job Title: Head of Service, Planning, Public Protection & Countryside Service,
Denbighshire County Council
Date of signature: 19/12/2022
For any general enquires relating to this SoI, please contact